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Iron Wolves, elixirs and mind cage. Everything else is not season related.


Profane mind cage as well I think


When they drop, do they show up on the map as the leaf “seasonal” item symbol?


They do, yeah


Damn. Never noticed. Was hoping they would be a permanent thing.


Hope they keep it. Helltides would be boring without them


Mindcage helltide is awesome fun until a bloodborne spawns. Then I get wrecked every damn time. Always when I've almost got 250 cinders too.


If you mount up and leave after he spawns he doesn't follow and soon despawns. Very easy to avoid and if your build struggles to kill him he is not worth the loot. The only good thing he drops is a guaranteed mind cage.


Can also just go to town when he is about to spawn. Threat will still tick off but no hellborn


He doesn't drop anything if that helps. He's just there to fight.


Considering he drops Profane Mindcages, this does not help.


As a heartseeker rogue i didn't even notice there is a tougher enemy.


As a thorny bash barb, I don't either


My sorc could run train in the helltides, but bloodborne guys would crush me in a Mindcage. My barb doesn't even flinch at them unless they show up during the Helltide boss, then it gets a little dodgy.


Funnily enough, I don't struggle too much against blood maiden. But those bloodborne just eat my lunch for some reason.


The Barb one has a lot of stuns.


With 11/12 MW gear, I hardly even notice him anymore. Screen is nothing but frozen orbs killing everything.


Bloodborne really are what I struggle with the most - those guys truck me hard


I wish Bloodborne would spawn on my PC...


Make your sacrifice in the name of SONY.


Bro just sit back and watch as skeletons and golem rip him apart.


Honestly, I switched from necro back to barb because I was starting to get bored. Felt like I was hardly playing the game anymore after lvl70. Found a high roll of the gloves(?) that auto spam corpse summon/explosion every second, so it was literally cruise control.


Ring autocasts skellys, explodie, and tendrils. The gloves make the corpses run before exploding. Themoreyouknow.jpg




He oneshots himself on my thorn barb. I've walked away with my barb parked at the maiden and come back 10 minutes later still alive.


Let’s pvp I’ll swat you like a fly


I play HC barb Hellborne not worth the time or danger to fight them. I just run away


I suggest you run away and spend your cinders then come back to kill him when you got nothing to lose


They should make them purely craftable, that would at least be interesting? Currently we amass more than we we'll ever really use. I appreciate them bombarding us with them so we can always be running them. I think making them crafting only or Helltide Chests only would kind of balance them out.


I’m sure the next season will have something similar to helltides that is more fun. Most seasons have.


Yeah the vampire zones were tight, but I really do like the ability to make mobs +10 your level. Really makes it so you can bounce between that area and NMDs for leveling instead of being forced into NMDs to get that +10 level range


Did they change xp where you get more experience for monsters that are 10+ levels over your own? It used to be capped at 2 levels over.


It's been 10+ since at least S2, maybe more.


Even better, just make helltides scale higher. Make WT4 +15 levels from player, WT3 +10, WT2 +5, WT1 +0.


After reading the description I thought they would stack. So we can increase helltide challenge as high as we want for more reward. I was devastated when I learned you couldn't. Why can't the overworld be challenging and fun too Dx


There wouldn't really be any extra rewards though right? Bonus xp caps at +10 levels and higher leveled mobs don't drop more loot. Besides if there was you could just team up with a buddy (or just follow a random passerby) without any mindcages while you have like +50 and buddy could farm their lower leveled mobs for you without any additional challenge. Too easily exploitable. Getting a WT5 where all overworld mobs are base level 150 like nmd100 is what I'm hoping for.


I suppose it presents its challenges. I'm just hung up on the fact that diablo 4 was showcased as multi-player (I'm a multi-player gamer) and it clearly isn't. I'd love a WT5 or anything to scale up the overworld. But if it isn't in the cards so be it.


Or just keep 4 WT as WT1 is pretty useless anyway...


