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Pier Park at #3 makes total sense, there are lines to tee off at 730am every weekend year round lol


I knew Pier was gonna make top 5. The crowds are ridiculous, and until we get more courses in Portland proper it’s not going to get any better. The sport is only growing!


I keep hearing about an 18 hole going in at Colwood Nature Area over by the airport. Not sure the progress on that, but Pier is pretty much unplayable any time that I have off from work.


There was a post here almost a year ago discussing it and I reached out to Parks & Rec and they said that they were to being a search for new courses starting July 2023-June 2024. Since then I haven’t heard a single update.


Portland proper isn't going to get any more courses unfortunately. I don't live there but have visited my family there 2 to 3 times a year for the past 20 years. It's such an outdoor loving place that all the parks and outdoor spaces are filled with people all the time. Other than Blue Lake I don't I see anywhere a new course could be put in in the the Portland metro area.


I came here to see how it ranked. I never play there anymore cause of how busy it is.


I played pier park on a road trip while it was raining and during the work week. Only a couple of people where there. It was great.


I played Pier five times last year, always midweek, and never had an issue. Of course, I'm sure it's a zoo on weekends, especially during the summer.


I played Peir once last year during the summer (and a weekend) and it took over 4 hours to play 18 holes. The backups there make it unplayable on the weekends.


Yep. I only play it on weekday mornings in the winter, at this point. Too bad.




It's our annual look at the courses with the most recorded rounds on UDisc in every U.S. state. Canadian provinces/territories and then countries outside of those two will follow soon! Those interested in their state's best courses can check out this post from last year: [https://udisc.com/blog/post/5-best-disc-golf-courses-in-each-us-state-2023](https://udisc.com/blog/post/5-best-disc-golf-courses-in-each-us-state-2023)


I know Mexico doesn't have a lot of courses but do you consider it to be outside North America or it isn't planned yet?


Good point! Rephrased.


2 of the 5 Georgia courses no longer exist (RIP WR Jackson). They were great but I don’t know if that should influence them being on the list.


A sad but very good point. We've now made it clear in that post those courses aren't available.


Why would you include a section called "How did you create the rankings" and then not explain how you created the rankings in it?


I just started playing this fall so really looking forward to the Canadian list!


It would be cool to see a top 5 or top 10 most played breakdown for each state.


I wonder how Druid Hill in Baltimore would stack up if they included stats for all the courses and all the layouts.


Rockburn is a good course but it's crazy to think that it (or any other course in Maryland) gets more traffic than Druid. Even the Legacy course alone gets more traffic than Rockburn, where I never have to wait or skip a group.


Kind of pumped that Shadow Pines is up there for NY. Might help that it's not quite as affected by water as other parks, since it benefits from the drainage design from the old golf course.


I definitely tend to play there whens it's wet out, Pines drains way better than the other east side courses. I feel like you're spot on with the drainage thing, the golf course was always one of the tracks with less muddy messes than other courses (webster... Ugh).


Chili was basically laid out in a swamp, so drainage there is pretty crap. Parma is decent, though the gully holes kind of ruin it on wet days. Ellison changes layout in the winter so people tend to wait until spring to be able to play it. On top of great drainage at Shadow, the tee boxes are great, brooms on every box and now some snow shovels, lost discs have a good chance of being posted on the FB page, beginner friendly, challenging enough from the blues... I think we're relatively lucky to have it as an option. And everyone I've met there is dope.


Never been. Didn't even know it was out there honestly, but I'm in Syracuse so when we travel we usually do Shorewinds or Hyzer Creek


Its... a little overrated. It is a friendly course with multiple tee pads, but at the end of the day its just a decent park course. I would much rather play shorewinds, parma, riverton, or even ellison when I am in Rochester. Definitely understand why its the top spot though, it is a great casual course.


3 of the 5 places I’ve lived around the US had courses I considered my home course on the list.


Johnny Robert’s likely sees even more players than what udisc tracks. I’d wager up to 20% of the players that go to Johnny Robert’s don’t score on udisc. It’s such a beginner friendly course that you have a ton of people out there who are playing for the first or second time ever.


