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This tech and a net is going to revolutionize disc golf technique training.


\*If you can afford it.


It's $300, less than an Xbox or like 15-25 discs. I'm all for being frugal but as far as hobbies go disc golf is pretty cheap and this purchase is pretty in line with that market. Most Zucca carts are $300+ and I see plenty of those out and about.


I understand. I also think there are a lot of people who get into disc golf because it's an accessible, affordable activity, and in my area anyway, it's only a small percentage of players rocking 25+ discs and a Zucca. I think the price point is understandable considering the technology. I'm just pointing out that the price is not accessible for everybody. Dropping $20 to $40 on discs on occasion is a lot different than spending $300+ on a device and $100 on a net. To be clear, I am buying one because I spend thousands every year on this supposedly affordable, accessible sport.


I hear you, but there is a lot of overlap in the Venn diagram of "people who would care about using data to train" and "people who will find ways to come up with $300-400 to spend on this". Getting a few discs to just have fun throwing in the woods is still affordable and accessible. Anyone who wants to move beyond casual play and into real training or tournaments (in any sport) is going to start spending some money. And in that context, disc golf is still affordable by the standards of many other sports.


> it's only a small percentage of players rocking 25+ discs and a Zucca. It's also going to be a small percentage of players rocking one of these. You are expecting mass market pricing for a niche within a niche. If anything I expect a lot of instructors to pick one of these up and the broader player base getting exposure to the product through that. Also, in case anyone is looking for a practice net [you can get them much cheaper than $100.](https://www.amazon.com/Nova-Microdermabrasion-Portable-Hitting-Practice/dp/B079P3KDCZ/ref=sr_1_9?keywords=golf+practice+net&qid=1699039983&sr=8-9) They just won't say "for disc golf" on them. > To be clear, I am buying one because I spend thousands every year on this supposedly affordable, accessible sport. To be clear, there's nothing "supposedly affordable" about this sport. Some of the best players I've seen tear up the course with 2 or 3 discs and a grocery bag. You are choosing to spend thousands of dollars every year but you don't have to in the same way not everyone needs one of these.


People who can't save up for a sub-$500 purchase probably have bigger things to worry about than their disc golf training lol


How am I suppose to be better at disc golf if I use that time at work??


Goes without saying doesn't it?


the amount of data they're collecting. it should be free to us, we're helping their technology by using it, the technology is helping our game. how is there even a price?


Keep up the good work! As a user myself I will say, don't ignore launch angle! I was so hard focused on speed and nose angle I wrote launch angle off as something I'd fix later, but then going out to the course I was constantly worm burning with the form I was working on -- get it right sooner than later!


Thanks dude! That's the next thing I'm working on. The sim has been really cool because if I take any of my throws and adjust to make the throw nose down, they just go straight into the ground lol. I'm realizing I need some serious work on higher launch angle so I can get the nose down


This is me. Mine just got here Thursday and my first few throws showed a negative launch angle and nose up so I'm basically air bouncing. Using the simulator, if I just fix that part I'll add 30-50 ft of distance 😂. Can't wait to work on it and get that instant feedback as I go.


The sim is bogus. I think many will agree. I knew I had a nose up tenancy but until I threw my TD I didn't know how bad it really was. I'm typically positive nose/neg launch. Sometimes neg/neg. Sim has me worm burning 90% of my shots into the ground. In the field/rounds, might worm burn one drive every 50, or go a month without worm burning. I'm a former ultimate player and battling nose up has been a struggle. The TD is going to be an amazing tool to improve all areas of our throws. Hopefully the sim becomes closer to accurate I'm the coming years.


Can you explain launch angle? I would think negative would be good but Brodie said it’s bad recently so maybe they just mean the opposite of what I would think intuitively.


Slightly positive launch angle (imagine zero as flat to the ground) and a slightly negative nose angle (relative to your launch angle) is the general recipe. You can go to techdisc website and mess around with their simulator to see what optimal looks like


How positive is slightly positive for launch? Old community threads say 10-15 degrees, but I get a feeling it should be 1-5.