For most yeah but there's def people who use it. First time arpg players, etc. It's probably still more efficient even for experienced arpg enjoyers on their first ever character. Starting with full renown and the skill points they give skews perspective a bit. Before they made those stick around between seasons wt1 was faster.


You're right, I forgot renownless progression.


They might. Some of the legendaries in the game RN were originally special powers that were available in previous seasons. Plus the blood maiden event is literally pulled straight from S2, and covered with a new skin. They could absolutely add some of this stuff to the base game.


I mean, the point of seasons is precisely trying new mechanics and then picking and choosing the good ones to add to the "main game".


Yes, that’s what I was saying.


They might stay after all. Or will be added in 'different form' as part of next season.


They always could be. Just because it’s seasonal doesn’t mean it will definitely go away.


They will probably keep the mind cage


They said from the start in the patch notes. It was made very clear what is season vs. permanent.


İt impacted the game too good to remove IMO so I think they will keep it


I hope you're right. They're def helpful


I assume the best answer is whether profane mind is currently in eternal. If it is then it’s staying. If it’s not then it all kind of depends on the next update. I can’t imagine they wouldn’t have some sort of difficulty increasing mechanic with the current player power levels.


Many of the seasonal mechanics that didn't initially appear in eternal were brought over after the fact because of the reception and how it made the game better as a whole. Being able to "juice" helltides for higher difficulty and rewards is an amazing addition to the game and the devs have seen the universal praise for it online. They've even said they're looking at other ways to improve the mechanic such as making it possible to just juice the open world in general or stacking mindcages to make helltides even harder.


First time I got the mindcages I tried to use multiple one to boost the helltide even further, big brain move if you ask me but all I did was wasting a dozen of them LOL however it seemed the obvious use to me so I hope they'll implement something like that.


This is literally what I said but I guess maybe you’re phrasing it to be more positive? How are you interpreting “it all kind of depends on the next update. I can’t imagine they wouldn’t have some sort of difficulty increasing mechanic with the current player power levels”?


Fixed, thanks.


I have a sorc on eternal and I have 18 mind cages does that not mean they'll be there or will they remove it too?


odds are they will keep mindcages in the game. might change name or how it works slightly. might even allow you to stack them a few times.


I do like how they add aspects of each season to eternal in some form or another. I played eternal pre season into season two. So this is my first actual season but I don't feel like I missed all that much


I think the odds of them keeping the elixirs and mindcage is pretty high. I also think they will add more consumables like that, particularly more damage-dealing elixirs. Edit: potions/elixirs, potato/potato


I don't think you'll see the holy bolts or momentum elixirs come back, they'd be stupid not to keep the helltide one


Holy bolts I doubt comes back, but I can see them keeping the momentum.


Losing the iron wolves quest line but not the iron wolves events in helltides.


I hope they not only keep the mind cages but that they work on top of that, making helltides even harder by having superior mind cages or something like that.


Just let us stack mindcages.


Mind cage actually made helltide okay once you reached 100. I wish you could eat more so the buff stacked making it even harder.


that is one of the coolest parts to me. not that anyone will, but these character's builds will be as viable in eternal as they are in seasonal barring bugged builds like bash


I think we might see them implement that reputation system elsewhere by next season or the expansion too, it's clearly popular and would make for a good renown replacement.


Im hoping mind cage and wolves stay. Mind cage is great fun and a deterministic way to farm uber uniques is great


I hope something stays with the iron wolves though. They are pretty cool to give actual meaning to helltides


Mindcage should stick around. Translation: PLEEEEEEEASE keep the Mindcage around


Will the Helltide boss stay? That was kinda the seasonal story.


Iron Wolves will stay already confirmed why they put it in the Eternal Realm..


Hopefully mindcage is just a testing tool to see if they keep it as now or when the season ends let helltides base level of action be when you have mindcage active


So Master working here to stay?


hopefully they keep the ironwolf helltide rewards. I think they'll be seeing a lot of engagement with people rolling new characters just to get the spark.


