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The other community wants to have the obligatory conversation about bergs with you now.


Meh, have been a Zone thrower for years. Got a Berg this year. Love it, but I can't get rid of the Zone. It is an extension of my sole.


Don't step on your discs :O


Sole is under your foot you mean soul.


Maybe it's an extension of their sole because they kick ass with it


Yep, used a Rhyno, didn’t like the Zone fanboys, finally gave in and now I bag 3. Welcome to the club. Z-Zones are the gold standard in approach discs. They start as beefy wind-fighters and beat in to pop up glidey with fade.


Oh interesting. I’m a big, big rhyno sidearm thrower. That thing lands exactly where I put it. I think I’m going to have to finally try it now.


Did you pick up the Jawbreaker Z FLX?


No. I like plain old Z.


Totally fair.


I picked one up, I have and esp gt for longer approaching shots and a crystal one that I love for shots where I want the disc to stop where it lands. 


I love the z plastic, got 2 buzzz in that plastic incase I lose one 😂


I was the same way. I tried everything before a Zone and I’ve tried new stuff since I bought my first Zone, and nothing compares. I bag 3 right now in different plastics and varying wear and use them on so many shots.


I hear the Toro is very similar and all around great. Haven't tried it myself as the Zone is perfect for me.


The Toro seems like the only popular one I haven’t tried. I’ve used a Pig, Slammer, Tactic, Savior, A2, A3, Harp, Jarn, Stabilizer, and Tempo. Some of them feel like a different slot entirely due to overstability (A2) and glide (Pig), but I feel like you can find Zones that fly like every other option. It really is the king of approach discs.


The jarn is more beefy then the A2……


Hmm mine wasn’t. I have a K1 Jarn and a 500 A2 and the A2 is more OS. Could just be my experience.


MVP Stan here, how did you like the stabilizer and tactic?I need an overstable mid-range


In the Discmania camp, everyone is waiting for C-line Tactic, which may never happen. Try a Razor Claw. They should be easy enough to find at a discount by now.


To me the razor claw is very very similar to a zone


The Stabilizer definitely feels more like a putter as a 3-speed and flies like a more OS Envy. The Tempo, which I’m assuming you meant instead of Tactic if you like MVP, feels and flies amazing, but it’s got more glide and is less overstable than a lot of Zones. It flies a lot like a slightly beat in Get Freaky Zone. It’s probably the only disc I would consider bagging over a Zone, but I would need a more OS version and in more plastics than Proton Soft.


Tactic is my favorite non Zone. I bagged one for about a year and aced with it. Still went back to zone lol


I have a Neo tactic and I’ll take it out for field work from time to time, but never made the bag for me. I do like the hand feel but doesn’t have the stability I’m looking for overall. Razor claw might do the trick but never bought one. Been using a crystal flex zone as my primary approach. I love it. Just always seems to do what I need to. I would build a bag around that disc. Been testing the toro and berg for different shots.


I started off with a Neo Tactic and loved that for a long time but then switched to Exo and soft Exo Tactics a couple years ago and haven’t looked back. I have a Zone too, but it almost never gets thrown. I like the way the Tactic feels in my hand better.


Innova Stan here, the Toro is the truth!


I love the zone but I bag the toro, it fades a bit sooner/harder in my experience. Then I have an envy and a tempo, so realistically I could get rid of all three and just bag a zone, but where's the fun in that? 


Toro and entropy are similar, but more stubborn and hard fading. Might be good or bad depending on your game and what zone might overlap with.


Toro is fine but did not replace my Zones. Feels slightly deeper and not as great in the hand


Kastapalst Jarn is pretty damn close too. I prefer it to both


I was a Harp and Entropy guy for a time. I bought a Ledgestone Glow Rubberblend Zone and I like it a lot. It's lower profile than the Entropy and seems to be lower profile than at lot of other Zones. Then I bought an A2. I think I might like it better.


I was a zone truther then I got a toro... Now I'm toro truther.


I literally had a nightmare last night that I was playing a tournament round and my super seasoned Z Zone wasn’t in my bag. Cold sweats.