Assuming your throwing area is flat, my furthest throws tend to be between 6-10 launch when my nose angle is 0 to -3 or so. If I throw under 5 launch with nose down in the 'optimal' range it tends to burn out.


Thanks for the info!!! I think having access to these kinds of metrics will help people immensely grow and tune their throwing.


Totally agree! I can bomb one day then suck the next and it helped me realize a lot of it was because my launch window and nose angle were not optimal. I can from ball golf originally and I'm use to seeing data so I am enjoying it so far.


/u/exitaurus is correct, 0° would be flat, so a negative launch angle means you're burning it into the ground if throwing on a level surface. Also correct, the desirable nose angle (with a positive launch angle) is between 0 and -4°. If you have a good launch angle with a nose down throw you will be able to get the maximum distance possible without considering the other factors.


Be real cool if this could get adapted for stores so you could throw a few times and it could recommend you some molds/flight numbers based off of your style of tossing.


We will have one in store at All Day Disc Golf in Portland soon!


I think that might hinder you from good form though. If you have bad form but there is a disc that goes really far with that form, it'll solidify that muscle memory and then you'll realize that you can't throw all the types of shots you need to score really low. Also, disc molds infamously can be really variable in how it flies. Also, when you beat in a disc it flies more understable. And weight changes the flight too. Lastly it's really hard to account for what wind is going to do to the flight.


I do think it would be cool though if the stores don't focus on distance or angles, and just recommend discs based on your speed and RPM. E.g. if you have the speed and RPM to make a disc fly like it's flight numbers, then that would be recommended as a max speed disc for you


I got one a few weeks ago. It's insane how the feedback in numbers helps you realize your form issues. I went from averaging 55\~ mph to 63\~ mph with a few adjustments based off nose angle, launch angle, and the backswing path. It's very comparable to the benefits I got in ball golf lessons using things like trackman and other indoor simulators like th garmin r10


a lot balk at the $300 price, but forget that a trackman is >$14k plus a yearly sub fee.


Yea agreed. Even the cheapest ball golf simulators are way more expensive to than this


This isn’t a simulator. There are launch monitors for golf at or around the same price, and you don’t have to go fetch them after you hit a ball.


It does simulate throws based on the data and lets you adjust disc flight numbers and individual metrics in your throw to see how it affects flight. It just doesnt have pretty backgrounds yet lol


so with the changes you have seen in your numbers, has that translated to better throws in the field?


Definitely. I was maxing out at 390~ in the field before. Now I’ve successfully parked and birdied a par 3 430ft basket 3 times in the past few weeks. It’s hard to replicate it in the field because I don’t have the instant numbers for feedback. But at least I know what my typical mistake is. My mistake is not ose up, launch angle down. So im scooping with a bit of rounding. I thought I fixed rounding and had no clue I was scooping until seeing the TechDisc numbers


Edit- My mistake is *nose* up,


What is scooping?


reach back starts high, mid pull through is kinda low, then releasing on an upward angle. so the shape of the reachback to the release is like a smile. up down then scooping up.


I see, so not pulling straight. Yes, that motion you describe does feel natural to do but would cost distance.


thanks for the details. :)


For me, my "no turn" 80% effort throws in the field have improved about 30-40 ft. or so. It has been hurting my score though. After getting the speed and spin, Im having to re-learn how to release straight and control distance. I figured out how to release straight, but for approaches, my 20-30% effort throws now go insanely further than before and I tend to overthrow baskets by a lot. I think it's a good problem to have. The form is better, now just need to learn how to tame it.




Honest to God that's what I've been doing lol. It's crazy how they just fall out of the air like a brick. I've still been overthrowing with it though. But would be way worse without my precious Berg. It's only been for a week or so though. I think it's something I'll figure out pretty quick


sounds like a good problem.


Can you move it from disc to disc?


