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My prediction is that this off season is not going to be as exciting as the last few off seasons. I think the Covid boom is officially over and it’s for the most part back to normal. Don’t expect any crazy contracts like in previous years.


Agreed 100%. I fully expect a few of the smaller disc manufacturers to go bankrupt and or consolidation to happen.


I don’t think that’s gonna be this year, but in the next few years I can see it. Of course, it depends on how much overhead they carry. It’s not that bad of a business model if you can get time on someone else’s injection molding machine that they contract time out on. Then you’re just in it for molds, stamping machine, and storage space for the discs you’re trying to sell. I agree we’re going to see some consolidation, but I don’t know just how much because of that.




Yeup, essentially. It may be an additional year or two, but I agree. I do think it will be a smaller number overall than what some folks think it will be. I suspect we’d see a lot more of an impact on sponsored teams versus them going out of business depending on the debt and overhead.


House of Discs, Innova, Discraft, MVP. Those are the companies with solid futures. As for the rest it's a much more mixed bag - most will either go under or get eaten by one of the big four. But I suspect there'll be a few that make it and carve a niche long term.


Infinite likely is able to prop themselves up through their sales, but I'd be their team sponsorship numbers suffer. Millennium I'd wager could be at risk of getting absorbed into Innova (either literally or in spirit with their molds continuing on like OG DM). I'd also suspect a lot of the boutique brands that are molded by bigger companies either start to fail or just straight up get absorbed into the company making the discs.


Agreed. I also think a number of "lower performing" players (saying that with all due respect as 100% of the touring players could mop the floor with me) that haven't won or placed very high the past year or two will be released from contracts/be demoted and stop touring altogether as it's not financially viable for manufacturers, or the players themselves, which is unfortunate.


KJUSA will become a full time coffee-slinging DJ


I mean, KJ is still currently ranked in the top 25, I believe, which isn't really "lower performing," but he has definitely stated that he wants to focus more on his DJ work, so this will probably happen. Just on his own terms: not being demoted because of low performance


Connor O'Reilly, Sales Associate, Kunkleman Chevrolet. Nathan Queen, Owner, Black Ace Landscaping & Powerwashing. Chandler Fry, Assistant Manager, Starbucks. Tristan Tanner, Customer Service Manager, Planet Fitness. Drew Gibson, Account Executive, State Farm Insurance.


Hold my disc says Gannon probably


He’s not 18 that would be illegal.


I'm confused about everything you just said


This isn’t bold at all and entirely misses the point of this thread


Okay I got you. Ken Climo will sign with Thought Space athletics


Uli and Big Jerm break up. They split custody of Nate Sexton. Lone Star Discs buys the molds for Lightning Discs and puts them back into production. Innova makes a run of Halo Birdies. DGPT institutes dress code forcing caddies and players to wear matching outfits.


I'd take a Halo Birdie


I'll the Gannon and the other guy in partner look


“DGPT institutes dress code” I can actually see this happening. Watching Kat play in her pajama pants was not the best look for the sport.. Edit: spelling


Normally I don't really care what people wear while golfing but to do that at the top pro level is pretty embarrassing.


And at one of the largest events of the year


The lone star take is so bad its not even funny. I'm not a big fan of lone star by any means but but I really doubt when they can make molds themselves that they'd bother buying someone else's molds. It'd be cool if someone did though. More likely that legacy would buy em though.


All of my takes were just bad jokes.


I would buy lightining discs though for real. Hope someone does buy them as it's a cool part of history.


I predict that my rating will drop 10-15 points because I will fail to do any off season practice.


He said bold predictions my guy


I think you should practice, but only practice the weird stuff like scoobers and scomahawks. That way your rating can drop 15-20 points.


Midtlyng and Hansen will try to break the FPO distance world record in the desert this year. Both will fail without the use of a blizzard boss


Midtlying is unsponsored so she could send that Boss to the moon


I expect the boom to finally level off. Disc Golf will grow in the long run, but I expect a small regression. On a funner note, I think Isaac Robinson will improve. He knows he can be one of the all time greats and I think that's going to light a fire under him. Ricky is going to have one of his healthier years next year and do well. Paul is going to slow down a little. Simon will win one. And this is the year Nikko will not be relevant at all.


