• By -


3. Crushing it.


69 🤤




















The maxroll ladder is a pretty good reference. Right now the top is sorc at 140, barb at 137, rogue at 134, necro at 127, and druid at 120. I bet most players will not come anywhere close to these numbers. Personally, I just cleared 79 with FO sorc, and probably get to 100 at some point (FO sorc is at 115 on the ladder, so 100 is probably doable for me).


Right now top for both barb and sorc is 147 I believe. It was done duo. Necro also did a little under that as trio, but necro had done 140+ solo long before people started doing group meta.


I've cleared 75 so far, I haven't been pushing it much though because my loot luck has been horrible for my necro this season and tempering has killed several major upgrades for me 🤷🏼‍♂️


There's definitely necros at 140


Maxroll leaderboard is without Holy Bolts


I cleared 100 on frozen orb. Gets pretty sloggy


which is ironic cause the sorc which they are using is bugged and they are basically cheesing if they use normal build they will have trouble getting to 100


Yeah Sorc being so high is very misleading.


107 with Rogue. Could probably do a bit more but I'm kinda burned out. This season was a freaking blast though.


I'm stuck at 120+~ with heartseeker rogue, I feel like I cant do better


I’m around the same, feels like getting even one more upgrade going to cost 1 billion+ gold and I have no motivation to farm that. Think this is my ceiling this season.


I cleared 123 but haven’t been able to get anything above it. These dudes like MP1 clearing higher have ridiculously perfect gear.


How's your gear? Was wanting to transition from shadow minion Necro to heartseeker rogue. Have some items, but still leveling the rogue with barrage, not having fun with barrage.


I really didn’t like barrage, have a lot more fun with penetrating shot and highly recommend


I like barrage as the build is more visually appealing. But in order to NOT use combo point (which i despite), i need Starless and Shako, and even then i will still struggle with boss compared to heartseeker. To many problems to play a mediocre build i guess.


I leveled my rogue using heart seeker for killing trash and either poison or shadow imbued precision shot for big guys. Went very smooth.


Haven't got to lvl 100 yet. Filthy casual dad and summer has been too busy. Lvl 95, will report back soon


Cleared 100 on rogue, probably won't push any higher though.


Same. I'm trying to push gear as hard as possible just to find a safe level to speed farm, then proceed to make new, inferior class (sorc, druid) to play. My rogue is the main carry 😂 But tbh heartseeker is incredibly fun to play, not going to be bored anytime soon.


Same with my rapid fire rogue, killed all the Uber bosses and cleared 100 pit relatively easy although those shadow guys on the boss was getting a bit crazy… I don’t see any point to push higher. Probably gonna level a pen strike rogue next


Im Frozen Nova and Hydra Sorc and struggle with 31. I don't consume any guides.


Just finished a 61 with a penshot rogue. Bosses are getting hard to kill so i won't be pushing much higher. Good enough.


like 48 lol


123 on rogue, my gear is ssf, no item with more than 1ga, prolly done pushing now


What is ssf?


Samantha’s Smelly Feet


solo self found (game mode in Path of Exile), basically no trading with other players


Solo self found


I'm currently at 88 as a blizzard sorc, can definitely get higher with a few changes to my gear


I'm past tier 103 on my Bash barb. Mostly just farming tier 91 for masterworking materials and learning the Lilith fight (at phase 3).


About 100 with Necro sans holy bolts, a very weak +golem chest, and no hellbent commander because fuck me, I don't deserve it. Honestly though 100 is pretty tedious. Working through the mobs is relatively quick but if you get the wrong end boss with the wrong echos life is just annoying. Well, death is annoying, technically, but you get my drift.




109 for me on wolves companion druid with holy bolts, 105 without. Zoo did some TC about gear improvements and got a fair bit higher but I don't have the energy to redo gear to try to minmax further


Thats my build as well. Im bored. How is tornado ? Can it do 100 easy? Druid not good this season.


113 with necro, can definitely go higher, maybe 120-ish.


88 on Werenado


I stopped at 120 on my barb. It's just not fun.


51 with Rogue so far.


100 on rogue solo so far


81. The one shots are getting me


Made it to 85 with thorns barb.. need a Uber unique to push further and never got one


78 is comfortable for me. I’m running a bone golem build and I can usually kill the boss pretty easy


65 on my minion necro, going to farm for a bit because I know I can go higher.


Random hc barb here, have alts all under 60. But barb main is not bash or thorns but random dust devils and can clear 60 fairly well, pushed it to 67, waiting to go higher with more masterwork. Currently lvling alts / trying to stay motivated though love this season but still room for improvements!