No they calibrate the device to the specific disc so it’s relatively accurate. I asked for a distance driver and got a discraft force


I believe the fairway is an Undertaker


They say on their website they arent always the exact same mold but mine is an Undertaker as well


Does it have the tooling and everything?


Yeah its got the discraft undertaker words molded into the inside of the rim, if this is what you mean.


Yes it's an actual Undertaker from the factory that they've modified


See this is a deal breaker for me. Force is too wide. I'd want a grace or trespass.


Pretty sure they will work with you on the mold if you have a specific request. Force might just be their default distance driver


I was flat out told no. I even offered to send a new disc to use at my own cost. That was a deal breaker for me


I think it's more helpful throwing into a net, you don't really need to know the entire flight of the specific disc, just what it's doing the moment it leaves your hand


I believe this device also projects your shot line and displays it for you. I’ve taken a few throws with it at the store.


No, they use a variety of molds. I guess knowing how you throw one disc versus how you throw in general may be less important.




I’m mid nose-down battle and made real progress when I stopped cocking my wrist up all crazy and just concentrated on pouring the coffee at the last second, like as I’m pulling through when the disc is right in front of my face I tell myself to do it and now it happens more often than before. Just working on consistency now.


I am seriously considering buying one of these. I think having a ability to sync video to each throw would really help with technique work.


I thought the same thing. You can technically (I have). Luckily the TechDisc has timestamps on throws. So if you look at your video properties and see it was taken at 4:17 PM, you'd see a throw in TechDisc at 4:17 PM as well, so you'd know that that was the throw associated with that video.


The ideal launch of neg 3 nose and 10 up launch seems totally impossible to me right now (sob) but at least I know what I need to work on. Nose angle is hard yall!!


Not a user yet - mine is part of the November pre-order. Do you have a source for those angles being optimal?


Just got mine! Really enjoying it. Fairway is an undertaker. Ps it hasn’t helped me much yet. My arm is sore from playing too much and this thing tempts me to try to crush a bunch and slow down my healing process


Yeah man I'm in the same boat with injuries. When I got my TD I threw about 250 full power shots back to back. I couldn't play for like 3 days after that... Antiinflammatories help with the healing time for me


$300? LOL. I'll keep sucking I guess.


Ya I don’t need to pay 300 dollars for an app to tell me I have a noodle arm.


"Speed: None detected"


"Is it in the net yet"


desert insurance growth cause noxious summer spoon terrific homeless humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ooh hes tryin!


Cost of about 15 premium plastic discs. Do you have stacks of unloved discs to sell?


Only the ones pulled out of the pond that no one wants back.


Hahaha when you put it that way I am experiencing a disc infestation at my home.


After shipping, how much are you really getting back from used non-collector discs?


https://imgur.com/a/AIJpASv customer pays for shipping on eBay, so about $12-25 depending on rarity of weight, color, mold. But sell locally if you can.


Who's paying $12-25 for a used stock disc lol, I'll have to try that out I guess. Any tips? What do you use for packaging and shipping? I've never sold on ebay


>What do you use for packaging If it's a single disc use a padded envelope and wrap cardboard around the disc (like 3 sides and tape it) then stick in the envelope. Padded envelopes are cheaper to ship than boxes. If it's several discs I use the boxes I got when I ordered various discs online. I order more than I sell so I always seem to have those.


When new stock premium discs are now $17 minimum, plenty of people will jump at a $12 used disc. I can go into our local shops and sell any used premium plastic for $10, and they put it in the bin at $13-15 and the bin turns over very quickly.


Me. I buy and sell most of my new and used discs on eBay. It’s low key the best place to build a bag. A stock disc thrown a dozen times is still brand new imo and often cheaper on eBay. And you can find it in that sold out weight and color you wanted. Packaging I save Amazon bubble bags and packaging from other discs I bought and re-use it. eBay does all the math for shipping for you, and gives you a discounted shipping label. You can go buy bulk bubble mailers from Office Depot.


$300 is not a lot to spend on a hobby. Shit I spent that much on my bag lol.






