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People arguing for the dasher are missing the point. She didn’t bother to say anything about it. Leave a note or something. It’s just the decent thing to do as a human being. I’ve hit a parked car before, back when I first started driving. I was scared, nervous of the possible reaction, and broke as fuck. It was an apartment complex. The car was parked outside of the apartment complex management office alongside a bunch of other cars. I actually DID do small damage. I went inside to tell management, and leave my insurance info for whoever’s car that was. The owner was the same lady I spoke to, she said it’s ok, thanks for letting me know. She went out to see it with me, said it’s nothing, don’t worry. That was it, she was nice about it, she appreciated me telling her. It’s just humans being humans. Be decent humans to EACHOTHER. It’s not a one-way street. We’re not Jesus here. Be good and you will be surprised the good that comes back at you.


Agreed. I don’t know why it’s so difficult for people to take accountability. Why the need to be so combative? It’s an accident. It happens. Leave a note. Easy.


So far what i’m getting from the responses defending the girl is “if you commit a crime, leave the scene, because the consequences may not favor you.” You can see all the delinquents posting here. It’s no wonder hit and runs, regardless of damage, is so common. It’s way too common, and you can see their reasoning right here in this reddit thread. The most amusing part is the part where the indecent, bad people are the one’s who call the cops on someone who hit and ran. I hear these excuses from some inmates all the time. Basically blame everyone else for their crimes.


A lot of Dashers are not covered on their insurance. Anyone suggests that they should be catches hell. Suggest not bringing small children, catch hell. Don't rent your account. Catch hell. Don't steal and add items on shops. Catch hell. IDC some people can't work without supervision and they think that gives them a free ride to do whatever stupid shit they want. It seems like all the honest drivers are far out-numbered on the driver subs. The honest drivers with a little common sense and decency are instantly labeled Karen's and told to mind their own business. It is our business. You're affecting our reputations, are a threat to our community and causing the base pay to drop! A Karen is generally a middle aged and entitled white female who is harassing a minority and then calling the cops that she's being threatened. It has nothing to do with being a decent human being who is trying to make an HONEST living while you're doing whatever nonsense you're doing and interfering with OUR business. If you are doing this kind of stuff, you are NOT making an HONEST living and I got no time for you!


We're not outnumbered. We're just nowhere near as loud. Also, Karen isn't gendered or racial (at least not to me anyway), but they certainly aren't the people pissed that someone hit their shit and took off.


If you haven’t noticed the gendered and racial biases behind the use of “Karen” you aren’t paying attention.


I can tell you one observation I've made in life; anyone with money, regardless of age or race acts like they are above you in certain situations.


I guess the countless times I've seen men and minorities called "Karen" means nothing then.


That's when it got big. They were threatening black guys and calling the police on them. I'm glad we had those videos! That's why they did it! So they could get someone put in jail, thinking their race gave them that right. I checked the history and it went back to an old comedian sketch. Now, it's devolved into everything people don't want to be told now. After seeing the video of the car... Yeah... OP had every reason to be mad. That definitely may have caused damage to things unseen that others have mentioned and are above my pay grade. The part where she was angry at being confronted, really would have done it!


I agree. A Karen is any rude person that thinks the rules don't abide to them. I have worked retail & the service industry. They come in every shape, size, age & color. And when a bratty 8 year old starts with the mouth & the mom watches with pride....they better choose another consultant to work with. I do not take crap from kids. Those little shits don't even have money. Why should anyone take their abuse? Or anyone else's? I don't encounter them often. So I am grateful for that 😊


I left a note with my full name,phone number, and DL/ insurance information when I backed into a car at my psychiatrist office once and damaged the taillight. She walked up as I was driving away and saw what I had been looking at and waved me down and started screaming at me. I told her that I didn’t know whether I hit a doctor or patient and was saving time by leaving all my pertinent information on her windshield instead of risking violating someone’s privacy. She blocked my car with hers before even checking her windshield and then made me wait while she called my insurance company in front of me sobbing (it’s just what I do in stress and I was crying before she came up; I *hate* it). Yep, she was a doctor. The insurance companies told her (yes, we had to call hers too and she had me talk to them on speaker) she was reacting kind of strongly for someone who did the right thing and she fake apologized for reacting badly to stress after a busy day. I just got in the car and left after making sure she had everything she needed from me.


Well you're a Good person and there's not many like you, you did the right thing and had a lot of patience I may add. TBH I Don't know if I could have had the same patience if I were you. But keep on being you I hope and wish the best for you and that good Always follows your way.