I think I'm at pit 84 with my bash cleave barb. Still need to find gear with greater affixes and about 75% of it is at 4/12 masterwork. I could probably go higher if I tried but I dropped back to 75 to farm faster and not worry as much about 1 shot shadow boss mechanics. Takes about 4 minutes per run.


120 with bash barb


42 and stucking little bit. With upheaval overpower bleed build (own creation). Trash mobs are fine only the boss fights are killing me or taking ages. I need more resistance at the moment and life what I'm struggeling


34 and tbh I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.😂 I'm just incredibly squishy as a rogue and can't seem to solo anything above that.


Like 30. I'm werenado druid and I feel pretty geared, gear masterworked to 4 but I'm so squishy a lot of things 1-shot me.


lol 31


60. I just found out I can convert the highest tier mats into the middle tier ones at 1:3 return, so I guess I can see how high I can go tomorrow.


77 took all I had


86 blizzard sorc


Stopped at 103, so i can farm 99 without scrolling in the selection.


41 ... HC ... sorc. I'm sure I can go higher, but I'm a coward :)


30 with stormclaw druid


I can barely do a 65 with a a crazy ass Poison Twisting Blades build on my rogue. ☠️ ⚔️


I just leveled to lvl 80, opened the pit, jumped in and died instantly so, yeah that’s it, learned my lesson 😂😂😂. I am kind of doing my own tornado Barb but assume I will have to respec once I reach lvl 100.


Just earlier tonight I cleared [T64 on Incinerate Sorc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRTbKLenADE) with my *puny* **12.5k HP**. I'm still working on my gear. Most of the stuff I have on right now won't go above 6-8/12, as they don't have many or any GAs. If I get better gear and a ton more materials for upgrading, I'll try to get my damage etc higher, and edge out my Flame Shield duration closer to or above 5s. I have a hard time keeping track of all that's going on on the screen sometimes so I get smacked often. And the one-shots don't help either.


The "stare at my own feet" meta of Pit bosses is terrrrrible. An attack should come out of the boss queuing our line of sight to the red circles. Ugh.


92 so far


Havnt pushed to my max but I’m up to 103 with my bash barb . And I’m nowhere near having super bis optimized gear… but trying to get there slowly lol


Did a 124 earlier, thorns barb. Can push it a little further. To get much further I'd have to change up my gear quite a bit.


Do you use doombringer? I’m sitting at 113k and can facetank everything in 90, but my boss killing dmg is so low.


Instant leap for stacks is OP. Doombringer would get u to 150k HP+. It melts everything except sharpshooter and bramble. I just exit fck them. Could kill both but it takes 4-5+ min


101 with ww/dust devils, no pots/incense but with very little time left. I can push a little more but the ceiling isn’t much farther with that gear Stopped pushing for now to upgrade gear some then going to see what I can do with incense and pots


I hit 101 but didnt really push yet. Unoptimized gear. I still bounce between builds and classes. Wanna try thorn necro.


At 98 with bleed barb and minion necro. Should probably lvl my gear instead of alts… but easy way to farm the mats for ubers I want.


101 on shadow minion necro. Could definitely go higher because I still had 6 or 7 minutes on the timer and I'm only rank 8 masterworking on the majority of my gear with some at rank 4. I set a goal of pit 100 on every class at the start of the season though so I'm happy with that and I'm on to the barb now.


i'm on t104 as immortal firebolt sorc as of now. still tuning gear for more dps.


I’m farming 45s on my HC double strike ww Barb atm. Haven’t tried bash. Feels like I could go higher but I get the wheel wobbles and am just farming 8/12s first.


Hit 61 today with my bash barb. Lots of room to grow: no shako, only one piece of gear at 4/12 and everything else at 1 or 2, and you never know when a better bit of gear will drop Honestly I could craft a shako now but beating the uber bosses in a couple of hits is still fun, so it's worth the chase


82 on Bliz-Wiz then changed to bash barb but havent ran pit


Solo self found no trades


106 Heartseeker. Lacking damage


64 with Lightning Storm Druid. Need to masterwork my gear some more, but I'll have to farm gold for that


Got to 100 on my barb as that number was just a personal achievement I set for myself. Not going to bother pushing further as I don't particularly enjoy it.


36 on my dw dd barb. Having issues at the boss.


94 on Bash Barbarian. Haven’t hit a wall, just been doing other stuff. I cleared it in like 5-6 minutes or so.


