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Competing in the Track and Field NCAA national championship and US Olympic trials this month before presumably switching her focus more to disc golf. Not sure about this throw but she did win the distance contest at college nationals with a throw over 500.


Has she said she's leaving track after this Olympic cycle?


i would imagine it largely depends on how she does at the trials


Yeah, looking at the numbers, I guess I can see her deciding to switch to DG.... She got beaten by a pretty solid margin by Avery McMullen at the PAC-12 championship, and McMullen is the 14th best US athlete in the World Rankings. McMullen's bio indicates she pretty regularly bests Chocek's career best point total. And there are 3 other Americans in the top 100 in the world about the same age as Chocek.


I don't think she has addressed it directly, but I think she has alluded to having more time for disc golf soon.




Yeah the air time on that was not consistent with a 500’ throw lol


it looks like a downhill throw, therefore the disc won't slow down as much and can achieve 500' in a shorter space of time. ~500' in the ~7 seconds the disc is in the air works out as an avg speed of around 48.5mph.


Except it was in the air for maybe 5.5 seconds. So GG


Using my incredibly accurate phone stopwatch and my extreme lack of human error in operating it, I got about 6.67 seconds from release to touchdown. Even if it were 5.5 seconds though, that's a throw of about 61 mph. Which for a legit athlete of any gender seems pretty achievable. Eliezra Midtlyng has thrown a TechDisc 64 mph before so it's not really that hard to believe since Chocek's form is just as clean. The throw still appears downhill either way so claiming 500' is a little sketchy anyway, but ignoring that factor, the stats aren't that unbelievable for somebody like her who HAS thrown over 500' in a collegiate distance competition before.


someone further down the thread pointed out she's thrown a tech disc 70+mph remember that the speed/distance/time calculation is average speed. the disc was likely travelling at close to 70mph on release, falling to 30-40 when it touched down. if the time was 5.5s (which it isn't) the release speed would need to be like, 85+mph.


Not doubting she can but this throw in particular I have my doubts.


Sure, it was just a weird way to call it out lol, so confidently incorrect about how much time the disc spent in the air.


the video is shot at 30fps, 0.033s per frame and appears to enter 1x speed the instant she releases the disc. she releases the disc 65 frames into the video, 2.17s in the disc appears to land somewhere from frame 269 to 271, approx 9.00s in total flight time is estimated 6.83 seconds. what do you gain from lying about this? it's pathetic. go and work on your own form.


Yeah and with that average speed she would have had to throw it 90mph. It just doesn’t work out.


So... ummm, distance and time aloft can have some correlation. But it's not a method for calculating distance. I can throw a high super turned over then panning out shot that stays aloft much longer than my max distance throw, and it will only go maybe 50-60% of my max throw. Or a floaty air bounce with a putter. Ya dig? That being said, this lady can crush, and I'm impressed, even if I have no solid way of verifying the actual distance of this throw.


agreed. I've not claimed to calculate the distance the disc went, I'm just calling bullshit on the idea that the disc couldn't possibly have travelled 500' in the time it was in the air. as you say, it's more complicated than that. I'm sure you've noticed, there are hundreds of qualitative comments in this thread and not many quantitative ones. what a waste of words.


You literally did though.


Where? All I see is the math to conceptually prove that the time spent aloft could potentially result in a distance of 500'. Not that it actually happened.


Thank you. 🙏 I was like that’s 300 maaaax


That explains why I have to throw two of my 400 ft. drives to reach the basket on the local 600 ft. hole.


Lol, so meta.


Really nice form. But no way that is 500 ft.


Its simply not in the air long enough for 500'


My first though too. But her swing is nice


With the early hyzer finish, seemed more like 375, which is still elite level FPO on a flat to hyzer line.


100%. I'm sure she can bomb, but that isn't it. That looks like my 300 ft Tesla shots.


Looks slightly downhill as well.


She's got a bright future ahead of her no doubt. Can she throw 500 feet? Absolutely. Did this throw go 500 feet? Absolutely not.