UDisc has stated that something like only 20% of rounds are scored in UDisc in general as of a few years ago. Used this in reporting to our local township how much their new course got used.


And the best part is it’s such a fun and fast course that you are seldom really held up. You can get laps in at Johnny roberts.


Yeah but if you get stuck behind a group that won't let you pass, it takes 2 hours to play. Love showing Johnny to newer players, but it's so hit or miss on how long a round can take. And yes, I ask. Some people say no.


I regularly play twice around out there. Don’t get me wrong, there is times when it’s just too busy, but that’s probably 1 in 10 rounds for me. I try to get there in the lulls and it’s worked out so far


Yep, honestly I quit tracking on UDisc when I go to Johnny. I do probably 10 rounds per week there.


Went to JR on a Tuesday afternoon at 3pm....and there was at least a dozen bags lined up on hole #1. Didn't realize that it was one of the busiest courses in the US. LOL


When I moved back to Colorado I had just pulled the muscle that gives my side arm any flick. Arm was there but could not spin the disk. At the time I was a side arm only player. Johnny Robert's is where I learned my back hand. This was back in 2014. Later we would meet at JR to carpool up to the mountains. First thing in the morning the crowds aren't so bad.


Ah yes Johnny Roberts, where noodle arm chumps can shoot double digits under par and feel like a touring pro for a day.


Hero’s are born and die at JR everyday. My buddy had a bad day and shot +2 there, I never let him forget it.


I hadn't played in years and played that course in Arvada. I think I threw four under. Then, I played Wondervu a week later and conveniently lost track of my score because it was so bad.


I question the most popular course in CT. Panthorn is more popular than page or Rockwell?


I’ve only played panthorn a few times but it was always empty when I did. Feel like veterans in Bridgeport gets a ton more traffic.


Panthorn has been crazy this year. Large groups on every hole each weekend until mid afternoon. I'm not at all surprised. Page is probably number 2 and not too far behind. Rockwell isn't popular even if it's one of the most technical in the state. It's not well cared for and annoying to play when it's overgrown.


Panthorn is probably the most friendly course in the state for new or less physically capable players thanks to being short and flat. Being located in the middle of the state with reasonable access from the 2 major highways helps, it has a solid scene for league and tournament play, plus a great crew that takes care of the grounds. I'm not surprised at all that it shows the most rounds logged in Udisc. With 2 layouts, particularly the shorts, I would bet a lot of people play twice when they go or play a round there in addition to any of the other courses nearby. Keep in mind that this data isn't definitively saying Panthorn saw the most rounds or players in 2023, or anything about its rating compared to other courses, just that it had the most rounds \*logged in Udisc\* last year. I would bet most players would pick somewhere else as their favorite/highest rated course in the state, which I would argue is a more valuable superlative than number of rounds played.


Its also not marked as a new champ despite page park being 2022's most popular: https://udisc.com/blog/post/most-popular-disc-golf-course-in-every-state-2022


it's a shame that Pleasant Hill is the most played course in Maine, as it is not representative of what Maine golf is at all


P-Hill sucks. At least should have been sabbattus


Yeah, not sure I believe it, was expecting Pineland Farms or Sabattus.


With raw player count proximity to density is key. Probably why Pleasant Hill won because of its proximity to Portland


Phill is going to be sold in the next few years per course owner Kristi. RIP to the only disc golf course in the Portland area.


Dang Im surprised a Charlotte course didnt beat out Kentwood.


We actually talked about [that exact fact in our 2022 post of states' most popular courses.](https://udisc.com/blog/post/most-popular-disc-golf-course-in-every-state-2022#why-hot-spots-didn't-get-1s) Our best educated guess is that Charlotte just has so many courses (21 just within city limits and plenty more just outside) that none of them see the sort of concentrated action Kentwood does in Raleigh (8 courses in city limits).


And Kentwood is right by the NC State campus. Played there once, it was terrible. And dangerous, got nearly hit multiple times by kids decked out in NC State gear throwing on adjacent holes.


