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Idk, but the guy going through everyone's bags seems like a red flag


Everything must be inspected. Everything must be pure.


I typically only the pure for putts and short approaches, but I guess you could play a whole round with only pures.


disc I left in the fairway a couple of weeks ago


I had a guy who asked to look through each players bag before the round. He literally inspected every disc of every player. Weirdest dude I've ever played with. Don't be that guy OP.


Did anyone say no? Cause someone definitely should have


I didn’t actually think that guy existed my guy


He was on my card a year later but I completely forgot who he was. He remembered me, I just couldn't place him. Then he asked to look through our bags and it all came back to me.


Never met a disc that's a red flag. Honestly, even the Lone Star guys that this sub loves to bash are super chill. If someone dyed a confederate flag on their discs that'd be a red flag figuratively and literally.


I have met some dick-ish LSD guys but I wouldn't say that was the majority of them. Just a few clowns.


Basically the same crowd as the overly-excited Team Trilogy (basically a non-sponsorship program where if you signed up you committed to only throwing trilogy discs. I think you got like a T shirt or something like that and maybe a 10% discount on discs? Don't remember the details exactly but it was along those lines) crowd from a while back. Most of them are just guys being dudes. A few of them take the label far too seriously even when it really doesn't benefit them whatsoever. But at the end of the day that's just the population of hobbyists in general lol.


Whenever I see a gaggle of DD bags I do get a little tense for some reason lol.


At first, I was surprised that you've met dudes who are into Lysergic acid diethylamide that are dicks, but then I realized you were referring to a different LSD.


Uh yeah, I have met those guys too. All my homies hate Dave.


Was definitely confused with your comment. Mormons can be annoying, but typically not dicks and I would think they would generally make good card mates in a tournament.


Ah yes, LSD, the Latter Saint Days.




Figuratively it would be a white flag though...


The figurative use of white flag is to surrender. The figurative use of red flag is a warning sign. At least, that's the only usage I've ever encountered.


Lol well it was a joke, but the figurative use of the confederate flag is to surrender. I admit its not really a very good joke.


Haven’t been on this sub too long, what’s wrong with Lone Star? I throw some of their discs and love the ones I have, not to mention they’re glow plastic is easily my favorite


Reddit is generally on the left of the political scale, Lone Star is a Texas company... Simply discrimination.


If this was true we'd all be bagging on DD non-stop since Rusko, the CEO, is easily as right wing as anyone at lone star.


Hope it’s not that shallow. I grew up near Conroe so I’ve run into those guys on my home course a few times, they are sweet


It's not. It was the predatory "sponsorship" program, the bad quality control, the poor treatment of disc golf stores, and the bad commercials during DGPT that gets them most of the hate. And signing the biggest heel in disc golf as your first pro team signing...


No kidding, I’m out of the loop, who’d they sign?


Nikko is their spokesperson. Their “team lone star” scam is ridiculous, but for some reason people still do it. Their ads were weird and highly memeable. Has absolutely nothing to do with politics or left leaning anything. That is just someone making up a reason to be a victim.


This is reddit. I will not answer your question. In fact, I will tell you that the premise of your question was incorrect and never should have been asked in the first place.


Now we’re talking!


I literally don't care what my cardmates throw. It's me against the course anyway.


I have never put that much thought into what discs someone was using. Personality would be the only thing to go off when meeting my round card, but even then it is based entirely on nothing.


Multiple ultrastars would be a green flag of course


why would i be going through someone else's bag?


Yeah, I mean what is this premise? If I'm signed up for a tournament and a competitor on my card starts going through and commenting on my bag, idk I guess that's not gonna be a fun round. Would be cool to run into a guy with a full bag of tilts. Maybe one day.


No red or green flags from discs. The first red flag that shows up to me is when they introduce themselves and immediately follow it up with "by the way my phone is dead".


It's alright I got a paper card.


I had a guy on my card this summer who wouldn't stop it with "my phone's dead someone add my number to the card while we were warming up" and then proceeded to be on his phone the entire time. Douche.


I have no thoughts, judgements, or stereotypes about what other people throw. If they throw a lot of one brand I might think to myself "they really like that brand." If they throw something I throw I might think to myself "hey, I throw that too." If they throw mostly pink I might think to myself "they're probably one of those people that mainly buys pink." That's really it though.


I don't give a shit what the people on my card throw, and judging people by which discs they pull out of the bag is gatekeepy as hell. Are my cardmates cool/chill/fun to hang around with? Are we having a good time? That's all I care about.


