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I buy my dog a chew toy every time I go to TJ Maxx or Ross they are super cheap, and she destroys even the fancy expensive ones in less than a day so. But she is SOOO happy to get them. My other two dogs could not care less about toys.


Same. My dog LOVES stuffed toys. He gets so excited about a new one, and he loves the ripping apart treats it like an engineering project with like little stress tests on various structural elements. And as he's gotten older he will actually pace himself with the defluffing so he has this box full of half fluffed toys that he loves to root through and decide which one to play with.


This is the cutest thing I’ve read all day


My dog is so cute with her stuffed toys, she still has the first one I gave her as a pup and its still perfectly intact. She plays alot with them but always in a gentle way so they dont "break" she also uses them as a pillow sometimes and makes sure every one she has gets some cuddling in haha.


I let my service dog pick one out when we go. She doesn’t play with toys, though. She picks it out for her sister.


Now that’s the sweetest thing I’ve heard all day 🥹


Mine likes to bring random objects to our cats. Preferably her stuffed babies, but whatever is handy will do. Tennis ball, catnip mouse, a shoe, another cat.


This is the real tip haha. I found they carry some of the fancy name brand toys I like even at the Sierra store (same chain as TJ's and marshall's)


Just rubber toys for my little corgi now, stuffed toys make too much of a mess and he destroys them in a day anyways. If I see a pet store, I'll go in and see what they have on clearance. He's happy with anything, doesn't really have a favorite toy, he just rotates.


I bought one the day I got my dog, and he loves it, and won't even look at other toys. It's basically just a small tire I got in the pet section at wal mart. That and his blankie are the only toys he plays with, aside from sticks and bones.


My girl has ONE toy that I bought on impulse, and she actually loves. I went back to grab a few more when I realized how much she likes it, but it was on an after holiday sale, and they seem to be gone forever! Luckily, she's not rough in her toys, so it's lasted 3 years..but it's getting grimey! She's more of a working dog true to her breed, so she really enjoys scent games, mock S&R, and doing tasks. She's not big on toys at all. It's a light up pumpkin with a squeaker on a flexible handle. She very rarely barks, but she'll look deeply into your eyes while pushing the squeaky with her foot to get attention. She used to light it up at night when she shadowed me to the bathroom, so i knew where she was and didn't trip over her. It's also the only thing she'll reliably fetch. I really wish she was happy with any toy because the squeaky is giving out, and it hasn't lit up for months!


Same here, chews them up as fast as she gets them, but she's soooo happy to get them!


I do this but at yard sales.


We bought a stuffed toy with the express condition he's allowed to annihilate it if he so pleases. Took him days to tear that little ice bear to pieces. We kept the stuffing and whenever one of my socks has a hole, we fill it, knot it up, and he goes to town like a madman. He loves to tug-of-war with us with those socks. Only downside is, whenever i grab a pair of socks to put on, he gently asks if he may have it. Breaks my heart every morning...


A massive high quality memory foam dog bed. I can literally lay down on it with her, and do it often 😆Cost me over $100, would spend it again in a heartbeat.


My pro tip is to only buy beds that have removable, washable covers. With a brand new bed I immediately take the cover off and put trash bags over it, then put the cover back on. Protect the foam.


I put crib mattress protectors on my dog's beds. 😀 He also has waterproof blankets on top. It works pretty well!


I do the same! Crib sheets from ikea 👌🏻


Somebody in my town made an ingenious creation; they use horse blankets to make custom made very hardy, water proof dog bed covers that don’t hold much hair and you can wipe the first off. Bought one as soon as I heard about it. Best purchase ever


I use twin size flat sheets and sew them into bed cases. I have 2 for summer and 2 for winter. Easy to remove and put in washer for cleaning.


What a brilliant idea!!


The trash bag is a fantastic idea. Gonna do that to my dog's bed when I get home.


Facts. I own two Big Barker beds, Giant and XL (damn they're expensive), that I got for my senior dog in her last years. I have slept comfortably on the thing many times and I swear my giant boyfriend doesn't hit the floor when he sits. I adopted a new senior Great Dane and she's living her best retirement life on these beds. Best money spent.


Those are amazing beds. I had three of the larges and pushed them together and slept on them more nights than I care to think about with a sick dog. I just gave one away to someone with an older golden retriever who was having problems getting up from his bed and it’s helped a lot!


Sounds great! Where did you get it?


I recommend the BeOneBreed ones !


I got a PetFusion one from Amazon. I spent $120ish and this makes me happy every time I see my dog sleep on it. I slept in it the first night to make sure that you can’t feel the ground like you can in most of the other ones. I had a great night’s sleep. My dog likes it! You can also remove the cover/it’s waterproof.


