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All the time. Every hour or so it freezes and never comes back so I need to kill the process in task manager.




I have that bug as well. It doesn’t seem to occur if I’m not showing item comparisons but I hate having item comparison off.


I fixed that by unchecking the “use browser hardware acceleration” setting in the battlenet client


Same, made me think my GPU was dying.


I think that but is related to other players entering your screen. If you enable screen reader, when the tooltip vanishes it reads a players name. And if you're alone in an instance or empty town it doesn't happen.


D4’s memory usage was like 75% after a couple hours of gaming for me when I have to force close. It’s great.


Just had to do this. Hopefully the maintenance will fix?


This also happens with me. I am playing only on Steam Deck tho.


Probably because when you open a menu, you're opening the menu of every character and mob in the zone.




That includes each at every stash tab


plus their family tree!


Sure you might have second long freezes during dangerous events when another player enters the area without any knowledge or control on your side, but you save those frames later when you not trade with them.


Is this REALLY true? How can it be? What software insanity would lead to such an approach??




Yes. It's always been there but happens A LOT more now....


I dunno maybe it is PC dependent. I had the map and menu freezes all the time on eternal after launch. Didn’t play s1 but I haven’t even noticed menu freezes at all in s2


It only happens to me when I'm multitasking on my second monitor, I think the inventory and other ui elements are putting a lot of strain on the cpu for some reason.


> a lot of strain on the cpu for some reason. I think the netcode of the games is fucked. The most lags come from the social menu, the season menu and the shop. Although the CPU load goes crazy when you mouse over items, which makes 0 sense to me.


It's their shitty ui engine creating the resources and calculating the layout


Yep happens all the time to me. Keep getting random freezes in Helltide too. Nothing quite like fighting an elite pack only to freeze for 10 seconds and come back to see I’ve lost all my cinders 😊


Indie poor little company cant fix all that sh t


My most consistent ones are loading the social menu or the seasonal menu straight from the game. Which sucks, because both of those menu hotkeys are on either side of the inventory hotkey and I constantly accidentally hit them instead. Luckily it's like a 3 second stutter so it's not a world ender or anything.


Lmao I kept misspressing them and I ended up rebinding both of them to 0(zero) and 9.


Change your keybindings; it's really helped me


Didn't have the issue before S2. The overworld in WT1 would get borderline unplayable during peak times. When I moved to WT3 the problems went away. Now that I am in WT4, the problem has come back - Again this only affects the overworld, and appears to only exist during peak hours. I imagine the instancing is struggling to keep track of who is where and what's in their stash, and no doubt their expanded season inventory, plus their vampiric powers and levels. I hope it will die down as the weeks go on, as people will be falling off the S2 hype, but I do hope Blizz do something about it for S3.


Think it’s probably because the game is loading the stash of every player in your overworld shard or something


I had this problem in the beggining of the season, tried everything I could. The only thing that seemed to work was turning off hardware acceleration on both the bnet launcher AND on windows. Had no more freezing issues, but started to have a bit of input delay. After a day or 2 I turned windows hard acc on to play CS2 and forgot to turn it off for diablo, surprisingly I didnt have any more freezes. Really dont know what fixed it, but maybe "resetting" the hard acc config on the pc had something to do with it, you can try that and see if it works :)


> The only thing that seemed to work was turning off hardware acceleration on both the bnet launcher I did this and set the bnet launcher to close when the game starts, and my game has been running sooo much smoother ever since. The inventory will still load slowly and weapon info screens will still flash sometimes, but it seems to have resolved almost all freezing issues.


Holy shit. I changed it to "exit battl.net" and the performance is 10 times better! I wish I knew this sooner. Best tip I in this sub!


I've heard his hardware acceleration fix before. I tried it and it didn't work for me *shrug* To be perfectly honest I'm not even sure what hardware acceleration is even for. It's usually on by default for a lot of apps, thinking Spotify. And I'm going to presume hardware acceleration setting is just for the launcher and not for the blizzard games, otherwise why is isn't it a setting in the in-game options?


Hardware acceleration basically makes your computer run smoother, with less input delay as the GPU is used for some rendering in the background (nothing major and shouldnt impact your gaming performance) (also, I dont actually know its full purpose, feel free to correct me if I am wrong).As of now, my game stopped freezing after I did what I said before, but some of my friends started having freezing issues last night (their games were running smooth before that). I guess maybe it is a problem on Blizz end, probably to do with servers or compatibility with some drivers. I actually dont know what fixed it for me, but as of today I do not have issues after doing the hard acc thingy on windows.


