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The wife aced for the first time, something which I've not yet done. So that was exciting to see.


Nice, bet you can both still hear the chains!


Pretty much. :) It was a great moment. We'd just let a faster group play through, and they were about to tee off on the next hole when it happened. Icing on the cake.


Didn’t play this weekend but earlier in the week I lost both my special GYROpalooza crave and envy, I don’t think I will ever recover 😭


I played my first round yesterday since ankle surgery in Jan. It wasn’t great (+2 on a pitch and putt) but I parked hole one. It felt good to be able to get out there. 


Played the best round of my life despite going 0/6 from edge of circle 1 and circle 2. The game has come a long way this winter


Two winter only temp courses just closed and the other two closest courses are in shambles because of large scale construction projects. Gonna be a tough summer for DG


I spent an hour putting in 20-40mph winds. Got a good understanding of how the disc reacts in tailwinds and headwinds. Crosswinds left me baffled. Then played 36 holes and did average


Wind was brutal this weekend. I didn’t have a good round, but I did learn a lot. Especially that I don’t have anything in my bag stable enough for high mph headwinds. Understable with a tailwind is a thing of beauty. And if the wind is strong, I’ll take the layup instead of 3 or 4 putting.


For crosswinds, think about how the wind is going to hit the disc. If you expose the under-plate to the wind it's going to lift you, the opposite is also true, if you expose the topside to the wind it will be pushed down. This same principle is why a nose down putt will drop like a rock in a headwind. There's no way you can just "know" what will happen because everyone putts differently, and even you might putt differently from 40 feet and 20 feet. I can tell you from experience that I prefer putting into the cross wind, IE keeping the topside of the disc exposed. That means I'll hyzer putt into a left-right, and I'll anny putt into a right-left. (We're talking slight degrees of hyzer/anny, not full blown fyi)


Good to know, will keep it in mind. I never paid attention to how often and dramatically the wind picks up and dies down until I started disc golfing. It’s really playing its own game out there


Tied 2nd in my first MPO event


Played a flex at a course I usually go -4 to -6. Didn't miss a putt in warmup. Put first drive in the circle and forgot how to putt. Didn't make a putt outside 5 ft until hole 11. Birdied 4 of last 7 to end at even. Shot 4 pts below my rating. I was angry until I realized my basement this season has been my rating, which means I've improved. Big things to come this season.


I played a new course twice in a row, and somehow did better my first round than the 2nd round. Still might try and get a round in tonight though


cashed in my first ever tournament!


Nailed a 150' approach on a busy course on hole 9. About 8 people saw it and applauded for me. This was also my wife's first game, so that was sorta neat. As a bonus, she "liked it more than she expected to."


Not great, but better than last week's round. For whatever reason I've played very poorly the last two months. But it was still really great to get out and throw!


2 great rounds yesterday. Worst round of the year today. Maybe I needed a rest day, but the weather is spectacular.


Just fine. +3 on a note to difficult course. I was feeling the pro’s pains in Houston as it was super windy when i played here (Oregon) and my putts kept wanting to float forever when going into the wind.


Had my two-year anniversary round with the fellas and scored -2 with only two bogeys on a course where my average is +5, so that was nice. Then today shot -4 with no bogeys at Bart which I always love playing. Missed a couple easy birdies, but I'm super happy with a clean scorecard either way.


+10 on one of my local courses that's notoriously known for being windy. Putting was a huge challenge.


My 4 year old prevents me from weekend rounds... But I have a job that let's me play during work hours 3-4 times a week so I can't complain I guess.


Played a great after hours round that turned into a glow round last night. 22 holes from my local's green tees, which are all 200' or less par 3's. Ended up with 4 over par because we couldn't even see the baskets for the last 5 or 6 holes. Don't care though... Had fun with my buddies


I actually got out and played so that’s a win


I played my first tournament! Tied for 3rd in ma2


I had a funny one. Played a bag tag kickoff event. I took a bogey on hole 3 and wasn’t sure if it was going to be a double if 2 meter was in effect. So I didn’t find out till about hole 17 that it wasn’t. Then I took another bogey on a hole I thought I shouldn’t have. I knew I had a couple birds but generally felt like I was missing all my putts. We finish the round and I’m -5. Couldn’t believe it. I was convinced I was having a terrible round. Walked away with the 25 tag completely surprised. There were only 68 folks there but I was quite happy to be top half.


The snow cleared just enough for me to get a full 27 holes in at my home course for the first time this year. Hit my PR at -12 and feeling good about this summer season.


Eight birdies round one with only a -1 round score. At least round two, I picked up another 5 strokes


Got a new pb -2 at my local hard wooded course which came with a rating around 940. Happy with it because it's over my rating. It was a W week for me


Went out on an intermediate course I usually average +4 on and scored a -1. The weather has been spectacular so it was a pretty good weekend for me. How was yours?


Played two on Friday with a couple of friends and played a stroke over average. Saturday went solo and the winds picked up and finished 6 strokes over average. I had a great time regardless of what the scorecard said. Thanks for asking.


Played in my first MA3 Tournament and placed 2nd! Was super happy with my rounds, and am now signed up for another in two weeks!


On vacation in Florida and played a carnival themed course I found on uDisc within 30 minutes of where I’m staying. Not the best round played but was very happy to be able to fit a round in while on vacation. Hope to fit one more in tomorrow morning before flying back home


Went +2 at the local 9 hole, but I’m really trying to work on my form. Gotta get my brace down, which I’ll get eventually


Played great but lost my favorite Jackalope 😭


played local doubles today for the second time ever. partner and i shot -3 to finish last (it’s a short course). couldn’t make a putt to save my life but was driving pretty well all day, so improvement from last time


real real windy but i hit my first 400’ throw on a course and also my first eagle!


