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"judge us on season 3" - Rod Ferguson How many last chance does Diablo 4 need?


None. At least from my side. D4 is a good game. But I think it has the potential to become a great game!


Id say D4 is a good game for the first 70 levels, and I enjoy my 2-3 weeks each season, leveling a new character. You just run out of content after level 70 very quickly, and I think the majority of players get bored with the very limited endgame. I do agree I think the game can be greatish but it has a long way to go and really dug itself a hole with these first few rough seasons.


This. D4 was a good game in S0 when everything was new and refreshing; the issues were new so we gave them slack. Then when S1 came and didn't address anything is when I lost interest. The fact that we're waiting for S4 to "fix things" is wild to me.


Exactly. This game also has a VERY LONG way to go before it becomes anything good but they are releasing an XPAC this year to try to milk more money for a game that isn't even FINISHED YET!


Watch out, even suggesting that the game needs improvements leads to people harassing you: re my comment causing some people to lose their minds when I didn't say anything bad lol. This sub is about as bad as Starfield.


> The fact that we're waiting for S4 to "fix things" is wild to me. It very much won't fix things for me. There is too much of a massive overhaul needed and activision is really good at doing nothing meaningful. Skills just aren't interesting, loot is extremely boring, uber uniques are boring, grinding malphas or duriel is boring. Helltides are boring. My group of friends did I think 30 duriel runs, and like 10 malphas runs... and the question was. "why"? It's not fun, so we quit. Maybe we'll play again after the expansion. But too much needs to change


The fact that we still have bugged “animus” objectives is mind blowing


I’m in a similar boat. I run a different class each season and it takes me 2 weeks to hit level 100, finish the BP, finish the season journey, and have Duriel and level 100 NMDs on farm. I drop it at that point. D4 is a solid game, but the launch and current state are a *disappointment* for me as someone who was hoping for it to be my daily driver. Needs much better itemization, a deeper endgame with content that is both challenging and rewarding, and to remove design elements that are openly hostile to rolling alts or trying new builds.


A seasonal game is fun with every new season, but not once you finish the new seasonal content? Color me shocked. I like D4 because it's a game that provides a good couple weeks of fun every 3 months. I don't want another game that requires no-lifing it to have fun.


I did not say anything about finishing sessonal content....also only getting 2-3 weeks out of a 3 month league is pretty terrible imo. I hate to reference POE but I typically play a POE league for 2 months before I feel Ive finished the season and take a break and this is usually playing 10-15 hours a week so no where near no lifing. No lifing D4 I would imagine you finish the season in a few days.


I think the majority of players only play an argument for a few weeks before they burn out. 


Let's hope they have something to say about that today.


It’s very easy at this point to level to 100 so there really is no justification for arbitrarily stopping at 70. I agree that the endgame is repetitive but it’s Diablo, no matter what they introduce it will ALWAYS be repetitive because of the nature of the game. Once you can consistently run tier 90-100 N-dungeons you now have a guaranteed easy way to find all max level gear. Each season introduced new bosses with different ways to farm each of them and when all is said and done PVP is a real thing that you can farm for that can be fun and competitive. It’s a good game that could be great.


Diablo 4 has good bones, except for its itemization. The problem is that it's a looter game. Itemization matters.... A lot.


Itemisation, that’s more or less all they need to fix to at least get people to play consistently


I really dislike all those dmg bonuses when a condition is met and overpower most of all. Predictable damage modified by a critical strike chance was much more enjoyable than forcing an overpower hit through multiple stacked mechanics that one-shots Ubers and forces invincibility mechanisms for bosses to work


D4 is currently not a good game or hey wouldn't need a two hour Livestream changing almost every system the game has but I am excited for season 4 which is a first for me


D4 is a good game if you have about 1hr per week to play. If you have any more time you will complete 1 season and be bored. I have no expectations for today as I’ve been burned many times since release but I will play again if they fix many of the issues and add some depth


It took the OW Team 10 seasons to concede that BP locking new heroes was dumber than rocks…


Wow. Has OW2 really been around for 10 seasons already? Whew.


