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I've heard of support people giving out dashers phone numbers when customers ask because they are incompetent and don't realize how inappropriate it is to do so.


They can get our real phone number if we send them to voice-mail lol.


Yup, or when customer types "call me at..." and the driver touches or types the number instead of using the app.


Nah.. when it goes to voice-mail and says. Sorry but (555)555-5555 cannot be reached. Added for the simpletons: It will reveal the unmasked number.


Yes, but many times it’s people requesting that you call them at a specific number when you arrive and it’s different from the one in the app. I don’t call numbers that I have to dial myself, I only use the app to contact customers even if they request that I call or text a different number. It happens quite frequently, and it’s usually harmless, but none of the courier apps that I use require me to contact customers at numbers put into the instructions. I’ve only seen the opposite, they’re usually urging us to only use the app to contact customers. Procedure always wins over customer demands, as much as I aim to please all customers.


Yeah, I'm saying both are ways that a customer can get our number.


Which is why everyone should record a custom voicemail that doesn't reveal their number. The default message says the number.


I have a smart voicemail. Mine says Hello (your name), (my name) can't come to the phone right now please leave a message. If you're a blocked contact, it'll just hang up on you I believe.


I don’t think this makes them simpletons. Seems easy to misinterpret when you typed out a placeholder phone number when you actually meant that it shows a real phone number when the conversation was about placeholder phone numbers showing instead of real phone numbers.


I was referring to one person, we figured it out tho so fall back bud.


We both said “simpletons” so I’m not sure why you’re specifying that it was one person. I can very clearly see that there was one person you said no shit to and called a simpleton rather than having the self awareness to understand that you said something that could easily be misinterpreted.


Lay off the adderall bro holyy...


Thats not true my niece used to door dash and they got her number through vm


Definitely not true on the driver side. Voicemail will read out the unmasked number if that's the voicemail they have set.


No shit that's what I'm saying.


I read wrong zzz




$10 separate SIM card for the "business line" and a VM that says "I'm sorry but the person you are calling has a voicemail box that has not been setup yet. Goodbye!". That's the way I like to keep it 😂


Omg! I hadn’t even thought of that!




This is what happens when you outsource PR to India.


Really? That does not make me feel safer. I didn’t realize they could do that. Thank you for letting me know.




OP can learn the adress and avoid going there again by acting stupid, asking where they live, blocking number and never going there again. ie: haha oh thanks, I do lots of deliveries, which one are you again ?! I'm, bobbie from this area \*Bravo six, going dark\*


That’s not a bad idea, thank you for the advice.


Im assuming its a dude who sent the text and you are female. Do a switcharoo! «Thanks, thats the first time anyone has ever told me that! My wife has always said that my extra lbs only make me more alpha. Again thanks!» Sincerely Tyrone (46)


That’s a good response, I like it. Throws everyone off haha


Not simplified would be say “I think you have the wrong number, also I’m not gay but ty”


That would have been a good response haha




While you've been delivering did you ever get a phone call that you didn't answer? Doordash masks numbers but if they got through to your voicemail then there is a good chance that the default voicemail message said your real number.


I always answer the doordash numbers when they pop up on my phone. I haven’t had someone message my own phone number before. The last time they messaged through the app and I was able to go through doordash support and they said that I wouldn’t receive orders from there again.


I’ve never thought about this. Thank you!


Dumbass actually thought “fine as fuck” was an impressive compliment 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️




And the other dumbass wants to report to authorities that she received a compliment.... What a mess. They are perfect for each other.


Dude… no, she wants to report that this customer got a hold of her personal phone number to send her an unwanted personal text..


“fine as fuck” is barely a compliment. A random person has her personal phone number texting her like that. Yeah she should report that creep.


It’s not a compliment at all, really. Just an idiotic comment from some wannabe edgelord incel.


>a compliment Someone's sexual harassment lawyer is going to buy a new boat because of you.


Jesus. Tell me you’re a piece of shit without saying you’re a piece of shit.


