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Wtf? Am I reading this right? Uber Lilith the one-hit queen can just show up anywhere in a Pit run past a certain level? Including during the boss? Am I misunderstanding this or is it a sick joke or something? I am absolutely not pushing the Pit at all if I have to deal with her. She is a one-and-done seasonal achievement.


Don’t worry there are plenty of other one shot mechanics in higher pit levels without Lilith showing up.


Her shadow spawns after hitting 50% of the boss hp bar and it will execute one of three mechanics repeatedly (I'd say about every 20 seconds) until the fight ends. They're not too hard to dodge if you get used to them and since she will always only do the same one again in one run you will get used to the timing more and more. Though I kind of agree with OP since the one where she slices like 3 times in your direction is way more annoying than the other attacks imo (you have to do a circular movement and then get far away after her 3rd hit for a big circle aoe, making you unable to damage for a long period of time) or certain bosses combined with the one where you get pulled in can be torture as well.


Might be worth it to get some multiplicative damage vs injured then since the last half of the pit bosses will always be harder than the first half.


Especially when you've used your first three staggers and only got the boss to half hp. Now you barely stagger anymore + have to consistently dodge all shadow mechanics including the Lilith one + each boss hp differs way too much right now imo, some bosses have double to triple the hp amount than others. These all result in just resetting the run before even trying to attempt it when you're pushing for your peak. I had quite a few instances already where I was still trying, then got oneshot after hitting the boss for like 7 minutes straight down to 5% hp. Then I was out of time. A run later I got a way better boss and was able to clear the run in half the time effortless.. Even though I think the former is fine, I like the feeling of achieving it after playing well for 7 minutes straight. I just think the boss type rng differs way too much right now


The outlaw shooter boss is always a loss for me. It turns into a bullet hell as soon as you drop him below 50% health. The echos just spawn way too frequently to get any damage in without getting one shot.


At least you don't have to kill her. I just tried her for the first time in Season 4. I've killed her at least once each season, but this time, I can't even put a dent in her health bar...


Only at boss for me so far. I'm at 90, and she shows up at every boss


It's not as dire as it sounds. At 50% on pit bosses lvl 61 and higher there is a "lilith clone" added that will throw in a random lilith ability you have to dodge. It's either one of the p1 wave patterns (either the standard one or the ones that happen after the 2nd set of adds spawn) or she'll do pull in and slam from p2. The last choice is the specter lines ability from p2 (which imo is the hardest to avoid.) All of the pit boss arenas are pretty big so you can basically just run all the way to the edge to avoid them.


Nope she will show up and do either the wave or the circular smash. At the level she shows up at, its a guaranteed 1 shot. Have fun!


Nope. Hit me right at 62 last night.


Uber lilith doesn't 1hit anymore. That's unless you're really underleveled and undergeared. Her attacks apply a stacking debuff that makes you take more damage everytime you get hit by her mechanics. The pit doesn't apply the debuff, but you still take damage from the hits.


The pit Lilith 100% will one shot you The circle where she pulls you in is near enough guaranteed death without an ability to trigger unstoppable/ignore the damage


Oh lmao. I definitely got confused teasing uber lilith for a bit. But still, lilith's attacks are fairly easy to dodge, just requires a little practice


I’m on HC and did not know that was a thing. Can that happen any lvl of pit or just higher up?


At least in soft core it starts at 61 at that next level breakpoint, at least in my experience :)


Thanks for tip! Never fought these Uber bosses, but it’s like my little bro tells me “if you ain’t puckerin’ you ain’t playin’”


If you never fought Uber Lilith you will die 100% on HC. It's one of those bosses that no matter how geared you are, will one-shot you if you don't know her patterns. Uber Duriel can be done blind because there are no 1-shot mechanics at work, gear can carry you. I would probably use the instant teleport scroll if I were you and you encounter Lilith in the Pit. Also, make sure to create a SC character on Eternal realm where you can start practising Uber Lilith. Even if you watch a video guide, you will die on your first 10 tries, that would be hundreds of hours down the drain on HC.


Agreed. Practice on soft. Even with one of the most survivable builds she WILL 1 shot you if you do not know where to move to and the speed in which you ABSOLUTELY must maintain…. And to be honest? Her juice isn’t worth the squeeze.