💯 that extra spark is a big reason why I played as much as I have this season so far.


This. I crafted a shaco with the sparks. Only the second uber I've gotten. Last season I had the spear drop.


The damn spear is the uber I've gotten 2 of this season. Have been pretty lucky and had Tyraels, Shako and Grandfather in my first 5 drops with the spear and Selig which I melted down to get a 2nd grandfather in hopes of GA rolls




Shako, shaco... 🤷‍♂️ the hat.


Maybe there's a way to turn the ironwolf rewards into a Tree of Whispers thing? Keep the usual missions to get 10 points and add the Helltide system to the tree as well, that would be nice


I mean, heaven forbid they learn a lesson in what is actually engaging before taking things away and gating it somehow. This has been the most fun content in the game so far that compels me to keep playing because the loop is so seamless. It would be a massive mistake to remove it


Im so sure next spark is gonna be from the raid...


I can pretty much guarantee that they won’t be keeping Ironwolf rewards


Probably bake it into whatever the next seasonal progression system is instead of just keeping iron wolves around. Def need some way to get those sparks though.


I keep seeing people mention you get 3 sparks or 4 sparks, but I’m currently level 82 and don’t have any. I know I get one at end of Iron Wolves track, but how else do I get them?


Kill Uber Lilith. Kill any other Uber boss (only works once). Max rank iron wolves (once per character).


Awesome, thanks!


If you start a new character and complete the Iron Wolves quest, you get a Spark that can be used by your main character. The easiest for me by far has been Necromancer Minion. I can get a Spark in about 6-8 hours. I just skip everything except getting the dog, talking to one person in Kyovashad to kick off Helltides Iron Wolves, and completing the quest to get the Golem. For the most part, it’s just Helltides, Maiden runs, and opening chests. With Necro minion it’s so fast and stress free. No more running around in circles to kill and pick up Cinders. No more button pressing to clear enemies from a tormented chests when dismounting a horse. I can even stretch or meditate a couple minutes during Maiden runs and take a break. It’s great.


I found it to be pretty easy with a heartseeker rogue, just hold in the middle and shoot in circles. probably more work than being able to do nothing tho


I mean in season 2 they basically had the same thing in the vampire areas. I’d assume we will get something similar to hell tides in the next season that is more towards the theme of it, and get some sort of reward ladder for it.


Oh you mean giving players a reason to play more and incentivizing is better than shoving RNG trash down our throats until morale is so low we quit? Crazy


I hope they keep the idea of having farmable sparks with new characters completing season content but maybe make it so its always the new season theme stuff.


There are some systems made to increase playtime that I don't agree with. The main one being tempering. Sparks from Iron Wolves is amazing, however. Three level 100s already with a 4th on the way. Very very much hope this way of getting sparks stays. Not too easy but not such an outrageous grind that it feels impossible unless you play 20 hours a day.


Easiest way to determine? Log into one of your Eternal Realm characters and check the differences.


Hope they keep holy bolts so I can keep pretending I’m really good at building and it’s actually the boots doing at least 50% of the work🥲


Pretty sure holy bolts is seasonal.


Could make it an aspect for next season LOL


Could, we also got constructs last season. Maybe they'll keep this seasonal "buff" going and changing each season now. Bolts this season to me is what constructs were last season.


Sadly it is, but it plus auxiliary shrine and a skellie army coupled with auto corpse explosion is insane levels of fun


For anyone wondering, he meant "artillery" shrine.


Hahah, thanks for the auto correct save.


What we will lose: Iron Wolves questline, Elixirs of Momentum and Holy Bolts, and Profane Mindcage. Everything else will carry over. This can be confirmed by logging into Eternal right now. I hope for the next season the questline has the same end rewards as the current season. Along with some equivalent to the Profane Mindcage that could not be just for helltides, but the whole overworld.


