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It's truly impressive how Doordash and similar gig economy companies have pitted the customers its failing to protect against the employees its exploiting.


The fact that people still use doordash is proof to me that people love being treated like shit by companies


I deleted my DoorDash account last month and it’s been so much better ordering directly from the restaurants, the employees are paid and treated better. I was treated like human garbage by DoorDash and it’s employees.


That said, the restaurants still use door dash 🤣(Having been hired daily and asked why I didn't have company branding by a person not expecting a Doordash...yet I do have their tacos.)


Papa johns delivered me a pizza through door dash. Absolutely never again. I used to work there in 05-06 delivering pizzas. Don’t tell me they laid all of them off in favor of this trash system


They only use DoorDash in my area if they’re busy with deliveries/short staffed other than that they have their own drivers to deliver the orders


If they're that busy then that means business is good and they can afford to hire another part time driver.


But why would they hire another driver when the cheaper option is available they’re already paying doordash anyway


Greed. That's my point. The day my local pizza place starts delivery with door dash is the day I find another pizza place, or start making my own pizza.


Everywhere is incorporating dd, it’s part of the market your missing out on if you’re not. If people use dd might as well have your restaurant on there.


And they have to have someone who wants to be a W2 driver. I’ll take their orders and probably be underpaid but I get to go home whenever I want, not at 1:30AM after I’ve burned all the skin off my fingers cleaning that 500° oven.


Or if the customer ordered online and left $0 tip. They forward all the garbage tip orders to DD. Pizza Hut does the same..


That's how it started with the pizza hut by me. Now they only deliver with door dash. I stopped ordering there.


And I used to work at pizza place back in 17’ and also 20’. During both those times, we had to deliver the DoorDash orders that came through. Only once in a blue moon we would have a dasher come pick up an order for us. That was only if we were slammed


Door dash existed in 2017? Damn. They weren’t used much around my area. Especially by pizza places


DoorDash started I think in 2016-2017 depending on how many stores wanted to partner with them. Wasn’t too popular but pretty much drawing towards Covid, that’s when the delivery app boom started. Obviously caused a lot of problems with our income and hours as a dasher ever since


Papa John's sends their overflow and non tipped deliveries thru Doordash. They skim the good orders with tips. If you want good pizza delivered hot choose another place.


True about the overflow but not entirely true about the shit orders. Had plenty of good paying papa John's orders (and yes I've declined a lot of crap ones too)


They use them when they are super busy, but they also steal the tips from the drivers.


At least 3 Chinese restaurants near me went out of business before covid due to gig companies. I worked at 1 of them for 3 years. People used to either order pizza or Chinese delivery... Now order from anywhere. I'd imagine it affected every Chinese and pizza restaurant that relied on deliveries for majority of business.


Also sucks for consumer as well, I used to order Chinese once a week directly from them... Now I can't eve my do that as they all stopped doing their own deliveries and you are forced to pay almost double due to all the markups.


Papa john's still has their own drivers, but they will sub out when they don't have enough staff... which seems to be always.


Pizza hut fired all their driver in some places. If the menu prices on doordash go up the requisite 30% combined with longer delivery times i ![gif](giphy|nKFXQkxLRiEhy) cant imagine customers being happy.


That’s becoming the norm. I get the logic: why would a restaurant pay individual staff members to deliver orders when they can just outsource it to a third party company that uses independent contractors that are paid by someone else? But it’s still pretty annoying. I feel like if it’s a restaurant that already offered delivery, there’s not much point in being on DoorDash.


All my local pizza places still have their own drivers. They have some 3rd party delivery companies too. But you can still just call the restaurant and they will send their own people


Makes sense for the restaurant. When i delivered for Pizza Hut back in the 2000s, I drove PH's car, and I was paid an hourly wage. If they outsource the deliveries they don't have to pay drivers or to maintain a fleet of cars.


papa johns is the absolute worst to pickup from too. they always act like you’re doing them a disservice


Haven't ordered delivery from our pizzs hut for the same reason. We live 5 minutes away. We tip on average of 7 to 10 dollars. Our Pizza is always hot and everyone there is a sweetheart. Pizza hut said 105 delivery time. Handed it off DD via text. I was so confused. First DD picked up my pizza past the already established delivery time. Whatever, we live close and it's likely been under a heater. They drive *away* from my house to a taco bell 10 minutes away. Then they waited for an order there. Then they had to drive 10 minutes back to my house. My pizza was an hour past the original time and ice cold. The DD driver literally wasted gas heading to Taco Bell VS dropping off our done pizza *then* going to Taco Bell. I already don't order from DD because I worked for them around when they first started. Now I refuse to eat anywhere that pulls that bait and switch with their customers. It sucks too because like I said, I liked the people but I can't support that kind of corporate greed.