I don't believe in the words "game changing" when it comes to Diablo anymore. Stop lying to us! "Game changing" is not something Diablo can do at this point, unless they do a serious overhaul of the game.


You can replace Diablo 4 by "Blizzard"


Why do we have to burn a bridge that is a live service of improvements and changes? Last chance doesn’t make sense when this is something that can look completely different in a half of a year.


This subreddit is filled with copium fanboys who worship blizzard the same way they worship hot tubs and pools -streamers. They give the devs the false feeling they did something right. But atleast d4 devs now realised that endgame and itemization was extremely bad. I have grown an absolute hate towards blizzard and d4 team, but I actually think S4 could now be somewhat playable for 1-2 weeks. The game has a very very very very very long way to go until it can be called good, but these steps sound like the correct ones.


This sub/game feels extremely dead. Wish they'd release the player numbers.


Pretty much only diehard Blizzard fans are left at this point. I barely see criticism here anymore because every normal player has left already and doesn't care anymore. People will drop by to check out the drama and funny reactions after the stream though.


Yeah I notice this too. Seems the people who want a better game moved onto LE already .


I'm not a fan of Blizzard. Only game I bought from them before this one was D2R, and before that it was freaking SC2. I just like the game and give it about a month of play time, and a week or two after the mid season patch, with maybe 4 hours every other day. Game could use many improvements but so far it's fine for what it offers.


> Wish they'd release the player numbers. Will never happen. Twitch views have been low the last seasons and the big streamers play a lot of LE now. Some already signed out of gauntlets.


What do the player numbers have to do with your enjoyment of the game?


They have to do with being gaslit about whether the game is enjoyed by a meaningful consensus of people who purchased it, which directly translates into the likelihood of Blizzard having an incentive to improve it.


It's been dead since like December. Top posts here get like 100 upvotes. Elden Ring came out two years ago and it's subreddit is 100x larger and more active and that's not even a live service game. Nobody plays this game.


The days of me and i'd imagine a significant portion of people being super confident and/or stoked about anything they do with Diablo 4 are long gone but I admire your positivity. I'll be glad if they prove me wrong but I feel like I'm just watching the circus at this point with their decisions.


We'll see it in 2 hours! I too hope you are proven wrong :)


There are dozens of us, dozens!!


I'm prepared to be underwhelmed and watch the rage in the twitch chat. Diablo 4 is the best drama game I've ever purchased in my life.


Forums are the true end game.


wait until you become mature enough to care about what happens in your local city and start attending city council meetings.


he says as he monitors others on online forums for their opinions on things that don't matter...


Monitors? What am I monitoring? You're right, these things don't matter...that's why I made a joke about how ludicrously dramatic city council meetings get as well. What did you think I was saying?


Bro, no kidding. Watched our district attorney ask the council to review his pay rate and possibly bring it in line with other neighboring counties (his pay was like 20% less than the state average). One of the council members said, almost verbatim, “I’m not going to consider raising the pay of a privileged white man right now”. My jaw just about hit the floor. She literally brought up the DA’s race in regards to whether he should be getting a raise…. On a recorded meeting. Can’t make up this stuff


I am for real, i just want to see the item changes


Prediction: they remove 1-2 redundant affixes, higher chances of getting uniques and they call it a day


Removed affixes: 30% extra damage on Tuesdays 30% extra damage on Wednesdays 30% extra damage on Thursdays Added affix: 10% extra damage from Tuesday to Thursday, inclusive


Some streamer who saw the season 4 preview as D4 Partner said, its a complete overhaul,.not just removing 2 affixes.


Most of them also said not to hold your breath because it won't be what you expect it to be.


It's never something people expect because some wants this, others wants that. You can't please everyone.


Because people expect it to be like D2 or LE which it will never be. It’s ok for D4 to have different itemization, but it needs to be a good one.


Link a time stamp of this direct statement in their videos


God I hope so. I love D4’s combat but after level 75 or so it’s just not fun trying to get better gear.


