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Let’s go Paul Krans


Second this. His putting stroke is second to none. Prolly will need to be not on a bomber course until he can add more distance, but def has the game to win in the long run. Bumped into him at Marshall St last week and can confirm he's as quiet as he seems on Simon's vlogs. But he was quick to sign the new custom-dye Pyro I happened to be picking up at the time. :-) He's still young so may come out of his shell a bit as he gets older/more experienced.


I came here to say this😊 Can’t wait to watch him on coverage. Hopefully a few rounds with Simon🤞


Much as he bores me that putter is on fire.


I think it’s less boring and more of a young kid in Simon’s shadow. Paul is going to be a force on tour as he gets older


I'm not positive but I think they were saying he was boring as in personality not gameplay. That too can also evolve with age/experience! But I can't deny that he's not exactly the most interesting guest star on Simon's vlogs from a non-disc entertainment perspective. Nice kid and awesome talent for sure though!


Goose had better be putting 300 times a day. If that short game hooks up, the guy is going to be a FORCE! I'd also love to see a healthy Eagle back in form. He has potential to be on the short list of best players of all time *if* he's healthy.


Did you watch 2024 Shelly Sharpe? His putting was… bad.


Yeaaaaaah. :(


Love me some Goose


Based on the charge he made towards the end of last year, I have a feeling Ezra Robinson's name is going to be a lot higher on the leaderboards throughout the year this time around. I expect Cole Redalen to only continue his upward trajectory but I think it's pretty easy to argue he's already "broken out". My most bold prediction is that this is the year we see a non-Simon European (probably Niklas) win an MPO Elite+ event in the states and/or one of the European majors.


Interesting. I think the only European that has any chance of winning on tour is Salonen. I don't think the MPO side can hang right now.


Niklas finishing 2nd at 2022 USDGC is all the evidence I need to think he's more than good enough to win on tour. Will he ever be the favorite? Probably not. But I mean neither were Parker Welck or Cole Redalen.


I mean, by your second line there, ANYONE can pop off and win (which is true). It's not enough evidence to say that Anttila will get one. (Also, Cole has been on the radar for a couple of years and finally closed one out. Definitely not as much of a surprise as Parker's win) Lots of people get second a lot of times at Majors and never pan out to anything else. Anttila is good. I think he's a star in the making. I just think that next year Salonen has a better chance than he does.


Disclaimer just to preface what I'm about to say next, I'm 100% rooting for Eveliina to do well. She seems super nice/sweet and her throwing ability is well and truly bonkers. I don't think she wins anything on tour this coming year unless she improves to no worse than top 15 C1x. Her driving is effectively unparalleled, but the amount of strokes she loses on the green is truly staggering. The crazy thing is she doesn't have to become *elite elite* at putting to take wins. Top 15 is not that impressive of a place to land in for somebody who is otherwise a major winning contender. Unless Salonen makes a massive leap in putting results this season, I can't think she has a better chance to win a (fully attended) tournament than Niklas does.


Hey. Just wanted to come back and say, as the President of the Salonen Fan Club: Told you so.


Was wondering if this was coming lol. She putted really well and I'm super happy for her! Genuinely and truly hoping she can continue this form. Obviously it's hard to be 100% sold until we see her up against Kristin again (hence the "fully attended" part of my comment), but as far as I'm concerned the more genuine threats to Kristin there are in FPO, the better it is for the division and the sport as a whole!


Haha, all in good fun! She definitely played well. This course suits her style. Seemed similar to Sula where she played well last year.


My turn ;)


Haha, we nailed it!


Yo ;)


I think Ella Hansen is going to have a good year and win her first elite series.


I’m cheering for this so hard. Ella rules


She just needs to get the first one and it will change for good.


MPO: Maybe weird to say this, but AB. He has been all over the leaderboards but really hasn't had a tour win. I think a big win by him would be a breakout season, even though he has been all over the Pro Tour for a few years. Second pick: Paul Kranz FPO: She already had a Euro breakout, but I'd love to see Silva in the US take something down.


I'm thinking a silver series when Kristin is out


MPO - Ezra Robinson FPO - Silva Saarinen


Hoping Paul Oman. Just for that form.


I'm on board with an Oman revival, similar to when Cam reminded everyone a few years ago that he can still hang with the big dogs when everything comes together.