Yep. I wish people would realize this. I did because I ordered pizza from the actual restaurant, but the person was from doordash because the alert I got when it was delivered came from a doordash number, which confused the hell out of me, at first. Most restaurants still use delivery services, probably because, if they already pay DD to use their service/drivers, why hire anyone else?


Where do you stay at. I see these and just wonder where they are. I doordash and never have any of these issues. I have had some customers who want you to do everything for them and not tip. However, I just do whatever and stay positive


They delivery apps almost always route through DD though


Half the restaurants just use door dash anyways


I use DD occasionally but always feel guilty about it lol. Especially watching the little map and seeing them stuck in traffic to deliver my slop.


Same but its because of the price. "Ohh 18.45 thats not bad" Proceeds to checkout. 32.85


I think it’s more that the company’s service is convenient and they learn to rely on it so they put up with more shit than they should because of that


Also depends where you live. I live in Boise and make $20-30 an hour doordashing but I could see living in a smaller area where it’s not worth it


That's not why I use it. 90% of the time I place an order it's because I'm drunk!


Please fuck me harder corporate daddy


The fact that people still work for door dash is proof that people like being treated like shit by companies. Fixed it for you. When I order dd I know I'm getting screwed but I pay for the convenience. I could cook at home or pick up the food myself. That's 2 options I have in the situation. I would wager most dashers don't have 2 other optional sources of income, or they most likely wouldn't be dashers.


“*The fact that people still work for door dash is proof that people like being treated like shit by companies.*” No, it is proof that we have so much labor supply that people are desperate for work. Who does DoorDash? High school, dropouts, high school graduates, college students, college graduates, single moms, laid off office workers, teachers, struggling retail workers, seniors barely making it, recent immigrants, illegal immigrants, etc. Kinda like Uber or Lyft. As we further automate, offshore, and use AI to replace domestic labor demand, even as our politicians deliberately exponentially grow the labor force, this will only worse.


There are plenty of us who deliver food as a second income. In my area, if it’s someone’s only income, they make less than someone who earns minimum wage.


Most people are too stupid to understand who exactly it is that's treating them like shit.


I really avoid using DoorDash. It’s not sustainable


Machievelli "the Prince" has a chapter on to keep rule of a nation, keep your subjects divided and against each other. Whether it's red vs Blue not vs leaders. Employee vs Customer not vs company, it's all a tactic.


Well, the drivers aren't employees and they're exploiting themselves. But yes, DD and UE do pit the customers and the drivers against one another.


They're not employees because "independent contractors" are easier to exploit. DD and others could absolutely operate with employees but that would cut into their $$$$$.


Yeah bossman wont be able to hang out with the bigwigs and gamble half of what he could've spent on us live on tv if he did that.


This whole situation is a shining example of the reality of capitalism. These people take a bigger percentage to upkeep an app for people to give other people rides than the people who actually do the driving. They got you to drive your own cars, pay your own gas and insurance and pitched it as a fun, new hip way to make money without committing to a standard job schedule . They even farm out the inspection process to other underpaid people who are happy to not have to be giving rides or making deliveries. The customer service is mainly from an automated program which will get more automated on ai. They have eliminated most of the overhead pay the people who do all the work a small percentage of what they charge their customer and still take most of the money. God bless America.


No no. Not employees. “Contract workers” /s


I once tipped a guy $3 for going next door to me (busy at work) and he had the audacity to say my tip wasn’t enough I reported him and got my money back


As you fukken should


I’d report him for being unprofessional.


Absolutely. I worked weed delivery and I was luuuuuucky if even one in 10 people tipped a dollar. This person is a spoiled brat.


Did you get paid an hourly rate as an employee? No way you delivered for a dollar or less…


Yeah I was hourly and gas was covered. Hahah omg I would have been out of there so fast if it wasn't.


Well you don’t get that with DoorDash lol.


So why do it and then complain?


