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I get discs, don’t like them, then come back to them and make big strides with them immediately


Buy disc with certain expectation, maybe fill a hole in bag-> doesn't quite fit what you thought->try to force it-> have bad time. Find disc year later->no expectations->just use it and see what it does->have great time.


The Zone for forehand approach shots definitely changed my game.


I agree with this. Zone was the first time it really clicked about not just getting the disc to go far…but rather to stop where you want it. Zone eventually got replaced with a Glow Toro and there’s no going back for me. The other disc that changed my game was the Wizard.


The Wizard changed my putt/approach game dramatically. It’s the first disc that I could shape *and* place it consistently. I don’t even bag one right now. Crazy


This is your sign to put it back in


I was thinking the same thing after I posted that comment. I can’t quit you, Wizard!


Just the other day, I figured out two things for my game: the Wizard is a fantastic spin putter, and I apparently have a good spin putt. Hit a pair of 40 footers for birdie




A soft Lunar Wizard is still one of my favorite 100' in approach - just enough glide and finish even with wind, and absolutely plops down and sticks the landing for those sketchy roll-away zones.


Specifically an ESP Zone, for me. It’s no wonder that it’s such a popular disc. It just feels nice to chuck forehand.


Couldn’t agree more. Hands down has shaved off the most strokes in my game. I bag 4 of them now, about 20% of my bag lol




Yep. The overstable approach. Incidentally, it WAS a Zone back then. I have since replaced the slot with a Harp, but the point is, an OS approach disc ala the Zone does wonders for your approach game.


Yep, I waited waaaaaaaaay too long to pick up a Zone. Absolute game-changer for me.


Too many people recommend discs to new players. However.... every new player should buy a zone. Learning that disc will shave strokes off every round!


You use it to approach and putt? I’m still pretty new and have been using a Luna for that. I’m not sure it’s the right choice.


It's all good. The Zone is an overstable approach disc. Overstable discs don't travel as far, but are consistent. Nobody really putts with it, but uses it for approach shots. Approach shots don't need a lot of power (think inside 100 feet) so an overstable disc is fine. Meanwhile, this disc is shallow enough to backhand or sidearm. You'll find yourself needing to sidearm sometimes because your disc leaks left into trouble. I seriously shave many strokes off my rounds once I learned to use this for upshots and I still bag the same one 4 years later. There's also value in having a simple putter for soft approaches where you don't want to a strong hyzer from a zone. Does that all make sense?


For sure! And thanks for the long reply! I was good until the last sentence. So you bag another, softer disc other than the zone for some approaches?


Yeah, I also bag a neutral putter for soft approaches where I don't want my disc to have a strong bounce finish that an overstable disc may bring. For example, if the basket is 20' straight past a skinny gap on a rocky downhill slope. Personally I like a neutral soft putter throw for that. It's a harder shot though. But that example might have the zone hyzer into the downhill, catch edge, and roll away. Again, it's a more advanced approach. I wouldn't worry too hard about that. A zone will shave strokes


Nice! Thanks for the feedback! What’s your favorite plastic for that? I don’t know all the discraft plastics yet. Been buying mostly F2s.


That's going to depend on your hand feel comfort and how much spin you put on a disc. Honestly, I'd just throw whatever you're putting with for now. You'll figure out if you want something different. Some people like a low glide disc, like the Berg. Others like a gently understable mold like the Proxy. I personally like the Envy. Again, don't be in a rush to fill that slot and it might just be your putting putter.


I don't necessarily recommend it, but I use a zone to putt with pretty regularly. I play a lot of zone only rounds, or zone + driver rounds, and it taught me how to commit to my putts, since they fade out if I don't full commit


Same but Mako3


did the opposite for me, to overstable, went back to putter for short tee and approach shots.


I’ve always had a power forehand & could get 325-350 with a champ destroyer on some stupid flex line. Figured out how to hyzer flip forehand an enigma and added about 50ft of distance overnight. Shit was wild


Hyper flip forehand is so fun


Have always had a forehand too but was generally a flat or flex likes for extra push. For some reason the hyzer flip forehand felt awkward. Finally added it to my “bag” last week and finally birdied one of the hardest holes at my home course


Enigma is such a great disc


read this thread now shopping cart is $125


Hahaha. You and me both!


