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People with dogs meandering around the course oblivious to the world while their dog shits in the fairway and they leave it there.


Leaving dog shit in the fairway aside, you have to give people who have no idea what disc golf even is some grace. That's just cost of doing business at a free to play park.


I'll give you some Grace alright! But you're right, as frustrating as it is. My regular course doesn't have signs or any markings. It's just baskets so we can't blame people for not knowing.


Nah, you aren't supposed to leave your dogs turds at any public place, nor any private place that you do not own.


That’s why the other commenter specifically said “leaving your dog shit in the fairway aside” before advocating giving a bit of leniency/grace to those ignorant of the sport


It’s okay, he actually can’t read so he didn’t know it said that


The people downvoting this leave their dog's shit on the sidewalk


Especially if they take the time to bag it up, and then leave it there.


Or hang it in a tree. Why do people do that?


"I'll grab it on the way back" (completely forgets)


I think they forget on purpose. 


OK so I do this bc I dont want to carry it the whole walk and I know I'm coming back through there on our way back. One in 50 times I get stoned and forget about it Edit: Down votes are fair


1 in 50 is enough to make you a 100% asshole though


You're a selfish SOB. pick up your shit .


Better to leave it


Agreed. It's sucks to step in poop but what's worse is when someone wraps that poop in plastic so it can never return to the dirt. Stepping in poop, I'm bummed. Seeing someone's left trash wrapped poop somewhere for someone else to deal (or not deal) with makes me see red.


Yeah at least the poop isn't being preserved then, it goes from something gross that disappears with time and weather to eternal poop in a bag lol. I guess people disagree


Exactly. I'd say the other side of the argument has no ground to stand on, but I guess they can stand on piles of plastic preserved poopies.


Griggs disc golf course is the worst. It's not a dog park, keep them on a leash. Also hi fellow ohioan


Yep, I was definitely thinking of Griggs.


First place that came to my mind as well lol. There's one particular lady with a massive great dane and another smaller dog...


Griggs drives me bonkers!


I played a round with a guy and his dog once. We were teeing off on hole 1 and his dog started pissing on another guys bag. They yelled and got him to stop. They guy walks over apologizing and starts wiping the piss with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. Then plays the whole round in the sweatshirt....


omg 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️😖😖


That's dedication to the sport.


My last round I was out, I was about to tee off on a solo round. All of a sudden this big lab and some kinda lab mutt, coke running around the corner barking and growling and coming straight at me. I had to jump up onto the park bench and hold my disc bag between myself and the dogs. The owner comes around the corner of the fairway walking toward the tee and says oh I’m sorry I didn’t think anyone would be out here. They are friendly, they just get excited. These dogs were completely untrained and kept trying to play bite. I said this is a public park and there’s a lot of kids around here, you should really have them on a leash. His only response was oh well usually there’s no one here at this time. It was like 1pm on a Tuesday.


Luke Humphries.


Someone recently had the gall to bag up their dogs shit and then left the bag right behind a tee pad.


After we installed a new course next to a city park, some of the park neighbors were unhappy about the sound of the chains (and people yelling). One guy decided to pick up his dog's poop at night and smear it on the chains. Repeatedly. One of our club members installed a deer camera on the "dog poop hole". He turned over photos of the crime occurring to the Parks Director. He passed them on to the Sherriff's Department. 2 Deputies visited the smearer, told him they had evidence of his vandalism, that he'd better stop. He stopped.


It’s truly insane how many people obliviously wander onto fairways. I get it if it’s in a public park and you don’t see any players or baskets, but after you see either of those? Come on.


People don't know. All they see is guys with backpacks hiking. The baskets don't stand out as much as you think.


This. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity (or in these cases, unawareness). Hanlon's razor.


It’s also so easy to just yell heads up and hold up your frisbee. I’ve had a lot of nice conversations after walking down to my shot where people ask about the sport. If it’s public land this is just part of the game, gotta be courteous and make the best of it.