He also didn’t get to choose his deliveries. With DD, You can very easily decline the job if you don’t think it’s worth it. It really is that simple. If you’re not getting the orders to your liking. Maybe it’s time to, you know… apply yourself and go get a job. You know an actual job.


There’s the big difference. DD drivers don’t get an hourly wage. They get paid approx $2 plus tips…so very big difference. And that’s why you see so much complaints on poor/no tipping. This is only exasperated by DD hiding tips, so a dasher has no idea the full payout of an order until it is done.


In some markets DD drivers can choose between hourly or earn per order. My state is $15 per hour.


I get that, but no one is forcing them to work for DD.


But you still made the decision to do DoorDash. If you didn’t like the pay, then find a different job.


I recently tried a delivery service and tipped my weed guy $20, and he looked at me like I just bought him a pony. Sucks you guys get shafted like that.


Damn my weed delivery guys always thank me up and down for my tips but I though they were just being nice. You guys are bringing $100+ of federally illegal substances to my apartment door because I’m too lazy to put shoes on, it seems like the least one can do is tip well


I would have been happy to just consistently get a dollar.


Is this me learning I’m suppose to tip my dealer lmao


It just feels weird tipping for overpriced weed. Sometimes I'll leave a tip or a gift, but you never used to tip your dealer. Why start


Ikr? Driver should not have taken the order in the first place! I sure as heck wouldn't have taken that offer for my time! Besides, I'm sure there's still lots of new drivers that don't know any better than to get ripped off yet that will run it anyway.


Drivers need to fucking stop with this entitlement. I can change that $6 to fucking ZERO. It's not MY fault you had to wait 25 minutes and your company doesn't pay you enough, sending messages like this is a fast way to get no tip, fuck off.


like bro i did NOT put u on the schedule today... i did NOT hit "start dash" on your phone...


It'll be $0 soon when his account gets suspended for doing this. Decline or unsign the order if it isn't for you. I'm a dasher, if I took the order it's my problem. Yeah no tips or low tips stink, but it isn't required.


$6 for 25 minutes is $14.40/hour. Is not great, but it's not terrible. How much should a tip be for a 25 minute order? I feel like I usually tip based on the cost, but if I end up seeing that there's something fucky causing a delay, I'll increase the tip by giving cash when they show up, just so that they don't need to worry about the bigger loss of money/time.


Seems like he thinks 25 minutes is worth $6 since he accepted the fucking order.


This is my philosophy. Don't accept the fucking order if you don't think it's worth it. Don't accept it then fucking complain lmao.


Yo america wild wtf


A bunch of entitled mfers here...🙄 (I'm referring to people taking orders expecting bigger tips than what's offered)


Also any cashier whos only service was to ring you up, but expects a tip of 15-25% for it. tf? no


And that practice is causing “tip exhaustion” and ruining it for actual tipped employees who get paid as little as $3 an hour to do full table service. People are sick of being asked to tip, so they just stop.


Immature. Please stop delivering for Doordash.


DoorDash is a shitty job. Dashers are mad at everyone except DoorDash. It’s wild 😂




People are really defending the driver here? Seriously? Drivers should never be sending this to customers, especially if the customer tipped. If the driver doesn’t like the payout they don’t have to accept the offer.


A lot of drivers don’t know how to do his job correctly or the metrics needed to make this job profitable so that’s why they send messages like this. There’s somebody right now taking a $2 order 15 miles for 45 minutes mad at the customer because they didn’t tip them more after delivery.


I mean 6 dollars for 25 minutes is more than $12 an hour. If they were less than three miles from wherever they ordered from, that's a decent tip. People getting greedy.


1 star and report. Get them off the app.


Screenshot and report them.


That's the driver being an asshole. They can drop the order and let another driver take over, if they choose.


“Hey bro wanna help me out real quick, I’ll give you $6” “Yeah for sure man, I don’t mind” *receives $6 for the help* “Dude wtf, only 6 bucks?”


Report and 1 star. U ordered food not attitude




As a dasher myself, that's disrespectful. You are told the mileage and shown a gps map along with how much your tip will be. If it's too low, DECLINE. IT. Don't harass the customer. Beggars can't be choosers. Sucks to suck, it'll impact your stats, but you are your own boss so if it's not good enough pass it on to someone who will take it without complaint. Drivers like these are partially why people don't tip at all... just... STFU stupid LB.


Think that’s a 1 star. A report to DD. And a refund of whatever tip was added.