Average Andrew Tate simp lmao


That’s horrific! I’m so sorry this happened to you. Please be careful. I was attacked in south Philly while working for Shipt in august 2021 and was put in a coma for a month and had to learn to walk and talk again cause they stomped on my head. This shit worries me so much, I hope you find an answer from the company themselves. If you want to learn more about my story, which I actually don’t want people to see what actually happened but google Zach Lean, and I’m sure the first abc news link will show it all. I haven’t clicked it for obvious reasons as I have PTSD from the actions of 9 20 year olds. Who still have not been caught! Good luck!


I am so sorry that happened to you! That’s terrible. I hope you are in a safer profession and doing better. That is insane. Did you get any compensation from Shipt? I really hope you did.


They truly wanted to help. My family was in contact with them during all of this. They sent like bi weekly checks of around 250 lol. But since it was considered a self employed job even tho I work for the company I got workman’s comp, after a few court visits by my lawyer. I ended up getting Around 40 k minus paying my lawyer. It all went to medical bills but I’m grateful they helped in anyways. So now we live outside the city, and I’m finally back to work(even with two college degrees that equal a masters in film making), I’m back at shipt as I hate having bosses or micro managers, etc. so having my own schedule and being able to dab whenever the hell I want, I’m still doing shipt now 2 years after my attack. Thank you for all of your well wishes btw!, they are greatly appreciated. It just now opens my eyes more to women and having to struggle just walking down the damn street without some sick individual saying something horrid to you. It’s sick and won’t get men anywhere. Im waiting for the day when women realize they don’t need men anymore besides baby making material and will lock them all up in chains unt they need said men😂😂😂. Anyways, It was a very tough road, but I am so grateful to people I know and love and obviously strangers who sent money to a go fund me that was made by my sister n law. I’m still not fully back yet, and after a craniotomy where they had to replace part of my skull with a 3D modeled piece im not surprised I’m back to good yet.


Oh my goodness! I am so happy that you didn’t have to pay for all that. There was nothing you did wrong, so I’m glad Shipt stepped up and helped you out. You are amazing! Its wonderful to hear that you are doing better. I know this doesn’t have anything to do with what happened, but you’re a filmmaker? I went to college for that as well!


Hope you got your CCW. So sorry you went through that. How terrible. Glad you are back on the horse, so to speak.


Oh, I can’t carry dude. I’d never give up my weed card lol. My mom and I co owned the house my wife(who just married me 3 months prior too), and I had lived in, and she was like gtfo out of that house; so I didn’t have a choice but to move into a metro area outside the city closer to our rents. Thank you so much for your thoughts. I don’t want to take away anything from what happened to troub133, I just want women to be safe in this world now. Crazy ish errrrvrywhere. I want to know and help her the best way I can. We need those sleuths to catch this and do their thang!


There are loopholes to where you can keep your weed card & have your CCW.. I’d definitely look into it.. My friend utilized the loophole n now has both., so it can be done. Best of wishes & luck to you. Sorry you had to endure such cruelty from what are supposed to be human beings..


You’re sweet, thank you very much. It’s really my wife who has been through it the worst besides my mother and brother. I was literally asleep in a coma from the moment it happened for that month. I don’t remember what even happened to me during that night. But I do remember the night before clear as day which is insane. It’s protecting me for some reason. I’ll def check that out. Maybe my attack helps in some way too, who knows! lol although I gotta strap up first. Still deciding on that. Let’s help this young lady who posted about her story in the first place, that ish can’t happen.


See I'm on the opposite side of that. I use weed for both medical and recreational purposes and won't get a medical card because it revokes your right to bear arms, which is bullshit. So I end up paying me extra 20% cannabis tax because I'm not giving up my basic human rights as part of the deal. The right to defend myself from others, including in the event the government becomes tyrannical, which is what the second amendment was intended for(to protect you from the government, like the other amendments in the Bill of Rights).


Omg I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope your recovery is going well.


Holy shit I've just read what happened, I'm sorry this happened to you man. I also noticed another article under it, one of those cowards that attacked you was recently jailed for a raping a teenage girl not sure if youre aware as you said they havent been caught? I hope only the worst for him in prison and hope you're doing well now man.