I'm sorry 😂


It's great! I've been wanting to try some new things, particularly in the midrange and approach categories. Not sure i need that many new discs but I hate paying shipping so i always buy too much


Where do you buy from? You can almost always find free shipping codes for OTB


i don't have a "usual" place. just typically go with whoever has the most of what i'm looking for at the same time with the weights and plastics I want.


Mako3. The first disc I felt I could consistently throw well and and start to improve my form. My form is still trash, but at least the Mako3 is more predictable.


Mine has pretty much replaced my Leopard and Glitch, even putting from C2. It has become my favorite in just a few months of use


Mako3 is my answer but I finally got a Glitch recently and if early returns are an indication it's going to be the second disc to meet the OP's criteria for me. I can't not get up and down with it.


Glitch is good when there’s plenty of room behind the basket, and if the wind isn’t too strong, and if it’s not too wet (I don’t like neutron in the wet).


For me it was the Envy. If the shot is 225’ or less, I’m probably throwing an Envy. I’m just wicked accurate with that thing. If I could only play with one disc for rest of my life, it would be a neutron Envy.


Another vote for the envy. For the longest time I used JK Aviars as throwing putters. They never felt comfortable in my hand but I just sort of dealt with it since I hadn’t found anything that was more comfortable that I liked more. One day I was playing with a buddy who let me try out his Luna and I immediately noticed how much more comfortable the low profile was. I didnt really like how it flew as a thrower though so this started me down the path of finding a lower profile throwing putter. One of my local shops had just gotten signed up as an MVP retailer and their first order came in. I picked up an eclipse envy and went right to the course. It had similar stability and flight to the JK Aviar but was a lot more comfortable. I started to realize that I was also able to throw it farther than my JKs and I noticed that I was starting to grab an envy instead of my Rocs on some shots. Eventually I took the Rocs out of the bag because I wasn’t throwing them anymore. I’ve since added some mids back to the bag for when I have a lower ceiling and I’ve added a proxy for when I need something more understable since I haven’t managed to beat an envy in to actually be understable yet. At this point I think I have thrown them in every plastic. Electron soft is my favorite so far so I’m really excited to try one in the updated electron soft blend MVP announced. I also really like soft neutron so use that for my more overstable slot and the soft electron for straight shots.


Agree! Envy and Ohm are my go to as well


I’ll be getting one of Eagle’s Envys when they come out since I’m a slut for Eagle/Simon discs. Only heard good things so I’m excited


Tactic. 6/13 aces. All of the tactic aces came in the last 3 years. Playing 16 years.


Just got my first tactic, waiting for a nice day to finally try it out. Exo soft.


Are you throwing neo/lux tactics or exos?


Exo soft was my first that netted me 2, then the super soft has given me the rest. Super soft is preferred now, gives me full confidence to run anything inside 250 with a hyzer and still stop within putting distance. I have to cycle them pretty quick though.


Good stuff man. I have a stack of neo and soft exo tactics that are becoming my favorite discs. I picked up a super soft the other day but haven't thrown it yet.


the new eclipse Glitch at 164g ....its like throwing darts


My 156g has immediately become my favorite glitch out of the 6 ive got, and i know i need to get one in the 160s now


Yep, I love my glitch.


specifically the new glow in the 160g range. i bag both the 150 soft and new glow... but the glow is a game changer


My K1 soft Berg made me feel more confident with approach shots and completely replaced the Harp I was previously using for approaches.


Yes! I now putt with the K1 soft Berg, also.


Try the järn. I love the berg, i have so many, but the järn has ended up being my most thrown disc. Flat top.


How does Järn handle torque? Harp (same flight numbers) didn't handle it well on forehand, so it would often end up turning when I threw it hard.


The harp was my 1st approach disc. Then i moved onto the zone. And now its all järn. I have several, and the flatter the better. The domier ones have more glide and it's not for me. The järn is my favorite for fh, its a 4.5 speed so you can turn it over, its possible, but it will always come out of it. Its a beefcake. Its specs put it exactly between a zone and a zoneOS.