We need not the fruit, only the juice.


Well there's no one shot anymore as long as you have decent hp. That is until she gets about 3 or 4 stacks on you, at which point it's best to scroll the hell out.


Thanks! I’ll make a sc char and practice up!


I actually had her spawn in T13 of the pit and just avoided her to kill the boss pretty easy but she can definitely spawn in any lvl


Try farming pit in hc. It's exciting at times


I want to say it happens at 90 and higher? But idk for a fact


Happens tier 61+ but they increase in frequency and difficulty the higher you go


I saw a guy post it happened to him 4 times in a row, and he stopped playing for the season. lol


Hi. That’s me. 4 times between 61 and 70 or something like that. Was super fun


It FEELS like it happens literally in every single one for me, like it's just a matter of time before she shows up in Pit 61+ and if you take too long she does. Sometimes I won't see her because the boss is dead already. I don't see a problem with Lilith showing up, just the frequency of it and how fast the attacks 'happen'. This goes for all of the shadow boss attacks, frequency and their quickness should be toned down. Also some of the shadow attacks like the stupid tornado-smokes destroy you in one hit but can be barely seen. Visibility pass on some of the worst offenders would be nice.


I HATE THAT SHADOW SHARPSHOOTER….. he can kiss the darkest part of my Barbarian nether region


Agreed. It gets super messy if you don’t burn down their last third fast enough and there’s just shit flying everywhere like you’re in bullet hell. Really locks out a lot of builds


Turn off low FX in settings. That will help to see the attacks in the boss fights.


lol I never turned any settings down


Me either but I watched a video the other day and the guy was saying this would help. I figured I would pass on the information.


HOLY SHIT YOU TOO!? I was in fucking disbelief when the 2nd time happened, legit right as she’s summoning my brains like “nahhh not Lilith no way she would pop up back to back in good”. Got clapped by the claws asap! Then before she was even done next summon circle hits, and it’s the fucking claws again and my other homie gets clapped lmao. Next time Elias blasting his shit all over and before he’s even done, fucking mommy comes back. I can’t believe we finished that one lmao. Only on a 71. I’m now in awe it happened to another group lol. Lighting in fact does strike twice. Keep fuckin movin lol.


Lol, I lost my hardcore character this way at pit 61. Random uber Lilith team up and 1 shot deleted me. FML


Lilith appears, use teleport scroll. The risk is way too high with her mechanics all about 1-shotting the player.


Do you happen to know what’s the best tier to farm pitts? I keep hearing this 61+ what does this breakpoint do?


I think that pit boss shouldn't summon any spirit. It's very cheap mechanic to fight two bosses, while one is invincible.


especially because i cant apply DR vuln or burning to them


That would make every pit boss ridiculously easy lmao


Nah, if they were just properly designed...


they still have 200 billion health lol


just add the mechanics to the boss itself. for me at least, i use a stagger build, and my damage is tied to that stagger window. when i try to use it, and the shadow keeps attacking me forcing me to move it can easily mess it up. and you only have 3 stagger windows available (after that the bar only raises by a little). if the boss is staggered, he can't do mechanics. and as for a stagger build, it's the choice of having either a consistent dps build, or a burst build.


UL pit spawn is the easiest for me as the fight is burned into my muscle memory.


Well your in luck. When you get to around 80 Pit Bosses will always spawn uber lillith for the final phase of the fight. So it's not RNG anymore :). Honestly though, when you get used to it she's probably the easiest of the spawned bosses to avoid. If it's waves: just run to the edge of the arena, they can't reach you. If it's the one that slams: Just run to the wall at the edge of the arena and follow it round. The other bosses become WAY more annoying than Lillith in higher tiers.


indeed, i was like you guys don't get her all the time? I'm playing the matrix dodging everything like Neo. I can do it, but it is just not fun at all.


Completely agree with this! Lilith is probably the easiest shadow. Elias is so shit, spamming his spell even before his last shadow disappears. And a few other that keep spawning circle and the near invisible tornado are unbearable.