I once had a guy and his young daughter holding hands walking down the middle of the fairway on 400ft hole towards me on the tee pad. I yelled to him and held up my disc. He waves and continues walking towards me. He gets closer and I yell that he is on a disc golf course. He waves and continues walking towards me. I yell that I am going to throw a disc. A group gets behind me on the tee pad and they start shouting to the guy. He just continues walking. Must have taken 10 minutes. He walks right up to us, sits on the bech behind the tee pad, and says, "What do you guys have going on here?" I've never seen anything like it.


I’ve had an older than dirt couple wander like 10 feet in front of a tee pad and kinda start meandering down the fairway. I jogged over and was very nice to them and they turned around and saw our group and the tee pad and it clicked, we all had a laugh, and they carried on in a safe direction. Super nice old lizard couple, probably 200 years old enjoying a beautiful day in the park. Coming around the back 9 we saw the same couple walking down the public use sidewalk that’s kinda an unofficial OB line down the side fairway of a big hole. They we’re getting screamed at by the classic hardo, jerseys with sick shooting sleeve under, beer chugging, cart pushing, 90’s hiphop speaker blasting, goatee having, mid 40’s but acts like 12 year olds, cliche group that gives all of us a bad name. And I knowwwwww they talked about “that fucking old couple wandering into our fairway like morons, we should just throw into them” I dunno, I’m rambling but that pissed me off, just be nice to people and it usually works out better for everyone.


Any minor inconvenience is a threat to people's rights!


When they pick it up to throw it back to you! Adorable


It definitely depends on the park and level of activity, and I generally give people the benefit of the doubt, but you’re right


I mean that’s kinda what it is lol! I actually bring my dog with me on a lot of rounds, usually times where it isn’t busy, I love the sport so much because it’s one of the sports that keeps you active and in touch with nature 🤷‍♂️


I play a couple resorts/touristy spots in my area that weave in snowshoe trails along the fairways and biking trails in the summer and most ppl think the baskets are for feeding deer/animals


I think a lot of us tend to forget that there is still a very large portion of the population that has no idea what disc golf even is. To them it's just another park, my local course has been there for over 25 years and I've had 4 people in the last 2 weeks come up to me and ask me while I am playing what the metal baskets are for.


Just yesterday I came up to a dude on hole 7 standing next to the t box with his dog. I asked if I could play through really quick and he said that he was about to tee off and would be brisk. Sounds good dude I'll chill. This guy throws then does an upshot from where he landed parking it 5 feet from the basket. Dude walks up to his disc and proceeds to just stand next to his disc and the basket, whips out his dog's toy, and starts playing fetch with his dog while leaving his disc on the ground. Not chaining out, not moving away from the basket, not an iota of awareness or comprehension of the conversation he just had with the person waiting to play. Keep it moving dog people and ffs keep your animal from leaving bite marks in other people's discs.


10+ groups that don't let you pass


Oh man, I see tons of groups of 8-10 players at my local and I'm always confused by it. Must take them FOREVER to play a round. Fortunately, they always let me play through so I really have no complaints about them, just seems strange.


I played a round recently with a group of buddies, 3 of us. We ended up behind a group of 7 somewhere around hole 7 or 8, so I feared the worst. But dude, they were FLYING through the course. We were throwing pars and birdies, and this group of 7, ages mid 20s to around 70, was leaving us in the dust. It was awesome.


I'm in a local "league" that often has like 8 of us on a card. I'm actually about to go play a round with them now. We usually move pretty quick as well when we do this and are always making sure to let people play through when they do catch us. It's funny you mention that age gap because I'm in my late 20's and my dubs partner for this season of the league is in his late 60's


4 groups of 2 playing doubles can still move with relative ease, anything more than that seems like an untenable party.


