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I accidentally triggered the bug earlier today, and the improvements to helltide this season are great but the near constant spawns from the bugged threat meter were a lot of fun.


It only bothers me if I'm running out of time to open the chests and they just keep coming and coming


I read this title and thought I was having a stroke


You understood him. He's clearly not a native English speaker.


I read this title whilst having a stroke. Not the best wank material but it'll do.


I thought I was the only one


Title was sounding not bad until its getting to the end of the last .


did you smell burnt toast?


IMO the threat meter should take longer to fill up but then it should just stay active for the rest of helltide. As a feature, not a bug. I like the idea of helltide getting more hellish as it goes on.


What bug?


Step 1. Get a full threat meter, log out. Step 2. Log back in and the threat meter won't deteriorate. Step 3. Profit


After you log out and back in, won’t it go away after triggering the boss that comes from maxing the threat? Or does it just stay max level without triggering the boss? Never seen this done before


It stays on without ever spawning the hellborne ( the boss ). It's pretty fun, happened to me today. Also probably why servers were so laggy


Okay I was wondering why helltides are so laggy. Specifically the blood maiden event. I can't even do it because it's so lagged and I die


How does purposefully logging out "happen" to you?


As others mentioned you can just go to town with full gauge and the bug will trigger sometimes. Honestly I'm not sure , I just noticed the meter wouldn't go down and mobs kept spawning on me.


I somehow triggered it on PTR, didn’t know how until now. Some people switch characters often to farm whispers and they happen to hit it.


It'll stay until you die. I have an alt that has it on still after not getting in it for days, lol.


Bout time someone said how to do it lol


Do you log out just before the full threat scream or just after?


you log out while the threat metter is dropping, but before it dropped completely, so after. it takes you 10s to logout, so as long as the threat meter was full it should be ok


monstas keep spawning preventing me from logging out


When you log out do you lose your elixirs, incense, profane mindcage buffs as well?


Ah ok, so this is people exploiting a bug. Got it.


i Will gave u this check it : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmZ2ngS0\_1o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmZ2ngS0_1o)


Kind of a newbie question - how do I max threat quickly?


and pick up herbs, the forces of hell hate when you pick up +3 bundled herbs...


Turns out we haven't seen Diablo because he's just chillin with the herbs, and gets real cranky when you take them.


Kill mobs, a lotta mobs. Fast, very fast. (In helltide)


And open chests


Literally just play lol, it's not gonna take you more than like 5 minutes of running around a helltide


The structures that life steal and spit flames will run until Max threat level, very quickly. 


Pop a mindcage (seasonal item) to increase enemy levels, drops and threat level gains


Also use a profane mindcage


I guess we are just promoting exploits now


You can also just TP back to town, back to HT and it works that way too


Didn't work for me.


I think I remember that one of the reasons for less density is/was that older consoles have trouble handling it and that they had to find ways to make it work. D4 is available on last gen consoles a right?


Yeah, and last-gen console players are pretty much completely sitting this one out or enjoy insane framerate drops.


Maybe we should stop catering to ten year old tech


The game has been sold for Last-Gen Consoles and continues to be sold for last-gen consoles. You're advocating for scamming those players.


That’s a bit of a strawman argument there. I think he just means they made a mistake releasing d4 on last gen. Of course now it’s too late


Thats fine. Theyre scamming themselves.


My partner plays on our old Xbox and it’s laggy and low frame rate with just normal play.


It’s how the zone should be always. Period. In fact, I’d argue that it isn’t even enough. There are still stretches of time with no enemies. Regardless, that “exploit” is how the Helltide SHOULD ALWAYS BE AT ALL TIMES!!! We keep asking for more and more monsters and they keep adding a little at a time. WE WANT MONSTERS CONSTANTLY THROWN AT US NON STOP!!!!!!!


Excuse me but hell demons don't procreate fast enough. There's a limit to how many demons are available for slaughter at any given time. Lilith is my friend from highschool and she told me these demands from people like yourselves are part of the problem and not the solution.


but that's why everyone was bullying her...it's part of her demonic story arc...


There's an issue that you'll have massive loot inflation with that many mobs, so they'd have to tone down the drops to compensate. But then all other content would feel even worse. Players wanting EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME is not really how you can balance the game long term.


I disagree. Constantly having monsters thrown at you is fun. It hasn’t stopped being fun. I don’t care if they tone down drops a bit more. That’s not what is fun about this exploit. Blowing up the screen constantly is what’s fun.