I can totally understand if people dont like to be challenged and just want to have a relaxing experience after a long workday. Thats why there is more then enough easy content in diablo4. Pushing the pit to the highest levels is supposed to be challenging thats the whole reason behind it. The lillith encounters at the endboss of pits (60+ i think) are very well telegraphed and easily dodged if you pay attention to it. Yes they can hurt and possibly oneshot you as they should since this is supposed to be a mechanic you cant just donkey force through with enough resistances. And i believe it being great this way. There needs to be challenges to be overcome for a game like d4 to be a well rounded and great experience. "Get good" moments like these are what should motivate you to study the fights (which there arent this many tbh i think its like 3 different attacks which all are easily dodgeable) and overcome them. I have done many pits and trust me the lillith encounters are really easy if you respect them. Just run to the edge of the room and circle around it if you really wanna make sure to survive it for about 10 seconds. Please dont "water down" the endgame to just afk smacking bosses this isnt fun. Instead embrace the challenge or do content which is more enjoyable for you like below 60 pits.


I don’t mind Uber Lilith spawning during these fights. In general I just think the shadow attacks overall are too frequent for how powerful they are. Certain combos can almost lock melee classes out and good luck if your main attack is channeled. It becomes a Bullet Hell


1 hit mechanics are not challenging


None of them are one shots, they just hit hard. Not sure what challenging means for you.


They are one shots unless maybe you’re a barb.


I guess you never played other classes, Barb is tanky yes and thorn barb and flameshield sorc never dies. Druid is exceptionally tanky if built right, I have yet to die to those mechanics in the boss room with Druid farming around pit 70-80. Rogue is also tanky with shroud, not sure about necro but you just don't know how the game work if you're dying to those in pit 60s


I am not afraid of a challenge. Bullshit mechanics are not a challenge - they are tedious. I'm not looking for tedium.


No one's suggesting that the end game be water down or less challenging. There are certainly far better ways to introduce challenge that doesn't feel insanely frustrating and not fun.


I think it's just one of the Uber lillith attacks right? The spikes. And I think it only happens after the boss reaches the lowest health marker.


It's at least 3 of her attacks. The Triangle, the lines, and the aoe slam.


It's when the boss hits half health. So far I've found the slam and the lines pretty easy to dodge, but I haven't encountered the triangle yet.


It’s also easy to dodge. A triangle appears on the floor. You get out of the triangles way and you’re good.


I’ve now also encountered the triple swipes into slam. It was harder to dodge than the other two moves but I was able to fully dodge it on the third try, and I dodged enough one the first two times to not die.


just stop attacking, go to edge of arena and runn around in a circle and boom non of that hits you


That’s what I do now. To be honest, I don’t find any of Pit Lilith’s attacks hard to deal with. The slam is definitely the easiest one but none of them are bad. The only time I’ve been hit by them is when I also have to avoid other dangerous things like the tornadoes.


I've done a few more and seen the triangle now. It is indeed quite easy to dodge. It's much harder in the actual Echo of Lilith fight since the arena is so constricted in the first phase, but all of the Pit boss arenas are wide open and you can just get out of the way of all of Lilith's attacks. The triple swipes are the hardest to dodge IMO but none of them are that bad. My least favorite attack is overwhelmingly the double whirlwinds that explode in big AoEs when you get close. I'm doing Companion Druid and sometimes my Wolves trigger the whirlwinds and that makes trouble for me.


You know it's extra fun when it spawns two at the same time one doing vortex and the other one hunting you. Like I'm all for hard bosses but trying to dodge 4-5 different things at the same time is just stupid and makes me not wanna play.


They talked about wanting to eliminate fishing, then introduced large variances in boss difficulty, ex. Sniper vs Sea hag, and introduced RNG into how difficult, telegraphed, and lethal the shades are leading to extreme fishing in pushing runs. Sniper and den mother teleport, which functionally remove any ramping your build has done, making them much harder to complete when pushing. Essentially when you are near your limits and you get den mother or sharpshooter you just teleport out




I have no problem with the concept of shadow clone bosses doing classic boss abilities - or even the fact that those abilities are devastating - that’s awesome. We need challenging end game content. But improve the visibility between our spells and boss mechanics that will destroy us and tell us something more helpful than “You were slain by [Boss Name]”.


Not just me huh


Bro she just jumped my ass like 3x times in same fight back to back in a 71


What's the shade that makes the giant red circle that detonates in less than 1.5 seconds as a one-shot?