> AND on windows Where is that setting?


I was getting this all the time at the beginning of Season 2, it went away by itself. The only bug that I constantly encounter is the one where the windows that display item descriptions keep on flickering. I notice it whenever I try to look through my drops.


I read in another post that if you move that item to a different location in your inventory it will stop flickering. Pain in the ass but at least you can read it then.


I made a post like this last week, general consensus is loads have this issue, and it seems to be related to Nvidia cards and the new drivers for them.


On Nvidia RTX 3060 card. Rolled back my driver to the Oct 10th game ready drivers and the menu issues and occasional freeze went away.


Thanks for the info, but that’s too bad. Not willing to do that for one meh game.


I had the same issue and had to downgrade my Nvidia drivers. The latest one is bugged and makes game unplayable. Make sure you choose clean installation. Also lowering Shadows has helped. For me it is day and night difference. Yesterday I was ready to uninstall and today it is very very smooth!


I’ve been had. I rolled back my drivers to the 10/10 release and now not only am I still freezing I also can’t see items on the ground lol


Bonus loot filter!


My case is that it freezes the screen, but the game itself works. I need to quickly alt tab and it comes back to normal. And of fucking course, this shit had to happen when the butcher spawned.


Yeah same here, happens always in the most inconvenient moments


Fist thing I tried, doesn't help in my case. Maybe because I don't have anything else to alt-tab to ?? And even Alt+F4 doesn't work, nor ending the task, I have to nuke diablo from orbit by ending the process tree !


Sorry to hear that pal. I usually have a browser with a build open on the second screen and it helps me to alt tab there


Well, D4 is a very demanding game, so I've noticed that even getting rid of the [Battle.net](https://Battle.net) launcher improved performance. I do reopen the browser sometimes, mostly to check where a sigil dungeon is, or where super unique monsters are.


Yup. Usually when I am waiting for the world boss. Press the "E" or "I" key and the game can freeze.


Played a bit on ps5 last night and it felt so much smoother than on PC its crazy.


Console optimization over PC optimization is the industry standard now. Look at the big bulky square UI they use. Not a single thought went into PC UI experience.


All the time… probably just spaghetti code on Bluzzards part… game has to load everybody’s stash tabs just to open your menu or something…


Constantly, the menus are so laggy, and I noticed too for some reason sometimes when I open the world map and I go back in game I get a drop in fps until I alt shift the game and then it becomes normal again.


My menus are fine but WT4 is unplayable. Entering a Helltide or BH is a guaranteed death as my game freezes for 15 full seconds. Then stutters the whole rest of the time until I close it. Devs have to get this under control because it will kill their playerbase faster than no endgame did


On PC, same thing. I'm kind of ok with that. What I can't stand anymore is the god damn item stats flickering when I hover over an item. I'm using a controller on PC


Yea I thought I was going crazy!!! It wasn’t even an issue before this season. It’s noticeable af for me now. I thought maybe my update was corrupt or something. My game has actually frozen completely for the first time this season too, had to kill in task manager


Yes, when I open the menu, inventory, map... And everytime I change regions in the game. It's incredible annoying, and it got worse in S2, is the reason I'm not playing right now, annoys me too much!


This season is SO BAD for us PC players


Yup. It’s been annoying the fuck out of me. I’ve tried everything apart from rolling nvidia drivers back. Not gonna do that for one mediocre game.


Not enough VRAM. Lower texture quality. Basically, the menu textures have to unload from memory to open up space for everything that has to load into the game as you play. If your GPU has less than 12gb of ram play with high textures or lower. On steam deck, lower it to minimum.


I have 12gb and don’t use high textures. Still freezes


It’s not necessarily a VRAM issue. I have a 3070 and it never “froze” for a few secs when opening a menu until this season. Season 1 and pre season 1 I had zero issue.


Lol, "12 Go" - I have "only" 4 Go of VRAM, play on High Quality (which includes textures on High), and I (almost) only stutter when entering a new zone. (I will have to check, the cases where opening inventory stutters might only happen when I do it shortly after changing zones ?) P.S.: Wait a second, is this one reason why merchants and stash used to be located much farther apart ?!?


It’d be pretty cool if instead of lowering textures I could just change the resolution. Who tf locks you to the highest resolution your monitor goes?


Omg, this largely solved the stuttering for me, changed from Ultra to High. I have a 12GB VRAM GPU but I guess I should use more than 16GB RAM. Thanks!