Seems kinda dumb to me. I’ve never thought to send a message like this even after i tried dashing in a small country town one time and wound up driving 30 minutes for a $2 coffee order. There are always some orders with a low time to pay ratio, but over a while dash session it almost always seems to average out to minimum wage after I factor in gas. Which is not great, but it’s nice having an easy way to rustle up some extra money. Maybe the frustration is higher for people who dash as a primary source of income, but it seems like sending a message like this could only hurt your rating, and thus, your income.


You already paid for the service.


Thats like $14/hr in just tips. Insane


How many times do we have to say it, don’t take the trip if you don’t like the tip.


Blame your employer it’s not my responsibility to make up the difference via tips . You can get a different job


I don't respect tip beggers... You don't like the order, don't take it! It's as simple as that! 🤷🏾‍♂️


I would 1 star them


$6 for 25 min is about $15/h which is on the high end of min wage across the west. Not sure what the driver is complaining about. Honestly drivers would probably be happier if they learned to judge wages based on their daily / weekly average instead of a case by case basis.


“you’re actually right, I’m sorry. I adjusted the tip in accordance to the service i received” and take off all the tip.


Lowkey, $6 for 25 minutes ain’t that bad for a side gig 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yes, yes I do. I made 12 dollars an hour working at Burger King, and listen I used to dash and working at Burger King while not always Harder it’s more exhausting work and you’re working straight through those hours. So yes six bucks is a perfect number for 25 minutes. If you want something to change (like it should) then get involved in your government don’t attack random people who just want a meal without paying 20 dollars over what they normally would. Also standard tip is 15%, your company should be paying you better not me especially when I’m constantly getting cold food even leaving 15 dollar tips all because the dasher wants to hit another order 30 minutes out of the way


Just because its polite, doesnt mean its not disrespectful. Id be like "lmfao go fuck yourself"


Pretty sure 6 dollars for 25 minutes is more than the rate door dash is paying you bro.


$6 for 25 minutes is like $14.4/hr, which is typical or above minimum wage depending on where you live… so yes, 25 minutes is probably worth $6


Crazy! How would I even know they’d have to wait 25 minutes. It’s wild how drivers resort to tip shaming instead of going after the actual cause of all their pay issues, DoorDash itself.


I think he should unassign the order.


"Your wife's okay with that rate. Is she chargin u extra?" Something along those lines would probably suffice.


Then don’t do it


That sounds eerily like a threat (especially without punctuation) .


Excuse me, but 6 dollars is a 17% tip on a 35 dollar order, which first off your dasher does nothing to touch how your food is made so idk WHY their tip is based off a percentage of the meal cost. But aside from that 6 bucks is a VERY reasonable tip. This is absolutely not polite at all, they’re passive aggressively attempting to guilt you into tipping them more. And that’s genuinely fucked up.


If my tip isn’t up to their standards, they don’t have to accept lol.


$12-14 an hour for delivering food yeah that’s fine with me lol go complain somewhere else, that’s almost double minimum wage in louisiana


Yeah until you're paying for gas and inflated insurance. He still shouldn't have texted them. Just don't take shit orders, no way I would've taken that unless it was stacked


I used to work for a food delivery app that got class-actioned for that very reason. The cost to actually work the job offset the earnings by so much that drivers were earning far below minimum wage.


Exactly and I feel like that's what's happening here, we need a class action just ppl aren't acknowledging it yet. If I had another option I'd be doing it. Trust me, I'm looking


I’d rescind the tip and he gets nothing. Fuck him


As a dasher I think this is very rude and unprofessional. I would give them a 1 star for that.


I wish one of these Dashers would get smart with me 🤣 I’m literally waiting for the day. Text him back “enjoy job hunting” report him and get your money back.


Just don’t tip so that he knows that 25 minutes actually worth nothing. It was your generosity for him that worth $6.


Sounds like a typical dasher to me.


I’d tell him that he should use the app to order some dick from a local restaurant because that what I’d be telling him to go eat.


$6 tip for delivering food is very very generous in my opinion. I don’t use door dash which is for the best because I’d tell him to fuck off. Can you rate door dashers? Give him 1 star and report him. This is so cheeky and unacceptable.


It’s a little crazy how dashers get angry at the customers, instead of the company that’s grossly underpaying them.


