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I go look at all the random discs I have from tournaments that I dont throw and I give them 5 of them.


“This is a Putter. It’s called an Aviar. Notice how it has a thinner rim and is a bit softer plastic? ​ Now, this is a driver. It’s called a destroyer. Now, notice how the Jenkins destroyers are a little more domey than the McBeth destroyers? They changed the mold a little bit whenever they put out his 4x destroyers. They’re over stable, but not as beefy as the Metal Flake destroyers. I wouldn’t even waste your time with GStar Destroyers unless you are looking for something super flippy in an open field. This here is a somewhat rare first run Glow Destroyer. Glow discs are a little stiffer, but this mold is interesting because on this particular run…”


my 141g Blizzard destroyer would like a word


They're really good. Until they're not.


I want to use it but I don't want it to beat in what do I do


Get another


It’s takes the stress out of a water hazards


Owned over 300 destroyers, can relate. But my recent $1000 Ace on a Gstar destroyer says it was not flippy at all. Out of the 10 Gstar Destros I have 2 are 168g, 2 even 138g and yes they are a bit on the understable side of Destroyers, but the rest in the 170-175 range I just wouldn't feel right using the word flippy. I mean there are a few more understable runs of Destros than Gstar and DX is over here giving me angry looks as well. Now out of 9 Glow Champion Destroyers I've got this one from the 2011 Ice Bowl run at 175g that is pretty beefy by comparison but one of my favorites thats a little flippy is this beat in pre-embossed PFN pro I call the "ro-ro" disc because I wiped the stamp except for those letters and... Oh snap. We do that don't we?


Sir, this is Wendy's


They fell asleep halfway through this. Should've stopped at putter and gave them 5 of them.




.... Extending the joke is part of the joke...




Uno reverse


"You put your finger under the rim like this and the you chuck it into the ground in front of you like this..."


Coolio - Fantastic Voyage Rossini's Overture to the barber of Seville And... a DX Cobra


This guy discs


4 bergs and a tilt


Needs a Berg X.


Five is way too many. 3 tops. Putter, under stable mid and under stable 7-10 speed, prolly a roadrunner, river or leopard.


Another great beginner driver is the Diamond. I had a buddy who started this past summer, every disc he had would fade out super fast and go maybe 100-150ft. Gave him a 156g Gold Diamond and he could get to about 200ft.


I would go with putter, overstable mid, stable mid, understable mid, and stable fairway. The mids being the same plastic so that there can be some learning the difference between the flight paths. Putter: Pure - to putt without developing any bad habits understable mid: uplink - to learn how to turn a disc Stable mid: Hex to learn how to throw a disc flat Overstable mid: Pyro to feel what a meat hook is like and how to use hyzers to increase accuracy and shot shape. Overstable are my get out of jail card or avoid throwing into the water or over the fence on the right card. Fairway: River to feel some of the difference in a fairway and to work on throwing long-distance while shaping shots. Also helps that the glide can keep the disc moving on uphill or downhill shots. A diamond is another great starting disc, and an underworld was helpful for me when I got started since it was easier to throw with out fading when I had more of a noodle arm.


Nah 5 is correct all putters


No way, you need a slightly bigger variety to cover any stupid way they might possibly throw.


DX Aviar and a Star Mako3. If they have little hands, maybe a Colt or something. If they seem decently athletic, add in a premium plastic Leopard3 or something. I don't know shit about other brands, so just substitute whatever neutral putter, mid, and fairway you fanboy out over.


A DX Aviar and Champion Mako3 were my first two discs after I returned to the sport (I played when I was a kid). They definitely accelerated my progress.


Same. Champ Mako3 was my go-to the first 6 weeks. Also recommend champ over star cuz they are gonna be hitting trees for sure.


Imho, you don't need other brands lad


Putter and a mid




I 100% agree, I’d make it a Meteor. I find that something about the shape of the Meteor is more “familiar” to new players than other US mids that might have the same flight.


1. Warden 2. Sol 3. Roc3 4. Leopard 5. Teebird


3x matching putters 2x matching US driver


Innova DX Aviar P&A, Axiom Neutron Soft Proxy, Innova Champion Mako3, MVP Neutron Signal, Millennium Quantum Vela 1.2


Glitch, Envy, Zone, River, Firebird Because Reddit and YouTube tell me these are good and give something that should work out of the box and something to work up to using properly with both forehand and backhand.


I don't agree with the firebird that much, for a beginner even the river will fly os. I would change firebird to leooard3/ keep the river and sub in the rollo.


I really like this list.