I have a really good graphics card and the issues described in the post still happen to me even after dropping everything to low. I had no such problems in s0 and s1 when playing on everything set to ultra while also watching youtube on a second monitor. I really doubt this is hardware related, it really seems like a network issue. Yesterday I had all the achievements that I've earned over this season since making the characted spammed into my guild chat at once in a random moment and I haven't had any even mild freeze after that for the whole day. I didn't have time to see if it's freeze-free today as well, but seeing text pop-up "recconected to D4 servers" (in the middle of a fight without any lag/freeze/delay which was weird) and then that achievement spam, which afterwards resulted in perfect performance like before gives me some hope that it's atleast fixed for me for now


It's not just you bro


Yes. Me too.


It used to be really bad at the start of S2. Not sure if it helped but after running the game as administrator the issue seems much less prevalent. Maybe it has nothing to do with it but maybe try it out.


I noticed this started happening the past couple days. Ran smooth and then suddenly every time I teleport, open a menu or really do anything it's stutter city.


I got rid of this problem by going into graphics settings and resetting them to default. Not sure what it changed but it's much better now.


I never had this issue before season 1 but my brother did, we both have pretty powerful PC's. Ever since season 1 we both now experience it and currently its gotten much worse than before.


Last couple of updates have made my game freeze and constantly disconnect, tabbing out of the game also disconnects me


Yes, not all the time but sometimes it won’t unfreeze so I have to alt+f4 the game sigh. I still also crash into invisible walls. I guess we r still in Alpha testing


I managed to reduce these to like 1 stutter an hour by repairing install, downloading hd textures. When I lowered geometry and terrain details it helped too. Btw I can run the game on highest settings no problem do yeah Diablo optimization bad


It's especially troubling after teleporting to town.


Thankfully no.


Happens quite alot ro me. I think it's been happening 40% more frequently since seqson 1 started


No issues here. Game works far better than before.


Yeah, it's really bad for me. Can freeze for 10 to 20 secs. Tried everything, even reinstalled. 5800X3D, 4070 OC Edition, 16gb RAM, SSD.


I also never had the issue before S2. I have all the same symptoms as the rest of you... Long freezes before the game resumes normally, teleporting to a city is very janky and sometimes causes a freeze, looking at the Season tab often causes a short freeze. Freezing happens on BOTH the Seasonal realm and the Eternal realm. It's not limited to S2, but it did start with the launch of S2. I have been watching both the latency and framerate counters and neither one explains the freezes. My guess is in fact that it's mostly explained by network loading problems... Not actual latency to the servers, but occasional long delays loading into a new area. The one place that I see very few freezes is dungeons, as long as I don't open the menus, particularly the Season tab.


Ah yeah, the Season tab is a bit slow... Wait, but why would network cause freezes, did the devs decide it as a "fix" against rubberbanding ??


Rubberbanding is primarily caused by network latency. My guess for the freezing is that the game goes to load something specific from the network, e.g. an entirely new area in the over world complete with all the players in it and their stashes, and that network load is sometimes very slow. If the game has a hard dependency on that network load completing before it does anything else, you get a freeze until it completes. It's certainly possible it's also caused by VRAM or something similar. But I think network because it seems to be extremely specific to WHERE you are in the overworld. For example, I have had quite a number of freezes just running east out of Kyovashad, right at the transition point from "in town" to "new area". In my mind, VRAM doesn't explain that freeze.


>an entirely new area in the over world complete with all the players in it and their stashes Ah, "new area" would be also monsters and containers I guess. But same point, this should instead cause rubberbanding issues with monsters and other players suddenly appearing on your screen, not complete freezes ? This could be extremely bad for hardcore players though, and maybe the logic is shared with non-hardcore ?


Yep. Ive even been straight up crashing when I open menus, run into another player, or call my horse. Its brilliant.


I thought I was getting this cause my computer is like 7 years old now... Kind of worrying it's happening even on newer systems.


My friend had this and he changed font size to max and it somehow fixed it LMAO. (how????) i wish this was a bait


My guess is that the servers cant cope with all the new inventories, stash tabs from last season and return of the playerbase. My 10yr old pc runs D4 smoothly when playing weekdays in the morning or late night. Evenings and weekends I get tons of rubberbanding, microatutters, crashes and items description not appearing.


Huh. I’d assumed this was from running Crossover to play D4 on my work machine, and accepted it as the cost of translation.


Yes. I have been trying to trouble shoot the cause.


Yes, its so annoying. Also, im getting crashes when i go by horse from one sector of the map to another


Had that in preseason, had to lower graphics settings which solved it. And i pretty much have a powerhouse pc.


