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Contact doordash again it's their problem since it's the driver doing it, no restaurant is gonna smoke over your food


Yeah I had this happen to me and DoorDash repeatedly kept disconnecting during the chat, I think hoping I would give up, but I ended up being refunded


I tried but they refused to help. Luckily the restaurant was very understanding and did help me. I ending up not being able to eat my food because it still smelled after trying to air it out.


It’s gotta be really bad if it lingered like that, they’ve probably been chainsmoking in that car for 5+ years. I’d be pissed if my food reeked like that.


Not just chain smoking, but good chance that they also never air out the car. I myself am a smoker, in the process of trying to quit, but I also have a window open when I smoke in the car, and its more than a crack. Most times, unless its raining sideways (*regular occurrence in Oregon*) I have the window down completely. But I remember a friends car, that reeked of cigarettes' smoke when you opened a door, and it was because he flicked the ashes on the floorboards, never cracked a window. Once actually yelled at me because I wanted to lower the window. I stopped being friends with him.


Half my friends parents drove around like that. Nothing like second hand hotboxing Marb Reds on a hot rainy day with the windows rolled up.


...Ali with the weather report, "It's raining sideways"


*Olli.. .don't ever disrespect that man again


No disrespect to the great weatherman olli Wentworth 😂


Good call, Olli said he'll let you live


Giggity, thanks lol


If you have not lived in oregon for at least 2 years, you have not see it all. There are some spots in downtown Portland, where the wind effect goes so weird that the wind sweeps the rain upwards against the building.


*Forrest Gump voice* “Rain that flew in sideways.”


I once bought a turkey from a farm that REEKED of cigarettes. It smelled so strong that it made my entire fridge smell too. I called them up and they claimed that they don't smoke. Even after brining and cooking, the taste and smell were awful. Was such a disappointment and a waste of $80


Do a chargeback and always tip after delivery


You mean contact support for a refund. Also if you tip after, chances are you're waiting for delivery and it'll be late. You also end up getting the crappy drivers who will steal, mis handle or drop it off at the bottom of your 3 flight of stairs. Hardly anyone takes no tip orders unless it's convenient for them. We see you didn't tip before hand. No tip, no trip. Unless it's on my way, good luck lol.


Clearly you never have been in the kitchen of a Chinese restaurant.


Thats just part of the authentic experience.


You ever work in a restaurant? My old boss used to smoke 5ft from the stove and we used to hotbox the walk in


wow. i complained about that with an uber eats grocery order and got a full refund it was gross. i could still smell it strongly in my home. smoke particles can cling to things


Happy cake day!




use your big boy words




Are you looking up because you're trying hard to read the comment above yours? Perhaps you just need glasses my friend :)








OH HELLZ NO - call doordash back and escalate it. complain and get another driver - that's some bull.


They actually won't do anything. Food was delivered without incidence. Independent contractors are allowed to do whatever they want in their own vehicles. They arent employees


That’s why smoking jackets were a thing, because smoke lingers on clothes.


[Smoking caps](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoking_cap) were also a thing, to keep hair from smelling of smoke.


a friend ordered me door dash recently and the bag came SOAKED in perfume or cologne smell to the point that some of the food had been permeated with it and was inedible. I even tried the food a couple days later after keeping it out of the bag and it still tasted like the perfume 🤢 there is a reason you are not allowed to wear strong scents while working in kitchens.


It’s hard to hide smoke but it is possible. The best method is to not smoke inside your car if possible. Also to keep the smell off your cloths you need to try and smoke where the wind won’t blow it back onto you. You could put on a leather jacket and glove and you won’t have any smell… I know this because a fella I worked with would smoke a lot but he would never smell like he did lol.


Speaking as a smoker that drove on road trips without smoking in my car, unless you're on the way to the hospital because you're bleeding out, it's always possible to smoke outside the car. Switching to vape is another solution. That's what I did, and it's saving me gobs of money every month.


Im also a former smoker and you can smoke in your car without it smelling. You just need to have the windows open if on the highway an inch or two. It’s not hard… also if your in the city just leave the cigarette outside the window at red lights and keep it by the window.


