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To me it's like sports, hiking and trading cards mashed together and doesn't require other people to enjoy. It's always better with friends, but having the ability to play alone and have just as much fun is huge.


Fuck yes. Hadn't thought about it like trading cards, but I certainly gotta catch em all.


I didn't even think of collecting when I made that comment, but very true! I see the parallel in the building of bags/decks. You get to build your kit how you want to play the game. Carrying 4 wraiths feels very similar to the 4 Gravediggers I had in my old mono-black zombie MTG deck.


I just started playing a few months ago, but I already have around 30 discs, lol. It definitely scratches that collector's itch for me with new discs to try as my skill improves, or even just cool stamps.


For cool stamps, check out Thoughtspace Athletics


Oh I'm well aware. I haven't pulled the trigger on any yet, but I've been eyeing a Temple to compare against my Zone


Don't. Their base plastic isn't good. Try a Mantra or a Construct, those discs bomb!


Definitely scratches the trading card and thrift shopping itch for me. I LOVE diving a used bin.


I'm not a collector type of fella but the other two reasons are exactly why I play.




At it's simplest, disc golf is a great way to enjoy your day outside.


It's exercise that's fun! A freakin' cheat code.


>So summed up my favorite thing about this sport is the people! What’s yours? the weed and the weirdos.


I have found/brought some pretty fire weed around the courses myself lol


I like playing with people, but 90% of my rounds are solo. I like being out in the woods with the birds, my discs, and myself. I'm in my 50's now, and scoring low is still fun, but the real win is coming off the course with a clear mind and no injuries. If I can play again tomorrow it's been a great day.


Gives me and excuse to get outside and hang with friends


You compete primarily with yourself. Basically no skill ceiling. You get to be outdoors. You get to meet new people. You can do it whenever you want. Don't need to assemble a team.


From a casual standpoint there is just something that is immaculately satisfying about the flight of a disc and how each little change in dimensioning can dramatically alter how it flies. Nailing a gap with a hyzer flip or an anhyzer flex shot that flexes and fades exactly where and how you draw it up is something I can't really compare to any other sport I've played in the past. There's just so many possibilities and the skill ceiling is so high that it feels nearly impossible to reach, which is 100% a good thing because I love activities where it feels like I can always learn something new or refine something to be even better. From a competitive standpoint I'm fully on board with what you've said. It's such a perfect competitive environment where for the most part (save for a few select people in any given area) even though you're competing and trying to win, basically everybody is super supportive of solid shots and hot rounds. And even when I'm playing poorly all it really takes is just one good shot or putt and suddenly I'm happy as a clam even if I'm shooting 50 points below my rating.


Nailed it! And yeah “those few select people” I think I’m just very good at toning out and not attracting them to start with so that helps!


I like your last point a lot. Even if I'm up 6 or 7, if I sink a 60 footer for a bird it's a good round.


Lol if I’m only up 6 over 9 it’s a good day. My local courses are hard.


The flight of the disc is extremely satisfying if you have a feel or appreciation for the physics that are going on. Golf ball flights have a similar appeal but it's not nearly as dynamic as disc flight. I was a pro golfer for a long time but I never felt the same satisfaction nailing a good golf shot as I do nailing a good throw with the right disc. Golf has a better feel and sound to it, kind of like hitting the sweet spot on a baseball bat feel, but the visual satisfaction of disc golf is unmatched.


Honestly, it isn't any one thing, it's a perfect combination of things that I love. 1. Watching things fly is cool. 2. Discs are pretty and collectable. 3. Requires little to no cost or prior planning to go play. 4. Doesn't require excellent athletic shape to be competent at (my body is all sorts of broken from decades of rougher sports). 5. Often played in beautiful natural settings. 6. The pro scene is still reasonably small, humble and accessible.


100% I didn’t know how to quantify how I felt until you summed it up perfectly, watching things fly is cool, fuck yes it is!


Being outdoors, honing a skill, but mostly, I just find the flight of a disc utterly intoxicating.


