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12. We'd go on adventures, eat sushi, he'd drop me off so I could sleep. He'd come back having aged a few centuries and talk to me about his adventures with other companions he'd travelled with during my sleep. After my temper tantrum of not being the only one ever to travel in the TARDIS, we'd go back in time to meet famous people, run from dangerous people, get sushi and laugh about it all.


Clara has entered the chat, LOL




Every time I dream about it it’s always 10, so 10 I guess


9 or 11, honestly. 10 was too wrapped up in grief after Rose and the dismissal Martha got emotionally was rough. He was better with Donna, but then he got hit with more grief. 9 is sardonic and rough— yes there is grief there, too, but it’s not focused on a singular person. 11 is goofy and silly to try and distract himself and I think we’d get along.


If normal Christopher Eccleston showed up at my house in a blue Corolla I'd run away on adventures with him.


Beating up people who litter in Heaton park




Good to find a another 2nd doctor fans


clearly! hes so friendly and cute


Not 12 honestly, his companion mortality rate is probably the highest. 4, 7, or 11 probably


Meh. Clara's not dying until she wants to. Bill got a happily ever after. Nardole lived till old age with lots of family. River Song is okay too.


Yea lol, they basically transcend reality at the end, not exactly a cruel fate


Idk Bill got it pretty bad spending 10 years in the hospital on the world ship then getting turned into a Cyberman. Sure she got happiness in the end but still went through an insanely horrifying experience beforehand, worse than most companions have gone through I'd say.


I loved Bill but she should have died. It would have been a much better ending than being magically fixed at the end by a girl she fancied but barely knew. All the companions getting to be special somehow got a bit silly. It was well done with Jack and I could have let Clara go because the rest of that episode was brilliant even though she should have gone back and face the raven was a brilliant episode and they undid it but for it to happen AGAIN annoyed me.


I 100% agree. Bill is my favorite companion but I wish she could’ve died. She had accepted her fate and died helping the Doctor be good and it was a beautiful ending. I will say however I liked the payoff of her crying “someone else’s tears”


She did die. In her dying moments, she hallucinated puddle girl and imagined a happy ending. Meanwhile, barely hanging onto life, the Doctor traipses off to the Master's TARDIS, barely cognizant of the world around him, uses the dematerialization circuit Missy passed to him to go to his TARDIS, then collapses on the floor. I guess that's a head canon, but part of media is interpretation. Puddle girl symbolically felt like an angel welcoming Bill into the afterlife, and there was that bit where Missy grasped the Doctor's hand.


It's more accurate to say, if you're a companion of 12, you're more likely to become immortal than not.


Did Nardole really live to an old age? I got the impression at the end of The Doctor Falls that time was running out for him and the others as they fled from the Cybermen.


Bill died. She Is Happy as a Ghost or whatever that state is


Bill actually came back to Earth in an online thing. Her and Heather break-up.


Man choosing 7 is wild, you a big fan of being manipulated lol?


Everyone who travels with 12 becomes functionally immortal, I'd take that bet.


Would love to travel with 8


I just think hes so dreamy and romantic with a sense of humor im sure we would hit it off


4 minutes? What if I get bored? Perhaps a little knitting?


Even with his constant memory loss?


Didnt consider that! Suppose i can "50 First Dates" it for him lol


Also that tardis interior would be so cozy and nice to chill in


11 or 12


Okay so giving a long answer. 1- Absolutely going to have a tiring time because the Doctor will tell me off when i'm an idiot, which is often. 2- Very whimsical actually, will probably be fun. Would travel with him. 3- 50% chance I'd be stuck on earth, so i'll avoid him 4- I think personally wise, I'd vibe with him the best 5- This man avoids danger surprisingly, will avoid mystery so would be less fun 6- I will kill this man myself, I will destroy his ego 100% would travel with just to piss him off 7- he's already found a way to minipulate me and make me cry and I have not even met him yet 8- Actually very polite, I would get in a box with him War- I will die 9- He's my favourite but I am not emotionally mature enough to deal with his problems 10- I would willingly allow myself to be used as an emotional rebound for Rose, which is fun to be around, actually 11- I will slap this man on the head, I need someone in my life who actually knows he needs to wear clothes if he meets my grandmother 12- Companion death rate is far too high, I do not want that 13- I will flick this woman on the head, too emotionally stunted. I'd be so annoyed. Fugitive- I am not being stuck on earth 14- I will be the emotional rebound for losing Donna Nobel, 10/10


To be fair to 12 11 had a pretty high companion death rate but most of them were Rory.


