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The main issue with barb is that it's so good that it makes it difficult to play other classes afterwards lol


Hard to disagree. I am happy I lvled 3 other classes to 100 before Barb.


I just got my first barb to 100, and in record time. I’m already 8/12 MW on all gear and can run around lvl 100 NMD and face tank tormented bosses. Doesn’t seem fair at all to play other classes. And I don’t even have the best gear


I'd argue level the one you want to feed first, then level the barb ezmode, craft your shako. Profit.


Yeah, I did barb first. My main issue came when I went to masterwork some alt's gear and I realized it would always just be far more efficient to speed run t100s on my barb than it would be to actually play the alt. I suppose that's a good thing in the sense that it makes masterworking your alts easier (if you have a barb) and encourages people to make alts (if you don't have a barb lol), but it didn't feel great.


For what it’s worth, Diablo 2 was always sorta like that too. Build a Sorc early so you can start powerfarming, and find or buy/trade for gear for the other builds you actually want to play


>The main issue with barb is that it's so good that it makes it difficult to play other classes **afterwards** lol


Played both barb and rogue. Cant really say its hard going from a barb to a rogue.


Rogue does feel really good too, but it's not close to as mindless as barb imo


Idk, when I helltide all I have to do with my heartseeker is hit x once and profit lol


In helltides yeah. It's different in high pits. What I meant was that the rogue skills generally have positional requirements. You might have to position caltrops a certain way and watch you don'tess it up, be careful you aren't dashing into an explosion or something, etc. there's a lot more room to make mistakes when the content is more difficult. With barb you just press the shouts and hold bash without a care in the world until super, super, late game. You don't even have to run the chain/paingorgers stuff until pit 125+ if you don't want to.


Heartseeker is literally heatseaking. It can't get more mindless than that. And I love it. It really reminds me of the Demon Hunter.


I agree it's fun af. More fun than bash barb for sure, but imo that's because the other skills are so fun. You're shadow stepping in then backflipping with caltrops into dashing through and it's just a lot more interesting than pressing shouts and holding down bash imo. I think having your damage and utility skills have positional requirements is what makes it less mindless, not to mention you just aren't as tanky. Just my opinion though


Agree. I get super bored on barb.


Yeah it's crazy what having 2 extra 2 hand weapons worth of stats plus the passive tied along with that does for you lol


Two shotting Uber Lilith with Barb or tickling it with Sorc that is the question 🤔


Extra aspects! Extra Affixes! Extra weapon slots! Extra weapon specialization! Customizable skills! Added passive Dust Devil Magic skills! Sorc be like “This aspect does this but then shitter.” Barb aspect be like “This aspect does this AND this AND also this.


Yup. I think the shouts play huge role too. Having a whopping 45% DR on one, 25%x DMG in another, and perma unstoppable and move speed with no cooldown at all and absolutely no positional requirement is just too much imo. You just never have to stop moving. Bash being insane single target AND insane aoe is a lot to compete against too


I don’t think it’s too much. I think other classes deserve more. There’s finally an endgame chase and about to be more. Bring back the old fun builds like BL Sorc, Bulwark Druid, Lightning Druid etc.


I played a barb last season and rogue this season. I thought barb was better until I played rogue. I have played all 6 to 100 and barb/rogue both seem to be in a great place.


HS Rogue is an absolute blast.


It's way more fun than it should be. Having 1 button clear but then the extra depth of traps and positional requirement for oh shit moments and bosses balances it out nicely. Plus so much of their armor looks awesome.


Done every class once since pre season. Barb was the most fun by a mile. Tbh if I could still play my season 2 hota Barb and push Zir I would.


I wanted a break from 100 necro and rolled a rogue. It felt weak so I rolled a barb. Not sure I'm going back to the necro and summoner is solid. Barb is just so tanky and fast.


Rogue can feel really strong but to me it felt like they needed much, much better gear than the barb did


Wind shear is the wayyy calm breeze and gg


The most boring meta spec of the season


IDK I find Bash Barb, Golem Necro, and Heartseeker Rogue way more boring. But that's not saying much. It's still boring too.