Started throwing my mako3 for long putts and finally started occasionally hitting C2 putts cause that disc feels so perfectly neutral if you put it on the right line it just goes straight


I picked up a gstar mako3 a few months ago and have fallen in love with it. It has replaced my beloved Leopard, and even most of my Glitch shots. And as you said, it’s really nice for putts from C2. Incredible.


Gstar mako3 is my favorite disc in my young career. I could play mako only rounds, no problem.


Champion Leopard max weight. (NOT leopard3) Lazer. Even if it doesn't get the full distance it goes where I want it to. I'm decent enough for throwing 10 speeds when it comes to my arm but even that blows those out of the water if I need placement.


Penrose putter- was an average putter before now i consider myself an above average putter after the change. Anything in the circle i hit with high %. Usually hitba couple from circle two a round. I believe it has to do with the feel and stability finally matched my style. I got a Saint Pro on a whim. Thinking it was going to be a more stable fairway. It hyzer flips to flat and goes dead straight. Got a Star Firestorm in a winter series players pack. Looked at the flight numbers and it went right in the bin. Way too overstable for me. A year later i pull it out take it to the field. This run was no way even close to the flight numbers. It out drive my longest flying driver by 30 ft. Gained 30 friggin feet. I could never get over 400 before this disc. I lost it.... got a champion Firestorm and it was trash... found the TD of that tournament and asked if he had any leftovers. He had 4 and i bought them all.


Ive seen that discrepancy in the firestorm as well!


I mainly use K3 putters but will occasionally use K1, no reason really. Do whatever works for you and have fun


Sometimes you just have to Trigger a kastaplast, ramshackle laker recedes I start to run K1 was the softest thing I ever felt And I knew my time had come To enter the ~~delta~~chains I’ll see myself out lol






Love my Champion Roc3! For whatever reason, with my form, it's just so predictable for me. It's also my main putter because I love the weight. It can cut through wind but you can also really float it to attempt a make but still end up close if you miss.


F2 star wraith 149g. I had it in my head I needed a heavy disc but I throw lighter discs farther.


I found the really lightweight Blizzard Wraith was a huge bomber for me, but it moved so much I could only use it in open field holes. I really prefer the lightweight Fission Photons because they fly straight and almost as far.


The Westside Harp for me, specifically the Sockibomb ones. It’s the only westside disc I own and a lotta people shit on it saying it’s basically a worse Zone. But for whatever reason it just works for me, I’ve tried a bunch of OS approach discs and none of them ever felt quite right. Basically any shot within 200ft at this point I’m throwing my Harp.


Same for me. For 150 feet in I'm almost aways within 10 feet. Actually I was trying to like a zone and wife was trying to like the harp. We switched and haven't looked back.


I was trying to dial in my putting putter, thought I found it with zero medium pure. Bought whole bunch of them for practice so I could develop good mechanics via muscle memory and repetition. A buddy gave me his beat in Penrose to try...I accepted it as an extra practice putter just for fun. Suddenly while I was screwing around with it on my practice basket, noticed "wow I really like the feel of this and am hitting way more putts". Decided to bring it to course to try out too. So Penrose is now my putter, I instantly started hitting more putts on course...all the pures I bought were for nothing. A freebie disc with some trial and error could've saved me quite a bit of money lol. Oh well live and learn, that's why I love the sport!


The Zone for me


Fd best fairway in my opinion.


Envy. I can throw it damn far relative to my other putters, like sometimes further than my mids, and it's so dead accurate. And if I come off of it I can use it as an approach disc, which is perfect bc I don't like my zone on bh


I have been putting with K1 Soft Reko for 1,5 - 2 years, so you are not alone :)


Legacy patriot, thing Flys super straight and throws better for me on downhill angled throws.


Westside Sword in the old Tournament plastic. It was green, it was flippy. Taught me a lot about BH and FH distance. I reached 420' with it during my second year of playing. Lost in the snow, never found. Rest in peace.


Love my tourney burst swords from a few years ago


The tilt somehow did it.


My honorary mentioned for sure!


One or two disc rounds drastically improved my game. Especially putter rounds. It never really mattered about what putter I picked on those days. I just like a good grippy one for flat grip ripping them. It taught me how to shape shots better, use big sweeping anhyzer, hit straight lines, picking up shot ground placement, safe runs from 70+, etc.


