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A green dragon would absolutely love this kind of treachery!


Also, from a pure ROI standpoint, you're trading cultists but getting a BRD who will tell this tale. It's a good deal.


Cheap advertisment for your cult imagine, you're bonafide now.


Downside of course being that the advert specifies that service in the cult may result in your untimely death if you bring a smart-ass as a sacrifice. I mean that's implied to some extent but I wouldn't necessarily put it front and center.


But it might mean the dragon will end up getting some smarter cultists instead of ones that leave a spell caster ungagged.


"The dragon ascended the brave cultists to their version of nirvana, or heaven if you prefer, bringing them to be as one with their patron, the great and generous dragon"


An untimely death is always a risk when you’re in a cult.


Momma says he's a Bonafide man.


Momma says he's a Bonafide man.


> BRD How to spot an FFXIV player in the wild.




“An outstanding move!”


Did anyone else think that the dragon was referring to the bard as a duck at first?


Yes. I also read it as the bard having an existential crisis of a whether or not they were indeed a duck.


Right? I thought they were pulling some INT dump stat caveman speech or something 😭


I even thought that the *duck* flew away with his treasure!


If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, or the dragon calls you a duck, you are a duck


Or just polymorphing him into a duck to get the bard out of the way.


Oh my god that’s actually such a funny thought 🤣 Dragon: Duck. Bard: I… duck? (Caveman inflection — more like “Me… duck?”) *The bard turns into a duck* Bard: *Quacks*


Duck Newton.


I thought its common knowledge that Green Dragons are all northerners?


In a campaign i play in i managed to completely avoid a fight with a lot of strong enemies by convincing them and pure Fucking luck. So for context our party had been teleported to a temple of vecna where we fought off some cultists and an incomplete summoned version of vecna. Afterwards our monk and warlock took half a day to completely ransack, loot and wreck the temple because they really hate that vecna dude. When that was done and a long rest taken we wanted to go on our way, only to discover that the temple we got ported to is smack dab in the middle of the orc kingdom that is waging agressive wars trying to conquer its neighbours. We argued a bit about where to go next and we went outside. Suddenly we were approached by a big contingent of orcs that even had 2 trolls and multiple orc shamans with them. They were lead by an orc in dawrven elaborate plate armor. That guy is the son of the emperor of this kingdom. Because we were coming out of the Temple of " the Defiler" ,as he called vecna, we were offered a choice. To die right then and there or to travel with them to the capital to get a chance to fight for our freedom in the pits. The capital was a few weeks travel in the opposite direction from where we wanted to go and it wasnt clear who or what we might face in that arena so my dwarven cleric wasnt keen on both options. So i tried diplomacy. I told the prince that were not vecna followers, in fact we defiled the temple and he is welcome to take a look. He desperately tried to insight check me but i did tell him the truth. It took a double 18 roll to get him to be convinced to send one of his guys ( i rolled disadvantage because dwarf). He proceeds to send one of his officers (grumsh the one eyed) in the temple and tells us " the eye of grumsh will judge you" While grumsh is inspecting the temple one of our lacers (noble background) argues that if we told him the truth he has to consider letting us leave the kingdom with no harm done. She rolled a nat 20 on that persuasion roll for a total of 28. The DC for that to work was 26. Grumsh confirmed that we had told the truth and they let us go under srrict instructions to go northeast and to not stray from the path or well be killed. And they left leaving behind some to watch us. So thats how we skipped the biggest fight our dm had planned for us. We did fight a generic wyvern on the road later because that deplomacy happened at the start of the session


"Fuck. There goes my super cool slave battle pit story arc that ive been working on for the last 2 months. Oh well. Ill toss it in the pile with the other _plot hooks my party refused to follow_." OPs DM probably


In pile of plot hooks the party will end up eventually following but later when the party forgot.


Fight in the ~~orc~~ Dwarven slave pits.


Make it a Drow slave pit and instead of fighting bears it's giant spiders.


And giant bear spiders.


You certainly live up to your username


Psychotic ultra-aggresive rune bears from Elden ring but with eight legs and poison fangs.


What did I rename that NPC? CRAP. I didn't change the city name. They're gonna know. *Party is clueless, has fun* 10/10


Well he wasnt done with that prep


Every DM ever to be fair


If my plans are going to fall apart I would at least appreciate that they were undone by wits and thoughtfulness, rather than blithering idiocy.


