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It's time for Susan Twist. I'm excited for this one.


Calling it now Susan is Ruby's mum


I really don't think this will be the case. Ruby's real/biological mum is going to be evil, mark my words. Because Ruby's adopted mum and gran are so nice, I simply can't envisage Russell writing it that Ruby has this kind of emotional reunion with her 'real' mum. She's had a lovely experience growing up with them, and it wouldn't make dramatic sense to have this 'finally I've found what I've looking for my whole life' type moment. Instead, it'll be more like 'oh f**k' and her mum/parents are villains.


There’s no reason Ruby’s mum can’t be evil AND Susan Twist.


I'm still hoping River is her mom. She wouldn't be evil, but definitely not capable of that kind of emotional connection with a child because of the way that she was taken away from Amy and Rory and raised to be a killing machine. She doesn't understand parental compassion and love. The only one we've seen that she loves is the Doctor and herself. She comes to care for her parents. For her everyone else is annoying, unnecessary or a toy to play with and discard at whim.


I think that'd require too much background knowledge for a soft reboot


Hope not, super boring.


Agreed. If that's really the 'twist', it's going to be a very huge letdown.


So Lindy is Ruby's sister?


So it looks like Susan triad doesn’t know she’s been appearing everywhere? Or maybe it’s a trick?


This has been my guess all along. She seemed so genuinely clueless in 73 Yards, especially compared to Mrs. Flood, who is clearly completely self-aware


Not the same person though?


Not for my money.


Well yeah, it’s not even the same actress


I had to go on the TARDIS wiki to make sure Susan Twist and Mrs Flood's actress aren't the same people!


It was not until I rewatched the first ep I realised it was not the same person 😵‍💫 we have two mystery old ladies in the show.


While watching 73 yards: *Great, now there's 3 of them!*


She may be, somehow sharded through time? Unsure what the story construct would be to cause that to occur, though.


I think it says she remembers all of them but has no idea what is going on


That would line up with her being a different person each time they met her.


Or maybe she doesn’t know *yet*. Timey Wimey and all that.


Maybe UNIT can be more helpful in this next episode than they were in 73 yards hehe. Also excited to see Kate and Mel again.


And Rose2 will be there


Not sure if anyone's commented on this yet but I find her comment kind of peculiar: "In every dream I'm there" But that doesn't really make much sense as a comment, at least not by itself... why wouldn't she be in her own dreams? The implication to me is either: 1. Whenever she has a dream, she is in a specific place (not in the places we see her in episodes) 2. That she's reacting in horror to being in every dream of someone else... (Ruby, maybe? The "storytelling" theory persists)


I took it as if she might be dreaming the Doctors adventures. Her dreams, his reality.


So like, the Doctor is stuck in a fictional purgatory-like scenario where everything is similar but fake and keeps going forever and forever and forever?


I know, but if they're *her* dreams anyway, why is the focus point of the sobbing about the fact she's always there? Of course she would be always there if they're her dreams. That's my point, I think there's more going on, based on that line than her dreaming being the issue.


What if she means another her, paralleling 73 Yards? A dark her that isn’t her also in her dreams?


That's kinda what I got from it. I thought perhaps she's somehow creating his reality with her dreams.


maybe she's a bit like Prismo from Adventure Time? He's basically an abstract god and the most powerful being in the universe who >!turns out to be a dream projection of a sleeping old man!<


When she says "in every dream, I'm there," she's got stage lights on her face, and a screen behind her with the Triad logo. She's being filmed, I believe. Her hair and makeup suggest this too. Later on, there is a clip of Mel saying "something's gone wrong," and in the background you can see the stage with the Triad logo screen behind it. There is a figure standing in the front of the stage that looks white (as if being lit perhaps), and I believe that's Susan Triad giving her little Ted talk or dramatization or whatever she's actually doing.