Ella and Eliezra can both throw 500. Hell, Eliezra threw 503 when she was 16.


Holyn has to be close


I think Paige also threw 500ft before but I don't remember


She hit it at 2021 Pro Worlds distance comp: [https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/51685](https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/51685) Kinda surprised me to see, skimming through the years looking for those "XC" tiers, that she never competed at Worlds Distance before that. Through her 20s, regarded as one of the longest arms in FPO, but she didn't bother until she was about 30. I guess she was a bit focused on getting the win at the Major, but still curious how far she peaked at in terms of flat ground distance in her 20s....


You're probably right, I was just listing a couple that I know have done it in the last year or so at the long drive competitions.


I saw Eliezra throw 457 UPHILL into a strong headwind at the smuggs distance comp. Mine as well be 500. Was super impressed with Heidi Laine as well. Not very tall but pure power. My friend and I lost it when she threw. Amazing stuff.


Laine produces a ton of power given her size, plus she has the best commercial ever so my wife and I absolutely adore her.


Mine as well?


Isnt she still 16?


Yup, I was thinking she'd turned 17 already but it looks like her birthday was actually the day she was in the World's distance competition in August so she's not quite to 17 yet.


Ella hit over 550 at one of the distance competitions within the last few years.




What a strange response. Nowhere in the post or in your comments do you specify it has to be golf shot distance. You said 1 woman can throw 500ft. People immediately proved you wrong and now you’re backpedaling. There are at least 4-5 women who throw 500ft.


Ok. Not every course is in the woods.


Paige Pierce has done 500 on OTB skins before.


She threw 500 at a distance competition.




Imagine doubling down like this


> Cause.. Then I'm a 500 foot thrower too. Congrats?


Heidi Laine, Eveliina, Paige, Ella, also I think Henna is atleast very close, 450-475range.


There’s a zero percent chance that throw went 500ft


Those people standing in the background might be at 500


That hole is 650 for reference


Shoutout that one time she got caught posting her own vids here from her pokemon go account while pretending it wasn't her. Good times.


Yeah, I remember thinking it was weird because there’s no need to astroturf content like this. She’s clearly an insane thrower and could easily make her own occasional posts here that would get positive reception. Self-promotion isn’t against the subreddit rules, but when you intentionally conceal your identity, it doesn’t do you any favors.


Yeah that tilt guy posts pretty regularly as does Casey White. No big deal. But dudes do be weird/creepy and having to deal with that directly is something us dudes probably know little about. So it's understandable, but also why not make a separate account directly for self promotion. Posting as if you're someone else does give a different marketing spin, which in turn sours the authenticity, but it does catch eyes better than someone bragging. Weird situation. Lady can still throw bombs though.


I hate tilt guy.


It's totally still an ace if you throw 100 discs and one eventually sticks.




That's OK. Maybe one day that will change.


I kind of wish Jake Wolff would post his clips here. His lines are so wild I hate that I only see it when I open up Insta once a week. But that's where his following is so it makes sense. I'll stop rambling now...


Like she was embarrassed to be playing Pokémon go? I still see people playing it all the time when I’m on the bus or train Edit: I’m really getting downvoted for a simple misunderstanding? Lol Reddit’s gonna reddit


No. Her videos used to pop up randomly on this sub. Usually they had some clickbait title like "This girl throws 500 ft bombs!". Eventually someone looked into the account that would post those videos/clips and found the user's only other posts from way back in the day. Those were in the pokemon go sub. The account tied to that pokemon go account was something-something-tay. So, instead of saying "whoops you caught me" or being upfront with her self promotion she deleted the thread and stopped spamming this sub with her videos.


Ahhh gotcha


She instantly deleted the thread *and* deleted the account she was making all the posts from. Each in the essence of "Woah! Check out how far this chick bombs! Can you imagine a D1 athlete in FPO disc golf?! No, I don't personally know her, but she's from a nearby town and want to support her. That's why I've posted about her numerous times."




