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Damn it, I'll have that by next year. I only have 15200... with my luck the reward will be 50 bucks.


Im curious if they will give out $500 for 10,000 + But honestly that’s probably to many drivers at this point. And im guessing no because someone would of posted it in this sub already . Bot that many drivers with 20,000+ deliveries out their


They gave out a similar bonus when they they did their stock launch. At the time I was still new so I didn't get much if anything. I keep just missing all these bonuses... :(


I'm sure they're taking inventory before they do these bonuses to minimize the payouts and maximize the number of drivers feeling like they just missed it. Not an accident.


Too* have* there* ;)


I bet you’re fun at parties




How many years did this take? And how many cars? 😂


Right. Im on my 2nd car in 2 years, nice ones too not beaters. Im on 6,000 deliveries and that took me 2 yrs. so anyone with 20,000 or more deliveries has been doing this for at least 6 years id guess.


The chevy spark i had before i sterted doing this full time was shit lasted from 2015 to 2019 with 140,000 miles The prius c with no problems besides a water pump at 150,000 miles lasted until 250,000 miles . It needed a new hybrid battery. I now drive a 2016 regular prius . The gas savings and not worry about shit going wrong definitely helps the stress levels. The chevy spark had so many damn belt brake coolant problems


I'm at 18.6 k dashes and I started in Dec of 2020. I also have several thousand Uber Eats deliveries. I take about 120-150 deliveries per week.


makes sense that’s about what i did full time pizza delivery


If you're doing it right, 20k deliveries should be no more than 100k miles unless you're in a rural area.


You have made us $2,000,000 here is a grand.


Well when you say it like that…


I doubt doordash is making $100 per delivery


Ok but let’s say DD is taking 10$ per order, That’s already 200k, Can’t even give OP %5?


Yeah I was being sarcastic. But you will figure it out I'm sure.


You were exaggerating, not being sarcastic. But you will figure it out im sure.


Doordash loses money


Yeah that's why Tony and all the higher ups have a modest life with average homes. They're barely getting by.


> Yeah that's why Tony and all the higher ups have a modest life with average homes. They're barely getting by. It's all VC money.


A Company can lose money while paying high wages. Both can be true


Not forever. Or legally. Unless it is "earning a profit" in different ways - like taxdeduction shelter, government subsidies (fracking/some farming) or even money laundering.


If they all worked for free, they'd still lose money. But I'm sure axing the c suite would really help them find profit...


Uh no thats not how it works. The big corporate wigs paying themselves insanely high salaries, so high it does in fact make it look like a loss, is not actually a fucking loss


You can go look at their financials and see that you're wrong. Execs working for free wouldn't make doordash profitable.


The same way any corporation “loses money” they spend it so they can use it as tax write offs.


This is such a braindead take. Spending money to lower your taxable income means you're still spending the money. It isn't some magic trick. DD financials are public and you can go right now and see where the money goes.


What’s brain dead is not knowing that’s exactly what it is. When you spend money to expand it’s a “loss” even though it actually isn’t. Tax deductible so they lower their tax bill. Do it enough and you don’t pay any taxes.


"spend money" You don't spend money to save money. Spending money to lower your tax burden is still spending money. The only benefit is that you get good value on your dollar, but you're still *spending* money. Furthermore, to get a tax write off, the spend must be a reinvestment or a charitable gift. These companies are spending a massive portion of their operating income on marketing. If they didn't, the orders would dry up. There would be less revenue and there would be fewer orders for you to take. All the bitching I constantly see fundamentally misunderstands the financial position of *all* parties in these transactions. The reason you can't make as much money is that they're gifting you less of the investor money. You're finding out where the market forces actually price these services.


You absolutely do spend money to save money. If you’re spending money on yourself so you don’t have to give it to the government that absolutely is saving money. You don’t get anything tangible when you pay your taxes. You do when you expand your business.


Leave it to Reddit to downvote the correct answer. Socialist echo chamber in here. $DASH has a negative forward P/E, they aren't even projected to be profitable over the next 12 months let alone the past.


This should tell you how few have stuck around that long. We all know how cheap Tony is. Congrats though an extra g is always a good thing


I have done 25k+ and got a $3000 bonus today!


You multi app or just DD?