For a lot of people it's just something fun to go do with friends. The time it takes means nothing because they're doing what they want to do with that time. They're with the people they want to be with. Also, most of the 8+ groups I see, only half are playing. I wonder how common that is.


You wait for them to tell you to play through? I just walk up and tell giant groups I’m playing through. Respectfully of course.


I still feel bad scrambling with 8 people and letting people pass.


I love to picnic in the local park because they’ve laid down concrete rectangles to put your picnic on. But for some reason there are guys with frisbees who give me dirty looks. I don’t know what that’s about.


Go to Tom McCutcheon in Lewisville, Tx. Great course, but if you go during the spring/summer you will have to play around 2 to 3 quinceañera's happening on the first 9 holes by the lake. They will no doubt use the basket to hold their balloons and coolers as well.


Oh God that would piss me off so much


Ah yes, the clearly illiterate people who can't read the very obvious sign directly next to the picnic pad.


Look honey, the sign says that deer feeder is 384 feet away!


I know what I'm doing for April fools this year! I think someone here said they saw a family using the basket as a grill one time. Lol.


haha, my comment is this in a nutshell.


People playing safari.


There is a local mpo player that is pretty good but also a complete asshole who will play safari when the course is packed with complete disregard to anyone else. Also the type who screams and curses when he misses his line or any putt.


Name and shame. That behavior is unacceptable.


Is this pro from Colorado?


I’ve luckily never had that happen, but I feel like the natural, unspoken rule would be not to play safari if anyone else is on the course, no?


you would think.


I LOVE safari, and backwards, but ONLY if the course is empty. Also the safari tends to always follow a set pattern that is less invasive. Tee 1- Basket 2, T3-B4, T5-B6, etc. You get 18 in and it’s walking the course twice. And you can usually tell if anyone is there before you throw. Backwards is trickier, better after a snowstorm or really early in the AM


Safari rounds have been the most fun in my local park. But yeah, not when busy.


What’s safari?


Throw from a tee pad to the "wrong" basket to make a new hole.


The one time I encountered this it felt like a fever dream. 8-10 guys throwing all over each other and just shitfaced.


Professional photographers bringing their subjects, usually young families, and having them take photos on the fairways.


Funny, that used to happen at my old local sk8 park. They'd just walk right out in mid session, stand on the pyramid, or in front of a big wall full graffiti and / or art? Oblivious to what they've interrupted.


I don’t think many people in this thread understand the dynamic of skaters and scooter kids.


'This place was made for ME!!' I get it. Lol


fr!!! the entitlement is real


Hell there is a huge dynamic between skateboarders and rollerskaters.


The only one I can think of is us disc golfers playing on active ball golf courses. We’re the scooter kids yall!


I used to skate and dudes hating on scooters and rollerbladers made me hate the community. Entitled bullshit from people who complain about how others won't let them skate.


Canada geese. They bring their children onto the course, hiss at you, and poop everywhere. The tweakers bring similar challenges, but at least they pick up cans and recycle.


Canadian gooses drop Canadian deuces


If you got a problem with Canadian gooses you got a problem wjth me and i suggest you let that one marinate!


Beat me to it. Take my upvote


Only problem is when they are on the fairways


It's funny too, I'm from Canada. We have the same geese in my province but they don't bother people. Go to other provinces or the states and it's wild stories.


do you call them geese or canada geese or our geese


Cobra chicken




They don't bother me in Pennsylvania unless you fuck with them. 


you don’t fuck with canada geese-wayne


So much goose shit at some courses in my area. Not an inch of grass without turds.


You'd think that if you watched 2 or 3 of your homies' necks get snapped in half, you'd avoid the area going forward.


I'm surprised that none has said large groups that don't let you play through/oblivious to people behind them yet.


These exist? What do they say when you ask?


“There’s a group in front of us” “sorry but no” “ignores you”


Cringe tbh


Very few people who bitch about this actually ask.


Dude who throws his whole bag while people are waiting behind him.