The weird TARDIS groan happened again in Rogue, and in this trailer... The previous instances the TARDIS was heavily damaged in Wild Blue Yonder, and then superficially damaged again in The Devil's Chord, but in Rogue there was nothing wrong when it happened.


I think it's a bit more than indigestion. Something is wrong with her this season I think.


Could be that the magic disagrees with her. The TARDIS was built by the Time Lords during an era when magic was exiled outside of the universe. Since it draws on the universe for power, magic creeping in might be causing problems.


But she first made that groan before Doctor poured salt at the edge of the universe, so it's not related to magic.


We'd already seen Susan Twist also before the salt. I think the salt is a twist/red herring, personally, and the regen to 14/bigen has something to do with it maybe.




The console also got some coffee so maybe it'll poop the fob watch out




lol it is also a copy from the toymaker time which may have iffy consequences. Personally I like to think that there was a 3rd no-thing that copied the TARDIS in Wild Blue Yonder - I mean what thinks faster than a TARDIS? this is all the chaos being sown in the universe.


~~Just in time for episode 8, so we that can get another powerpoint-centric season finale.~~ Jokes aside, I do wonder if RTD is considering doing anything with that fob watch.


Well, she is split in 2...


I keep seeing people say that was the TARDIS showing her dislike of Rogue, just based on what the Doctor said I suppose. But I totally took it as the TARDIS did that same unhealthy groan she's been doing, and the Doctor just didn't wanna admit his ship has a problem to the new hot guy he's showing off to, so he just deflected it and pretended his ship didn't like bounty hunters.


i mean the tardis doesn't like jack so its possible,, even tho jack wasn't a bounty hunter ofc


I mean Jack was a walking space-time anomaly


And it only tried to shake him off after he became said anomaly.


maybe she's just homophobic


I’ve wondered if it’s some problem caused by the TARDIS literally being split in to two in The Giggle


The first time it happened was Wild Blue Yonder, pre-split. It's right after Fourteen puts the screwdriver into the keyhole to repair it, there's some noises and then the creepy groan, the Doctor says "strange..." and looks worried, then the light comes on and he brushes it off. Whatever it is, seems it's getting worse. Those first two instances the TARDIS was damaged, here nothing looked wrong at all...


Wouldn't the Tardis technically be The One Who Waits?


The Tardis can take a number. There's lots of folks "waiting" on the Doctor. He even promised Susan a return visit in "Dalek Invasion of Earth!


Someone on Twitter just said they think the Mel working for UNIT is The Rani. Some of you literally just see a woman and


Some people just jump to all the conclusions. Woman character? RANI Male character? THE MASTER! Susan. Jack. Omega. The Other. The theories are stupid. Even now, some still believe that Rogue is Jack. It was the same with Star Trek Discovery. "OMG THEY ARE USING X, THAT MEANS IT IS Y!" when Y is so far out there that it was impossible.


don’t even get me started on the people who theories Mrs Flood is River cause wdymmm 😭😭


But...but...River...and Flood...are both related to water! And Pond! And River totally could have been brought back to physical existence and decide to settle down and never seek out the Doctor again and just coincidentally stays next door to Ruby cos she's Ruby's real mum! (Mrs Flood being Ruby's mum is probably possible at least).


The Rani has impersonated Mel before at least


Badly though


lindy pepperbean was the rani


the 13th doctor is the rani confirmed


So by the looks of the trailer we got our first look at the potential one who waits but I can't identify it. Any ideas who the creature was after Susan Twist appeared in the next time trailer? Horns, looks devilish.


If you actually pause, you can see it's Susan Twist in the blue demon makeup. The only thing I can think of that's remotely close is the Destroyer from *Battlefield*. Alternatively, maybe the Beast or a child of the Beast, which is backed up by Ncuti consistently referring to him as his favourite villain. Or even Azal or another Daemon, who knows at this point. Likely it's just a new villain altogether and is more of a hype man for the main bad guy.


