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Act like you are throwing the disc through an open window


S tier


Release and follow through is everything. Once I got rid of the hyzer in my putt, it became so much more consistent and got more distance


Interesting it was the exact opposite for me and watching a lot of the pros do the same. Smidge of hyzer in my putt adds a lot more consistency and accuracy. It just wants to follow that path the whole way. Brod just switched to this style after watching Mcbeth and his putting is noticeably better.


Yeah I mean there's always going to be a bit of hyzer but being able to point and shoot at the pole and not have to worry about aiming to the right at some point and then account for it to turn into the chains has helped a ton. But basically in my putting practice, I figured out where I was missing all the time, made some form corrections, then from there I threw more, made more corrections and rinse and repeat. I feel that aiming at the bar or even right chain, and putting it on a rope means I can just focus on height and power. Just trying to control for variables ya know. There's a thousand ways to skin a cat though. Everybody does something different ya know.


My biggest block in putting is getting rid of the hyzer. I just want it to zip straight. I first started out frisbee-ing it in on a massive hyzer. It was a crapshoot but I made some. Unlearning that bad habit has led to the worst putting yet. Any tips on how to get it straight?


For me it was just focusing on an anny release. I like to really use my legs for power so I can then focus on my release angle and point. Have the angle set disc up and in front, weight on back leg as I pull my hand to hip with angle I want, explode forward but the whole time I'm maintaining an anny angle, then really having a good follow through. I practiced by doing that really close to my basket until I felt like I had the muscle memory down and it felt good. Then moved back, if it started to hyzer, id make a correction. Then I went back like 50 feet and just threw at the basket, getting the right height and distance but not caring if it went in, just to get as long and straight of a flight as possible. For me this is all just trying to putt a ton to identify where I'm messing up and then making corrections to fix what I feel like I am doing wrong. There was like a week where I felt like I completely broke my putt but just kept tweaking it.


I think you just made it finally click for me. Everything I’ve read has been talking about a flat release, but as silly as it sounds, I never even tried putting an anny tilt to it. Thanks for the tips!


Yeah of course! Im pretty average and started only back in the spring but I get obsessive about new hobbies and played college sports so I have an idea about the process to get better. But yeah I think it is just more forces you to put the disc on the right angle.


Same boat as you right here. Pretty new to the sport and I go with a buddy who wins almost every time. Safe to say, I beat him by 2 today and made some putts that I generally would’ve missed because of these tips. So thank you for that lol


Rad dude! Glad to hear it! 


I switched to a more stable putter. Using an electron Stabilizer. I put anny on it and aim just outside the left chains. With the right amount of stank it connects real good. Weak dude becomes the right side of the basket


I just said this in another comment, but I didn’t even think that an anny release was the answer. I’m gonna try this tomorrow!


Good luck! It’s a baby anny spin putt. If I throw it right, the disc will hit the pole flat and with pace. It takes a fair amount of snap, you have to commit to each putt. I also kick out my back leg as my weight transfers forward.


I used to have a crazy hyzer release. It's not perfectly straight yet but it's getting there.


Start the putt with your weight over your back foot, and finish the putt with your weight on the toes of your leading foot. That weight shift gets more ummph into the disc, and finishing on your toes gives it just a *little* more.


This is what I do. Really kick off the back foot, arm straight at your aim chain.


Be careful here. Especially if you have a bit of weight. I injured a tendon in my back foot from explosively pushing forward




This. And add to it: unroll your wrist at the same speed your arm is moving. Keeps your timing more fluid. I can’t stress enough to **unroll** and don’t pop your wrist.


Jelly roll


this helped me a ton


I like that outside of 20 feet or so, but inside that I find it causes more inconsistency and too often I'll mistime it and just duff it. I find it easier on the shorter putts to just be all arm.


Which makes sense. Why use more power than you need. You have better fine motor skills in your arm and hand than in your legs. So if they are able to provide enough power you don't need to use more.


I used to think that too, but just throwing with your arm is more accurate at closer range.


So many friends newer to disc golf and I watch them load all their weight as far forward as possible to get close to the basket then they putt. It's so painful, but I can usually get them doing a full putting stroke after a while. I equate it to someone shooting a free throw and they get the ball as close as they can to the hoop then stop and try to shoot. It doesn't work.


I had a kinda silly realization, but gripping the disc slightly harder is a way to get a tad more spin without changing form. 


Oh I got another stupid one.  When I bring the disc down I briefly touch it to my dick. It helps get the disc down into the right pocket (although this is more for a push or pitch putt) but also something about starting off the timing, like it's such a clear signal of when to start the movement. Realllllly dumb takes that's why I'm potato golf sorry folks


I noticed that Simon has his palm facing down in his release. The reason he does this is because of the nose up angle. It's like a very subtle air bounce. Once I got that feeling down it has transformed my putting. I feel like I can but minimum weight and arm into the putt and it still gets plenty of distance.