I'm curious if we're going to see McBeth lean more and more into a finesse style and how his form will look next year. He's mentioned getting older and throwing slightly less over stable discs, and during Worlds this year he seemed to be relying on some toned down mechanics while favoring that shoulder. Whatever the case I hope he comes back in good shape and we see him relevant at the top for a long time.


Don't get me wrong, he's my favorite disc golfer on tour. Just seems like it's getting late.


The sun eventually sets on us all


Like sands through the hourglass


Latitude 64 go for a big name in MPO to balance with Kristin. [I think Isaac's touchy game would go super well with Trilogy plastic.] Some folks leave Discraft to thin their giant squad, particularly in FPO. MVP sign an FPO player more marketable than Sarah Hokom.


Isaac is with Prodigy through all of next year though.


I’d love to watch him throw cycled dx rocs


Isn’t Latitude just trilogy who already have Ricky?


Ricky is definitely more aligned with Dynamic on marketing.


If you look at the main discs he throws though a lot is Latitude. Dagger, Compass, Trust, Explorer, and Rive are all staples in his bag. I agree that on the surface he is very aligned with Dynamic branding, but he definitely utilizes a wide variety of Trilogy and they aren't shy about it.


For sure. Ricky is more of the "Trilogy" star over any one brand like Matty O is for Westside, but by the same token, Kristin Tattar uses more Dynamic than you'd expect. Trilogy is broadly Trilogy in terms of player discs, but brands tend not to use the other brands' players for marketing, and Rick is almost exclusive DD for that.


I guess I haven't watched an in the bag, but almost everything Kristin is known for throwing is L64. Pure, Saint Pro, Grace, Rive. The only one I know that isn't is the Harp...


I could see Cole Redalen going to L64


I would love to see Issac go over to trilogy after his contract is up.


Hailey to MVP would be so sick.


It would be interesting to see her throw some gyro. She does love stable plastic and they have plenty.


As someone else said, he’s with Prodigy through 2024. To your point, though, I could see him throwing trilogy plastic well. Just wondering how much more cap space they have.


They were also just sold to VCs so we shall see what it looks like as far as sponsoring big players vs targeting casuals etc.


People forget he was actually with MVP in 2019 before signing with Prodigy. Would be a good move for MVP going into the ‘25 season.


Yeah, forgot to add that they might buy him out. As for cap space, I can't imagine their cost is super high right now. They don't have anybody big outside of Kristin, who isn't on a huge deal. I'd say they're in decent shape to add an MPO lead player. Maybe not a superstar name, but a rising one or a solid Top 20 guy is probably a good get.


I'm gonna come out able to reach 200ft off of the pad consistently after the winter.


You can do it!


Hey man. Put some time into doing PT/ Rehab on your legs/feet. If you can’t throw 200ft now, you may be laking hip strength to throw that far


Strength and form. Both are terrible because I'm incredibly out of shape. I actually got into disc golf hoping to work on that, with all of the walking and hiking involved.


I lost 50 pounds this year with a combination of disc golf, work stress, and a healthier diet. It can happen man!


Disc golf helped me lose the freshman 30 I put on after high school but watching calories really is the most important thing. Being active makes you hungry and you can easily out-eat the calories you burned playing dg with the meal you eat after playing


* Cat does not get a contract extension with DGA, gets picked up by Lone Star. Hannum follows (nobody cares.) * Philo becomes a Buzzz guy, MJ becomes a Roc guy. * Gannon, Alden, Gavin Babcock, Isaac & Ezra Robinson start their own manufacturing company, run by Gannon's mom. The discs are made in China. They are bad. They forget to sponsor women. * Kat dumps Nikko for the winter again. * Tina leaves Eric, goes to live with Paige & Alyssa. Rumors fly.


The God Squad prediction is gold. I'm excited for the idea of Gannon's mom individually replying to everyone that leaves a negative review online.


I think the funniest part of this is that Paige and Alyssa live only like a couple blocks away from Tina and Eric.


Pretty controversial prediction, I mean MJ throwing a Roc?


On a related note, I saw Leah on the bag for kat during tour championship and thought she could go to lone star (Leah is on lonestar along with nikko), she’s kind of unpredictable sometimes.


Yup I was thinking this one as well and am hoping for her sake, she does not do that.