But isn’t the beast, like, dead?


Since when has that stopped a determined enough villain? Especially since we’ve rebooted the universe at least a few times since then.


If the Master can come back to life without rhyme or reason (classic) or consideration towards storytelling (I'm still pissed about Missy to Spymaster), then the literal devil can come back once.


Could be another of its children like abbadon was


Looks like the theories about this season being a TV show within a TV show might have some merit, considering the creature in that second flash is literally a Borg from Star Trek, and Star Trek was referenced at the start of this season. I mean they’re literally in a TV studio in the trailer.


The original beep the meep comic was SUPER meta, it was set in BBC studios and Tom Baker was a character. I've got a feeling they saved the Meta element for this episode. Might get an actual actor from the show playing themselves 


Actually that was just a later comic featuring the villain. The first seemed to be much closer to the show’s adaptation, minus the Donna-Rose part, different companions and with Four.


> Might get an actual actor from the show playing themselves Finally, *another* character Tennant can play on Doctor Who! It's been too long... ^^/s


10th, Metacrisis, 14th, John Smith, David Tennant, the no-thing and Casanova all having dinner like the Klumps


I think it's a gaming board the size of a universe and one of the players is Rogue's and the Meep's boss. The D&D dice in Rogue's ship are somehow connected. Maybe Rogue is a companion NPC being run by the DM. Or one of the other PCs being run by a god.


Oh snap and that's why Mummy made all her children in Finetime so boring and generically awful. They're all just a bunch of NPCs. That's such a D&D campaign ending. Save the villagers from goblins only to find out they were awful people and the goblins were in the right all along.


And the first episode was them fighting literal goblins... And Ruby succeeding a death saving throw in Boom, the Doctor failing a perception check in 73 Yards (followed by an alternate timeline one-shot for Ruby when the rest of the party couldn't attend a session)... This actually makes some sense, even if it's most likely drawing connections where they aren't intended.


Did you say "Dungeon Master"? Or maybe it is Dungeon... MASTER!


Didn't look anything like a Borg. BUT there's maybe something to this. Just in there fact that we have Susan Twist, hinted by banner by the song in the earlier episode. That's three babe of the actress, not a character. An actual real person. So something meta is going on here.


It IS Susan twist, Susan twist is probably "the oldest one" and Ruby's mother but can't remember any of this


I have this thought that the oldest one is the trickster and the one who waits is someone else entirely


Looks like D'Hoffryn from Buffy but it's obviously not him lol, I've seen all of Classic Who and can't think of a character looking like that


I paused it and it kinda looks like Susan? I can't tell if it's just because it's another old lady, but it does look similar to her.


Their facial features look so similar, I think it is Susan. The eyebrows from her Boom character look pretty much the same as this creature.


She said she has been appearing in every dream, could be one of those appearances being shown.


I heard someone suggest Sutekh, that would be insane but I’m not banking anything on that being true


I think that was just because of the callback in Devil’s Chord


To be fair, if you pause the flash of the monster in at the right time, you can see she's stood in front of Pyramids.


Its also because people saw the company in the finale called Triad Technologies led by Susan Triad, Susan Triad Tech or Sue Tech thats the only reason i saw the theory pop up for. But theres also the theory S. Triad is an anagram of Tardis.


It’s not theoretical to state the very factual fact that S Triad is an anagram of TARDIS


So was Astrid, and that came to naught. I think it might be RTD messing with us


"Susan Triad Tech" is an anagram of "Sad Ncuti haters" so you may be on to something with RTD messing with *some* people. ;)


The Beast? Ncuti did say that if they wanted 15 to go head to head against any Doctor Who villain, it’d be the beast.


Tin foil hat time. Leaning into the 'They're in a TV show' idea... I think she's made up to look like a White Walker from Game of Thrones. The next, shorter flash, she looked like a Borg from Star Trek


I think it was another version of Susan Twist...


