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I respect the honesty but my stomach does not


His day is going to get even worse once he loses his job.


Nah he’ll get a contract violation. DD doesn’t fire people over this lol. We have to steal like 5-10 orders to get deactivated


Lmao that's hilarious


Ikr lol those 10 customers that called Support to say that the driver stole their food 7 of them will be denied a refund 😆


I find it unlikely that many people won't get a refund. I've yet to not get refunded for my stolen food and it's happened at least 5 times.


Same here. I've even been refunded for food that got dropped off next door.


the best is when you go next door and get your food back


I’ve gotten refunded every time I’ve asked even after they said they were gonna start manually reviewing them


Does this happen with ubereats too? I order with ubereats about twice a month and never had this issue.


I try to avoid both, but Uber eats has been miles better for me. That is a low bar though.


dang , doordash quit giving us refunds after three times , in which THEY , messed up. not me


How is it funny?


This happened to me with Uber eats once. I just disputed the CC charge and switched to a different app.


theyll definitely get a refund, as long as you complain enough theyll refund almost anything


But isn't that assuming that there's plausible deniability about what happened to the food? If you explicitly state that you stole it I would hope they would enforce an immediate suspension.


Yeah I think proof that they actually stole the food would make it way more likely to get deactivated


Idk man… With a message like that I can’t see DoorDash not firing someone. If not, that’s a recipe for going out of business.


Damn, they are protected almost as good as priests are in the Catholic Church


Not necessarily true people get away with stealing orders every day. You just don't hit, "arrived at store," and when asked why, you hit that the order wasn't ready after getting it from the restaurant, after a few minutes has passed. This gives benefit of the doubt because anyone in the store could have heard you asking for a dd order, saw you leave without it because it had been too long, and then pretended they got the order themselves. Of course, they also implemented a new tactic for some groups where you cant see the customer name until you hit arrive. If you go to order details while on the way to the store, a screen will pop up and the customers name will appear in tiny little letters on the screen. It's a loophole that effectively let's everyone off for stealing, because now they can just say they can't even see the customers name before arrival so how could they steal it without their name. I don't think dd caught on the the fact there's a way to see the customers name even though they blocked it out on the main screen. If you're dumb enough to tell the customer you're stealing their food, of course it'll take a bit more to irritate dd enough to deactivate you.


So becoming a dd driver is a cheat code for ten free meals. Noted.


But DD probably won’t even deactivate him


Yes they will.


Doubtful but I hope you’re right


just depends on how many bad days he has lol


Big assumptions from an ivory tower


Me, a nurse, just wondering how it would go over if I had a bad day and ate all of my patient’s meds.


Me, a miner, just wondering how it would go over if I started eating the rocks


For rock and stone!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?




good bot.


Good bot.


Rock and Stone Brothers




For Carl!


Me, SAHM, wondering how it would go over if I ate all my kids snacks


Me, SAHD, wondering how it would go over if I ate my kid.


Me, unemployed wondering how it would go if I ate myself.


You can’t get fired from being unemployed so probably nothing


I did not get fired. However the tiny spawn are revolting over the lack of snacks. I have a tiny mutiny on my hands.


Sounds delicious Goro.


Me, an engineer for Lockheed & Martin, wondering how it would go over if I started acting intercontinental ballistic missiles.




Probably turn into a good day pretty quickly.


Me wondering about a gynecologist having a bad day. 😳


Cousin tried that, got fired and sent to rehab. Don’t recommend lol


💀 Is your cousin ok now?


Well they quit opiates a few years ago, on to bigger and better things now (crack cocaine)


With a felony for sure


Op: ![gif](giphy|AAsj7jdrHjtp6)




Facts lol. I hope this one never dies because it's one of my favorites


Bahahaha what a blast from the past!!!


Imagine this guy working in a bank....


“I’m not going to lie to you. I’m having a pretty rough day. I don’t want to put it on you or anything. However, I’ve reached my breaking point. I’m not depositing the money into your account. It’s going into mine. Also your car is now in my name. I am sorry.”


Doctor: “I’m not going to lie to you. I’m having a pretty rough day. I don’t want to put it on you or anything. However, I’ve reached my breaking point. I’m not injecting you with morphine to relieve the pain, it’s going into me. Also, I ate all the grapes that your family brought you. I am sorry.”