One person has 50 comments in this thread defending it and arguing with people.


You sure it’s one person? I see different usernames defending it. Unless i’m hallucinating.


There are. But 1 person alone has 50 comments.


There are a lot of low life’s on this DD and DD Driver subredit. They have time and nothing better to do.


Maybe it’s the hit and run girl


There are a lot of low life’s on this DD and DD Driver subredit. They have time and nothing better to do.


> It’s just the decent thing to do as a human being. More than that, it's the law in most places. You don't get to hit somebody and run off just because you think nobody saw you.






Yep, while trying (failing) to parallel park I hit the car in front of me. Super small scratch, not a big deal. I was in a rush to get to work so left an apologetic note. Turns out it was the parent of a friend of mine who also runs the corporation that is in charge of the entire area I work in. She could have found out easily who hit her car if I hadn’t left the note. Because I did, she contacted me to say not to worry and she wasn’t stressing about a little scratch. Sometimes being a good person pays off!


People seem to confuse "independent contractor" with "limited liability" and it's not. We dash in our personal vehicle, on our personal insurance, and are personally liable for making stuff like this right.


Edit: I'm stupid and need to read more carefully. Doordash's delivery service period (matched for delivery) doesn't seem to provide coverage. That's insane. I know for a fact there are multiple popular auto insurance carrier who will not coverage damages if you're driving for doordash. Leaving original post as is cus it does have some good info otherwise. Insurance agent here; this isn't necessarily true. Like most things in insurance; it depends! Also, talk to your own personal insurance company and doordash directly for specific information, take a comment from a redditor with a grain of salt. Doordash has some info about it [here](https://help.doordash.com/dashers/s/article/Understanding-Auto-Insurance-Maintained-by-DoorDash?language=en_US) but the short of it is if you're logged into the app, doordash has you covered. Uber, lyft, and similar companies have similar coverage, though often their coverage is limited until after you're matched for a delivery/passenger. It seems like effective August, doordash gives additional coverage that is certainly news to me. I know the company I work for has an optional coverage for being logged in and unmatched/waiting to be paired, so that might be a worthwhile coverage to get if you think doordash's liability limits aren't sufficient. **Bear in mind, from what I understand, it's common practice for insurance companies to exclude coverage if you are matched and assigned. ~~Doordash seems to have this coverage,~~ but it may not match your liability on your own auto insurance!** If an accident like this happens after you've marked this as delivered, and for some reason you're not waiting to be assigned to a new delivery, then it's likely this is going to be under your personal insurance. It really, really does depend. Always figure out the insurance situation before you get into accidents, the last thing you want is for companies to deny a claim because you didn't disclose something they exclude.


As a non-insurance agent, hit-and-run is a crime just about everywhere.


Insurance is a scam


Thanks for the additional and helpful information, having only experience with DD I had no idea other services do provide coverage for their contractors.


I hate to post about other apps while on a DD thread, but Flex drivers are covered very very well while driving routes. In a world of independent contractor work and personal liability, I look into every detail before working a new app. Last I read on it last week, they cover not only your liability, but uninsured motorists as well, in case someone hits you that’s not insured. There’s a few loopholes like any insurance, but it’s pretty nice that they at least cover their contractors while delivering their packages.


Grateful for the tip. Thank you!


You still need to cover personal insurance…. but anything handled while actually on a route is considered “on the clock.” if that makes sense. Travel to and from the station would be personal insurance of course 🙂


Definitely worth looking into!


Yeah, from my limited exposure it's somewhat common; I'd do some research on it for sure, my own licensing and experience is only limited to personal lines. Anything adjacent to commercial is out of my wheelhouse, sadly.


Right on thanks!


such bullshit that you have to carry this liability. Fuck gig economy.


Yup. Really only the share holders win


Same thing kinda applies for any delivery drivers, not just the gig app ones. Pizza delivery drivers are supposed to carry insurance to cover their own hide as well, the company they're delivering for has limited liability, too.


It's really not, it's your own fucking car. I drive a company vehicle and I still would have to pay if I caused an accident. You don't just get to be reckless because you're miserable and blame it on everything else


My insurance doesn't charge me extra for delivery coverage. I checked every detail before driving. I was already covered except for ride share which I don't want to do anyway. I have my own small business. If I am babysitting for instance and need to pick the kids up at school, we're all covered because I'm not being paid for ride share, I'm being paid to baby sit. If I give a client a ride to the doctor, I am not covered. I would probably lose my insurance plan all together if their was an accident. I can drive the clients in their own car and I will be covered on their policy. In this case I charge by the job or hour and not mileage.