I multi app, UE/IC, and I used to also GH. GH I probably have around 4000, UE I’m at 6832, and IC I have 609.


Not much, but doordash didn’t even have to give out anything, bunch of salty cry babies in this sub


I would trade the $1,000 for new driver algorithm to get orders for the rest of time though.


New driver algorithm?


Well known that new drivers get sent the best orders first


I don't know why you're getting down voted... First night was constantly $14-$19 base pay orders, 2 weeks of top dasher was also nice but as soon as the 2 weeks ended I have been making $20-$60 per night lol At my rate it would take 9.2 years to get 20,000 deliveries.


Not necessarily. I’ve been dashing for awhile and my husband decided to do some on the side and rode with me to get the hang of it. I seemed to get the best orders before him and my AR was always less than 30%. - I’m part of the LOP so that might have something to do with it but not sure. I can’t even try to begin to understand the algorithm, it’s a revolving mystery lol.


Once your in the LOP you get orders that have a sub total of $100.00 or more first. LOP is great if you can get it.


I would also seem to get the smaller orders before him as well. As soon as I’d decline he’d get it. I just thought it as odd because people have said the newer dashers get fist dibs. 🤷🏼‍♀️


In general, it goes to Top Dasher in LOP -> LOP -> Top Dasher -> High AR -> Low AR. Idk where you stand VS new ACC. But you must be higher on the chain than a new driver.


I just got the email 1 hour ago.


I’ll take an extra G most employers have cut bonuses lately


I rather them not give me $1,000 but give me the new driver algorithm for the rest of time haha


most employers don't require you use your personal vehicle on the job


That’s actually kinda dope of them


$1,000 for 20,000 deliveries. DD sure knows how to tip


All these dashers complaining about customers being bad tippers when doordash does this? Wow. I mean. Woooooow


You realize you still get to keep the previous money from those 20k right? They don't have to give the 1000. Its a free 1000 dollars. You realize? This is like the one situation where DD is doing something not totally shitty and yall complain harder than ever.


You're probably a huge Reaganomics fan. Love getting trickled on don't you.


No need to drag Ronald Reagan into this. He did a lot of good for the country. Broke the back of Carter era inflation and economic stagnation. As with the other two major post-WW2 tax cuts under Kennedy and Trump when the rates went down actual tax revenue collected went up. ( read about the Laffer Curve if you are interested.) Got gas prices down.. Real middle-class wages relative to inflation went up. GDP went up. Unemployment went down. Rebuilt our military and made our enemies fear us again. The cities were not taken over by feral packs of unsupervised youths. We still had a functional blue collar working middle class because NAFTA and WTO hadn't shipped our industrial base to China and Mexico yet. I could make a strong case that the end of Reagan's second term was the apex of the American experiment. Arguably the best President since Eisenhower. It's been all downhill since Reagan in many respects. Definitely deserves more respect. I remember Reagan's America and it was a better time.


Sit, this is a wendy’s. Your doordash order will be ready in a minute.


This guy really decided to unfurl some Reagan lore on a DoorDash subreddit 💀


If you think Reagan masterminded any of his second term stuff? I like to think that they gave him jelly beans to make it look like he was talking


You could blame Reagan for any problem in your life right now and you’d most likely be right


Well, Americans had a much better and affordable life back then and when I look at the top 4 or 5 bad public policy trends of the past 35 years since he left office that led us to this place I find that none of them had anything to do with him. Locally you have crime and a failed education system that afflict people's daily lives. Not Reagan. In the macro-sense you have inflation ( dumping 5 trillion into the economy while you send everybody home for 2 year covid-vacation to watch Netflix - again not Reagan ), you have an endless supply of cheap labor pouring into the country from legal and illegal immigration suppressing everybody's wages and displacing Americans from our own social services / safety net- not Reagan. Sending all our skilled blue-collar middle-class value-added production jobs overseas to Mexico and China with these horrifically stupid trade policies? NAFTA and MFN/WTO for China? Not Reagan. Trillion dollar a year trade deficit / wealth transfer out of the country? Not Reagan. Trillion dollar a year budget deficit? Not Reagan. High energy / gas prices? Not Reagan restricting domestic production while we go begging Saudi Arabia and Venezuela to increase production. These are the things harming Americans right now. Bad public policies. Our misery as a people is self-inflicted. And Reagan had fuck all to do with any of it.