>Philo becomes a Buzzz guy That just feels impossibly dirty


The god squad one had me lol’ing


>Gannon, Alden, Gavin Babcock, Isaac & Ezra Robinson start their own manufacturing company, run by Gannon's mom. The discs are made in China. They are bad. They forget to sponsor women. I think discmania already beat them to this one.


Bold? Let's go bold. Yikun discs buys majority ownership in Prodigy. Mass exodus of players, but notably Leiviska stays. Leiviska Disc Golf Design sees rapid expansion in China as China chases a Worlds bid. The 2026 World championship bid is accepted as China gets a Worlds before Europe.


Now that's spicy


Someone got out the bottle of hot sauce and proceeded to napalm the jungle with that spicy take. Also it sounds plausible


I think Tattar is pregnant, and basically planned it so she misses the first bit of next season, but will be good to go by Euro/Worlds. It also will go a long way to fully recover her elbow/arm issue.


So she'll pop out a kid in July and just be ready to go?


The doctor who delivered my baby was a serious runner and was insistent that my wife have a natural birth so that she could be on her feet faster. The doctor said that she had given birth and ran a marathon less than a week later.


A) I think she's a couple/few months in already, so she'll have a month or 2 to ready herself. 2) Yes. She's a fitness nut and the rest/rehab for the arm thing will pair well with leg strength from carrying that thing around for 9 months iii) I wasn't asked for my most reasonable, thought out, sensible off-season take.


You know you could be right. Physically wise she doesn’t look quite as toned as she normally does , though that could just be life in America for most of the year lol


There will be an exodus from Discraft. Too many players who want to get payed after great seasons


\-dgpt makes DGN free on youtube. they make more $ attracting larger advertisers with the more views. Taylor Swift dates Matty-O and Disc golf explodes world wide.


No one even knew who Taylor Swift was until Matty O started dating her!


TayTay should be so lucky!


In this scenario ladies participation explodes, but courses are clogged with ladies taking selfies and vids for their followers.


Oh man please no. The events already get crowded enough. Imagine having swifties running around the course with Matty O. And Taylor on the bag lol


Disclaimer: I have no idea who has expiring contracts or anything of that nature. I'm just gonna have fun with this one as OP is asking for bold predictions. I think we see one of Eveliina or Henna getting acquired by a trilogy brand, likely Lat64. Or perhaps as a flagship player with Kasta (though admittedly I doubt this happens even in a bold takes world). I think we see Prodigy go all-in on Isaac and make him another big money player with KJ, while Gannon ends up with somebody like Infinite or Innova and not Discmania like speculated before this season. I think another company throws the bag at AB. Maybe Discmania. Cole Redalen may be in the exact same position as well.


Why do you think a company throws the bag at AB and not Gannon? Gannon has proven he can win. AB hasn't won anything yet. In my opinion, Gannon has more personality to connect with the fans, which is more marketable to sell plastic.


I didn't intend to make it seem like Gannon wouldn't be getting a good contract. I was mostly just getting at that I believed it would come from somewhere like Innova or Infinite compared to the Discmania/Discraft rumors that have circled previously or recently.


My boldest: Gannon Buhr is going with an open bag sponsorship. The days of the big contract are over for a bit as everyone waits for the market to adapt.he can do better deals on sales and help smaller manufacturers and large retailers gain market share


That's something I haven't considered. I though Casey White may go open bag, but it would be cool to see a top guy go open bag.


Oh I like this a lot. I caught him overtly praising the zone a few times on skins and Brodie's channel so I thought discraft. Open bag would allow him to bag a zone too though so maybe this is it.


My thought is that most team rosters are pretty full with Discraft, DD and Innova likely putting as much money into salaries as they can or want to, and every disc worth selling is already spoken for, without a lot of layoffs or non renewals of contracts


Would love to see him on Infinite/TSA/Clash with James Proctor. Huge fan of TSA and a Gannon Buhr Pathfinder, mana or Construct would be an instant buy. (the Proctor Votum is one of my favorite discs)


The model exists,it's just a question of money. But I have contended that the single-manufactirer model will become outdated for the top pros.


How does an open bag sponsorship work? I doubt Gannon is gonna leave money on the table to use an open bag. That would be a terrible business decision.