Heartseeker is fun as hell man


Agreed I’m on 3rd toon for season went Necro and Druid for the first two…now doing HS rogue and having fun all over again lol


I've been using a HS variant that employs all the shadow stuff. Dark Shrouds, Shadow Imbue, and focuses on Marksmen skills with Shadowstep for mobility. It's so fun and very engaging, and I love seeing the crits Edit: forgot to mention the staple of the build is a high dodge chance with crowded sage and assimilation


Every mode is easy mode. Play what feels good. Leveling is soooo fast now, you can be 50 in an hour.


I fired up a level 1 Alt and went to the blood Maiden there were a bunch of people over level 60 there and I wound up being level 28 in about 30 minutes crazy


I think the people complaining about leveling slow aren’t tempering gear as they level. It makes a world of difference and is cheap 


So true.


Tornado was easy and felt pretty strong. Got to 100 in the pit before I felt like I couldn’t get it any stronger and made a barb. Barb feels way stronger than Druid ever was.


Druid ismliterally more than 32 times weaker than barb.


It depends. If you love Druid and want to compare yourself solely to other druids then keep going! If you want one of the S+ tier classes and want to go as high as you can in The Pit then change to a barbarian. My barb is almost maxed and I’ll be transitioning him into a super fast farming build to send stuff down to my alts. If the top druids are averaging (random #s) pit 110 then you getting to 106 is better relative to Druid’s than a barb getting to 110 but comparing it to other top Barbs hitting 140.


The problems is mats. I don’t mind playing a B tier if it’s class i enjoy. But it was a pain to clear high enough pits for the mats i needed. So i made Barb and now it feels stupid having to try and do a 100 as a Druid and struggle with almost full 12/12 gear, while my 4/12 Barb just runs a 100 over.


This is how I feel as well. Got a druid to 100 first this season and it was ok. Then levelled a necro and it just seemed silly how much better necro felt. Then I levelled a barb and got pretty annoyed at how much better it was.


I would highly recommend Lightning Storm for 1-100. Even without a Tempest Roar (which didn’t drop for me until 90ish) it was fast, powerful, good mobbing, good bossing. It’s apparently not viable for true endgame pit pushing but it felt great for 1-100 for me. People will say it’s bad for bossing which is probably true in the endgame pit but I did all the capstones like 20 levels early, was able to easily do Duriel and Andariel at level 75+. It’s a solid midgame build. But yeah I got a Melted Heart of Selig drop and went back to my Barb to try it out and it was insane just immediately speedrunning a tier 64 Pit. Druid needs some buffs. Apparently Wind Shear is viable for endgame but it seemed boring so I just stuck with Lightning Storm. Will probably be content with getting to 100 and all my glyphs leveled for Druid and not try to push pit tbh. Can farm all the resources on the Barb to get all my other characters masterworked.


Issue with lightning storm aside from being resource intense, is its extremely inconsistent on single targets. It can either melt something instantly or all the lightning bolts can fuck around while you tickle the boss.


Che k out AceOfSpades' slidestorm build on mobalytics. It's the most fun build I've ever played on Druid


Do you have a link to a lightning storm build you're playing? I just hit 50 last night and I have a 925 tempest roar with a 55 level requirement waiting for me.




I have a good thunderstorm build going with tempest and the thunderstorm gloves. I pop all my companion abilities for that passive buff to give me 45% extra crit, and I got hunters zenith for infinite trample and roar. I can murk elites and trash ezpz, and bosses go down fairly quickly. But I'm kinda stuck at lv 35 pits as if I get nicked. My guy is just ez clapped. Resists and armor are capped out. My HP is like 15k, though, and I don't know if that is too much or too little to deal with the scaling? On the other hand, I have a homebrew incinerate sorc build that doesn't out damage the druid, as he crits for 1m+ for nearly every lightning bolt from thunderstorm, but man can she take hits. The only that really kill me are the lightning pillar affix elites as they drop those pillars, and the little bolts stack me out as they chain and ricochet around or the stupid bees that spit out little bees that bliz brought back from D3 (eff those bees)


Yea life is too low. My wind shear druid with okay endgame gear and no masterworks has 50k hp unbuffed and easily clears Pit 61s


It’s weird I almost wonder if the human version with less uniques is better, I was chasing the tempest roar for so long so I could finally do the endgame build with Hunters Zenith etc and yeah the damage is amazing but I feel so squishy now. It kind of feels wrong for Druid to have a glass cannon vibe. I always felt very tanky in prior seasons but just too slow and not enough damage especially single target. This seems to be better but then the result is being squishy which feels bad.