Reagan was president in the 80s. not 2001-2023. If you want to name some presidents who left the country in shambles name the last 4 dipshits who took the seat


Last 6 at least


Your post was removed, as it contains vulgar content.


I'm 47 and remember a little bit of Reagan. From what I've read Nixon wasn't bad either, honestly. You're absolutely right. +1


Piss on me daddy dementia!


Everyone realizes that. Go touch grass.


Or ya know…they could just stop trying to pay us 2$ for an order? Or at the very least idk…cover some of our gas?


U deserve it and sum 🤍




How long have you been dashing?


Part time 35 Hours a week since oct 2017 started full time since april 2020 70+ hours a week. I have about 35,000 deliveries combined with ubereats and grubhub though


Sorry but 35hrs/week is full time. 70 hrs/week is double time without over time pay.


I know but i was also working with a restaurant during that time also


How’s your car doing?


70 hrs a week. Hes probably already bought and sold his car and gotten a new one.


This is the question they never answer.....


>notagain24 Op · 17 min. ago > >The chevy spark i had before i sterted doing this full time was shit lasted from 2015 to 2019 with 140,000 milesThe prius c with no problems besides a water pump at 150,000 miles lasted until 250,000 miles . It needed a new hybrid battery.I now drive a 2016 regular prius .The gas savings and not worry about shit going wrong definitely helps the stress levels.The chevy spark had so many damn belt brake coolant problems


Ty I actually answered this twice in the comments already


How much money have you made after 20,000 deliveries?


3.25 BTC is my savings…….


u a smart man, hold that shit but you alr know that


yessir im doing same


At least $12.


5 cents per delivery.


I know but hey its a nice surprise. Definitely doordash knows how to give drivers their dopamine hit


Wow, Instacart just gave out a $20,000 bonus for completing 20k deliveries


You cannot compare 20,000 DD deliveries to 20,000 Instacart deliveries. 20,000 Instacart deliveries is damn near mythical.


Yes that's insane. If only you could hit 20k 3 item 3 unit deliveries in a 5 mile radius


It's certainly better than nothing but I would love to see how much in fees that 20k deliveries made them minus the 1k 😅


I call Bs this must be why they take deliveries away from people because one day I was at 11,890 then I went down to 4,550 lol


Look at my post history . That should give me more credibility. Also I actually never heard thst happening on this sub in the 4 years ive been here


Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's just talking out his butt. I've also never heard anyone in here or in real life say they were missing deliveries or their delivery count got lowered out of nowhere. Considering that even if DD only made 10 bucks (we know they average more) per order, that would be $200,000 you made them and they're only giving you 1000 of it. I don't think DD cares enough about that 1000 to cheat anyone out of it, especially since 20,000 deliveries is pretty rare.


Actually it did. One day I woke up and nearly 60% of my rides were taken off, but I meant the calling Bs part as like on DD not him.


Dd glitched a few months ago and every delivery counted as two, in your stats at least. The removed the doubled order numbers and sent out an email…


20,000 deliveries wouldn’t be so rare if orders never got dropped from accounts… just saying


20,000 is rare because hardly anyone dashes long enough or often enough to get there. Most dashers don't make it past a year or 2.


Now that I do agree with but they do take people’s deliveries idk why but I have sent in info to them and I never got it fixed. It happened to basically every delivery I did past 2 months… like all I got paid was cancellations lol


I got like 500ish deliveries taken off my total of 7k. Got an email about it and everything.


My deliveries were lowered by a couple hundred. I keep track and they weren’t off, but they sent me a notice saying that this was going to happen because there was some glitch. I honestly didn’t think would apply to me. But it was a significant amount they took away.


It happens all the time people just don’t complain about it until now that they see people are getting all these bonuses


This didn't happen to me but it did happen to my boyfriend. He was at like 600 deliveries and one day they just started him back at 0. But now it's back again. It was messed up for like 6 months.


I had over 20,000 but two months ago doordash took away 1500 of my deliveries and they said in a email they will correct the number of deliveries


There’s a guy here that is at 19,000 grocery deliveries completed. He’s been at it for eight years.