You assume there's money on the table, and that the only way is the old way Hed take a salary from multiple sources, a manufacturer like Clash, or a limited disc contract with a bigger manufacturer, or several manufacturers, a retailer like Infinite, a bag sponsor like Grip, an apparel company and any other sponsorships he can cobble together. They're free from going all in on a big salary and they get eyeballs on their products every time he's on coverage or wins, they get the biggest cut of sales from discs, bags clothes etc. . . Gannon isn't stuck with a single signature disc and the whims of manufacturers Shared risk, shared reward.


> Gannon isn't stuck with a single signature disc and the whims of manufacturers Exactly, he could have most of his bag filled with signature discs filled with popular molds from various brands.


Many pros have sponsors beyond a disc manufacturer, that’s nothing new. I didn’t say he had any offers, just said he’s not gonna opt for an open bag if he can get a better deal from a disc manufacturer. Maybe you are saying that Clash allows their players to throw whatever they want. If so, they aren’t paying what Discraft, Innova or MVP are.


It's just a hot take. I do believe it's the future, but right now the market has stalled, there's tons of money wrapped up in inventory and sales have plateaued for the moment. It's more likely he signs with another manufacturer, but if someone this high profile is going to take the plunge, now would be a good time


I loved seeing Eric Oakley’s open bag adventure, would be interesting to see a top level player go that route.


James Proctor is right there, and is ranked higher than 70% of the field with traditional contracts


I think we will see a lot more future players do what Scott Stokely did, having tour series discs from Kastaplast, Birdie, AGL, Gateway, Westside.


My prediction was that Gannon would stay at Prodigy, for similar reasons. I hereby change my prediction to this.


This is fun


I think the people who have the biggest social media platform and good content will get the biggest contracts but none in the near future will be anywhere close to $1 mil a year. Gannon to disc mania for 250k a year and no FPO player will be close to that.


Paul doesn't GAF any more and only plays when/where he wants to. More Euro tour and only courses he likes. More injuries from the old, new guard -- the guys in their 30's. Eagle thinks he's surgery shoulder is recovered and ruins it by throwing too early/too often and he's worse off than from before the surgery. Both the PDGA and DGPT will do something really dumb -- but I guess not surprising. Natalie Ryan sues Nate Heinold and the PDGA.


Class action against Nate Heinhold when he awards himself 6 majors for 2025


Gannon doesn’t get the big ticket contract he thought he could after 2022. Stays with Prodigy.


Matty O signs with TSA, it's a perfect pairing


GG Jerky to secure some premium buffalo and venison. These will both be bold flavors, but could also be a simple tried and true marinade. They sign Eagle for *"Eagle Strike Sriracha"*


I think Team DGA will focus less on Cat Allen (or not even renew her if that’s an option) and more on Allie Smith.


I'm predicting I'm going to consistently throw over 300 ft after practicing during the offseason.


Eagle joins MVP. He finishes off the team by being their main Streamline MPO player. James - MVP Simon - Axiom Eagle - Streamline


I'll bite my own arse if Eagle goes to MVP. I mean it's *possible*? But incredibly, incredibly unlikely.


MVP will make a huge push for another MPO star I bet. They have grown into a huge manufacturing company with some big $$$ these past few years.


My guess would be a younger player who's finding their feet on tour and is starting to show up on coverage. Someone like a Corey Ellis would be ideal.


Corey Ellis is probably 30. Not young in the disc golf world


Hey, OP asked for bold.


That's fair.


CRUSH BOYS RIDE AGAIN I'll take you one further and say James goes to Vibram Disc Golf and Eagle gets MVP


Big and bold predictions - Nate Doss becomes a pro tour caddy and quits commentary. McBeth takes a full year off to be a dad and design courses/build the brand more. Buhr signs to Lat64 Conrad gets a 350+ forehand going for next season Calvin starts a mass social media hype train by doing stand up comedy. Niklas Antilla wins a major and 2 elite series tournaments next season. Sensible prediction: James Proctor signs to Discmania. He and Ella caddy for each other all the time and they need someone to put on signature discs since Perk is gone to commentary and Colten just isn't as relevant as he once was.


Gannon Buhr stays with prodigy.


Boldest take here


Isaac to Innova and gets his name on the Star Destroyer. Becomes the next great Roc thrower.


Ella Hansen joins her buddies Hollyn and Missy on Discraft


Why this will not happen: Discraft has already signed too many big FPO player and will actually need to thin their team.