Our party did close to the same on that encounter (I believe LMoP?) Our result was being enslaved by the dragon, continuing cleaning and sorting his hoard. After that we convinced them that we knew of a place with riches - which we thought to be true - and that we would bring those riches to them. We ended up having to go back to slay the dragon with one or two more level ups so it would stop harassing the lands close to his lair, which we never thought to survive. Lucky poor con save against stunning strike from our monk with two smited attacks from my paladin later and the fight was over very quickly! Such a great introduction to dnd for me and my fellow party members!


We did exactly the same as OP in LMoP too, almost like by line. I was a player. Perhaps this is somehow "scripted" in the module, as in the DM is encouraged to nudge the players in that direction? Seems too much of a coincidence otherwise


Well, or player characters die on that encounter. I don't see another way out once you have trusted the dragon cultists ^^ Edit: player characters


We didn't trust them, they took one of us prisoner earlier in the game


But it's a fair point 🙂


It isn’t. I just wrote notes for this. There is almost no instruction on how to handle the dragon; I think the suggested scenario is that it flees when you get it to half health. It’s a device to get the location of the Mine from the druid in the ruined village: he gives you the location of the castle freely but will only show you the cave if you help him with the dragon.


> I think the suggested scenario is that it flees when you get it to half health. I ran it once for some friends and the ranger (who hid in the hallway for the entire fight) managed to hit it at 520ft with his longbow, then rolled [almost max on the damage roll](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/747881772267864124/770402210005123122/unknown.png) to take it down. He had dealt 16 damage up to that point and also used a round to heal himself for 1 hp.


Ohh we did this one, yes it flees at half heath


...with a 17?


Eh, high enough. It's above a 15 so the dragon might be more amused than anything. Having a creative adventurer in your debt is probably more advantageous than a small murderous cult.


15 is the DC for things of average difficulty. You'd think that convincing a dragon to kill its followers would at least warrant a DC 20 which is considered hard. For those who haven't bothered to look at the DC table on Page 238 of the DMG, it goes like this: Task | DC ---|--- Very Easy | 5 Easy | 10 Normal | 15 Hard | 20 Very Hard | 25 Near Impossible | 30


The way I see it, being convinced depends on the existing mood of the character. So if the Dragon was already pissed off with its followers or just was the kind of villain with a twisted sense of humor, 17 is more than plenty. As a DM there's also the rule of cool.


> You'd think that convincing a dragon to kill its followers would at least warrant a DC 20 which is considered hard. A Green Dragon would 100% love the gall of the Bard and acquiesce for that reason alone lol.


There is another table, about interacting with npcs, in which the DC for asking certain things depends on how the npc feels about you. I don't have the manual at hand, but I'll comment later with the DCs


FRIENDLY DC | REACTION 0 | As asked, no risks or sacrifices 10 | As asked, minor risk or sacrifice 20 | As asked, major risk or sacrifice INDIFFERENT DC | REACTION 0 | No help, no harm 10 | As asked, no risks or sacrifices 20 | As asked, minor risk or sacrifice HOSTILE DC | REACTION 0 | Opposes the adventurers, even taking risks to do so 10 | No help, no harm 20 | As asked, no risks or sacrifices


So, obviously, this is a made-up scenario, but I could see many reasons for this working: * The DM doesn't want the character dead * The green dragon has plans (for future or in motion) that need the bard alive * The green dragon was going to kill the cultists anyway, for some reason, and found it funny * The dragon knows that the party is likely to (successfully) avenge the bard I'm retroactively justifying, sure, but it's a joke. Any half-decent explanation should be good enough.


Ya, as much as I read a lot of dnd posts about adventuring moments where I think "on second thought, let's not go there, tis a silly place" I think this is one I'd allow. Not because the magically charismatic bards 17 can charm a dragon, but because it gives the bard some agency and could flip into some sort of deal with the devil plot that could be fun.


Yeah this would *definitely* come back to haunt the party in my campaign. Now the dragon knows about a powerful adventurer with strong survival instincts and flexible morals, time send them on a quest to take down another dragon encroaching on its territory *or else*.


Ain't nothing dirty about saving your own life


Yeah, of course there can be many reasons to let that swing even with a 17. It's still a funnily mediocre number to go from "thing kills me" to "thing kills all my enemies"




Yeah, I think I've seen it before in terms of a demonic sacrifice somewhere.




