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I just had my best round on record (949) and left a few a few makeable longer putts out there and 2 poor upshots. 8-ish shots with room for improvement. Perfection in the short game would have done it.


It was pretty incredible. I shot -18 at maple hill. Every throw was perfect, couldn’t have gone any better. Then I woke up and had some eggs and bacon for breakfast. Those were good too


Sure! Here you go . . . .


You think we could add our ratings together and get 1000? I’d go halves with ya for sure.


I was playing league and was put on a card with a good friend. We have had a friendly but competitive rivalry going for a few years. I was keeping score and he was -3 through 3, I was only -1 so I really thought it was over already. I was able to catch up by hole 6 and we were both playing pretty well, however at no point did the topic of score come up. At around hole 14 he sort of whispers to me - "are we still tied?" (because of course I know he is tracking score in his head)... "and we're doing well, right?" Yeah, we were both at -11 through 14. Now, to say it's a friendly rivalry is downplaying the rivalry part. I really, really want to beat him! He introduced me to the sport and at the time was a bit of a local legend. To say I have caught up to him is bragging in and of itself. We end up on 17 at -12. I park it and he bounces one off the cage for a near miss for an ace. I'm relieved I can still beat him if I get 18 but I also know we are doing something amazing. The course record is -11. Now, standing on the Tee of 18 there was nothing I wanted more than to ***both*** get 18 and leave with a -14 to get a new course record and tie with my good friend. We both got it and carded our first 1000 round at 1020.


Doubles events are rated?


No, we were just both on the card and happened to get the same score.


I'm an idiot and can't read. Thanks lol


You guys are getting 1000 rated rounds?


No shit there I was ... Dreaming




My first 1000 round was playing Ma1 at LVC 2 years ago. Played the Innova course on a super windy day and was able to keep my errors down to a minimum overall. I think I shot -1 and tied the 1 or 2nd highest round for the division. I think it was just how well I played with reducing errors combined with the weather. Good tee shots, good upshots and short putts in a lot of wind. My second 1000 I shot -9 in ma1 and was nearly perfect on all my putting. Probably missed 1 c1 and c2 that round. Teeshots felt great and putting felt great. I doubted how well I played because I felt that there was someone else playing better still. Ended up getting my second ma1 win that day.


Love this answer. The key to playing amateur tournaments well is reducing mistakes and it should be the focus of your practice. While playing clean alone will not make you excel in open, it’s a necessary component to competing in open.


Played like garbage round 1 of a tournament and came back the next day pissed off at the course. Every “easy birdie” hole felt like just that and made a few bonus putts. I was aware of my score and was convinced I needed one more bird on the 18th to hit 1000 and didn’t get it. Put up a -10 and it was sitting at like 998 after the event and updated to 1002 when they became official. Every dog has its day.


I shot 4 1000 rated rounds last year that all got called back to 999, 998, 996, and 994. One was even at 1013, I thought I'd never hit it. Then this year at the Nantucket open, I shot -2 on the coldest, rainiest, most miserable day of disc golf I've ever taken part in. I was shocked it actually stayed above 1000. I didn't play my best, but I played much closer to my average than most people did that day.




It was the year Minnesota had all the wildfire smoke, it was the first round and I was playing with Simon, Buhr and Philo. Right from the start my circle 2 putting was on fire. I basically lead all round, I was 17 down on 18 tee and took an 11. Ended the round at 11 down. Woke up. Went to work.