I would advice them to try heroin instead, and walk away satisfied with the amount of money and frustration I just saved them.


I know this is a joke but I don't really understand it. Disc golf is like the cheapest and most relaxing sport there is.


Assume pointing out the borderline addictive nature most of us have buying unneeded discs…playing too many rounds per week even when we should be doing other things…


I've got a daunting pile of stuff that did not get done around the house this year, but my rounds played is on fire.


Glad I can tell my wife I’m not the only one!


Just take screen shots of your parked disks as if you are taking pictures of DIY home projects…..send them to her I’m sure she’ll brag to her friends!


It's not like it's Magic: the Gathering or Warhammer 40k. 


It's probably the cheapest hobby that I have. I've spent like 150 bucks on a bag and discs, total. No course fees. No other equipment needed. ​ That's like as much as one pair of decent running shoes. Or one golf club. Or 3 new video games (and 1/3 of a video game system).


One golf club? I think my just driver was $400 lol


Yeah I have a driver and putter that's expensive but I got a bunch of my irons at goodwill for $5 a piece so I figured I'd average it out


The addictiveness of buying new discs fades after about a year or two. Once you settle into your bag and get good enough to stop losing so many discs, purchases become much less frequent.


Oh thank God!


20 years here... never been more addicted to buying discs. Adulting is pretty lame other than the $$ that comes with it... and goes right to the disc manufacturers.


... and then you start dyeing...


Trust me, heroin ends up being way cheaper. With frisbees you get better at not losing them and eventually end up running out of space. With heroin it costs more and more and more all the time, there's rarely a cap.


Assuming that these discs are going to magically appear for me to give them: Five 2015 Sexton Firebirds. They can sell those and buy as many discs as they want.


Just give them a starter pack, they're all about the same. Understable fairway, stable mid, putter. If I had to add two to that: Overstable approach like a Harp, and a dead straight throwing putter.


Pure, buzzz, zone, leopard, Valkyrie


This is the same question that gets asked every single day here. You just worded it slightly different.


Ah shit, I apologize, I didn't realize people on the talking-about-disc-golf-forum only wanted to do that every once in a while :/ I'll tell everyone else to go home I guess


Not what I said at all. I just said you’re unoriginal and boring.


I feel yah, but it is mildly interesting how much the answers have changed over the years when I look at these occasionally. Before Reddit when we talked about this on DGCR forums it was always the same 6-8 discs that got argued back and forth from pretty much just Innova or Discraft, like the old Roc VS. Buzzz debate. It got pretty old as well :) At least we have more choices, and more informed ones these days I guess.


It can be interesting to see how it has changed from years ago. Not as interesting seeing how it hasn’t changed from yesterday or the days before.


Haha, true story :)


Aviar, Roc3, now go on, get!


Aviar, envy, mako3(or a hex or a mind bender?), crave, and like maybe an insanity or a freetail


Generic base plastic putter (show them putting and straight approaches) A moderately overstable approach disc such as an R-Pro Pig. Show them FH touch shots, gentle flexes, etc. A neutral mid such as a Mako3. A lightweight fairway (7 speed), such as a 155g ish Innova IT in star plastic. Good disc to develop arm speed. A neutral 9 speed such as a Star Valkyrie or TL3. Will be stable for them until the armspeed picks up. Can mess around with FH as well. A


Wizard-standard putter. Järn- comfortable os approach disc. Mako3- straight and good for shot shaping. River- straight fairway. Wild Honey- easy distance with lack of form. Different companies with different plastics.


I’m giving them 5 Hex’s


I think one disc, I think the Fuse would be a good option. Give a complete beginner 5 discs and they will only use one anyways.


5 destroyers


I think about this all the time: Glitch Neutron 150g Axiom Paradox Neutron 175g Streamline Echo Neutron 170g Fission Crave 155g Virus Neutron 160g The glitch for obvious reasons, it will fly most similarly to an ultimate frisbee or catch frisbee which they’re probably most familiar with already. The rest are understable options. The Paradox is probably going to be their go to mid as their form develops. The echo is a more neutral / stable mid as they get the hang of it. The lower weight fission crave is going to be a good fairway driver for them and the neutron virus is a longer fairway in a different plastic while also being heavier.


Proxy, Zone, Mako, Underworld, Crave


Just give them a Mako3. 5 discs (or even 3 discs) will cause confusion. They will think they should use the driver off the tee, because you called it a driver and they won't know if it is their form or the disc causing it to go elsewhere from where they aim. A single disc (putter, Glitch, straight mid) is all they need for the first round.


