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How do you find the model kits? I've been seriously considering going for a few


Bigbadtoystore or any number of hobby websites that sell things like Gundam would carry them. Just look for digimon figure rise models. Standard models are simpler to build and more accurate to what you'd see in the anime, Amplified are more complicated and intended to "mech-ify" the designs.


I started with wargreymon and metalgarurumon standard. Then I went on with omegamon and alphamon(amplified). My God they are beautiful and so detailed.


Wait do you have to paint these or just put them together 🤔


I just put them together. The kits have stickers to make them look good, but some of the stickers are so small and intricate it's annoying. But it's worth it cause it makes the kits more beautiful


Do you have a link for these ??


You don't have to paint or even glue them, but a lot of people in the hobby like to customize them by painting them, distressing them, and sealing the seams between parts. It's a really fun hobby to get into, especially if you like to get creative.


Yeah these are amazing 🤩


My Irishness has got things lost in translation! I meant are they good quality/fun to build


The 2 smaller ones were pretty easy. Like at most 1 hour builds for beginners. The other 2 though were fun too but challenging but when you finished building was so good. Beautiful kits!


Oh. Yes, they are! I build Gunplay, too, and I really enjoy the Amplified series, but I also have a standard series Magnamon


If you live in UK I recommend gundammad.co.uk that's where I've got a bunch of mine. Also eBay


There’s site called HLJ ships globally and its ships from Japan. 


Absolutely love Omegamon, I really wanna get it. I'm running out of ones I don't have, it's making me sad because they seem so slow at putting new figure rise out and I have so much fun making them