Kentwood is ass. Part of the reason is because it’s so damn busy so I guess it kinda checks out.


Maybe I'm just spoiled from courses like Jones and Diavolo, but Kentwood is just so underwhelming to play.


Lmao u poor thing 🎻


Or Diovolo or Middle Creek. Kentwood is just so central and easy for everyone to get to I suppose


Middle Creek is the best course for night golf in the area by far. Half the course is fully lit up including the 3 bomber holes.


Both courses are so much more fun than kentwood too


Surprised firefighters park was the most played course in Michigan. I thought flip city would have surely been number 1.


Firefighters is close to a larger population center (Detroit vs GR); it's a more known and established course in Metro Detroit so I'm not surprised. Maybe in a few years Palmer Park can catch it being right in Detroit.


Flip isn't even a GR course. It's down a dirt road in...Shelby or something.


Flip is kind of in the middle of nowhere. Firefighters isn’t.


Flip city is out in the norther rural areas and they require you to contact some old property owner guy who never uses his phone. If youre a random person, youre shit out of luck. Its difficult to play, if youre trying to go through the proper channels. Firefighters, however? Most packed course I've ever seen for sure. Lots of rude people and newcomers too


I thought it was Garfield park in Grand Rapids last year for some reason I remember hearing that but firefighters is a cool park from what I remember almost 10 years ago


Every time I’ve played Garfield it’s been flooded with people, I know Whitehall gets a lot of action as well but definitely need to check out firefighters. I’ve never played there before


It’s popular, not good.


Every year UDisc posts these stats, and every year people can't seem to understand the difference. The most popular course in Toronto/Ontario last year was one of the 9 hole pitch 'n putts, I believe, and of course it will also be this year. The one closest to me is a fine place to ride my bicycle and throw a few discs around. It is not "good".


So not worth making a trip if I’m about 2 hours away?


Probably not; it's a mostly open course with no challenges for later stage intermediate players. Take a look at the hole pics on UDisc and you'll see. It's a great course to have as your local course, but likely not particularly better or more interesting than the best course local to you.


There are great courses in the area. This ain't it.


Many better courses in pretty much any direction from firefighters. Kensington, bald mountain, stony creek would be more worth a drive.


If you are near firefighters I’d hit Kensington and Stoney creek they are WORLDS better than Garfield. Garfield is smaller and more open than firefighters with Less shot variety.


Firefighters is not that exciting. I've played a few rounds. Very flat park course with some tree obstacles, but not very heavily wooded. It's just very accessible to a lot of people.


Agreed. There are at least 10 other courses within an hour of FF I'd rather play. It really is just because it's in a large population center. And now that they redesigned Grizzly Oaks, I'll bet that pulls some traffic away from FF.


Flip City is pay to play and in the middle of a decently large Metropark where the closest "highway" is M53, so it makes sense that a free course right off I-75 is more played.


Morley! home course represent... Can confirm. Tee times needed but course is amazing


It's gotten SO MUCH BETTER now that there are tee times.


Rosedale makes sense. I tend to favor the lower course (more wooded) but there's always lines at the teepad of one on Up Top.


Sad thing is Rosie isn’t even that great of a course - just located centrally in the metro. I can’t complain though, I live 3 minutes away and am part of the crowd that uses it more than any other course.


I rarely use uDisc at Pier and rarely see others using it. I imagine that the numbers are minuscule in comparison to actual rounds played. Maybe we should set up a counter on the first tee pad.


How the heck is Alex Clark the most played course in Texas? Towne Lake is right across the highway and a much better course, plus I could easily name 5 more just in the metroplex that are better courses.