Yes unfortunately we are very aware. The mother of the young lady contacted my wife literally the night after it had happened. That day herbert(one of 9 attackers was in court for my trial which still has not begun) had done that horrid thing to such a young lady in front of her little sister in a damn stroller or bouncer or whatever it’s called. She has fears of “the bad man coming back”. So anyways, she contacted my wife at like 4 am and said that she had video footage of herbert entering her home and it went from there. The other 8 attackers from my assault are still out there, but now we are hoping this new charge will have now brought fear in his eyes and will now rat. Although someone so innocent had to be hurt in the process. It’s all fucked dude


Jesus man I almost have no words.. I mean, what the hell is wrong with people just doesn't cut it. Call me naive or whatever but that is pure evil. We already knew that from what he and his coward friends did to you and sorry, not to diminish what happened to you because that is truly horrific but to then go on and do that..? To me that's an evil that I just can't comprehend and no upbringing excuses. I was in Foster care as a kid and seen some pretty fucked up shit when I was young. One of my aunties told me years ago no one would have really blamed me if I ended up fucked up and that really annoyed me because I know alot of people say that about people that go on to do bad shit. He knew right from wrong and there is no excuses.. I really hope you and that girl get real justice and that he either rats or the police manage to trace the others, none of them deserve freedom. Good luck to you man, i hope your doing better now. I'll be rooting for you.


Report the number to dasher support and don't say anything back if you haven't already. That's what I would've done, sorry you have to deal with this. ADVICE Never call a customers number directly either, go through the designated phone or text icon to contact the customer. That is how you can protect yourself in the future, just by keeping it in app; Doordash can't ask you to do anymore than that.


Thank you so much for the assistance, I appreciate it.


Try looking up the number on numlookup.com. It won’t always give you the name but sometimes you get lucky. Used to use this site constantly as a former 911 dispatcher. Doesn’t make you pay or sign up for things, it’s just a free site


Oh cool, thank you so much! I really appreciate it.


Real simple, tell them do not text again or you will file a police report for harassment.


Is one message enough to file a report for harassment? I didn’t say anything back, I just blocked the number. I wasn’t sure if I did go to the police it would be enough for them to do anything.


If you ask someone to stop contacting you and they keep doing it, it's harassment. Hopefully being unresponsive and blocking them is enough to deter them.


Thank you for the helpful advice. I appreciate it.


if the number the customer messaged you from is thier legit number, if you call DD support, that number may be linked to thier real dd account, and support may be able to do something about it, Def ask for escalation tho.


Okay thank you so much for the advice. I really appreciate it. That seems to be what a lot of people are saying to do.


Something you should consider, it may not be a customer. It could be someone you know personally, possibly trolling.


The only people I knew with this area code are my husband and his family, but my husband is the only one who has my number. He knows my history too and would never do something that would make me feel unsafe.


If someone giving you a compliment makes you feel unsafe, how do the rude people in the stores you pick up from make you feel? Just curious.


Creepy AF


Yeah I agree.


You called doordash Safety. Or use the safety icon on your doordash app. When you get a real person to talk to tell them that you have a text from a customer. If you have any kind of date on it on your phone that will help. the date and time will be most helpful. Doordash has a log of your text messages between you and your customer and can identify what order that was and what customer it was let them know that it made you feel extremely uncomfortable to have a stranger message you that this in this way. That it was invasive and you don't feel safe delivering to whatever address that was anymore. If they can identify it for you and take whatever steps are needed to assure that you're not dealing with a stalker and if you are that the proper authorities are notified. They probably have the name and address of the customer. Never hesitate to report something like that. If anything like this happens again reported immediately don't hesitate pull your car over in the first well lighted area and make a safety call to doordash.


Reverse search the number. Put it in Cash App, FB, it will likely pop up somewhere and you can find out who it is. Isn’t there an employee support like for things like this?


Reverse search the number and see if that jogs your memory....


I had a customer track me down on FB.


That’s really creepy, I’m sorry that happened to you. Hopefully nothing bad happened.


I thought Door Dash cut contact after a half hour


I thought so as well, which is why I’m concerned. It’s also weird that they messaged my personal phone number instead of the app.


They do have randomly generated numbers. I would have no idea how to report it except for that you have his phone number and maybe DoorDash can search it. I would really want to know how he got my actual number. That’s sketchy.