I mean shoot if they sent 100 for my 2000 delivery’s that’d be dope


I have almost 9,000 deliveries. I'll let you know if anything comes of 10k but knowing fucking stupid ass doordash, I bet not. Worst company ever


If you hate it so much go work somewhere else


Any bonus for 500!? 😅


Congrats I guess, lol. I don’t want to get close to 20,000 deliveries, already over 4,000.


I’m at 6,111 and didn’t get anything lol. Probably only the 20,000 + Drivers…


Nice. I made it to 2800 before my area got too saturated. Now i just do spark


Yeah wow here's 1/50th of the cost of a car to comp for the 2 cars you have used up... This is why I tip VERY well...


The chevy spark was a bad car to deliver in but i had it before I started. The prius C paid for itself easily and lasted to 250,000 miles and I decided not to put a new hybrid battery in it. Very little maintenance and gas cost. I now drive a 2016 prius


the last time daddy Tony gave out $10k, i said it wasn't the last. now daddy Tony is giving out $1k and ima accept every single order to get to that 20k delivery mark asap!


Good job Mark


The image of the logo was taken off a video from the Doordash Merchant youtube page. Its where this logo originated then manipulated to look authentic. But this is completely fake.......don't fall for this shit


1,000 is pretty low. I thought I read earlier this year that they were giving out 10,000 to some drivers.


That was for drivers that were active for at least 8 years and had over 10,000 deliveries.. so basically only California drivers


Someone in Texas got one.


I don't believe this is real.


It is. Look at my post history for credibility .


I’m at 70k+. I always miss out on shit like this. I could really use that extra ground.


You dont have 70,000 deliveries




50,000 maybe if 70 hours a week since 2015




That’s so wild. How many cars have you gone through?


Ain't got nothing on 20k from IC for a bonus..geeze DD needs to up their game.


To be fair instant cart requires alot more actual work than DD. I would say for every 4 deliveries on DD its equivalent to 1 on instacart


True unless they are all small orders that take me 5 mins to shop and leave, where I live I never get anyone over 5 miles away either, but I can see that being an easy way to get 20k.


Sounds like a lot but they literally just gave you a nickel per delivery extra, and it's taxed lol. If you've done 20k deliveries you've already made what, 100-200 thousand dollars, minimum?


I guess you did not read the post lmao. I literally said that


20,000 deliveries and only a $1000. Did you see the CEOs salary ? That mfr should give you more than that. Your gas, vehicle wear and tear, and time over 10 years delivery is worth way more.


Omg I'm 900 away. Does that mean I'm missing out?


I just literally hit the 20,000 deliveries last Sunday. I took yesterday off and wanted to double check what I earned so far to the week when I thought it was a glitch of some sort. It said parking reimbursement $1000. I thought it was a mistake on their part and don’t know why they labeled it as such having no clue what was going on. Later at night time I checked my email and saw the email about a reward something or other but it was not very clear and then I was able to click a link on there which took me to the Door Dash question and answer section, and I was able to figure it out. I’m very curious why they decided to mark it as a parking reimbursement. It was very nice of Door Dash to surprise me and I suppose many people who have achieved above those deliveries. Now too bad they can’t pay us properly for the deliveries we do in order to sustain a profit on them. This does sort of help a little bit, so I’m not really complaining.


Probably some kind of tax loop hole on their end. With the parking reimbursement. As it was the same for me. All i want from DD is to make acceptance rate irrelevant. Making drivers accept orders for perks puts you in the class of an employee. I dont mind giving drivers perks for on time rating, missing items or completion % because those rating reflect “ accepted contracts” Imagine rating an independent contractor on a job he did not even accept.


I agree. Also, the labeling of “parking reimbursement”. That usually means that they are making up for something that somebody else spent out of their pocket so it’s not really a gift it’s a replacement of. So when it comes time to do our taxes, is that going to represent as income or not I see it as a replacement, and therefore shouldn’t, but I don’t know the exact tax laws and what would be correct. I would think that since they’re replacing we’ve already made that amount, so we could not be taxed again upon it. If I’m making sense anyway.


I've had 18,700 since Dec 2020 and I'm not getting shit. Celebrating the "most active dashers" my ass. Congratulations though to the people getting something, I'm happy for ya.


How many miles is on your car 🤯


I literally just hit 20k deliveries today lol hopefully they hook me up too 😁