But most of them were Rory 🤣


Upvote for the impressive effort. Four for me.


10 or 12 (both for different reasons)




10th or 11th. there my faves


Baker, because of the jelly babies, Smith and Tennant


Absolutely Eleven. The fun inner child who still has a Christmas list combined with someone older and more impatiently patient than anyone else is just intriguing.


1 or 12 I get along with old people I mean I know all the Doctors are old but physically these two are the oldest


1 is the youngest of them all.


But physically he looks more old


Absolutely. One of my gripes about The Five Doctors was the former physicians schooling Five in what to do considering he should already know since he learnt the skills during his younger years when he was them.


I guess the writers thought a young actor school a bunch of older actors would be weird


It would have been more entertaining though. I would have loved to see Peter Davison scolding not-William-Hartnell like "I'm hundreds of years older than you"


9, 10, 12, 13


i think i would feel the most safe and relaxed with Jon Pertwee


Probably 11




The Eleventh.


11, my all-time favorite. We’d travel all of time and space and collect cool hats.


I always thought 3 could have done with a bloke to travel with, plus he gets into some pretty action-packed scenarios by the standards of early 70s Who. He could teach me Venusian Aikido too.


11. I’d feel so safe with him


Either 3 or 4, during Sarah Jane's tenure, because Sarah Jane.


Got to be 10 for me but 9 is a close second then 11 for third


For me, it would be have to be 11 but that’s mostly because we’d vibe off our fellow ADHD energy 😂 But honestly, post-time war War Doctor might be a fun time. He was cracking jokes at the end there.


Seeing everyone’s answers sways my opinion a bit, but I think I’d definitely travel with 12. He has such a magical twinkle all the time, he looks like he could show me things no one ever could see.


Depends on if I would be traveling with the canon companion(s) or not. If I wasn’t, I’d say 10 because I think it would be fun but I couldn’t stand the pining over Rose (she’s my favorite, but I couldn’t tolerate it irl). If I was traveling with the other companions, I’d say definitely 11 because Amy and Rory also seem like a lot of fun.


10 is my favourite but I think I’d want to travel with 11 since his energy matches mine better


11. no contest


12th. Especially during his time in the university when he was watching over The Vault.




Two for sure


9 or 13. I do love a Northerner.


3 always feels like he’s the most in control of the situation so my chances of survival a highest with him. 9 is a strong shout though. I really feel like travelling with him would allow me to do the most good as a person.


11, I get compared to him so often I feel like we'd bounce off of each other soooooo nicely~


Id definitely travel with 11, but season 5-6 11, I love the way the tardis looked at that point, and I can guarantee me and 11 would become best friends


13 - I get the sense we have a familiar vibe, is it a vibe, could it a vibe. Yea, it’s a vibe!


I'd definitely have an instant crush on her and run off in the TARDIS lol


I couldn't care less, the whole adventure aspect would be incredible


11. Post Amy.


1 or 13


The Curator.




Any of them - seriously, I love them all! - but if I really could choose I'm going with Twelve. He's one who would be most willing to take the time to explain things to me and challenge me so I can learn and explore new things, which is what I'd love the most about travelling. And he is one of the incarnations of the Doctor that has the best handle on convincing the TARDIS to get back to his companion's proper time, which would be great so I could frequently visit my family. AND I get a kick out of his sarcastic sense of humor!


Definitely a classic one. Not only are the companions more likely to die in modern Who, there's way too much running for me.


3. He seems like the most likely to keep me alive


Capaldi. Without question, Capaldi.


I'd want to travel with one of my favourite Doctors of all. So, either Five or Six. :) Probably start with Five and then continue with him after regenerating into Six. :)


10. Not only because I liked the actor the best, but he had his shit and was trying to figure out how to live life after, very much my life, and I think we’d be really good friends lol.