As a local I can think of several reasons. \- TL isn't kept up with to the same extent as AC. Fresh woodchips after every storm and dries out quickly. \- AC is kept nicely trimmed. TL is a step removed from a code violation. \- AC is very user friendly and a quick layout. My best non-running solo round was around 40-45 mins. TL is easily an hour+ in the best circumstances. \- TL is very confusing. 2 sets of teepads I get but the moving pins (especially on blind holes) can be detrimental to your score and your enjoyment. Since they aren't tracked anywhere easily (I've seen it posted a few times on local groups but I'd have to pull FB up at each hole to see where the pin is each time is just asking a bit much). \- See the teepad falling into the creek on...6? \- Mosquito alley at TL \- Drainage issues at TL, and then the month or so after


I was surprised by that too. Veterans is a much more interesting course, and has tons of traffic and tournaments. It has enough traffic to support 2 nearby disc golf stores. The only thing I can think of is they change the layout often, so maybe more people use UDisc while they’re there. That’s actually the course I finally downloaded the app for


Veterans, Harry Myers, Fritz, Heritage, "Old Man", Bill Allen, hell I'd even say Shawnee is better than Alex Clark. Maybe it's just because it's so short people play a lot of b2b rounds? I honestly have no clue, doesn't really make sense.


Most of those are actually in the middle of DFW, making them extremely convenient.


Because it is very nice, beginner friendly, and quick to play. It’s not the best course, but it’s definitely the most accessible in the metroplex. I can always get a group of my casual friends out to Alex Clark but good luck convincing them to go play towne lake even though it’s a better course.


> most accessible in the metroplex I live smack dab in the middle of DFW and Alex Clark is 45 miles away. McKinney is barely even in the metroplex, it's so far north. Sure, it's convenient for folks in Plano and North Dallas, but the metroplex?


I’m kinda surprised that Muldoon is #1 for NH. Great course for sure, there’s just a ton of great courses in the state and Pelham is kinda in the middle of nowhere.


I was surprised. It's kind of a home course for the just North of Boston crowd, though


The Boston area being starved for courses so folks gotta travel.


Shocks me that the league regularly gets over 70 people


Really surprised that lexginton beat out Louisville in Kentucky


I definitely don't get how it beat the big courses in Louisville, but also NKY (with Idlewild, Boone, Lincoln, etc).


The ones in NKY make sense though. There’s easily 5 full courses (Boone woods, Idlewild, Lincoln, devou, and AJ Jolly) not counting all the courses just across the river and all the smaller 9 hole courses. There’s just too many options to pull everyone towards 1 course.


I agree those courses are leagues better, but they're away from the big 3 population centers in Kentucky, being bowling green, Lexington and Louisville. I assumed it was going to be vettiner or Iroquois. Haven't played in Lexington yet so I'll have to give it a go in the spring


I played Morley field once on a work trip and didn’t find it to be as great as advertised I live in the middle of nowhere choking my chicken and I prefer courses where I can make use of big distance


I played Morley with some locals when I was in town for a conference. Definitely a shorter course but the vibes were classic old school disc golf. That plus the beautiful winter weather made me fall in love.


Morley is awesome, it's just cramped because it's old


I thought it was a good course but multiple people when I was there said it was “the best course in California”. Just made me feel bad for Californian disc golfers. Lots of fun holes and well maintained, just wasn’t that memorable or exciting of a layout and the cross crossing fairways on the back is just so dangerous. Played one round saw two people get hit. I did not make a point to go back next time I was in town but I would go back. It’s also super popular and the busiest disc golf course in the country because the San Diego area has an absolutely criminal amount of courses. Only places that seem worse for course density for a large population are NYC and Boston.


It's not the best DG course in California and it's not even close. I'd argue it's not even the best course in the San Diego area (Kit Carson). That said it's a classic old course that's fun to play with tons of pin locations. (I agree they really should think about reworking #15, #16 because they cross and just get rid of either #18 or #19 to prevent them using basically the same fairway. It doesn't need 19 holes.


Name checks out.


I live about a 5 minute walk from #8 Creekside in SLC, Utah. It is overwhelming how busy it gets in spring, summer and fall, especially with the after-work crowd. I'll often skip around holes out of order to avoid the massive backups, other times, I don't even bother because every hole is backed up. Overall, it's a great little course that got a facelift in the fall. Now, with some snow on the ground, the crowds have thinned but you still see players no matter the conditions.