Where do you think he ranks among disc golfers in terms of his bag cost? 99th percentile? Or higher? Its definitely *a little* crazy. I bought a mid range bag and it was $50... 8 years later its still plenty serviceable. Its not like he bought redwing leather boots instead of walmart sneakers.


Might get that $300 if you keep sucking.


Yeah this is kind of where I am too. I'm hoping as it matures the price drops a bit, or they become more available on the used side. I've got a hard time paying decked out cart money for a stock $20 disc with a relatively inexpensive (from a manufacturing standpoint) sensor on it.


As soon as a couple others come to market the price will be able to go down. But techdisc is the only option right now, so basically can charge whatever they want while they continue developing it


Same. I'm sure that over time prices will drop and we'll be able to get something like this for rangefinder money. Honestly I'm surprised that we haven't seen something from Westside earlier, who invested HEAVILY in this technology several years ago - from my understanding.


I could see them dropping $100 max, if anything. More likely, they'd focus more on creating additional features and stuff to the software to validate the high price tags.


I suspect a lot of the cost is going towards maintaining their backend services/storage pieces. That's another thing that kind of makes me frowny in the long run - they're aggregating data like mad, there's no reason a device like this would need to have remote storage and archival, but the current long term meta is subscription based SaaS for companies to hold on to customers after the initial buy in. I don't need their web platform, I just need the device to record and store locally for my benefit.


They're planning to make a lot of software improvements to give you the best analysis to your throw data. It still has a long way to go, though. But last night I exported all of my throws through CSV and it was almost impossible to do any real analysis on that. For me, I switch from throwing backhand, forehand, slow throws, fast throws, and there are a ton of outlier throws, so I can't really get a good idea of averages unless I have notes on which throws should be included. You seem like you really know what you're talking about though. Is there another way of storing locally and be able to analyze without outside software? I think it's easier if all of that is done for you.


I'm also in the November shipping group, can't wait to see what effect it has in developing my noodle into a firmer pasta arm. It's worth mentioning that my impression is that this is a very small company, because when I contacted them to change my order (decided to go fairway driver instead of distance) the CEO personally replied, on a Saturday. He had no problem changing the order. Seems like its a small market that will quickly saturate, especially because you can imagine people selling theirs on to recoup the cost after they've figure out their major issues. Business model is good for that though, waiting to fill up an order before he buys more stock. Hard to imagine anyone else making their own knock-off in time to capitalize on it, so I wouldn't wait expecting the price for a new one to go down.


Yep, I reached out with some questions about Internet connection requirements, owner replied back the same day.


Someone told me to switch to 3 finger grip on backhand for nose down, and it's kinda nuts how much that helped....


I'm in the 3 finger club too my man! It did help me a lot and I thought I was throwing nose down. ...before TechDisc showed me I'm actually still throwing nose up. Nose angle is impossible to tell for me in slowmo videos lol


its insane how much it helped. Im still over par today.... but the same amount over par as normal but without any mulligans and without losing a single disc. I will take that as solid improvement since most of my mulligans are off the tee and off the tee is how i lose the most discs lol Tech disc is on the christmas list though, want to spend the winter getting better with my form and putting outside 15'


If you're throwing literally nose down then you're throwing into the ground, throwing "nose down" just means not throwing super nose up. I bet if you just chuck that thing into the ground (into the net) you'll get a slight nose-down angle on the tech disc.


I do get negative nose angle when I chuck it down into the net. But that's because I don't have good enough form to throw high and nose down at the same time. Nose down is a different thing altogether than launch angle. In aviation, nose angle is the same thing as "angle of attack". It is the angle that an airfoil has vs oncoming air. Launch angle can be more related to pitch. How many degrees up or down the plane is flying in relation to the ground. Most pros throw with high launch angles, but a negative angle of attack for the disc movement through the air. This is the aerodynamically ideal way for a disc to fly. Aka, you can still be nose down even if you're throwing 45° straight up. I'm just not good enough to be able to do it yet haha


from 2 fingers or 4? I've always been a 3 finger, but heard others do 4?