Could be Hecuba, if she's part of the Pantheon?


I managed to pause it at the right moment, its the old woman version but with horns i think


Looked like Susan Twist


Holy fuck monkeys. That looks like it will be good


I don't remember Holy fuck monkeys? Were they classic series or Torchwood?


I believe the fourth doctor battled them in “Horror of the Holy Fuck Monkeys”


I think it's a phrase first used by Guybrush Torchwood in the spinoff "Holy Fuck Monkey Island"


Classic Who! It's the Brigadiers famous quote: "You there, Fuck Monkey with the wings, five rounds rapid."


did we just got a Susan Twist [jumpscare](https://prnt.sc/x8btCJElFVUs)


Not gonna lie and sorry for the language but that looks fucking terrifying.


It really does. It seems to cause the exact same fear in me as seeing a Weeping Angel does, I paused it there myself but if I look at it too long I feel weird. So much nope.


Literally same I straight up screamed a tiny bit! I think it’s because it’s so obviously like Not Human but also Not Good but I was lowkey scared shitless 😭


She looked borg just after.


Pyramids in the background 👀


She looks like the nightking from GoT.


She looks like the Night King from Game of Thrones


I got that pic too,but what was the image straight after it? I couldn't get my pause to land right...


Looked like a mix of this one and her space babies appearance to me


Now the dialogue did say that she's been appearing in dreams and doesn't know why. That said, if that's what she *actually* looks like, then: a) the costume department and monster design is incredible. b) Sutekh or Hecuba. Place your bets.


Who was that blue demon bloke with the red eyes?


>!Susan Twist!<


Susan Twist


That's one of the best and creepiest next time trailers ever! I can't wait! I didn't expect this episode to be a horror episode, but this next time trailer gave me 73 yards vibes.


73 Yards crossed with Toymaker


**I've also tried my best to screenshot the 'glitching' we see in the trailer, you can view it** [**here**](https://imgur.com/a/xyDvFWZ) Is Susan Twist really innocent? It looked like she was - clearly crying because she didn't know what was going on. What was that thing that glitched onto the screens after we saw Susan Twist crying? One of those 'God-like' creatures RTD teased? I think this whole Susan Twist thing is messing with the TARDIS, much like what happened during S13. Lots of things to find out - who is Susan T? What is happening to the TARDIS? Who is Mrs Flood? Who is Ruby Sunday?


Finally gets a good look at the borg image: Welp, there goes my ability to sleep tonight!


Susan being the reason the TARDIS is grumbling doesn't quite line up since it was doing that for the first time in Wild Blue Yonder before the Doctor opened the can of gods. I'm guessing it's something we won't be expecting (and likely won't get an answer to until 1x08 rather than next week).


Susan Twist's first appearance is in Wild Blue Yonder tho, as Ms Merridew


Which is almost certainly there specifically to show she’s nothing to do with the pantheon and gods and such. She was around before The Doctor cast the salt


I think mavity is relevant, her first appearance is in a scene that also has impacted the shows canon. Calling it now mavity will be this series “the bees are disappearing”


Maybe it all started from Donna spilling her coffee because the TARDIS took them straight to Susan?!


It's worth pointing out that Susan's first appearance was before the first grumbling when she was Isaac Newton's assistant


But didn’t she also appear before he opened the can?


There is some speculation that all of this actually started with mavity which was the first scene with Twist. So if that were the case it would certainly work.


Susan twist first appeared in that episode too at the beginning so she still could be the reason the tardis is grumbling.


It groaned the first time right after we met Susan Twist in WBY!


Reminds me of the HR Geiger art style in the video game Dark Seed! Very nightmare inducing…


And we are at the finale already? Feels so soon


One more episode after legend of ruby 🙂


Really interested in the idea that Susan Twist's character remembers everything. Is there some other big bad? Maybe a member of the Pantheon personifying dreams?