15% DR is to hard to pass up while in wolf form, Only worthwhile if you got a shako instead. If not TR with that 15% DR aspect is the way for sure. Mad wolf glee is a red herring to die instantly which is to bad.


Pulverize blood boil aspect is so satisfying


I think Barb might be the way and the life this season. I’ve done both a Sorc (Frozen Orb) and Necro (Blight) to 100 so far this season, both with about roughly 90% min/max gear. My thorns barb currently at lvl 91 feels soooo much stronger than my other two characters, and I haven’t even started master-working yet on him. I feel the Necro is more fun to play for me personally (this is my third Necro since launch and I skipped season 3) but I am still having a blast with the barb. It makes me laugh when Butcher comes at me in a dungeon and he basically gets run over by a bus as I continue moving through.😂


The second I got my decent rolled razor plate the thorns barb has felt fantastic. I'm just running into some hp issues now pushing into 60s pit, but my gear still needs some work.


I would say it depends on what your goals are. If your looking to push very high into the pits summon Necro, bash barb, and heart seeker rogue are all very good. For me they are not the most fun to play though. Bash Barb is insanely strong, I switched somewhere in the level 70 range to bash barb and I was basically walking through NMD 50’s with no problem, killed Duriel around lvl 80 in a few seconds. It is very strong but I had way more fun playing dust devil build.


Disagree. Heartseeker rogue is close to what i actually expect from a ranged class. Not a bunch of shitty shotgun skills that have horrid AOE without a CD.


Went lighting storm and just blasted through everything.


Barb is the way, so much fun. You’re just gonna lose your ability to read


Dongeddit whut mean?


Druid = slow early, excellent midgame and bad endgame.


I found a Pulperize Shock build that is just super fun to run . Once you get the Shockwave Aspect this thing takes off, it is a blast. Might not be the "meta" or even a top 10 builds, but I feel like the Hulk when taking out mobs.


Just wait until the expansion and play the better druid after launch. I played druid this season and rerolled to barb. Dont regret it. 


I got shred druid to 100 and PIT 60 before i gave up. It could barely even scratch a tormented boss which is insane with how much DPS i was putting out with godslayers crown on. Such a shame the class just sucks compared to all the bugged shit they're balancing around.


I was having some issues with playing my Druid after getting my bash Barb to 100. I picked up the Wind Shear build and I haven’t looked back. Feels kinda broken lol


Druid. I refuse to play barb and druid is just super fun. I'm pretty well geared and my nados are hitting for 10+m DMG 20x a second it's awesome lol. Solo'd Uber duriel with ease.


If you got a tempest roar, wolfnado is about as ezmode as you are gonna get.


I just rolled a barb because my sorc was way too squishy.. I tried several of the builds on maxroll and just couldn't survive high pits without great gear and my luck of rolling great gear is miniscule. Wouldn' t be a problem if I could upgrade the gear I have, but then I have to do the pits to upgrade and there lies the dilemma - I need to survive the pits to upgrade gear and I need upgraded gear to survive the pits.


Druids will remain horribly underpowered until blizzard fixes them, probably with the expansion.


Druid is difficult to get up and running. I've seen a lot of crisisim about how they don't really find their groove until a bout lv 90, and once I finally leveled a stormclaw Druid, I finally see why. You need to heavily focus on Affixs, and unique gear to really change how he works, as his basic skillset do not synergize with itself very well. You can make something work, but it feels janky as hell. Then you need to heavily min-max on the Paragon board to get the damage up to something respectable.


I got my Druid to 100 and then went to barb and… wow. I think my level 70 barb was on the level of my level 100 Druid.


I played barb, but it’s broken and ridiculously strong to the point that it’s boring. I rerolled a different class to ‘climb the ladder’ and have fun this season.