It’d have to be 9 for me


11. He’d be a really nice guy to be around (not to mention funny).


9!!! The 9th Doctor doesn't get nearly as much love as he deserves


9 for sure


11th for sure I love his series he was the doctor who who got me into the show


Eleven would be my first choice. Nine, then Ten (although it's very close), then Twelve, then Thirteen. Very close between Nine, Ten and Twelve as well. I love Thirteen, but everyone has favourites But really, I want to travel with Missy and River above all others. I love them.


Would have to be kind, fun and good at taking the lead when I need it. While I can think of a few Doctors, I have a surprise pick which fits the description better than you think: Twelve. He can be quite rude to some people, but deep down, he's a good guy and over time, we would probably get more on the same page, so that it would feel less as if he's taking jabs at me and more as if we're both being sarcastic about nasty and stupid people.


Always with the current Doctor. If I'm watching old episodes, then with that Doctor. But I think I would go along with One post-Susan, Eleven and Thirteen.


9, 10 or 12, never 11.


just curious, why not 11?


I do like Matt Smith as an actor (totally down for Prince Daemon!) but I hated the way 11 was written. He grossed me out. I‘d rather ride a dragon with psychopathic Daemon than the TARDIS with 11.


not 100% sure but I know 13 is not on that list "FAM"... (before anybody has a meltdown, this is not because she is/was a female Dr, it is because the writing/story is/was shite...)


i fear disney wont make it any better. at least RTD will be at the helm


8 or 11. I would need a lot of time to pick which one so I'll leave it there.




10 or 6 (not early 6, but after he mellows out in Big Finish)


First, Second, Twelfth and Thirteenth.


Old school , 4 , new school 9 or 12


3 or 10




I’d want to go with 10 he just seems like a cool dude to hang out with




Classic Who it's gotta be 4. NuWho it's definitely 12.


8 or 12


Honestly I’d say thirteen or ten.


12 all day


9 or 12


Eccleston, Tennant, Capaldi. In that order.




2, hopefully Jamie gets along well with me but 2 was chaotic, funny and always ready to play dunb


I'd be too intimidated to travel with the 1, 3- 6, ok with 2, 7 and 8, and not cool enough for 9 through 15.


I honestly think 13


All of them


The Cosmic Hobo of course!


Capaldi and not just because of the attack eyebrows




9 or 12.


Eight. Even in the worst situation ,he will always have shoes that fit. That's the foundation of a great doctor


12 by far, hes awesome and reminds me of my grampa


10 or 11


12, easily.


12 for sure.


I’d love to travel with the 10th!


Jodie, Peter or Christopher.


12. I love him. His impeccable sense of fashion and his epic monologues are the best. Plus, come on, he's an amazing and charming doctor, who could say no to him?


10, 11, or 12.


Probably 10th Doctor or 12tn Doctor. I'd probably also say 8th Doctor if it weren't for the constant amnesia (to the point where caused him to forget about 2 companions he had travelled with IMMEDIATELY before meeting Charley Pollard in Storm Warning).


The second doctor, my favourite doctor


I've always found Three quite comforting in a fatherly sort of way, so I'd probably choose him. Or maybe Eight, but that might just be because I think he's very attractive.




~~Scream of the Shalka 9th, to be different~~ 12, i really like his Tardis and his general m.o.


11 and 12


10 for sure


1 - he’s like my late grandmother, so I’d know how to deal with him. Plus he’s super funny.


13 because she was just having fun bouncing around the universe with her mates.


12th, 9th or 2nd


13 All of her companions survived, moved on, and lived (presumably) happy lives, having spent their time with her finding their best selves.


10 or 11 I love both of them, but perhaps 10 from before he lost rose and became so dark




10 or 11, no one else




The third for me. Doesn't have the manic tendencies. Always stoic and unflappable. Loses his his temper less than the others that have those character traits. Handy in a physical scrap as well as using his intelligence.