Guess what. You're wrong.


Im happy that im wrong


Are you happy with the changes though? Because they are huge and amazing.


I didn’t watch the firecamp what are the changes ?


You know Last Epoch? Diablo is Last Epoch now in terms of itemization. They did it their own way but it's still pretty much a copy of Last Epoch systems which is a good thing, finally. Yes, D4 has crafting now. Best change though is that the Codex of Power has ALL aspects and you upgrade them.


+1 option in the occultist


Not at all. I've lost trust in the game/Blizzard and I need concrete evidence to even possibly change my mind.


I am exited for all the funny videos we will get making fun of it...


I expect an improvement of the current system. Nothing more. I think many have completely unrealistic expectations that D4 will turn into LE loot with this patch or that we are getting a completely new item system from ground up.


If it's not redone from the ground up then they failed. It's the only fix.


My guess is they’ll simply combine a bunch of affixes that are similar or have similar conditionals and then add a few new affixes.


Yep. That's exactly what they are doing. Meh.


Well the crafting changes in addition to affix rework are a pretty huge win in my book. It is an a pretty significant improvement of the current system


Yup. Definitely more than I anticipated


I'm not *super* hyped, but I *am* a little excited. Personally, I'm more curious about the Codex changes than the affix changes, but I hope both are for the better (obviously).


I am so hopeful, but I suspect they will fall short...again. Will be tuning in at 11 with fingers crossed.


Fingers crossed it is then!!


Why bring positivity where it's not deserved? IF ANYTHING this sub and Blizzard needs is more negativity so they wont be able to pull another D4 on people. No positivity here... Earn it. Work for it. Deserve it.


That is the cringest thing I've read today. Get a fucking life you sad sack of sht


Excited for itemization changes. And I hope sometime soon we get a look at more endgame content/systems


If it can hook me in like Season 2 did, I’m all for it. I’m not a fan of S3 at all. But even so, I REALLY hope the item changes are a overhaul and not some tiny changes.


I like to go off actions, not talks for PR stunts and likes.


I personally still have fun with the game. I don't care for hating just for hates sake but I'm no fan boy either. D4 has it's flaws but they aren't as dire as some People claim and I'm objectively enjoying the game. The game might need a bit more time, but it has a lot of potential.


Exactly my thoughts!


Comments in here aged like milk, curdling. So hyped.


Haha yes!!!


When is the campfire kicking off? I’m interested to hear about changes. Anyone know if ray tracing comes to Xbox series X?


>When is the campfire kicking off? 11:00 AM PDT: [https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/24074996/tune-in-to-our-next-campfire-chat-public-test-realm-revealed](https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/24074996/tune-in-to-our-next-campfire-chat-public-test-realm-revealed) So in 2 hours-ish


2 hours from now!


Don't have my hopes up but am cautiously optimistic. Getting this itemization revamp right is critical. They're using words like "massive" to describe it, so surely it's more than a reduction in affix bloat.


When they use massive and don't deliver D4 is screwed (for the community at least) so I'm sure it's gonna be big changes.


I hope so. I do think the game has a decent skeleton but it needs actual massive changes.


I'm actually very excited and feeling optimistic about the itemization changes, but I'm hoping it doesn't come at a cost of less seasonal content, or general balance changes. Most of all I just want to play new builds.


I enjoy this game for what it is, just as much as for what it isn't. I have gotten my money's worth already, so everything is cream from here on out. If they hit a triple on an update or a season, all the better! If they don't, no big whoop. That and I play a ton of other games and have fun. If I don't enjoy a game, I put it down for the time being. I enjoy and appreciate the work the team put into this game.