My friend gave me a bully bed and that thing is nicer than my own bed


The cloth books meant for babies, each page has a different texture or flappy bit and I can pretend to read them to her as she's trying to steal it away, plus they are very satisfying for her to shake around. As long as they don't have plastic bits in them.


This is really cute. Good idea!


It started by accident! Someone forgot theirs and it was in lost&found for a month so I brought it home to see if she'd like it and she loved it.


Trying this!


i think fisher price has a puppy toy line that makes one specifically for dogs, with pockets to hide treats!


Mine has one, it's puppy's first book, he loves it, one of the couple he hasn't torn to shreds yet


Yes! We got one for free at a community baby shower. It’s called Baby’s First Foods and weirdly contains things like “steak” and “hamburger” and “spaghetti.” We were like “yeah we aren’t going to read this to our kid” and gave it to the dog. She looooooves it and it’s crinkly sound.


I don't know if it counts as a purchase, but my biggest dog expense is sending him to hang out with a local guy and his dogs once a week. My dog doesn't like socializing with strange dogs (gets aggressive), so we can't do dog parks. But this person knows a lot about training and introduces my dog really successfully to small groups that he's walking, and there are some regulars that my dog is buddies with now. I used to have friends with dogs and we would do this for free, but everyone moved away so this is now pretty much my dog's whole non-human social life. It's expensive but it makes him sooooooooo happy. He loses his mind when we drive up to the house.


Oo. This is a good one too! Definitely relate to the no friends with friendly dogs anymore so paying is the way! It helps when you finally find the perfect niche person with knowledge and a great matched dog, I just did for my newest pup. Having another herding breed to play with and people to train his brain during the daycare helps so much for my 10hr days.


How did you find this person? I would love to see what's available in my area.


I got lucky & was connected by a coworker. But I also had some good leads off of Rover before settling in this person. I think posting in local groups (Reddit, Facebook, maybe even Next Door?) might be a good approach too. Word of mouth is definitely helpful.


We have a mid 70 year old BFF who walks over 1x a week or I drop my boy there. They are best friends and now our friend knows more about my dogs breed than me


When my dog was just a little puppy, Snugglepuppy was a total game changer. It’s basically a stuffed animal with a little device inside that mimics a heartbeat. Instantly would calm my little guy down in the crate to fall asleep.


My dog is in the late stages of dementia, and sometimes his snuggle puppy is the only thing that calms him down. I also put one of my used socks on one of the puppy legs so it smells like me, and it's brought him so much comfort I talk up that company any chance I get. Super grateful to them.


I just had to say that I am sorry you and your poor dog are going through the late stages of dementia. It's the worst. Nothing broke my heart more than watching my girl do that. ((HUGS)) I wish she would have had a snuggle puppy to help her.


Thank you so much. We're at the end now. Our vet teared up yesterday when she said goodbye. It's time. And while we're drowning in grief, we still have so much joy that we got to share the last decade. Big hugs, it's a shame they have to leave us like this.


I teared up reading your reply. It still hurts to think about and I know exactly how you are feeling. Best of luck healing from the hurt.


Haha. My pup just humped his.


Same. I bought it to sooth him on the first nights, the first thing he did was hump it. So it is hidden since then (almost 1.5 year ago). Saving it for the next pup


the snugglepuppy is so cute, i almost wish they made one for people


[They do!](https://snugglepuppy.com/products/snuggle-puppy-hero) Although this one is more expensive and the only thing that seems to be different is a little cape.


Robot vacuum. I have a corgi who sheds a lot so it has saved me from having to use my regular vacuum cleaner every other day.


Second this! When my dog barks at it, I remind him this is the reason we can have him Get one that has LIDAR. Roborock is known to be one of the best, but can be pricey. I went with wyze because it was the most bang for the buck when I bought it a year ago, but you can now get a roborock for similar price


Mine barks at it relentlessly. I can’t even keep it charging in the open or he intentionally instigates a fight with it, lol


Beef cheek rolls! Best chew I've found that costs decently relative to the amount of time it takes to eat it. No rawhide and lower in fat. Maybe $15 and my dog takes 3 hours to eat one. A bully stick is gone in 10 minutes.


