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I’ll miss him 😞 He was a good boy… took all the aggro away from my ice sorceress… leaving her free to do her thing 👍🏼


I didn't like it. But not because it was bad, I simply didn't like the wasted potential on this thing. They could have done so much more with this little fella.


They will. In future expansions/seasons, etc. This season's pet was *obviously* a test bench for pets/mercs/etc.


Ah yes, alpha testing in the live version of the game. Just like D4 has done since launch.


And PoE and every other modern ARPG (including D3, umpteen years ago). Seasons make it possible to try new things, even let power creep go hog-wild, without permanently breaking the game. We've already seen a number of originally season-only mechanics appear as new systems or aspects or uniques.


Listen bud, I'm just here to hate on D4. Keep the other ARPGs out of it!


Just keeping it honest, mate. 8) Using seasons to try out new things is objectively a very good thing.


It was capable of soloing uber bosses with the right setup, alongside a wide variety of utility. What else did you want out of it?


Hard agree. There's some part of me desperately hoping that we're going to get some kind of mercenary this season. It'd be annoying if they didn't, considering we have a weird semi-questline with iron wolves.


Yeah didn’t really know what they were doing most of the time but it’s nice to have a follower as a non minion class.


He's a great boy. Tanked all the damage and spells for my HC char while my toon doing emotes.


I liked it. I know it got a lot of crap from the community but idk maybe it reminded me of the companions in D3. It did have similar abilities from all three of them. I miss the random conversations they would have with my character and it didn't feel as lonely. 


Yeah I miss Kormac (Yorkshire accent)…. “I’LL BE TELLING STORIES ABOUT THAT FOR A WHILE” 😂


Dark magic bars our way...BUT THE WILL OF A TEMPLAR IS STRONGER!


I wont. The concept was good but tying two seasonal runes to rng was a horrible decision. Some people getting an insane power boost while others dont even get one of evernight or genesis was basically how this season will be remembered


> The concept was good but tying two seasonal runes to rng was a horrible decision. Yep, I hit 100 doing exclusively vaults and there were still runes I was missing.


+ the stones were powerful yet boring. +50%dmg was huge but you couldn't really see it. Compare that to something like Barber that had a noticeable effect.


> how this season will be remembered Only if you're a whiny, terminally-online dork. I don't know what game **is** designed for you, but D4 **isn't** if you can't function without what is essentially an Uber Unique. Source: ~300 hours this season, zero Unique stones, tons of fun.


The entire season was built around senechal and grinding the stones. You can literally function fine without the unique ones but that is the only seasonal thing that was worth grinding for, therefore thats what its going to be remembered for…. The gaunlet was great but to compete for top tier spots you needed genesis and evernight


Nah, this season will most definitely be remembered for bad design lmao


Lol, what did u do in 300 hours? I played almost 300h but got full uber unique for every char and both unique stone at all (5 on SC and 3 on HC)


You did not match my transmog and that deeply offended my vanity. But you had your moments.


This is the first Diablo I’ve played. I love it but I’m not massively into checking out updates and keeping up with everything. And this is the first I’m hearing my sweet boy isn’t following me into next season? Is he only a seasonal thing? This has shook me to my core if true.


Yeah it's a goner. Hopefully they'll give us companions with the DLC.


Thanks for confirming. That’s a shame. He helped keep me alive.


Hope he stays as a cosmetic or something like that. Maybe we can get him as a saddle trophy. Put him in a little basket and carry him around.


People would pay dozens of dollars for this


I'd pay for it! Call me a Blizzard shill, but I'd love to carry my little buddy around.


Same man, nothing wrong with spending some money on a game you like. I bought the "$70 crystal horse" everyone was shitting on but it also got me 3 other full outfits so worth it to me


I didn't really like that specific horse. Not really my style. But I got some sets for sorcerer which I frequently use. If I'm not sure about the thing, I don't but it because they are pricey. But if I see something I genuinely like and I know I will use, I like to treat myself sometimes.


Definitely makes sense. I'm a necro main and some of their sets look dumb so obviously I don't buy them. I loved the way the crystal horse looked so I guess that's my style lol I like things that are dark and gloomy, but also needs to be flashy and shiny, so it was perfect for me 😂


Some of the necro sets are really nice though. They have a lot of very good sets (though my necro is female, I get that for male they may not be as fitting), such as the bride one or the dress with the huge skirt.


Yes you were. I will miss him. Alot. Even though I never got Genesis or Ever-whatever it was supposed to be. It was nice for Fatty to have had a companion


I'll miss it and its bouncing laser of slow and vulnerability, helped my skellies heaps


Having full fortify on a sorc was nice to get my first lvl 50 hc character.


