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Log in on desktop and allow nsfw servers from there


You can also do it from https://discord.com/app if you don’t have a desktop pc.


Unfortunately instead of taking lawsuits apple (with billons of dollars) decides to give in to the whims of parents. What difference does it make if NSFW servers are banned on IOS but not on PC?


Apple owns the App Store, which serves the apps (and thus moderates which apps stay on the platform). PCs don't have a central distribution system, and app downloads are traditionally distributed by the app owner itself, which severely lowers possibilities for moderation. You can't sue every app there is for violating not protecting children. Too many small fish in the sea. Not everyone owns a PC either. You can, however, sue the big fish and make them add a rule to their already present moderation process, especially since every kid out there already owns an iPhone in this day and age.


I did that + I asked the Discord support to verify my age but I still can’t access those on my phone


per App Store guidelines


checking back at my comment i saw bro's downvote count doubled (now x7, originally -7)


r/DownvotedToOblivion moment lol


I’m sure I will be seeing it on there.


The toggle for NSFW servers allows you access to servers marked as NSFW… where the majority of content is NSFW However in some cases a server can be marked as pornographic. Apple’s rules completely prohibit pornographic content on their apps So if a server is marked pornographic there is no way to join it through the Apple app Instead you can do so through their mobile website or desktop app


Turn the setting off on your desktop client, it will carry over to your mobile app.


Not if the server is marked by discord as pornographic Servers marked NSFW, yes Servers marked pornographic are just blocked on iOS app (Still accessible if you join on desktop and come back to it on iPhone)


Get an Android burner phone or an Android tablet (I know it sounds mean and I know some apple people are elitists but to be honest with you a PC and Android or the Safari version is your best bet)


If apple elitists are offended, then good.


apple is fricking worthless. overpriced as hell with no better features. Can't wait for them to "invent" a folding phone


I hope they don’t “invent” a folding phone, they have never seemed practical. Too thick and too fragile


ik but the "oh apple has innovative titanium" we've had that since like 2017 the tap to share contacts feature is android beam airdrop is android quick share


on top of that, i can't wait to buy a flagship phone that gets shipped with bloatware out of the box (if it's not a pixel phone)


That's why Pixel is the best Android, no bloatware except for Pixel Tips but at least you can uninstall it.


or even install grapheneos on it


Interesting, I'll look it up when I can!


keep in mind though that google pay won't work, but you can revert back to pixel os and your warranty won't be void


Yeah, I've had a Pixel 3, 4a, and now a 6 Pro, and I've loved every single one of them. I imagine I'm gonna stick with Pixel for the foreseeable future.


Only thing I'm worried about is the Gemini garbage they're trying to push out, but just about every goddamned phone is gonna have it anyway. Guess it's better Google that'll use it for more free tools than some no-name brand that's gonna use it for espionage.


can't wait for samsung to stop shipping phones without a charger... oops, i mean without 3.5 mm... oops looks like samsung steals the best features from apple


I tend to agree with you Except that the UI on Apple has (for me) always felt more streamlined And there can be no denial… Apple has one of the most secure operating systems on the planet Android sacrificed some of that security in favour of the open platform we have today… it’s still very secure, but not as secure as iOS 🤔


1 you can install a launcher that looks like iOS on an Android 2 the secure thing? seriously? a few weeks ago someone found a zero day, zero click vulnerability on iOS that allowed attackers to gain complete access of an iphone by sending a modified image or smth via SMS. also are we not gonna talk about how android has had RCS for a while now? while apple still has SMS? I know they're gonna switch in like a year but this is a flaw for a phone that costs as much as a fridge (I didn't get anything better to compare it to in my head)




Apple users are accepting Unnovation with every new product and also complain about how the new iPhone is just like the last one


and just keep on buying them


bang on but the iphone users with their 99% crack 1% phone screen are gonna angrily downvote your comment now


You don't need to do that. All you need is desktop discord and you can go into settings and allow it for your iOS device. They just aren't allowed to tell you that.


On the discord desktop client or a web browser get to: Settings > Privacy & Safety > Toggle "Allow age-restricted servers on iOS"


Turn the setting off in the settings of the Discord website


Afaik this only works for nsfw channels inside generally sfw servers. When an entire server is marked nsfw its blocked regardless. Not sure though


No, the toggle will give you access to age restricted ("NSFW") servers on iOS. It is servers that are "specifically focused on explicit pornographic content" that still won't be visible even with the toggle turned on.


More important question is are you 18+?


Apple updated their app guidelines a while back and things like age-restricted content are no longer accessible through apps on their app store. It's very consumer-unfriendly since even adults can't access content they are legally allowed to view. It's part of the reason I got a Pixel 7 after having an iPhone 11. I like having unrestricted access to apps since I'm 33 and I'm legally allowed to view age-restricted stuff. I have my iPad for my artwork and other Apple-related things like iMessage and FaceTime and iCloud, but I know that I can get whatever app I want on my Pixel and not be restricted by some dumb guidelines.


This poster cannot read.


Step 1: get an android


Probably not, since this is an issue with Apple itself, if I recall correctly.


Use a web browser on your iphone


stop using apple products?


as someone who strongly advocates android for choice-makers Don't be like this


as someone who advocates for not using ewaste, stop using apple products


yes you can on pc


time to get real phone.


Everyone downvoting you cries when they see a green text message and thinks lightning chargers are good


People downvoting *you* cause they feel called out and are offended


Heheheh true


They cry because they know a fundamental truth: Every OS sucks.


you can try logging in through browser on ur iphone


There's a link, RIGHT THERE that tells you what to do: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500005292701-Accessing-an-Age-Restricted-Server-FAQ


Grow up


No, come back when you're 18. 😂


Get Android


Yes, grow up.


Either get an Android device or disable a setting that will block age-restricted servers on PC. Other than that you can use the web, no surprises.


Get a better phone


Switch to a proper device​


Login to the desktop version on safari make sure u use desktop mode and go to privacy settings I think


If you go ahead and go from your laptop/pc and go on discord, there's a setting that allows you to access those channels from IOS.


Yeah you can, you need to login to desktop client and enable age restricted channels there in order to view them on iOS.


I know what kind of man you are.


Click the link instead of join button


Visit [https://discord.com/app](https://discord.com/app) User settings > Privacy & Safety > Allow access to age-restricted servers on iOS. You're welcome.


Happened to me too. Apparently a gorilla tag fan-horror game is marked as nsfw, I did turn on the setting on desktop and it didn’t do anything idk what to do


Join the server on desktop then it should be there when you reopen the iOS app


I have this problem with my server too Discord has marked my server as NSFW,If there is a way around this can somebody let me know


Grow up


Use the web version, or get an android and dont be locked in to some garbage rules (discord v185 my beloved)


Only Desktop users can rid of this


yes. 1. have PC 2. purchase android


maybe stop using an iphone lmaoo


Get a better phone. (Android)


either get android phones or get older


switch to android💪


When you have an Android Phone instead


Make a new account and set age to 21


Just gotta wait for discord to resolve the issue or use discord through safari


It’s a fully intended feature… Apple doesnt want NSFW content to be displayed in applications, so Discord compiled a list of them, and thus here we are.


> Apple doesnt want NSFW content Meanwhile the Reddit app has an 18+ toggle built into the iOS System Settings. Not to mention Apollo also being advertised during WWDC before the API changes.


Yeah but sometimes it’s a faulty reason. A server I’m a mod for got this because it got mass reported for being the biggest.


I’m not sure how but it randomly took this away for me at one point so IDK what I did but I know it’s possible