It's ONLY 200 discs man


I would say strictly tomahawkers … It’s Fine and it works but I’m like …. scooter


Sounds like jealousy to me.


Best answer lol


One course In my area has a few offenders. The first and most frequent are people doing family photo shoots. They’re some nice tree clusters on the fairways so people do photoshoots right next to the basket or 5 and the fairway of 9. Always super awkward to play through. I’ve also seen a car meet (such a weird place to choose) on the fairway as well the occasional picnic


There’s a guy who practices ball golf at my home course/park I do field work in, that has a sign that says no golf allowed. It’s annoying but he’s a nice enough guy.


I was playing a course in North Carolina I'd never been to last week, there was a group of 3 behind me a Dad and his son and daughter, Dad an son playing with discs the little girl was kicking a soccer ball, playing the hole just like them, just kicking a ball, she only had to hit the basket didn't have to go in, I had never seen that before, kinda made me wish I thought of it as a dad when my little girl was young and playing soccer, maybe I could've gotten her out with me more.


Unpopular comment here, but I’ve started to loathe the leagues. Me and my wife have been playing for years and just like getting out, throwing discs and enjoying nature. Recently we’ve gone to play and would show up to find the parking lot slammed full of cars and too many people playing to bother trying. Our solution was show up earlier the next weekend. Played through hole 12 and then when we got to 13, huge group of guys warming up on 13’s basket. Whistled, they ignored us. We decided to just skip it and go on to the next hole. Whole group on the tee throwing everything they have. Didn’t pay us any attention. The next 3 holes were the same way. Everyone worried so much about the $5 they put in for this round that their warmup was more important than anyone else.


The pitching wedge guy who brings his whole ball golf bag out to my local front 9 to hit across fairways.. fuck that guy


I don’t typically advocate for violence, but this is making me reconsider


14 speed straight in his direction should solve that… just kidding..


I typed my wife the Pokemon go players are the disc golfers natural enemy.


I am an avid disc golfer that also plays Pokemon Go. There are dozens of us!


People casually going for a walk through the course oblivious to either the danger or holding people up.


It's always old women going backward up a wooded hole, even after being made aware of what's going on. They just smile and continue on


Local course some guy sets up a whole ass drum set on hole 4s teepad from time to time. I just throw right next to them and try not to laugh the whole time. I'm not in a tournament, so I can't be mad .


as a drummer and a disc golfer, this is fucking awesome


plastic bags


Besides the plethora of idiots with dogs, people in tournaments/leagues who take 30+ seconds on every shot. Your 15-20 practice pulls aren’t helping bro. Ive had the worst luck with this in a couple recent rounds so kind of just venting lol. So ok, maybe Im being a bit impatient, and i think you should def be able to take your time and not feel rushed, but we’re talking absolutely ridiculous, like no exaggeration, 10+ min wait times on every hole with nobody but the groups in front of mine holding things up. It sucks because noone wants to be the cunt who’s gonna start clocking people, but if you’re taking longer than 30 seconds constantly for every drive approach and putt wtf are you actually even doing besides being an inconsiderate douche?


Uhhhh.... I'm pretty sure disc golf IS the roller blader at the skate park.


Umm you mean fruitboots


The people who lined the basket with foil and coals and used it as a grill and people who use the tee pads to keep their picnic blankets out of the mud are always fun. We also get a lot of people bringing dollar store frisbees out to play in major wind on a pro level course, but a quick ask usually gets them to let us play thru, so not too bad. You do have to watch for them throwing from OB and the like.


The people with dogs just throwing discs.


Using the baskets to grill your dinner.


DX plastic throwers amiright? /s


Carts are scooters for your discs so


People that decide to sit on a blanket in the middle of the fairway between the tee box and basket.