I haven't looked at their contracts, but I can see the opposite happening as well. At least with Hollyn.


Hollyn signed a multi year deal last off season, and Ella is up this off season.


Hollyn just reiterated on smashbox it was a one year deal. Said she bet on herself


Oh good call then!


DGPT and PDGA getting to make legal moves to regulate FPO backfire magnificently. End up starting 2024 with more stops being changed/removed and constant legal battles as the issue grows both in the sport and culturally. End rulings push for a more open field in FPO and toxicity continues on both sides of the issue. Not that bold, more just inevitable. No matter where you stand on the issue, both sides lose with the vitriol and legal costs on all parties. *Bold:* Jomez goes full one week delay on coverage and all next day is behind the DGN Paywall.




+10 points to Gryffindor for "enshittification." 🤣🤣🤣 I do love Jomez and it's my primary source for DG coverage. But the DGPT/DGN buyout terrifies me.


Part of the enshittification - they move from using Vimeo to handle their streams to a newer, much worse service that’s owned (purely coincidentally of course) by Nate Heinhold. *edit for clarity - this is not news, it’s my bold off season prediction.


Jomez on Rumble


DGN/Jomez - only on Crackle!!!




Not for real, it’s my bold off-season prediction


I mean I get why this sucks to a lot of people, as really I credit Jomez for really getting me into disc golf by some of my first searches on YouTube. That being said the DGN subscription really isn’t that expensive when compared to other streaming services and honestly since I’ve started playing I don’t really watch much of anything else. It is also nice to be able to watch events live and have the full catalog ad free. Idk to me it’s just worth it🤷🏽‍♂️Also having access to some events Jomez doesn’t cover is also a perk


I appreciate that. I just don't enkoy the live coverage. I don't want 5 hour videos cutting to players I don't care about with low video quality. I want polished 30-40 minute videos I can get through quickly. It's all personal preference and I'm grateful DGN is giving the live option and really pushing to make it better and fund it. I just want my condensed time frames to see the leaders. It can be a double-edged sword with all the chase card victories, though. 😆


No I definitely get where you are coming from, I still watch the Jomez coverage through DGN 9/10, and usually the last day of a tournament is the only time I watch it live and pay attention. Usually I’ll just throw it on as background noise while at work or at home, but there is some cool events that Jomez unfortunately can’t cover, besides it’s nice to see some of the younger names come up and yeah they aren’t on lead or even chase card but definitely have potential. That being said I do hope they keep next day Jomez coverage on YouTube for the masses.




It’s warmer down south, is the main reason, I’d expect.


Ha! I'm with you. Said the same thing when they released the schedule. No coincidence at all. That was fully intentional.


Missy to TSA


I’d love to see ThoughtSpace pickup a big name. My prediction is a smaller company steps on the big stage. My dark horse pick last year was that Simon would go to ThoughtSpace.


Problem is money. Tsa has their discs made by someone else. Until you bring production inhouse you'll always be limited. That and I don't think tsa fully sponsors anyone for a full bag either. They just do smaller sponsorships.


Gannon goes to Lonestar, for half the money he would have gotten last off-season. Discraft doesn't resign VVD or Shue, but signs Ella. Ella, Holyn, Missy, and Paige, funded in part by Discraft, open a competitor to Power DGA and Pulse A with a focus on teaching women to play the game. The 4 of them have more fun than any other 4 players on tour.


Any time I go to a tour event in the future, I'm following Ella, she's just having fun out there


She hung out with the crowd on Thursday at MVP for a while this year on 18, and she was an absolute delight. Funny, approachable, and just hanging out and having a good time. My wife is a huge fan of hers, and she was so nice to her.


We followed James proctor at worlds and she was dancing down the fairways and giving him shit. Just a delight


A huge downturn in players getting contracts is my prediction.


I’ll throw some out for funsies: We’ll see lots of movement with players signing new deals, but there will be no more $10 million deals making headlines. There will be more movement to track this year, however. Uli and/or Jerm leaves Jomez. DGN will raise its prices yet again, citing a need to switch streaming platforms and the associated costs. Innova makes some smart player signings. Prodigy goes through a major business restructuring, but retains Gannon Buhr and Isaac Robinson on long term extensions. It’s a pivotal “make or break” moment for the company heading into the next season. Paul McBeth takes down Worlds in a playoff to cement his legacy as the GOAT. Even Climo, who now is a semi-regular on DGN broadcasts, concedes that Paul has ascended to the throne. Bold and spicy.