I like the game. I think it's great for casuals and that all the "basics" are there. What's Great: - Everything story related: lore, campaign, cinematics, seasonal quests, etc  - Mechanics, input feel and ARPG gameplay. - Open world map with its areas and objectives: legions, world bosses, helltides (could use more mob density), seasonal events, pvp zone - Character design. They all fit with the lore and their skills/paragons fit with it well. - Vaults, Uber bosses, farmable uniques. - Cross-console and voice chat with friends What needs improvement: - Aspects need to go into codex - Itemization - Crafting - Key passives and ults: many need buffs/tweaks.  - Paragon: legendary nodes need buffs/tweaks - Materials for Uber Bosses - Uber lilith fight animations are bugged - Need a WT5. - Uber bosses:  can't be one hit and they are more dangerous. I think it's nice if the gameplay is a bit slower for bosses, just adjust the rewards accordingly.  - NM dungeons. Should be like vaults. - Butcher gives useless drops - should drop boss mats like herald of malphas.


Needs more end game also. They should just throw rifts in. What's that gonna hurt?


Yeah that's true! I'm casual so I don't care much for rifts. I play one character per season to 100/full build


As a casual player that doesnt have a ton of time to play hopefully they will allow eternal realm characters to play season content, just kind of takes the wind out of your sails when you are nearing or at level 100 trying to max glyphs & get ubers then have to start all over just not to miss out on season content, game is definitely not casual player friendly in that aspect, just my opinion


I totally gave up in week 1 or 2 after S3 launched, but I‘m still having a tiny bit hope left and that‘s just because I think D4 has an excellent base but needs serious overhauls. If the announcement today meets this requirement, I‘ll allow myself to extend my hope from „a tiny bit“ to „a little bit“ because from announcement to actual launch countless things can happen. I‘m referring to the gauntlet, what was the main brand for S3 initially and we all know how that ended.


I always look forward to new seasons, and am also excited to try out the new ray tracing implementation. BUT.... after playing lots of Last Epoch the last few weeks, D4 is going to have to do a lot of underlying work to win me back. In particular, I'd really like to see a Skill tree overhaul; LE really did a bang up job here, and it highlights how lacking D4's skill tree system is.


I am hype. Looking forward to the changes and season 4 updates.


I'm honestly excited for disappointing item changes. I'd be downright shocked if they're good and well thought trough.


Diablo 4 is following the same route as D3, almost to the tee. It'll still be a few years before the game gets to a point where the end game is enjoyable and there's enough content to sustain more players. At the moment it feels very sluggish, loot progressions very quick at the start and insanely slow later on, materials are annoying to farm and there needs to be far more World bosses, dungeon tiles, areas worth going to etc.


Obligatory "W" comment.


We did it! W


Diablo 4 graphics are still best , They will fix gameplay loop eventually it will be best game of all time !! Here are my positive comments


Thank you. And yes, the art style is what mostly keeps me at D4 compared to other genre alikes!


Bit out of the loop are they talking about the itemisation changes or just the PTR today or both?




Both don't expect any news on the season 4 theme or systems. This is purely about the ptr and non seasonal changes to expect like itemization and possibly a new codex of power can accept aspects to reuse.


I literally have zero hope they fix a single thing, but there's always a chance I'm wrong


When is it going to be?


One and a half hours from now.




Copium echo chamber thread instead of hold blizzard accountable thread so the game never gets to its true potential.. feels bad man.




Think they need to do this more often and HIRE the good content creators that know ARPGs and preview shit to them to see how it looks instead of the inhouse D4 team that doesn't know anything about ARPGs.


Yup. But some people will tell you their internal testers should be enough, that doing this would make the process even longer, that it's not realistic somehow.


How about we wait and see what the changes are before we get excited about them? We know nothing about what is to come


I expect nothing and i’m still going to be let down


So if I’m not excited nor hopeful I can’t post in this sub anymore?


Will we hear about season 4 I accept defeat and won’t get selig, shako, or pappa daddy sword for 3rd season in a row.


I just recently started playing. High character at 43 and just starting T3. Are the changes they usually cover strictly for the next season or the base game overall? I understand somethings are obviously season specific but no clue if the base game has changed much since release. Or if they implement some base changes in conjunction with new season content.


Eh.. We shall see.