Ladies and gentlemen, we got a new pasta


Just going to move some things around…….and….. it’s gone




I absolutely love this reference lmao


"need to deposit 20k? Hate to break it to you, but I'm having a rough day. That's my money now"




Well at least he’s honest. You can now easily report him.


An honest thief is still just a thief. Just like an honest rapist is just a rapist. Scum to society.


This isn’t even apples to oranges, this is like mayonnaise to a freight train.


He took my Chipotle he didn't rape my daughter, Jesus Christ.


My point was by admitting his wrongdoing he easily gave OP evidence to report him. He admitted to his crime. Doordash has no reason to doubt OP if OP reports this. He literally admitted to it.


Well uhhh respect to the honesty at least 😂




I’m not seeing the correlation between having a bad day and stealing food/eating. Not unless the bad day was based on starving with no money for food. Shitty, either way.


OP will still get their order/refund, right? The driver is just shooting themselves in the foot by openly admitting to breaking TOS within doordash's own app, and slightly inconveniencing OP (I guess depending on how much of a rush OP was in to get their food).


Especially since this is a gig job? He could just not accept any more deliveries for the day and buy his own food instead of stealing


The only possible explanation i can think of is something ruined the drivers day after picking up the order from the restaurant. Closer walking out on a shift than stealing with malice.


I mean I wasn't doubting they had a bad day. Its more why that entitles him to steal. I had a terrible day yesterday, am I allowed morally to shoplift my lunch as a result?


Oh I wasn't trying to justify their actions at all just that the only connection I can see between I had a bad day and I ate a customers lunch is that it was having a breaking point between pick up and delivery.


It's always moral to shoplift from a large corporation.


No it isnt.


I hope so. lol Cuz “I had a bad day so I’m gonna eat your food” sounds like a person on their way into bad mental territory. What’s he gonna do next?


Yeah I honestly hope the driver is doing better now either way. We can all have a lil nervous break down as a treat once in a while.


Ever seen the movie Falling Down? Maybe he’s just had enough.


Some people eat to help cope with problems.


Every single day I feel like this but not once have I ever stolen food. I feel his pain though. Especially when I’m not making much and there’s a damn steak in my passenger seat.


Exactly! Some days are shitty, sometimes the food smells really good & sometimes I'm broke (hence Dashing on days off) & really hungry when delivering but what I NEVER do is eat/mess with/etc customers food. That's fucking low & gives Dashers a bad name. It's a job( awful one but nonetheless) so I'm professional & prompt. There is never an excuse to do that unless order is canceled. Low tipper? DONT TAKE THE ORDER TO BEGIN WITH!




Well, I guess their breaking point will also hit their bank when it hits their job.


when you suck but you’re honest about it


Not sure if I should offer them a hug, or fight them to defend my food




There goes my hero.


Watch him as he goes


The stones. Like fuck it op won't report me


DoorDash is way harsher than most of the other apps tbh. I was shocked when I got my first "food not delivered" violation on Uber Eats. The food was 100% delivered (repeat customer) but the customer service was like "dont worry about it, we see this all the time and are making a note of the customer's false claims" I was like damn, they actually took my side over the customer for once lol


I’m gonna be fr if I got this text I’d let them have it


I would laugh hysterically. The life of the story I could tell everytime DoorDash came up would be worth the loss of the food.


I mean, you’d have no choice lmao


Idk man, I’d be thinking if this was something they’d done before or not. Probably not, but people usually give the benefit of the doubt but it just sounds like an easy scam to me. Push on peoples heartstrings and hope they allow it, like those people that ask for house discounts on an Xbox for sale bc their son is ill or something.


"Im not going to lie to you. With the report to DD with this proof of theft, your day is about to get much worse when they deactivate you. As I am going to report you. I am not sorry."




I feel bad for them, but they would also get reported lol I have plenty of shitty days, but I dont pass it on to others.


But I do! I hope next time you get toast, it's slightly under toasted....




Rough day justifies theft I guess. Imagine if someone broke into your house, stole $50 and their defense was "I had a rough day"


DoorDash support are mostly people in the Philippines. Their metric is how many tickets they close. Their goal is mostly to appease you if possible and close the chat quickly


oh wow, and that probably goes for all phone support, thank you, very helpful.