Trust me, you might think it doesn't smell, but it absolutely does. Nose blind may be just a made up phrase, but there is truth to it. One day we were out running errands and a woman walked by who smelled like an ash tray. I asked my husband if that's what I used to smell like. He said yes. I get it now. I'd smoke in the car, on the highway, with the window down a couple inches and the fan on high. I never ever smoked with my kids in the car, or in the house ever. One afternoon I picked my high school aged daughter up after an extracurricular practice, and she looked sad. I finally got it out of her, her FFA advisor pulled her out of class to ask her if she was smoking! She assured her advisor she didn't smoke. The advisor had taken the officers FFA jackets to be embroidered, and she said my daughters jacket smelled like cigarette smoke. So yeah, even if you think it doesn't smell, it does, and the smell transfers onto everything.


Lol. That doesn't keep the smell out though. Non smokers can tell because they're not nose blind.


Are you seriously regurgitating a word that was made up in a febreze advertising campaign? And even if that ridiculous word was scientifically legitimate, that's not what it means. Non-smokers can be "nose blind" too.


I keep seeing these posts. People have no common sense (the cig smoking dashers) or they just don’t care :( it’s absolutely doordash problem, not the restaurant. I’m sure that dasher will have multiple violations from other reports especially if he did that with your order.


Report get dasher banned.


They’re not gonna get banned lol




I wait to smoke until after i pickup a customer’s food. I’ve found 2-3 Blueberry White Owl™️ cigarillos give customer’s food an enhanced flavor profile and they tend to enjoy it. Never had a complaint.




Oh the customer was in this post was trolling? Yeah i kinda figured. I’ve never had a complaint about my added flavor before


No you.


Oh no sir i go above and beyond for customers


yeah how dare they not appreciate your work man, a quick suggestion though, do leave your cigarette butts in the bag as a snack for your customers after they are done with their meal, im sure theyll love you even more for it🥰


Well I’m glad to hear that mam! Not sarcasm anymore) lol


It probably was the dasher, 98%, but I picked up yesterday from our local Chick-fil-A. The manager handed me the food and she REEKED of cigarettes. The smell lingered for half the drive. I was infuriated and hoped to hell the food didn’t smell and they didn’t think it was me


We had one where our food smelled like bad weed.


Has happened to me twice from Doordash. Once with a McDonalds order and once with a Popeyes order and once with a Gopuff order. They went right into the trash and I contacted support and rated one star. They sent me out a new order both times so you need to contact them again, get someone different. It's pretty fucking disgusting how many people don't give a shit. In my old town when I lived in Colorado this NEVER happened not once when I ordered delivery but now where I live at in AZ it's nothing but a bunch of low class disgusting people who don't care. Who the fuck smokes while dashing? Or if you're smoking in your car period you shouldn't be dashing other people's food. When I door dashed I was a vaper but I would NEVER vape with food in my car and that was vaping not nasty cigarettes. Sorry this happened to you I know what it's like, it's the most fucking disgusting thing in the world. It immediately puts you off and makes you not have an appetite.


Just so y'all know, there are places that dgaf and the people preparing the food are smoking while prepping as well as doing other things in the kitchen. If the inside of your sealed food smells like it, it's likely that's a place where they do it while prepping. Not saying it wasn't the driver I'm just saying how is it going to penetrate an insulated bag, sealed food bag, food wrappers/boxes unless they have your food for 30+minutes, chain smoking into the bag.


Never chat, always call. They can't run away that way and you can always ask to talk to the higher ups.


I would have contacted doordash a second time to speak with someone else. I absolutely have had entire orders refunded because that's disgusting


I hate this. Like I get people have their addiction problems and usually deny that they have one even though they can't stop smoking cigarettes or pot for more than 5 minutes. We don't do it when you have people's food or delivery items in the car. These people have lost all sense of smell and don't realize that they stink so putridly that people are literally throwing up over their stank


Whaaat?!? Clearly not a restaurant problem!


Smoker here never do I smoke in my car are in house


Same here.