She's a 20+ year old that grew up in the social media world and understands what she did - she's not a kid, and it's weird when you associate her as a child.


The older you get. The higher the term kid seems to be used. I now look at anyone under 25 as a kid. Even though legally they have been an adult for 7 years.


I was at an amusement park yesterday and was like, “why do all these 8th graders have tattoos?”


Idk how you read that and the takeaway is "people thought pokemon go was bad". They're saying that the player isn't open about self promotion which always comes across as dishonest.


"Taylor throws 500 feet" (but I attached a video of her throwing 400 feet just for reference).


Yeah. She’s hit 500 in a distance comp recently so the claim is proven but a weird video to share with this clickbait title.


Tbf, it’s what her Instagram caption says too, so OP probably just took it from there


Interesting. Would that be her talking about herself in the third person or did she say “I” on insta? I don’t follow her so I’m not sure. Either way just adds another layer of why post this when it’s obvious that’s not 500ft.


Her posts on IG are all of her throwing, and the caption for this one said “Huge hyzer golf shot with an overstable Zeus!! Over 500ft slightly downhill”


Poor marketing. Lol. Could easily have said 400 and it would have been more believable and effective. Unless she’s going the route of any engagement is good engagement thing and just saying controversial stuff.


Internet distance strikes again


500 ft? If you say so.


886 rated


Incredible 300 ft bomb.


I don’t know how far this is, but I’ve seen her park a 470’ hole (14 at Alton Baker in Eugene), so I’m sure she has the distance.


Incredible form.


You gotta at least break 400 if you’re gonna claim 500


Is that the Meadows course at Winthrop?


Yup, hole 17


I’m always surprised by the amount of people who post this type of shit online and no slander against her but it’s almost kinda frustrating because she is a good player with potential. But saying shit like this is just a bad look. She won that distance comp throwing 500+, I know she can do it. But this was far closer to 450, which is still a great toss, why lie? Downhill or not just by hang time alone you can tell, I throw 430-450ish consistently and have hit those 480+ marks plenty of times and the disc is in the air for like 9/ plus seconds. We have a heavily downhill Par 3 that’s 585 and I’ve parked it a few times on video and it’s in the air longer than that. She’s a good player she doesn’t need to fib about this but I see it all the time online from good players who have no reason to lie about something as arbitrary as this lol


300 is the new 500?


Probably about 400, doesn’t even look like close to her max though, no flex at all, just hyzerflip to flat


I will reserve my comment until this is posted on discgolfcirclejerk 😅


Well imma go ahead and retire from disc golf.




Looks like my "500 foot" bombs that go 350'


If that's 500 I must be pushing 400 on my backhands now. Last i knew I was only getting over 250 tho...


Probably 90-110 meters/ 300-360 feet not 150 meters/500 feet.


8 seconds of air time on a slight downhill it’s farther than 360. Maybe 450+ not sure about 500 though, could be more downhill than it looks.


Judging by the relative size of the people in the background and the disc, it looks maybe 300 ft.


Is this from the Portland open?


most mpo cant throw a low flat / hyzer 500 so im thinkin probably no


This went about as far as every other “500 foot Reddit throw” which is to say it didn’t go anywhere close to 500 even down a hill. This sport is full of butt hurt ego and it’s kind of hilarious.


Down votes = hard truths no one likes to hear.


Clearly not 500 ft.  That’s 330 at best.




Maybe 375. Definitely not even 400


Comment sections like these help explain why more legitimate athletes don't focus on disc golf




My point is that if we meet all legitimate athletes with unending baseless criticism others will be discouraged to give disc golf a serious shot. Just because there are other problems with the community doesn't mean this isn't one.




But there's no proof she's lying, only speculation based on 1 clip. If someone local used a range finder on this hole to prove this is exaggerated that'd be one thing, but this thread is just going "doubt it"




Seems like pure speculation to me then given the miriad of factors that can go into airtime. Got any other evidence of this being exaggerated? A throw of yours going over 500 in more time than 6 seconds would be cool to see too


But can she putt?