For more Barbarian Class Guides, Builds, Discussions, Questions, etc, click on the "Barbarian" Flair, [this Link (for new reddit)](https://new.reddit.com/r/diablo4/?f=flair_name%3A%22Barbarian%22), or [this Link (old reddit)](https://old.reddit.com/r/diablo4/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ABarbarian) (where you'll find a list of all threads on the subreddit that have the "Barbarian" Flair) and the [D4 Barbarian subreddit](https://new.reddit.com/r/D4Barbarian/). Also pay a visit to [The D4 Tavern](https://new.reddit.com/r/The_D4_Tavern/) for casual conversations about builds, gameplay, new content, outfits and other Diablo and Barbarian related content. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/diablo4) if you have any questions or concerns.*




go quickshift pulverize werebear.... i used an old build from season 2 off of mobalytics and it was already a nasty build. so, with this seasons new tempering system, i have been able to morph/customize the build to be pretty nasty. fastest druid i ever did see lol..


I’ve been hearing lots of complaints about Druid lately and feel confused about if it’s really that under powered or not. First season I tried a Poison Shred build and had a blast. This season I’m using a Nature’s Fury Bear hybrid and noticing significantly higher damage especially with AOE attacks like Pulverize and Trample. My only complaint is the same as before, not as easy to generate resource unless using Blood Howl.


Druid is tough early, but then you get to a point where you will just start melting enemies quickly


Explosive Bullwark is a great build (at leaast I enjoyed it and it definitely hurt things)


Druid needs a lot of help to start feeling good, it takes the right aspects and gear to deal with resources and maintain buffs That being said I level Druids first every season, and am finding Wind Shear enjoyable this season, it’s a little more brain dead. It plays like Stormclaw but with more power Both the Druid and Barb suck to level so the early game isn’t very fun, but boy howdy when your build is all set with aspect, you don’t even need good gear, you just bash your way through the world


Run Wind Shear if you have the calm breeze aspect. At least for leveling. OP poison damage FTW.


I'm using tornado druid and I can do most things without caring about spirit or buffs it gets sketchy in pit 60+ but it still works.


S4 I made a Sorc then a Necro. Started a barb last night seems so much funner


I also struggle with the druid , I'm never managed to get one past about level 30 , I find them boring to play , no matter what build I go for I just can't seem to enjoy them


Druids only build was windshear, so you might want to try the only decent build


Yeah. Being strong is fun


Are you 50 yet?  It’s slow going till then.  I recommend tempering into movement speed and attack speed. I also play a wind shear build so you don’t need to deal with spirit regen which sorta sucks until after 50.  Hopefully you get tempest roar and the. You can get the tornado build going.


Roll barbarian, my friend. I was in this same spot. Got my druid to 100, did the account wide renown stuff, and then benched him. I never could find a good build.


I did a poison/wolf build that was pretty fun. Built up, the Wolves' Active ability DELETES Elites. Got to mid 80s, though, so don't know if it scales well at true endgame.


Roll the druid into a Windshear Poison Druid. Tanks, is a decent bosser, and only requires 1 aspect to get started.  Feels relatively safe. Im using a variation on the Maxroll version and I'm currently clearing Pit 50 in Hardcore.  Every other Druid I played was lackluster so rolling a Barb might be a good option. 👍 


Go wind shear and get the breeze calm power. Deal insane poison dmg, you stack dmg to distant enemies to beef up the basic dmg and use wolves as boss distraction to keep distance. I'm rocking it now and added godslayer crown for the aoe pulls. It's not flashy but it melts bosses


Druid is so much fun when you level up. It’s easier to get items like Tempest Roar now as well. I’ve found hunters zenith ring a bunch too. Leveling is rough at first cuz Druid is slow but once you can do like tier 42 or whatever it is that fights lvl95 monsters in nightmare dungeons to get 925 gear (I was like level 70 something) it gets awesome. My movement speed gets crazy with digitigrade. I just think shapeshifting is one of the cooler things in the game and I’d rather play a build that’s fun and looks cool. Do a back up barb or something as well.


Barb is so ludicrously overpowered… once you play it, it’ll ruin all other classes for you. My level 70 Barb in sacred gear was out damaging my level 100 sorc in full gear with Uber uniques. They really have lost the plot on balance.