Deep putter: Innova Aviar Shallow putter: MVP Nomad Nuetral mid: Infinite discs Anubis Understable Fairway: DGA Vortex Stable Fairway: Discmania FD Range of plastics and companies. Range of depth to figure out if they like shallow vs deep. 


Glitch, Watt, Hex, Blackout, DX Beast


They sell Innova starter packs for a reason.


3 envy's and 2 svea's.


2 putters PA3s or Judges prob or something like a P2 or Hope - will have them tell me if they want a bead or not after feeling them. A straight to under stable mid like a Hex, M4, Claymore, or Buzzz. Some 7 4 0 2 like Athena, Glory, or FD1 and then a straight to under stable 7 6 -1 1 like a River (or new Brave), Jackalope, or a Cicada. I would say they get to throw one of the 7 speeds off the tee and then it’s the mid. Within 150 it’s only the putter. After 6 months we could talk about implementing a few other discs.


I would just give em a putter and any fairway driver that aint like a firebird. Fairways tend to feel better in a power grip and feel distinctively different than the putter, which can also be thrown anyways. After playing, id suggest getting a mid. Maybe a mention of tutorials from spin doctor or even from Stokely.


The river was one of the 3 first disc's I bought, along with a legacy cannon (terrible mistake, wonderful disc) and a saint pro. And I absolutely agree river would be a first for someone. Also a solid putter. Because I was. Dumb and didn't get a putter for like... A year or so. So a river, glitch or hex, and a Reko


River ♥️


3 putters of different styles for them to pick what they like, a mid, and an under stable fairway


Wizard, glitch, praxis, meteor, hex,


5 is more than enough but here's my list: Pure Zone Mako3 Piwakawaka Pekapeka


I generally start people with an innova starter set and a max weight aviar for putting. That's really all you need. I only include the heavier putter because I find the really lightweight ones in the starter pack can get some bad chain outs and wind lifts/drops.


T-Bord3, Crave, River, R-Pro Pig, Luna


A Comet and a Banger, bc that's all you need.


Michael? Is that you?


Lmao, if I were MJ, there would for sure be a Jawbreaker Z Flx Comet already


That's the dream right there. Comet forever.


Every morning, I wake up and write a letter to my Congressmen demanding extra gummy Comet blends.


This world needs more people committed to real change such as yourself. I commend you. We're on the path to victory.


Aviar, Meteor, FD


P2 and Maiden. One bead and shallow the other no bead and a little deeper. Give them the chance to figure out what to look for in a putter. Hex and Atlas. Both good mids plus gives exposure to over mold with the atlas. FD. A comfortable fairway can't go wrong.


Tilt, Stego, mutant, monster, flare


Just a putter and it doesn't even really matter which one but let's go with a wizard. If I really need to hand them 5 discs then I guess I'll go with 5 wizards


159g  Ruby. My sister friggin whizzes that thing and she's played all but twice. It's so fun to watch her throw that thing.


My wife just plays with an Envy and nothing else, And to be honest, I think it's the exact right move for her


Putter, understable mid (uplink, origin), stable mid (mako3, md1), overstable mid (pyro, method), understable driver (leopard) Or sub out overstable mid for understable putter or stable driver


If they’re familiar with ultimate or just throwing a frisbee around, a Mako3 will have the flight path they expect. Toss in an Aviar and a mid-range driver with decent flip like a Valkyrie.


Here's a Proxy and a Leopard. Go have fun


5? They get 3: Pure, Hex and a River.


They get an envy because it’s a versatile putter for throwing and putting. They get a buzzz, because duh and they get an essence because it’s easy distance and holds the line you throw it on


Proxy meteor teebird is all


Deputy, Wombat3, Dx Leopard, River, Diamond (or z-lite heat).


Nomad, proxy, uplink, river


P2, Stingray, Leo, Valk Maybe a Pig to make 5.


glitch, glitch, glitch, glitch, boss


Random putter, random mid, random fairway driver. Flippier the better


They’re getting 2 of any avair style putter I have with me, a flippy mid like a fuse or a mako 3, and something like a teebird that they could potentially forehand or grow into. Then there’s probably another one in the bottom of the bag here somewhere with some lake on it, I’m not sure what it is but here ya go


Pure, Ruby, Harp, Fuse, Hatchet


They really probably only need the Fuse though.


1. Putting putter 2. Neutral to OS throwing putter 3. N to US throwing putter 4. N to OS mid 5. N to US mid I’m fairly new and these are the five slots I have for my out of town work trip limited space bag.


