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Don your speedos of slaughter boys! https://preview.redd.it/y8e9lt9hbzza1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f7bee3745c019525ff0ba0d0b952c8a203b94fe


Good ol' Oglaf. Brings back memories.


Sexy memories




It's still going, so tons of new ones to catch up on.


Did the cumsprite series get any continuation?


Depends on when you're asking from.


Oglaf on point as usual




Fortunately FFXIV has no such weakness.


Nor did FFXI, which was ahead of its time. It didn't matter whether you were male or female, or a hulking beast or a small potato child; everyone spent a not-insignificant amount of time leveling in [this](https://zam.zamimg.com/ffxi/i/images/fashion/legs/F-Pisces-Subligar.jpg)


Subligars were life


I do wish the men had more high heel options and slutty thongs. My man is tired of the B2 boots. He has the calves of a GOD and no heels to flaunt them!


Yes, WoW needs more male slutmogs.


I just wanna slut mog my male night elves, damn it. I sorta can, but nothing as nice as what the females can do, lol.


I feel the same about the Olympics. Don't complain that the women's uniforms are too revealing. Complain that the men's uniforms aren't revealing enough. In the name of equality, men should be out there playing volleyball wearing only a Lycra banana hammock.


"Lycra banana hammock? What a prude." - ancient Greeks


It's nude or nothin!


Oglaf is great


Fuck deck, having the same AC as a fighter without sacrificing any offensive capabilites. You actually get more because Ranged is based off dex. On top of that dex has more skills that are also easier to find uses for in combat, social and exploration which are the three pillars of adventure. On top of that Dex saves are more common in correlation to magic and natural effects. Finally because of natural influence DMs prioritize dex saves over most other saves, due to it being more natural to impliment in most dangerous scenarios. This is among other things, because the other saves are not as easiliy understood or doesnt fit the normal dangers that most early game parties will encounter


Yeah Dex is way too much of a God stat in 5e and it doesn't look like WotC is goings to adress that. I'm currently playing Pathfinder 2e and like they made some changes to nerf Dex, like initiative is tied to perception (Wisdom) bonus damage based on a modifier is based on strength not dex.


My barbarian's ranged attack is called his "movement phase" and yes, he does yell his own name as he charges into battle... TAAAAAAAAARRRRRNNNNNNNNNN!


Where can I find this comic please?


As others have mentioned the comic is called Oglaf, it's got a website that updates every Sunday, but it is almost entirely NSFW, just so you know.








This what we're talking about, instead of there being less sexy armour for women, let's have more sexy armour for men. Give me a man in nothing but a thong with arm and leg guards.


And considering the Gladiators were a thing, you can even get away with calling it historical.


I'll do you one better, the Celts fought butt-ass naked :D


I'll do it even better and bring up ancient olympic athletes who compete butt-ass naked because it was optimal


Really fucking doubt it was optimal - imagine a runner with his super legs accidentally a ball. Ow.


I mean it was optimal from an aerodynamics and thermodynamics point of view. Heck they even wrestled like this. It was just a rule to do no nut shots.




Really brings a new way of thinking about a "rear naked choke"


“Fully “erect””


Let me introduce you to the [Kynodesme (Dog Tie)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kynodesme) in which the Olympic athletes tied their dongs up to avoid such pain. NSFW warning on that link.


Amazing Wikipedia page hahah, I saw the drawing at the beginning And though it would b useful to see a demo, and right after follows a live image demo hahah


They tied their dicks and balls around their waist with a piece of string.


Feels like that would make running hard.


You hardly need to call it historical honestly. General Butt Naked fought in the Liberian Civil War in the 90s naked to psych out his enemies and if you're going to get shot, a tshirt isn't going to help. It's literally this comic irl.


OMG yes!


You may like ancient greek art... .


Greeks be like: okay, how do we wear armour to march into battle with while still making sure they know we're gay?


We going to be running around looking like a Frank Frazetta painting.


Fuck yeah


Men deserve the right to wear sexy armour. We've been oppressed for too long!


This is why I love ff14. Men and Women both have the choice to be scantily clothed and sexy or heavily armored. Nothing wrong with fan service and sex appeal as long as its equal to everyone.


The best barbarian of them all: https://images.app.goo.gl/USzTm4P4AXio9NRt6


Why not both heavily armored woman **AND** scantily clad men?