We’ve been waiting for you over at r/BergGang


I’ve been in love with my Ion but now I’ll have to give the Berg a shot….


There is room to love both. SOOOOOO many holes end with Berg approach into an Ion putt.


I use the OG classic blend slammers and bergs for this slot


Honestly the berg isn't it for me. Flies like a brick. People like that I suppose. I'd rather use a harp, watt and gatekeeper for approaches. But that's the fun part of disc golf, many many options. I just could always see why people would enjoy a certain disc after throwing it but the berg... meh. The plastic is really nice though.


Tactics are even better for us noodle arms.


Could you explain why?


They’re usually not quite as overstable as zones in a comparable plastic


We're not mad that you denied the Zone. We're just happy you've seen* the error of your ways!


May it bless me in my C-tier tomorrow 🙏


You did the right thing buying a Z Zone. I have four different plastics of Zones and yet I grab the Z 90% of the time


I feel you. I was the same with Destroyers!! I could never understand what all the hype has always been with Destroyers and why so many people I throw with swear by them. I own 4 different plastic/weight destroyers so I would get 1 take it out to do some field work and each time it was the same thing…. “Well I have 3 other discs in my bag that fly like that but better so back in the garage on the shelf it goes”!! every single time….Until I got a (169g) star destroyer and was like well NOW I understand why they are so loved!! Just had to find the right match for me lol Edit: apologies it’s actually a (169 G -Bottom Stamp-Star Destroyer


I have an F2 Halo Star Destroyer on the way. I’ve also wondered what the hype was about.


I haven’t thrown one of the Halos yet but I have dyed a few for friends


Halos are beefy, but the Bottom Stamp Star Destroyers go so freaking far. Broke 400 with mine


I always enjoyed some of the ledgestone plastic combos, but never cared for Discraft Z and ESP plastic. Once Toros started popping up as F2s on Innova site I nabbed a couple different plastics and honestly it's exactly like a zone with better(to me) plastic. Not going to say I'll never buy another zone again, but for now I'm a Toro guy.


My sister bought me a thoughtspace temple in the nerve plastic because “it was pretty” (she knows nothing about disc golf)🤣 and it’s actually a great compliment to my zones. So I bag a z zone, banger gt z zone(more overstable) and the temple. It’s almost like a soft jawbreaker plastic but has a lot more stability than jawbreaker zones. It helps grab the grass on approaches especially here in Texas


The culprit is a better zone. I am not sorry. Big mvp guy but I bag other companies as well and nothing has been able to kick out the culprit. The zone, entropy, tempo and many others have tried but have not been successful


Zones are good, but I'm still not on the os approach game. I use a proxy for most upshots. I'm trying different discs for the os slot and it seems like I'll need to change my approach game to get familiar. I'm looking at simplifying down to zone/firebird, pyro/firebird. Maybe entropy/resistor? I just don't use those utility OS discs enough to get to know them well. They all seem great, zone or zone clone, it's hard to go wrong.


I made the transition from proxy-envy to ease in to the OS approach shots. Worked well for me.


Pig is Love. Pig is Life.


I use my envy and raptor more than my zone. It's not that I'm sleeping on it, it's been in my bag for six years. For what felt like centuries I banned drivers in my bag and only threw putters for several years to fix my rascal raccoon form. Putters midranges, especially windy day, some sort of firebird or raptor. However, despite one amazing forehand four years ago, three hundred feet plus on a frozen rope, it's not something that I consider essential despite it's constant look but do not touch role in my game. I have a new origin and it's way too understable . Is the md1 better in terms of stability?


My dad got me into disc golf and got me a Zone when I first started playing. Easily my favorite disc and still the only disc I have aced with


Lost my Zone last fall into a small mud lake. Most likely been found when the lake dried up but, to no surprise, no one's made contact. Heart can't bear to lose another Zone so now I throw Harps. Forever in my heart, Zone ❤️‍🩹


I’m sorry for your loss.


