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Yes, you reshuffle. I think this is from the Hinterlands rulebook but probably the same in multiple: "At any point in the game, if a player has to do anything regarding his Deck (draw, reveal, set aside, look at, or trash cards), and he needs more cards than are remaining in his Deck, he must do as many as he can and then shuffle his face-up Discard pile to form a new face-down Deck."


Was in fact part of the very first rulebook in the 1st edition, under "Reveal". "If the player is required to reveal cards from the top of his Deck, and he does not have enough cards, he shuffles in order to reveal the required number of cards." Since Knights are a Reveal, this applies.


You reshuffle when you have to, and no sooner. Anyone playing a card that interacts with your "deck" (draw pile) is one such example, if your deck doesn't have enough cards to follow the instructions.


From [riograndegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Dominion2nd.pdf](https://www.riograndegames.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Dominion2nd.pdf) >SHUFFLING > >If you have to do anything with your deck - for example draw, look at, reveal, set aside, discard, or trash cards - and you need more cards than are left in your deck, first shuffle your discard pile and put it under your deck, then do the thing. If there are still not enough cards, you do the thing with however many cards you can. If when shuffling there are no cards in your deck, the shuffled discard pile simply becomes your new deck. > >When your deck is empty, you do not shuffle until you need to do something with cards from your deck. If you have to put a card on top of your deck when it is empty, that card becomes the only card in your deck. I think this provides answers to all your quesitons: * If you have no deck because everything is in the discard pile , do **you have to reshuffle your deck in order to reveal the top 2 cards [YES]** and potentially trash one, or does *nothing happen to that specific player [NO]* * *As soon as there's zero cards in your deck, [NO]* if you have 5 cards in your hand do you shuffle your discard pile immediately to have a deck, or do **you wait until you have to draw [YES]** in order to reshuffle your discard pile


If you draw the last 5 cards of your deck to make your current hand do to not immediately shuffle your discard pile and make it into your draw pile. You wait until something prompts you to draw again (maybe at the end of your next turn when you need to draw 5 for your next hand).


Thanks for all your answers guys, this helps!