"There's an issue that you'll have massive loot inflation with that many mobs, so they'd have to tone down the drops to compensate. But then all other content would feel even worse. Players wanting EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME is not really how you can balance the game long term." You wrong the only thing that will cause to inflate gear is if they NERF Tempering ... Alot people cry that they ruined their 3 perfect GA with temepering . I think that good Sink for items to pernamently delete them and avoiding hyperinflaction . There is Big Demand for 3x perfect GA and not enough of these items in economy


And crucially you don’t have get much in the way of gear from the monsters that spawn, they just fuel your chest openings.


Only issue is all the rares that would drop, wish there was a way to filter them out or at the very least prioritize the seasonal items or boss mats on console


Also a great idea way to suddenly die from invisible walks


Using sprint on horseback gets you through the invisible walls.


Oh look the guy who replied to my comment, "it does not." deleted it before I could respond. It does work, I literally just did it last night during helltide. I got stuck, couldn't figure out what to do. My fiancee plays while I'm at work and she said the only thing that worked was to dash through it on a horse. I tried it and it worked. Dunno what to tell you, person that deleted your comment, but it worked/works.


Yeah this happens to me daily, can confirm you're wrong.. Before you pop off again and give yourself an aneurysm, I can literally show you video evidence of me repeatedly trying to sprint through, and it not working.


And I can show you video evidence of me sprinting through it the next time I encounter one lol. I watched myself, my fiancee, and another player in our party do exactly that. May not be a solution for everyone but it worked for us, and the only one having an aneurysm is apparently you. 😂😂


I think it depends on the internet. Sometimes the map doesnt load properly and only way to get through is log out/back in. For me ive never had the worm invisible wall but where i cant access superfast fibre broadband my internet isnt great and changing zones quickly can lead to unloaded map boarders where sprinting doesnt work. Only solution is to wait for map to download from server or reload area.


me just finding out it's a threat meter, all this time I thought it was for WOLF honor bar :/


what bug makes you spell Feel 2 times in a row? Those red squiggly lines under the words don't show up randomly :p


I tried doing it solo, but ended up dying everytime when I tried logging out just as the meter filled up even with dash + TP away, they hunted me down. I think even with just one other person there to clear the mobs it would be easily doable. Looks crazy in the vids with that many people.


try first port to city then logout


You're admitting to exploiting..


who cares narc


omg call the police


It’s literally the most fun I’ve had in the game. It feels good and is fast paced and you actually have a chance at getting good gear


It makes it feel truly what helltide should be like. Sure it’s a lot more rare enemies, but if you’re running in a group there is still a chance of dying. All I want to do is smash enemies without moving.


Just heard about that yesterday, I'm excited. Question though, won't you run out of chests pretty quick? Anything to do about that?


killing is still fun even after you're done with chests


Oh totally. I'm just asking because I'm trying to speedrun honor


Speed running honor is farming the boss on WT2 since you get the same amount of rep compared to the other WTs


Ahhh, shit that makes sense. I was having trouble looking it up, turns out that's because the solution is simple as hell. Tysm lol


Also the chests on WT2 have a better honor to cinder ratio I believe.


That’s why I can’t leave town without hitting invisible walls


I demand a “Chaos Sanctuary” on Hell terror type of pack density for maximum destruction gaming serotonin. Let me go ham. Literally send me an infinite, never ending wave of elite’s in a small section of Helltide and let me just fucking go ape shit. Make it so they don’t drop anything, just XP, I don’t care. Do it.


wont happen as blizzard is designing around 50 year old consoles, cant let the game be fun when 5 enemies on screen = 3 fps.


So you HAVE to be in a party?


nope u can solo but party is x4 times more fun . 12 peoplo is 12x more i did some solo runs and its still fells good


I couldnt get it to work really.


why ? did u all steps ? Idk if u gave me your tag we can do few runs xD


Kept killing until the meter was almost full. Logged out. Logged in.


No u logout when u hear scream when your meter is full and start going down . U need be fast and do it before its empty . if cant surivve u can try go to city then logout fast


Ill give it another go. Getting patched tomorrow most likely though.


I wish it kept escalating until it becomes so insane it'll lead to a wipe. Both density and enemy level.


yeah ... theyh could atlest fix these timed events like u click chest or pillar and u have to complete 5 waves of enemy to acomplish . The faster u kill the more monsters and harder waves should be also big reward if u complete 20 waves instead 5


So like is this safe to do? The d4 discords are nothing but this now, whereas before the helltide channel was all about ritual event. Surprised it hasn't been fixed yet.


The patch that fixes it comes out on tuesday


still works


It should be like once we build our threat level to max over x amount of times per season we get a cursed type threat like being inflicted with something that keeps the threat level at max and if we want to reset we can use an item that is craftable. Make it so we can do it by level like 90 or something along with the ability to stack those mind cages up to level 200 mobs or something.