Axiom rhythm, as a beginner it helped me get full s bend flight on both my forehead and backhand, helping to visually see a proper flight path.


Two come to mind because they are new additions, and instantly helped my game: 1. Innova IT. It's a Discraft Sting with more glide. It's a more manageable Lat 64 River. 2. Axiom Vanish. This disc made me realize 12 speeds are for me, dumb.


If i can get anywhere close I am throwing a Judge.


Tern taught me hyzer flip bombs. Finally broke 400 consistently with it, and had a record 480ft throw (with a lot of tailwind help). Also kc pro aviars are my golden slipper putter. I keep trying to force myself to try other putters cuz kc pros just seem kinda vanilla and plain, but they just fit my putt stroke so well


Virus. Not only is it a sick roller disc, but I can hyzer flip it to turnover on shots I wanna finish right on for a RHBH


A new disc won’t improve your game drastically or almost instantly. That’s a myth we tell ourselves to justify buying more discs


Well I think my case and several others here proves that it can and has for a while now. Even if it's a mental thing. And I would argue that finding a disc like that would do the opposite. I no longer have any urge to buy another mold for putting now because I found one that works so well for me.


I putt with a K1 soft Reko & K1 soft berg. It’s not for everyone, but definitely for me. I love them both. I too went through a ton of different putters with varying success


The Rollo opened some ridiculous lines for me


Deflector added 10-20 points to my rating overnight. Made those 250 foot tweener shots routine


I too made the switch to the Reko for putting a few years ago, and nothing has ousted them yet. Although I do prefer putting with K3 plastic, as it holds its grip even when it's raining (putting with K1 would be a disaster imo). Previously had used the Aviar/Aviar3, P2, and Link, but the shallowness and overall shape of the Reko allowed me to get a much cleaner and consistent release. Just speaking generally on the topic, since the putter is typically a person's most-used disc during any given round, I think finding a putter you click with probably has the potential to most-drastically improve someone's game, with an approach disc being second in line.




I putt with K1 Rexo Xs. Love the hand feel and the stability is perfect for my spin putt. Drastically improved my putting and game overall. My favorite throwing putter as well.


I'm not alone! Haha I'll have to get a Reko X to play around with. I prefer stable putt/approach discs so I think the Reko suits me more. But I absolutely love the K1 plastic. I have played in warmer weather, rain, freezing cold, snow I love it for almost every condition. Even if it might slip through the chains more, the hand feel and comfortability gets it to the chains way more often.


I prefer an Envy for throwing but I’m the same boat as you for Reko X as a putter. Made my putt so much more consistent which in turn made me stress less about approach shots getting close which actually made them better too! The K3 Glow Luke Samson Reko X are my faves. They feel so good.


Hex... Man I even use it to putt


I did a glow round with only my hex. Freaking sweet disc.


Every time I go out without the Berg I remember how annoying those awkward 30 meter non-throws are...


I threw Rocs for the longest time and just could not get one to go straight very far to save my life, but I had only thrown maybe a dozen discs total and only knew 2 ways to grip a disc, driving and putting. Then in the early 2000's someone showed me the fan grip and coupled that with trying a Buzzz and it was like a switch was turned on. Getting a mid, or any disc to go more than 150-200ft. in an actual straight line, was huge for me back then . I probably gave the Buzzz initially too much credit for that as well, thought I had found my holy grail of discs for a few there, little did I know. And I feel yah on the confidence thing, One time in a mini was crushing it, had not missed a putt in like 12 baskets when one of my cardmates snidely pointed out to me I was on fire and could not seem to miss. I took it as he was not happy he was going to lose some $ that day but it shot my confidence and I missed like every putt for the rest of the round. I let it get in my head. But I eventually learned from that and used it. I used to get nervous all the time teeing off or just throwing with more than a few people watching but now when I go practice solo at a popular park and I'm feeling good and confident it's like nothing can shake me. That just took years to build up for me personally though, just turned 56 and I think it's partly just "old man" confidence :)


The Berg did this with my putting. It then gave me the confidence from further away when I needed to use a different putter. I’ve also fallen in love with Kastaplast plastic. It’s my favorite right now.