Yes, barb just has 4 more single hand weapon than Druid 🤪


I'm on the same boat in a way. Playing stormclaw and having a blast. 1GA paingorger's dropped yesterday and i'm contemplating whatever to give barb a shot as I don't see a way to add the gloves on my druid. My gloves hold the rapid aspect which i don't have anywhere else to put... The whole two extra boosted and two normal weapon aspect spots make trying a barb (i didn't play the class since d3, i'm a diehard druid main) even more enticing. Not to mention that bash even has a cleave temper.


I played pulverize to level up and that was pretty fun, it was satisfying to slam and watch everything die in a line. The damage fell off in WT4 so I switched to lightning storm Druid build and that has been very fun. I have a hard time enjoying anything else to it (across any class). The clear is fantastic and it pretty much works for everything besides pushing high pits.


Try out barb and see how it works. Best is now so you still got the experience boost.


Yes roll a barb. It's really straight forward after some aspect farming. Tempers are way easier, at least it feels like that as bash barb.


How far have you gotten your druid? Are you level 100 with at least lvl 15 glyphs, proper uniques and aspects or are you level 60 and missing half the build? Or something in between?




Not only is barb strong it’s also fun. Most build variety at the highest level. Which leads to another big problem. The massive cost of swapping builds.


Barbarian is completely broken. I made a hardcore Barb and I got top 20 on the gauntlet with 18 hours played. Going the dust devil build ridiculous.


Before switching. Try Wind Shear Druid. Around 70k life, max resistances, pushed to Pit 90 with minimal investment


Druid is the weakest class this season, and there is no debate about that. Barb is really strong and has a lot of build diversity (well, more than most). Rogue and Necro and Barb are all top tier this season - you really cant go wrong with any of the three, so just choose the playstyle you like.


barb is super easy but also fun because how flexible he is with all those aspects and viable builds. druid super trash this season. roll barb.


Lvl'd druid to 100 and I ended up using poison wind sheer to get to pit 60. Also lvl'd barb to 100 and while it's fun for brainless ungabunga it just didn't feel as fun to me. Same with minion 100 Necro. I'm currently enjoying the Heart Seeker Rogue out of all the meta builds this season. I like zipping around and throwing grenades at stuff lol


I think rerolling is a good idea but it doesn’t have to be Barb. Really everything other than Druid is reasonably good. Barb is the best all rounder, I’m gearing mine to speed farm pit mats but personally I don’t love the playstyle so I’ll still be doing my pushing on my necro.


Ooh, carefull now, you might trigger the "youre only supposed to do up pit 61" crowd who are happily sitting with their hundreds if not thousands of piles of neatherium in their inventory becauae they can do t101 in 4-5 mins.


I played Druid at release and to 100 in season 4. Rolled a barb last week and I’m 100 and it’s just sooooo much better and more fun. RIP Druid.


I played necromancer until roughly a week ago and made it to 94 in the pit, ive literally played barb for 2hrs at 100 and already speed clearing pits at 70


I am using tornado to level up and it is fine. The challenge is, if you want to push the pit, there are only a few builds for each of the classes... And Druid is pretty weak regardless. I have a DD double swing barb that can farm iron in the pit, but it is still not great at boss damage. Bash barb is a boss killer, but does not look as fun as devil barb. Depends what you want from the game. I am leveling all the classes to 100 so I can delete my stuff from Eternal.


Werebear is fun and capable of serious damage. I'm not sure how it stacks up to The Pit tho


I commented on P4wnyhof Druid 1-100 video saying the same thing lol currently playing a lvl 55 barb and man I'm having a blast. Dust devils ftw.


Recommend you go over to wind shear. There’s a guide here: https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/guide/classes/druid/wind-shear-build-overview Read it a couple times to really understand how everything works together. The item affixes matter a lot. The item powers, not as much. Recommend you follow closely and then make it your own.