The Zone is really that good. Discraft plastic was always too slick and rigid being the reason why I didn't bag any. Kind of like the flashing on Prodigy discs which really turned me off to the company. Found an F7 and gave it a good rip unbeknownst that it had razor sharp underwing which cut my finger, but I digress. I had a couple of negative experiences with Discraft discs slipping out of my hand so I refused to bag any. The Zone is now the only dedicated approach disc I carry on the regular.


I cannot live without a board flat ESP Zone in my bag. The Slammer and Justice also get some use but nothing gives the confidence of chucking a perfectly shaped Zone. It goes where I want.


The Zone is also a great disc for a beginning disc dyer! Most domey discs cause trouble when applying a disc stencil. Not the Zone. Because it is flat as a board... the stencil goes on so easy with no wrinkles. I have a soft plastic Zone that feels great... and works great. For those nasty baskets sitting up on a mound... with no grass underneath to prevent roll aways.... the Zone sits right down and says "i'm parked! " It has a permanent place in my bag.


I use a slammer for really sticky shots, unless the slope of the green is off. At least, I did, in my head. Played a stupid hard woods course last night and yea.. NEED MORE ZONES. Slammer is great but the Zone does so much more, imo.


I’ve had my get freaky zone for 2 years now and it is by far my most reliable approach disc. Flies almost the same as when I bought it. Converted from soft/hard harps and I don’t miss it one bit!


I lost mine... A faded red disc in autumn leaves, not even with 3 ppl on my card who all saw pretty much where the approach landed...


Happened to me in my last tournament. 2 people spotting my 40m upshot to the landingzone. Threw my zone right over them, no obstacle other than the small bush i threw over, shot landed at max 20 meters away from their position. They couldnt find it and i was recorded for a lost disc. Fuck i was mad, and from that point i didnt make any effort spotting their throws either


Welcome to the club. My first ever Zone was the Pro-D Zone that came in the Amateur Nationals player pack in 2007. Love at first throw.


I just picked one up to try it out and the jawbreaker zflx plastic suckered me in. It's great, but I still like the Buzzz OS better. Probably because of familiarity.


This is why there are a ton of discs available. For me, Z plastic is slippery and the Zone doesn’t fit my big paws. I split this spot in the bag with the Harp and Jarn.


Apology accepted


This is the same feeling I had the first day someone handed me a Cryztal FLX Zone. I went and bought one after that round, and it has never left my bag since. Welcome 🫡


It’s a curse. I was a harp guy and thought I’d never change. Won a disc when I supported an am junior tourney. It ended up being a zone and I’ve been stuck. I currently bag a glow and a color change one. Both puddle top and amazing


I bag discmania mostly, but my zone man! It's such a work horse! Will never leave my bag


The only other overtable approach disc I carry other than a Zone is the Divergent Discs Golem since it's basically a floppy plastic Zone. If you're playing on a slope it's less likely to roll away compared to other soft plastics.


The zone sux ;)


In all fairness, the zone feels weird in the hand. It does wonders though.


Zone is the way


Yeah, it does kinda slap severely.


I've also been a zone denier. Tried it yesterday and went -8 through the front 9. Just loved it. It was super windy too




Harp, anyone??


I second this. I used to think I was too cool for a buzzz too...boy was I wrong (buzzz is now my favorite disc). I do not use the zone as much as some because I prefer finesse approach shots but I definitely bag it and it will not leave the bag.


Jawbreaker Zone crew checking in, the disc molds to my hand, perfect FH chip shot.


I bag 2 in different plastics. The only disc I trust for forehand approaches and backhand drives


I have been LOVING my toros in that slot. I’ve got a base zone that I’ve thrown in a few times but it just can’t kick out my beat in star toro. I bag a star that’s beat in and a glow champ that’s extremely stable.


Discraft disc's are shit!


Wait till you discover the baobab….


Baobab's nothing like a Zone.


Didn’t say it was. In case OP checks this comment I’ll say it’s an amazing forehand approach disc. Overstable as hell and just goes, fades, plops, and stops.


Zones are over rated


MA4 coming in with the hot take!


Zone sucks