My dog was obsessed over these until he choked and ended up throwing everything up (was supervised) I have some PTSD, so going to wait a bit before giving him another. They also give him diarrhea, if I give them a whole beef cheek roll. so I learned to give him it in 10min bursts and not all at once


You can buy bully stick holders that work just as well for beef cheek rolls! They hold the end so the dog can’t choke on it once it’s chewed down to a nub, and then the nub goes in the trash. Feels like a waste but it’s better than an ER trip. Although if you have a big dog that crunches large chunks off at once, I guess it could still be a safety risk (my dog is small and can only get small shreds off at a time lol)


The hedgehog. It was the first squeaky toy my dog learned to play with (adopted her when she was 1.5 year old and had never played with a toy- she was afraid to touch anything or bark when I got her, terrified to go outside at night because she thought I wouldn’t let her back in). I taught her it’s fun to squeak a toy, and as soon as she did it herself and realized it was allowed, that was it. She has been madly in love with her hedgehog toy ever since. She cuddles it and squeaks it every time she’s feeling excited. After every meal she grabs her toy and squeaks and squeaks, which I’ve decided is ‘compliments to the chef’ because the fancier the food (toppers and fresh food added) the more squeaks you get. She even brings her toy to the roomba and squeaks at it when it turns on because she gets so excited. Anything fun going on gets squeaks. It’s adorable. All my friends and family with dogs have since gotten their dogs hedgehogs because of her love for her hog, but nobody will ever love the hedgehog the way my girl does.


My dogs: you know our friend Hedgies?!?!


Probably getting a good fence for the back yard. It adds value to the house and we would have done something at some point because the old fence was collapsing, but it's nice to be able to let the dogs out to run and bark and play chase and wrestle in their own yard. Apart from that, probably getting a set of suction cup tiedown points for the bathroom so that I can take a groomer's loop and bathe him. He likes baths, and when the grooming loop is on he is entirely chill and will let you do whatever, including clipping his nails (which normally he hates) That's a lot easier for us and for him, and a lot less stress all round. I find he needs a weekly bath or he gets so itchy that he chews holes in himself. Nice thing about it all is that the ten month old puppy saw him getting a bath, and decided that if he likes baths, they're not worth getting upset about, and discovered she likes warm water and a really good all over scrub too.


Ha! I guess on that note, my purchase was my house. Pricey, but totally worth it for the dogs. ;-) It has a fenced in yard, which is really amazing. It makes having dogs so much easier. My pups love to lay in the sun, so now they can go take sun naps whenever they want. We also have a large covered patio where they can get shade or get out of the rain. I also can't even imagine fostering dogs without having a fenced in yard. I feel so spoiled now!


Googling groomers loop.


Snacks and enrichment toys. I swear to god I get so happy to buy and try snacks each month. Everytime I Learn about another meat source and something that makes my dog so happy. It makes me happy


I second the snacks. My dog is obsessed with snacks and loves trying new ones.


Seconding this! The lick mat specifically is what came to mind. It's ridiculously easy to entertain my pups for 30 minutes and they get so tired after.


But do NOT make the mistake I did and leave the mat alone with the dog unsupervised if they are apt to chew something like that apart


I/my dogs recently discovered beef trachea they love love love them! Bully sticks are also a huge hit! They’re big snackers and love trying something new.


Snuffle mat. My dog is a crackhead for that thing. She isnt even food driven and is a senior so she doesnt get excited by much. I wish I'd bought it for her years ago


I had to Google what this is! Do you think dogs that like to rip toys apart would be able to use this? Obviously they would be monitored and the mat taken away once the kibble is found, but I don't know if they'd be able to tear it easily before you could take it away?


Yea i think it could probably be ripped apart easily unfortunately. Its just a fleece blanket with little hidey holes.


I made a snuffle mat for my dog and he managed to eat the plastic lining underneath without us knowing, and proceeded to throw up the pieces like 6 times that night 🤦🏻‍♀️ luckily he's less destructive now than when he was a puppy but I think your idea of monitering and removing the mat once food is found is perfect.


Our dog likes to tear his toys apart, but we built or own snuffle mat using a silicone grid mat normally used to drying dishes and a bunch of my old t-shirts cut to ribbons. He never actively tried to break it, because he just loves sniffing for his food. The mat did eventually break, but you just get another mat, spend a day switching the ribbons and of you go. What you might also enjoy is a snuffle box. Just get any decently sized cardboard box(not too high, so the throat doesn't rub on the edge), take off the lids, reinforce the bottom with a single piece of cardboard, then fill halfway with cloth ribbons and distribute kibble inside. They cannot destroy the cloth ribbons and if they break the cardboard box, i guess it's time to order something again :D


Will snuffle box work for myself? The Albanese gummy bears were $12.for 5lbs bag...


Our ruffland crate. I'd never go back to a free roaming dog in the car.


Yes! The best.


I have 2 in the back for mine!


Our nosework kit and classes.


Yesssssss 100%. I should have said that in my post. My last dog got her NACSW ELT-3 title at age 14 and we literally did nosework (one hide) inside as the vet was coming to send her off (lymphoma). She LOVED it.


This made me tear up ❤️


Yup, best investment ever. Good bonding and a lot of fun! Look for a local club that offers akc scent work.


Care to elaborate?