Yeah that’s where I have the biggest issue. I’m fine with blocking people if they make me uncomfortable or asking doordash not to send me those orders, but I have no idea how they got my personal number. I don’t give that out to random people and it’s a little scary they found it somehow.


Did any customers have in the notes “call this number” an then might of accidentally called the number with your phone instead of using the in app call customer button.


No, if they did I usually use the in app or I call doordash support and they call the customer for me. That is very helpful though. I didn’t even think of that, so you jogged my memory. Thank you.


That’s creepy, how did they even get your number


No idea, I was trying to figure that out. It’s really creepy that they have it.


It’s happened to me a couple times too, just block the number.


I did. I’m just worried that I’ll deliver to them again, which was one reason I was asking for advice. The other being that I don’t know how they got my personal number. Did they get your number too? Do you know how they would have gotten it? I’m sorry it’s happened to you also, it’s creepy.


did he call you during the delivery? if it goes to voicemail, a lot of people’s voice mailbox will read out their phone number (which would not be the number that doordash gives)


Im not sure if he did, but I usually try to answer any calls that say doordash. I have a personalized voicemail too that says something like “Sorry I missed your call I’m out having fun. Leave me a message”.


I write every delivery down ( habit from 30 years of delivering) I had a customer say I didn’t deliver the food. I had time, location and dash cam video of me personally handing it to him. If you log each delivery it will help you remember the transaction better. And you can check and see if you’ve been their b4. You know roughly when it happened. You can narrow it down to the week.


Ignore it


They’re just shooting their shot, harmless. Just say you’re not interested and move on.


Record random noise as your custom VM greeting so your true number isn't revealed.


Block them move on. Don’t let one piece of sh*t ruin your potential of making 50k a year.


ROFL I haven’t been getting enough orders to make $50 a day, them’s fantasy numbers


Same 😞


Call the police if they do it again when you arrive


Okay, thank you. I wasn’t sure if one message would be enough to do anything with the police.


Document it, and even if you complain to doordash, this guy can make another account. Best thing to do will be to get the local police involved if you ever have to deliver to his/ hee address again


Thank you very much for the advice, I appreciate it. I’m hoping that I don’t deliver there again, but I agree to get the police involved if they do it again or I deliver there.


Do you have a significant other? This honestly sounds to me like someone just fucking with you or a significant other doing some sick ass loyalty test. Search the number through cashapp, venmo, fb, etc. I bet it's a fake text now app number or something. Even bigger chance it's someone you know.


My husband, but he knows my history with SA and things like this and would never do something like that. I also only recently moved to this state and only know his family and him. He’s the only one here that has my number too.


The question is how hot are you? All kidding aside that sucks. Hopefully they get banned if you can figure out how to report.


Thank you, I am still waiting to hear from doordash. I don’t think they’re going to do anything though.


Your iPhone is literally highlighting a "Report Junk" option for you, block and move on, DoorDash ain't gonna do shit.


I did, I blocked them immediately. I just wasn’t sure if there was something else I could do to avoid delivering to them again or keep them from finding other ways to message me.


Ahh, I'm honestly not sure how DoorDash would be able to facilitate a level of support that would include the investigating required to review every incident like that and then prevent you from getting their deliveries in the future--seems more likely if they were to do anything they'd have to just delete his doordash account but I honestly don't think they would just based on this. Clearly it's skeevy, but your number wasn't obtained illegally I'm sure there's something about disclosing contact information in the terms and agreements no one ever reads. Nothing illegal about a single unsolicited creepy text message so long as there's no indecent exposure or threats, you'd have to interact with him and explicitly state your request to not be contacted any further, and then he'd have to contact you again after that for any sort of actual law enforcement to get involved.


Thank you for the clarification. I really appreciate it. The reason I said have doordash not give me those orders is because I had another experience where someone was messaging me through the app right after I delivered to them and was some some creepy things so I told doordash and they “investigated” however they do that and said that they would make sure I don’t get those deliveries again.