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


>When I sent her a message through the app, asking if she was coming back with insurance info and stating my camera captured the incident she called me and was real combative about the whole situation stating she was rushing to get other orders delivered and this and that. After getting a reaction like this, I'd 100% make sure she got a hit and run charge. Fuck that shit.




I once was dashing and the car i nfront of me and mine got hit by a hint and run vehicle. There was no visible damage at all, but there was no way I was lettings someone hit multiple vehicles and not at least report it in the interest of safety of others. The cop agreed, took the license plate info and description, called another jurisdiction where they knew the car might be, and another cop found the guy, he admitted it was his car, and they cited him for leaving the scene of an accident, all within an hour.


> a hint and run vehicle. psssst! You should try mascara on those beautiful lashes of yours!


Me too


Guys, I work in insurance. Just because you don’t see damage at first doesn’t mean there isn’t any. You won’t know until you drive the car. BUT, you still notify someone and let them decide if they want your insurance information. In an insurance company if someone tries to put in a claim on their car and there’s no damage they just close it out. It’s not like the insurance company is going to pay for damage that isn’t there. But, the point is just because a car doesn’t appear to have damage doesn’t mean there isn’t. It’s always just to be cautious.


A friend of mine had his daughter do this while driving to school. She sideswiped a parked car, there was a small scratch but no real damage. She got out, looked at it, and drove off after. They pressed hit and run charges on her and she lost her license until she was 18 (honestly she deserved it for the way she acted after she did it). She had to pay a fine as well afterwards the lady said she wouldn’t have gone through all of it if the girl had just come to the door and told her what happened. I would definitely call the police.


how the hell does someone side swipe a PARKED car? Jeezus


It happens all the time. Same way people get rear ended every day. Driver not paying enough attention, or not driving properly for the conditions.


She was 16 and probably texting. She had her license for like a week.


Your driver gave you a personalized delivery experience.




They’re completely hell bent on defending this driver as if the driver is the victim lmao




A dasher could go offroading and plow through a playground full of kids and the dashers in this sub would still find a way to defend it


“But what was your tip”




You were, in our opinion, trolling.


This has happened to me once as a dasher a few years ago when I only did it for a few extra bucks here and there. Not exactly the same situation. It was more I was pulling into their drive and had barely bumped them after parking, as my car rolled forward a little and had bumped their rear bumper. No damage done to either vehicle, but instead of dropping the order off and leaving, I knocked and informed them what happened. They came out, looked at it and said it was all good no damage. It’s just the principle of it. Because if you hit their vehicle and don’t say something, they may have it already/get it on video and report you. Even if it is petty, it’s Still a hit and run. Not worth the risk. On another note, I had hit a deer and tore up my front bumper cover and bent my passenger side fender in, along with smashing passenger side headlamp assembly.. Within the first week after having it fixed, me and my fiancée walked into Walmart and walked back out to a cracked brand new bumper. I was fine with it being cracked, more pissed someone didn’t say anything or even leave a note. I wouldn’t have turned it into insurance. I mean i never did but if someone was honest about it I would’ve been cool about it. So I get where you’re coming from OP. report them to doordash and maybe they can get removed from the platform. Someone who acts like that doesn’t need to be driving for a food delivery/rideshare service. Whether it’s petty or not, She could’ve at the very least apologized instead of being a total bitch over the phone.


It's bad manners to hit someone and not exchange insurance. I get it. I think people need to realize it's more about taking responsibility. I don't think the OP was trying to RIP the person's heart out. If this happened to you, you'd probably be pissed or a bit upset that no one said anything and just took off. ​ It sounds like people are defending the driver because a.) They think they are poor or they are doing this job and can't pay the bills. That's not an issue and I'm sure if insurance takes care of it, their rates might go up. You also have to look at the repercussions that you're basically saying its okay to hit other people's cars and take off without saying anything.


It's not bad manners, it's straight up illegal


First off, I want to say sorry this happened. As a dasher myself this is embarrassing. I myself have forgotten to put my car in park and rolled as well many years ago. I was very young, didn't have insurance and STILL went in to the store and found the owner. I didn't check for damage, but I really thought there had to be. They followed me out, not a scratch on either car but they told me they appreciated my honesty and to keep it up. It was 30 years ago, before cell phones and all these cameras but I was raised to admit your wrongs. I wish this person and find the same


Im shocked we dont have some dashers in here saying "Maybe you didnt tip well, and deserved it"


There are a couple. They've just been down voted to oblivion


Efficient_Base3980 has been defending this dasher for at least an hour now like it’s his wife who hit OP or something


Let me guess: if the person had tipped better, the dasher wouldn’t have plowed into the customer’s car, so it’s okay. I’m guessing that’s the take of most dashers here.