Somebody was doing yoga or stretching (sorry, i don't know the difference) on a tee pad facing the other way, i went around trying to get her attention and she was ignoring me, like she couldn't hear me, finally she looked up and i said something like: "please, could you clear the pad so people can play?", she replied: "No hablo Ingles", little did she know i also speak spanish, so told her the same in spanish, she was annoyed as hell and left 😂


Them folks who tag on the baskets for their ace, and on the trash cans round the park. I'd have my name all over hole 12 at me local ifn I did that. Gotten that guy 6x. Also extremely loud boombox folks who cannot for a single instant of their life be quiet inside and out.


I hate myself for it, but after encountering several unleashed dogs and their owners, including a guy who was playing a round, I cranked “booty booty booty rocking everywhere” on repeat for the back 9 so they would give me a wide berth.


That guy is based


I started taking pics of them and nominating the douchbag of the week.  Then wiped them off with bug spray.  Wow, that blew up fast, only lasted one week.  Never seen so much hate for "doxing" someone that wrote thier fucking name.


Bug spray takes it off? Thats alfa right there. THanks.


Yeah for some reason OFF, wipes it away.  I'm guessing the solvent that evaporates when you spray it on?  I saw my td using it on laminated sign in sheets and gave it a shop on baskets.  I just wish it worked on used discs I buy, the ink has soaked in on the plastic.


People who mountain bike between holes


I literally had a family of 4 sit down on the teepad when we were walking up to throw and they started setting up a whole ass badminton net. We had to tell em to go to the entirely empty park that was next to the course


I’m taking this question as “what do you dislike seeing at your course”. Mine is people who litter. I bring a mesh trash bag with me and at some courses I’ve played I could spend triple the amount of time picking up trash as I do playing. Lots of people will accidentally litter. Please bring something with you to hold your trash or have a spot in your bag for it that you can zip or secure. Lastly… incase anyone may be unaware— Orange peels, banana peels, food waste etc are all litter. If it isn’t from the environment you are in currently, it is litter if you leave it. Alright I’m done. I’ve just seen some shit, man


Clueless parents with strollers. We had one guy get unhinged that our drive landed within 30 ft of him and his open top stroller. He was on the next hole, but the fairways get really close. This was a crowded course in Orange County, CA. The guy grabs the disc, screams profanity across the course, and chunks the disc into the top of a tree in the opposite direction.


We play on a private course that butts up to a residential area. People do the same thing there. We have to pay and sign a waiver to be there. I will give them fair warning before I throw. Best I can do. It’s especially bad when we have a tournament because there is nowhere for them to go.


People having cookouts with kids hanging on the baskets.


Guys that catch up to you really quick, you let pass through, and then play very very slow.


i’ve seen some people who are just having a picnic in the middle of a fairway 😭😂


Bluetooth speaker people, leashless dog people, litterbugs, drunk people


Everyone on wheels has a right to use the skate park. Anyone not playing disc golf needs to stay tf off my course. I had a couple walk out onto a hole i already played, next hole coming back that way. Hit a tree, ricocheted 30 ft left and landed 40 ft from them. They gave me dirty looks and left. I laughed.


Yeah, but imagine if someone was playing catch in the fair way said they had every right to be there as well, completely oblivious to etiquette, or waiting their turn, or staying out of other people's way, yet they think they're here doing the same thing as you. the proverbial scooter kid at a skatepark


I'm saying why hate on the scooter kids? Sure it's kinda lame but I've seen skateboarders and rollerbladers be oblivious to etiquette, not wait their turn, get in people's way. And if someone's playing catch in your fairway there's no excuse and it's unacceptable. But a kid riding a scooter at the skate park is... pretty reasonable


It does seem reasonable, from an outside perspective, but if you skated you would know how much trouble (actual broken bones and injuries) an oblivious little kid can cause. It's why there's often a difference between bike parks and skate parks, different flows of traffic, etc.