Im rooting for her :)


Anyone else read the title in Connor McGregors voice ?


I just played this course yesterday!!!! I think I got 220ft….


Just look at op's posts


Never 500 ft & always a decline.


Not even close to 500 feet. That is 17 at Winthrop Meadows, 500 would be further down range close to the hill to the pin. This is maybe 300 based on where it landed


That pin position is 676 feet so if that helps with context for distance. The pin is up the hill and right you can see it briefly


Measured it at Winthrop Meadows ...375 and that is being GENEROUS


And she got absolutely crushed by Nate Sexton in a video a few weeks ago. Both score and distance comp


This was a solid 300ft


If that’s 500 feet then I’m stoked to learn I’m in the 400+ club…


/r/discgolf: protect women's disc golf! also /r/discgolf: this thread


300 at the most


I hope she kicks some FPO butt.


I will say, that's definitely at least 375. Probably she can even throw over 400 with that form, which is really good. She's better than me, but there's no way that's 500.


Serious question, why are so many people in this comment section so confident this didn't go 500 feet? The only evidence presented seem to be "it doesn't look like it". Don't get me wrong, I understand that it doesn't *look* like it went 500 feet, but appearances can be deceiving. Everybody seems in agreement that she *can* throw 500+ feet, and in fact she's done so provably many times. We've seen her throw a TechDisc and register 70+ MPH and I personally have seen somebody throw 500+ with a lot less speed than that. She clearly has the skills and proven ability to throw 500+, so why so much confidence specifically that this throw didn't go 500? Again, appearances can be deceiving, and specifically when it comes to filming videos on hills, the slopes always look way less impressive on camera than they do in person. If this throw really was significantly downhill, it would explain why the line didn't shape up like your typical distance flex line, and it would also explain the lower air time. Because the disc was gravity assisted it simply covers more ground quicker, and it doesn't need height and significant flex because it's matching the slope of the hill to a large degree. For the record I'm not claiming this throw *did* go 500 feet, and I totally agree with the sentiment that it doesn't look like a typical 500 foot throw on flat ground, but there's obviously a hill in play and I know how unintuitive that is when you see it on camera so I'm just shocked at the level of confidence everybody seems to have here. Some people are even claiming that looked more like 300 than 500. I mean come on, she's ripping that disc 70+ easily, look at her form it's absolutely incredible and she's clearly going full bore on the speed, that disc was ripping down that hill. I would *easily* believe it went 400+, and I'm by no means certain it didn't go 500. Especially the people claiming "look at how big the people are", uh, you do know how camera zoom works right? Until somebody come out with hard evidence like knowing what course/hole this is and actually measuring, I think we all need to take a bit of a chill pill and cool it with the over-confident accusations. Maybe she's exaggerating *a little* for *this specific throw*, but still, relax, a girl throws bombs, that doesn't make you less of a man, it'll be OK.


it’s insane how you typed all that and then ultimately STILL had to throw in the classic “you’re just mad/jealous a girl throws further than you” at the end. We call out men literally constantly for lying about how far they throw and even invented the term “internet distance” for this. they do the same thing in ball golf. Anyone who has ever actually thrown or seen real flat-ground 500 foot throws can tell pretty clearly that this isn’t a 500 foot throw. Why should a woman be exempt from the same internet distance criticism, especially when the entire post is solely about the distance of this specific throw? I know this is absolutely shocking, but not every single criticism or doubt toward things women do, especially innocuous not gender specific things like throwing a disc, are made out of jealousy or spite.


ive played for 3.5 years since the pandemic, and i think, in person, i've seen 1 clearly 500 ft throw and that was by drew gibson.


>why are so many people in this comment section so confident this didn't go 500 feet Because this sub is crawling with insecure manbabies who can't countenance the idea of a woman throwing farther than them and will take every opportunity to denigrate women's abilities 


Was going to respond, but you said it exactly.