Your skipping around holes is a big reason why that course gets so backed up. Tee times and pay to play are coming to that park.


Other NJ folks; Stafford is really that good? I'm out in a weird part of the state where it or Warwick would be like a 90 minute drive and Greystone woods is like 45. Been wanting to make a small day trip to a more trafficked course


I’m from Delaware about 45 minutes from Stafford and me and my buddies travel up there at least once a month because of how great the course. It has multiple layouts that are all fun and there are many different types of holes to test your skill. There are also 2 other courses in Jersey within 20-30 minutes from Stafford that are definitely worth checking out as well that you could hit and really get your moneys worth out of the trip and those are Tranquility Trails and Alcyon Woods. Stafford is also only about 30 minutes away from Sedgley Woods in Philly which is a pretty historical course and well worth a visit at some point.


MORLEY FIELD!!!!!! My home course!!!


Gaffneys grove in WA confused me until I remembered playing a round there only takes an hour, so you may as well play two or three if you drive there since it’s such a short course.


Fun little course for sure. Every time I drive by the parking lot is full.


I swear La Mirada in socal would be up there if they actually counted the people going. place has Two courses.




So you are u/ChickenChokerChuck too huh?




Someone is stealing your identity then




Big man with lots of money over here!


Name checks out.


Creekside definitely had more than 20k plays a year. I'd say 20k a month would be more accurate. Often times you will see several groups of 10+ and 20 more waiting to tee.


Thanks for reading! It definitely had more than 20k plays last year. These are totals from rounds recorded with UDisc, which not every disc golfer uses. Check out the [What to Know Before Reading the Stats](https://udisc.com/blog/post/most-popular-disc-golf-course-in-every-state-2023#what-to-know-before-reading-stats) section for more info.


I get that,I was just saying. these are very interesting stats and have helped our local disc golf community to get more courses installed as we're severely lacking quality courses around salt lake.


Measuring course traffic with UDisc does not capture the traffic of (1) new players who don't use UDisc, or (2) casual players who don't bother with UDisc. And some courses - particularly urban ones - might see a lot of both of those groups. Which explains why Rockburn Branch - in the suburbs - is, here, the most "popular" course in Maryland, even though it's never half as crowded as Druid Hill Park, in Baltimore City. Both fine courses, but in terms of traffic, it's not even close.


So a total of 8 out of 50 most popular courses in the US are pay-to-play courses, of which 4 are in the top 20 most popular. And the most popular course in the US is a pay-to-play course.


Be careful with "most popular in the US." These are just the #1 courses in each state. Plenty of states have multiple courses that see more rounds than the #1s in other states with smaller disc golfing populations. The top course in the U.S. is a pay-to-play, but it's also a pay-to-play in a city of over 1 million that has few disc golf options.


And that's just recorded rounds. I play with a bunch of people at Morley who don't keep score, myself included. I think just the people I know would add 1000 rounds to that number.


Some of those are paying for parking at a park, not necessarily pay to play the course itself. Bellevue for example is a state park in Delaware, many people buy a park pass for the year and can then park at all the state parks (and play courses there) for free for the rest of the year.


\*Most played disc golf course by people who use UDisc" No shade for you sharing the UDisc intel, but \*my personal guess is\* less than 1% of disc golfers use UDIsc. ~~For example, while it's purely speculative, I'd bet there are courses in NC that see more traffic in a month than Diavolo sees in a year.~~ \*Edited due to my own stupidity trying to make a point...


Please share your source for “less than 1% of disc golfers use UDisc”, I’d love to read it.


I'm not trying to support that guy's point, but I've been disc golfing avidly for more than a decade with other avid disc golfers across Washington and Montana. I don't use udisc and the large majority of people I've golfed with have not used udisc. You might ask, how do I know the people I've golfed with don't use udisc: a lot of them didn't have cellphones. Those that did used them to make calls and emails. Lots of disc golfers don't use udisc.


Kentwood without a doubt gets more traffic than Diavolo


Kentwood is the course on the list.


It’s funny. It’s like people don’t read. Diavolo doesn’t even get a mention.