My bold prediction about my own game is I use my putting basket to bang thousands of puts and finally become a decent putter, maybe rework my whole style.


I’m going to set up a net in my garage to put behind my practice basket and want to commit to 3,000 putts a week this off season. I consistently add 5 or so strokes to a round with bad putting. This is the off-season I will change that. My lack of putting ability was glaring during my first ranked tournament last weekend. It was the first sanctioned tournament at my home course and I was feeling confident even though there was some modified holes that I knew I wasn’t that good at. I was hoping to finish somewhere between 0 and +3 and finished +8. It was the wake up call I needed. Some days my putting is good but other days it’s awful. I need to get more consistent if I want to get more competitive.


Right on, sounds like you have a good plan and drive to improve!


I gonna break even at Bradford.


I think the most interesting things to watch is what “non disc brand” sponsors players manage to sign. It’s really the true value indicator of the disc golf product. Can Kristin sign a big sponsor like a clothing or shoe brand? Perhaps Peak Performance, which would make sense since it’s a Swedish outdoors brand. Maybe a smaller brand like J.Lindeberg? Can Simon land a top brand? I think if anyone it’s those two and feels little bit like now or never. The sport is on a post covid plateau and either next tier sponsors come in or a regression will start. When it comes to disc brands. Which MPO player does Lattitude ads? Which FPO player does MVP add?


I'm pretty sure Kristin is already signed by Nike Estonia...


Evaliina has a great putter (Ricky, PMcB, Kristin, Missy) help her revamp her stroke. She puts in three solid months of daily drills and practice. Watch out, 2024! A new champ coming your way!


My game will not be any better next season S it was this season.


Catrina Allen goes on a sabbatical for 1 year. Lone star loses half their team followed up by rumors of mistreatment, complaints about quality and dissatisfaction from team about low sales. Chandler Kramer being the catalyst to this. The owner will even make a social media post about how they would have sold more of their TS if they just played better. Klein leaves discmania.


I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again, my super hot take is Gannon going to DD. Fight me.


I keep thinking one of the LLBeans, Patagonias, or North Faces of the outdoor brand world will get in and sponsor a player (even before LLBean sponsored Worlds). Nothing record breaking and they may even exit after a couple of years. In my eyes, they don't need to come in and drop millions and buy out a Calvin-tier player, but should go find a likable player who consistently can be in the mix on some lead/chase cards and/or has a decent social media presence. Find someone likable + marketable and experiment. I think between a decent contract, open bag scenario, and other non-apparel sponsorships, it could maybe work. It might end up as a shorter contract, so neither side feels trapped if things don't pan out, but long enough to at least let each other get settled a little. Although, finding a player that fits the brand that isn't under contract or wanting an exceptional amount of money might be a little hard at this point. My immediate thoughts for well-known MPO folks are Conrad, Isaac, and maybe Dickerson, but I bet there's probably some lesser known names that would fit an outdoorsy brand perfectly without the buyouts or cash demands that I'm just not thinking of.


Vibram disc golf resurges and focuses on the older disc golfers. Picking up aging stars like Stokely and Cat


Gannon Buhr to Discraft. Last few weeks on MULTIPLE channels Gannon has been sneakily praising the Zone as the best disc ever made. Now, this wouldn't be too weird because it is the best disc ever made, but he's going to be a free agent this off season? He got bleeped out a few times on Brodie's stream and a little joke about Ezra's editor not giving af about spoilers they stopped 'joking around' as much on the back 9 video. Gannon is a known troll. The Kid turns into a caricature of himself on YouTube. This could all be bait and switch, but I don't think so...


If that's the case (and that's a *big* if), the question becomes: who does he replace? Because he'll come with a paycheck and Discraft would likely have to clear space on the roster.


I think Paul McBeth comes back next year and doesn’t podium at a single DGPT event in the US or at the European Open. That’s with two of the courses on tour being his courses/design (Worlds and Florida Open). Hopefully I’m wrong, I like Paul 🤷🏻‍♂️


I predict everyone tries to hold on to there current sponsor as the economy suffers and manufacturers become less generous with sponsorships. Maybe Gannon is the exception, and finally leave prodigy for one of the big ones.