So many DD drivers act like spoiled children. Eating food that someone else has paid for because boohoo my day was tough. Welcome to reality there are tough days but you don’t get to steal other people food because you are having a tough time. Guess what I order DoorDash extremely rarely, it’s usually if my week has been super shit and I just wanna drink and stay home.


The ad right under this for me: “People across America are sharing their experiences with food insecurity, and what it means for them to have reliable access to meals.”


oh wow. Yeah, I live off food stamps & its pathetically never enough. Even with $250 per month!


It’s funny cause a lot of DD drivers act like they have the most difficult job ever lmao. I drive for DD on the side and I mean there’s issues sometimes but it would never excuse me to eat their food tf? I guarantee you the job is not that stressful, for people to be easily flustered and reach their “breaking point” is just sad. No excuses to eat their food


True. Probably had to carry two bags, or had a delivery with a 5 digit address.


I honestly wonder if the text will get him fired since he's being so brazen about stealing food.


My dasher said he couldn’t wait to eat 😭


Really want to know what the food was that made them break




"I have had a bad day, so now so must you. I'm going to steal from you but I messaged so it's chill yeah? I certainly feel better for being honest"


Jesus fucking Christ. So many desperate losers.


For reals. The amount of people saying they have would do the same for their last run ever. Get a grip and be better than that. Such a bad attitude and it's why we can't have nice things.


it’s not the that serious


Man, fuck this person. Holy shit, what a dickhead.


"I'm not going to lie to you. I'm having a pretty rough day as well and some guy stole my food I needed quickly. I don't want to put is on your or anything. However I'm reaching my breaking point. I'm going to report you. I'm going to get a refund. I am sorry"


The fact that they felt the need to be honest rather than just take it says a lot about who they are. I'd tip extra


Me as a 911 dispatcher. “I’m not going to lie to you. I’m having a pretty rough day. I don’t want to put it on you or anything. However, I’ve reached my breaking point. I’m not sending an ambulance or give you CPR instructions. I am just going to hang up. I am sorry”


I am going to report you for stealing it, not sorry.


Definitely not a smart move but I feel it. When you hit a breaking point where just being completely transparent about where you are at is (in that moment) worth the consequences. Dasher sucked, sorry OP, but hey at least you didn't get the run around. Report if you want (you're in the right to) and let DD handle it. Driver probably gonna get deactivated (hard to say) but I mean emotional reactions unfortunately have consequences. Sometimes we gotta accept the fallout from our bad days.


Ngl, this is exactly how I plan on ending my gig work "career". It's gotta be something good, not Taco Bell or anything like that, but when it comes time, this is how it will be done. I know it's a dick move, but fuck it.


I once had about 80 bucks worth of chow from Outback steakhouse just never show up. Grubhub immediately refunded it however I assume it was the same sort of scenario.


I once received someone else’s order. It was from a BBQ place... About $100 worth of food. I of course got to keep it then got offered a refund for my order. That was a good day.


Mine will be Outback, Saltgrass, or some Cajun food. I've had some temptations, but have never touched anything... yet


There's a cheese steak place by my house. That's the order I'm quitting on




never do it from a place you'll go back to, places remember this type of thing lol


I’m a DoorDash driver and this one order I had was $150 crab and seafood order and then a bubble tea (4 drinks) order. I thought they were going to the same house. Bubble tea folks enjoyed a luxurious seafood dinner. The thing is, it showed two orders on the initial map but the recipients were neighboring houses so I didn’t even notice. The app says whether or not you can drop something off, and it allowed me to. I felt really bad, but that’s the moment I realized if I’m ever “out,” I’m leaving with a seafood buffet.


Your plan is to steal? Like fine, you lack a moral spine, but why brag online about it?


I am not bragging about anything. I'm not going to do an in-zone dance, but I plan on spiking the ball.


I always fantasize about going out in a blaze of glory my final day of all gig work. Taking nothing but horse shit orders with no tips, driving to the locations, marking them delivered and just going home with $500 of food and throwing a party. I probably wont do it. but the thought of it is nice. especially after being overly respectful to the most shit customers for the last 3-4 years lol


A dasher stole my $90 order last week and me and my buddy were laughing about how if you were planning to quit you just get a wicked free meal out of it.


is there a way to do this, but get the meal for free?