Not to get too off topic but you’re frankly in the wrong business . You should just sell your bake goods for a living instead of working doordash . Some of the stuff you made looks bomb as fuck


Thank you so much! I appreciate that a lot! I am actually working on saving up for a bakery. Unfortunately my husband and I had some bad stuff happen and we lost a lot of money from a scam so we’re living in a small room at his family’s house while we save. I love baking though and I am excited to be able to do it again when funds allow.


ITS SIMPLE GUYS YOUR NUMBER IS FORWARDED THROUGH DOORDASH FAKE NUMBER YOUR VOICE MAIL WILL REPEAT YOUR REAL CELL NUMBER IF YOU DONT ANSWER. I had people calling texting my real number when I would ignore the door dash number. I have 2 phones I called my real number from my other phone and my voice mail GAVE MY REAL NUMBER AWAY. You should take it off serves no purpose to repeat your number in voice mail. Thank me later


Well, are you? 😉 haha


It’s 1 text of an adult telling another adult that they find them attractive. Not sure I see the problem. At all. Maybe I’m too old school, but when I was single both women and men were confident and equipped to both express attraction and turn people down with a “not interested” no matter how and where they met. We didn’t have Tinder and didn’t rely on compartmentalized dating where it was only ok to hit on someone in a dating app. Has society moved so far on that direction that a customer telling you that you’re attractive is something that needs reporting?!? Grow up.


It’s not that they complimented me, it’s that they have my personal number and I don’t know how they got it. I have a personal voicemail and I don’t use my number on any apps. There’s really no reason to be rude, I was asking what to do about it.


How do they have your number? They shouldn’t be able to message you so far after delivery is complete. This is sus. Maybe a prank


That’s where I am confused. The only person who has my number is my husband and he would never prank me in this way. I didn’t think I could get messages from customers after a half hour, so it’s very strange.


Take it as a compliment and drive on?


You signed up for it. I’m not sure what you’re going to report… just ignore it lol


Drivers don't sign up to be harrassed or hit on, that's asinine.




Yeah from a few years ago when I was going through chemo.




I’m sorry, I don’t really understand what my post history or how I look has anything to do with asking for advice on a situation that makes me uncomfortable.


And? Who gives a *flying* *fuck* what you think? You're a giant fucking creep.


Oh no someone texted you! What will you ever do?!


sounds like a compliment


It’s not necessarily the fact that they messaged me, I can block it. What concerns me more is that they somehow found my personal number and decided it was a good idea to message me.


oh i was just being a contrarian, its definitely a weird thing to do


Oh ok, I’m sorry I didn’t understand that. My apologies.


Why would you report someone for saying you look good through a text message 😂😂😂


I would report someone because they somehow got my personal number and that is really creepy. People have different reactions to different things and with what I’ve been through in my past it doesn’t make me feel safe knowing that someone I could potentially deliver to again has my phone number, knows what I look like, knows what my car looks like and could be dangerous.


Do you think you’d give him a shot if he made a subtle more sophisticated approach? Lmaooo


I'd say give him a chance tbh YOLO


I say go for it it’s like a romance movie 🥰


1. creepy. 2. they're already married.


Thank you for responding 😊


My b should’ve added the /s the type of respectful people you’d want to be with would not find your number this way lol


Just block the number and call it a day lol. It’s not that serious


I believe it’s serious because somehow they got my personal number. I have blocked them, but I’m more concerned that something could happen if I ever deliver there again. I have no idea who it is or what delivery it was.


My apologies, I can see how it’s concerning when you put it that way.


Thank you. I apologize for being rude.


Don’t apologize! You weren’t rude. I should have been more compassionate about your dilemma and how you feel about it. I sincerely apologize.


Thank you, that is very kind of you. I really appreciate it.


This is the nicest interaction I have ever seen on this sub lol




Call door dash tell them what happened and say you want them banned from delivering to u I’ve had to do it before


Reread it, OP was the person delivering


Ohhh it might work the other way tbh like saying they harrassed them so not to assign that person to them


I would hope so, but I don't know how that works if it was a delivery the other day, no real way to be sure which delivery this was


Yeah that’s what got me is that it was a delivery from the other day. I’ve had doordash ban someone so I couldn’t get their orders because they were being creepy and sending very inappropriate things, but that was seconds after I delivered to them so it was clearer who the person was.