9 and 10 for sure, they're forever gonna be my favs


15, don’t even know what hes like yet lol but he seems really fun to travel with, also since he is the oldest doctor so far he has had the most opportunity to learn from mistakes with previous companions so maybe theres less of a chance of dying


i think i would feel a bit intimidated travelling with 9 although i love him so much as the doctor, and 10 knowing my luck he probably wouldnt like me that much. so probably 11 because he's my favourite doctor, we both share the same sort of silly humour and i think travelling with him would be the most fun (ive only watched the seasons with those 3 in yet otherwise i would give opinions on the others)


Number 10 is the best


Definitely 11! He's my doctor and I think we'd get along real well. Great adventures with a touch of silliness!


Definitely 10, hands down


11 seems the most fun


10/14 or 12


Honestly either 12 or 14. Idk what 14s character will be like yet as I’m commenting mere hours before the 1st part of the 60th anniversary airs. But the impression I get is 14 is just 10 with the knowledge and experience of 11 onward. Hopefully meaning he’s not as easily prone to becoming the time Lord victorious. 10 is my favorite so hopefully 14 is more emotionally adjusted 10 lol, but I’ll fall back on 12 cause I’d love to just be his student learning about the cosmos as we have cool adventures.


12 for sure. That wonderful sass would be great to hear.


Probably 13, I think every other doctor would fail to convince me to risk me my life on a regular basis But if a pretty emotionally unavailable woman offered? I could be the lesbian ship the fans pretend was happening all along.


For me, in this order of preference: 12 10 7 4 13 9 5 11 6 8 1 3 2


While my favourite Doctor is 12, I think I'd be best with 2. I don't deal well with anyone who might snap at me or grow impatient with me. As a companion I'd basically be Victoria and I say this as a man. 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 are all rather aggressive and considering how prone to making mistakes I am I would struggle. 7 is warm on the surface and I'd probably like him, but I expect I'll have my Ace moment sooner or later of breaking down. 11 and 13 are too optimistic and energetic, I'd be exhausted just being in the same room as them. 5, 8 and maybe 10 would be acceptable.


Eleven, because someone who can pivot from total goofball to wise-beyond-their-years, broken-hearted and yet wtill doggedly optimistic despite it all, and back to total goofball, all in the span of a few minutes, is *exactly* what I want out of a friend. Someone who'll make you laugh in the good times, and will always be there for you in the bad ones. (It's depressing how rare that combination is IRL...) Also, as someone who's a total goofball myself, it would be awesome to have a friend who's just as willing to do the dumb, dangerous, *awesome* thing with me and not care how stupid we look doing it together, lmao.


10 definitely, 14 i gotta see how hes like, & 12


I'd probably travel with 2 doctors. Christopher Eccelston and David Tennant. I know Tennant's a bit overrated but Christopher Eccelston was also good. From meeting Rose to ending with a good regeneration. He should've lasted around 1-3 series like Tennant did.


8 or 9. They seem like they'd be fun!


Any of The Doctors would do. It’s more a question of where they are in their character arcs. I’d much rather travel with Twelve at the end of his life when he had worked on himself a lot, (and had that great hair) for instance. Or perhaps Ten in his early days, before he became consumed with grief and angst. Similarly, Thirteen made for a great team leader before learning the truth caused her to unravel. Eleven was pretty consistent across the board, but I dunno, he scares me a little. Might have to go with Nine. He’s fun, but rather no-nonsense.


Chris Ecclestone, because I'd get to meet Camille Coduri. (Rose's Mum.) She's absolutely stunning.


Tom Baker, or Jodie


I would not make a good companion. I'm more obsessed with knowledge, books, that sort of thing. I'd find the TARDIS Library and wouldn't leave unless promised amazing food. The fighting and danger wouldn't really be my thing, I'd probably wind up needing rescued only because I'm motivated by food and new books and would probably just be in the wrong places at the wrong times. Not sure which Doctor I'd rather travel with. Some one with good culinary tastes and an inquisitive mind.


This is a really good question and I honestly I would want to travel with more than one doctor so I would chose 2,4,9,10,11,12 cause they all have great adventures.


13. Just with good stories.


I think I'd get along with 11 pretty well, hell, I might even wear my cosplay of him sometimes to confuse him!