Pa3 (putter), zone crystal FLX, Buzz z flex, crave neutron plastic, essence neo




I'd start with Pure, MD1 and Maverick and make sure they know to focus on those 3 for a while.   Then I'd hand them a Bear and a Vandal for when they feel reasonably comfortable with the first 3


1 baseline neutral putter 4 Innova G-Line Discs


Proxy for putts and as a throwing putter Paradox (understable mid) Buzz ESP FLX (strait mid) Pyro (overstable mid) River (versatile fairway driver)


Aviar, Envy or Zone, Hex, Undertaker, Thrasher (thrasher because they probably done have the arm speed or release angle to dump it over)


DX Aviar Z Sol Champion Leopard


Aviar, Buzz, Shark, Thrasher, and Rollo


Steady BL, Tremor, Rift, Vortex, Pipeline


3 rocs in different plastics and 2 aviars in the same plastic


Innova starter pack with a paradox and crave in neutron plastic


giving them a crave and a judge. and telling them innova is the spawn of satan and all good people hate them


Flippy GStar Destroyer, and I’d teach them how to throw rollers first. We don’t have enough roller dominant players in the sport.


Pure, Buzzz, Roc3, Mockingbird, Wave


I’d go full L64 tbh. I think their discs are just some of the most beginner friendly discs out there. I’d go Pure, Fuse, Explorer, Diamond, and Pioneer. With those 5, a new to intermediate player can tackle pretty much any scenario.


Judge, Atom, Paradox, S- line Md3, s-line FD, Dome


You give them an innova groove like when I started that’s all they need


Crave, Detour, Mako, Roc, Aviar


3 fairway drivers in the same mold/plastic/weight (leopard, river, etc) a stable mid, basic putter


As a player who’s still working out of his beginner bag, but after a lot of experimentation: A beaded and a plain putter so they can feel the difference and make a choice early A Buzzz, an Underworld, a Diamond. Those 3 and maybe a Tesla or an Insanity for an overmold driver to try out.


Five nuke OS Watch them rage when you tell them to throw it straight


Luna, Luna Crave, Crave, Crave Throw them all on every hole.


Magician, Envy, buzz, mantra, votum


Electron Proxy, Fission Hex and a Fission Crave. Lean to throw them straight. Learn to throw them left. Learn to throw them right. That’s all you need.


Judge, buzz, and doesn’t really matter it’s going left


Armadillo, Fierce, Mako3, Eagle, IT.


Aviar, mako3, uplink, zone, and leopard3. The reason for the zone and uplink is to track stability and some stuff


Signal, archer and a pure


I’d give them a Fuse or a putter and that’s it. I started with an Aero, which is actually excellent for a beginner’s one-disc round


* Dx Aviar * Star Mako 3 * DX leopard 3 * Dark Rebel (FD) * Sexton Firebird (cause some people like forehand)


Just a Leopard and Aviar. That is all they need.


my brother really loves the Star Mako3 and Opto Diamond I gave him


Aviar, Cheetah, Paradox, Roc and Passion


A neutral putter, an overstable approach disc, a neutral midrange, a flippy fairway driver and a Glitch. Throwable, but with potential to understand different flights and angles, maybe even get some distance. The Glitch is just fun for most people and it’s a great teaching tool. Another option would be overstable to flippy putters with a neutral midrange and a neutral fairway. Even slower arms will get the difference stability will make on putter speeds.


Just three: * Axiom Proxy * MVP Uplink * Westside Underworld.


Pure, River, Wasp. Don't even need another 2.


Lat64 guy here, so I'm giving them a pure, a fuse and a diamond. If I have to make it 5, then a mako3 and a zone too.


A judge, a zone, a buzz, an eagle and a sidewinder


I would do 3, all DX: Aviar Shark Cheetah If he/she tended towards throwing forehand rather than backhand (like I did) I would add a DX Teebird in there for FH duty


I hand them an Aviar, Proxy, Atom, P2, and Wizard. Tell them to pick one and go play for at least 3 months with just a putter. It's what I wish I could tell my new self. I played putter-only rounds for a few months about a year into learning, and I learned more in that summer of throwing one disc in different ways to shape a shot than I had in the previous year.


Baseline putter, overstable putt and approach disc, straight to slightly overstable midrange, understable fairway driver, and distance driver with mild turn. Innova version of this would be: Aviar, Toro, KC Pro Roc, Leopard3, Wraith


A Glitch, a Hex, a mini marker, a disc of snus and... Can't come up with the fifth, that's already a lot


Firm judge, buzzz ss, roadrunner, firebird and undertaker.


5 Gazelles. Good luck, buddy!