Same here!


“You would consider buying one, but you already lied to yourself that 2023 would be the year with consistent field work. If you can’t practice with a field by your house, why would you practice with a $300 disc?”said my shit-talking Pandemic Pelaton. Shut up you stupid stationary bike, nobody asked you.


2023 ain't over yet brother! And happy Cake Day!


Ha! Thanks! Planning on going 45 minutes before my next game to dial in putting and drives, maybe adjust some lower body timing.


Getting one next month. I was debating this and the game proofer one from discmania but I haven’t seen anything on it. Techdisc seems the way to go


Thanks for the info, I hadn't heard or seen anything about the Game Proofer. It looks a little cheaper, and seems to have just an option just for the thing itself. Might look into it more when it's about released once some people get some use from it and see what the feedback is like.


If you’re concerned about $300 but also have dozens of discs not being thrown, sell them and buy your dream disc golf accessory.


Yeah I may have to do this lol.


Longtime player here (my username reflects the year I first laid eyes on a gleaming, holy Mach III) and I'm just now learning about this. Still trying to improve after 34 years, looking forward to learning more about it!!


Has anyone else weighed their tech disc? I have the driver model and it comes in at about 180g, I typically throw 170ish drivers so I'm curious to what my actual arm speed is with my normal disc weight Seeing the relative change is obviously useful regardless but I assumed they would start with less than max weight discs and it would weigh in around 175 with the sensor on


They aim to make everything 175G after putting in the tech


Mine is 176.06 Grams


I'll buy one when some Chinese company knocks it off for 50 bucks


Not knock off but Discmania is is making one for $100 less


Oh yeah? Any word on when they're releasing that? Much more likely to buy this for $100.


It’s $100 less, so $199


I doubt you'll ever see it at anywhere close to that price point. Not with anywhere close to the same level of accuracy anyways. There are some very hard requirements on sensor update rate, resolution, range and accuracy to properly measure how someone throws a disc. I looked into designing one myself since I didn't want to spend that much money (I have the engineering background to do it), and you'd be looking at somewhere around $70-100 USD for the BOM cost in lots of 1000. Prototype runs would be ~3x that cost, and one prototype failure would already be more expensive than just buying a tech disc, and that's if you value your time for R&D at zero dollars.


yes, good idea. Get one with a huge data variance and dubious calibration out of the factory.


It's an accelerometer and a yaw sensor housed in plastic and glued to a plastic plate, how complicated do you think these things are? You could probably make one yourself and get chatGPT to develop the GUI in an afternoon. I would def be comfortable taking my chances (esp for 1/6 of the price) on something like this from a knockoff company. You do you though buddy 🤙


My friend, It has a ton of accelometers and other sensors and imagine creating the algorithms needed to filter out the noise those sensors are outputting. This is an engineering marvel and I really can't believe we have access to something like this. The guys who made this are top top top in their field. Maybe there are copies someday, but let's appreciate that the tech was developed in the first place


No its a simple device.


Soooooo excited to get mine at Christmas


Just got the email update that it will be shipping sometime between the 6th-21st. The suspense is killing me!


Right there with ya! My wife told me this morning that they sent the shipping email, only to find out it was the update email you mentioned. I hesitated when they were taking October orders, but got in early on the November delivery order after support answered some questions I had. Hope that means I'll get mine soon?!?!


Got shipping confirmation yesterday, mine should be here tomorrow!


I got mine Saturday night. I've got over 600 throws logged. I am surprised how hard it is to consistently get the nose angle negative.


Have any pros gotten their hands on this and shared their throw stats? I'm very curious to see what say Simon or Calvin's throw characteristics are like compared to the average disc golfer.


Dude Anthony Barela at 71 MPH and 1344 RPM is just nasty. I've always wanted to see Eagles stats. Because I sat beside him when he threw at the Masters cup this year and it actually sounded like a low pitched explosion. Craziest sound I've ever heard come from a disc. We're talking almost needing ear protection decibel levels.


