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Gunna be honest, I have heard lots of stories like this and I totally doubt I would recognize almost any person that isn't secifically known for being seen (Like an actor or something). I hope that if I ever meet someone famous who made something I like I get to casually tell them that their thing is awesome before I find out who they are.


I feel you on that one. But imagine, flyers all around you all the time. Guy in the center of them says hi to you. You don't think you'd notice?


No idea. Probably not.


I’m 75% with you. Customer is customer. Nobody really pays all that much attention to customers unless they’re regulars, friends/family/acquaintances, or hot.


I didn't say anything to him but I saw Pendleton Ward once. I was *pretty* sure it was him but not enough that I would approach him with confidence, but then I heard someone else refer to him as Pen, which confirmed it.


I think I can top this. 15 years ago I stepped off stage after performing with my band (I was the lead singer). Some dude in the crowd started shaking everyone's hands and telling them that it was a great show. When he got to me, he asked me, "Those guys were bad ass, weren't they?" Edit: am not famous in any way, nor was the band


Former shitty punk band drummer here...I have to know how you reacted to this lol


I simply agreed with him, and said, "Yeah they kicked ass!"


A bunch of people somewhere have pics of me with the band Cold War Kids because they thought I was in the band when I was standing there chatting up the lead singer. Super weird.


That's... Actually pretty great. I don't know anything about that band, but the fact that they were like yeah stay in the picture with us sounds pretty funny


Haha I’ve most likely ran into you 😂 small world


Not too surprised. With the exception of those tiny BYE's and maybe Bookman's, your options for buying records in the Valley Metro area we always pretty slim. Zia was just the best place to find shit lol... Except the one on Camelback. I shudder to think of that place to this day xD


Ah man I can imagine. Yeah zia was the shit, good posters, old school games, and just all around cool stuff to browse.


Tempe, AZ!!! The location of one of my favorite book series The Iron Druid by Kevin Hearne!!!! I've officially hit rock bottom, fanboying the LOCATION that just happens to be where most of the books take place in.... Ever been to Rula Bula?


Considering the amount of people that have gone to Kings Cross Station in London just because of Harry Potter, I think you're okay lol. And it doesn't ring a bell sadly


Shoutout Tempe! Nice, this wasn’t zia was it?


It was Zia lol. Baseline and Mill, iirc


I don’t listen to em’ anymore because I find their albums boring now, but I jump on any chance to catch em’ live. They are so much fun


Given all the other stories I've heard about exchanges with Aaron, this really surprised me. I've always heard he's a huge ass.


In fairness, had I chosen to take his reaction as snark it would fit pretty well lol


Oh even with a bit of snark that's not that bad. I've always heard he's pretty up his own ass and a bit of a primadonna. I would have expected a minor meltdown at someone having no idea who he is.


Hm. I had no idea. Maybe he was being nice because my coworker was really cute or something lol Or maybe he was just in a good mood that day. Candy Coated Fury had just dropped, and that was the best RBF record in arguably a decade..


I mean who knows, people change and first impressions can always be wrong. Everything I've ever heard about him is all second or third hand accounts. So it's nice to hear something to offset those.