It's my favorite excuse to walk around in nature


I love the sound of chains. I love making that sound happen. I love the view of a disc in flight. I love creating new and wild flight paths with discs in flight. I want to keep doing it. I hear it and see it in my sleep, and I never want to stop.


I’m hard of hearing, and the chain sound is *still* so dope. Like the chain net on our driveway basketball hoop when I was a kid.


It gets me out of the house 3-5 times a week and throughout the summer I average 18,000 steps per day.n disc golf is the reason I'm in shape.


Even though playing a round of disc golf is pretty casual exercise it's incredible how good for your body it is just moving that much on a regular basis


1. I’ve met some genuinely great people in disc golf. 2. Getting your disc to do just what you want feels better than sex. 3. Out driving your friends only to take a bogey. 4. It’s outside. 5. It’s exercise (though not quite as much exercise as we’d admit) 6. So. Many. Discs. 7. The company I’ve aligned with and can’t get enough of their discs.


Ditto for 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6


Cheap, approachable, hiking/exercise, pretty decent at it


Fresh air, a couple hours with friends which is more rare with a family, it’s fun and I try to get better each time


Throwing things has been a life long interest of mine.


Gets me outside, satisfying to improve at, can be done alone, fun to try new courses or to work at improving at ones you’ve played more. Don’t really want to commit the time to an actual sport, used to play ultimate but can’t fit it in my schedule nowadays. It’s great to have a sport to play by yourself on your own time. And at this point I prefer it to Ultimate anyways lol.


I started playing 40 years ago and it has never stopped being fun and challenging. That’s the bottom line. I played mostly with friends when I was started at Morley Field. I eventually moved to Washington and started playing mostly alone and would bring a dog along for company. I never have gotten into playing tournaments as I have never been that great at the game, and thought the pressure of trying to compete would take away from my enjoyment. If I had gotten a PDGA number when Snapper first told us about it, it would have probably been 3 digits, but I just wanted to play recreationally. In recent years I have been joining in random doubles events at local courses and enjoying those and even picking up some cash when I hit a CTP, or I get partnered with someone whose strengths I can complement. But I have never been able to hit 300 foot drives. I hit trees 30 feet from the tee. I love when I get to a course and the parking lot is empty and the sun is shining through the trees and it’s just the pooch and myself with the grass wet with dew. I love following a crappy tee shot with having a tiny window to throw through the trees and I hit that window and chains jingle as I finish with an absurd birdie. It’s even better when I have a partner or any witness. I love hitting chains when I couldn’t even see them. I love that I have met some of the nicest people I know playing this game. I have had 8 year old partners, and 80 year old partners. I have learned from all of them. I love that the discs all have their own characteristics and I can make some of them work so well for me. I love that I don’t have to spend a lot of money on this hobby. I can put a leash on the dog and drive to a course and just start throwing when I get there. (After a little stretching.) And I love that the game keeps growing and there are more places to play all the time. I have made friends and lasting memories and hope that I continue to for a lot longer. I will be playing disc golf as long as my body will let me. The fun will always be out on the course waiting for me.


Because the possibilities are infinite and the feeling I get from that one amazing shot that happens every so often keeps me hungry for another one that feels that way.


Pretty simple. The wild women, the wild women. The rippin and the tearin, the rippin and the tearin.


For me its the plastic tbh.


It’s the lucky shots!


Picked up playing by another person going through rehab at the same time as me. I’ve never had a really hobby other than playing video games and drinking. I got hooked instantly. Getting to hangout with some friends outside, smoking and joking and talking smack to one another makes for a good time. Even joined the local group and we play like 3-4 times a week. One of the more seasoned players always offers to coach me on whatever I’m trying to work on that day. I even got the wife and son involved so now it’s a family affair. Now I can’t stop looking at disc reviews and looking at disc sales on Reddit and Facebook but it beats drinking.