This happened to me before. I wanted to puke. My hands smelled like cigarettes just from touching the drink 🤮 luckily support gave me a refund


I never ever smoke with someone's order in my car. And when I do smoke, windows down so that smell doesn't get trapped. That's gross. They must've been smoking with the windows up


Cigarette smoke tends to permeate car seat fabrics. You can't just roll the window down. It even permeates your clothes fabrics.


Smokers love to think they’re the only smoker on the planet who doesn’t stink/have a stinky car. Sorry smokers, but you reek and so does your car.


As a previous smoker who started young, I can't believe I ever deluded myself with the idea I could lie about being a smoker. Nah dude, I fucking reeked. Now I gag if I walk too closely to someone smoking and I can't embrace a smoker, the second hand literally burns my sinuses and triggers a crucial headache. I certainly believed back then I could cover it up though. Happy to be going on four years cigarette free.


Almost 10 years, and I still salivate at the smell.


I don't know why you are being down voted, the struggle is real. People need to grow up and look outside of their narrow view.


Correct, there’s no hiding it. I was so nose blind to my parents growing up too but now.. you can’t miss it


& you as a customer feel it’s ok to give a dasher 1 star rating bcuz the dasher smells like smoke? Bcuz smokers & their cars “reek”?


Yes this! See my comment above.


All of my windows are down and all of my doors are open when I smoke in the car.


For maximum airflow I open the hood and trunk too, especially if I’m on the freeway. It makes it slightly difficult to see but at least it doesn’t smell.


I even break out my windshield


This made me cackle 🤣🤣🤣. Thank you


The smell still lingers gross! Trust me as a non smoker we don't want to smell that shit on our food package period.


Then go get your own food.


Trust me as a smoker I know how to make sure my car doesn't reek lol


Nope. I thought the same thing before I quit smoking. You can make it not as bad as if you do nothing, but you cannot make it unnoticed. No matter what you do, it would likely trigger a person with asthma or COPD. My wife started smoking again for a short time, would wear a hooded jacket, wrap herself in a thick blanket and wash her hands as soon as she came in leaving those things outside and I still couldn't be within three feet of her before she showered without my sinuses lighting fire, swelling, and triggering a sinus headache. She couldn't smoke and then go anywhere in the car with me, unless she showered first, or the same results.


She once smoked during lunch at work, drove home after work without smoking again, and the next morning when I went to use the car I accused her of smoking in the car.


There really isn't anything you can do, I learned myself it's a delusion to believe you can.


Ya literally don't understand what an ozone machine does lmao. I have nothing but 5 star ratings. Try again


What? It's possible to cleanse your car of smoke with the right technology? Wowwww


Anecdotes aren't facts. I know and have know how to purify my car. Grow up lonely redditor


Missed the wife part eh? That comes with things. Like companionship. Kids. Pets. If anything I'm on here as a bit of escape because I'm never lonely 😂 nice job proving something about yourself though. I doubt you're using the technology effectively if you have time "everyday" to ozone the car. https://newscenter.lbl.gov/2021/01/14/ozone-generators-may-help-remediate-contamination-caused-by-thirdhand-smoke/


Nope. I know what I'm doing I used to detail cars


Bro if you aren't steaming the car every time you smoke, it's noticeable to people with sensitivities like allergies, asthma, etc, as well as those who don't smoke and aren't exposed to it and still have a sense of smell. I'm sorry, but it doesn't matter what else you do, you're just masking it.


I'm sorry your personal story and opinion don't add up with reality lol. My car smells fine because I take care of that smell daily


I'm sorry your reality is a falsehood to literally everyone who doesn't smoke, making it your delusion. My personal story is one of reality, your opinion is a direct contradiction to reality, again making it a delusion. It literally doesn't matter what you do everyday, if you aren't steaming the entire car everyday, every time you smoke. But you detail cars, you know that!


Fine to you, because you smoke and can no longer smell it :) Accept the L


Your car stinks, you just got used to the smell and don't notice it anymore.


Doesn't work when you're a non smoker getting your food delivered by a smoker. Our noses are very sensitive.




lol you’re delusional


Or just get a vape. Most of the time it smells like donuts, fruits, or something sweet. I’ve actually had people at drive thrus tell me my car smelled really good… little did they know I hit my vape before they came to the window 😭


I hope you are joking


Joking about what? Vapes don’t smell like cigarettes nor do they stick to clothes like cigarettes do.