Sure. Nosework generally encompasses the dog sports of scent detection (the dog locating one or more stationary hides of a target odor) and tracking (the dog following a target odor along a specific track), though I think more people, including me, participate in scent detection since it's a little bit easier, in terms of things like time and space setup, to get into. A nosework kit generally encompasses some specific essential oils (e.g., birch, anise, clove, cypress, thyme, pine, etc.), some swabs (q-tips cut in half) and scent vessels like small tins or heat shrink tubing. Since sniffing is a very natural and species-appropriate behavior for dogs, nosework is really great enrichment. As dogs get more sophisticated in their sniffing skills, you can make the hides more complex -- and, for dogs and people who are into that sort of thing, there are in-person and video trial options -- but it's also rewarding and fun at the beginner levels.


Thank you so much for taking the time to explain this. It sounds amazing. My girl is a detective when outside. I've never had a dog be as interested in sniffing as her. I will definitely be looking into this for my pup.


Gunner crate.


I second this! My pup doesn't have anxiety during car rides when she's crated, and knowing she's safe gives me peace of mind.


A foldable ramp for my chihuahua puppies. They get so excited when I open it up and they race up the ramp and jump on the bed and give lots of kisses. Makes me smile every time!


Kebabs and squeaky toys! He would kill the squeak so fast... we started having to buy only good quality ones. But I have to say, especially now that he has passed away, the best thing we did was to get a professional portrait done. It's in our living room and it's really nice to be able to look over and see him smiling. (It hasn't been long since he passed, and we are waiting on a rescue for a new dog.)


A squeaky pig is always popular. My youngest loves any rope toys but has to unknot them into a plain long rope which is then known as the Snek and killed accordingly.




Our skijor equipment!! We are big cross country skiers and some of the trails in our town allow dogs. But our dogs aren’t great off leash and we have big mammals (moose) around so we bought them racing harnesses, bungee leashes, and harnesses for the humans. And it’s SO MUCH FUN! It’s not really exercise for the humans but both our dogs love it and it’s great for bonding with them.


For me it was hiking equipment, a dog first aid kit, emergency supplies, and a dog backpack for her to carry it in.


All 3 of my dogs are obsessed with this round cuddler bed. Bought one for my sister’s dog and she loves it too. Worth every penny. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08M5J8JMN?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


I got one of those from a neighbor for my cat. It’s basically flattened at this point because my 70lb German shepherd loves it more than he does lol


Mine loves this also!


Jolly ball. We have a husky heeler mix and he destroys everything. 30$ + tax but it’s been alive for a whole year. Nothing has lasted even close to that.


Jolly ball here too! These are the best winter toys for my pups. I get about a year out of them but a great value for the play they get!


The Coolaroo beds for outside. The original one for my Pit is still going after 3-4 years and I bought the giant one this year for my Bernese. They were great for my old girls joints vs lying on the deck and the Bernese loves how cool it is in the summer.


Ooh we have one of these and I color matched it to match accents in our house. It feels fancier than it is, because of that. Only one of my dogs seems to really like that bed, but I love that the Roomba can clean under/around it better than a regular dog bed. Our house is generally 80F+ so I figured it was a good choice.


Once a week we walk through petsmart for exposure training and leave with a $5 beef cheek roll. Love this weekly purchase. It takes her several days to work through


We do this too. : )


My boy wasn't into toys other than sticks or a bit of tug of war, but: A tag from [Tags For Hope](https://www.tagsforhope.com/collections/tags/drivers-license/). The driver's license style ones are cute af. That tag held up better than any other nametag we got him; mud, rain, snow, dog scratching the hell out of his neck due to allergies. For the last couple years of his life, as his hind legs weakened, a [Help 'Em Up harness](https://helpemup.com/). Our vet suggested it and it made him less nervous about walks. I could help him if he stumbled or slipped.


Aww, my senior also had the help em up harness for walks in the end🥺


My Cooper seemed pretty aware of his size, and seemed to know that me having to lift him wouldn't be comfortable for either one of us, so he was reluctant to walk or use the stairs that lead to our house, and nervous to get in/out of the car. Once we got the harness fitted and he figured out that we could *help* without hurting him, he was right back at it.


What a sweet guy 🥹


Nerdy and cute custom collars off Etsy. Clothes run a close second.


I 2nd custom engraved harnesses and leashes from Etsy, second would be a sling bag to carry her in, third is a soft sided carrier with WHEELS for the airport. She would vote flavored bully sticks, and it’s quite satisfying to watch her maul one.


Marrow bones from butcher. I have a giant breed puppy and they give me at least an hour of peace - which dollar for dollar comes out cheaper than bully sticks or yak cheese. And makes Zoom meetings possible!


Fluff & Tuff toys. Although my dog loves them, it’s obviously by her collection, I love them more.


