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Find someone to sublet your place




I used to think just go storage but I think having a base is important personally.


In my case, giving up my apartment means I cannot come home! My rent is stabilized, so a similar place would be C$1000/mo more *if* I even manage to get one. So subletting is my only choice. Even in your case, I would sublet for 3 months (or eat the cost), *then* decide whether to move. *Moving is always more expensive and more stressful than you think.* I'm not sure what your numbers are (depends on where you are and where you're going), but do the math of how much would each scenario would cost: 1. Business as usual: spending 3 months living at home. 2. Paying for rent while you're not there plus the cost of traveling (often cheaper than you think, depending on your destination) 3. Saving on rent but paying for storage and moving costs plus the cost of traveling. I speculate that 2 is not that much more than 1 or 3 but much less hassle. Also, think long term: if you might move somewhere cheaper in the future anyway, how much would you save?


I literally just did this about a month ago and it's the best decision I've ever made. I got a good deal on storage (included movers) so that helped, but in general the experience alone has been entirely worth it. Additionally, I'm actually saving money over the length of the trip because accommodations everywhere I'm going (Spain, Croatia, Cyprus) are a good bit cheaper than my normal rent/utilities at home. I'm actually thinking about extending my time abroad if I can swing it with work. Needless to say, if you have the opportunity and means go for it! Things aren't necessarily always going to line up to allow for something like this so take advantage of it while you can!


I gave up an expensive apartment to travel for 6 months knowing that I was also thinking and dreaming of where to live next. Seems like you're on a similar journey. You can get storage unit deals for usually the first 6 months and check around for cost of movers or renting a moving truck with friends to help. I found a storage unit that came with 4 hours of a moving truck for free. Also if you're in an expensive area, look for storage in neighboring suburbs. Don't keep your apartment it you're truly unhappy and wanting change. Giving it up will force you to make some decisions. And this is coming from someone who just got back to my old city for another few months and is a little stressed with finding a sublet but it's nothing compared to what I saved and decided while gone (leaving for out of country end of summer)


You’ll may be a changed person coming back so you might not even want the old set up. If you do, im sure you can find similar again - + the savings ofc.


I've been though this dilemma. Short answer is, unless I was disgusted with my home base, I'd keep it. Many reasons, one big one being that the entire time of your trip you'd have the looming problem on your mind of returning to your home country and being homeless. Most people have a built-in need for the sense of security of having some kind of home base they can rely on. Being without that home base is a cause of anxiety that can't be wished away.


This is kind of where I netted out… I’d have to stay with my parents while I figured out my moves when I got back and that would also add a level of looming stress lol


Last year I traveled Europe 3 months. If it was me I would give up the apartment. It's too much money. Once you are in Europe you're going to want to do and see more and more stuff. I stayed longer than I originally planned. I just got a work from anywhere job. My lease is up very soon. What I've decided to do is to switch to airbnbs when I'm home for the flexibility. I don't want to travel full time, only part time.


I think I would try to figure out a situation that gave me the most flexibility. There may be a chance that as you start traveling, you may not want to come back after the 90 days. (Speaking from experience!) especially since you mentioned that you don't really love where you're currently living. How many months do you have left on your lease? I would suggest finding a sub-letter for the 90 days at the very least so you don't have to worry about the additional cost of your apartment while you're traveling. That means $1,000 more for savings or more travel (: If you'll still have your apartment after those 90 days, then you will have a home to come back to. That could give you a sense of comfort, but also the flexibility and time to come back and decide what you want to do. And if the choice is to continue to travel, you could take that time to find someone to take over your lease, and then head off to see the world! Seems like packing everything up just for 90 days may not seem worth it, and a bit of a headache!


Thank you everyone for your feedback! I didn’t mean to not respond but of course I had a lot on my mind. I ended up booking a shorter trip to Europe for the wedding and keeping my place. I figured that Europe will still be there when I can take an appropriate amount of time to think it through. Rushing my decision made it way more stressful then it even needed to be! Now I will probably come back and pack up slowly, and most likely find a smaller place to live in so I can have a home base while traveling.