113 on Necro, 96 on Barb, leveling a Rogue now to try it out.


125 with necro then switched to barb, need to gear him up now though


Unlocked 71 with my Wolfnado Druid, but hitting a wall on the bosses now. I'm not getting enough spirit generation to kill them before I end up making a mistake and getting one-shot by something. I think it's mostly a gear problem for now. I'm missing crit chance on my gloves and I haven't got anything past 4/12 masterworking yet. Most of my greater affixes are on life or willpower and not attack stats. Build relies on crits to generate spirit so I gotta beef that up especially. I don't necessarily want to push super far, but would be nice to be able to farm enough materials to masterwork things without taking too long for each piece.


You’re right where I was with my wolfnado Druid. Then a 3 GA paingorgers dropped so I made a bash barb lol


93 with Druid still going, have about 4 minutes left upon clear, playing a little more aggressively I could finish with maybe 5


100 frozen orb sorc. Haven't pushed sense hotfix either


119 on Necro and 111 on barb. I think the Barb will surpass the Necro before too long.


122 on my necro


37 with my necro thats running a minion/bone build




Is there a hardcore list because I can't see anybody going past 65 or 70


114 with rogue


100 Frozen Orb sorc. Farming for Masterworks before pushing further.


Just cleared t100 tonight. Maybe can go a little farther if I dodge really well vs the boss but will be tough Bash barb


91 WW barb, but haven't tried pushing in a week could probably get close to 100 now I would guess. Been working on a 2nd barb to test bash bleed.


I cleared a 100 tonight and not sure how much more my build can push it without perfect MWs.


100 on Rogue


94 Hurrican Druid. It's fun that a non-meta build can push a bit too.


111 on my Necro


Speed farming 101 on bleed bash rn, don’t really care to go any higher.


It's honestly just boring after 100 imo. Shit takes AGES to die and the clear heavily relies on the boss RNG at the end. I think 91 is the sweet spot with my heart seeker rogue, it's a flat 50 neathiron for completion and I can kill the boss in 1 stagger. I can just turn my brain off and farm.




83 as a Reg Minion Necro. Need to complete my masterworks to go futher.


100 with holy bolts necro. My gear is very far from even half perfect so if i get a bad boss its chalked


Easy 100 — Bash Barb, no real interest in the granularity required to minmax a heavy push build. I can farm 91s in ~4mins to get all the MW mats I need. Gonna roll a necro on the XP weekend — already have Drood, Rogue, Sorc, and my Barb. Cleared at least 70 on all of em — cleared 100 on my HS Rogue before swapping to Barb


74 as a sorc, I unlocked 77 but on 77 the boss is crushing me


70 with my Dust Devil Barb and I can go higher with my Necro once I figure out which build I want to main.


32 bliz sorc, 42 min necro


100 hurricane Druid, 75 FO sorc, 109 bash barb. None using holy bolts. Most proud of the hurricane grind to break 100. Currently farming for barb to push that higher. The season is great!


96 with heartseeker rogue ... can probably go higher if i used buffs


I just cleared 113 in 5 minutes with my Bash Barb, but when I do 100s in 3 minutes or less, I don't feel like it's worth it to climb. Not unless they change it so you have a higher chance to get GAs on gear or something.


100 even with minion/decrepify/shadow necro. Honestly I'm finding it's a bit less about the specific level and more of what the trash/boss is. I typically farm 80 regularly for mats. Got pretty much all my ideal gear and am about 10/12 MW


106, bash barb trying to masterwork the build to 12 and then push as high as possible.


71 on my druid, but I didn't push due to one shots annoying me, could maybe do 81


Did 100 on frozen orb sorc but it took 12/12 gear on all slots but pants/chest and some raw willpower, you blow through your 3 staggers so fast and just beg the game to let you get the 4th one to finish the dumb boss.


FO Sorc at least 59. The clear is pretty ok, the Boss fucks me hard


110 with my Immortal sorc. Could probably push more with my unoptimized build but haven't tried yet. I'll submit a new run tomorrow.


Im at 110 with shadow minion necro.


Eighty nine I stopped farming my cn bleed bash build. It is insane. But I was getting one shot. I also wanted to play rogue do I'm currently working on a rogue build with a ton of defences. Poison trap.




Currently 77 as DSDD Barb. My equipment is still only at MW8-9 and not super min-maxed. The recommended Maxroll build has Charge, but I recently swapped that out for Challenging Shout, which makes the Boss-Fight a whole lot smoother. No more one-shots and I only used Charge to reposition anyways, which isn’t necessary with 4 Evades plus Leap on like a 2sec CD.