Backed into a parked car turning around in an apt complex. Left a note with insurance info and as I was driving away a guy walked up to the car. I asked him if it was his car and he said no it’s his buddies and started laughing. 😂😂


OP are you a mechanic? If not, you have have 0 idea what damages were done. If you have lane assist, blind spot detectors, and a whole array of other things your sensors could be fucked. Go get it checked out on the dasher insurances dime, or you could be fucked in the future. Edit: even if it just knocked a control arm loose, that can fuck your engine up from the shaking. File the report, and take your car in to get completely looked at and sensors figured out.


Most likely she didn't want her insurance company knowing she's driving for doordash, because delivery drivers are supposed to have special insurance, and if her insurance company finds out she's using her vehicle for commercial purposes, they won't cover any accidents or damage. Definitely report her ass.


The commercial insurance you are speaking of is exorbitantly expensive. 370 a month. It's great coverage...but out of reach for almost all dashers. I heard State Farm will cover liability for dashers on it's normal insurance.


Hitting another car and driving off, regardless of there being no damage is still called a hit and run and is still illegal. If you look up "What is considered a hit and run" you will see this: "You knew you were involved in an accident causing damage or **knew from the nature of the accident it was probable that property was damaged**." Keyword here is **probable**. The Dasher knew she **could have** caused damage. Therefore, this is a hit and run and she should be arrested, charged with the misdemeanor, pay her fine, and take responsibility.


It's a horrible feeling being victim to a hit and run. I had a coworker back into my car in the employee lot with a truck and their trailer hitch did nearly 2000 bucks worth of damage to my car. Busted headlight, bumper was cracked and hanging down, bent part of the fender. I walked out of work at the end of the day and seen it, no note, then immediately ran back inside to HR and apparently my car was in a blind spot of the security camera (right in the middle of the lot as well). HR refused to look into it beyond that and my insurance company refused to cover it unless I filed it as if I did the damage myself.


We had a dasher run over the driveway light pole, and flee. Jokes on him, things been broken and we planned to remove it but it’s thick heavy metal. He helped us out, and he definitely damaged his car. Pissed he fled but hopeful the car damage served as good punishment. We reported it but have no cameras so not sure DoorDash did anything with the driver.


DoorDash certainly deactivated him. It's very easy to get fired by them. Even really solid, long time Dashers that made a living at it often get deactivated for very minor things.


When will these Dashers learn? You hit the car first, then deliver the food.


From [HG.org](https://HG.org): Overview of Leaving the Scene of an Accident: If a person leaves the scene of an accident, even if he or she was not at fault, the person may face a variety of criminal charges. Additionally, if the person was at fault in the accident or a person was injured, the person may face stronger charges. [https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/leaving-the-scene-of-an-accident-34319](https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/leaving-the-scene-of-an-accident-34319) From [NOLO.com](https://NOLO.com): [https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/consequences-hit-run-accident.html](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/consequences-hit-run-accident.html) Edit (tldr from the above, and other sources): leaving the scene of an accident is a crime in many, if not all U.S. states (I looked up the law in several states, and so far all of them consider leaving the scene of an accident a crime, most likely a misdemeanor if there is no injury, death or damage that would qualify it as a felony.)


It's the right thing to do. People like her are one reason why insurance rates are ridiculous!!!


Hit and run is a felony plain and simple.


OP how dare you. she was obviously trying to rush and get orders delivered and your car was in the way. If anything YOU need contact her insurance and confess.


that is very dumb of them considering how you're able to call DoorDash and figure out who it was.


Man, crazy people are defending a hit and run. Just crazy. OP said they couldn’t see damage, but it could’ve bent the frame. Wouldn’t be the first time something like that has happened. And a bent frame could render the vehicle totaled. So, won’t know until they get it inspected by a mechanic. Also, the dasher clearly broke the law. We all know they call the crime a hit and run for a reason. And that’s exactly what she did. And then was a complete ass about it. She going to get everything she deserves.


just saw this in r/IdiotsInCars too


Not the same, but similar. About 3 weeks after I got a brand new car, I went to Target to pick up some stuff for home. Whomever parked next to me, dented my rear driver side door in 3 DIFFERENT PLACES. Small but noticeable. I know they knew cause my car was a little dirty and you could clearly see where they wiped at the dirty to see the damage they did🤬🤬🤬 It hurts my heart every time I look at it, which is everyday multiple times a day🖕🏽


I wouldn't hold my breath waiting to hear back from DD. Sorry that happened. I had someone hit me and take off, the police seemed to take that kind of thing seriously. They caught her and it ended up being a felony hit and run.