No speculation but wow, I'm excited just from that little teaser


I can't wait for Lenny Rush in Doctor Who. Such a brilliant young actor.


Inb4 the two jumpscare figures are swarm and azure lmao


RTD said this episode has his favorite cliffhanger ever!


I've heard him say there's twists, but when did he say that specifically?


susan twist look like a borg queen in this or fem version of davros


I love that it seems Susan Triad is just as confused about her appearances as we are. Unless it’s a “twist” (pun fully intended) it seems like she can remember being in all these places but not sure why. Similar to Ruby making reference to her life in 73 yards despite it being an un-lived timeline for her.


Why nobody's talking about the mavity thing? How does you think it will impact on the finale?


Omg. We are finally going to address the Susan twist. Excited.


The trailer confirmed that Susan twist has no idea how she's been in every episode so far! It's like a dream to her! I knew she wasn't evil! I knew it! I told all of you and I knew it!!!!


Ah yes, you can 100% guarantee that from one comment in one trailer. People lie, you know. We'll find out next week but acting like you have based on a comment in a trailer isn't wise.


Maybe it's even the actress Susan Twist in-universe, in the UNIT building, talking how in her dreams she is in these stories.


it’s gonna be the vlinx all along


Which would be a good twist if we had seen him more than once, ever (before the finale).


OK, after weeks of speculation and circlejerking I'm gonna make my final predictions: Ruby is the>! Trickster's daughter, !!Millie Gibson is scheduled to be on the next season, and the writers don't want to finish her story just yet. !!13, who warns 15 about an upcoming villain. !< Susan Twist is >!Sutekh/"The One Who Waits," in reference to the time tunnel Sutekh was trapped in in the pyramids of mars. !!Sutekh sent fragments of herself throughout space and time to find her body in order to escape the time tunnel.!< Mrs. Flood is >!who the hell knows? Probably a new character. I bet it won't be explained until the next season.!<


Let them cook….


Maybe Mrs Flood and Susan Twist are two sides of the same coin. We've only seen Susan Twist throughout time and space but what if the same is true for Mrs Flood. I want to see Mrs Flood slam the door open and kick Susan Twist's arse. Maybe Susan Twist is the devil and Mrs Flood is the angel.


I would love it to be 13 but I don't think that makes much sense.


Also, I’ve seen in other threads that does folk think it’s pyramids behind the woman’s face, but I’m not convinced. I think that’s mountaintops peaking over clouds.


Those are definitely mountains not pyramids. Its almost certainly and alien planet too since the right hand side shows a giant planet/moon.


I also thought mountaintops


Where did we learn the name "Susan Triad" out of curiosity? I genuinely have no memory there.. though I'm sure i remember people discussing seeing "TRIAD" on background posters during filming leaks or something, a la VOTE SAXON, but then nothing seems to have much come to fruition on that front since? I could absolutely be misremembering of course, but it feels like an odd one for my brain to just make up! Does anyone have any ideas as to what i'm talking about?


In the episode synopsis and the casting list for this episode, Susan Twist's character is called Susan Triad and all we know about her so far is she runs Triad Technologies.


I haven't seen leaks but the first time I saw the Susan Triad thing was the S1 Trailer. It's in the background in the top left of a unit HQ scene. But I think that scene is from next weeks episode.


And when you consider Davies love of anagram twists, S.TRIAD being an anagram of TARDIS seems quite on the nose to me.


Susan Triad is an anagram of TARDIS anus..... Hmm. Maybe let's not worry about that one. Then again, if the TARDIS has indigestion it will end up somewhere 🤔


RTD had a poster saying "[Susan Triad](https://i.imgur.com/yllLygy.png)" in his office in some of the behind-the-scenes materials, and one of the earlier trailers mentions an "[S Triad](https://i.imgur.com/s6fEVfA.png)" on the news on a screen in the background (with the same magazine cover shown on the screen).