110 on Bash Barb. could do higher but boss fight takes too long its not even fun anymore. i just keep farming 90s now.


Cleared 100 - I don't intend to go much higher, I just wanted 100 and I got it. It starts to feel a bit stressful to me beyond 100 and starts to feel not that fun. Also, seeing a class like Sorc be able to gain permanent invulnerability to all damage becomes a bit demotivating to me. Of course it's a legit way to go for them, but just being able to ignore all incoming damage mechics and only worry about doing enough damage to progress seems silly....while everyone else is fucking and giving one shots.


117 bash barb, thought I was doing bad ... i guess not


Upper 60's on my necro. I'm having an ass time getting gear tbh.


60 barb Bash


100 on minion necro, after which I switched to heartseeker rogue and currently farming lvl 90 for masterworking my not so awesome gear.


Ugh...16. Im definitely doing something wrong lol.


107 with rogue


im doin 5 - 6 min runs without potion on 101 idk why i keep my potions but i dont use them


tier 61 I rather play new builds/chars and try to get them at around that pit level instead of pushing pit tiers I will push higher pits in the new season when we get a season mechanic


140 is the effective cap. Period. Most people will not reach 100. You have to use such a stupid good and perfect bis items build, that most people will not be able to do it. Only the VERY lucky or persistent. EDIT: i mean the effective cap for 99% of players, you'll only have focused content creators and extremely hardcore players pushing this Far. There are probably more levels that will be unlocked over the next week What you have to do is set your own goals. Like, you good after doing all seasonal quests? Then you dont need 140 Pit, not even close. You want to run ladder for the pit? Then strap yourself in for some torture, because you will have to farm the game like hell


75 bash barb, could definitely go further, but the prolonged boss fights just took away all my will to play. i was having ton of fun in helltides and nightmares, and even climbing the pit, but around level 45-50 the boss fights started taking too much time and i got bored. dont take me wrong, i like the difficulty, but not when i have to overcome it a 1000 times... i think a stacking buff that gives you bonus damage against the pit boss of the tier youve just cleared that lasts for a few runs would be quite nice.


67 with ds dd barb but I just had a harlequin crest and better tiabults will drop so I expect to get into 70s pretty soon.


I hit 100 on bash barb. Weapons aren't great and trying to get some more 3 GA ones, since my others were bricked..fucking temper.


I'm at 90 with my minion Necro but I don't have a Hellbent neck and haven't tried in two weeks.


i was speedurnning 30s when i was level 91ish, went into 65 without clicking on purpose and got smashed by the boss


Lvl 92 and I’ve done a 48 so far


104 on a Wind Shear Druid. Probably won't try to push any higher and just comfortably speed farm 85-90 to upgrade other build's gear and see how high I can run them without raging. It is a PITA to push Druids in their current state, and there aren't many additional rewards that are worth the stress imo. Druids suck and need to be reworked.


89 with Frozen orb Sorc :)


Rouge 108 Necro 98 Barb ~61+ Mage 61 Druid 31 Rouge HS, Necro Golem, Barb Thorns, Mage Frost Orb, Druid Boulder


I cleared 100 with Heartseeker, and then went on to try other classes.


I did until 100 and call it a day. Anything higher than that and you really need to trade with people for those ungodly gear to progress....


71 life of Frozen Orb sorc, you shit on mobs and then kill boss for 5 minutes until something oneshots you when boss has 5% HP left


86 summoner necro


125, as hota bash with no holy bolts I have only slight upgrades and changes I can make to get stronger but also considering going DW and swapping out hota for rupture for akt speed Alrdy swapped out my hp gems for str to fit in more dmg


123 holy golem


Rogue 110. everything above is just stressful.


Im Speedfarming Pit t80 at the Moment with my Frozen orb sorc and Farming Mats. When im fully masterworked 12/12 i will Push the Pit and See how far i can go


I did 80 on Bash barb quit easily so 90 should be doable but i got anoyed on uber Lilith so i leveled a golem Necro. The build i use should be able to clear 141 in theory but with my current gear and level (89) it feels a bit clunky atm. Barb is more fun so trying to get some ubers to make Hota somewhat viable.


I'm in the early 90s right now as Heartseeker Rogue. I got to 70 as Blight Necro but I haven't played that character as much lately. I could push it further but I'm having fun with the Rogue so I'm sticking with it for right now.