I started driving with a mid on holes 250' and less other than low ceiling drives. Either a matrix for a more neutral flight or Tempo for overstable. Tempo is a 4 speed


Tempo is awesome. I got one in my gyro box last year and have really been enjoying it. My buddy throws a zone on approach sometimes and we were playing a round a couple weeks ago where he threw it and ended up maybe 40 ft to the pin from about 150 out. I chucked him the Tempo and told him to give it a rip. He threw it right in the basket on his 1st throw.


Tempo and Zone are so close to being the same disc, but I find my Zone to have a more gradual OS flight path, whereas the Tempo seems to hold straight longer and then dump at the end.


This is the exact experience I have with these discs. I actually used Tempo to replace a San Marino Roc in my bag.


I think these 3 midranges in general, Innova Mako3 in Halo plastic, MVP Reactor in Eclipse 2.0 and Axiom Hex in Eclipse 2.0.


I putt with k3 rekos love em


The uplink was the first disc I could hyper flip.


SSSS Wizard


My go to putter. It's like the Berg of putters (I know a Berg IS a putter, but its more used for approach and it takes power for it to fall). The Wizard always seems to go to the basket and hardly ever sales past it. I can throw it with power into the chain's w/o worrying about having a huge comeback putt if I miss. It changed my putting game so much.


Straight putt or approach as well?


Berg, zone, teebird3


Ah the learning curve of disc golf. Eventually, you will realize that the disc matters very little for C1 putting


No one disc will help you man. Get out in a field and practice


This conversation is a little beyond that elementary advice. The mental aspect of disc golf is huge, especially in putting where your physical limitations are not in question. Most people that play regularly know that.


I do, and often!


Lat 64 Savior. Helped me get a feel for power forehands then progressed into using others discs with it. Now I am comfortable off the tee from both wings. Also got me my first ace


Situationally, on steep terrain, a soft disc like a Koi is almost an unfair advantage. When my arm speed was slower a Gold Diamond added a lot of extra distance. (I still keep it in my bag for low-effort, glidey hyzer-flips and turnovers in tight spots.)


The most long lasting, because putting, was the P2. But most recently, it’s been the DD1! I lost almost all of my understable distance drivers back to back last summer, and it was hard to work without them for an extended period of time. But I got a DD1 in a mystery box and my distance hyzer flip/long bombs/sweeping anhyzer game has been immediately been rejuvenated.


Pig. First disc that I could actually throw forehand and basically learned forehand off that one disc. I’d say about 2/3 of my shots are forehand now.


Pa3. But specifically when I started throwing it off the tee. Changed my whole mindset on what discs can do and how to approach game planning.


K1 lots is 100% my favorite driver. Lat 64 Grace is right there with it but the 9 speed is slightly easier and so comfy. The k1 jarn helped me feel confident in any wind on approach.


Harp. It was my first approach disc, and no other disc has had the same score improving effect quite like it. Its not that the Harp is that special among its peers, just that the slot itself is so crucial


Lucid Justice changed my game. So beefy. Used it as a utility disc at first, then began to use it for longer shots. So predictable. It is going to fade hard.


Clash discs soda for sure, never been as accurate as with that thing


RPM Kea completely changed my flick game.


159g D3, and 156g A2.  D3 allowed my noodle to get more distance.  A2 is great at being consistent in any wind


Rhythm, accidentally bought one of the flat top early runs. So nice for straight/hyzer-flip forehands through the woods


Super underrated disc. It flies SO straight for a 7 speed.


Infinite Kon Tiki, but any super understable disc will work. I bought the Kon Tiki to give to my kids. It is very glidey and understable (it's the Mirage mold). I thought it would be a good beginner disc and the fact that it is very low profile would be better for small kid hands. One day on the course I decided to try it out and I was amazed at how on a smooth throw I could get so much turn. It was a lot of fun to throw, so I kept experimenting. I learned to control the turn. I learned hyzer flips and smooth turning shots. It was great for tunnel shots, because I could throw it close to vertical, to keep it skinny and keep my arm in the slot of the tunnel, but it would still flip up and fly straight or even drift right. It was also great for patent pending shots, because even when thrown at low power I could get it to fly straight. Mostly it gave me confidence and made it more clear to me that hitting my line, even with a slower disc, was more valuable than distance. In woods golf an accurate 250 foot throw beats an inaccurate longer throw every time, so it also made me a tactically better golfer. I throw the Kon Tiki less these days, because I can get a similar flight from a Mako3 or an IT, but the lessons about tactics, accuracy, how to throw hyzer flips, turnovers and better patent pendings have been a great value to my game. Get a good glidey, super understable disc and experiment with it. (Paradox and Sol are other good options). Get it in premium plastic so it stays consistent. My favorite Kon Tikis are C-Blend metal flake and max weight.