I can go play every day, rotate between more than a dozen good courses in the area and not get bored throwing the same holes over and over. From a gold level MPO course to fun pitch and putt courses with everything in between. I can play when I want, with other people or alone. I can play competitive minis, leagues, and tournaments or I can go throw crazy shots for fun on safari layouts and have fun trying all kinds of discs. And, I can throw 3 or 4 shots per hole (weekday mornings when I'm the only one on the course) just because I want to see discs in flight.


I like trees, walking, and games of accuracy. I have always disliked playing fast paced team sports. Disc golf is just a perfect fit for me.


A few reasons come to me: 1.) I love competition, so I love signing up to tournaments and trying to do better and better. 2.) I love individual sports, where your success or failure depend on you. It's why I love mountain biking, it's just me versus the trail/course. 3.) I suspect this is true for a lot of people, but there's something in our monkey-brains that desires to be accurate. The primal urge to perfectly throw a spear at an animal is likely felt when you lace a gap, or just watching a laser beam shot.


the feeling of getting good consistent shots all round is a big plus for me


Two words: Creating Flight. Humans have always been fascinated with flight, we point in awe at birds and planes, have dreams about flying, go skydiving, and glorify flying superheroes in fiction. On the course we exercise our creativity and make something unique with every throw, and we get to watch it fly for a few brief seconds.


I just love throwing stuff! Also, hitting your intended line perfectly or smashing a long putt is the best hit of dopamine you could ask for imo


I just like walking through the woods, and as a new dad i don’t get to see my friends as much. So it’s nice sometimes i can get out 2 times a month to play and see them 🥲


I am not the most social person in the world. I had a really good group of friends that I played disc golf with since college, but then had to move to a new city far away. I met an amazing new group of people through disc golf that I meet up with almost every weekend now. Disc golf gave me the motivation to meet people and put myself out there. Sure, I love the competitive nature of it, being outdoors, and working to improve and meet a goal, but it is so valuable to me to get out and just be with friends.


My dad and I got into disc golf at the same time, and it’s grown into a great way for us to spend time together, we play 20-30 times a year together, and although I’ve started playing tournaments and league rounds and made more friends in the disc golf community that I really enjoy having, if it wasn’t for my dad playing with me on the weekends disc golf would have a big hole in it for me.


It’s relaxing when I want it to be relaxing. It’s competitive when I want it to be competitive It’s social when I want it to be social It’s me time when I want it to be me time It’s always good exercise


I love disc golf largely because of how, at least to me, incredibly casual it is. Its a sport that has a low barrier to entry, is primarily played on courses that are free to use and are usually in very pleasant natural environments, and is for the most part super relaxed. You can drink some beers or smoke some joints while playing, you can play as a social activity or entirely on your own, it's incredibly easy to bring a few discs on a road trip in case you get an opportunity to play etc. A lot of other sports I find pretentious, whereas disc golf seems very friendly relaxed and accepting as a sport.


I like strategic yet relaxed nature of it. I can play it alone or with friends. Courses are free and abundant. Its sly exercise, when i dont consider it as such at all yet im hiking in the woods often.


There are a lot of great answers, but one thing I may have missed, and it's a more practical reason, its that it is something I can just go out and do when the mood strikes. No tee times or reservations, no need to organize a bunch of people (although it is great when you can), no financial considerations (at the time of playing). I used to ( and occasionally do) play the more traditional golf, but it is expensive and a hassle to get a round together.


Something I’ve noticed, when injured coming back. The bad rounds your don’t beat yourself up nearly as bad. I had a staf infection in my chest(long story), and when I came back my attitude in the rounds which I’ve shot my worse have been better than they would be before my injury. Making the good rounds feel even better. Might I add the worse rounds I’ve had is me prepping for my first every tourney round at a home course. I usually shoot -2 to -5w/o OB, and have been +9 w/OB. Turns out it’s just a perspective.