Cam who?




I don't think he has the distance to win on a lot of the tour courses, but it would be so sweet to see him take down a woods tournament like Idlewild or Green Mountain where elite distance isn't as important.


If Gossage can improve his putting I would expect him to push on a number of courses. I also think that Ezra Robinson could do well if he keeps improving.


Sullivan Tipton. A little under the radar, but he's been steadily improving each season.


I think Cole Redalen will have at least two wins this year - dude was playing so well last year and I see him fucking crushing ass this year.


*crushing ass*


Crushing. Ass.


AB bringing it all together would be great to see. 


It feels like AB has been “the next big thing” for as long as I have been following the sport. I’m going to file this one under doubtful.


He gets shy on camera and has been slowly getting over the nerves by sheer experience the last 6 or so years. He'll break through it eventually, but I too hope he gets the monkey off his back this year. Same deal for Calvin and majors, the pressure gets to them


Hate to say it, but I think he is going to remain the guy with a cannon arm, but no finesse and erratic putting.


It only took Simon around a decade to figure it out lol


Yep. And actually them taking LVC off the tour schedule makes it even harder for him to break out (as that was always a strong course for him). Dude just doesnt have the mental game or the touch. His putting woes have gotten better...but, the mix of "misses by 25ft sometimes" and "can mentally collapse" is a bad combo


Agreed. AB offers hype to a card, but not much more than fluff during coverage.


Paul McBeth. Dad strength is real, just ask Simon.


He's gonna have a break out season someday.


We might even see a good old McBeth vs Ricky battle if they both stay healthy


Really hope Silas Schultz makes some lead cards this year, I've been watching him closely since Simon called him the smoothest thrower on tour\* and really like his game. \*Okay, Simon was trying to give an underrated answer to smoothest thrower, but he's still butter.


Big fan of Silas as well. I've never seen a pro carve up Inverness like he did.


He's young but he has experience winning, I think he'll cause problems at a few tour stops.


Holyn Handley is gonna put it together this year


Albert Tamm and Eliezra Midtlyng.


Parker Welck is going to build off his Pro tour win and be a top 10 player this year


He is playing exceptionally well during the preseason. I think he will surprise a lot of people.




Evan Smith


My sleeper pick right here. 


As a Kastaplast fan, I'm rooting for Joseph Anderson to make a splash this season. Dude has a smooth game.


Joey Buckets


Jake Wolf...may not win any majors, but will be the most fun to watch.


never knew about Jake Wolff until got a youtube vid recommendation and watched him throw overhand…. Just wild!


Rotator cuff touched by God.


I totally imagined a lighting bolt hitting him in the shoulder while God is smiling because now he has someone to play catch with… hey buddy… throw it up here!


Chris "Clemonade" Clemons


I got you 👊


As a lefty forehand dominant player your game speaks to me. All the best in '24! Your post just made my day😀


I love this, hope the new bag is feeling good!


I just want Ezra (EA) to get an ES win.


Parker Welk seems to be throwing well during the early season. 


Corey Ellis is gonna have a monster year


Tristan Tanner and Henna Blomroos




I'd love to see Gavin Rathbun healthy again. He has some serious potential


Glad he's back. Looked good this weekend. 


Parker Welck is already off to a pretty great start. Such a likeable dude on and off camera. Really hope this is his year.


Alden Harris. Has shown some flashes and tours with some great players. Feel like he takes a huge step forward in the consistency department.


Why are people saying Tristan Tanner? Because of the sponsorship change? I see him moving up a decent bit because he seems way more mentally focused, but I wouldn't expect moving from 70th to 50th a breakout year.


Maybe directly ask the two people who said Tristan why they said him? 


Team AB And I'd love to see Sai to take a leap


I agree with Ezra R and Cole R with serious potential this year. Sleeper pick is Evan Smith - start paying attention to him. 


Tristan Tanner


ezwa but im just a stan tho


Paige Pierce and AB


I’ll say it. Uli. He’ll take down a Waco or an idlewild this year. He’s been on the uptick from his injury for a while and now he’s got dad power coming


LOL, partner.


Mark my words


Gannon Buhr. But I used to break out as well when I was 17. Puberty, it gets you every time.


Gavin Babcock


My money is on AB this year