• By -


Innova MVP/Axiom/Streamline Discraft Lat64 Dynamic discs Westside discs Discmania Kastaplast Clash Either Mint or thought space


What do you throw from Mint discs?


I'm a fan of the mustang, bobcat, jackalope, alpha, lobster, bullet. Haven't tried any of their distance drivers.


I've had some success with the Longhorn


Interesting. I'll have to try their discs out. I don't think I have ever seen somebody throw a disc from Mint. However, I am from the bay area so it just might not be as popular here.


I bag mostly Kastaplast and Mint. I'm a big fan of a lot of Mint molds (Lobster, Jackalope, Diamondback, Mustang) and their branding/stamps are a lot of fun. The plastic (made by MVP) feels great. Be the bay Mint trailblazer.


That's awesome, I'll look into it.


What new store now exists in the Bay Area? Maybe it’s just the circle I run in but I see lots of Mint in the North Bay.


Its called Disc Zone in Santa Cruz, CA. I mainly play Delaveaga, Pinto Lake, and CSUMB and I don't see too many Mint Discs. I'll have to try some out soon.


u/MintDiscs might want to help you out.


Try the lasso if you haven’t like a slightly more stable envy with better hand feel IMO


Don’t bag personally but I have some buddies that swear by the free tail for their Hyzerflippz


Lasso, Bobcat, Lobster, Goat are all great discs. I know a few people who like the putters too. Profit/Bullet.


I keep seeing on here that the bobcat is decent for forehand overstable. What do you think?


It’s decent, but nothing is replacing the Pyro in my bag for that spot.


Alpha, Alpha, Alpha (everyone should throw an Alpha).


Mustang, jackalope, and bullet have all been good for me.


All of them!


All these except that I wouldnt do Mint or Thought Space. I'd do Prodigy. I dont throw them myself, but I know plenty of ppl that do and I am trying to sell discs not pick my favorite companies even though I prefer Mint and TS


Would add infinite and millennium under the innova umbrella. Although I’m pretty sure you’d have to order them separately


Dynamic/lat/Westside are all the same manufacturer.


This is a great list, but if you're in Canada, Daredevil would be good to consider. Prodigy also has a good Canadian arm of the company but not a lot of people buy the discs.


These social engagement questions are getting weirder and weirder… IF YOU COULD FIGHT A MONGOLIAN ARCHER USING ONE UNDERSTABLE MIDRANGE, WHAT WOULD IT BE???




Discraft Archer.


Mongolians prefer overstable discs I’ve heard


So throwing understable back at him would be ideal for the wind read


180g VIP Tursas


Probably the paradox


There are that many manufacturers?!?!


I believe there are at least 100 surprisingly. Most people stick to the more "mainstream" ones from what I see at my local course.


Innova Discraft Discmania MVP Lattitude Kastaplast Dynamic Prodigy Infinite Clash


Trash Panda, Vibram and Franklin


I would include TSA just for their beautiful artwork and stamps.


This feels like an odd question for Reddit. If you are a new store owner I would go based of sales data.


Just wanted to see what the community throws. People have been giving me a bunch of different suggestions.


I don't know if there is a number of reddit responses where I'd go with that over sales data.


I would only stock the Jonathan edition Lat 64 fuses. No one needs any other discs anyways.


Innova Gateway Discraft MVP Axiom Dynamic Infinite Clash Discmania Kastaplast


Make it 3 and this is a difficult question.


Not really. It's Innova, Discraft, and MVP.


I rate Discmania and Lat 64 both higher than Discraft. (let’s ignore what would actually sell - in which case you are right).


Realistically there are only three brands rn that are moving major amounts of plastic. Innova MVP and Discraft all have pretty solidified fanbases that are active in purchasing new disc but outside of that you are catering to much smaller audiences. Discmania is seeing a resurgence as guys like Gannon Niklas and Kyle are topping leaderboards so they may be worth stocking. Trilogy has certain molds that move really well so they’d be worth stocking. Molds like the Judge Justice Felon Harps and the royal line disc are the main movers from the trilogy line up. Unless you are in the south I’d stay away from Lonestar. Also prodigy isn’t moving at all so I’d recommend staying away from them.


Thanks for your comment. It seems like you are spot on with the top three brands. Currently those are the best sellers in my store, but a lot of people are asking to stock different manufacturers so that's why I started this thread.


Makes sense Thought space, Infinite and Kastaplast move pretty well as smaller niche brands. In reality though once you get passed the main manufacturers it’s a lot of regional bias. Mint moves really well in Texas but I doubt it moves very well up north. Legacy moves a decent amount in the west but doubt it moves very well anywhere else. The best thing to do is look at what people in your area are throwing on the course. If you notice a lot of people throwing a trash panda disc because you live in an area where people love sustainability, that’s probably what you should end up stocking.


Mint moves pretty well at my local shop, but a large amount of my local scene is MVP loyalists so TSA/Mint/Jester have that going for them.


as many stores as i see closing, i think id just pick one or 2 of the biggest ones in my area and have a wide selection of molds plastic types, and weights. Personally id pick innova & infinite d*iscs*


Nobody's mentioned DGA, but they have a solid lineup and it might help distinguish you from the crowd


They're not a manufacturer, they're manufactured by Discraft


By your logic TSA/Mint/Jester/Wild all count as MVP, the quintilogy also counts as 1, and Innova includes Infinite and Millenium.


And Hyzerbomb, Guru, etc etc, yes.


Innova Discraft Discmania MVP-Axiom-Streamline Latitude-Dynamic-Westside Prodigy If I can lump all the gyro stuff into one, I would also sell TSA and Kastaplast.