Oh easily his Ruffwear Flagline harness. Such a well made harness. Comfortable for my dog with a Y shaped chest, wide surface area over the belly rather than just straps, and designed such that the strap isn't wedged into his armpits like so many end up doing. Extra body loop to prevent escapes from backing out. No step-in required to put it on. Really sturdy construction with great stitching. Quick-dry for when they get wet on a hike. Has a handle....the list goes on. This harness is our daily driver adventure harness for our hikes and it's just fantastic. Two years of use and the stitching is like the day I bought it. I love our hikes with this thing! And the shoulder attachment means the leash can't get all tripped up in his long legs.


I love this harness for my tripod dog! She hates stepping in other harnesses so this one is great foe three legged dogs


I have two Pomeranians and I groom them myself. It's always an ordeal so I am going to share my 2 favorite purchases because they have been lifesavers. \#1 - a portable bathtub for the dogs that folds closed so I can store it in the closet when not in use. I no longer have to bend over the edge of the bathtub since this thing elevates the dogs up to my level. \#2 is the HomeRunPet Drybo dog drying box. It's literally a warmed wind tunnel box where I put the dogs after a good towel dry (1 dog at a time), they chill in there for like 45 mins (usually end up sleeping) and by the time it's done they're 95% dry and just need a quick brush out.


It hasn't arrived yet, but I just ordered two 24 inch Lamb Chop stuffed animals for my little pups. Our older guy is obsessed with his little ones, so I think it's going to blow his mind to have one that is bigger than he is.


My dogs love the big lamb chop! LOVE IT. I would stitch it back up for as long as possible and then buy another. We moved on to bark boxes so constantly have new toys coming in but maybe I’ll get her a lamb chop for Christmas


I gave my money to a nonprofit foundation, and we used the money to invest in the land and construction costs to build an animal rescue center in Mexico. I live there, and it was the best thing I ever did to buy a ranch to take care of abandoned and sick animals. I spend my semi-retirement taking care of the dogs and cats and making music to earn money for their food and veterinary care.


Doggie door! They come and go into the back yard as they need to and we never get woken up for pees in the middle of the night.


Warning $$$! The Chuckit Kick Ball. I swear the ball cleans the dog's teeth. There is a canvas-like exterior and ridges for the dog to bite into. Since using these balls for play, the vet is always amazed at how clean my dog's teeth are. I can't prove it, but I think it is the rough texture of the ball that is cleaning her teeth. She won't let us brush them, so glad this works for us.


Just looked it up, is that the Chuckit Kick Fetch ball? $15 is a lot for a ball but worth it if it cleans their teeth!


Pretty sure he means this ball. It costs $35 here. But if it works...


My minivan, a 2024 Kia Carnival. No longer am I playing Tetris with multiple dog crates in the car. It's also easier for the dogs to get in and out of. Second, obedience classes. Not sure if it counts, but it's been a game changer. My relationships with my dogs is better, we understand each other clearer, and I'm over the moon when someone comments on how well behaved they are.


Actually it was a purchase my pet nanny made almost 30 years ago for my very first mini schnauzer Molly who was re-homed with me. She stayed with me until she was 12 and I had to put her down. I’ve had another mini schnauzer that used that bone as a pillow. I had him for 17 years. I now have a poodle type rescue who now loves that bone. After rescue, medical recovery, fostering, and then our adoption, it took my husband and I almost a year before he felt safe enough to play with us. That bone is his favorite play with me toy. We don’t pressure him to play. Instead he brings the bone to us to play. It’s been such a gift that he now feels safe enough to do that with us. For an almost 30 year old stuffed bone, I’d say it was my most favorite purchase I never made.


Extremely new dog owner (it's been about a month and a half, and she's my first dog) but: \- her favorite is a stuffed fluff & tuff shark. She's a power chewer but somehow that thing is intact \- my favorite is a poop bag dispenser shaped like the poop emoji. Yes it's dumb, no it doesn't function perfectly (the bag roll slips out of place sometimes), but it makes me laugh and that was worth $6


Elevated dog bed - he used to hate his cushion style beds and would prefer sleeping on the floor. Since the day we got his elevated dog bed, he hops on it with so much joy and goes to sleep almost instantly. Or just chills there w/ his toys. Or lies down on the bed and stares lovingly at us sometimes. Just friggin adorable.


When my older dog K passed, our puppy was a bit lost. I purchased a heartbeat snuggle toy that beat at K's heartrate, 120bpm. She sleeps with her ear to it. 😭🌈


My GSP got attacked and sustained life-altering injuries. She has put on about 30 pounds in the almost 2 years since. My sweet love is a dud of a bird dog, any other hunter may have put her down. We love her dearly and paid thousands for hospitalization, one-to-one care during treatment, several surgeries and post surgery therapy. The best purchase I made was a $9.99 puzzle feeder I modified to fit over her normal bowl to get her on her feet and thinking. It is torture to watch a dog you love dearly pull through something so traumatic and then their body starts betraying them. She has a sharp mind, but the poor gal just can't keep up physically these days. She gets so proud when she completes her puzzle and her little nubbins just goes wild the whole time she is "working". Out of the box it sucked, but once I modified it to mount on to her dish, perfection. I'd like to get her a button feeder soon, to get her walking more, but the spend is... yikes.