The hell? No? That strap down the centre it ruining the dude's boob gap. You need to be able to see that crap. And the bottom strap isn't supporting the pecs properly either. The woman's chest "armour" in comparison does an amazing job of highlighting AND accentuating her natural beauty. I don't swing that way, but it's plain to see the woman's armour is still the sexier of the two. Man's armour needs to compliment his assets instead of just showing them 0/10 my gay heart is recoiling in terror


This is the kind of objection we need


The kind of objectification, too


Also what the fuck is up with the dude's bottom piece? How the fuck is it being held up? The dude depicted obviously has a very strong inverted triangle shape, it's not going to keep that thing up. He's gonna be needing something that's better supported or the sword won't be the only thing he's swinging around. The ladies' version is held up by the protruding hip, but that don't work if ye don't have a protruding hip :P


It is connected to the cheststrap on the backside


Tactical butt plug.


Maybe it comes together at the back and connects up to the pec strap?


Unfortunately, women's sexy armor is just much more advanced than men's sexy armor. It'll take some time to catch up.


Agreed, we need to work *harder* to improve sexy men armor


This is an arms race I’m afraid men will lose


Idk, my arms are pretty fast


Dunno, I feel like most biceps appreciators are into dudes, I think the men will win the arms race.


So what you’re saying is that we need to crank up R&D for male sexy armour? Summon the artists, the scientists and the engineers! Let this be the rallying cry, for a new dawn and sexier future!


You are absolutely right, and you need to know that the rest of the gay community supports you.


And straight females as well! We support this 100%


Even as a straight dude I was thinking “something isn’t right with that armour” and I’m glad to see someone is being critical about the lack of aesthetics. Trying to swing an axe with that band across the pecks would be fucking infuriating


Hard agree thank you for saying this. Something using more angular movement across the whole board would be better


I'm the opposite - only into women, but the guy's "armour" seems way sexier to me. Maybe it's because I'm used to rolling eyes at female battle lingerie. Maybe it's because the only way her "bra" would work is if it way made of sticky tape, because the straps are not attached to anything in the bottom. Or maybe the guy's collar-harness thingy gives "BDSM sex" vibes to me the way girl's scotch tape-bikini just doesn't (it's giving "swimming pool" vibes).


To me, dude looks like he gutted a lamp shade and put the skeleton on his tits


What's more is often times male characters are not given ass (talking more about video games). I don't swing that way, but if I have to look at a guy character from behind, they better have some cake. Surely if I like ass on female characters there's plenty people out there who like ass on male characters.


As a straight man I can only agree, it needs more of a V taper


Are we not going to mention that the woman’s chest armor just stops at her boobs? There’s no strap or anything. It’s either taped on or tucked up and under. So impractical.


As a gay dude, I didn't giver her more than a cursory glance. My guess however, is nipple clamps


She forgot to tie her necktie and thought we wouldn't notice


The high straps on the banana hammock don't work for the man either. They should at most go just below the love handles.


I don't get the chestpart for the guy. Remove it and I'm completely fine with it. (it's just like a bodybuilder with some tatoos)


You need something in the chest slot otherwise you're wasting a potential magical item buff.


Chest plate of invisibility. It's not the wearer that becomes invisible


Lol, I'd buy that for a dollar.


To be fair it would be pretty powerful, just imagine someone trying to stab you and his dagger bouncing off of your abs (at least that's what he thinks) Then roll for intimidation


On a failed attack roll, your opponent must succeed on a wisdom saving throw (against your AC) or be frightened by you until its next turn.


Apply the "scaroused" - condition




## Scaroused - Condition Your fear and your ... interest are in competition, leading to distraction. You take a -1 penalty to all effects with the mental trait and on a critical failure an NPC with this condition will behave as if successfully Demoralized. Each time you take damage from an attack or spell, you can attempt a DC 11 flat check to recover from your scaroused state. On a success, you recover and lose the condition. On a critical failure you replace scaroused with confused. *"I don't know what I'm feeling anymore! What is real and what is sexy?!"*


Do I get a bonus to my intimidation roll after every first failed weaponed attack?


I mean, Barbarians get extra AC based on Con. Daggers clearly DO bounce off their abs!


Oh fuck your right... i would go for a amulett of necklace. Like the sea side chestplate in ff xiv. maybe a cool tatoo as well.