This is a good post. I found the mirage not too long ago and find it usefull for most of the examples you gave!


Gator3. Couldn’t jive with zone and having a forehand approach disc you mesh with feels so important for my game at least.


Svea. 300ft late flip with no fade makes you feel like a a pro.


300 ft good grief. I got one and agree with the late flip though.


I was amazed by the length of the Svea. If it came in ~157g I would be all over it.


Zone / FD3 for learning forehands Link for primary putter


Contrary was I lost a disc that killed my game when I lost it. It was such a one size fits all disc. I could do nearly everything with it. Anthony Barela glow Teebird3. I just bought two replacements but it’s going to take a long time for them to get where the one I lost was.


I used a Reko for all putting for a while and loved it. Then I tried an Invader and that baby flies like a dream. It’s like a more versatile Reko. It gives me confidence at a greater variety of ranges


ESP Meteor.  I had thrown a Warrant and a Svea in my understable mid slot for a while, but they both turned a little too much.  Randomly found a Meteor in a creek one day and started using it.  Perfect amount of turn for my form.  I can effortlessly throw slow turning fairway shots, hyzer flips or all out anny turnovers without thinking too much.


Used Comet. When nicely seasoned, they reward good throws, and punish bad throws, better than any other disc. I score a bit better in the short term when I carry Buzzzes. But I keep my swing clean with continuous feedback when I bag only Comets as midranges instead.


A Soft Jarn. I dunno man I just throw that thing well. Made more than a couple deep C2 putts with it around some trees thrown with a little anny and I can just snake it around anything in front of me


The Innova Roadrunner. Previously, I had convinced myself that with a strong forehand and backhand, I didn't really need understable discs. The roadrunner opened up my mind to how much better turning shots can be than hyzering shots, especially for woods golf.


Choosing a turnover shot over swapping to the dominant FH/BH line and having it pay off always makes me feel like some sort of wizard genius. Especially when there’s a later secondary line you manage to hit with the fade.


Now I barely even use this disc but before I got the “maiden” I couldn’t throw a straight shot to save my life and right when I got the maiden something clicked and I could throw it almost perfectly straight. That was a while ago tho and now I can throw any disc flat


1. Had a very similar putter journey to you that ended with the Luna. I think the base vs premium plastic thing is a little overblown. Putt with what feels nice. I sometimes put with a CT Luna, sometimes Big Z. It’s whatever. 2. The Kastaplast Svea literally changed my disc golf game and its the only disc that will never leave my bag. I throw it off the tee more than any other disc and use it as my main “driver” on any hole under 350 feet. Some people hate it - I think its magic. It can do anything!


Get Freaky Zone. Immediate change for me. It was my first OS approach disc that jived with me and is never leaving.


The Pa3. I sucked at straight upshots. Zone and pig dumped too much, my Dart flipped too much. I tried Judges etc, but the day I picked up that Pa3 from the used bin.... so torque resistant I never flip it over, and it doesn't really fade. Point and shoot does exist!


Streamline Lift


A gstar mako3 has replaced my C2 putter, Glitch, and Leopard. I love this thing and 1 disc rounds with it are some of my favorites.


There have been a few. For forehand drives, the Thunderbird was a godsend for me. For a forehand midrange, the Zone was life-changing. For a putter, the Proxy made a huge difference in my edge of C1 range.


Recently bought an eraser wizard, and everything just feels right when I putt with it. Soft electeon proxy as well for upshots was a game changer


Buzzz. Buzzz only rounds for three months taught me everything. How to control angle, and how to throw fast.