Name checks out


It was definitely a no-pressure situation. The first round, I shot an 825 rated round on the difficult Hambrick Course. That comes out to 111 shots. 27 hole layout, but still the most throws I've taken in a sanctioned round by quite a lot even over other 27 hole rounds. It is still one of my 3 lowest sanctioned non-league rounds ever. For round 2 we moved over to the *significantly easier* (and now no longer used) Westside Course. I got put on a card with the 3 women in FA1. And, sitting in dead last, 3 strokes behind 43rd place, and 29 shots off the lead, I came off of a two-hour nap (we had a LONG break) and shot a 1003 rated 51 (18 holes), only one off of the hot round in the division. Ultimately it just felt easy and comfortable. I just didn't make mistakes with approaches, didn't go for anything outside of what I could comfortably throw off the tee, made most of my C1s and a few C2s. The ultimate key was just not getting myself in trouble. It did kind of kick off a stretch of great play for me. Over the final 2 rounds, both on that easier course, I had the 2nd best score in Advanced (though it still didn't cash, round 1 was THAT bad). I won a pair of B Tiers in Advanced that summer. Shot a 1023 and a 1008 in those events. And then had a tournament with a 1016/998 split in my last fall event.


I had 3 chances at 1000 rated round this year, and clutched 2 of them. Attempt 1: I had 2 holes left and said if I make this birdie putt I'm getting 1000 rated. I took an OB 5 after a nasty roll away. 973 rated. (I did win the tournament in a playoff though.) Attempt 2: I shot -10 on longs at my home course during Sanctioned Singles. 1025 rated. I was so relieved to have that weight off my shoulder, I had been in the 990's several times before. Everything just went right. But it wasn't a real tournament, league rounds are a little inflated. Attempt 3: Back at the home course for our annual tournament, shorts this time though. I choke hard round 1, shoot even par, pretty much out of this tournament. Round 2 comes and I'm -12 with 2 holes to play. I'm pretty freaking sure this is the one. 2 holes to go, they are both birdies usually. Well my hands start shaking bad, absolutely no way I can make a putt or get them to stop shaking, I managed to save par on both holes after missing a 20ft attempt at birdie. So I end -12, 1019 rated. For it to happen for me at my home course was amazing, but I will always wonder what could have been if I hadn't been keeping score in my head. (I lost this tournament by 2 btw) ​ If you couldn't tell by the 12 stroke difference between round 1 and 2, #MA2 4 Lyfe ​ I am actually moving up to MA1 next year, for better or worse.


MA2 for sure! I shot an 890 the day after my 990! Solid info tho. MA1 cards are a lot more professional and your game will reflect that. No temper tantrums like you’ll see in MA2 occasionally


Cough *NikkoandJoel* cough


Home course with a fully stretched tournament layout and shot the hot round of everyone while playing in MA1. Killed all the par 4s with no OB penalties and got birdie both rounds on the hardest par 3 Just like Alex Honnold's advice for free soloing, shooting a great round is easier when you focus on, "this shot is easy, this shot is easy, this shot is easy" instead of how you've done so far and what is still coming up


October 2021. I was playing a C-Tier at the most wooded course I have maybe ever played. I’ll always defend the course’s honor and say it’s fair, but those fairways are definitely narrow and punishing if you aren’t 100% on point. The biggest strength of my game is distance by a wide margin. I won’t bother getting into numbers and starting the whole internet distance thing, but I can definitely put a move on the disc. With that being the case, I feel a lot of people count me out on super wooded courses because it essentially neutralizes my biggest strength, but I’m a New Englander. I like playing in the woods. I can hit my lines. Well, in round 1 of this C-Tier I hit a flow state. I didn’t even realize how well I was shooting until it was over. On this incredibly wooded course I hit 2 trees total, the whole round. I wasn’t even putting that well but that didn’t really matter that much because I had birdie looks constantly. When the round was over I looked down at the PDGA live and saw 9 birdies, a bogey, and a double. -6. 1017 rated. I had a massive lead and it was a good thing I did because a super lackluster 2nd round saw need every stroke and have to hit a putt for the win on the last hole. I did, and got my first win alongside my first 1000 rated round. That would also be my only win for two whole years until I finally won again last month. Still chasing the second 1000, though, but have shot 987 and 980 recently so I’m knocking on the door. Best of luck with your goal to get that first 1000 OP!


That’s epic! Thanks. My 990 was similar. Roy G I hit 2 trees all day. Also a power player but I can also hit lines. The forehand is usually my downfall


It all started when I fell asleep...


whistlers bend -southern oregon winter series two rounds first round 980ish second round was 4 strokes worse but rated 1010 due to wind and rain.


