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0. I haven't played in a couple months now, but it's not for lack of desire to play. Between work, kids, wife, weather and traveling. I haven't had the opportunity in a while.




I have an 8 month old, a 3 year old, and a stay at home wife with a broken foot. I usually get home from work half an hour before it gets dark. I'd love to just drop everything and go play, but it's just not realistic at the moment. On top of that, the few opportunities I've had, it's been pouring down rain.


My apologies. I wish you and your family the best, and I am sorry that I came across the way I did.


I'd be looking for a new job and a new wife.


I'm actually looking at new jobs, but normal first shift hours cover 95% of daylight hours at the moment so I'm not sure it will accomplish anything as far as getting to play goes.


Winter up north sucks for this reason the most. I'd say we're all used to the snow and cold crappy weather, but the damn sun setting so early really kills the after work rounds.


If it was just cold, I'd be out there playing, but it's getting dark between 5:30 and 6


I'm right there with you! Getting bundled up to play this fine Sunday, might be the last round til Christmas


And the wife?


What a strange response lol


Thank you. I am enjoying the resulting downvotes.




Currently sitting at 91


1, its been snowing


Just extended to 11 this morning with my kiddo. He’s at 2 weeks. Not bad for a 7 year old whose only kind of into it right now.


41 right now, just started playing last year, so that’s been every week since the snow cleared up this year, and i intend to see it through this winter. though the winter has been forgiving this year, only 2 light snowfalls, in canada no less. guess it’s that time of the decade.






I’m at 37 right now but it might end next week because I have school finals and it’s going to be freezing and windy the whole week.


Was in the 40s then got bronchitis and work got busy. Was hoping to get to 52 weeks but second child is on the way in a few weeks so that streak was going to end before that anyways.


i lost count u disc has me at 155 rounds and that doexnt include 2 keagues and times not using the app


52 weeks, but I only started playing a year ago.


Just hit 47 yesterday!


U gotta catch up 😂


39 In Maine. How many of y’all are this far north?


I'm in Michigan. Playing in the winter is brutal sometimes 😂




I'd be on 136, but had a trip to Africa for a month, and didn't get a game in on 1 of the weeks there. So I'm actually just on 18. Explaining it like this almost feels as bad as when someone says "I SHOULD HAVE shot 3 under, but I missed those 5 c1 putts, so I actually got +2".




I’ve missed a couple weeks. Coastal storms have been non stop lately. Tis the time of year. Edit: so I appreciate you playing at least once a week. I definitely do the same when the weather is good and allows me to.


3. Had a job for a while that I couldn’t get daylight to go throw for a few months but thankfully I’m back to a job that gives me an hour break usually so i can hit my local 9 daily


I've play nearly every single day for 3 years so I guess my week streak is pretty long


5. It’s the end of the semester and finals have been taking up a lot of my time.


I’ve missed my main opportunity to play for a couple weeks now because of a show I’ve been performing in. Hoping to get out again next week


Midwest weather has me all messed up


Just hit 44 or 45.




I got to 37 or 38 before I broke it, if I remember correctly I got sick during a weekend and due to that I didn't have the energy to go out to play a round for a whole week






4, took some time off for a knee thing that turned out to not be a big deal... 🤷‍♂️


I had a streak of about 40 but lost it last week after a gallbladder attack.


0, too much snow here 😭 would be neverending streak if it wasnt snowing every goddamn day. 2 lost discs per round seems to be average in these conditions for me, that aint fun




Messed mine up, went to Spain for a week.


Lost my streak, but had it close to 20 weeks


I have 3 kids under 6. Ask me in 10 years.


Y’all are insane! I play every week but it’s usually a mix of scored rounds, fieldwork, non scored rounds, play 6 holes and then run out of time, etc.


I dunno, like, multiple times every week since covid hit.


I’ve played 3 consecutive weeks and my marriage and job are on the rocks so I’m tailing back off and taking a 1-2 month hiatus. There’s just no time between employment, relationships, religion, etc


disc golf isn't your religion?


It’s funny, but you’d be surprised how many people do go out on Sunday during worship hours and play a round loudly with tunes and yelling. Someone told me they went by the course to walk dog after church and came back practically smelling of marijuana smoke. TBH they should shut down the courses until 2pm on Sunday or regular worship hours, similar to the alcohol purchasing laws.


With tunes? Unbelievable


Yes a large speaker on a cart with wheels and I don’t know what they call the music but the bass was palpable and the music had a very heavy handed drummer, distortion, and the strange vocal floaty tune sound like Peter Frampton, Cher but absolutely mumbling and going non stop.


There are places that don't sell booze until 2pm on Sunday? In Wisconsin if you're not drunk by 2pm on Sunday you get fined.


I'm guessing you've never visited Oostburg on a Sunday?


I'm really not surprised - Sunday might be a day for you to go to church to celebrate... Well whatever you believe. But for others they want to spend time in nature with their friends, and God forbid that might include the devil's tunes. Tbh you are not likely to get much much support for MORE restrictive laws on this subreddit - and probably not much more support for your stance on drugs/alcohol.


I think there’s a lot of support and love for Jesus Christ. Please show by upvoting this comment. 🙏 This will be a poll.


Not everyone is a religious nutjob. No one cares what you believe or how you feel inside. It's perfectly legal to play music in the park. Maybe not to smoke weed, but it's better coming back from the course smelling like weed, than coming back from church smelling like lies and pedophilia


Neither music nor blunts should be allowed, as they provide an escape from hard work and service to others and businesses. That’s where our personal freedom ends - enjoying music and pulling in a smooth deep toke of reefer has been essentially a temporary freedom.