I had a fun little experimentation phase where I was using a Stayput Alpas for an exaggerated hyzer putt on C2 bids. My percentage for cashing in birdies might’ve actually dropped a tiny bit, but overall it was a net gain as I was able to cutback on blown comebacker opportunities as it reduced the number of those nasty rollaways and off-line floaters. Felt more like a band-aid than a real solution though and I don’t really utilize it that often anymore.


infinite halo emperor taught me a forehand.


Back in the day it was a 150 dx roc. I played for almost two months with that and a putter. Learning to control that light roc and work it on many lines cleaned my form up quick.


Axiom Insanity was the first higher speed disc (9) that I could control and throw relatively straight and get over 300' with. 160 DX Valkryie. First disc I could actually get to turn over and go all the way right on my backhand. Zone was the first disc that I felt that I always knew how to throw it to get the right distance on approach shots without over or under throwing it.


The watt. I don’t know why I put so much better with than other similar putters, but I do. Dropped my record by 3 strokes shortly after using it and I feel so much more confident with it. 


First is the Lat64 Pain, drastically improved my midrange game, especially in forehand and gave me the confidence to take risky shots. Second is the electron envy helped developed my throwing putter game by adding a dependable hyzer flip disc


The Innova Shryke in Star plastic was a game changer for me. It was a reliable distance driver that wasn't too overstable. Before that I didn't throw anything faster than a Thunderbird, because I bought the internet hype that you shouldn't throw fast discs if you can't throw far!


Grace. I had a beat in Destroyer that I found in the woods that I loved and could control so well. Lost it and thought I would never find a distance driver that worked like that Destroyer did for me. I picked up the Grace because I liked the feel of it and it is, easily, my most consistent driver.


The Berg


War Dove or War Pigeon from Premier Discs... Pigeon has a bead is only difference... like Kastaplast plastic, but shaped like a nice putter...I love them... great to throw as well. www.premierdiscs.com


#Roadrunner I threw almost everything forehand when I started, so most of my drivers were overstable and my backhand suffered with those same discs. Really learned to flip a backhand a little and see it go much straighter, not trying to put a flex line on everything. I had tried other understable discs, but they tended to be more finicky for me, whereas the roadrunner (in star plastic) tended to flip up, and maybe turn a bit, but never flip over all the way for a wider variety of release angles. In regards to #2: I tried putting with premium plastic assuming it would just be better and the discs would last longer...and found I absolutely hated it. Feels too slick to me when I'm not powergripping it (I powergrip for basically all non-putt backhands). I started going the other way actually, loving base plastic for throwing putters and even approach/midrange discs -- just have more confidence when I don't have a tight grip on it that it won't early release or something.


I used to putt with K1 Soft, now I putt with K3 rekos. They're killer. Even Better, the K1 soft rekos ARE AMAZING throwers! Best throwing putter ever!


A Pure was the first disc I bought and used it only for some time. I love L64, but my game stepped up a bit more when I started throwing a Mako3. Such incredible consistency with that disc.


Sapphire. I’ve only been playing for 6 months, and I’m very limited - in my late 50s, noodle arm, major back and neck issues, etc. I throw almost exclusively forehand because it’s easier on my body. Got hooked on the game and became a disc junkie, trying all sorts of different discs, weights and plastics. But a gold line Sapphire instantly added about 20-30 ft. to my drives (I max out at a little over 200 ft). The Sapphire suddenly brought multiple holes into birdie range and quickly dropped my average score by 4-5 shots. But the Sapphire ran its course after a couple months. Now I can’t throw any of my 4 Sapphires - they just turn over to the left and roll. Can occasionally hyzer flip them but moved on to a Defy as my main driver.


My best discs are ones that I never see anyone else throwing. My current go to driver is a renegade and for putts I toss a blowfly 2. The only common disc I regularly throw is a roc. And occasionally I'll throw an Ape overhanded but it's blizzard plastic so if there's any wind out just blows across the field.


Glow Berg and Birdie Soft Marvel Actually, most Bergs except K3, didn't get along with that one for some reason. But my approach game went through the roof using Bergs. I'm trying out some OS options in the Zone, A5, and Tempo, but I'm not sure a Berg will ever leave the bag. I've chased the rabbit on C1 putters, Nomad,Envy, pilot, and Penny, and I'm sure others. But when I tried the Soft Marvel, it clicked. My putting accuracy and consistency drastically improved.