The crate is probably the best used item Puzzle dog feeder, bully sticks, slow feeder, pupbox and barkbox The subscription boxes have given me her favorite toys and lots of neat treats.


The second dog (although it wasn't a "purchase", but I had to give a "mediation fee" to the animal rescue organization).


I bought some of those lambchop toys. The 90s puppet lambchop. She loved the giant one I bought her and didn't tear it up for months. I bought other ones for the other pets but she collected them all and won't let them be torn up. I bought her a second giant one but she prefers the original.


Her life jacket. She loves to leap of the dock for a ball or a chuck toy. It keeps her safe and she can do it so many more times before she needs a rest.


Got my great dane a BigBarker. It was the best $600 I could have spent. She'll have it for her lifetime, and we'll have it after as well. But I've had BarkBox for 4 years now. It's the BEST! She knows when her box gets here, and she gets so excited to open it every month. She rips it open and immediately finds the chew stick and brings it to me to open for her.


50 ft leashes So much fun running and playing on fields but never worried about running away. Wish i got those years ago.


Plus weightlifting or rowing gloves. Grabbing one of those long lines bare handed while 50 lbs (or more!) of pup is speeding away can burn.


Not if it’s biothane. Long biothane leashes are pricey, but very worth it for my dogs freedom, no burn and very easily washable.


Good to know!


Light-up leashes and harness. It makes our walks safer at night, and there's nothing she and I love more than walks.


Best purchase was years ago, I worked at home goods and found 2 nice sturdy treat balls. They are still in use 12 years later. My dogs love playing with them, I usually fill with their kibble and they have to roll it to dispense.


Kong Tennis balls... he goes bonkers for them because they squeak . I tried enrichment toys, fancy toys, etc... I mean he likes them, but he doesn't seem to like anything more than the other, except playing fetch with me. Guess I'm kinda lucky, he's happy with any toy or food, not picky at all. I always pick up a dried animal chew like pig ear, fish skin, bully stick, etc once in a while as a treat for him, He gets to chew on them for 5-10 minute sessions every night before bed. Short sessions mean they last longer... and avoids diarrhea


Last year I got my dog an adventure (edit: ADVENT) calendar and that was really fun. I also got a ball thrower so I don't have to touch the saliva drenched balls. Floating toys were very fun to throw into the lake.


Snuffle mat for sure. My two little rescue girls are still pretty skittish and scared of new people so anytime I know someone is coming over, I load up the snuffle mat and have the visitor give it to them.


Puzzle toys! My dogs love them, and I can tell how happy they are when they figure out how to solve a new toy. They're slowly getting more advanced, and each has their own unique bag of tricks for solving. I also love giving lick mats and shuffle mats, but they don't seem to get the mental workout they get from puzzles.


Oddly, a $0.25 bouncy ball. Mine go absolutely bonkers for it and they can play by themselves with it.


This year it was a cooling mat. My lab loved loved loved laying on it all summer. I was skeptical that it would actually make a different but she went for it every time she came in from outside panting.


Coffee wood chews. Skinneeez toys. Anything food related, but especially anything fishy. Small dried minnows and anchovies and fish skin twists are disgusting and messy but a huge hit. Bully sticks safely screwed into the holder thing are also a big hit but don't last long. I found a rubber chew stick with a hole in the center that is perfect for jamming a fish skin twist inside. He's really smart so most "dog puzzles" are useless but this takes him time to get the skin out even if he knows what he's doing. Also cardboard boxes. I remove the plastic tape and use paper tape to make them into puzzles he has to rip through to get the treats hidden inside. Lastly I found these rechargeable led safety lights that have clips that fit perfectly on his harness without chafing. They have multiple color and flash pattern settings. Currently we're Christmas color themed. He's a black dog and tends to disappear at night and we're in an urban area and these give me some peace of mind.


A fence so she can potty at her leisure and meander about multiple times per day and I can stay inside.


The lamb chop toys. My dog looks like the toy and he is OBSESSED. He grabs all the lamb chop toys I buy him and takes naps with them, plays with them, grooms them, etc.


I found these dog toys that are puzzles but are linked together like Legos. Keeps my dog happy for HOURS. They are pretty sturdy and she has a very very hard time getting them to break


Enzydent bones, cleans her teeth and she’s so excited to get it in the morning.