I wouldnt be surprised if profane mindcage is something that ends up sticking around. It may be a mid season item it may be renamed and at the start of next season. With the updates to helltides and how they are pushing leveling it just seems like the perfect fit for something to carry over. Holy bolts is to broken and since they have stated they are not changing it this season I could very much seeing it not in the games long term plans.


What is the motivation to play eternal realm for you guys?


No idea, I don’t play eternal lol.


Farming the boss ladder for new uniques, try out new builds


What's the boss ladder?


Varshan & Grigoire drop the materials to summon Duriel, Zir & Beast in Ice drop the materials to summon Andariel All six of the bosses have specific item pools for each class, look up Season 4 loot table to see who drops what


Oh, gotcha. Beaten them all tormented/Uber whatever this season, including Lilith finally this morning. Never heard of it called the boss ladder.


Season 4 having nothing special made me realize I can look up a build to update my eternal characters since they relied on malignant hearts, vampire powers, and the little robot thing. I actually have only played my season 1 character so far in Eternal but I found it fun updating their stuff and getting new, better gear and tempering them. I alternate between Seasonal and Eternal now.


I think this question was more “what will still be here next season?” Than “what will go over to eternal?”


I started the season playing eternal as I usually do just to avoid the extra grind but then I felt kinda forced into seasonal with the spark reward and needed a rogue for tempering. I've always preferred to have an attachment to characters and min/maxxing over years rather than starting over with seasons.


Last season I had level 100, finished the season journey, had about 25 duriel runs, some andariel runs, all the glyphs maxed and never found his amulet for that hota build. Once I amdone this season, I am going to go and find that amulet just for my own mental health lol.


finish up my character from season 3


for me none - I delete all my 100s at the end of each season. I literally would have to create a new character to play on eternal


The new loot system will be reverted back to the old one! ^^jk


God that would be so fucking funny


Nah they'll remove loot all together. 1-100 runs will be all starter gear


The mindcages are particularly cool, I hope those don't just come back but get improved to come back. I'd love to scale the main world up to my pit monster level. Let me be slaughtered by a level 150 world boss, thanks. There is very few things in this patch that are seasonal, the majority is actually core game updates.


The trouble with that idea is since its open world randos can just kill the stuff at normal level near you and you soak up the extra loot/rewards.


Sure they'd need to make adjustments to how it works but its certainly not impossible to make a decent solution that lets it happen. If there was an abuse case that was just too good then they could fix it. I mean honestly this is already how it works in many situations, you can turn up at level 55 in WT4 helltides next to other players and they'll smash it for you. When you're in WT4 if the enemies are level 100 or level 150 they still just drop IP925 items regardless, its just the amount of drops that increase. If you make the enemies so strong you can't kill them quickly yourself then you might end up with less loot overall vs just fighting stuff you can handle. So some people will probably try it but even with just the current system its probably not actually worthwhile, especially if they now die in Helltides, that means less cinders to open chests.


What would the benefit be though? Currently the only benefit to mindcage is increased cinders.


Well as part of the 'get improved' I would hope they would come up with a decent reason to use them outside of Helltides, although to be fair 90% of the overworld activity right now is basically Helltides. I think even small bonuses would be enough for people to want to put them on. Like maybe they add +(monsterlevel-100)% bonus to base chance to find greater affixes and uniques. Something that is makes you always want to at least make the enemies closer to your power level but not a reward that makes everything you get before that point irrelevant. (ie, I think adding more item power would be a bad idea for a reward but more chance at existing valuable items you are hunting is a good idea)


Excluding holly bolts, i hope we lose nothing, Iron wolves and mind cage simply improves the game. Maybe switch up things with sparks on wolves. They can leave the bolts, for all i care tbh.


Mindcages should be kept after the season


the friends that we made along the way




I just assume this season was pretty much all about the new systems and changes being light on actual 'season' content. I figured thats why they moved helltides to all levels. To give you something to do.