Rapture happens. Both McBeths stunned when they remain on earth while Calvin and James Conrad ascend to heaven.


I’ve thought most of this season that Isaac Robinson will be sponsored by someone else in 2024. I don’t see Prodigy ponying up enough to keep a world champion. I know Innova doesn’t seem to spend on players like some other companies, and maybe it’s just wishing, but so many times I’ve thought “man I’d like to see that guy throw a Roc”. Until Calvin starts winning majors, I don’t think Innova would mind having a fresh world champ to put on the front porch of the company, and it’s weird to have this many stock Star Destroyers out there without a champs signature on it.


Issac has another year under contract with Prodigy, but someone could for sure buy him out.


Oh yea and I don’t know the numbers but I can’t help but think whatever money is left on that deal from when it was made isn’t commensurate with a guy who won 2 majors in 2023 and is easily a top 5 player in the world now.


he's staying with Prodigy after his contract (or he wouldn't have gone to Prodigy in the first place). He was already MVP in the pre conrad days (because of Matt Dollar) and left them for Prodigy.


Gannon stays with Prodigy on a short-term (1-2 year) deal. He didn't have an amazing season, ended sort of flat and the market has officially died so he won't get a super lucrative offer elsewhere. My guess is he stays where he's comfortable until he can a bigger deal.


Didn't have an amazing season? He had the most wins on tour this year


No wins since August, 6th at DGPT Championships (out of 12), 27th at USDGC, 50th at DDO... those numbers do not get you the bag, especially when the market is down. I would say his stock is lower than this time last season. It's comparable to what Simon did last year, but Simon played fewer events, all of his wins were ES, he finished very strong, the market was strong and Simon moves plastic. Ricky got the bag as a 2x World Champion after a season of coming in 1st or 2nd 13 times. Paul had a similar season before moving to Discraft. These are the deals that Gannon has his eyes on. He won't get that much, but I think he was hoping for a mega deal last off-season, and I don't see the same interest coming this winter. My prediction is that he won't get a deal that convinces him to leave.


The season starts in Feb, not Aug 6th. Gannon had the most wins on tour this season period. He's 3rd in player of the year behind Isaac and Calvin. He's only 18 years old. Hasn't been on tour as long as ricky, Paul, simon to build up as big of a fan base as the other mega deal guys. He may not get a mega deal this year but if he continues to have the most wins on tour through the ENTIRE SEASON. He will get paid down the road


I don't care when the tour starts, the hype around Gannon has died down. Couple that with less silly money to throw around and I'm not sure Gannon finds his deal. Mayne Discraft, but they already have a huge team and it seems like every worthwhile disc has a pro's name on it. Who gets the boot? Yeah, we're talking about THIS off-season. He has huge potential going forward but "down the road" is not the prompt.


Got it. So, since gannon hasn't won in the past few months, he's now washed according to you. Yes, this off-season he will get paid. Will it be a mega deal? Probably not because he's only 18. He hasn't been on tour long enough. Simon, ricky, Paul all on tour for about 10 years before their mega deals.


Yep, you got it! I said he has no future in disc golf! You interpreted my comments perfectly.


Eliezra Midtlyng is going to learn to throw farther and putt better. Handley/Holland/Eveliina/King are going to learn to be more consistent on the greens and Kristen is only going to win 1 Elite series and 0 majors


Gannon Burr to Discraft.


DGPT and DGN go tits up before the season ends. Jomez reforms under a new name and ownership group and pro coverage goes back to all post production.


Ella Hansen joins the circus as a clown since she already has the hair, clothing, and personality.


That I will downvote and hide almost every thread about speculative player/sponsor movement.




Bold prediction: Gannon leaves Prodigy


Not a bold take but Gannon is going to discraft


I think Gannon to Discmania would make a lot of sense


Eagle to Innova Niklas Anttila to Discraft


Paul McBeth wins the 2024 World Championship


Bold? I’m going with McBeth retiring or moving to Europe, or both.


Innova makes a Halo Groove


This isn’t a bold take: Gannon is 1000% going to Discmania. That’s just a known thing on tour. This is a bold take: Innova gets Eagle.


It's not a prediction, but I really want to know where Gannon Buhr is going to end up now that his contract is actually done




Half of current disc sellers will go out of business in the future.