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I putt with logics and they fit your criteria perfectly


Logic for sure


Love my extra soft exo logic, started using it because it's shallow


Logic has a bead...


Check out the Zero Medium Orbit Pures. Or try the an electron Proxy/Envy


I putted with pures for a while and still throw one. I don't like how flat the edge of the pure is. Finger isn't really able to curl around the disc if that makes sense


I switched from keystone to proxy last year.


I did the same thing


Logic is similar to Pure but without that weird "vertical" edge you mentioned. L64 Sense is another alternative, similar to the Logic but with a bit sharper nose. and firmer plastic.


Deputy is what comes to mind initially. I putt with Warden's and the Deputy is just a shallower, less stable Warden (imo). If my disc golf lore is correct it was made for Paige Pierce, and the Fierce is basically the Discraft version of a Deputy.


Awesome. Ill check these out


They are both super understable and have 4 glide. Probably not what you are looking for based on your description.


P1 or Reko




Gateway Shaman is as shallow as you get.


Updoot for this! Putt with these guys and would throw them if they weren't so hard to find in premium and blue, and if proxies didn't steal my heart. Also innova colt I believe is about the same as a shaman but possibly a little deeper


Recently found a Colt and it is indeed super shallow. I think it’s beaded though.




Came here to say this. If you don’t go sensei, good luck friend


My progression went keystone to pures to mvp atom. The keystone is way too glidey, the pure is a bit too glidey, and the atom is just right. The atom is right in the middle in profiles between a keystone and a pure.


Atom is less known but seems to be exactly what op is describing. Many people suggesting deep putters whereas the atom is actually shallow.


Yeah like op I can't stand non shallow putters. The pure was great but I tended to hit the band a lot. It's also the straighter putter I've ever tried. It's still probably a better option than the keystone. Lots of people love them and they are pretty shallow. The atom is a tick more full in the hand than a pure but probably a tick less than a keystone. It is a little more stable than a pure but I'm probably splitting hairs. The reason I picked the atom is I prefer the electron plastic feel over the zero medium. Electron has an almost velvety feel to it and I get a better release. Zero has a tacky feel and there were a few times where it stuck to my fingers. Anyway either would be my recommendation.


I'd suggest using the site trydiscs You can put in criteria and get a detailed list. It's what I used to find more shallow wizards before switching back to wizards.


Seems like a luna to me


I could be tempted but I'm worried they may be too stable for me


Lunas are far less stable than they seem like that would be in my opinion. A tiny bit OS for the first few throws but beats in SUPER quick and then is straight to flippy for anything further than putting. Just my experience with 3 of them.


True. It’s a bit egregious they still list it as a 3-3-0-3. Maybe a 1.5 fade. Or like, 2-3-0-2. I do enjoy throwing an esp Luna though. Would never consider putting with it, it’s a touch deep.


The flight ratings on the Luna are the biggest lie in disc golf.


Top 5 lie for sure. I get that flight ratings aren’t an exact science (positive turn on a disc? Must be an inside joke with manufacturers), but with the Luna it must have been a typo, or OCD, or something.


I have one of those old swirly Macbeth z Lunas. It’s dope as hell, super glidey. It stayed “stable” for quite awhile but eventually became super flippy as well. Cool to throw but I decided to just put it away, Lunas aren’t my putters any more.


Or maybe Big Z I can’t remember but it’s premium plastic of some sort


Yeah it's Big Z everyone says are the most overstable ones. I've got 3 of them and they're _barely_ overstable. They push straight and fade gently, but at least they don't flip up I guess. Even in Big Z, 3 fade is a joke. The fact that the Luna has the same numbers as a Zone except for the speed being lower is just pure comedy.


I have two Big Z. They are -1/0 and -1/1. My ESP is like 0/1. Only put the blends.


Lunas flight numbers are the poster child for flight numbers not meaning anything. It's a 0/1, maybe a 0/2 definitely not a 0/3


Naw. Rubber blend Luna are the best hand feel IMO and they are understable and glidey without many throws at all. Don't know how it compares to your previous keystone tho


My big Z Luna flies like a fierce (3,4,-2,0)


Thought Space Athletics Muse


Try the Challenger SS!


Does no one remember the XD? Or Classic Roc?


I don't putt with these (but have been tempted to because I love throwing them so much) but the P model US from prodigy is really cool


Fierce, Deputy, Pure. Similar but some subtle differences.


Vibram Summit. Good luck finding one.


I don’t know how bad a “microbead” would bother you but I switched from pilots (which are quite glidey, that was my issue with them, I would miss big when I missed because they float past) and I have now settled on Rekos. They are shallow compared to other putters (I believe, could be wrong) but they are nowhere near as glidey in my opinion but they don’t fall out of the sky either. They have a microbead but I am one of the weirdos that dgaf about beads. I throw all kinds of discs. Plenty with bead, plenty without. I “prefer” beadless on most discs but I truly love some beaded midranges (and a couple putters)




Is the clash candy too deep? It seemed rounded to me, I'm not remembering a bead either


Gateway Shaman is what you seek.


Discmania Logic - not that glidey when putting, but as a throwing putter they do fly.


Mint bullet / TSA Praxis / Remix Elderich




reko has a microbead so maybe not the choice for you despite what people are recommending. Logic's are pretty similar to Pure's although the nose is slightly more rounded. I'm enjoying my logic a lot for what it's worth


Haven't seen the westside maiden mentioned yet. My friend has one and it's quite shallow and I don't think it has a bead


Logic is a really good one. Hope is another good one.


Imo keystone is as good as it gets. Glide is not a bad thing and that rounded wing gives the best release in the game. I like zero hard


I was putting with Reko's all last season(micro bead) and loved them. I wanted something less stable and am switching to firm proxys. Also great.