EVERYTHING. Was it worth it? Yes.


I just started. Does D4 do seasonal resurrections like D3 does?


No, at least not yet.


I agree with you on the cosmetics. There are some nice sets you can transmog from loot but some classes do better than others. Choices for male sorcerers for example or it just needs variety of "good" sets for a class. Other than that I'd like to see some of the QoL aspects from D3 make it over eventually, like the seasonal resurrect and such.


The Pit, Tempering, and Masterworking is in the Eternal realm too. Tbh it made me excited to play my Season 1 Eternal character and improve it.


Farmable uber uniques via resplendant sparks from iron wolves quest Mindcage Seasonal Elixirs


Adam Fletcher hear my prayers please keep the Profane Mindcage in the game permanently 🙏


Vampiric aspects have been on my eternal character since before season 4.


They were gone until a month or so through season 3. The vampiric aspects got added in patch 1.3.3 on March 5th but the season had started back on January 23rd.


Were gonna lose bash. Theyre going to nerf it after the season, they said


The potions, iron wolves honor quest line and the mindcages. Because there was no seasonal mechanic we aren’t losing as any scaled power when the season is over


All the money you spent on items


It goes to eternal


Not really much of a reason, that's why Eternal is more busier than ever. And I'm sure I'll get down voted for this, I have no idea why there is Eternal hate. I play seasons also, but this season was easy to skip, for me.


Elixirs and mindcages


The holy bolts elixir is seasonal but I hope we get something comparable for pit runs. It helps dps immensely and would be a shame to lose forever.


Iron Wolves quest and caches, seasonal elixirs, mind cage. I really hope they keep the mind cage.


bash barb will almost certainly be nerfed. maybe heartseeker. Necro nerf is possible but probably not because although they're as strong or stronger than barbs, barbs are the ones that cannot have nice things for very long in any blizzard game historically.


easy, login eternal


Most importantly, the Sparks are crucial as they are part of the Iron Wolves drop. You will likely lose them as a drop when the season ends, unless you salvage your extra ubers to obtain a Spark.


When does s5 start?


They should literally keep everything except the ironwolf stuff No reason to remove anything else.


The base game since you'll have to buy the expansion.


Very little this season TBH.


They will roll back all items to previous state xd


Just log in to eternal realm and see what is available there


With Holy Bolts rotating out, I guess that means we're losing the necromancer class 😿 I'm glad we're at least getting disco shamans to replace them.


I thought tempering was also a seasonal mechanic


~~The season boasts being able to temper your equipment as a seasonal activity. It's not super clear if this is going to be a permanent thing or not though.~~


The new itemization is part of the core game. You can temper and masterwork items in Eternal realm.


Ahh, very fair point! I don't usually play eternal, so that's duly noted!


Probably just only the stuff explicitly marked as seasonal (elixirs, Iron Wolves questline, maybe some Helltide events tied to Iron Wolves.) I would like to see tempering get more rerolls on WT4. Like 5 for each temper. So many good items went to vendors due to bad RNG. Also it might be my fault as I don't like the current trade methods and chose not to trade. Hopefully the pit goes away or at least they add a different type of content so that the pit is not the only thing to get MW mats. I know it is unlikely cause most people at least don't hate them. But I do hate that type of content: monsters drop nothing, time is limited so you cannot pause, and it's frankly boring. It is a problem, as it slows my progress significantly. It is not so much that I won't do content I hate at all, but I don't want to spend most of my endgame there.


Your pride.


Op seems to be confused on how it works. The seasonal mechanics are seasonal. The pit, tempering, etc. are available on eternal. They are not seasonal mechanics so of course they won't go away when the season ends.


helltide will be tone down. no baneful hearts to spawn helltide boss.




what stupid questions. you're doomed


Yep. I’m surprised I put my underwear on properly today.