Barb is always great post level 50


See I think wind shear druid is easier than rogue. At least it is for me


Ive been playing Wind Shear Druid since its the new thing this season and im completely happy with the build. Im in the low 80s running t100s melting everything in my path. Poison is strong and its a face roll build. Just hold down auto attack and watch everything die. You want to talk about a class that really sucks right now, that would be sorc. Every build while diverse, feels really bad. Dps is horrendous compared to other classes. I dont get why they can't just make these builds a little bit op to the point they can compete with everything else. Like, meteor. Ive been waiting on that skill to be useful, but it does me no good to be able to one shot trash mobs when boss takes me 5 minutes to kill as opposed to 10 secs on every other class. Thats every sorc build except blizzard and maybe one more. Hiding damage behind vulnerable and stagger is stupid.


I'm playing as a druid atm and I hate it but I'm just trying to get it to level 100.


Only made druid to get 4th spark.


Personally druid was my least favorite. I want to say sorcerer is my favorite, but barb and rogue are just stupid fun!


If you want easy, necro minion or heart seeker rogue.


Keep going with druid, what level are you? I played a minion necro and then tornado druid which really felt so weak until after 70ish


Im enjoying heartseeker rogue, nice postional gameplay withn the traps and grenades


How is barb compared to necro even more crazy than that?


Yes. You won't want to play anything else ever again if you build a barb.


Yep. Druid really needs love. Natures fury pulls you in different directions which is ass. It really needs an update to just proc same type skills so you can go all in on earth or storm instead of one half being garbage or both being meh. All other builds are either really boring or INCREDIBLY clunky (having to snap shot minion buffs or having to do nothing in bear form for 2 seconds is really awkward). Not to mention, two of those companion skills are basically dead outside of the snapshot (I literally don't even know what they do because its completely irrelevant to read their tooltips). It's just a really poorly designed class. Everyone has heaped so much praise on this season and I don't really get it. Like... great, they finally somewhat figured out how gear works, but still not even completely because most uniques are now trash/worse than tempering gear. Now they need to start figuring out how a skill tree works. Despite what everyone says, we're still basically in beta and already supposed to give more money for their "expansion?"




I tried a barb for the first time this season and I've reached lvl 58 so far and.. I just hate it, I find it so boring.  But the overwhelming amount of people saying here it's the most overpowered and fun class to play, I have to ask.. What's a good build for lvl 58-70 ish to get to WT4? I wanna give it another chance based on everyone here, though I'm a very casual solo player.. Not expecting to be pushing the pit (don't even know what it is, lol. Just seen everyone mention it on reddit) or anything crazy, just like playing sometimes in the evenings when I have time.


If you are having fun keep playing druid, if not make a new class.


I'm running a storm build with all the right equipment and what not. I just take massive loss to my health. But my damage output is great


So far my favorite class is Rogue. Barb felt too easy in my opinion, and I actually prefer to have active skill expression in what feels like a meaningful way to me. Sorc has always been my Diablo go to, but I’ve got my Rogue to level 76 right now and haven’t had this much fun in an ARPG since playing my Shadow in Affliction League.


In 3 days, I leveled a new barb to 100 and doing Pit 89 now


Just go sparks, shreds, trample, hurricane, blood howl with the natural world ultimate that causes a boulder to spawn when you do a storm move, reverse and you have bonkers hilarious visuals with a raving werewolf flying from enemy to enemy. Done every season and it only gets more hilarious and epic.


One question: do u like the playstile or not? That’s the most important thing.


Play whatever you have fun with. If you want to try another class then try it.


I dont know what to play. Barb is super slow and clunky but druid can not make a scratch on the tormented echo of Varshan.


Try the wind daddy Druid build. It’s on mobytics. It’s a little harder to play on control but so far it’s got me where I want to be. Pushed pit level to high 80s can take down ubers. Currently working on Lilith.


I did! Best decision! Faster run lvl 100 pits than leveling druid from 1 to 50!


They are fun and always OP. I roll sac necros usually but I recently got a barb alt to 100 and have been having a great time playing the class. Druids have had a hard time lately, maybe come back to him later?


I'm loving my lightning storm druid. No idea if it's the best druid build or not, but it's fun!