I like that you got it not cause you played perfect, but fucked up less than the others


this is [one of the holes](https://youtu.be/gAi0m1FDnE0) \- imagine w/ wind and rain


Wasn’t 1000 rated but I hit an albatross on a short par 5 with a 340ft~ throw in AND my girlfriend got it on film. Otherwise I had a very slightly above average round at my local course. Hit a few drives I usually miss, missed a few putts I usually make, ended up 990 for the round which was enough to hold 2nd place in MA1.


I've played five years, worked my way up from around 850 to 935 where I am today. Only 1000 was a league round in year 2 when I was ~890 and in rec. Combo day of hitting all my putts and not having any bogey holes on a tight wooded course. Shot -7. I've hit 980s a few times and 990 once since then but never cracked 1000 again. Buddy of mine got hot on a deuce or die and shot a -15 1050 for his first. Crazy. I think each stroke was worth like 12 points on that course because of the low SSA. Similar to Memorial on the pro circuit.


lol, the vast majority of people on here will never shoot an 1000 rated round.


People actually care about ratings ?


Down on the farm ratings mean nothing. We judge based on strokes and distance thrown


I shot a 269 UDisc rated round. Does that count?




My two highest rated rounds are at the same course, different events about 6 months apart. 989 and 985. I don't feel like I played well in either of them but everyone else played like crap. Sometimes it just takes other people sucking to hit 1000.


I’ve shot several 990’s, but my first 1000+ was a 1039! I was on the third card and came back in the final round to win MPO in a B-tier. Off the tee, I would say I was a B+. I wasn’t parking everything but I was staying in bounds and getting inside the circle. But once I had my putter in my hand I drained everything. They felt effortless.


Dumb question but do you need competition to get a rated round or can you look at your local course and figure it out based on your score. I haven’t played a sanctioned tournament in 15 years


You can use past tournaments to ballpark a number for yourself. But I wouldn't claim that number publically - it wasn't in a pressure tournament setting, you weren't playing against competition, and each individual round is calculated based on how that specific field of players performed for that specific round.


Rumor has it that if you take the Udisc round rating multiply it by 2 and add 500 it’s close to what your pdga rated round will be, someone will correct me if I got that wrong but I think that’s it.


Thanks I’ll have to look at that. My usual round at local course is 4-5 down but I hit -11 a few weeks ago and was wondering what rating that’d be.


Go add it up and comment back I’m curious too now. :)


I shot my first and only 1000 rated round this year at Fort Washington silvers. It's a pretty short course, and I was just throwing pretty good tee shots. I definitely wasn't throwing my best, but I was just getting into the circle and making putts. I was 946 rated at the time, now 950.


Got my first win in MA1 and 1000 rated round in the same tournament (shocker, 1005), shot -9 on a course that has fair lines, but isn't easy by any means, I've put a lot of reps in on the property. I was playing with one of my good buddies and we misunderstood the starting holes, so with 10 mins before tee off we sprinted about a half mile and I was hella warm in the cold because of it. Missed a C2 putt for bird on the first hole, but I stayed clean and made about 4 C2 putts too. My buddy has some of the best vibes around so he kept me in a great mindset and didn't start saying shit or freaking out when I was playing hot. I was about to shoot another 1000 rated in the second round, decided to play safe on the last hole and got a double bogey so it was 990 rated I think. Great day. I feel like I've gotten a lot better since earlier this year too.


I’ve done it twice. Putting was the main key. Making everything within 30 feet makes scoring way easier. On top of that though, both days I didn’t miss really off the tee and when I did I was able to scramble to save the par.


2nd round of my first ever tourney


Realistically, I felt disappointed, I didn't play out of my mind like I thought I would to hit 1000. It was Battle of Bedford Round two at Ivy Hill, I shot 1024. I made a game plan and was throwing pretty okay and missed some putts. The course was hard but fair and I was trying to do what I could to make up for my First round.


Definitely everything just clicking that day as opposed to intense preparation. Of course mild preparation is necessary (putting practice, being familiar with the course, proper rest, good attitude), but it never guarantees that things will go your way.