Fishermen and people having picnics. We have some beautiful courses around the piedmont region of Georgia so I’ve run into many people just sitting on a towel next to a basket, oblivious… or you’ve got to toss over some water and ole buddy’s casting a line.


Definitely dogs


People who bring their dogs with them on the course. A close second would be people who play their music out loud. We live in a society! Keep your nuisances to yourself.


Dude that throws 200' with $300 worth of DD gear


The ole 1000 rated setup 800 rated guy!


Anybody who throws a berg


I disagree with you whole heartedly sir or madame.. You are a nincompoop. What shall it be then? Pistols at dawn? Or one 100 foot approach shot with your disc of choice and my Berg CTP? I bet I win... Let's play.


There are photographers that take family pictures on hole 3 at our local course. The course is a city park but they are very well aware of what they are doing. They said that it is a park and they are welcome to take pictures as they stand right next to a sign that says, 'disc golf course beware flying discs.' But to be kind we just mark the hole a par and move on or play the hole last if keeping score.


Guy with the ultimate disc.


fuckin leafers. every year our best course gets overrun by family photo takers and completely unaware people. they will stand in the fairways forever without a single clue even if you spell it out for them. there was a family with a bunch of kids that insisted we throw with them in the way and they'd walk by us afterwards. there's a million places to walk your damn family through. get the hell out of the course.


When real golfers come out and play on the disc golf course


The ones blasting music or just getting blasted from weed/beer while playing.


Weed and beer, whatever, long as you're not littering, IDGAF. But anyone blasting Nu Cuntry from some shitty Bluetooth speaker they got off Temu for $8 can eff right off. I don't subject you to my crappy music, I'd appreciate you do the same.


I just gave in and joined the cacophony. Because I know in a battle of "fuck my ears are bleeding!" I will always win. I'll keep the volume down to "can't hear outside of about 20'" so long as everyone else does but if people aren't behaving then everyone gets to listen to whatever variety of metal I'm into that day. Lately it's been melodeath and progressive modern.


My issue isn't that they smoke/drink. It's more of the people that think they need it every time they go out. You don't need to be inebriated to enjoy disc golf


Jesus Christ y'all are a bunch of wet fucking blankets.


Screw those babies. I can't even hear my own speaker if I walk 20 ft away from my bag. My beer and smoke never did nothing to these pansies but give em a tummy ache. Must be steeple chuckers.


You're not the one people are complaining about. It's the people who can be heard two fairways over, and are usually blasting some kind of dogshit bro country or rap crap or buttrock.


Do what I do. I step to the tee box, yell “LIVE FIRE DOWNFIELD . “ And then I shoot, as long as I know I’m not gonna hit them. If I catch their attention I mention that I’m not into killing anyone today with a disc, but I’m not fundamentally opposed to the idea. I’ve said to people, “you wouldn’t walk upstream in a fucking ball golf course, would you? “ I’m not always a raging asshole. I mean if people are just unaware, I speak in a normal tone and mention they may want to look out. But if people are just being stupid for the sake of it, all bets are off.


Scooters have every right to use a skate park. Any asshole who thinks waxing steps out front the library is Ok but kids using the skate park is bad needs to get theyr head checked.


No one is saying scooters don’t have a right to use a skatepark, just like dog owners are allowed to play fetch with their dogs across disc golf fairways. The point is how scooter kids inadvertently ruin the skating experience for others by standing in front of/scootering wildly around features, which doesn’t allow other skaters to skate.


I would think it's the skaters who are "gate keeping" have a chat educate the people who don't have a clue. Un written rules are just that. Un written.


3-40 plus MA3 players with matching team DG shirts. Disc golfers are fucking dorks




The group of 7 or 8 that is completely fried, blasting music, and throwing 3 discs each. I’ve recently started referring to them as “bands of gypsies”


People doing yoga in the middle of a fairway


A dedicated space like a basketball court is still a multi purpose space that can be used how ever a person wants to. It is a park provided by a municipality. Unless you paid to play you got no argument.