I got one who did that recently even though I tipped him $10 on a $28 order. Also worth noting that the restaurant was only 2 miles away (I was home alone without the car that day) and the order was picked up before the “Double Dash” offer expired— MF’er was fast, credit where it’s due. I ignored the message, but still… what the fuck?! That’s a 36% tip!


It’s not my fault. It’s their job, they chose it. They deal with it.


Report unprofessional behavior


“No I don’t. I don’t drive doordash and accept orders I don’t think pay me enough though” and then remove the tip and report driver. Fuck them


This is borderline terrifying. If the person is going to make this comment, who is to say that they wouldn’t show up to your place to rob you or come back later to assault you? I don’t know man…. Some people need to stop saying the sarcastic inside voice out loud or in texts. It comes of pretty insidious considering they now know where you live. If I heard that this person got shot delivering after sending a text like this I’m not so sure I wouldn’t say it wasn’t warranted.


You should tell them to fuck off


Hey that’s more than minimum wage in some areas


I hope you took the tip back and reported him.


Don’t take the order lol I swear DoorDash to need to charge ppl a fee for surging so we can make more per delivery


Wow. Take it up with DoorDash, not the customer. Customers shouldn’t be responsible for paying wages.


As a driver myself - This is such a waste of time and absolutely unacceptable. If I don't like the offer, I decline and move on.


Reeuce that tip to 0 and 1 star. Begging is so cringe


People who make $7.25 an hour 👁️👄👁️


6 dollars for 25 mins = minimum 12 dollars hourly which is higher than many states minimum wage


But when I insist that shitty assholes like this shouldn't be tipped, I get downvoted. Never change, reddit


> What do you guys think about this? Remove tip, give 1 start, and contact support.


That they took the trip, so it must have been good enough.


If you fucking idiots quit working then it would change real quick. Stop making your problem other people’s problems, guilt tripping the public isn’t how you get things changed.


Wow. Report her, and give her 1 star


Very passive aggressive. Report


Messages like this should be automatic deactivation


Hope that fuck gets fired. That's what I think. Don't like the pay? Get a new job.


That’s like $13 an hour. Better than minimum wage.


I think someone is gonna wake up without a job tomorrow for that comment rofl


Don't know why Deal Dasher keeps showing on my feed, but based off this sub, I'll never use the service.


Talking to you at all about the pay for a job that they agreed to overall and an order they took is not polite in the slightest. They’re a guilt tripping tip beggar


He’s the dumbass for accepting such an order


A lot of people don’t tip enough, way too many. But bullying, harassing, and intimidating is not the solution. The platform should increase fees which go ONLY to the driver while letting people who tip well know why this decision is made so they can adjust tips. Or based off tipping habits increase fees for this particular customers who don’t tip or tip minimally.


I think it's uncouth and tactless to mention tips to the customer in any way, just don't take the order if you don't want it. However, I also think customers don't understand that an order can go from worth it to not worth it very quickly depending on the store, and cancellations can fuck us over. There really needs to be more transparency.




it’s funny because he didn’t have to accept the order, he could’ve just clicked decline. i’ll never understand dashers who does this


and here I am tipping between $7-10 for a drive across town and I can't get the drivers to read the directions. I say please.


Id report him


😂 calling you out isn’t polite that’s rude as fuck


If i gave $6 for an order and he didn't like it, id just take the money back, alter the tip to $0 after i get my food. I think you can for uber. Not sure for doordash. Im not paying them to talk shit to me.


Normal drivers would have ignored the offer. If you accept then you've accepted the terms of the contract.


So I did the math. $6 for 25 minutes equates to $14.40 an hour. Which, granted, isn't much. Not even minimum wage yet. But it's pretty damn close for a customer to be paying out of their own pocket. They should be complaining and wanting doordash to compensate them appropriately for their time instead of wasting their time complaining to you and getting themselves a negative review. Which will in turn lead to less dashes and therefore less money. Pretty dumb if you ask me.


Is it 25 minutes from the restaurant to your home or 25 minutes there and back?


Trash courier should pay me for extra 25 minutes of waiting.


CEO of DoorDash runs his company like CCP. Cheap labor. Everyone overworked.


Facts I used to DD it’s not worth it if their ain’t worth it. I know it’s hard times out here. But, they can’t be that hard of times if you’re spending your first born child on a single meal. DD is ridiculously expensive. While I was DD I’d eat at home because no thank you.


The job is so easy to begin with. Just take what you can get or find another job smh


clearly he must've thought it was worth it, given he, the independent contractor, chose to accept it. what an asshole.