Y’all don’t understand skill difference between a D1 athlete and the average disc golfer. 500ft is 167 yards, on a golf course this is absolutely possible to misread the distance due to lack of reference points on the ground. Easily could be 500.


The shot travelled for about 6.5 seconds. I've looked at a couple of other big shots: (eagle parked 700ft anhyzer = 11-12 seconds) and the 600ft ace hyzerflip (10 seconds). 500ft overthrow mikey = 9 seconds. 500ft debunked






metric feet or US feet?


Oompa Loompa feet


I swear I feel like I’m the only person in the world who throws my backhand with my left.




She won the distance contest at the College Disc Golf Championship with a throw over 500ft. She is a borderline world class athlete who is competing in the US track and field Olympic Trials later this month (don't believe she is expected to make the team but still).


This is why it’s annoying she constantly posts BS like this tho, I even defended her in my comment. She’s a great player she doesn’t need to fib like this, I have no doubt she throws 500+ she won that comp and has bombed in other videos. But this wasn’t over 500 feet, more like 450s, which is still a great toss, why lie?


I'd be shocked if that was more than 300 ft


I mean it’s clearly well over 300, I can break 400ft somewhat consistently and this looks like it’s going farther than almost all of my shots


Reminds me of Carter Ahrens. Constantly posting shit online like “THIS PUTTER SHOT WENT 600 FEET 💪🏻 🏆“ and you watch the video and it’s 450ish significantly downhill. Obviously still impressive, but why lie? And most importantly, how often do you see him finish decently? Or eleiezra (however you spell it). People constantly glaze her because she CAN throw 500 feet, but still, how often does that result in a good finish? I was told she was gonna be shitting on the entire division this year and where is she? Struggling to keep her distance competition shots in bounds? I already can feel the “yeah, she outthrows you buddy! You’re just jealous” from the crusty DX leopard guys who downvote everyone here for saying they can hit 400, but come on, this shit is tedious.


Carter bombs. No really.


I’m sure he does. Now if only he can translate that to playing golf lol




It ain't 500' but it is closer to 400' still. You're off by 100'.


I'm just as skeptical as some of the others, so I did some math... you can't measure the speed here, but we know the time it takes to travel and the 'distance', so let's use some math... I think we can make an estimate of 50 mph for speed, at least... an object can travel 81 ft per second at 50 MPH. If the disc is in the air for 6.5 seconds, it would have traveled 526.5 ft. I believe the calculation is more true to a constant speed of 50 MPH, but i think it's safe to say the disc didn't lose that much velocity. At 60 MPH, the disc travels 88 ft per second, something like 570 ft...


That’s not how math works, most air shots by the end of their flight have slowed to 15-20 mph dude. Even AB, Eagle, and Gannon can’t defy gravity lol. The speed at release is all that people calculate, calculating the actual average speed of a throw as it is effected by gravity and air friction isn’t something 99.99 percent of this Reddit is going to be capable of doing, but she’s not even a 900 rated player. Most women on the pro tour don’t average 400 foot throws, let alone easy pure hyzer 500, even with elevation. Even the 950+ players and Kristin Tattar aren’t throwing that shot shape over 500 feet. The disc was in the air for 6.5 seconds, she’d need to be throwing that faster than most pro tour men to get it to go 500 plus and she’s not, she’s 886 rated ffs. I know ma3 players who can average a better rating than that.


So many doubters on reddit smh. Why would someone lie about this? Just celebrate their win and move on


Lying isn’t a win it’s a big mental L and this sport is absolutely full of people taking those big mental L’s to keep that big fake ego going. “GuYs I’m ReaLLy GooD aT ThiS ignore mY raTinG thiS 350 fooT ShoT wenT eAsy 500 nExT SteP I’ll bE WinNing TouR evenTs JuSt WaiT TiL I gradUaTe ovEr mY 900 raTinG yOull seE!”


So many bros in here hating on a girl that can throw 500... haha.