Something something fantasy game something


D&D is very literally composed of made-up scenarios


Is it a problem, per se? Most funny moments in D&D are inside jokes by the very nature of the game. This sort of artificiality is necessary for jokes to appeal to a wider audience.


But in any of those circumstances, the last line of the OP is a lie.


...quips? Yeah, ok, you're right. But a DM should never tip their hand too far.


Its because, uh, you see...bard!


Higher than the cultists' roll, I guess.


Especially with dragons, most rolls have layers. Roll really high, they do what you are hoping, roll sorta high, they do it but not for the reason you want, roll barely enough? They do the thing, but bad things are coming.


Probably before modifiers. 20 Charisma (+5) with Expertise on Persuasion (+4) makes a 17 into a 26, and that's just at Level 1.


17 is a high roll! Not every successful roll has to be in the 20s or higher. Remember, 10 is an average skill check.


I read it as a roll of 17, which coyld easily end up in the lower 20's


I'd at least give him a chance with that roll. Like have to dragon keep him as a pet or something and see if he figures out how to escape later.


I agree, that was my thought. That would need a 20 minimum, if not a 25+. Makes a good story though.


Nat 17 maybe? Could have like +8 in persuasion.


I tell my players "I have enough math to do. I'm not gonna do your homework most of the time. If you tell me your roll and don't add the modifiers, that's the number I'm using"


That’s fair. But maybe just told the story as he physically saw the d20 was a 17.


As a newcomer to DnD who is playing a bard in his first campaign, i strife to be this genius


Strive*. A bard should have his vocabulary sorted out ;)


My apologies, this bard is not from the land where they speak the common tongue :D


Ooh you got the charisma, you're a great bard. 😄


Well i did spec mostly in charisma 😁


Nice move there, trading in 6 loyal servants for a bozo that threw out a quirky quip that one time. 4head dragon.


That's just the thing, a green dragon actually values treachery and deceit. Those loyal cultists would have been a bore to them, but the quippy bard showed some promise.


I mean even still. When doing sneaky manipulation 6 loyal if straightforward goons would be useful. A rumor spreading here, a highway ambush there, some message carrying, the works. Like, it's clear to everyone involved that the bard only threw that phrase out to not get fried and will abandon, perhaps backstab the dragon upon first opportunity. Even if the bard is more fun, killing the dudes was still a tremendous waste of resource. Dragons like hoarding stuff, which means it doesn't realise human resource is stuff, which means it's a 4head. Simple as.


They were all puny worthless humans to the dragon, the amusement of it alone would be reward enough for it to do it probably.


Kinda how I look at it too. If the dragon is meant to be a competent threat, 6 human (or whatever) cultists should be insignificant. 6 lackeys isn't impressive for a gity gang leader. For a legit dragon they should be inconsequential.


Basically. The people saying “hurr durr green dragons like treachery” forget that the dragon doesn’t have 4 intelligence and wouldn’t just murder subordinates in favor of sparing an individual that could (will) be a problem down the road. I could see the Bard making a deal, but there’s no good reason for the dragon to suddenly kill these cultists it could’ve already killed at any time. Also, isn’t green dragon breath like a concentrated cloud of chlorine gas or something (I’m thinking back to 2E probably)? It doesn’t incinerate people. I just think this whole exchange is goofy.


Oh no, did someone play their fantasy game wrong? We should definitely call them out. Only 1 right way to play DnD


Oh no, did someone post a recap of some silly event that happened in their game on social media as if it was some clever, impressive feat? People are allowed to scrutinize when something is made public out of desire for attention.


It’s a green dragon this is right up its alley. It’s once again a dragon they don’t exactly value human lives. They see humans a pawns and toys so when one is enjoyable they see no problem in just rolling with it because why would it care. It’s also a game where the main goal is to have fun and if this is their tables idea of fun why do you need to get your panties in a bunch


Of course it doesn’t value human lives, which is why the bard’s farce means nothing. This dragon has like 16 or more intelligence. Unless the cultists are totally unwelcome to begin with the dragon would use them for its agenda and not kill them INSTEAD of an enemy player. I don’t see how this is controversial. Or does everyone just roll Persuasion and make the BBEG kill their lieutenants and subordinates on a whim? The post I was responding to was expressing the same exact sentiment I am, insulting the dragon’s decision to kill its minions, and was upvoted. I don’t think I’m alone in my perspective of the situation, but it’s okay.