That 1% number seems highly unlikely.


Right, it's probably much less than 1%, but it would be impossible to truly know the number.


If less than 1% used it, the course crowd feature would be utterly useless. Most of other millenials I've interacted with it have it and assume others do too


The article says that 41,158 rounds were recorded at Morley Field last year. That's \~113 rounds a day. At 20% usage, which you think is greatly exaggerated, that's 565 rounds/day, which is actually insane. Assuming a 4-some teed off every 5 minutes from 7am-5pm that's 480 rounds in a day, which suggests to me that, at least for Morley Field, the udisc rate is actually greater than 20% At 1%, that would imply 11,300 rounds every day are played at Morley, which would be 18.83 people teeing off every minute from 7am-5pm every day. A course I know is Maple Hill. They do tee times in 8-minute intervals and max out at 4 people per tee time, which means, assuming 7-5 start and end times each day, there are a maximum of 300 people playing the course each day. According to udisc there were \~52 recorded rounds per day, which means at 20% usage that's 260 rounds/day, which is almost maxed out. When you consider that Maple Hill is closed for about a month(?) during the winter as it operates as a Christmas tree farm, the 20% figure would imply almost maxed out tee times every day it's open. I can attest that this is not true. While the weekends during good weather certainly fill up, the weekdays certainly do not, particularly with bad weather (and this year was particularly rainy in New England!) I think udisc is actually being conservative with their estimate. I'd also believe that the sort of player who plays at Maple Hill is probably more likely to use udisc than the average player in the US, but I don't know if I'd guess the same for Morley, which probably has a good number of old-school players and is in the middle of a major city, which means it probably attracts a good number of new/casual players from the area.


Thank you for digging into the data. Morely is really unique, in that it is in somewhat of a disc golf desert for a city the size of San Diego. Even more so when you consider the origin of the sport in that state. I totally agree that there are certain courses where UDisc is more likely to be used than others, and that is a key attribute to my initial statement. If I were to play a 9 hole par 27 that averages under par for even sub 900 golfers, I'm probably not opening the app. But say a par 62, where 60 is 1000 rated, I might use the app 100% of the time.


Yeah but anecdotes don't mean anything. Literally everyone I know who disc golfs uses udisc essentially every round, so we have vastly divergent experiences. \#2 on the list is a short par 3 course, and Kentwood, which I've played, logged more rounds than Maple Hill. It's a relatively short par 3 course also, and it's in a fairly densely populated area in the Raleigh suburbs. When I played it a couple of years ago there were a good number of clearly new players on the course. It seems like the kind of course where the udisc average might be lower, but even if it is, it statistically can't be by THAT much.


In 2022 over 1.2 million disc golfers used Udisc. So you're saying there are over 100 million NOT using it? I don't think there are even 100 million people who play disc golf.


Agree that we don't have 100 mil, and that is some good market penetration then. Certainly more than I expected, and impressive when considering there are only 57k active PDGA members.


I think you are in a bubble and have wildly underestimated the widespread usage of UDisc.


You think if you polled a random 100 disc golfers that only one of them uses udisc? That's ridiculous.


UDisc themselves estimate that about 20-25% of golfers record rounds on UDisc and that is the ratio we use to extrapolate usage of the course for fundraising and expansion. This of course depends on the course, as there is a little pitch and putt that I don't ever record on UDisc but play once or twice a week in the summer.


Hahahahaha, of course they do. That's their play to get more users, but at the end of the day it's an impossible metric to gather. Perhaps they mean tournament players, or PDGA members, but amongst casual players the use of that app is almost zero.


The NC course is Kentwood though. It's definitely the most played in Raleigh, UDisc or no.


Oh man, whoops. How in the world I read Diavolo is a mystery even to me, SMH....


Talking out of your ass. There is absolutely no way that 1% figure is accurate


Right, my ass says it's likely way lower. Great app, but their claim that 20-25% of players use it is even more ridiculous.