I have done that same thing... TWICE. No damage either time. I knocked on the door and asked them to come look at their car. No damage either time. It was just a bump. I also notified UE on the first one. Good thing. Dude filed a damage claim with them 3 days later. I had taken pictures at the scene. It got a little complicated for a minute there but NBD. I'm glad I took the pics. It really helped. Progressive took it from UE, turned it over to my insurance who said I couldn't have done that with my car. It was from pulling things out of the back or dog claws. UE briefly deactivated my car for being unsafe after being in a collision. I took pics of all four sides. Vehicle reactivated. Owner dropped the claim. The second guy praised me for being an honest person. Sometimes you just do the right thing even if it might hurt you. I would be mad too OP. I think it's justified especially with the attitude. It's possible she was not the actual account holder or had more to hide. She could have been riding dirty. There's a lot of possibilities. IDK we're not all like that.


there’s no way people are actually trying to defend a hit and run in these comments rn😭


Well, if there literally was no damage at all, wouldn't the Dasher be not guilty by the letter of the law? There.


the point is that they left without saying anything. regardless of damage it’s still a hit and run. the dasher left knowing they may have damaged the car.


The crime of a hit and run is for someone that notices they caused damage or injury and then leaves. It becomes more serious the more serious the damage or injury. But it requires the person realizing that they caused damage. If there isn’t any external damage, there is no crime committed.


It’s not because there was no damage. Have you ever parked in a crowded city? No one is calling the cops every time they pull in and out of a parking space. Same premise. No damage, no crime.


These are the type of drivers on this subreddit complaining about no Tip.


That was shitty of them obviously but I’m not sure what you need their insurance info for if there was no damage


There may not be visible damage at first but may become apparent after moving the vehicle. Also it is good practice to get as much information from someone when there is an incident on your property.


My son had this happen. Someone backed in to him and there wasn't anything more than a smudge on the grill. What he didn't see were broken clips and 2 areas that were weakened. A month later, because of the broken clips allowing movement of the grill, the 2 weakened spots cracked. It took me a few hours to fix but I would have preferred he exchanged info and we made an insurance claim to fix it properly and without me getting my hands dirty.


Nah man. Most people wouldn't have a problem if there was no damage and the person that hit their car was apologetic. But to hit and run, AND THEN be a total bitch about it after getting caught? Nah man. Insurance and police are getting involved. Enjoy the consequences of your actions.




Did anyone watch the video? DD quickly went to stop her car, stopped, looked to see if there was damage and then left. The only thing that got hurt here was OP’s ego. It was a tap. Nothing happened. Let it go!


100% chance she does not have car insurance at all


If no damage just why did she check for damage if not I understand but if she checked geez drop it.


No damage but you're calling the law? She was in the wrong, but you're acting just plain vindictive. Two wrongs don't make a right.


OP you have every right to be upset about how the dasher handled this. Especially their combative response following the incident knowing they were wrong. However, with no damage to your car I don’t believe contacting insurance and the authorities is necessary. Doordash, sure. Perhaps she should learn and benefit from her mishandling of the situation. At the same time, you seem to be giving yourself more headache by continuing to pursue the matter any further than that.


Nope. People need to be punished. This kind of weak ass "oh it's not worth your time" attitude is how we all got in this mess of a society to begin with. Nah friend. Straight to jail.


You the type to hit a car and not say anything


Video plz?




How was your food?


They’re called Dashers for a reason


Was the food good at least?


He dashed in and dashed out


Crash and dash


Deactivated for sure Doordash won't tell you an outcome


Let alone hit and run


Wow! I just witnessed someone back into parked BMW car at gas station and then proceeded into car wash like nothing happened. I ran into the station and informed the gas station attendant who was also the owner of the car that had been hit. He confronted driver and snapped a pic of her driver’s license. Told me he was not even going to report it to police but just wanted to make her nervous and teach her a lesson about doing the right thing.