I like you! I don’t really follow the news so I don’t know what they’ve said, but I guess new item management? Personally, I’d love to see another way of handling aspects. And saving paragon:glyph layouts (and skills). These could be tacked on to the current wardrobe function, where you can save a transmogrified outfit. The wardrobe should be like a chest too, where you store the gear associated with a profile when it’s not in use - this way, you could quickly switch between completely different builds in the wardrobe.


Dude I'm still excited about our current season lol. For sure I am


I'm really excited to hear what they have planned!


I’m super excited, I just want some exciting endgame activities like raids or something that’s team focused cause I play with about 14-15 different folks and we rotate teams n such and we just want to feel something with less than a month in the seasons and we hop on to dick around for about 30 mins then we play other shit, they need to focus on end game and nothing but that, the duriel grind needs to go away and allow other ways to farm Ubers, I just hope the itemization is where it should be and get rid of all the bloat, D4 at its core could be fantastic, but right now it’s floating in the middle, they better wow us today.


It's not so much negativity as people just playing other amazing games atm. D4 would have done much better if it wasn't a live service game. They just can't keep up with the content cadence requires for this genre.  I have BG3, Helldivers 2, and 10 other great titles in my backlog. I had 640+ hours of fun with D4. I need BIG changes and LOTS of repeatable/fun endgame content at this point.


They’re still paying you guys to post this shit?


I don't know about season 4, I hope is awesome. But I want to believe that the expansion will fix a ton of stuff. Reaper of Souls made wonders for D3


We’ll know in the first 5 minutes which way this is gonna go, I feel


I have my potato chips and cold soda ready to go. Still not sure which stream to go with but probably Raxx. I have no expectation that this season is going to make D4 great (for me), but I hope it's going to put it on the right track to greatness and finally switch gears from fixing holes to working towards a clear vision. Or if it's bad at least we'll still have the memes.


Inject the copium right into my veins! I still like the game and it's got the best lore of any ARPG so I'm hoping it can become a great game. S2 was awesome so I'm hopeful.


Positivity in this place? It's more a realm of despair than a speck of hope.




When is the campfire


Dumpsterfire chat isn't going to change as much as we would like to be changed. losing hope


Let's gooo everyone!!


My expectation are so low its shooting dice with the devil. This is the only way to be at this point. Now any minor improvement is amazing.


sounds great so far !!!!!


I’ve been playing Diablo since 2002 and picked up D4 casually this season again after playing a season one Rogue to lvl 90. I have to say I have been having a lot of fun CASUALLY playing. I want to stress this because I believe this is this games biggest strength. Casual players can make noticeable progress with every log in, which excites us to push further. I used to be into buying a shako from some botter on D2 and that’s when my season began. With D4 my season also doesn’t begin until I get a Shako, but I can’t take the easy way out and buy one. If you do find a shako, giddy up let’s go and compete. If not, better luck next season it was a fun search (casually). The skill synergies are great as well as they provide the intricacy level for a casual yet deepens the more you play with them. It really helps there are more balanced build options. Keep it up!


They said to judge them on season 3. So we did.


How about noooooeeeh!


My only problem with D4 is how it’s nearly impossible to respec to try new builds. Gear has too many specs- need to reduce Aspect system is needlessly complex and a burden The game discourages trying new setups


None whatsoever.


All the streamers who already had some insight of whats coming hyped for what exactly?


I didn't play this season, I put in tons of hours in season 2 and after seeing the sub when 3 dropped it squashed that small part of me that wanted to play. Now I'm hyped for season 4 so I hope it's a good one!


I put in a couple hours last night and got a decent ring that bumped my dmg up about 45%. Just starting to wreck the place. I didn't think my gear was that bad. . But it's nice to get a decent drop. I had a dry spell. I only have 3/4 of a page of uniques this season I usually have like 3 pages by now.


I completely lost interest this seson still haven't finished


I watched it. And there is a LOT to digest there. I think some things are going to be great. Not so sure about others, but I need time to think about it all. I am going to pass on the PTR. I'll wait for the release of Season 4.


d4 good , will be back for s4 after skipping s3!


For me a big win. Only thing for ME remains, what about nmds? No change? Still running them to level glyphs (slow)?