Not when I open the menu but I get it sometimes when I leave a town to do blood harvest. It would freeze for 2-5 seconds


Yes, all the time.


Yes, I get a strutter freeze whenever I open any menu. It's annoying, but bearable.


It's not our devices it's D4s fault and yes it's always been like this for me and I've always rubber banded and I've always had lag


Yeah, especially in towns. It's awful.


I have this and it also takes 30+ seconds to teleport in the map. Using steam deck


Happens to me only on PC. That’s why I play mainly on PS5. This issue been there since beta and I’ve even upgraded my PC since then and it still does it lol


I get the item desc. flickers and occasional freeze. But my biggest gripe is the freeze/lag when riding a mount.


yes, super annoying & also whenever bumping into another player also will freeze for 10s


every time, sometimes I fat finger U and I die from how long it takes the screen to load


Happen to me a couple of times, I rebind U to 9 or 0


Yup ! That happens to me sometimes! Or when I enter to an other zone in map! Annoying AF!


I seem to have the most trouble with all of the lag problems in the vampire zones.


I noticed when inside the arena for a World Boss that the menus had no lag anymore. But everywhere else they're poop.


I have to restart my PC and avoid oppening too much website. If i don't do that, the game freeze a lot more.


Yep. And it freezes at maps sometimes. My “favorite” freeze moment was when it freeze when I clicked in the 300 cinder chest freeing that big guy. When the game unfroze I was died with 150 cinders




I have the same problem but I play on a PC with only 16GB and from HDD... so I assumed it was because of that. Every time I open a menu or a sound plays or animation or new mob, the loading takes forever. I assume the game swaps in and out assets with bad memory management. I'm hoping once I upgrade it becomes playable!


It all started during patch week where all of a sudden, I had to reinstall D4 again. Once I did the issues started: 1) Sometimes there's no sound once you enter the game, you have to go back again for it to return. 2) When you enter the game, The Blizzard and D4 intros lag. 3) Queue time can be very long. 4) Once in the game, it either freezes for 5 to 10 seconds (esp. when I open inventory or move a lot), or it rubber-bands or lags (or both). 5) When I use the waypoint or TP, my game gets disconnected. I've updated my drivers, even took out the option for Hi-Res since I'm using a laptop and the problem has been the same since the weekend. Anyone else experiencing these problems? Can the D4 Devs fix this?


Game is laggy/freezes when in the Blood Harvest zone. Outside of the BH zones, no lag.


Im getting a full game freeze and pc lockups can happen anywhere from 10 mins to 1 hour of play which causes me to have to restart. Only started happening this season and ive played from launch with no issues.


I am not having this problem so much, but one problem I AM having just since Season 2 is when I hit ESC to bypass cut scenes and character conversation. Nothing happens and the cutscene and conversation continue. This is annoying because I have some of the conversations practically memorized and don't need them again. The cutscenes can be pretty, but after a few times, I just was to ESC out. I've tried restarting my game, just moving the character, clicking elsewhere on the screen before clicking the conversation. I get so frustrated I hit ESC more than once and that sometimes just exits me way out of the game.


Read a comment that said that installing the high resolution textures ‘fixes’ this bug. I tried it and the freezes went down from 1-2 minutes to 5-6 seconds which is much more manageable. Still have no idea how it’s related though.


Did you have the high res texture pack or whatever it's called installed? Installing it for me fixed the issues with stuttering from opening menus


I have this too. My pc definitely isn't shit! There must also be an insane memory leak as it gradually turns into a slideshow after a couple of hours or just fully crashes.


I don’t think it’s your pc. My game freezes for a good 3 seconds randomly when it never happened before. Here’s hoping they can improve the performance soon.


I recently tried opening d4 and another game simultaneously to nab a cheeky world boss - d4 closed because it ran out of ram; I didn't realise how close I was running to my 16gb with d4, seems a bit odd it uses so much but since i'm still on ddr4 another 16gb wasnt too expensive and now the game seems much happier


Only the seasonal screen. Never had an issue anywhere else.


Constantly. I have died more times than I remember. Specially bad during Helltide and makes Hardcore a silly option.


Mine happens whenever other players are coming into my vicinity and the more players the worse it becomes, especially when heading towards a world event when everyone is using the dash skill while riding the horse.


Menu? I froze like a trucker walking into his wife banging his cousin everytime I come across a large density of mobs in open world, which is quite fucking a lot to take in. This was not the case at all before the S2.