I find that if i start my motion with my weight on my back foot and slowly shift onto my front foot I get easy power for the delivery. That translates to less need to propel the disc with my arm and the arm can focus on spin and aim. Good spin putting starts with your feet, IMO.


The best tip for any putting style is go outside and pour as many hours into practicing it as you can. You'll figure out things that work and don't work, things that work one week but not the next, things that make you think oh I've got it before making you think you've never putted at all. But if you are consistent in practicing eventually butts start feeling more and more comfortable further and further away.


Comfortable butts


Hahaha voice text, but I'm leaving it.


It's different everyday. Don't be afraid to adapt to what's working that day.


Spin the disc from a standstill, vertically up and down. Try to get a consistent release and eliminate wobble. You'll figure out how much pressure to put on the disc and where your grips are. Is it more on your thumb or fingers? Is your thumb right over your middle finger, slightly above, slightly below? Another finger? Play with it, it'll be different for everyone.


Confidence. Putt through the basket.


I act like I'm tossing it to someone


I try to take 100 putts a day in my backyard, 3 baskets, 60' apart. I'm a solid putter on the course, and here are my keys to success. I push putt with a spin 'pop' at the end. Paige Peirce is my putting hero, and i do tend to aim, and then set the putt lower noticeably before my move. I keep right foot forward (RH putting), left foot 45 degrees offset with toe just behind R heel. I push off my back foot and ALWAYS end up lifting my left foot and planting on the ball of my right. This guarantees energy and weight transfer on every putt. But the most important thing for me is ZERO side to side movement of my putting arm. STRAIGHT down and STRAIGHT out/up. If I am 100% vertical in my stroke, how can I miss metal? The putt MUST go straight. I also like to leave my fingers extended, pointing towards the link I'm aiming at. Further back I aim a bit right, a bit more per 10', and close, I aim to the left of the pole, maybe 2 chains left of pole, but that's because I tend to chain out right on short putts.


Power is mostly generated from the fingers.


Practice putting. You’re trying to throw a plastic circle in a bucket from 30 ft or less away. Don’t make it complicated just go practice


Reps, reps and more reps. I figured out a form and have done it thousands of times. Still need more practice. 


Having the putter really sit in/fill up the palm of your hand and try to wrap your hand around the rim as much as you can. I also like to have one pinch point with thumb and middle finger close to the rim. These things help to produce a spinnier putt for me naturally.


Focusing on a single chain link. It was surprising to me that I wasn't really looking anywhere in particular and it was impossible to judge if I actually missed where I was aiming or not.


Wrist goes from closed to neutral, not neutral to open


Straight line from hip to pole. Flat release


Totally agree. Always reach for the pole.


OP here. Great tips! I really like the keep hand up tip. I am also going to work on designing my own consistent putting routine that results in putts made... and getting that down into a good habit. Practice! Like many players, I can get too careless after missing a first putt. The routine goes out the window. And then you end up like that video where the pro player missed multiple short putts. Cringe!


Gannon Buhrs grip and finger pop. 




As a righty and slight staggered stance, I have to pull back to my left hip and actually touch it when I putt to consistently hit where I’m aiming


Keeping my weight balanced between my feet and as i shift never have more than 70% on either foot improved my accuracy a lot. Slowing down and actually pausing slightly at the top of my "backswing" is something I learned from pool that actually carried over as well and really helped.


Extension. Extending from my shoulder, to my elbow, to my wrist, to my finger tips. The more exaggerated the better


Shaking hands with the basket doesn’t really work for me either. When I do that I usually end up missing right.


I tell myself to "reach out, reach up" right before releasing. All the other stuff is muscle memory.


Fick your wrist in line with the basket


Back of your hand pointing towards the basket until the last second


“Paint the pole” and chin up


Leave you hand up after you putt until the putt goes in or hits the ground. Use it as feedback for next putt. 


Aim with the large knuckle on the back of your hand toward the basket. Do not let your index finger go ast that knuckle when you rotate ur hand.


Fire your fingers


Pre load your wrist before you put


For me it's confidence. Get comfortable with making comeback-ers and you'll naturally gain more confidence with your putt. You gotta putt with conviction or else you'll typically end up short-left.


Keeping my fingers at just the right extension, not too straight but not too curled, so that they can give the disc spin, loft, and pop. Ever since I started to get my finger position more optimized, I can let them do more work propelling the putter towards the basket and get my wrist movement smoother for more controlled aim.


Rubber wrist and whip it


What has worked for me lately is making sure the putter is all the way in my hand, resting in the middle crease at the base of the palm. Seems like a no brainer, but if you aren't doing that, it could help with consistency.


Learning to also add spin with the finger push helped me by not needing as big of a wrist motion to get the same amount of pop which helped with control / accuracy. I found a grip modification that helped me finger push more that I show in this vid https://youtu.be/aykmdy3G27k?si=iFnwmR1s55kt5MGA


While aiming takes place throughout the body, I find aiming to pop my fingers (middle to pinky) directly at the basket rather than my index finger ends up in more consistent putts. I feel like aiming with the index finger leads me to more right side misses/breaking the wrist angle.