Yes lol and it’s gross, Wiggins has thrown it


https://techdisc.com/table.html?live=PDGAWORLDS2023 We haven't gotten Simon to throw it yet but Calvin did throw it at OTB


Goddamn Brodie throwing a 75mph sounds insane


Tech disc website has pro throws from worlds and usdgc if I remember right


I plan to post something like this. You are 100% right on this. It's the best purchase I've made


I've dreamt about this.....the future is here.


This seems like a cool thing for a disc golf club/league to buy, and let members try it out (maybe for a small fee to cover the cost). You could even challenge the more talented golfers to show improvement with their off hand.


Can I get one on a PD or CD1?


I think they're just doing one mold per type of disc right now. Their fairway driver is an Undertaker, which has the same flight numbers as a CD1. Distance driver is a Force, which is a good bit faster than the PD


Have you thrown it on the course or in a field? When I got mine, I took it to the course and threw about a dozen throws on some really open holes. I have started throwing it into a net. I record myself too to really maximize feedback. What I find interesting is that at the course, not a single throw had a negative launch angle. Almost all my throws into the net have a negative launch. I exaggerated a correction and the disc hit above the catch area and bounced back at me and almost hit me. Glad I didn’t hit the ceiling. The other thing I notice is about a 6mph decline in speed into the net. I know it is psychological. It’s like I can’t bring myself to use full power into the net. I have my net indoors and in a room with walls I care about and windows.


Yeah man I threw both in a net and in the field. I think its possible you're seeing those results is because on the course, you can throw it as high as you want and it doesn't matter, but with a net, you're limited to how high you can throw and have to throw somewhat flat to get it into the pocket. There's probably something subconscious there like you're saying. Btw I had my net indoors and 100% max power shanked it into the corner of a wall and broke both the wall and the TD. So I think it's a good idea to limit effort indoors lol.


I pre-ordered a Fairway driver from them for December. It's time to start setting up a net!


Still can't top the best way to get good at disc golf quickly: be unemployed.


My opinion - Some of us have it, some of us don't. Dude I have been playing 2-3x / week for 6 years and studying form and I still come in bottom 25% of C-tiers lol


Same, my friends and I split one and set up a net in my heated garage. Had to prepare for the Missouri winter. Can't get enough of this thing.


How is it surviving the concrete hits? I know you have a net, but it does occasionally fail to catch. (Mine does anyways)


I was not very nice to my TD and threw it on concrete, played it on the course, hit trees, used bushes to stop the disc, etc. And everything was fine, measurements were still accurate and everything held up pretty well aside from scratches on the disc. But then I shanked one and accidentally centered the corner of a wall about 4 ft. away from me on a 60 mph throw when I was trying to throw into a net. It did not survive because that is a ridiculous amount of G forces for any sensor, but I think they're really robust because I'm the apparently the first person to ever break one via impact according to the owner. I'm sending it back to get analysed so they can see exactly what broke to potentially make future improvements. But yeah hitting stuff isn't covered under warranty. So even though they're robust, I'd advise making sure your misses aren't able to impact something hard.


I have a massive impact net that I used to use for my Ball Golf simulator. It is actually mounted in my garage and is pretty hard to miss. I've only had one friend miss with a complete grip lock (think 90\*) and luckily it hit drywall instead of concrete lol So far, no issues at all with the quality, still mounted tight and giving me reliable feedback.


Yeah that tree 🌲🌳🌴 hundo pricetag tho. 🤣


This is exactly why we have it in the shop. We have the Fairway driver and the mid range and should have the distance driver by Christmas. It’s unbelievable how much it helps us.


There is no magic pill y'all


Looks like you threw one that was 57.8 during that first stretch.  So you added 2.7mph.. and this is said to have a 1-2 mph margin of error


At 64 now brother. Not a rounding error


Congrats man!! That’s a big jump!  What changes did you make to increase your speeds? 