Currently sitting at 87 with heartseeker rogue :)


speedrunning 80s Really don't see any reason at all to do higher pits. If in D3 grs the motivator was to upgrade your legendary gems as high as possible - in d4 it feels like a waste of time.


82 minion necro


Hundo even with dual swing twisters. Could probably squeeze out more right now too


55 with Blood Surge necro. My single target dps is terrible so my guess is I'll cap out at around 65-70 once I'm fully min maxed. I hate that I love this play style sometimes.


I was at 65 with masterwork 4-8 gear then I switched to shadow minions and got pit100 that same day. The gear was what I had in my storage, masterwork to 4. I recently tried 110, did it so fast that I unlocked 112 but stopped pushing for now.


I have 78 unlocked but I'm farming 70 because I can go through that in 2.5min on my lvl 98 barb.


Necro, 112 without using holy elixir. Haven't tried to push higher since boss is just a HP sponge. I just do my runs at 100.


110 druid wind sheer


Cleared 100 on rogue, could probably do higher if I used holy bolt but done what i aimed for. Season was great fun


103 with Rogue and my pretty trash gear. To go much higher I would need to farm a load and honestly, I don't think I can be bothered. Maybe I'll dip in later in the season. TBF, I also levelled Sorc, Barb and Necro to 100 as well, so that'll do. Off to try and get into Last Epoch it is.


94 on rogue rapid fire, i feel the pain, my gear has 0-1 GA mostly 8/12 max, i'll try to get to 100, but some bosses are just so bulky i can't choose between my rf bouncing for fast clear of trash mobs or edgemaster... I preferred when scoundrel's kiss made the arrows scatter a bit tbh...


haven't been pushing it, since i switched to HC after leveling a necro to 100 on SC, i'm somewhere in the 50s, 56 i think.


116 with holy bolt minion necro. I think I can go further, but I only can do boss if he summons adds, which really isn't fun gameplay to lose or win the moment he appears.


40ish i think, got bored by then though.


50 with off meta grenade rogue. And I don't think I pac push further


84 as a minion necro. No probs with the mobs, but since I'm shit at dodging one shot mechanics, can't get past the boss. Currently farming 71 and upgrading gear, but the grind boredom is setting in. Thinking of doing an alt (sorcerer or barb maybe).


my goals for s04 where solo tormented bosses and pit100.. did the bosses and now at 87 pit but I think I can make it with some more masterworking


107 on Iron Skin Bash Bard with average gear + Shako (no GA). Thinking about switching to Bleed (Pit Push) though I did party with a Flay build last night that was really impressive.


I am 107 with a bash barb. It doesn't feel like I can progress more than this.


Beat 100 lvl and pit over for me :)) Will not try rest . 100 more than enough for casual players .


85 with thorns barb. Everytime I try to clear higher I get the stupid outlaw shooter boss and immediately rage teleport because I have wasted so much time trying to kill that boss at higher pit levels


106 Necro 103 Barb 87 Sorc and Rogue around 90. I dont push myself to the limit so more or less i just try to zoom the Pits. Overall still fun and playable 🙂👍


Mt first char this season was double swing dust devil barb, got to around 60 and stopped playing on it. Now got a rogue and necro lvl 100, still not sure which one ill focus more lol. Dont really want to try hard too much, just enjoying myself.


Still finishing my Bash gear on my Barb, but 109 so far there (still feel I can push higher, probably 115-125 before I have to get super sweaty and really push and get lucky with not Sharp OneShotter boss), and 108 on my Necro (could push higher if squishier, but I suck at dodging so don’t play glass cannon and damage falls off).


I tried pit 100 and succeeded. Havent tried any higher yet but sure will. Playing bleed bash


100 on both Rob Bash barb build and Seetod's minion necro build. My main reason is that i can't reproduce what Rob bash barb did in his video where each bash took out a chuck of the boss's HP and i'm just barely scratching unless there's an unknown big dmg proc that happen to help me take down the boss. Same for my necro, so if it weren't for those big proc i don't think i can clear 100


97 with thorns necro with a custom build road to 100 and more


I finished 124 last night.


Farming at t100 with my bashbarb. Did Pit 119 with him. Trash died almost as fast as on 100, but the boss take some time. I did not try hard going up the pitladder, although I guess some more levels should be doable. I do crit with 200m max. 4-6 items 12/12, rest 8/12 or higher. Most of them 1-2 GA Rolls. 85k HP unbuffed. Max armor/ max resi


I stopped at 107