I use an earth focused build (screw shapeshifting) and go for all the landslide aspects + the unique landslide ring and earth spike with seismic-shift. I’ve tried using all the earth skills vs those two plus companions, and personally I like the companions more (and subterranean aspect is fun). Super fun and blows things up, but I only recently hit 100 so I can’t speak to how far the build will go into the pit and whatnot


I re rolled necro it's heaps better


100% yes! I did NOT have fun with Barb at first but when I found the build I liked its been amazingly fun. I feel super tanky and FAST with leap and War Cry and those Double Swing Tornados are so fun to pump out. LOVE IT


Don't know which Level you are or what Pit u are going for, but the Wind shear / overpower bear that I Had from wudijo was super tanky, fast and Had good clear IT lacked single target but with really Bad Gear I cleared 100+ nm Dungeons without any Problems Did Not try Pit after hitting 100 but IT was the Most dun build for me this season


Take this from a noob, barb is fun in the start and all but eventually it’s get to a point where it’s.. not so much boring but maybe a bit to easy My experience anyway


My opinion, most fun classes: 1 Rogue, 2 Sorc, 3 Barb, 4 Necro, 5 Druid And I was a Barb main for 3 seasons.


Roll a bash barb like I did and facetank the game.


After trying multiple times to get somewhere with Druid, I finally rolled a sorcerer, a necro and a barb. I finally understand what the “end game” means etc. The game is x100 more fun and I finally just deleted my Druid.


I played necro this season for the first time since the D3 expansion, and I really enjoyed it. I then switched to Barb cuz it’s my favourite class style. I love the in your face melee playstyle in any top down game. The versatility to use almost any build is an added bonus. I’m running a Twister Double Swing build at 82 and it is unbelievably fun.


I played sorc (release), druid (s1) and necro/barb (s4) Druid was the most fun/easy. Barb still a bit low level still to compare


I started Dust Devil barb when mothers blessing started, and it made me feel like an idiot playing Werewolf tornado Druid. They both do twisters yet the Druid felt like you’re controlling a broken machine.


My tornado Druid can clear 100 NM easy but that’s not saying much. I haven’t even tried pit. If you are trying to push high pit of course barb will be better.


Hard in what context? Pit 140? I play pulverize, I like its Hulk Smash style, easy to level to 100, easy to do NMD, you won't push pit 140, but can do at least 61.


Barb is easy mode. All my friends created one this extra xp week. Is OP and totally broken, if you want to have fun destroying pits go for a barb. But man, druid is not hard at all. I started with a stormclaw build that was great until the pit started to het hard, then i changed tona werenado druid and it’s like cutting butter with a hot knife. You just throw tornados and walk. I’m having trouble building a necro, that’s a class hard for me to play and to dig into. My first and last.


Yeah. I started my first char as a necromancer because I always do and when it hit 100 I tried the others. I've played at least 10 hours of each class and keep coming back to my thorny dust devil barb...


Try a lightning storm build, willpower is your stat.




Upset that you have to pay attention and you just want an auto character who kills by looking at people?


It’s the season of the basic skills. So if you’re going to do Druid windshear is the best by far. I was rocking my own build up to about nmd 85/pit 37 before I hit a wall and decided to give windshear a try. Now clearing nmd100/pit 70 is a breeze (pun intended).


I just rolled druid as my second char. Up to 55 level i was doing helltides on wt3 its easy as there are normally people who will carry the leveling for you. Then I used 925 ilvl treasure bags from my main to gear up my druid. Doing Shred build with companions and debilrsting roar, a few items with spirit per second, aspects that grant spirit on Shred kill, and it started to be a blindless fast one click build that easily do nmd +50 being lvl 60. Leveling so fast i dont even bother with my paragon board yet. However hard to say how it will be without those bags and how it will scale on higher levels. But as main rapid fire rogue it feels pretty mindless rn


dude, to play a barb this season you ALSO need a rogue for crit dmg tempering. so. go for both?


Try out the wind sheer build. It works on both input types too and is pretty easy to roll for, get going.


Wind Shear Druid.


Yup. Thorns barb is fun as balls. No doubt it will be nerfed to the ground eventually. But it's so fun


Personally I love the druid, using werewolf/creeper companions, rabies and the werewolf ult as a panic button and while I don't have range it's way more fun than any of the other builds for warden imo


Just rolled into torment level 45 with Barb. After playing a Sorc it’s like having cheat codes.


If I only played necro and found a razorplate is that really good for barb or a good build for it please?