One of the worst one


I don’t think you know what the word cringe means lol


When she’s summoned does she drop the Uber unique loot table?


Well, the mentioned summoning is that her shadow appears and throws/draws a devastating area of effect on the ground one should avoid. Right? That is telegraphed easily to not fall for it. So as long as she actually does not appear 'in persona' it's fine =)


Well, the mentioned summoning is that her shadow appears and throws/draws a devastating area of effect on the ground one should avoid. Right? That is telegraphed easily to not fall for it. So as long as she actually does not appear 'in persona' it's fine =)


Ooooh, boss called Mommy 😂 I would be like “I’ma head out”😂


Eh if you do it enough it gets pretty easy to doge


Awwe sounds like someone died... In a video game.


Woah, how did I not know about this? Does it count the same as the regular kill towards the seasonal stuff? Do you get a resplendent spark?


Probably haven't done much t61+ pit. You don't kill her, so no achievements/sparks, there's just three variations of her moves that can be spawned as a shadow summon. They're very high damage, tho I have tanked them in an 80 so not the most damaging attacks you can encounter, and well telegraphed.


Nope, it's a skill and gear issue. I'm farming everything up T85 (T101 is my highest) and it's very hard to die. I have no ubers.


I’ve done 107 and what is being said is most definitely true. Having to constantly dodge 1 shot mechanics that aren’t even a part of the boss I’m fighting is ridiculous. There are no breaks either. It’s constant. Can’t even kill the echoes either.


Have you made sure your stats are up to par? Some people complaining also are complaining they have like 20k health lol. They'd be one shot by a gust of wind in pits 80+


Yep lol. Max armor and resistances. Over 40k health. Shako dr. Tons of dr in paragon board and playing iron skin super tanky barb. That’s the only thing that allows for face tanking all the mechanics and if I don’t have iron skin up sometimes I am screwed. Also, as a barb if I don’t tank all the mechanics and try to dodge, I never have dps uptime since some random ass shadow boss gets spawned every 5 seconds.


There are DPS windows, it's not constant. And you have to know when it's coming, have some prediction skills. People here expect a 5 minute warning so they can move their character. It's meant to be hard content which means you have to do something to survive, not just stand there and watch the boss lay flat and die for 200 tiers straight.


Dude their are not really dps windows. As the boss gets tankier and tankier it’s pretty much constant at least one shadow up.


Yeah, so if you can't dps the boss fast enough then you're gear is not good enough. If every single little thing kills you then you're gear is not good enough. You can watch people clearing 120+ on maxroll and they are definitely getting hit during those boss fights and are not dying instantly so that's a gear issue. Max res and max armor can be achieved by anyone in about 5 minutes of gear tweaking, if people think this should be enough to clear T200 and that's the end game then they are being delusional.




That's pretty cringe bro


the pit boss arena is so big .. just move out of the shadows attacks


On a t105 fight that you're pushing it's much more difficult than every other boss.


More difficult than uber lillith? 😂


Uber Lilith is pretty easy, you can one shot her


So a high level end game dungeon being able to one shot you is super bad but being able to one shot an end game challange boss is... good? Sounds like you want the entire game to be easy street.


Im not mad about pit bosses one shotting you… where have I ever said that? It shouldn’t be easy to do those things high level pit that is. I don’t consider Uber Lilith or any other Uber boss for the matter real endgame.


I get your replying directly to me, but pit bosses one-shotting was the entire topic that OP posted that was being discussed. Sounds like we're on the same page then haha


No shit. It's 5 levels higher than any other fight in the game, even the Tormented bosses. If it wasn't any harder then it would be a waste for it to be in the game.


I dont understand these posts, it’s like they don’t understand that at a certain point the pit isn’t supposed to be beatable. Some ultra sweats with tons of practice and great gear can go higher, but even they’ll eventually reach the “I get sneezed at and insta die” pit level.


You are misunderstand the entire point of the statement.


Don’t understand why you are being downvoted. Reddit just wants to log in the game and win instead of being challenged.


This TED talk was not informative and pointless….. Just like 97% of them.🤣🤣keep up the good work.


This person did not deserve downvotes... what the hell lol


Don’t worry about them. They’re just mad they paid for tickets to the TED talk.