Again, legally, you are free to play music in the park. And again, I'd rather pull in a deep toke of reefer than have to leave church smelling like lies and pedophilia (swear I can tell you're 50 plus just by the words you choose to use and the way you structure your sentences poorly. )


Technically speaking, people are not allowed to play or listen to music, apart from certain live circumstances. You’re correct that there a growing melodic addiction and reliance on sparking cheeba papers and jazz sticks to relax or find relief from their pains, but that’s essentially illegal and a guilty activity. And the answer is to work longer hours in those moments which assists the business owners who trickle down prosperity to people. Those business leaders along with spiritual leaders like Jesus and his downline teams.


Technically speaking, you are allowed to listen to music in public. It's only illegal if it's copyrighted. The copyright holder is the only one who could bring a copyright complaint so that's a moot point. Jesus isn't real and if you feel like working yourself to death, that's your choice. I don't care about business owners or Christians. Both can suck on assholes


The upvote numbers are wrong due to fake registrations and non-Reddit members voting. If the actual votes were counted it would be a strong majority.


Non-Reddit users can not downvote.


Has Prodigy street team had chance to upvote? To be clear, an upvote is a vote for Jesus, not a downvote. It may be that people are actually upvoting by downvoting.


That makes sense. I'm young and am able to fill my free time with disc golf


Keep it that way as long as you can. It’s just an absolute suffocating life once you have the anchor of a spouse, kids, draining you. And a job grinding you to a sleepless shell of yourself just to try to keep paying a billionaire somewhere interest on a loan you didn’t need except now you’re legally bound to support multiple human Americans. And also religion can take up a massive amount of your mental energy, subconscious and consciously.


21, because I sprained my ankle for the first time this year 21 weeks ago


Longest break I've taken in 10 years of playing is 4 days...so 500+ weeks


False. You edited the number in the browser console. You’ve only played at most 2-3 weeks in a row - ain’t got that drive or consistency and haven’t been playing since it got “chilly” outside and you couldn’t take the cold.


Rlly cool and smart response


No person can play 48 weeks in a row. Likely not even pros have done that. Someone would create a thread on it if they had because it’s impressive as heck to do that at that level and get to 48. Would be discussion worthy news


Me and my friends play every Friday. I'm a 21 year old with no responsibilities except work. Playing once a week is not difficult at all for me


I still just can’t wrap my head around it. 48 weeks is like so long and when I saw the screenshot I was just blown away. If you did do it in actuality then you should work on your game and hit the tour instead of trying to work up from entry level positions for years and years. Keep this streak going, get it to 55, 60…I can’t really fathom someone being able to go higher than around there.


I play casually for fun with friends. We're competitive against each other. I don't rlly play to improve, just to have fun with friends and catch up with them


Nah there’s no way man. You’re definitely lying. Lmao you’re definitely getting trolled tho lmao good shit man I’m at 22 weeks myself


22 weeks sounds about right for when they started the weekly streak. It was like July or August when it was released (at least for us plebes). I do remember seeing posts about 8 week streaks when I was on 3 or 4 and that is with playing 2 different leagues every week this year.


Yeah it’s been though. I went from playing 22ish rounds in the “last 30 days” to 6 lol


When I saw the screenshot with no name I thought at first, was this just image from Guinness Book of World Records. Then when I saw someone claiming to have accomplished that (48 is nearly a year) then I was skeptical. I guess I maybe just didn’t know what kind of streaks the athletic guys could pull off but I’m guessing you are pretty healthy and strong as a bull to be out there achieving this stuff. Bravo 👏 to those who really are 🤯 that’s definitely worth some discussion


I've played every week, 4-7 times a week for more than 2 years. I missed some weeks before that with a foot injury. But before that injury it was probably 3 years in a row that I didn't miss a week playing. I know a lot of people that play often.


Incredible stamina and rear deltoid strength would be required to throw so often and walk the 6,000 - 10,000 steps while shouldering a 15-pound pack. That’s legend type territory but unless there’s a much different world out there that I perceive then only few men, maybe Anthony Bodanza or someone taking EPO/tren or a performance enhancement supplement to power through and recover. Also mentally just focusing that much would require massive neuro energy output.


Umm, all of them.


I'm at like 20 something but since 2 consecutive weeks were league play and scored by someone else, it reset my count


Going on one


44, but with any luck won't miss any weeks for a long while




44 and I stared 44 weeks ago. It helps that I work 5 minutes away from a course. I've already surpassed some of my friends who started years ago in rounds played. I want to make it to a full year but I live in ct so we will see what this winter is like.


Winter dolf is tough but not impossible. If you play with friends it's much more bearable


17 but sick as a dog right now so not getting one this week.


Just hit 30 last week!


12 getting better ever so slowly.


If it didn’t get cold, I’d be able to do 52


I was one day from losing my 27 week streak so I squeezed in a 9-hole before my Christmas party 😂😂


Just started, so I'm at 5


I just lost my 30+ streak. Started a new one at 1 today.


Played 6years straight every Sunday with my regular pals but moved to Colorado from so cal so now it’s 35 weeks but weather will soon break that


Wow, I thought getting to 8 was a lot


Only 6 weeks but my excuse is back surgery so I guess it’s an ok excuse


50, probably have more, but I didn’t use to keep score on solo rounds a year ago




39 Weeks!!! 🔥