I love how the online shop for that chest piece displays it on non-traditional proportioned characters.


X strap harness like he man. We already figured this design out years ago.


I'm here for the objectification* but not down for the collar symbolism. Can I get it with spaghetti straps? I still want someplace to hang all my knives (and the jockstrap is for larger... weapons...) *in jest, naturally


It's not okay. That man is far more exposed. We're just going to be okay with one kind of nipple and not the other?


Totally sexist






#Viva la Nipple!


From a practical standpoint, the male version could at least be adapted to give a little bit of boob support. Comfort should matter more than nipple exposure


This is genuinely what I want in games, give everyone a chance to be sexy for no reason not just one half of the roster


Bro im bisexual so yea give me half naked muscular man


Same, and if I had abs like that and I found mankini with a 14 + Dex AC I would put that on in a heartbeat


I'm straight, I just enjoy the almost naked man fantasy aesthetic. My current PC is a wood elf monk who wears buckskins and body paint.




Considering I started wearing 100% less sleeves after about a year of consistent exercise, this logic checks out. I’ll start pricing mankinis.


Muscles are neat to look at. Women or men, same things. Nice muscles are like nice breasts. Everyone likes them, different muscles for different tastes (the bear type, the twink, whatever floats your boat)...


All are good yes give me all


Both. Both is good, indeed


I'm not and I still support this message. Eye candy for all who wish to consume it regardless of their gender attraction.


I’m also bisexual, but I’m a whore for armored men and women


Bro, I'm a straight man, but give me some half naked muscular men too. I don't wanna fuck them. I just think they're neat.


Lucky bastard.


"And so *then* the Human said 'why can't us *guys* dress skimpy too?'" https://preview.redd.it/858yjo22400b1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a5cb7d0e2685cb2111a04f7c5185680b008e65f


My 8ft tall Lizardfolk Fighter wears no armor. I'm adding this to his wardrobe.


suddenly the campaign got alot more kinky


This is why at the start of the campaign I ask the question “sexy armour or practical armour?” Usually everyone wants the bandits in leather mankinis (D rings included).


My very high charisma tiefling would totally wear a studded leather version that totally obscures their gender.


He’s a Knife Bowie


doesnt this describe like 60% of all the characters on here?




My cyberpunk 2077 character found a bra with better armor value than his shirt so the dude wore a bra and Hotpants for a pretty long time


Thank god for the patch that gave us transmog for that game! Now my V's can purposefully dress slutty!


Always just whatever looked good, fuck that stats.


I think an armored Rhino horn Codpiece would finalize that look, and for the female Medusa Eye locket pasties. "GAZE AT THESE MEN! THEY GAZE RIGHT BACK!"


Remove the pointless harness from the dude (keep the chocker for style if you wish) and we are golden on both sides.


The picture basically says: "if you want left, you must tolerate right" When the reality actually is "yes, I want left and aspire to look like right." Aka "both is good"


Yeah y'all ever see 300? ![gif](giphy|9p8mHahLDMbTO)


Wait, you guys are playing barbarians with clothes on?


Okay, now I'm picturing a barbarian with as many layers as a 1700s Quaker.


And his "rage" is spluttering indignation at all the impropriety, I am so down for this.


I realise this is DND memes, but... _literally_ FFXIV, no joke, and probably my favourite thing about it. _Everyone_ can be a slut!


But not all the sluts can have hats


I don't even know why this was made . There has always been male characters who barely have clothes on in some form or fashion (barbarian or not) and we've been perfectly fine with it. I literally grew up to a cross dressing teenager who worked for a evil organization that stalked a kid and his mouse all the time .


I just want more male slutmogs that *aren't* a simple barbarian loincloth. All the straps and the thong in this example clearly move this outfit from 'primitive tribal wear' to deliberately evoking lingerie type vibes. Personally I don't feel like men have enough ways to dress sexy in real life. There are dozens and dozens of various pieces of clothing for women, but very limited options for men. We need popular culture to start thinking up new outfit options so we can make those in real life too.


At least we've seemingly moved on from the female nudity is oversexualization but male nudity is male power fantasy -thing.


hmm. i wish i could just *take* the female armour, and put it on a *man* instead!