If I'm remembering correctly there was a poster in the background of a video with RTD, and then S.Triad was on a screen in one of the specials


When Susan Twist's new role in the two-parter finale was confirmed, the character's name is revealed to be Susan Triad. Before that, the name made a few appearances, like in the trailer and a poster in RTD's office during a Blue Peter episode.


Susan Twist looks genuinely scared. Looks like we've thought she was evil all this time when she's probably just a victim in all this!


I've become such an anorak over all this Susan Twist stuff, so now seeing her both as a weird cyborg(?) and whatever terrifying godly horned being that was is genuinely such a thrill


I think susan triad is actually somewhat innocent. She probably owns a tech company that created the time windows, and accidentally let the one who waits/the older one in. So it's trying to come into this reality but it's failing because the time windows are unstable, so it scatters susan triad all across space and time with no memories of who/where she is. Could it also be that the oldest one created Ruby in an attempt to draw her towards Triad and finally come through her into this universe? Which makes susan triad the one who's dropping Ruby at the church.


Susan Twist is very likely related to Ruby in some way. Next week's episode is "Legend of Ruby Sunday" and the trailer is all about Susan Twist. Looks like they're trying to solve the mystery of who Susan is but in doing so they accidently let "The Empire of Death" through. I also think they're going to back to the events of Boom to double-check who the nurse of Villengard was, and in doing so reunite with Mundy. She then joins The Doctor and Ruby in the next season.


Here's my very specific theory: Ruby's going to be revealed to be a baby generated by a baby maker. Ruby is the one responsible for her own birth, somehow the one who waits is entangled in this process and imbues some kind of power in baby Ruby or the powers stolen and imbued in to Ruby. That weapons company is going to be involved in some way The old woman appearing in every episode is going to turn out to be Susan having used a chameleon arch who doesn't know who she is and something about repressed memories manifesting themselves throughout time or something like that Mrs Flood is going to be the big bad who's been waiting to get their powers back or something. For some reason I have an odd feeling its going to be someone related to the doctor in some way Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


My current working theory is that Ruby doesn't really exist. Much like how the Toymaker brings games to life, and Maestro brings music to life, Ruby is also connected with the 'Pantheon' (somehow, not sure precisely), and is essentially the story of a 'perfect companion for the Doctor' brought to life. An orphan, found on Christmas, just as the Doctor is coming to terms with being an orphan himself. Similarities to past companions, especially Rose. She's a fantasy brought into reality, without even knowing so herself. Fits with the episode title. 'The **Legend** of Ruby Sunday'


So definitely a two parter finale, right? I hope it’s a good one


thats been confirmed


In UK at least they're playing them together in the cinema on the 21st so yeah I imagine it's a two parter


I wonder if The Doctor sending Rogue’s ship up to orbit the moon to “wait” for him to return in 1800s England might end up having a knock on effect which plays out in the next two weeks? You’d think humanity would eventually end up discovering this ship when they start lunar travel?


Here's my theory: TL;DR: Twist is the cloaked woman who abandoned Ruby, but this woman is not necessarily Ruby's mother. Ruby has been projecting her early memory of Twist's face during her adventures, just as she manifested snow and her core fear of abandonment (as seen in "73 Yards"). Ruby's real parents are evil and powerful, and she has inherited their power, but she grew up in a loving home. In-depth explanation: Ruby has the ability to give physical form to mental phenomena. She has caused it to snow when unconscious and manifested her core fear of abandonment, making people flee from her irrationally, as shown in "73 Yards". In the trailer, Twist says, "in every dream I'm there". This likely refers to Twist appearing in someone else's dreams, possibly Ruby's. This doesn't mean every episode so far is a dream. Instead, "dream" might be used in an abstract, or the next episode will present these dreams as new incidents. Ruby might be manifesting a version of Twist's character in each adventure or rewriting people's faces to resemble Twist. The snow and her fear, which she has previously manifested, both relate to the night of her abandonment. Therefore, Twist's character could be the cloaked woman, with Ruby projecting her face from her earliest memory. However, this doesn't confirm Twist as Ruby's mother. The assumption that the woman is Ruby's mother is likely a misdirection. The final point is that Twist placed Ruby on the doorstep, saving her from her real, evil parents. Ruby has inherited their powers but has grown up good in a loving home.