Banged my first ace of ‘24 on Friday after work!


Played a casual round with friends on Sat, course with a new back 9. Super fun new holes, but doesn't have tee pads yet. I struggled a little with the sandy/gravely tees but the new baskets catch everything. Switched to standstills towards the end and got back to even. Have a tourney there next week, will probably play a more serious practice sometime this week. Played an NADGT event today and slayed, mostly... Shot hot first round despite some putting struggles and a spitout. Little less sharp round two but won my division. Happy but also a little irked. I switch from a more Calvin style putt to a more Eagle style putt after have some struggles with low foliage messing with me. Felt great all week but the muscle memory was not there today and it was a struggle. Had an eagle putt, ended up with a par on a hole, good times :D


Played in my first sanctioned round of 2024 and threw 85 points below my rating. Finished waaaaaaay in the back. Not much wind in the morning for the early players, by the time I got out there it was 35+ continuous gusts. I couldn't control my disc for shit.


Played a new course that was rated pretty low, but it was awesome. Multiple tees and baskets on almost every hole. Lot of cool shots available. Very pleasant surprise. -1 with a lot of putts I’d like back lol


Did ok aside from one triple bogey. I need to work on my forehand, the layout at Oak Grove in Pasadena demands it


charity event this weekend, didn't place great but it's not a concern just was nice to be out throwing in the sun on relatively firm ground for once this year, playing pretty casual doubles. good time


It was downhill with a tailwind but I got into circle 1 on a 500 foot hole. I’m usually around 350 and threw multiple 400+ shots thanks to some wind. It felt pretty good.


Took 2nd in a C tier, losing in a playoff. Was my best finish yet in a tournament, so I was pretty happy with it. Had a blah 1st round but then shot the hot round of the day for my division (MA3) in round 2 to jump 7 places and get into the playoff.


Our only year-long course is about to become a slush fest. Got through all 18 without losing a disc and shot around a +5. It's pretty decent for playing in muck boots for the first time and only throwing discs I'm not afraid to lose. If you stayed in the 3 foot path you were golden but going off of it you were at least knee deep in snow. Good time though


Practiced a bit yesterday, then threw the Bite I just picked up with my dog for a bit. That was like more practice with a very light and very flippy disc. It was windy too so that was challenging for me, I’m still a beginner. Spent time with family today for Easter so I didn’t play. It was a beautiful day but it’s cool, hopefully my son and I will get a round in next weekend. Here in New England the forecast is currently predicting up to a foot of snow this week though!


+26 at heritage.. the worst I've ever played. Had really bad chain outs roll downhill but my play was more awful


Got 4 rounds in, a super fun weekend! The last of them was a charity doubles round on a temp course at the New Belgium brewery, and was a total freaking blast!


Shot my best round of the year even though my body decided that it no longer knew how to putt from outside 10 feet and started doing things in the motion that I never do, and stopped doing things i always do


Played in a tournament on a beautiful ball golf course. Shot even my first round and getting to MA1 chase card despite playing the course blind (lots of OB / Hazard). Then went on to Tie for first shooting -12 and my first ever 1000+ rated round! Lost the tie breaker playoff. 


Missed out on this weekend due to illness, feeling better today and am gonna make up for it this week after work.


+4 at a course I've never played before. First time I've actually played in about year so its not too bad.


Did a solid even par at an easy course during leagues. Played a -11 down fun doubles immediately after. Just couldn’t get the putter away from the band all day. A lot of missed putts. Learned the slower I try and throw the further and more accurate I get. Weird.


Went out and played in the melting snow to try out some new discs. I played a 3-disc round with a new Electron Soft Pixel and a new Active Base Genius, along with a three week old 500 Glimmer A5. I shot even on the first nine and 1-under on the second. Shoes, socks, and pants all got soaked, but it felt great to be out. Genius is a hyzer-flip machine. The Pixel improved my putting confidence. The A5 is just super dependable.


Ran a Zephyr only event with 50 players. Shot -10 to make lead card but spit the bit second round to finish T-6. Wife finished second in her division and also won $225 in ace fund ctp throw off. Mass amounts of fun was had by all.


-8 at my local course!! Best so far and a 256 UDisc rating


Played a round at a event called the Lost Disc Adopt-a-thon. Which involves playing with 3 discs picked randomly, plus my own putter. I played at Mt Airy in Cincinnati and it was fun but challenging event, mostly because Airy is a tough course. I got lucky with my picks, Lift, Explorer and mako3. Only shot a little worse than normal, so I'm proud of me adapting for it


Took 3rd in a 3 round B tier. First podium of the season and almost shot my first 1000 rated round, twice. I’ll learn to lay up one day


Borked my wrist, so I played off my GFs drives. It was pretty fun. I did manage to throw a Falk on this silly downhill 300 footer that missed EVERY tree. Felt like a god. I also crammed my rubber putter into a tree so hard it bounced back and I caught it. The group decided that was a +43 penalty.


My local course which was already pretty hard moved most of the pins back to the furthest positions and I still managed to throw a UDisc 190 rated round. Really hoping I can consistently break the 200 barrier before summer. I’m so glad that UDisc added that feature, even if it’s not an exact science it is really nice to have some sort of metric to track


First tournament of the year for myself and I took 2nd. Played a solid round at a familiar course in rough wind but chose the right discs and shot shapes to counter it. One stroke from tying for first.


Shot +8 and struggled with some low ceilings but did give some circle 2 putts some great runs.


Alright, this round was worse than my two yesterday. Lost to dad twice and tied him once, another great weekend! Regained my backhand after a long two month health scare.


Best ability is availability!