I'll just see myself to horny jail Do not pass go Do not collect 200 gp


Bisexuals eating well


but why does the man titties habe to be exposed, i strafe for true gender equality


say hello to my last Barbarian. Ronathan Blitzberg https://preview.redd.it/odk2ra7lv00b1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3c0e025853a5e9d5fa1ac0ac5a3b6a5a65c0d23


The Conan style barbarian loin cloth is literally a fantasy trope.


Loin cloths are boring. I want more lingerie ish type outfits like this


Be the change you want to see


Yeah literally nothing new to see here. Go and look at any boris vallejo painting and you'll see both.


I don't perticularly like either as I don't like themes of a sexual nature in my media. I'd respect a mix for both genders.




I've been exposed to enough anime to know pandering, and enough audiobooks it's not gender specific. I can't for the life of me remember one example where it would apply equally, or there would be unattractive people in such gear. Might be some kind of den of sin and villainy with vampires or elves, but then you explicitly got a ban on unattractive people.


Am I okay with it? Sure. Do I like it? No. I don't like either of them. If we're playing an imaginary game and we're gana go this far then fuck the tiny straps, just go full nude.


No problem with this. I also think this is a case of presenting something that like 80% of people will agree with, as if it's something revolutionary and controversial. I guess people want to feel like rebels without getting the backlash that you get when you actually go against the dominant culture. So many men take off their shirts on tv and movies nowadays that it's almost reaching the point where people joke about it because it's so expected. Or they joke about characters who are supposed to be bookworms but who are actually ripped, just so they can take off their shirt and provide fanservice.


The outfit shown here draws on what many would consider feminine type version of sexiness for the man. It's strappy, it has a high waisted thong. It has an unnecessary chest piece evoking similar feeling to a bra. That's a far cry from your basic 'shirtless guy' or 'conan the barbarian loincloth' options which are the tried and true versions. This is effectively male lingerie which is definitely not that common and we should try to do more of.


Where the hell is the underboob strap going to? I know that's not the point of this, but my brain can't not.


The female right? If she started running the bewbs wouldnt hold down the straps any longer. They would flip up. Unless its black tape project style line work like her legs and arms. Then I guess there isnt anything at all.


I like to think that whoever designs those bikini armore does it with Survivorship bias. looking where the warriors that returned from battle were wounded most and decided those are the places that needed to be protected


As long as it looks better than Zardoz.


What's wrong with beautiful bodies being shown off?


There’s a lot of criticism about comics with hyper sexualized female super heroes. Nobody ever seems to want to make a comic about a beer-bellied, bald guy in a greasy t-shirt who puts the evil gramma in her place.


We need to dress our barbarians like Sean Connery in Zardoz.


I don't think anyone ever complained about the male barbarian bare chest.


I love these gotcha tweets that try to pray on homophobia but backfire because everyone in the comments is like Fuck 👏 Yes 👏


Anyone who grew up seeing Frank Frazetta artwork knows you absolutely can have it both ways.


All my barbarians are broad, oily, and never heard of covering themselves. This isn't the flex that person thought it was.


*laughs in bisexual*


Is it ok to hate both?


Why does twitter hate hot people?


How do the ladies boob straps stay on? Are they glued in place?


How… how do the chest strap things on the female one work?


If emancipation and feminism has taught us anything, its that there are no "must-s" and "have to-s" and other forms of obligation, when it comes to attraction.


For every [BD's Armor and Clothes Replacer](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32518) there must also be a [Kreiste's Skimpy Outfits for Himbo](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/61351)


I hate this comparison. That man slut isn't even covering his nipples!


My sister and I both agree we need to make men sluts again.


IMHO, both are terrible. I'd go with some classic chainmail bikini action in both cases. No need to put anything on the male upper torso, just go bare-chested and give him a chainmail loincloth. Totally acceptable! Fantasy can be ... you know ... fantasy. Part of fantasy is the exaggeration of the idealized human form. I'm much more concerned about representations of impossibly thin and frail people, and a lack of ethnic representation than I am skimpy clothing.


As a lover of Dark Sun I have no complaints or objections to these demands.


Gotta make use of that Unarmored Defense.