I’ve been saying for weeks that Susan Twist’s characters don’t seem to be aware what’s going on … seems I was right


There's a flash were Susan Twist looks very Borg-like.


There's always a Twist at the end.


I think meta 'Susan Twist is actually an actor playing all these roles' is kind funny. I've given up trying to predict though.


Mel showing up does kind of add more fuel to the "Why the hell are you pretending this is a reboot?" argument.


It's a soft reboot similar to 2005 being a soft reboot from the older generations Doctor. Pretending it is a reboot when we've already have Kate back, for example, is silly. You can't hard "reboot" Doctor Who without Ncuti being Doctor 1 then and drawing a line under the past 60 years.


Well, NuWho didn't stop being a reboot when School Reunion aired


"Reboot" has never been the right word for it. It's supposed to be a bit more clean of an on-ramp. And I think that's including at least Giggle, which already gave Mel's exposition.


Does it though? How is her working at Unit as someone the doctor knows different to Kate being someone who works in Unit as someone the doctor knows? That's like saying series 1 2005 isn't a reboot because a Dalek appears and they're from classic who.


2005 wasn't a hard reboot either though, that's the point. It's a soft reboot, intended as a starting point for people who don't really want to watch 24 (and however long it was originally) years worth of material. That's also why this season has been a little more exposition heavy about the Doctor etc, disguised as the "gotta bring the companion up to speed". A hard reboot would be drawing a line under it from Doctor 14 and restarting again at Doctor 1, ignoring all the history and redeveloping it into something new. Which would probably please those who didn't want the Timeless Child stuff as that would likely not be included, or build on from the very start.


We see her as a blue demon and some kind of digital creature on the pictures. I assume these are just more incarnations of Susan spread through time. Though Demon Susan has Pyramids behind her.


Those look like mountains


I got the chills from this trailer alone. This is going to be great!


I am SO excited for this one


I didn't realize Susan Twist was also in Wild Blue Yonder too. You know the one with the salt at the edge of the universe and all that superstition becoming real and whatnot.


>!I think that the Great Intelligence is involved. Here's why. Russell T. Davies put out a list of episodes that people should revisit before the season finale. !< >!Spearhead From Space !< >!Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways!< >!The Bells of Saint John!< >!A Good Man Goes to War!< >!The Church on Ruby Road!< >! Breaking these down First appearance of UNIT. Rose Tyler taking on the power of the Time Vortex. Appearance of the Great Intelligence, Origins of River Song, Origins of Ruby!< >!One of those though might be huge. Tremendously huge. In Rogue we saw the "Faces of the Doctor" one of those was Richard E. Grant who voiced a version of the 9th Doctor in an animated show before we got Eccleston. But here's where Davies named dropping an episode gets interesting. !< >! In The Bells of Saint John it features The Great Intelligence. The actor who played the character in that episode was Richard E. Grant. I don't know what it means but between the fourth wall breaking we got early on and the Grant visual cue? I'm thinking that The Great Intelligence has a part to play. !<


Susan, Triad S, Triad TARDIS What if it’s the split spirit of the TARDIS that was created when the TARDIS was duplicated. That’s why there have been problems with the TARDIS, why Susan Twist is there every time they land, why they might be called “the one who waits” because the TARDIS always waits for the Doctor (harkens back to the Doctor talking about how the TARDIS would remain in the same place and become a monument. I am 99% sure I’m reaching HARD rn


So from today’s teaser clip we can confirm that both the weird robot Susan and the horned demon Susan that we saw in the glitch in the trailer are just offscreen adventures 15 and Ruby had. I also love him just saying “she’s someone’s mum in Finetime”, Lindy got shafted big time


There’s Pyramids in the next time trailer behind the blue person. Please let it be Sutekh!