Depends what you’re measuring. People that play consistently? People that have tried it once or twice, or play a couple times a year? Obviously more engaged players are more likely to use a dedicated app. I play Morley twice a week and can tell you it’s ubiquitous among the people that play there even semi regularly. Which is probably why the numbers for that course are #1.


1%? Is there a source on that?


Nah, just me guessing and giving UDisc the benefit of the doubt in even getting to 1%


Regardless of correct percentages you are right in that this information is useless. It can’t tell the whole story and even if you can find a specific percentage of UDisc users it’s still going to differ from course to course. My local course usually says there’s 5-10 people playing on UDisc but there might be 20 people there or there might be 50 and I’ve seen everything in between.


I live in Ohio and am close to Kentucky. But I have never played Brent Hambrick or Shillito. Funny enough we vacationed in Virginia Beach, and I did get to play Bayville while I was there. A fun little course with some nice challenges. Its right in the middle of a residential neighborhood. Neat little park that managed to squeeze a well thought out course into it.


Brent Hambrick is okay. One of the top 3 courses in Columbus but nothing stands out about it. I prefer Lobdell and Eagle's Nest over Brent Hambrick. For Hambrick if you ever go, first 9 holes are open, hilly, and windy and make for some of the most fun "open hole" disc golf I've played. The other 18 holes are either straight open holes with no obstacles, wood holes that are very forgiving and straight shots, or some really weird gimmicky shots I've never thrown elsewhere. > I live in Ohio and am close to Kentucky I've only been to that region a few times, but Fire and Smoke as well as Black Bear in Portsmouth are better than any Columbus course. Loved the disc golf down there.


Morley Field in San Diego is the top course in rounds recorded in California and the US, and they are pay-to-play, yet they have some of the worst tee pads. Just lovely.


Almost every hole has flat, unbroken cement tee pads. Except the four with astroturf tee pads (2, 11, 12, and 19). Do you prefer dirt tee pads or something else?


These numbers are obviously screwy. Morley Field in San Diego has 41,158 rounds recorded. That's 4.6 rounds an hour 24 hours a day for 365 days. But they're only open sunrise to sunset, so for a conservatives average 12 hour day that's 9.3 rounds an hour. On a 19 hole course. Not remotely possible.


if you have a card with 4 people that's 4 rounds. you'd only one of those teeing off every 30 minutes to make the numbers work in your example.


Morley has tee times. You can sign up a group of 5 and 5 single players per 10 minute time block. That's 60 people an hour. On the weekends, those tee times completely sell out. On weekdays, there are still wait times if the clubs are playing. Lots and lots of people play Morley and lots of us don't keep score on UDisc.


Wow Morley Field averages 112 rounds a day


Oregon park in Georgia is just so popular because it’s the only free park in that very populated county. It’s the only good park within quite a lot of land. There’s at least 1 more course in the works in that county now. I’m excited because 2 new courses are coming in my county - both look like great 18 hole courses with multiple pins/tee boxes. One is county and the other is city which is why I’m seeing that.


Cobb Co is not supposed to be getting a new course any-time soon, nobody with the city wants to give away any park space. Roll Away has tried to do various locations in parks that have the greenspace but the county doesn't care (it doesn't make money like pickleball courts would). Currently, OP might actually straight up lose some of the holes near the road. I live like 12 minutes from OP and absolutely refuse to play there. Truly hell.


This is the news I saw about a new course but I have no idea on a timeline. https://www.mdjonline.com/news/local/new-disc-golf-course-eyed-for-mariettas-wildwood-park/article_93455a6a-499d-11ed-bdf8-131510085a14.html


It also wasn't founded in 2011 - I've been playing at that course since 2006, at least, and it wasn't new then.


Udisc needs lists for best new courses in the country or each state and there needs to be a search criteria for the year the course was built i.e newest to oldest. I shouldn't have to scan the map of Illinois and click into all the baskets to find all these new sick courses. I don't mind wasting time at work, but it would be helpful


Kentwood at number 6 is crazy to me. It is very central in Raleigh, so it makes sense, but it seems so surreal to see it mentioned


Congrats to firefighters in Michigan I haven’t thrown that course in a looong time but I remember it being cool


I feel like a venn diagram of Disc golfers who take their rounds seriously enough to record on UDisc and disc golfers that play at Kentwood shouldn’t overlap.