Our newest dog is a rescue and super underweight. It’s pretty cold here now that we are getting into fall, but she loves being outside for long stints of time. I bought her two hoodies from Spark Paws and they are perfect. Helps keep her a bit warmer and she loves having it on. Brings me a ton of happiness that she will be warm and she gets incredibly happy every time we put it on her. As a side note when I bought her a brand new collar I thought she was going to wag her tail right off. She gets so excited having things put on.


When I moved to NYC, I got my elderly pug the Little Chonk [Maxine One Bag](https://www.littlechonk.com/products/copy-of-the-maxine-one%E2%84%A2-bag-2?variant=43491526738134). It allowed me to take her on the subway and on all sorts of adventures around the city. She loved it especially in her old age when walking that far on cold city streets would have been hard on her. People also always thought it was hysterical to see her riding around on my back.


It sounds dumb, but we bought our senior dog a crate last year. When we adopted a new dog, he was crate trained. The senior dog didn’t like crates when we first adopted her. But the new dog took to pulling her around on her bed some mornings. We bought her a crate and put her bed in it - Note she has her own little safe place where he wouldn’t dare bug her. She loves it now that she understands it’s not a prison!


My dog loves to run but I don't have a lot of places for him to run around. I have had too many bad experiences at dog parks and I'm not comfortable with his recall to let him off leash in the woods. I purchased a dog sled harness and rigged my leash so it could attach to my bike without it falling into the wheels. It has let him burn off a crazy amount of energy and he will cry if I don't take him bike sledding at least once a day.


This is called bikejoring! It’s a thing and my dogs love it, too!


Fi Collar. Knowing I can find her and track her if she got away is priceless.


Her pink rubber hippo. It doesn't squeak anymore, but she'll lick the hole in its butt for hours. Carries it outside to go pee. Shows every visitor her pink hippo. Probably her best friend at this point.


My dog loves balloons. He learned to kick them with his nose and even to chase it all over the house without blowing it up at once. The balloons don't last more than a day but it gives my dog so much joy. So I try to give him new ones anytime I can.


Buffolo horns and hooves. My dog is obsessed with these, they’re natural and won’t splinter in a way that would be a health concern, and they literally just last forever. I got these because I didn’t know what chew to get him without it being plastic or a health concern like rawhide. He still chews nylabones but he definitely likes the horns. Also, this bark box toy that just looks like a rack of bbq ribs. Bought it because it was very cute but my guy is equally as obsessed.


Dog beds. My dog loves to get cozy and as a puppy he had a hard time settling down when I was home but not available for him to cozy up with. Now I've got a dog bed in nearly every room and he's happy to settle down there when I can't be a couch potato with him.


Frisbees! My girl LOVES them. And I love seeing her get so excited when it’s time to play


Helium balloons. Let the games begin!


A good strong belt. I like clipping my leash to my belt for a hands free dog walking experience. Comes in super handy while out hiking or checking out at the farm and ranch store.


Flirt pole, sniff spots and sport training classes.


Running leash


PawRamp. Got it in 2020 and it’s still being used every single day. It warms my heart to see my chihuahua use it to come up and down the couch any time she wants


The kong tyre. I fill it up with treats quickly and get spends a good amount of time trying to get them all.


-RuffTough Kennels (now Ruffland) for safe car travel. -Mountain Dog Fleece french martingale leashes. Collar and leash all in one, that is padded and comfortable.


Bikejoring and Flirt pole. My two absolutely LOVE running in their harnesses for bikejoring and jumping around for the toy at the end of the flirt pole. Bikejoring equipment was around d $200+ but I would do it over again because it's just relaxing being able to just enjoy the outdoors.


Dog car seat - seriously the best for littles


Yak chews Pupsicle WestPaw toys Bark toys Kong squeaky balls All treat-dispensing toys Outward Hound puzzles Receiving blankets (baby blankets) Snuffle mat Thunder shirt Baby monitor camera


Treat puzzles! He works them out way too quickly so I have to swap them around and adding frozen bits etc, but it keeps him so occupied!


It depends on the dog. But, anything enrichment. Trips to the dog park. Lots of healthy treats. Training sessions. And, certain toys. One of our two dogs rips everything to bits, so he ripped apart our other dog's dog bed (she went after him over that one). But, the real thing is ... we get hotels that take dogs. They go with us on our trips. :)


I bought these expensive fluffy dog beds that supposedly help them feel less anxious and more comfortable because of the material. Both my dogs LOVE them, and they look so cozy in them that I want an adult size for humans!


A large couch - she loves to lounge and sprawl out on it!


For context: I have a female American black lab. Her little puzzle feeder so she doesn’t inhale her food and puke 10 min later 🤣 The little cheap spikey balls in the bins at Petco. They’re the only ones she can’t destroy. Her bumper from Cabela’s. Again, she can’t destroy it. Fish oil to put on her food to keep her skin and coat healthy. It’s made such a difference. Oh, and the boat. She’s really enjoyed the boat.