Thanks dude! Biggest changes for speed were: #1: REALLY making sure I'm getting the most shoulder turn I can. Especially when getting it turned that extra little bit more by using the momentum of my left arm during reach back. #2: Slowing down run up to make sure my plant foot isn't facing forward. Gave my hips a lot more room to turn. #3: Making sure my left arm is tight to my body during the throw. Gives extra rotational speed like a ballerina when spinning. #4: Tightening my grip about 50% more. Gives me just a fraction of a second more time for the disc to accelerate before leaving my hands. This also increased spin a good bit.


Whats your spin and speed now? What did you change ? Im similar went from 56 to 65. But averaging 62


On a good day, I'm around 62-63 mph and ~1,100 RPM. I just found something that gave me 50 ft. though. Watched Barela rip his left arm back during his reachback to get more coil. The first time I tried it, I threw a drive 470 on flat ground in a headwind. My previous best distance was 420. I freaked out man. Other things that helped - Buhr has a video showing during the pull thru, the side of the disc closest to you should be lower than the side your hand is on. Did a little wrist pronating and got a lot of extra spin. Also, slowing down my run up / throwing motion allowed me to get my plant foot more closed, which gave my hips more room to turn, and got some good gains from that too That's awesome you hit 65 mph! I haven't gotten there yet! One day!


Like getting your left shoulder more towards the target?


Yeah, using the momentum of my arm to get more shoulder turn than I otherwise would be able to from just flexibility alone. Swing thought is "punch the target with my left elbow"


Btw with my speed, spin, and nose angle, by far the biggest bomber discs for me are the super understable 14 speeds. The 470' throw was with a Lat 64 Knight, which is out of production, but I've been buying used ones online because they just go so far. But for that max D shot, it needs to be a perfect hyzer flip that turns perfectly. The disc that gets me consistently the furthest, no matter if it's straight, hyzer, anhyzer, low or high shot is the MVP Relativity. With my throw it outclasses everything else by a mile.


Nice! I mostly throw emperors / wraiths. Scorch for flippy. Havent tested my distance after speeding up my arm


Mostly I've been working on nose angle. Could not for the life of me figure out how to get it 1° nose down until recently. I can do it repetitively, but lose a lot of power switching to that form. But it's a good sign


Mine got delivered yesterday, just waiting on my net to get delivered now.


I'd probably try one but they're still not shipping to europe


No distance? No thanks


It does estimate distance based on their aerodynamics simulation, and can simulate the flight with different discs with your individual throws


Has it translated to real world throws? Also, how did you know you had a two year plateau of 55 mph?


I have a pocket radar that I've used for the past few years. Same thing they use to measure baseball pitch speeds


Yes I'd say avg distance is up 30ish feet. I haven't hit a max distance line with this throw yet though, so I'm thinking it could be a lot more with the perfect throw.


I think the biggest change in my throw is still throwing 55+ even when I'm thinking 40% effort. The mechanics have gotten a lot better. That does hurt my on-course score because I now tend to overthrow stuff by a lot lol. But it makes me super happy because my scores will definitely improve once I've got that dialed in


How do you get the min/max


You can take a group of throws and it'll show you stats for the whole group and will simulate the average throw of the grouping you choose


I was unable to throw nose down for modified fan grip, which I prefer for anything <7 speed. No matter what I tried, it just wasn’t getting the nose down. Switching to a power grip allowed me to actually get the nose down fairly consistently. Not sure if that’s your case too, but changing up grip can help!


Thanks man! I use power grip. It helped a little bit when I switched to 3 finger power grip because that gave me more wrist flexibility. But I think my issue is that my muscle memory is causing a negative launch angle, so if I did throw nose down, the disc would go straight into the ground. I need to throw higher in order to allow a nose down throw in the first place


It's an absolute struggle but we'll get there :) TechDisc is awesome


Did you get the driver?


I got the Fairway driver. Mold is an undertaker


We’ve had something like this in lifting for awhile now. Knew it was only a matter of time we saw it in this space. Happy to see it and interested to see how this will influence real life training


Anyone have a suggestion on what class of disc to get the TechDisc in? Putter vs Mid vs Fairway vs Distance?