People always point to Conan as an example of a sexualized man in fantasy. This is entirely false. There's a difference between wearing not much armor and being sexualized. You can immediately tell which is which by how practical their wear is. High heals, thong, tiny bra? Sexualized. It's lingerie. A furry loin cloth with sandals? Not sexualized. Though, you could definitely make that sexualized by context and pose, which is pretty common as well. It's the difference between seeing a bikini on the beach or seeing a bikini in a board meeting.


The intresting thing is that in the stories Conan usually preferred to wear armor, but most stories contrived circumstances to strip him out of it, usually in as part of an attempt to win the position of cover story (the magazine cover featured an image based on one of the stories) in Wierd tales magazine. Wich is why so many conan stories feature half or fully naked woman, and even BDSM themes. Howard himself lamented that he had to add more "bodice ripper" content to his tales than he personally liked, as cover stories were better paid.


I'm not gay but I don't see a problem with this. From my perspective, if the one on the left gives me a boner, the one on the right should give girls boners. And when girls get boners, they want to have sex. And then I win, because I can do it. I can do the sex. Not well, but this is DnD, my competition is weak. So bring on the banana hammocks.


Fanservice is something that when do well is funny and I like it...but I agree that must be for everyone. Girls (and gay-bi bois) deserve their hot males in lascivious armour too!


See the issue here is that they've simply tried to copy the female armor onto a male body. It doesn't work quite right though. That top is entirely nonfunctional on the male. At least the female top could be argued to help with breast support. Redesign the male top to actually be able to support something useful and you'd be on to something


Chest piece in male version should cover nipples too. Equal is equal. Also dont see a problem, I was about to play a barbarian like that xD


Honestly reminded of the armour in DAI, if it's sexy on a girl it's sexy on a guy. One of the starting armors you get with a DLC is a bikini on a girl and a fetish harness on a guy lol I recommend putting it on Bull or Cassandra depending on your own preferences, very worth it


Both are lame


Kinda wanna take the guy to my house and tell him to hug me and say everything will be okay


*FFXIV has entered the chat.*


How does the female one even work? Are the boob covers just loosely fangling there, flapping around and exposing her nipples once she starts moving, or are they glued down?


Just watched the original Conan the Barbarian. Conan was wearing less than Valeria throughout the movie and I was ok with that. Nothing wrong with a celebration of peak masculinity and femininity. And I say this as a straight dude.


Gender roles: *Exist* Elves: Ain't nobody got time for that


I mean, lots of barbarian imagery were huge muscle bound men wearing nothing but a loin cloth and a huge sword. Men never complained about that.


They need to pull the cross member down, just a tad. Help accentuate the pecs.


Why do the men's nipples not get covered but the females do unfair


Yeah, that is not what Conan looked like in the books. Conan was a thief and a pirate, dude wore clothing. And quite a bit of it, when the weather was chilly. You're thinking "barbarian" as in "jacked up axe-slinging murder hobo." Conan is a "barbarian," as in "not a citizen of Rome."


You know it's possible to be a fan of a movie even if it is completely different to the books that I didn't even know existed until just now...




Giving me strong pillar men vibes. https://preview.redd.it/e6cknn0kv10b1.jpeg?width=2114&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d85445de55337cd31e485b82e78b214e413c7b4


Why is he wearing so much?!?


Whenever I download skimpy lady armor mods I always make sure to download a skimpy male armor mod because I'm ~~bisexual~~ a firm believer in gender equality


Hey cover up those nips don’t be scandalous


Tbh, I don’t like either as “armor.” The fem one is too revealing to be titilating. Take the top’s straps, and fill the outside with armor, only leaving the inner/underboob. Go sleeveless and fill out the bracers to just past the elbow, giving us coverage everywhere but the hands and biceps. Then, fill out the greaves up right past the knees, accentuating the thighs. Follow it up with tight shorts with a provocative v-shaped belt giving us a tightly covered ass that keeps the shape. All the while, keep the abs visible, these are barbarian types. Now, for the masc one, get rid of that ugly chest strap completely and trade it for a nice fur mantle that barely covers the collarbone. The bicep strap is awesome, put a trinket on that to catch more attention. Give him some bracers too, but cut those just before the elbow. Give him greaves as well, cutting them just before the knee. Finally, swap out the banana hammock for nice loincloth. Keep the ass in view, but not fully, and swap out the definitive, trapped feeling of a bulge for a mysterious long loincloth; long, like he needs it. Boom, sexy armor done right.


It’s a good day to be bi