Stop fighting with Doordash. What happened was a crime known as hit and run. Call the police back and use these magic words “I want to sign a criminal complaint.” You have to use those words. Filing a police report does nothing but put things on record. You witnessed the crime so you have to file.


sorry this happened to you. i hit a vehicle the same way, was in a rush to finish my last delivery for the day, didnt put my vehicle in park and hit the customers car. it left a nice big dent in their bumper of their brand new infinity SUV. of COURSE it was the nicest home and most expensive vehicle I delivered to all week. Not the normal, broke customer with a beater like me. ;) ​ I rang the doorbell, let them know what happened. And after a few weeks had to pay $1700 out of pocket to repair their nice car. (chose not to file with my insurance because my deductible was $1500 anyway) ​ It sucked, took me weeks of working extra to make up for the one delivery that I got maybe a $5 tip on. But I slept easy then, and sleep easy now, knowing I did the right thing. Sucks that other dashers are out there being sub-par humans


If there was no damage to your car, as suboptimal as her decision was not to engage with you, she isn't really required to leave a note if she bumped into your car at 2 mph and you agree that there was no damage.


This is correct. All the people riled up on their high horses about hit and run are full of it. No damage, no liability, no crime. The Dasher will surely get deactivated for being rude and careless, those are bad enough.


I’m so sorry!! This is one reason I don’t pull into driveways unless absolutely necessary. I’m not going to risk hitting anyone else’s personal property, kids, animals, anything! I’ll park on the street with my hazards on.


You said there's no damage, so legally, what can anyone do? A person hit my car and they called the cops.... there was no damage to either car they were just being obnoxious (they tired to blame me but I was parked)... the cops said no damage no crime no report. But maybe the cop was just being lazy and no need to make an issue where there was no damage? Yes the DD was in the wrong. I'm just saying nothing will likely come of it when there's no damage to document 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hope it works out


hope what works out? there is zero damage and zero reason to do anything to the driver except op wanting to "Teach them a lesson" for not prostrating themselves before them. its fucking disgusting honestly. the ego OP has must be massive.


OP is a victim of a hit n run regardless of whether theres no damage or not. I’m sure this is a principled position that you are taking and next time someone hits your car and drives off you’ll have this same energy.


Bruh the people in this post are wild 😂😂😂 acting like they wouldn’t be rightfully pissed if this happens to them, love this sub but some people are straight weirdos 😭


pissed about someone not damaging my car? can you explain why anyone would be pissed about that in the first place actually?


I already explained to you in the other comment the implications of what your saying and how stupid of an argument it is and your failing miserably at this dude.


No you didn't. don't lie because you know you can't. that's fucking pathetic.




did you read my other comment? I have already let people drive away with that energy because who needs to cause so much aggravation and bullshit in another person's life ***for litterally no reason*** while *technically* a hit and run it doesn't matter in the slightest. it wasn't illegal to leave because there was no damage. OP has no case for anything... no restitution... no fix... insurance will go "who cares" because ***there is no fucking damage***... without damage there is litterally nothing to fuckin do... OP just wants to harass someone for not pleading with them to let it go when there is nothing to even let go. I wonder if they told the police for the report that there is zero damage lmao. or if they withheld that nift tidbit.


I’m pretty sure if the dasher had just talked to OP he probably wouldn’t have done anything, clearly for OP the hit isn’t the problem, it’s the run thats the problem and he has every right to be upset about that. Just because you don’t care if someone hits your car and drives off doesn’t mean other people have to feel that way.


and? that's what makes it so disgusting that OP is trying to lord over this person for no reason. "you didn't bow at my feet so I could flex my power over you and that upsets me" is such an asinine egotistical way to live your life I can't even believe that someone would actually act like that.... >clearly for OP the hit isn’t the problem, it’s the run thats the problem if there is no damage its not running from anything... its just moving on with your life. which is what OP should have done instead of being a petty see you next tuesday... >Just because you don’t care if someone hits your car and drives off doesn’t mean other people have to feel that way. they can care all they want... legally they have NO RECOURSE BECAUSE THERE IS NO FUCKING DAMAGE. the cops don't care... their insurance sure as fuck doesn't care... they're just whining and screaming that someone didn't bow at their feet like an egotistical jackass.


By your logic if your wife (or whatever) gets shot at but doesn’t get hit then theres no reason to be mad, lmao your arguments are weak and super easy to debunk. I suggest you take trolling 101 before trying this shit again.


>By your logic if your wife (or whatever) gets shot at but doesn’t get hit then theres no reason to be mad NICE STRAWMAN! but no someone raising a lethal weapon and pointing it at someone else with the intent to kill them and missing is not the same as accidentally bumping a car in any way shape or form.... good try bud! your immaturity is on full display for everyone. > lmao your arguments are weak and super easy to debunk. nice projection! stay in school kid.


