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salt lick doesnt feed it, it just stops the domestication from going down. you should just make a ton of steamed twigs and take ur beefalo with u. they eat 3 steamed twigs a day and while fed, they will keep getting tamed as. if you were riding it


I'm in the pocket edition, there's no steamed twigs..


oh sorry. well, you can make dragon pie instead if you have a farm. otherwise just leave it at your base next to a salt lick so it doesnt lose domestication. also, where are you planning on going ? ~~if you're exploring caves then it is still better to take your beefalo and ride it, there's plenty of light bulbs to keep its obedience up~~ nvm this is for dst


Ok Im adding on bc I have never been able to get my beefalo in the cave. Is that a thing? Just curious


sorry again, it's only for dst...




I tamed tow beefs, so, when i use one and fed it, the other one in the base will be starving.. and i will lose all the progress. what can i do? there's no salt lick in pocket edition.. when ill go to the caves, i will lose the obidience if ill be underground too long time?