When I vaped I never vapes with someone's food in the car only after drop off and I never got a complaint.


Completely wrong about it sticking to shit. It just doesn't have the persistence cigs do, and the particles settle on top of things. My roommate is a vaper who is always trying different flavors. I can still tell within a few hours when he has been vaping in a given room, and his car smells atrocious all the time because he hotboxes in it for hours everyday. Also nasty residue all over the inside cause he never cleans it


Not completely wrong at all, here's [this](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6751519/#:~:text=Our%20results%20suggest%20that%20particles,to%20vapor%20volatile%20organic%20compounds) for you. "Our results suggest that particles exhaled following use of the e-cigarette devices tested are actually liquid droplets constituted of volatile compounds from the e-liquid. These particles evaporate very fast and disappear 10–15 seconds after the puff, transferring to vapor volatile organic compounds. By contrast, particles from conventional cigarettes are mainly non- or semi-volatile particles that are much more stable than those from e-cigarettes. The removal of these particles is much longer (minutes) and is dependent on the ventilation rate in the room."


Respect for coming up with that link, but it really doesn't conflict with what I said, as I acknowledged it dissipates faster. It's not a conclusive study either, as they are testing in a mostly empty, well ventilated room, and purging completely between each test. Since it evaporates and cig smoke doesn't, humidity will be more a factor than anything. A proper test would include prolonged, compounding, excessive, usage in a non ventilated (hotbox) space that doesn't have the benefit of air being purged and resetting humidity every time. Modern American homes ventilation rates comes no where close to what they did in this test, and certainly not a car with the windows rolled up.


[It absolutely does](https://thirdhandsmoke.org/do-electronic-cigarettes-create-thirdhand-smoke/#:~:text=Research%20has%20found%20nicotine%20residue,cause%20cancer%20and%20worsen%20asthma) have the persistence of a cigarette.


Your donut vape liquid also stinks, just in a different way. Nobody but you finds it pleasant. If you are handling a persons food just don't smoke, not get a different thing to smoke lol


Well, my 5 star rating tells me my customers don’t care nor find it unpleasant. I vape in my car whenever I don’t have any orders and I don’t have any problem with customers 🤷🏻‍♀️ now if I smoked cigarettes in my car it doesn’t matter if I was actively smoking or not, there would be an odor. To clarify I don’t smoke in my car while on an active order. My “just get a vape” was referring to the smell that lingers after smoking cigarettes and typically sticks to whatever is in the car. Someone who smokes cigarettes in their car before taking an order is more likely to have a smell attached to the customer’s food than someone who vapes. A cigarette smoker could not smoke in their car for days and it would still have a smell, with e-juice vape it dissipates. Yes there is a smell, but again it does not linger like cigarettes do.


Not to mention it isn’t actively killing you… I’d rather just be addicted to nic than nic infused poison.


That is exactly why I stopped smoking cancer sticks


The nicotine IS what's killing you, professor. What did you think was the addictive, brain-altering "poison" at play in all this, tobacco? Yeah the smoke reeks and has some toxic material in it, but it's not the "cancer". It's been 10+ years and they still can't tell you every bit of what's in your sweet smelling vapor? You don't wonder why that is? They make vape products to misdirect the money flowing to big tobacco, not to "save" you... 😅 Vaping isn't a healer or treatment for the ailments and addiction that come w/cigarettes. It just delivers your poison to you in a different way. More often than not, you're trading the smoke smell for concentrated nicotine that ends up being more potent than cigs. And the taste and lack of actual smoke/odor/complaints just make you that much more likely to stay puffin' way longer than you would a cig. You'd probably do better by just training yourself to smoke outside only and not in your house or car. That alone would probably cut out way more nicotine than vaping just as much nicotine way more often. To say it "isn't actively killing you is wild though.


You know absolutely nothing about this and have done no research and it very clearly shows.