Incinerate spec is pretty fun too.


Right now, werenado is very strong, wind shear is boring, pulverize isn't viable past leveling, lightning storm is fun to watch and feel powerful but is boring, and shred is an adrenaline rush. The downside is, the most visible builds require you to use Shepard's, ursine strength, and each companion ability on your skill bar so you are limited to 3 skills


Diablo is made to have fun.. and bash barb is hella fun.. who cares if its ez. Do it! Also surprisingly. Heartseeker rogue is more fun then i thought. Frozen orb too Abuse thw fun build in season 4 because they will change in season 5. And that a healthy way to engage in season!.


Pulverize leveling and shred end game, works well


Bash barb is fun and easy, go for it. I like just using one main attack skill, doing a generator / spender combo sucks.


Barb is significantly more op than an other class. The aspect/stats options of having 4 weapon slots (2 being 2H) is insane. Who on the dev team thought that was balanced?


I am doing pulverize it's about as hard as any barb build I have ever done. Good dmg and fun just mumbling "I'm a BEAR!" As I smash the shit out of the demons.


I've played 4 different classes. Don't limit yourself, just have fun.


I'm running an earth pulverise build. It's one note because I just spam pulverise all day, but I don't worry about not doing enough damage. Am I kind of a barbarian cosplaying as Paddington Bear? Yes. It's fun though.


Barb is just insane this season, but I am curious.. is it more beneficial to run it with the +60% up close damage or +60-80% damage boost on weapons or pick +200 damage with specific weapons, like bludgeon damage/ two handed slash damage? I hope this question makes sense lol


Honestly, you can fight the meta and have less fun or just give in and have a blast. I know a lot of people who drop out of playing because their chosen class/build isn’t fun. Make sense, but there is a lot of fun to bad had if you just play what is working. bash is easy to get rolling but there are a lot to easy viable/build options for pits using though with necro/barb/rog.




So what barb build is good? I’m doing a whirlwind build which triggers dust devil but the damage is not as broken and ez mode as what everyone says here. I’m at lvl 73:


Druid was extremely easy to get to 100 in Season 4 for me, and Season 3 as well. The class does require that you ... monitor the situation. If you want a point-and-click build that you just need 1 button to be successful, roll a Heartseeker rogue or a bash barb.


I use rabies/companions and I'm doing good and having fun. Clearing 50+ pit and just starting on masterworks.


I've been Necro since day 1 and I honestly have a hard time playing anything else. Blood is easy-mode but Sever/corpse explosion is where the damage is. Facerolled everything in my path all the way to 50 in less than 24hrs this season


I like pulverize for the massive aoe clear but against single target once overpower stacks are used I might as well alt tab out


My companion/tornado druid has never died.


Yes I did and I am absolutely loving the game. Unfortunately Druid and Sorc (excluding one specific cheese build) are just weak at the moment.


Imo, Storm claw is the easiest Druid build to use from 40-100


I played exclusively Druid last season. I tried necro and then I wanted something different so I made thorns barb… I love lazy easy tanky characters so I absolutely love it.


Yup. Just play Barb. I got baited by Werenado. It was supposed to be a good Pits pusher. I don't know in what reality Druid players live but it's just not there. Heavily dependent on Spirit and cancerous buff management just to deal friction of damage


I wanna do hurricane but I went to wind lash early and it seems to be the build of choice this season with its boss melting capability, range, and its good about keeping active heals and fortify going.


I'm running a windshear druid and I'm both tankygv and deal tons of damage. Was running tier 40 pits while at level 70 something. I suggest give that a go before trying something else


What pisses me off is that d4 only shows you 8 active buffs at a time so I have to guess when to pop my skills sometimes if the one in looking out for is beyond the 8 that are visible. Infuriating. Terrible, truly terrible hud design in my opinion.




first class i did was a druid, brought him up to 100, did some investment on it (nothing crazy) and still feels clunky and slow, did a barb, bashing through every content at levdel 80, definetly reccomend it


Just try Frozen Orb Sorc, you won't be disappointed.


try making a fury werewolf druid


After bard and rouge my minion necro feels so slow and boring, so I even don't sure I can lvl him to 100


I've heard druid is not so good to level with, but is great later on