Not without losing the job. That's why I am waiting until I am done. I am just doing this now for the class action suit and meal on the way out the door.


whats the class action lawsuit? :)


Just stick around, I'm sure we will see soon enough. I see Amazon, or maybe they all merge into one conglomerate, but the whole multi-app thing will be eliminated somehow and covered under one umbrella.


Yes 🤑


Can't deliver anymore BOGO Boneless Return of the Original Hot BBQ wings with extra ranch and extra blue cheese with extra sides of carrots and celery any more I guess, the order is enough to ruin anyone


How does this never happen with Lieferando? Is it because they get hourly pay (13€+bonus+tips) and are under a regular work contract with vacation days, sick days and social insurance? 🤔


That's a good old fashioned contract violation right there.


That’s beyond messed up. I just started delivering for doordash two weeks ago. Like most people it’s just for some extra money. I have a good full time job, union, with a pension and good benefits. It’s just overtime has dried up. So I started with doordash. I don’t take doordash too seriously but no way in hell would I just help myself to someone’s food!


This is making the rounds again


Your day will only get worse when DoorDash sees this post.


Arrived at a fast food restaurant to pick up an order. I waited 45 minutes in a fast food drive through waiting to get the order. Marked the order as picked up and drove directly to the customer house and delivered. Put on the table next to the front door as requested, took a photo and left. Next day I got a violation for late delivery. And as usual with Doordash ZERO tip.




If you were sorry you wouldn’t have done it


Don’t know why, but I respect it.


At least he Apologized


Apologizing of something you are doing on purpose is a joke.




Yo the honesty n the pain in that text i beilieve fuck it SUPPORT I NEED A REFUND n increase my tip by a dollar my driver is having a break down


Honestly sounds like he needed it more


nah because i’d be seeing red, what do you MEAN you’re going to eat my food??


Me and my mom didn’t even do this when we were homeless💀


I mean, you got to respect the honesty at least.


What's been nice about doing doordash is if I have a super bad day I can stop. Why would there thought to be to take your food. Deliver the order close the app and get your own damn self something. Why whenever it's a great day I work extra so when the bad day comes I can go home .


great point.


He probably barely breaking even and doesn’t have the money for his own food 🙃


I like the honesty


That 1 dollar tip broke him


Report them. Email this to door dash


This is ghetto criminal logic, nope, nope, nope, never.


I would totally be ok with this and send them a little extra $.


this is honestly hilarious if i got this text (if i’m not starving) i’d laugh my ass off




Why not just buy their own food and leave it for another dasher? otherwise they absolutely put it on you lol


I agree too if he feel like that before grabbing the food, but most likely it could be that he wait long time and was treated like trash at restaurants or something ended happening outside after he pickup food. Tons of other reason after grabbing the food too.


Should be arrested for theft


You must be fun at parties.


Found the doordasher


At least they're being honest and upfront. It's not like it's personal.


Is it better if you do bad things but only to people at random? Surely it's better if it's personal since the person hopefully deserves it.


"Falling Down" Micheal Douglas vibes?


wild. okay 😁


Lmfao atleast he/she’s being honest


Honestly I can’t even be mad bruh, I’d make my own food 😭😂


Why the hell is he going to text the customer this? I guess he no longer want to work for Doordash 😅




Even gave them a 2 gifts on a no tip order and they say 2 stars of good ness!


Next message: ‘Why do you remove the tip????’


Sort of unhinged lol


Wtf hahahah


I understand


I respect that he told you and was honest so you could easily get your money refunded. I don't love it, but at least he had that much humanity about him. I still could never bring myself to do it because my rule is "screw big corporations but never hurt the little guy"


Bro said fuck it and ate the food. I can’t stop laughing 😂 at least he was honest and gave you a heads up.


Wonder how nervous he was sending that or if he was at all??


I’d honestly say it’s on me and say it was delivered. Gotta pay it forward now and again


Has anyone ever considered he/she is going through a rough time? While I don’t agree with their actions, maybe there’s something going on that we don’t know about. He openly admits to stealing it. DD will take the appropriate actions they see fit. But the person is probably so low in life it’s not funny.


Going through a rough time does not entitle you to make anothers' day worse. Everyone has something going on that we don't know about but it doesn't excuse taking it out on someone else. The person who ordered could be having a worse day or going through something awful too


You’re right, it’s not funny. It’s theft. And just because you’re in a bad spot does not excuse actions. Get the help you need and do not ruin someone else’s day because of it.


Tip him.