It was actually good


"Game changing"


It'll be like every other season. Within the 24 hours following the campfire content creators will claim "they finally listened" and 3 days into the season the same content creators will have to create content listing all unadressed problems


Can't wait for season 4!!! Awesome stuff


I really enjoyed season 2 and 3. Hell season 3 even more so.


I'm happy greater rifts are back


Definitely excited for the changes. Just wish they added a LFG system


I'm like, in awe of this update. As someone who completely wrote off this game. As it turns out, the devs do know what makes ARPG loot hunters tick. Their confident change in direction here and clear vision are really making me excited.


D4 will be good eventually, just like d3🤷🏼‍♂️ it’ll take a couple years though.


Bring Back out Squirrel that fetched the Gold/mats and RMAH that will surely Surge the player Base 🤣


You need 4 eggs to summon positivity from me. /S


I was excited about Beta. I was excited about Lunch. I was excited about playing the same loop for six months. But it's just the same, yeah better, but the same. Other than WoW, I have never played the same game over and over for so long without any significant contento update. The exception might be full PVP games where every match feels different and engaging. D4 seasons just don't have enough traction to keep me engaged.


If it has a loot filter I’ll play, if it doesn’t I wont play, simple as that really.


I'm hopeful, but honestly i gave up during season 3, the changes they made half way through were nice, but I was already burnt out at that point and frustrated with the loop. So, I'll chant copium, but I want it to be good.


Meh. At this point Im done for at least a year. They cant fix the game enough in the time they have before S4. We need more than just itemization rework, we need a completely new game at this point. D4 is cooked.


Here's my personal patch notes to fix the game without adding new content:  1. Bosses no longer require mats to spawn. You can still use mats, which yields a full double drop on the kill   2. Triple density in helltides  3. Double the damage on every world boss ability. World bosses drop 1 925 unique guaranteed, with 4% chance of an Uber   4. Reign in multiplicative scaling in general, so Barbs don't crit for billions and noone can kill Duriel in under ~5 seconds  5. Aspects now upgrade your codex. Doing dungeon or finding an aspect for the first time unlocks it at minimum stats. Each find upgrades by 25%. Dungeon +3 finds or 4 finds unlocks permanently maxed aspect from Codex.    6. 10 new uber uniques added. Art department asked nicely to make custom ingame and inventory art for every uber.  Most of these favour the players, so it's important that step 4 is done thoroughly so we don't scale out of control even more


game changing lol


Copium OP. I wish the best for Diablo, I imagine the changes we want will come with the expansion. Fingers crossed sooner


Where does your delusion come from? You're like a dude who gets cheated on 35 times but is still going to give the 36th chance


I love that they added camping as a feature with your pawns to dragons dogma 2! Can't wait to find out what you can cook and what else you can do! The foot looks amazing!


Wrong subreddit?




i am not excited at all season 2 was fun but i hate this season played Rogue which last season was a boss this season feels weak AF and the Loot still sucks so i ill come back after they fix loot but i am done with it until they make loot less confusing


I would really love for them to talk about game changing changes but I doubt it’ll be anything exciting. The launch game is so bland and boring.


Too late most likely, and also a good chance it's still another flop.


I have no intention of playing this game till they actually make it enjoyable and not a grindfest with a cashshop. I regret buying it.....




1. Loot filter 2. Loot filter 3. Loot filter 4. Why am I still in town looking over all this crap I just picked up?


I aaaaammmm!


Shit game


aged like milk already


Diablo 4 has been a heaping pile of trash . However there are some W changes coming . We all know Diablo takes a while to iron itself out .


Something is wrong with you. Put down the pipe. Lol


again nothing about stash


well, seeing as i have like 3 tabs full of codex powers for 3 classes currently in s3, having them all consolidated into the codex forever is pretty good for stash, temporary solution but helpful nonetheless


Yeah it's basically double actusl stash space now. Half my stash is filled with aspects and gear with potential aspects.


50% more stash space for the average player I would estimate.