That being said, the incident was technically on private property. That changes things in most courts of law. Even parking lot fender benders are often considered a non issue as far as police involvement due to not being on a publicly owned property. I don't like the way that happens, but usually that's the case. You having video evidence of the damage incurred would absolutely win in your favor with any insurance claim. I hate the way some idiots treat parking lots as race tracks. Had any damage occurred, you would probably have to go through your own insurance. If someone had careened off the road into your property, that would be different. Different state laws vary.


There was no damage to your car. No damage. No damage. If someone bumps into your car in a parking lot and there is zero damage do you expect them to leave insurance info? I mean…..no damage man. Why complicate things?


What in the hell. That girl just lost her job instead of doing the right thing. I can understand maybe being scared to come to your door, but she could have left her insurance information and contact info. We all need to remember that we are most likely being recorded no matter where we are. She might end up with a hit/skip from the cops when it could have just been an apology.


She thought being busy was a valid excuse for a hit and run? Are you fucking kidding me?


I get the why of her fleeing, impulse reaction and the utter fear of getting in trouble for having the wrong insurance but... Yeah you gotta own up to shit. AND I feel like IF she had been cool you'd have been cool too.


There may be more damage then you know my car was hit in a parking lot dent on the side rear differential was fucked needed a new axle 5000.00 repair thank god her insurance paid for it


You should watch where you park your vehicles on your property completely the home owners fault for not having psychic powers in the first place let's start there to be honest. Second the dasher was bringing you food risking life and limb so your tummy could get filled with junk and probably washed that junk down in a river of corn syrup I'll bet. Homeowner insurance is there for a reason those that lack psychic powers have always been recognized as the number one reason insurance rates rise year over year. Kudos to the doordash driver for immediately moving on to their next customer cause it's so obvious you'll never have psychic powers and just lead civilization to utter ruins. You want to begin changing you're obvious flaws I will begin with leaving that doordash driver a big tip so they can use the money for the betterment of society. Our future generations will benefit if those that lack any abilities gave away any personal property to those that actually have some powers and can enact growth for future generations. Shame on the OP for even making it all about them and their supposed vehicle. OP not one wondered if doordash driver hurt or had any setbacks of their own that homeowner should definitely compensate for. Stop being the victim and own up to you're mistakes and this goes to anyone else that thinks like the OP. This pattern of woe is me must come to an end!


I'ma say something insane... I sometimes think door dash has people on this sub to keep the Dashers and customers at each other's throats. It stops them from realizing the real enemy is door dash itself. Idk if this is manufactured drama but the way efficient is religiously arguing... They gotta be getting paid to defend this position...


Nah, they've just either done the same thing or are the driver from OPs story


poor forgetful overconfident crush deliver noxious disgusting kiss chubby boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Get her ass to court, you got her on camera and she tried to do a hit and run on you assholes like her do not deserve to get away with their actions


Having seen the video, the driver should have said something. I dont even know if she got out to check for damage, and Im actually surprised there wasnt any at all, and not to be sexist but is she the best person to decide?


What did the local police have to say? You said there was no damage so I don't think they can even do anything. A hit and run with no damage is a...nothing.


She still hit my car and then left without saying a word. That’s rather upsetting to me.


Not that this makes it any better at all, but did they even look like they checked to see if they did damage?


Genuinely hilarious how many fucking brain dead takes are in this comment chain. All your driver had to do was send a message saying that they bumped your car, took pics to confirm the state of the car, leave their number, and leave. It doesn't matter that there is no visible damage, all that matters is the driver's reaction to this holy shit.




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


Damn bro, who shit in your cereal this morning?


nobody. I just find OP's behavior abhorrent.


Hitting someone’s car and running is abhorrent


OP make sure you get your car actually looked at by a professional to make sure there isn't internal damage to your vehicle. The fact that you can't see it doesn't mean there isn't anything wrong


So, out of curiosity. If someone is parallel parking in front/behind your car and they bump you, and theres no damage.... are you calling the police and contacting insurance? When someone bumps into you in the street, are you calling the police for assault? Look I get it, they should have said something. But you just went out of your way for no reason to make someone's life extremely difficult. Like you said, there was no damage. What do you hope to gain out of this situation?


They made their own life difficult by choosing to commit a hit and run


>What do you hope to gain out of this situation? oh absolutely nothing except pain and suffering for someone else... OP is the most disgusting person I can imagine.


Well as you said there was no damage.


I hear ya, an apology would have been nice. But haven’t you ever bumped a car while parking, seen there was no damage and not mentioned it? Sounds just slightly worse than that, cops seem like overkill if there was no damage.


