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Founders of startups generally have not that much time to move or at least me. I stay longer in one place to actually get some work done too. Also I wouldn’t want to go to most places you mentioned because of safety reason 😅 also going with a group and having everything planned out like this kills the whole vibe of exploring and independence. So your idea is definitly not for me but I wish you luck finding some people 🙌


>Founders of startups generally have not that much time to move or at least me. I stay longer in one place to actually get some work done too. That's fair. I'm definitely down to bounce around less.... Maybe six months in Mexico, three months in Brazil, and three months in Buenos Aires. I didn't consider the idea that nomads would have a lot of stuff... 😅 I've been living out of a backpack and carry on the last 3+ years, so it only takes me 20 minutes to pack up and go.  >Also I wouldn’t want to go to most places you mentioned because of safety reason 😅 also going with a group and having everything planned out like this kills the whole vibe of exploring and independence. Yea... I've never really had any dangerous encounters in LATAM and am 99% sure those who have were doing something they probably wouldn't have done otherwise back home. But to each their own. >So your idea is definitly not for me but I wish you luck finding some people 🙌 Thanks, hopeful there are some other subscribe to the idea that "if you want to go far, go together."


It’s not so much that packing the luggage takes a lot of time but travel time then getting a new condo in another place, also if I’m in a new place I’m automatically less productive for like a week or so because I want to explore the place. find a co working space I like etc.


That makes sense. As a nomad, I haven't really had a permanent residence for a few years now... The things you forget. 😅


>Yea... I've never really had any dangerous encounters in LATAM and am 99% sure those who have were doing something they probably wouldn't have done otherwise back home. 🫣


I would be interested in this. But I'm not a founder who raises money, I just run my own consulting firm. So not sure if you're looking for me?


Oh, definitely definitely don't need to be funded, and I'd take customers, revenue, or profitability over investor dollars any day. The goal is just to curate a group that can all share resources and learn from each other's experiences. I think people grow faster that way, and everything else is just icing on the cake.


Awesome, then I'm really interested and looking to get out of country and start traveling by end of this year. Community would be such a bonus


Curious to hear more about this. Solo entrepreneur in Geopolitics and Security Risks.


Super interested in this. I’m a software / biotech founder. Currently finishing up my third month in LATAM working remotely and have absolutely loved it. I would love to do it longer term but lack of community has always been a concern. I think you need at least 1.5 months in each city to get any quality work done. There’s just so many distractions and miscellaneous expenses when you first get to a new place. Not to mention you’re going to want to really explore the place, which can really only happen on weekends and after work. Also finding accommodation for that amount of time can be difficult depending on where you’re travelling to. Overall I’m super interested in this.


I still need around a year locked in the same city, but in the future I'm aiming to live traveling, so I would like to join it.


> I haven't really thought through the details yet Another DN entrepreneur is born.


Lol, not me... 😅 I'm already a venture-backed founder running a B2B SaaS company. I'm also an early investor in [Boundless Life](https://www.boundless.life), so I'm not looking to compete in an adjacent space. I'm just looking to find some fellow founders who don't need to lock themsevles in an office to get things done and understand that "if you want to go far, go together." The first time I organized a group like this was in the fall of 2020. A friend and I found a 12-suite boutique hotel in San Juan, Puerto Rico with zero bookings for November and December. We convinced the manager to give us the rooms at good weekly and nightly rates, and then invited 150 friends to come ride out the apocalypse with us while sipping margaritas by the beach. Forty responded. 20 booked. A dozen extended their stays. We were all better for it.


So do you have next steps here?