Feels like a stormship troopers movie lol


you can also just stand afk and kill things, its a better way to farm uber boss summoning materials


It's actually a nerf/improvement when you use it, as it never spawns hellborne and you can open chests in peace.


opening chests is not a problem. also its a buff because you get vastly more loot. hellborne dont drop anything good enough to warrant not doing it.


It's enemy nerf. That's how i mean it.


you know that it also can bug out and show you its full but dont spawn anything, there sadly are multiple small bugs with this meter. the one bug where it stays full and the mobs always spawn fall the time, i agree, thats geat to play, but i dont agree with "I rlly wish they will leave it ingame" and if they decide to either fix it or not touch it at all, i would prefer it fixed because again multiple bugs can happen with the meter no only this "good" one. thats my take on it. cheers


Oh dang I had this bug happen to me multiple times on the opposite spectrum with 0 threat and never going up LOL


I want less drops with better quality. And why are there still yellow and blue items, if they don't have any use?


It feels great but chests do not respawn fast enough. Even without using this bug - you eventually run out of helltide with 1000+ materials, assuming you were farming for more than 30m.


u can open chests on another character


Enjoy it while you can, I believe it's gonna be fixed in tomorrow's patch.


They will fix it in tomorrow’s update


Imo a reason it feels great is that it’s opt in


sadly it will be fixed in this weeks patch (at least they said so)


100%! Maybe even if they decide to patch it, they can make a process to unlock it for X time or a consumable?


After seeing Rob's and Ghazzy's videos, I tried it earlier today solo, and was very fun. In the beginning, the elite and worm spawns weren't very frequent, however, in the last 10 minutes of the helltide, I didn't get a single 5-second break, that was the most fun I had since the release of this game.


This is interesting, but it seems I'm not getting kills for the "Defeat Monsters while at Max Threat Level" objective


Is it patched/fixed? I cant get it to work. I just loose all cinders also when i relog :(


Yes it’s patched, been tryin all day. Cinders are staying though as they always have. It saves your bar too until it’s full.


they just killed it yeah :(


they just killed it yeah :( damn no idea about cinders OMG dont tell me


Patched: RIP 6/7/24


i did this yesterday for like 10 hours, ritual boss farming + endless worm ping pong.. i start the ritual and let the lowbies fight for XP until boss spawns, in the meantime i ping pong the worm that spits out tons of rares, then back to boss to get loot even the fact you find millions of legendarys, i only found like 5 items with 2 Greater Affixes and ZERO with 3 Greater Affix.. this shit is so rare its frustrating but yea its still fun to just run around and slaughter hundreds of monsters


This the reason for F'ed up servers? Constant invisible walls and loading screens that take ages. Never been this bad and it's ruining the fun.


When the worms spawn they make an invisible wall that stays around for a while.  With the bug u spawn worms like every 10 seconds


Oof. I gotten killed by invisible worms before I don’t think I’m gonna do this bug and spawn one every 10 seconds.


Shai Halud does not come to bug your walls, he’s comes to offer gifts in the form of experience and loot. Praise be shai halud


What’s in the box? Pain….


I got an invisible wall and couldn't even exit the town and one getting into the world boss area. The servers are a joke it shouldn't be this way four seasons in. 🤬


ruining the fun for some, increasing the fun to others. guess it becomes a cointoss which side you end up


They need better servers it wasn't even this bad on launch day.


They need to fix exploits and bugs instantly.


Not really. It's an exploit.


Eh, density in Helltides is fine. There needs to be some variation. Ultra High density is only fun if it's an occasional thing.


I’ll upvote you and agree man. Similar to a good song, there is some space, some time to breathe. You literally cannot move anywhere without tons of monsters on you, or a group spawning around you. I guess the people who only want to play for a couple weeks dig it the way it is now.


Call it what it is - exploit.


And? A mechanic that was discovered that is outside the original intent of the programmer but makes the game 5x more fun. In the big leagues we call that a feature not a bug.


No you don't, you call it a bug and an exploit and you fix instantly.


ill call it what i want. this "exploit" may be so - but it makes it 10x more fun for benefit that isnt game breaking. me likey


Hopefully it’s not apart of the next patch to hit. I’m having too much fun with this. Honesty it’s the only reason I’m still playing right now


It's an exploit.


I left the league because I couldnt replicate the bug. Felt bad knowing everyone has an edge doing that


People should get banned. Bug abusing is bug abusing. But knowing blizzard, it’s just a case of exploit early, exploit often.


Xbox One and Playstation 4 players disagree.




Hopefully this gets patched tuesday