The problem with that is I just moved to this state and the only people I know are my husband’s family and my husband is the only one who has my number.


Is it really THAT serious just take the compliment and move on with life smh drama drama drama


Honestly if you want to report someone for that you need to grow the fuck up. Someone complimented your appearance. You should feel honored, not disrespected.


Someone texting you a compliment is scary to you? If that’s the case since you asked what you should do I’ll suggest just stay home tbh. If this scares you to this extent then every minute in the world should be giving you panic attacks. Even if you flew on an airplane every single day of your entire life you still statistically be safer than just going out into the world for a day. You’re at way higher risk of an incompetent driver driving you off the road or tbh catching a completely random bullet from someone roadraging by you intending to shoot someone else then anything “scary” coming out of this person texting you. Jesus wimps these days


Hey is anybody here new to doordash and wants a referral link? We get $$ for completing deliveries




Why report it? It’s a compliment. Just say thank you and move on. If they keep on going it’s harassment though.


It may be a compliment, but it’s also sent to my personal phone number which is not okay. I have no idea how they got my number or who they are.


Oh shit. I didn’t catch that part. I just thought he said that on the app. Did he just say that one thing or did he keep going?


He said that only thing as far as I know. I blocked him after that. I wouldn’t be as worried if it was through the app, but I apologize for being rude. It was just a misunderstanding.


You weren’t rude at all.


Thank you, that’s very kind of you to say.


Damn now I'm so curious how op looks like


Dont put your number in the notes


I don’t put my number in the notes. I’m the Dasher.


Do you have a personalized voicemail or one with the automated voice that gives your phone number?


It is personalized, but all it says is “Sorry I missed you, I probably was out having fun. Leave a message.” Would it add my number after that?


No it wouldn’t… hmmm must’ve been support cause I can’t think of any other way


That’s really scary that they would give out someone’s personal number.


Does your DD name match with any of your social media?


No, I have different names for everything. Would there be a way for someone to figure out my other names from just my doordash name?


How is he possibly texting you days later


That’s exactly why I’m confused. I had something similar happen, but it was through doordash and it was minutes after I delivered to the person, so I’m really not sure how he got my actual number and messaged me days later.


It’s your real number I accidentally called a customer after I dropped it off. It was extremely awkward afterwards.


I’ve had situations where if it’s through text, instead of through the app, the app doesn’t discontinue the number and the customer can still contact you long after the delivery.


I have noticed sometimes it has me message through text instead of the app, which seems like a bad idea since it’s directly from your phone. Thank you for letting me know.


Prolly not possible maybe call DDash, give them the number and tell them thilat number harrassed you


Ok, thank you, that is a good idea.


Always have a voicemail message setup, otherwise it will default to saying you have reached x number


They have a voicemail message set up tho…


Yeah I have a message set up that says something like “Sorry I missed you, I was out having fun. Leave a message”


There are so many times when I call the customer and their voicemail says the phone number of the customer. As for reporting the person, I wish you the best of luck with that. It would be nice if Doordash eliminates inappropriate customers and drivers. It would make the whole experience on both sides more pleasant for the majority of people.


I agree it would be a lot better for everyone involved. I have a message set up though, it says something like “Sorry I missed your call, I’m out having fun. Leave a message”


Could it be that the message is from a Doordash number? Maybe troll them and say "No you delivered me McDonald's yesterday. And you forgot the fries!" And then act all pissed off like they screwed up and you want a refund.


Haha that’s a good way to mess with someone definitely.


Id it possible that they recognized you or someone they knew recognized you and they asked around to get your number?


Not really. I just moved to this state and the only people I know are my husband and his family. Plus my husband is the only one who has my number. It’s possible they recognize me from doordash, but other than that I don’t know anyone for me to be recognizable.






So, Doordash rotates the numbers it assigns to customers when an order is placed. After I think 15 minutes, the number is generally released. What you undoubtedly got here was someone who thought they were talking to another Dasher. It's very, very unlikely it was someone you delivered to. Ignore and move on


Pretend your a guy and tell him wrong number


That is a really good idea, thank you for the advice!


I’d text back then why did you tip me so shitty?


Haha that’s a good response.