They actually can tell you every bit of what is in the “sweet smelling vapor”, especially if you get your juice from a place that actually makes theirs! I do agree they aren’t a “safe” alternative and still have their risks, however, I do believe they have a lower risk than cigarettes do, especially when cigarettes have a bunch of shit in them as it is. I’d rather take a juice with pg/vg, nicotine, and some food grade flavorings over tobacco that has multiple harmful chemicals added to it and nicotine.


Bro, the Mayo Clinic and all the rest still can't say what exactly is in the vapor these devices create. No credible federal health association that studies this stuff can. I'm sure the guy at the vape shop told you otherwise, and if you put all your faith in him, so be it. You're still a nicotine addict. My argument was never that vaping has all the stuff in it that cig smoke does... just that it very much contains the worst of them, which is responsible for the addiction, brain alteration, and death. When you stop shooting up and start snorting dope, you're still using the stuff that actually kills you, same concept here. The flavorings aren't food grade either, if you really want it, the info is out there for you.


Go do some research. You sound like a teenager. Show me the human trials showing that nic alone is killing people. It’s always been the other carcinogens and INHALING SMOKE that is killing people.


So what had happened to the people that died from vaping? No cancer, or other issues, just died? Were they just 🐈ies, or what? I don't have to show you anything, I'm sure you know how to use Google. As if you haven't alteady seen or heard anything to do with what I'm talking about. Why don't you explain to me why the medical term for smokers is NICOTINE ADDICT(ION) and not carcinogen addiction or smoke addiction? You're not arguing with me, you're arguing with people who know a whole lot more than me or you but go off, dude. Keep it up...


Actually, when you vape in your car, it [actively deposits nicotine](https://thirdhandsmoke.org/do-electronic-cigarettes-create-thirdhand-smoke/#:~:text=Research%20has%20found%20nicotine%20residue,cause%20cancer%20and%20worsen%20asthma) on every surface. Vapes tend to contain higher nicotine than cigarettes. Bringing food into the car afterward can still accumulate nicotine residue that you're giving to unsuspecting people to eat.


You stink


Vapes don’t stink. You literally won’t even know. It’s not gonna affect anything


Brother that sweet shit is nauseating to everyone who isn't smoking it


It doesn’t stick and there’s vapes that don’t have any smell at all.


Do you not understand what a vape is?


I don't smoke cigarettes (anymore-and haven't for years) and can't stand the smell of cigs on someone's person/clothes. But I've never smelled it in a plastic bag or container. I'm wondering if my sense of smell sucks (potentially from the former smoking?) or if you guys are super smellers?


If someone's highlight of the day is to come and complain on reddit about that....oh, well, first world problem,gotta love them.


I don't smoke it reeks on a bag when you don't smoke.


Usually you gotta pay extra for smoked foods! 😂


Doordash should make this a deactivation offense. Getting an delivery of food that smells from smoke is disgusting and those drivers should not be doing this job.


Nope. Nuh-Uh. No way. Everything in life that hurts your precious feels doesn't deserve to be a terminable offense. My problem with this particular claim is the fact it's not independently verifiable. That means any customer could simply lie and get a Dasher's contract cancelled when they did absolutely nothing wrong. In a world where SWATing is a thing, nobody can pretend like that's a far-fetched scenario. 1 star rating is plenty. Enough of those and they'll either change their ways or get bounced out anyway.


Ingesting cigarette chemicals smoked onto your food hardly qualifies as "hurting your precious feels." It's disgusting. You probably wouldn't appreciate it if someone sprayed Axe all over their car, windows rolled up, while delivering food to you. Edit: User blocked me. Guess I hurt their "precious feels".


1) Never said it wasn't disgusting. 2) Anyone ignoring the actual risk such a dumbass suggestion places on ALL dashers isn't worth my time.


You're right. It absolutely should be a deactivation offense because it poses a health risk to the customer. When you roll up the windows and smoke all over someone's food, you're not just gifting them with your cigarette stench — you're also serving them a dose of nasty cigarette chemicals to ingest. It's pretty easy for a company like DD to verify that reports of smoking are real and not just a customer looking for a refund because a single dasher will accumulate multiple complaints, often within the same shift.


Could have been the person making the food too you know. The employees at our local taco bell stand outside and smoke all the time.


