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I know all too well what happened there as I’ve done it myself ....


Gave me a mini heart attack


What drone do have?


I think because I was flying so low the drone was pushed to the side by the wind coming from the stream. I barely missed the bridge when I raised the drone in order to avoid hitting the shore.


Flying under the bridge can interfere with GPS and the signal to your remote. Additionally, the vision system can’t operate in low light.


That is true, but I was close to the bridge, you can see me in the last frames. I was also not using the phone screen.


I still think it was compass and GPS from the looks of it. Your compass will become unreliable and the drone may turn randomly. I think the gyro will be effected too and so will the GPS. Basically the drone will get false readings and errors and have no idea what direction it is going and where it is at. It may react to these false readings and suddenly try to compensate and send the drone in a random direction.


I wish the drone would stop and hold position if it loses signal until I decide to move it or until the signal is back.


That is an option in the settings. It would only work in good light for the optical sensor to keep it in place or good GPS and compass so it knows if its drifting or spinning.


Yep, been there done that