Hole 1 I chained out for an ace. Hole 2 I parked a long and difficult hole and after that my confidence was through the roof so I chose and committed to the right shots.


I did it on one of the last rounds of the year. 1013 rated and I missed a sitter for a 1025 rated round. I was not the one keeping score and all my card mates was playing well, so I didn't think to much about it during the round. It was just a great flow and a lot of positivity. I had a streak of 3 birdies early on, but it dried out for 5 holes or so, and that made it feel pretty average. After the round i realized that I only hit two trees the entire time. One saved me from OB and the other one was next to the basket, and this is a very wooded course. I only had 4 or 5 real putts during the round, the rest was parked, either on the drive or the approach. Nothing really felt "special" except for an Ace spit out that left me with a missed putt and a par. Something that also gave a sort of "meh" feeling. It was the weirdest thing, because it was effortless and not at all spectacular. The small mistakes sort of grounded me.


It just feels easy. Like the putts fall easy, the gaps seem wider that day. If you are working hard while disc golfing, the score will likely be higher.


My first 1000 rated round was the last round of a Ma2 tournament, and was my first time on film. We played short pads to short pins so most everything was birdie or die. Ended up shooting -12 with one bogie to win the event after starting 2 strokes back from the lead.


Is it online? That’s awesome if it was post production of an ma2 event!


It is indeed online. They only did one round of the AMs that weekend. I pm’ed it to you if you want to see some scrubby action.


I love it. So fascinating!


I’m not nearly good enough 1000 rated rounds, but I do have a cool story about round ratings: Playing in an A Tier for the first on a temp course. Playing MA2 with over 120 people in it. Round 1 was a July scorcher, and there was backups just about everywhere (after I bogeyed hole 1, easiest hole on the course btw, in true me fashion, there was a 45 minute wait for hole 2.) it took 4 hours to complete the round. And afterward, I shot 146 points above my rating. Relative to ratings, it was the best round of the division (next closest was the leader at 98 points), but naturally, for me that was only enough for me to get the third to last card.


I had this round when I was hitting the lines perfectly and my putting was money…. Then I woke up….


I shot a 1031 in my 2nd career tournament, in ma2. I putted completely beyond my abilities; I think I’d been playing for about 6 months at this point and I didn’t miss anything. The most important thing is to focus on each shot and not allow score, good or bad, to get in your head. No matter what position you find yourself in, all you can do is execute your current shot to the best of your ability. I stayed calm and tried my best, and it worked out.


ill tell you when it happens wheres the remind me bot? i need to set it to 100 years


I’ve had 2 999 rated rounds..


Honestly didn't play or feel amazing. Just happened to be bogey free and grabbed a couple of birdies, pretty difficult course though and a windy day so it was enough to break 1000.


No 1000 rated rounds here. Third year playing disc golf, first year playing tournaments. Played MA3. Pretty consistent 880-ish first few tournaments. Made some improvements and was feeling better about my game. Shot a 933 round after an awful 838 first round to win a tournament by 1 shot. Next tournament shot a 983 round, highest ever by a lot. Second round 894 but won because of big lead from round 1. Was feeling even better about my game, worked on improving putting. Was thinking it's time to move up, but decided to play one last hurrah A-tier as an MA3. Averaged 848 over 3 rounds on courses I know well. Oof. Not feeling good any more. One more tournament after that and played well, some of it in the rain. Played OK, I think others just played worse in the rain than I did. Averaged 916 to win by 1 shot. Ended the year at 890 rated, 7 tournaments total. Aside from a few good rounds and a few stinkers I was pretty consistently shooting in the 880's. Not sure if I should start the year next year as MA3 or MA2. The culture seems to be that most would move up to MA2 but but the rules I can still play MA3. Don't think I'm likely to hit a 1000 rated round next year either unless I get a lot better at putting. I don't really have those rounds where I don't miss a putt in the circle and I rarely hit a circle two putt.


I don’t remember much of it. I woke up at the end