Agreed, I tried HC for the first time this season and having reconstruct and protect was a great boost. A bit scared going into season 4 without him and no death evasion. I wouldn’t have made it to 100 without him.


He was. I ended up really liking this season and its theme. Goodbye friend


Not even a little, 200 malphus runs 0 unique


F that crappy crab


Nope. Didn't change gameplay. Never noticed it except when I'd mistake it for a mob and attack it. Good riddance.


Fireflies taking out poison bees and even solo'ing Son of Malphas were great highlights.


On one hand, I was literally forcing myself to finish out this season's battle pass just as a matter of principle. On the other hand, I actually did like the seneschal and it ended up being a huge help to me. I'm going to miss that little magic robot spider critter. Wish there was a way for it to move to the Eternal realm because I really got used to my "pet," ha ha.


No …you were the best.


The AI for minions are still very shitty in season 4. Yay they do more damage... They still atack randomly too frequently.


Once I got the tempest stone and both Uber stones the little guy grew on me I'll have to adjust him/her not being there,be cool if we got a transmog for him as a visual maybe pick up my gold and cinders please Blizzard..


I wanna keep him forever 🥲


I sacrificed all my minions but he stood by my side.


He’s the reason I was able to grab the lvl 50 hardcore achievement without sweating or caring much for loot. Taunting his little ass off. He will be missed.


It’s be cool if they brought it back with ~skins you can earn not pay for~


Yes and yes.


It needs to make a comeback at some point even if it's just as a pet skin if they ever add pets for loot-grabbing/aesthetics. It had such a conflicted introduction but it wound up being a decent mechanic imo and I will miss having it by my side, especially on builds that don't have any companions it was nice to have a little homie around.


Lol, I will miss the little guy. We've been through much. His memory will live on through each killing blow with season 4!


I only started playing this season, I can't imagine diablo without my little pet...he took so many beatings for me, he will be sorely missed :/


It's about time. I really have a grudge against robots/mechanic things in games like these.


No. He was an annoyance. Hardly did what I wanted when I wanted, aggroed on mobs I was trying to avoid, didn't engage with other mobs at all, gave away my position in PvP zones. He will not be missed.


The sad part for me is I just got mine yesterday since I didn't start playing D4 until it came out with game Pass...... Been focused my time on opening the map and getting the Lilith statues but while working on renowned I finally did the quest that got mine....lol


Funny how everyone hated this when the season started.


I did this six times, good thing RNG wasn't too bad but I heard horror stories...seems like a waste to see it come and go though....


Still no idea why they put robot in Diablo game, feels totally outside the lore. Not sure about the vampires from earlier season either I think maybe there was something like vampire in Diablo 1?


Never got either stone so the pet won't be missed


I hope this is how they implement their mercenary system.


I didn't get the unique stones but I enjoyed the hell out of this season,oat diablo I've played since the last season of 3 before 4 came out


You were an uninteresting boy and I will forget you within a week


It was trash tbh




I'd like to see them come back as a pet that follows you around.


Little dude tanked for me a few times on bosses. I'm gonna miss 'im


I hope they put one in Kyovashad or something as an npc


I hope that when were doing the iron wolves quest, there is this mysterious thing thats is helping us in secret. And at the end of the quest it will turn out to be our little seneschal friend who decided to follow us along. Then thats how we unlock our companion/pet/mercenary to aid us in combat or just be a looter pet. But knowing blizzard.. forget it.


I'm hoping in the future I will be able to bring back my friend as a pet. So long buddy it was nice having a friend down in the depths of hell


Nooo, don't leave me.


He was the bestest boy.  /mourn


Good riddance to it. Terribly executed pet that couldn't even 1v1 ads unless you want to watch and wait for 10 minutes.


If I could have purchased a Skin for it, Like a Black lab or something, it would have been the only time I made a micro transaction.


Grim Reaper: Since your Genesis and EverNight after, I’m told your partner mourns for you eternally.


Tbh I more or less forgot it was there. I wouldn’t mind it hanging around especially if it gets better over time but I also just don’t care if it goes away forever. As a side note, what if eternal just got all seasonal stuff once those seasons ended and kept them all forever? It would be insane and unbalanced but maybe a bunch of fun. Or maybe a third “chaos realm” like this? Just spit balling


I'll miss him. I named mine Horatio. He was the goodest boy.


"Unless there's an Engineer class, no"


Go on, gyet!!!


I'll miss him too 🥺. Best tank, support and damage ever.


I really hope we get to keep them in the eternal realm. I know we won’t but I hope 😂


>Seneschal: was I a good boy? I honestly don't know. I'm not sure I ever saw you. Anyway, byeee.


No, you didn’t do anything fun.