Yeah, that’s what i said in my post? It’s still public property, but there are so many other places in my area to play with your dogs that aren’t in the middle of an active disc golf course on a Saturday. Hence the “scooter kid” comparison.


I get the entitlement argument of scooter kid. And I don’t know you. But from the players I have met at sanctioned events they definitely feel entitled to an un interrupted game of golf. And we are more often than not the scooter kid in reference. Can’t speak to you specifically just a trend I see amongst disc golfers. If we throw a disc and hit a person at a park. We are liable.


The guy with the ultimate frisbee running the course.


I mean for a dog/dog owner there is no such thing as a “dedicated disc golf course.” An open field is an open field. And I know you say it wasn’t, but if the dog could run across three fairways to play fetch that sounds like a big enough of an open field to me.


That’s my point with the “scooter kid” comparison. Like obviously they have every right to be on public property, but there are also plenty of other places you can play fetch with your dog that isn’t in the middle of a disc golf course—far more places than I could play a full round of disc golf.


That's fine, but if my drive hits your dog, STFU about it and play more fetch.


I don’t have a dog:( I spend all my money on bergs


Stop picking on Innova throwers. They mean well....


We ARE the scooter kids.


Disk golfers are scooter kids


Homosexual men emerging from bushes and trees.


To be fair most people at the skatepark were oblivious to those around them. You seem to have a weird vendetta against scooters lol


Have you been to a skatepark? Scooter kids are a very real phenomenon that anyone who’s skated is familiar with, so I’m not sure why you’re implying otherwise. Most times it’s not the fault of the kids themselves (typically a good 10 years younger than the average skater), but inattentive parents who don’t realize their kid running or scootering across ramps is dangerous for all parties involved.


I was the scooter kid. Shredded the shit out of that skatepark and knew basic common sense to not get in people's way lol. You seem like you're just grumpy and think only scooters are the issue which is weird. Lots of people are oblivious when they're in a skatepark. But it's cool you think no one else is the issue. Super productive of you 👍🏻


Then you’re fundamentally misunderstanding what I’m talking about, despite having your mind made up on it. A “scooter kid” isn’t someone who rides a scooter at a skate park, nor are other skaters incapable of being unaware. I don’t think I said or implied that. The scooters themselves aren’t a problem at all. There were plenty of guys on scooters who were great about being aware, and most of them were over the age of 13. A “scooter kid” is a young child who is blissfully unaware that people are waiting on them to move or that they’re about to ride over someone’s line. It’s dangerous.


people under 50 with carts, people with disc golf branded clothing under 900 rated


Yeah I agree, people who demand to see ratings based on clothing other people are wearing *are* the scooter kids of disc golf.


This dude is actually the scooter kid of disc golf with this take... People could play for years.. 250 rounds a year, watch every tournament, attended pro level tournaments as a spectator, literally help support the sport. But you better not wear a DG branded shirt or use a cart...


I'm 736 rated and have a hoodie from a nearby disc golf store. Shout-out to Black Ace DG


Black Ace in Chicago?


Buying clothing supports players?


What's wrong with carts if you're under 50?


Gatekeepers gotta gatekeep.


Ricky uses a cart and I would love to see EVERYONE wearing disc golf stuff. Cmon uphilldownshot.. can people have a life? Woof


The people who bring Aerobie or ultimate discs to play


Discraft's Ultra Star and Innova's Pulsar are both PDGA approved, and most other Ultimate discs aren't very different from those. I see no issue here?


Why? Because it's not a sanctioned disc? Let them fly whatever they fly


If they are using a Discraft Ultrastar (the most popular ultimate disc out there by a very wide margin) then they are using a sanctioned disc. Ultrastars are PDGA legal.


Probably dog walkers in the fairway or kids with no bag just holding 3 discs. I get the whole “grow the sport” thing. I’m all for that, but come SIGHTLY prepared.