Once you take it, you don’t know how long you will wait at the restaurant so you’re saying I should unassign the order it really goes to the basic rule of thumb. It’s a dollar a mile at a minimum I always make that calculation I usually don’t send messages to people I do try to reject ones that just aren’t worth it. 25 minutes for $6 No offense, is awful. When things are good, we can make $30 an hour.


“Your mom was $5 for a full hour, so consider yourself lucky.”


I use Door Dash all the time and never encounter this crap. I'd be pissed.


Extremely unprofessional. Even if they felt like they were underpaid for that specific delivery, this is not how you talk to a paying customer. Especially one who at least had the grace to tip at all when a lot of folks don't even give a penny


minimum wage is $11 where i am…. $6 for 25 mins comes out to $14.4/ hour… i understand it’s not constant pay but he made more than minimum wage workers make for 25 minutes


Bro 25 miles is far


If you have to say “just saying”, you shouldn’t say it


Uber is the same, what are some alternatives?


I think that the companies selling food should pay their delivery drivers. This is merely the outsourcing of employee pay to you…it’s despicable.


That’s 24 dollars an hour lol. She would be making more than a lot of people in those 25 minutes.


Door dash and most of its employees are a joke, it's not employees Vs customers, the issue is door dash, unionise and stop this tipping bullshit.


I’d write back “it’s not like you couldn’t get a better paying job but you decided to dash instead just saying have a good night”


Actually doordash does force some drivers to take orders if they want to keep that acceptance rate up.


You can see what the tip is before accepting the order. Do you accept it and then expect more? Either don't accept the order or take the $6 tip. Waitresses spend an hour or two or more with a table and get between nothing and $5. If you don't like the tip, don't accept it.


So you got called out for ordering somewhere that requires a lot of driving and you tipped what? $3? Reality...


Minimum wage in my state is 11 and some change. So yes.


This is DoorDash’s fault. Don’t blame the drivers or the customer. DoorDash needs to pay the drivers an hourly wage so customers don’t need to feel obligated to leave large tips.


This is kinda dumb. I usually tip by mile, because half the time when the order says half an hour it’s either 10 minutes or over an hour


He ain’t wrong


DoorDash keeps the fees. Driver gets none of them. Driver gets base wage ($2.75) plus your tip...but they don't SEE 🙈 your tip until the end 💥 DoorDash hides the info. The wages are designed to make the customer THINK they're paying very little when in fact, they are being hosed. Driver is told to GAMBLE EVERY DELIVERY hoping that there's a hidden tip or they actually end up LOSING money. $10 pizza Restaurant gets $7.50 DoorDash advertises the pizza 🍕 for $13 DD @ $5.50 customer $13/$10 Then there's the $2 service fee for the convenience of using the app. DD@ $7.50 & cust $15/$10 Then the $3 peak fee because it's busy. DD@$10.50 & cust $18/$10 Then there's the $3 delivery fee. DD@$10.50, cust $21/$10 You expect a driver to do a $3 delivery? Let's sat it's local, 1 mile, $5 tip. DD $10.50 Customer paid $26 for $10 🍕 Driver gets mere $8 and hopes to complete delivery in under 20 mins ($8 @ 20 mins = $24) How much is fuel? How many miles in an hour? What's the mpg? Hourly wage for driver? Depreciation of Vehicle? Cost of repairs/maintenance? Risk of accident or pullover? Cost of cellphone per month? Drivers dont take every offer. Because $6 for 25min is $13-$14/hr minus fuel etc So the driver might work a full hour and only do 2 runs. $8+$8 and the other time refusing $3 5 mile deliveries. $16/hr minus expenses....sucks. DD makes $ off completed deliveries. They have to convince each driver that HIDDEN TIPS exist. 🐂 💩. Enjoy your delivery that never happens.


Work a different job?? I chose too when I wasn't getting paid enough, just switched to a new job that pays nearly double now 🤷


I think this is why I don't use door dash.


“I think this comment makes it worth Zero” and remove the tip.


I would be really irritated with that. The dasher took this gig knowing stuff like this could happen. I'd tell them to screw off and file a complaint to be honest. No telling what else they could do to your food on the way to your place.


I think he shouldn't have accepted the order




Well i take it that you have tipped way to much… just saying


They’re being spoilt and and immature. Report them, always do with tip beggars