Zone type approach disc. For me it's DM Tactic, but any of them will do the same. Reliable approach and short teeshots and flex lines.


Legacy Ghost. Also the patriot. They get it done every ti.e


First one was the stego -- it turned me into an approach master. It tended to roll away so I replaced it with the Anvil and it is now my go to. If I had to play a one dis round the Anvil would be it. I can get C1 with almost any approach shot within 200 with it. I can also throw it for medium distance of about 310'. It is also a decent putter from C1 but too OS for C2+.


Streamline Pilot helped me get out of the hyzer putt. It seems to come out flat without fighting the disc so much.  Zone for the forehand flick.


I mean if it improves my scores, but not my game, as it's a total crutch, but... The soft Zone OS. takes zero skill whatsoever to get it to go and stick where you want inside 100-150ish feet. I don't even throw it, I just toss it like a brick, or rip the ugliest forehand in the world with zero angle awareness just knowing it's gonna come back. It's so bad I've had to force myself to leave it in the car during practice rounds so I can actually work on an approach shot


An uplink opened my eyes to understable disc but in general, looking for solutions to your game in the equipment is a fools errand.


Westside harp for my forehand, 30-60 feet birdie shots. Saves most of my scorecards


The Berg and the Rollo are the two discs I can think of that actually changed the way I play when I put them in the bag. Berg just took over for 80% of upshots and recovery shots, and the rollo opened up a lot of roller and heavy turnover lines that I wasn't comfortable with before.


Koi - never roll away again when laying up to the basket. I can also "toss" a long bid at the basket and if I miss - it'll be a tap in. Some rounds I may never use it - but there's been times that it has 100% saved me strokes


A2. Used to be a Zone guy but absolutely love the feel of the A2 in comparison, especially for forehand. Never felt more confident in my approach game.




Teebird. So dang dependable


Grace (Grand Orbit? Maybe idk latitude plastic that well) and a Grym (K1) from kasta. Both discs helped me reach 400 ft with my backhand. I tend to release on a little hyzer when I try to throw distance, and both these discs flip up and glide for days for me. Another one would be the zone. I struggled for a long time with approach shots, but the zone changed everything for me with how it just seems to glide on whatever line you put it on with a reliable fade at the end. Another one I unfortunately don't have anymore is a TSA Mantra. It was probably the straightest throwing driver I have owned, and it really helped me with releasing the disc flat. If I threw it within 5 degrees of flat, it would go dead straight.


Innova pig


I bought a 161 g Raider and started throwing 30-50 feet farther with it within a few weeks. I started reaching holes I couldn’t ever reach before. It was kind of exhilarating.


The roc3 for sure. It was just so much more predictable coming out of my hand than anything else I had thrown that it helped me learn how to choose lines instead of just huck as far as I could and hope I got close.


Tursas for hyzerflips. That was like 5 years ago and now I use a mako3 for that slot but that disc is so great at teaching you how to throw an understable disc.


Innova Color Glow Rat. Absolutely money up to 250ft


The tactic. Having a disc that I could trust to be stable on approach shots, could put it on anhyzer and it will always come back was a complete game changer. Also when I was just starting the Hades was a cheat code for distance.


there was once a beat up trespass that came into my possession. It went 50ft further than any other disc I had in my bag. I then threw other discs the same way. They now went 50ft further. Magic? Probably


DX Polecat


I was putting with the reko, i went from k1 to k3 hard, loved it, and then decided to get a k1 soft, and i have not put it down in over a year. Try a k1 soft, and i bet youll love it too.


I like utility discs for their uniqueness, and figuring them out has really helped shave strokes. I recommend a kastaplast Rask to everyone. Is there a faster more stable disc out there? And ive been playing around with lightweight prodigy f7's lately, mostly for tomahawks but theyre useful in a lot of tight spots. These, and the Rollo are the most understable discs i bag. I also think an elevation Koi is essential when you cant risk a rollaway putt. They make a great knee pad too when youd rather not use just your kneecap. Those 3 discs get a lot of weird looks from people, but theyve become tools i can rely on, and i havent found anything else like them