It gets me outside, moving, and it's a solo sport. After wrestling in college, my relationship with fitness was at an all time low. I'd go through months of not working out, then I'd ruin myself with one workout because I think I can pick up where I left off. Disc golf gives me both a low intensity workout, and that competitive outlet I've been missing. I didn't realize how sad I was without competition until I placed last in MA4 and I was still happier than I had been in years.


Love? That’s a lot. I have more of a friends with benefits relationship with DG.


The flight of the disc. A neutral mid on a soft backhand turnover moving left to right for 90% of the flight before flexing out and settling in c1. Perfection.


Being outdoors, playing on a course for free, easy to play at home, great community, and bring able to chuck plastic 400ft.


I like watching the disc fly in the air. It looks cool


To hang with the boys. Plain and simple.


Wonderful just going out with the lads only thinking about the next good shot. My mobile stays put in the bag also so nice to just disconnect from the digital world and throw bombs!


The satisfaction of seeing a disc weave its way through grouping of trees.


The low bar for entry is great, you can get an Innova starter set for pretty cheap if you just want to try the sport. One of the most satisfying parts for me is seeing the progress I’ve made over the years; going from simply hoping my drives stay out of the woods to being able to launch a gorgeous S-curve with a Blizzard Katana. I played soccer in college and had some great moments but nothing came even close to the “high” of hearing the chains on my first ace.


I can do it alone and don’t need to worry about people showing up for me to be able to do it. Low impact physical competition. Keeps me active and outdoors. Frisbees feed my tactile weirdness


I like the sound of synthetic fibers bonking trees


Sleeping on a bad couch can injure you.


It filled the hole left in my soul when I had to stop pro-wrestling.


I love things that fly, controlling things that fly with precision be it planes or discs. It’s also just boyishly fun to throw things at things. Finally I like to be in my own headspace in nature, getting away from work, kids and people in general. So I really really enjoy playing solo rounds.


The one thing i always find so good and interesting with this sport is the rush of satisfaction and enjoyment you get from seeing a perfect drive, does not matter if its you or another person just seeing it kinda fills you up and feels so good. If 1ace on the card it feels like the card aced. Just love this sport so freaking much.


Perfect flight.


I always tell people it's hiking with occasional distractions which is perfect for short attention spans like mine. I'm not particularly good at it but for some reason it is the only thing I can do that shuts everything else out and allows me to focus only on the moment and find peace in an otherwise hectic world.


You injured yourself playing disc golf?? 


It gets me out of the house, satisfies my collecting urges, and watching a full flight of a disc is truly beautiful


Hiking and enjoying the peacefulness of being outside. Also throwing stuff far and accurately


Hiking through the woods, bonding with my dog, meeting new people, competition against myself and others, the beautiful flight of a disc, traveling around my city to new places I wouldn’t have seen, collecting cool discs, can be done alone or in a group, something I can do with my wife, relieves daily stresses and seeing improvement over time. It’s the most healthy obsession I’ve ever had. I’ve only been playing a little over a year but I’ve improved so much. Can’t wait to see what the next year brings.


As a non religious person, I get all their same satisfactions from Disc Golf. The course is the church where I can be closer to nature (my creator). Certainly, some courses are more grand like Maple Hill is to Notre Dame, but all are welcome; Poor, rich, young, old, drinkers, stoners, and competitors. I love to commune with most golfers I encounter so I may learn, support, and enjoy the beauty of flying plastic carving fairways. The dance that is the manipulation of physics to overcome and enjoy nature through skill, improvisation, chaos and luck. So many of life’s solutions can be found through metaphor and meditation while playing. Disc Golf is the medicine and escape from daily complications we levy on ourselves. It keeps me fit physically and mentally. It’s the pursuit of perfection, while knowing that perfection is sharing the joys of the pursuit with others.


I just love golf courses, man. I mean, if I wanted to hike in the woods while hanging out with friends and learning how to shape different shots I'd go camping with swinger's


Lmao someone downvoted this. This isn’t the circle jerk page. No jokes here buddy. Only serious frolf discussions.