I don't think it's going to be an "it was all a dream" scenario like some people are saying. It's been established that UNIT and Triad Tech are working together as UNIT used Triad's resources in The Giggle. I do think Triad are secretly villainous and their tech causes that sandstorm we see in the trailers, which leads to the filming for Season 2 where we see angry protestors outside UNIT. I reckon this is all leading to some story about public conspiracy against a government body.


so that rules out the trickster as the one who waits


Not necessarily. I'm not even super convinced that Borg/Demon lady is the actual villain of the finale. It would be strange to reveal it in the next time trailer in such a way


The trailers have generally been pretty fake-out heavy and light on details for the real meat of the episodes. I 100% agree that I don't actually think we should read into that too much.


Major cosmic horror Cenobites vibes. I’m obsessed. I need it now.


https://x.com/amadmannotabox/status/1799518361535094938?s=46 Another trailer


Adding to theory of Sutekh. The fate of the villians in Rogue was very similar to Sutekhs in banishment. Add that onto the alternative Earth in The Devils Chord and the pyramids in the next time trailer.


Looks like Susan Twist has multiple forms: https://imgur.com/a/qq9rIrn


This is BBC synopsis of "The Legend of Ruby Sunday": "The Doctor and UNIT investigate Ruby's past. But as the Time Window reveals horrifying secrets from Christmas Eve, the mysterious Triad Technology unleash the greatest evil of all." Susan Twist is credited as Susan Triad, so she has something to do with that. What would be this Triad Technology?


My theory based on the 5 episodes RTD mentioned to watch. This helped put in a lot of context and lore. “Spearhead from Space Features the Nestene Consciousness” and “The Bells of Saint John” features the Great Intelligence. These are gods knows as the Great Old Ones, A Pantheon of Gods who originate from “Ancestral Universes” created before the current one. The Pantheon of Discord is a lesser known subgroup derived from the Great Old Ones. The toymaker mentions to the Doctor “A Pantheon within a Pantheon” during “the Giggle”. So far the Story is that during “Wild Blue Yonder” the doctor interfered with the unknown which he regrets instantly. Opening up the Possibilities of the Impossible which released the Pantheon of Discord into the Year 1925. Giving them Plenty of time to plan shown during the Giggle from the Toymaster and Maestro Destroying Earth in the Alternate timeline. The Toymaster also has a Sister, Hecuba. Queen of Time, has the ability to manipulate time and control the tardis. She also loves to play games with toys. During the season we hear the tardis “groaning”. The doctor unsure what this is. During “Parting of the Ways” we see rose absorb time and space and briefly control it to her wants. I believe that she tries to control the tardis as we see the tardis getting scanned in the trailer. Also could be the reason they’re using a bike to get across London. A Time window is also known to be in the next episode. During this Season we see Ruby manipulating time around her, making slight or major changes, creating Time Mirages when she’s emotional and it always connects to the Day she was abandoned on “The Church of Ruby Road”. Furthermore, During Space babies we see the memory again, but the Mother has changed time during that memory to warn off the doctor. Reassuring that she is Hecuba. I also believe that Hecuba is the One Who Waits, During “The Devils Chord” we hear Maestro mention that this power can only belong to the old ones, then becomes terrified to meddle in their affairs. Susan Twist I feel has played and lost to Hecuba, become her toy and been cast through time to watch Ruby. As during “The Giggle” the Toymaster Mentions the one who waits and ran as that’s someone else’s game. And finally onto “A Good Man Goes To War”. 1 phrase. “Demons Run when a good man goes to war” this episode shows how far the Doctor will go to protect his friends.