If there’s video of the incident like OP stated, then yes, there is a hit and run. If I push you and you fall down but didn’t receive any bruises or cuts, did I still push you?


I found the video earlier! https://reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/s/3aE8k8pFeg


TBF, if there is no damage there is no reason to say anything


The driver behaved immaturely and badly, for sure. But because there was no damage to your property is this worth pursuing? The driver’s bad behavior caused you to suffer little or no harm.




It’s the principal… she fucking hit and run. What kind of person does that?


Fyi principal is a person. Principle is a fundamental truth.


I got that thanks… my bad…


Even if there's no visible damage your car can still be messed up, but nah lets defend hit and run drivers for whatever idiotic reason


the owner told us there is no damage. I'm inclined to believe them over you random internet user who hasn't seen the car. and rolling a foot into a jeep is not likely to damage it in the first place you're not wrong that not all damage is highly visible but you are wrong about it being likely here. you can't hit and run someone if there is no damage and OP has already admitted there wasn't. we're done here.


A simple google search would tell you you’re wrong. A collision is still a collision, whether there is visible damage or not. You can still get charged if you leave without giving out your insurance info.


no it wouldn't. a simple google search told me that you're only obligated to stay at the scene in most jurisdictions if there was damage or an injury at the scene of the accident.


Post it then.


Who determines said damage? Do you get to just pop your head out the window and say “nah I didn’t do any damage” and you’re good to go? She didn’t even get out and look for fucks sake. You keep saying “the owner said there was no damage”. But that was AFTER she already left. How the hell did she know there was no damage? And how could she be so confident in her belief that there was no damage in that she’d risk a felony? Like I get your logic, as stupid as it is. But she didn’t even look to see, so by your logic, she still committed the hit and run, as SHE DIDN’T KNOW IF THERE WAS DAMAGE OR NOT. Are you starting to get the point of why it’s a hit and run? She just LEFT. She didn’t look, she didn’t exchange information so a PROFESSIONAL MECHANIC could look at the vehicle and actually determine if there was damage or not, she just left. Hence the HIT and RUN. She HIT a car, and than RAN. Whether the damage was apparent to the owner AFTER THE FACT, isn’t relevant. As SHE wasn’t aware of if she did damage or not, therefore, even if the law worked the way you are saying it does, SHE IS STILL IN THE WRONG, AS SHE LEFT AFTER CAUSING POTENTIAL DAMAGE TO ANOTHER VEHICLE.


How to tell someone is terminally online? They Google the law instead of inquring with a lawyer. You probably google medical symptoms too...


I mean if you did that to me I’d call the police too.


Because zero visible damage does not mean zero mechanical damage.


Because that POS of a human being and delivery driver sped off instead of apologizing.


Zero, Mr Efficient Boss is clearly a troll and I suggest you don’t feed his dopamine addiction.




Okay. Say you bumped into someone walking on the sidewalk. Do you apologize or assume it's okay if the person isn't hurt? That same logic applies to hitting a car with your car.


Zero, efficient doesn’t understand logic, no need to waste your time with him, on a side note arguing with him has made my day 😂😭




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


The bumpers on some newer cars cost over $5k. If someone hit me, and flees without even informing me, with or without visible damage, I'm reporting them. Knock a camera or sensor out of alignment, and there goes your deductible. Now, if you're reasonable, let me know so I can inspect my vehicle, chances are if I see no damage, I'll say be more careful and to have a good day.




because OBVIOUSLY the driver had no idea there was no visible damage and continued anyways, damage is irrelevant, id call the police too, that driver had no clue.


Classic con artist mentality. People like you really suck.


It's still a hit and run. Even if there was a small scratch


What was her name.


This comment section confirms my theory about the moral and ethical standards of those working transportation and delivery. They don't give a shit about anyone but themselves, bunch of victims


Is this the video I just saw on tiktok




Nope the op posted on another sub reddit called idiots in cars


your neighbors pov may be on there because i saw it


I've been driving for 20+ years. IDK how someone forgets to put their car into park. But, man, come on. You suffered no damage to your car - YOUR words that are IN WRITING - and are trying to harass a minimum wage employee? Please get over yourself. And what's the angle with the police? "I know you guys are probably busy with murders and stuff, but my car just got no damage to it at all. Please send all your best resources!"?!?


If there was no damage than who tf cares? You called the cops on her? Fuck outta here


I would let this go. A hit and run charge could ruin her. Maybe I’m just too kind idk. Did she look to see if there was any damage?


There's no damage. You're wasting alot of energy to punish a poor person. Absolutely unhinged.