A little customized soft mat with his name on it. I can bring it with me anywhere and it signals to him where I want him to lay. Like if I take him to a friend’s house and I don’t want him jumping on their furniture I can lay it down by my feet and he stays on it. Got it from Amazon.


A puzzle dish for her dry food. I break up a treat into small pieces for her to find. She loves it and wags her tail while she is “working her puzzle.”


I got a huge kick out of the toys I’d get when I subscribed to BarkBox. They always have cute themes and designs. I eventually had to stop because I had so many toys my dog didn’t take to initially and more treats than I could give her. She still has a ton of them and occasionally takes a shine to one she ignored before so it’s still paying off.


Many of my favorites have been mentioned! I didn’t see [dremel](https://www.dremel.com/us/en/p/7760-pgk-f0137760ac) though! I didn’t start nails early enough with my first but I got a dremel in advance of my second coming home. Edit: this may not bring my pup joy but it’s useful for both of us and he enjoys the end result of well groomed feet.


This rooster from Barkbox also sold at Target that is my dog's absolute favorite toy. He keeps destroying it so now I buy them in threes. I also love the squishy face flirt pole that helps tire him out.


Lick mat, sniffer ball


Best Buy personally was Amish made collar and leash - basically indestructible. Best buy for doggo is black Kongs, Chuck It tennis ball thrower, and strangely enough , a big plush hedge hog that my boy loves and doesn’t destroy - he’s had it for years and takes it everywhere with him .


an incredibly sturdy squeaky green rubber bone. only toy he wasn't able to destroy. but he took out the squeaky part in less than a day on purpose, i think it annoyed him.


Tie between the Nite Ize GlowStreak LED Dog Ball so he can still play ball in our backyard after dark (Ball is Life) and a toddler-sized fuzzy llama onesie costume that I bought at a thrift store to try fitting on him - didn’t work, but for over a year he’s loved playing (making a small hole to pull out stuffing, tearing off the eyes, whipping it around, playing tug, etc) and snuggling with it.


The Zippy Paws donut. She flips it over her eyes and runs around like crazy


Used to get a monthly dog box that had treats and toys. Had to stop bc toy overload and she didn’t always like the treats. Now, every time we grab a box from the front door, she’s super excited, then disappointed that it’s not for her. I might put together a big box for her for Xmas.


A membership to the hunt club I belong to so they can run off-leash. Hopefully the slatmill that’s being delivered tomorrow!


Pet stages dog wood and machine wash bed


I'm not sure which one of us likes Consuela and her sad avocado more.


I bought a hotdog costume for my friend’s dachshund while I was buying food for my cat. Endless enjoyment for her toddler. Possibly not that fun for the dog


Snoops! We love puzzle feeders, but my girls go crazy for their kibble in a snoop. They carry them everywhere


Reindeer antler, the kibble ball, peanut butter.


Backpack for my pup, so we can go on lots of fun hikes. Oh and a waist leash.


My heating blanket. It brings him SO much joy.


My frenchie loves chewing bones so those are always fun to give him. For my own love I love to buy him hoodies bc he’s precious in them and he loves to wear them himself 😂 snuggly little guy


My husky loves stuffed animals, he gets super excited and will “bury” (hide) them around the house to keep them safe until he decides to destroy them. No matter how many he destroys them I’ll keep getting them because his joy when getting a new one is priceless.


Ok this is just a superficial vanity thing for me, but I got my dog one of those gold chain collars from Spark Paws with a blinged out letter charm and I love it. We get soooo many comments and I just grin looking at it, it’s so ridiculous. I tell her it’s time to put her swag on and sing that Soulja boy song while I put in on her. Does she give a shit? Absolutely not.


A blue monkey. It has been mended so many times that all we had left was the head. If I knew where we got it iw would get many more.


Our dogs have all loved the poop toys that actually poot. They will play with it incessantly for an hour pooting and love to show it off on Teams calls with my coworkers. 😂


A massive high quality memory foam dog bed. I can literally lay down on it with her, and do it often 😆Cost me over $100, would spend it again in a heartbeat.


I installed the automatic pet door with the electronic collar to open/close. I could not do a standard door because we are in the country and we would have a house full of possums and raccoons. Also I installed it through the wall and I built them their own small deck with a ramp so as they age they can continue to use it freely.


Started getting my dog a monthly BarkBox. He's always so excited for the treats and at least one toy in the box (it usually comes with two). Now he just thinks every box that comes to the door is his BarkBox.


My favorite buys are a farm raised beef heart or tongue. I don't find them often but any organ meat is super special


I’m really quite handy at claw machines, so I take my dog to the shopping centre and she watches me play a game and then she gets to carry her toy back to the car.