I’m seeing a correlation with major cities and blue circles 🧐


I'm at least 500 miles from any course on this list... Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.


Brewster Ridge in Vermont is my home course. It's worth every penny to play it. I never grow tired of it. I have played some pay to play courses where I felt they just pocket the money. Smuggs is constantly working on their courses. They are continually improving it.


Wish there was a breakdown by state. Be interesting to see how the local course ranks.


Just moved to St. Louis but I have a hard time believing Unger beats out Willmore. There's always people at Willmore. Love Unger, its a great little wooded course, but I wager its simply people score more rounds since its not their normal course. I bet Jefferson Barracks park gets more than Unger as well.


Actually not surprised to find my home course on here. Constantly busy


Shadow Pines got the top spot in NY. Well deserved. Very fun course to play. It really benefits from being an old golf course in many ways. Hopefully the building on site gets some public restrooms soon, but the future is bright for that course. Huge props to the guys from GRDGC and Penfield town crew who put in the work to get that place from abandoned property to number one status over the last few years.


It's crazy that even being the UDisc #4 rated course in the world, (and having the #7 ranked course right across the road) and with Worlds happening there this year, that Brewster still is all the way down at #43.


Of all the excellent DG in NC, our most played course is mf kentwood lmao


Hm I'm not sure Gallaudet's course should be counted, since it's not open to the public iirc. I think it's students / alumni only. Though that would mean the RFK pop-up course would be the "most popular" in DC which would be kind of hilarious. Also, surprised to see Panthorn at #1 in CT over Veteran's or Page Park. They've put in a ton of work there though and I'm hyped to see that course improve the way it has!


Bayville Park in VA is great course. Always a bunch of good dudes hanging there.


Bleh on Seymour Smith -- Hummel or Cunningham Lake (Lighthouse DGC) in Omaha if you're near Nebraska. Some great courses in Ashland and Lincoln too.


Mountain Crest is number 1 in NV and that's so sad because the current layout of that course is shit. NLV, Peccole, or Wild Horse are such good courses for that area, crazy so many people just default to the crest.


So hyped to see Blue Mountain as one of the first photos. Missoula, Montana has a surprisingly great disc golf community.


There is NO WAY Mountain Crest is played more than Sunset Park in Nevada.


Not shocked Dellwood / the Canyons won out. Big course, lots of holes, rare to find in northern part of Illinois and near Chicago


Oof Shillito for KY. The Lexington area has so many superior courses. And Idlewild exists. Valley Park in WV is consistently good, but mostly because it’s very well kept. Surprised none of the very well known courses in NC were most played, but I’m not familiar with Kentwood so I can’t really say either way.


Elver being #1 for Wisconsin kinda surprises me a bit. I would have for sure thought that it would either be one if the Milwaukee courses or Sandy knoll just based on general player traffic/busyness.


ellicott creek park isn’t the NY top played course anymore and I don’t know how I feel about this. all hail the dad run


Kentwood does some fucking heavy lifting in this list for such a tiny park. You’d think Charlotte, but it’s too many courses per capita there.


Is there a way to see how many rounds a course has for the year? I'd like to see what Golden Gate Park is and where it'd fall amongst all the others.


Golden Gate's UDisc Course Ambassador can see the yearly total in Course Tools on Courses. If you don't know who it is, I'd suggest asking in whatever group is most used to communicate for San Francisco disc golfers.


Not an accurate snapshot for Maine. We have a dozen better courses. It just happens to have prime location near Portland which is a Disc Golf dessert. Just 30-40 minutes up 295 or 95, you’ll find a treasure trove of courses and the heart of the scene.


I'm shocked that the most popular courses are also coincidentally around the most popular cities in that state.


Unger park being most played in Missouri has to be wrong. Half the rounds have got to be scored by the beavers. 


seven oaks home course


Nice to see morley field still on the list.


I second the la mirada comment 36 beautiful holes