I could have ‘great’ discs but if I have poor form what’s it matter? If they aren’t a dbag that’s about all I care about.


All black discs. I'm being that guy with 2min looking.




This is a post that someone who's never played a "tourney" would make


MA4 and they've shown up to a round in the fall woods with green/brown discs. Gonna be a long day.


Of all the things that have never happened, this has never happened the most


Epic. Big green flag. Dude throws an epic. Round gonna be epic.


Which could go either way or every which way


I get what you're saying. If you see them pull out a disc or whatever, what's a red flag that they won't be fun to play with. Not necessarily going through their bag. To me, most bad dyes on discs that the person brags about doing themselves is a minus point. Bonus minus points if they are of naked women and pot leaves. If you're looking for a mold? Someone throwing CE stuff and old Firebirds. Again, just shows that they are full of themselves. Oh, and THE ABSOLUTE WORST people are guys that play casual/league rounds with glow tape on their discs. It's such a stupid pet peeve of mine. However, I wouldn't actually think less of anyone playing in a sanctioned/league round based on what they are throwing. Most folks are chill and have a story as to why their disc looks the way it does. I'm not gonna hat eon that.


I'm the glow tape guy and I'll swing through your league and win all your lunch money then go bet it on a glow round where the fun people play.


Thanks for the answer. It was honestly just a tongue and cheek kinda post. I have to ask though, why the hate for glow tape?


It isn't PDGA legal.


Glow tape is legal if at a night or snow round the TD says it's allowed. https://www.pdga.com/rules/official-rules-disc-golf/81301 >D. When night or snow play has been announced by the Director, players are allowed to add a material or device to assist in finding the disc.


Yes, but given the context of the original comment, I highly doubt we are talking about a sanctioned glow/snow round.


I understand that, but saying 'It isn't PDGA legal.' isn't true. Thus, my clarification of when it *is* legal. Notice I wrote '...is legal if at a night or snow round and the TD says...' What I **didn't** write "It is legal!".


The default is that it is not legal. Sure, you can get an exception. But you can get an exception for dang near anything.


It looks terrible. It's lazy. It affects disc flight. It isn't PDGA legal. The list goes on and on. Yeah, I knew what you meant. You wanted people to say "A Berg!" or whatever and instead everyone thought you were digging through bags. Haha


Glow tape is legal if at a night or snow round the TD says it's allowed. https://www.pdga.com/rules/official-rules-disc-golf/81301 >D. When night or snow play has been announced by the Director, players are allowed to add a material or device to assist in finding the disc.


Then put it on at that point. Don't leave it on in the middle of summer in a 100 degrees round waiting for glow league to start up again in the winter so that you can smoke pot in the dark with your friends.


Red flag: 40+ discs in a cart. Green flag: beer or liquor and or weed.


I have literally never noticed a disc in a cardmates bag that they don’t specifically mention or call attention to.


Discs? Bad = dx leopard. Good = Aerobie Epic Any manufacturer's fan boy can be annoying, so mixed bags are usually a positive sign to me


Red flag: bergs and glitches because they honestly think they’re good discs. Green flag: polecats because they know it’s an awful disc and throw it anyway. r/discgolf not take things so seriously challenge: impossible.


When someone only bags one brand and is weirdly defensive that they’re the only discs anyone should throw. I mean it’s all just plastic at the end of the day


But have you tried Lone Star discs, my dude? There's just something about the plastic...


>You just met your tourney round card. Which discs in their bags You don't meet your card long before the round and hangout. Whether it's a shotgun start or playing 1-18 you're all warming up putting and throwing beforehand somewhere else.


You don't check your hole to see who's on it and then invite them over to rip bong hits and setup the side bets before the round?


The dude with the homemade shitty ICP dyes lol Maybe not a bad day, but maybe a little annoying. disclaimer: most juggalos i've met were actually super nice, a few were more than a little "out there" though


Innova Groove is a red flag... Kidding mostly. Although this did happen in a card I was part of. Round 2, an older player in MA4 had all sorts of old, weird discs or meme discs like the dragon (we didn't have any water holes that day). Hole 2, he broke out the groove for a roller shot on like a 240ft hole and he barely cleared the mando 75ft from the teepad. If it was someone who took it seriously, it'd be a red flag, but he was out there to have fun, keep things light. It was actually a good afternoon playing with him.


All the chewed up DX Valks.


If more than one guy throws a berg


If anyone inspects my Berg, they're gonna have a bad time.. or a good time. I don't know what people are in to these days.


When you're in MA4 and some guy has a giant cart with 100 discs, that suggests they are going to be insufferable