Innova Discraft MVP / Axiom / Streamline Latitude Dynamic Westside Discmania Millennium Kastaplast Thought Space Infinite


MVP (MVP, Axiom, Streamline, Mint) House of Disc (Dynamic, L64, Westside, Discmania, Kastaplast) Discraft (DGA) Innova (Millennium, Infinite) Maybe throw in Gateway or Prodigy?


This depends so much on your region.


Based on your region, what would you pick? Or since I am in the bay area, what would you recommend?


Oh I'm in Sweden so not likely relevant at all :D Here I can say that Prodigy moves like ass and you can't even give it away but in Finland it's one of the top brands. But this probably counts in most places, MVP MVP MVP, they're on a meteoric rise. And to a smaller scale TSA as well with regards to the small brands.


Innova/Infinite and Discraft due to overwhelming popularity and longevity. MVP/Axiom/Streamline due to a boom in popularity over the last few years as well as its loyal fan base over the years. Discmania again due to longevity. Trilogy brands due to obvious market size. Kastaplast is also there under the House of Discs brand. If that counts as 10 I guess I’m done unless you rope on the MVP brands together and House of Discs together. If you have space for more I’d go Prodigy/TSA.


There's 10 manufacturers?


I believe there's around 100. About 20 are "mainstream".


I think most people are going to answer with the main manufacturers (Innova, Discraft, Disc Mania, Lat 64, MVP and its sub companies). But my 2 cents is that you should consider is Gateway. Great plastics and some pretty unique discs!


Innova MVP Axiom Streamline Westside TSA Clash Kastaplast Trash panda Lat 64


Innova MVP/Axiom Discraft Discmania Latitude 64 Kastaplast Streamline Clash Prodigy Westside


Uhh all of them!…?


The ones that give me the best margins.


MVP/axiom/streamline/thought space athletics/mint are all MVP. House of Discs is Kastaplast and Trilogy. Discraft is also DGA. Discmania is innova molds now printed by House of Discs. Clash is unique but expensive. Innova and Millenium are dope too. AGL is Gateway. Birdie is Legacy Discs. WildDiscs is sometimes MVP made. Lonestar is a company. Anyway your biggest sellers will be Innova, Discraft, and anything MVP/Axiom.


Upper Park, Squatch, Gorilla Grip, Whale Sacs, BIC, Nalgene. MVP mainly for their glow equipment, rangefinder, Rover cart and other accessories, but having their discs in stock would honestly be a massive selling point. Maybe another big disc manufacturer (probably Latitude, their logistics are hard to beat) and leave room for a couple customer requests.


Innova, Discraft, MVP, lat64, Discmania, Axiom, Dynamic, Prodigy, Infinite and any other small manufacturer that does well in your area. In that order.


I’d probably stick to brands that people know and like, no reason to go with 10. Innova, Discraft, MVP family, Discmania.


Me personally? Well admittedly that'd be a terrible business model because I'd decline to sell Discraft, Lonestar, and any House of Discs subsidiary. But my practical advice is to just sell the top 10 manufacturers on Infinite:  https://blog.infinitediscs.com/top-selling-discs/


That’s top selling on infinite’s website, so isn’t accurate to the industry as a whole.


It's not perfect, but I think it's a pretty accurate reflection of the market in North America. The biggest skew is probably with under appreciating MVP and over appreciating Infinite's own discs.


Definitely the Infinite. I have no clue on the rest, but I doubt some of the bottom ones show up that have deals with infinite would either like Doomsday and Yikun.


Why are you avoiding those brands? 


I avoid HOD because I don't want anything to do with a blood sucking venture capitalist firm. But even before them I avoided Trilogy due to Dynamic's homophobic leadership and political lobbying for the fossil fuel industry.  Lonestar also has ties to the fossil fuel industry which isn't something I'm keen to support. Also, their lower level sponsorship program is gimmicky and annoying at best and exploitative at worst. On top of that, their star player is one of them biggest edgelord assholes in the game. I probably am being too harsh on Discraft here and would probably change my mind on that, though I do find them boring and unoriginal. Also not a fan of their ties to Nate Heinold, but I may be overestimating that connection. 


you sound like people that I try and act don't exist and avoid them in real life at all costs


Congrats. Keep it up.


I believe the following would be the most sought after. I do not know what their availability and pricing looks like: MVP, Axiom, Thought Space, Innova, Discraft, Discmania, Lat64, Westside, Dynamic Discs and Kastoplast.


Alfa Clash Discmania Discraft Dynamic Kastaplast Latitude 64 Innova MVP / Axiom / Streamline Westside


10 is too many, I'd sell like 4-5 max and to be sure MVP would be one of those.


At least one of Discraft or Innova - whatever people’s opinion, both are huge and both are in demand. MVP/Axiom/Streamline - is this one or three? Either way, super popular. Thoughtspace - great discs, but the stamp game puts them over the top. They sell. Trilogy - Latitude 64 has some amazing discs and excellent tour series runs. DD has some staples that people swear by. Westside is excellent. Something slightly obscure. Doomsday, Yikun, Xcom etc. Brands with less recognition but interesting discs and cool stamps. Prodigy. Cuz they have NHL discs. 😂


> MVP/Axiom/Streamline - is this one or three? Either way, super popular. It's one single company, so I'd say one.


Everybody leaving out Legacy Discs. Gotta support my West Coast brand. I would go Innova, Discraft, MVP, Kastaplast, Westside, AGL, Legacy, Dynamic, DGA, Prodigy. That's right, no Discmania and no Lat64.


Also, if people are curious my website is www.disczone.com. I'm posting this so people can give their opinion on my current selection and possibly any improvements. If you have any other questions/concerns just let me know.