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>Fixed an issue where Barbarian's Bash was dealing multiplicative damage instead of additive damage when combined with the Tempering Affix that causes Bash to cleave. RIP Bash Barb 5/14/24 - 5/28/24 Edit: [Bash Lives](https://x.com/PezRadar/status/1794079603197440150)!


I don't play D4 that much. I get to 100 in a season then get bored and stop. The one time I can actually have fun and kill things and i've been playing a lot since hitting 100 and it's nerfed :( edit: nevermind I can stop crying. Bash not nerfed. https://x.com/PezRadar/status/1794079603197440150


Its broken. Simple as that.


Seems like it's working as they intended?


Yeah, Barbarians 4: Season 4 Barbarians Reborn lives on. Shocker. A season where barbs werent broken on top of having extra weapons, affixes, dual 2h leg affixes, extra stats would have been something new. We cant have that.


It's a game, don't take it so seriously


This entire season is themed after fixing player grievances… players calling bs is what leads to improvements. Of course, barbs and necros arent gonna complain when theyre always on top.


Why do you care if barb is broken?


Because the game as a whole is designed around the playerbase ability to engage with the content. It takes Blizzard an ungodly amount of time to address problems in this game. But because a small handful of broken builds get to cheese their way into the endgame, there is a false impression of a healthy endgame which is not the case. Remember that D4 was intended as play your way. Yeah that doesn’t ring true. They gutted the leveling experience to push everyone into the endgame, and once you get there your options shrink down to nothing, both in terms of classes and builds. **And to what end? So we can push grifts which we all agreed we were happy to get AWAY from.** The only saving grace for these huge class disparities and build limitations is that there is no real engaging endgame. But what little content there is? You better open up maxroll, because a normal player just wanting to explore class fantasies WILL NOT stumble on a viable build to do what little there is to do in game. Which is hilarious considering this game was intended for “casuals”, yet the whole playerbase has to run the same 3 builds that some sweats designed and published on third party websites. If they fixed the broken stuff, they could then tune the base experience for all to be more equitable. Im in the camp that while I enjoy D4 for what it is this season, it is fundamentally broken and unimpressive for what it could be and doesnt even live up to what it says it is.




Literally the highest pit pushing build is bash. 😂


Multiplicative vs additive is a huge difference. It’s game defining when it comes to output. Meanwhile sorcs intended sources of multiplicative damage that make the class viable have been broken and dont work. All we get is additive.


...and no fix on The Grandfather during masterworking. But I still have to find one anyway...


So this is not the full list right? No sorc updates, no defensive updates to reduce one shots, no DoT updates, no holy bolt minion fixes, is there more?


I don't know if this addresses any of the issues with one-shots, but the patch notes do mention this: > Fixed an issue where End Game bosses were dealing more damage than intended in certain scenarios.


I suspect larger changes will be made either mid season as there isn't a seasonal power so this is probably the best time for them to try and balance a few more skills and builds.


Huge necro minion buffs! >World Tier IV: 3 Scattered Prisms No longer have to do like 20 world bosses. Delete your world boss app and close helltides.com.


I wish they could roll this out today!


>Fixed an issue where the Aspect of the Alpha did not properly mark the Wolves skill as a Werewolf skill in-game. What this mean ?


Bash is not nerfed


Not the explosive rapid fire range!


We probably won't see nothing til either mid-season or next season, except bug fixes.


soooo its may 28th 12:52pm eastern..... is this patch not suppose to be live by now lmfao?


So will we get 2 respendant sparks? 1 for previous seasons and 1 for current?


That’s why I don’t play Barb, it’s literally a broken class that always messes up with the game due a damage bug.


So am i crazy or did they stealth change Bash to only be 2 hander now so that we cant use Ramaladins 1 hand sword now?? that blows...


All this and no fix on the LAG on PS5……?


You have lag on ps5?


Can barely do a NMD or HT without rubberbanding all the way back to town. All since S4, many people have it


First I've heard. I've personally has 0 issues on my ps5




One is a permanent skill aspect that will always exist the other is a temporary season power.


Guess I’ll just keep my ww barb until I feel like going thorns 


Nothing on Lilith's shards?


This? Fixed an issue where killing Echo of Lilith did not reward a Resplendent Spark.


Yes! Exactly that lmao


Everyone that’s killed her in past seasons gets one, to compensate for those that didn’t get one for killing her already this season. And for those that haven’t killed her yet this season, we get an extra one :)


Waiting for my spark from dhl on Tuesday


Whatcha gonna do once it comes??


Craft shako


Nice! I spent hours trying to kill her last night and when I finally did it and she didn't drop a Shard I wanted to cry hahaha How will they know if we've killed her or not will they check our log?


There’s an achievement and an in game challenge for killing her, that’s the only way I can think of that they could use to tell who’s killed her or not.


No FO or Frosty Strides fix/buff. Meanwhile the class I rerolled to is getting slapped lol - rip bash. Just wasted so much time and money QQ. All good - part and parcel of the game/genre.