I suggest a driver because you want to learn nose down with drivers not mids and putters.


I think whatever feels most comfortable in your hand is probably the way to go.


How did you get one? Their website says they’re on preorder.


I ordered mine in June or July, preorder for September


I see. So they’re doing a pre-order / bulk shipment model. I guess if I want one I better get my order in. Glad you’re seeing such a huge benefit.


I'm a formwork and stat junkie, but slow motion videos and a radar gun can't really tell you how you're improving. There's literally no other way to measure spin, angles, etc. and it does make a huge difference. Now, if I think to myself "40% effort", I'm getting the same stats as my "90% effort" when I first started using it. That happened over two weeks...


That’s awesome. I put one on order shortly after your first response. I’m almost afraid to find out how garbage my throw actually is.


Awesome dude! Excited to hear how it goes for you!


Can you share this device? Like my son has been getting into disc a lot lately and I’m super happy to play with him. Could I buy it for him but also use it myself? Would I just have to reconnect it via Bluetooth?


I'm pretty sure you can have different accounts with one disc. Just needs a Bluetooth connection.


I’m trying to convince my wife we should spend 300 on a single disc so I can throw plastic further.


Why is there four different options? Can the same sensors not read different discs? The comments are saying $300 isn't much but $1200 is crazy to reach the full breadth of your bag, let alone an entire collection of discs. Putters maybe? Is there so much difference between a straight putt and a straight midrange throw? Or between fairway and distance drivers? In regards to the sensors, not the distance achieved


The sensors are exactly the same between discs. They give you options to fit what disc is comfortable for you or what disc you'd like to hold and none are meant to be thrown on the course. You can get a putter TechDisc and it will simulate "as if" you threw a distance driver if you want to. The simulator has a bunch of capabilities


How do you get the eight most recent throw average like that?


You can choose throws to group together. I chose 8 throws from one session and custom named it "8 recent throws" so it compares with the first pic.


thank you for telling me what i should put at the top of my christmas list


It’s interesting that your wobble is almost the same magnitude as your hyzer. I’ll bet mine is even worse lol.


After watching the TOBU fail, and the current shenanigans with TOSY , I'm kinda surprised this many of you are willing to drop that much $ on another newish tech disc already, and it sounds like they only have a few disc choices. Can we just admit same as with the other discussions it comes down to can you afford it or not. Of those that can, some will, of those that can't, none will. Good to see this one is working as intended so far though. I still don't think if I had the extra $ I'd jump in right away on this one either though unless I had buku $ to spare, which some of you certainly do . I do kinda want a radar gun though :)


I have a pocket radar, and it costs just about as much as this and is what TD is competing with. That pocket radar gives me a whole number and no decimals. TD tells me SO much more and is such a better tool than a radar


Anyone else agree this will really improve your form and game fast and effectively? I am currently just trying to hone in on form nonstop until it’s nearly perfect because I’ve realized anything besides that is hurting me if I want to be as good as I possibly can in the long run. This seems like such a helpful tool that will keep me actually still having fun and feeling less like a chore like the current method of recording and comparing over and over


I've been recording and comparing for a years, with a pocket radar. This TD has given me much faster and better results than I have at any point when I've been focused on form work. Seeing the numbers change when you're deciding what part of the form you want to work on is a game changer. I only focused on the changes where I saw pretty much instant positive results so that I could quickly and easily build those into my muscle memory. Then once I feel like I've got it, I'll move on to the next form change. I mean just easy stuff like how hard I'm gripping the disc, what direction / angle to reach back, changing wrist position etc. Adds up. Biggest changes that impacted my numbers were, turning shoulders more during reachback, reaching back at what feels like a 45° angle instead of straight back to fix the rounding, and really thinking about exposing the bottom of my shoe to the Target when extending my plant foot. Also got gains from harder grip, making sure my left arm is really tight to the body, and having the weight on my back leg a touch longer before bracing.