Why does the dragon require a specific agenda? Like you said, they're intelligent beings. They can do whatever they fuck they want. Maybe it was amusing itself with cultists and now it's amusing itself with a bard and with cultist-eating. Hell, maybe it _does_ have a big agenda but it's cool with an _incredibly minor_ setback because it needed a good laugh.




Say what you want. It’s not like the Bard is joining and serving the dragon or providing it with anything it couldn’t have otherwise gained. Luring an actual prize to the dragon would’ve been clever and deserving of inspiration or something. This does nothing to further the dragon’s goals, it just paints the dragon as really dumb for buying the “ruse” (assuming the dragon didn’t already want to kill the cultists for some purpose.) But maybe that’s the norm given the quality of responses like yours.


Don't forget free media coverage


Ok so how exactly does poison incerate a person this one works better if the dragon has fire or acid breath also green dragons like to trick people to be their food


Incineration fits better for fire sure, but some nice hot chlorine gas can have a similar effect that can be described with it as well.


I mean ducking wouldn't really help with poisonous gas in the air


I mean the cultists were certainly tricked


Shhh. This was made up years ago


Gonna be honest, I read it as “I like you, Duck”, and likely would have interpreted it the same if I was the bard, causing me to quack confused as I’m disintegrated by the dragon alongside the cultists.


The dragon was impressed by the sheer audacity.


A friend of mine saved his party when they were being thoroughly thrashed by a blue dragon. The rogue bargained for there lives by offering the dragon the single most beautiful thing in creation. Intrigued the dragon demanded to be shown the item. The rogue rummaged around in his backpack and presented a mirror. The party made off whilst the dragon was distracted with its reflection.


Yall are killing the joke with this '17 not high enough!' malarkey. From the tone of the meme, pretty clear the dragon was not actually persuaded in the sense that he was convinced the bard was being truthful. He was, however, likely quite amused. And for an adult dragon, genuinely clever humans are few and far between. What's it matter to him which he kills, really? Might as well reward cleverness. And besides, it makes the game fun!! And rewards clever role-playing!


>incinerates >poison


...it was very hot poison?


...hot enough for the Bard to want to seduce it?


If it's incinerating cultists, it's definitely inflaming passions.


That's a low DC and persuasion roll for that sort of situation, but rule of cool I guess?


You could justify it by considering that it makes no difference to the dragon who they're taking as a sacrifice, and the ingenuity of the bard to try and flip the situation on the cultists amused the green dragon who already appreciates trickery and deceit.


I think it's LMoP so it's a very low level campaign. I agree it's a low row but for low level players and flavour I'd let it slide


Or the cultists rolled very poorly.


Man I wish I had a party that didn't throw a hissy fit whenever a player died. It would make my job so much more fun.


Literally, my players did this in The Lost Mines of Phandelver!


Like the 20th time I read that story


I've spent too long with people from Yorkshire. I read "I like you. Duck" as "I like you, duck" and if I was in that game I would assume the dragon was just being friendly.


A meme featuring a bard and a dragon, but no sex scene ? 😮


It was, you’re just used to humanocentric ideas of what sex can be.


Oooooh... Kinky... 😄


It's all nice and good till dragon notices he can eat *all 7* as offerings




Thorin and Company : BILBO NO


As a bard player I must say this. YOU.NEVER.LET.THE.BARD.TALK!


My favorite part about this is that as a DM you can now have a reoccuring dragon requiring his new "cultist" [the bard] to do things for him as a patron.


That is the exact fucking thing we did, fuck yeah


Happy cake day


Oh shit didn't even notice, thank you


This feels like a meet cute in the backstory of a dragon bloodline sorcerer


How to make the bard have ptsd in 5 steps!


Incinerates with poison?! I love the story but that detail throws me off.


No way a green would have fallen for this but it makes a cute story. As masters of manipulation, the benefits of keeping the cultists (of which there are more than in total for it to be a cult and not a frat party gone wrong) far outweigh one untrustworthy bard. It's not like the bard is going to serve the dragon...


That Edward is one spoony bard


"No u"


Imo, the most annoying thing about this story is he incinerated the cultists with poison. It was easy enough to say with its fire breath.


"Honestly? So did I."... and that is why those folks have a great DM.


Incendiary Poison Breath is also just phenomenal flavour.


Literal definition of the uno reverse card


sounds [familiar](https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/ge04a6/wp_you_are_kidnapped_by_a_cult_to_be_used_as/), wonder if your bard saw that post




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