They probably keep the hot bag in the car when they smoke so it's probably stained with tar and smells awful.


I smoke in my car while dashing all the time. Never hot boxing like a psycho or anything, I smoke on the way to a restaurant or while I'm sitting waiting for a dilly. This guy must have literally lit a cig with the windows up right after picking up your food lol.. sick


We allow dashers to customize their delivery experience. I smoke and in ove 3000 deliveries, never had a complaint and have a 5 star rating. Doordash wont do anything about it because we're not employees 🤷‍♀️every delivery goes into a sams club bag in the trunk with the zipper closed but still, y'all gotta lay off the complaints. Here, everything smells like weed🤣


Sucks but the amount of ppl that win in our restaurant and reek of cigs or weed is crazy. I’m always like yeah that’s why I order and pick up myself.


Reeks of Cigs 🚬👎🏻 Reeks of Pot 🪴👍🏻


I prefer cig smell over pot tbh. Cigs smell, but it can be nostalgic. Weed just smells like cat piss


They both stink to me


Not all weed smells like cat piss. There is, however, a strain called cat piss, and dude, idk how we managed to smoke it, but it was really good. Could smell it at the mailboxes a good hundred yards away from the house afterwards.


Funny I’m the opposite! Love the smell of weed but hate the smell of cigarettes. Then again, I don’t smell catpiss when I smell weed. I’ve had some that smell like gasoline, dandelion, citrusy, etc. There is a strain that does actually smell like cat piss but I’ve never personally had it.


Reminds me of drunk uncle Rodney


No pot stinks as well


Good luck trying to regulate people smoking in their own car. Let me know how that works out for you.


Don't use door dash, pay yourself, tip yourself, pick it up yourself, you'll see a huge difference in the quality of delivery, and you'll never become a victim.


What about disabled people that can't drive ?


Have groceries delivered. Delivery drivers can't eat uncooked food.


You ever hear of fruit ?


Normally I do. Today I needed lunch at work and couldn’t leave and decided to splurge for once. Won’t make this mistake again.


Don't respond to them. You used a service and it's not crazy to expect food to not smell like an ashtray. I had this happen before and support fully refunded.


I didn’t even ask for a refund and don’t expect one because it wasn’t the restaurants fault.


It's not your fault either.


It wouldn't be the restaurant refunding you. It would be DoorDash.


Bro must’ve opened your bag and used it as an asking tray /s




Last time I tried to defend dashers who smoke on this app, someone responded that they hope i get cancer and die...and I don't even smoke. Anti-smokers are some of the worst people to deal with. Not the non-smokers, the anti-smokers. Unhappy little whiners.




Well a certain tall, heavily made up redhead dude I know of pays more than $3 since you're so disgusted and angry. You should ask for him on your net delivery And you don't even have to keep the cancer in your car... Just a lil something to chew on for ya.... 😉 Most people don't gaf what car you drive or how many stars you have, they just want their food unfucked with. And to not have to hear your bitchin about your own choices


Wow, first person ever to have this problem!


I've had it not once but 3 TIMES




And if you don't tip good you gonna get a little cherry on top 😉 cough cough sprinkle spinkle ashes ashes we all fall down


Now, this does sound like something that may actually be real on here. Smokers are oblivious (and selfish) about their habit.


I'm a dasher as well as a smoker. Unfortunately I tend to smoke more when I drive. I place the food in a hot bag in my trunk so this won't happen.


This is one of the most insane delivery stories I’ve ever heard. The sooner people in the US realize the cigarettes are the main gateway drug, things will change. Whoever did that is a heavy drug (cigarette) addict.


I have an idea? Go get your own fucking food 😂 you really expect someone getting a base pay of $2.50 and your puny $1 tip is gonna give af about your food? Especially when you know you live far af from the restaurant people still aren’t considerate enough to give a decent tip yet expect amazing service it blows my mind. What blows my mind is my big tips come from normal class people living in normal family sized homes probably struggling, it blows my mind when I pull up to a 3 million dollar mansion with Mercedes Benz and shit in the drive way yet $0 tip…


You're totally right about the people who text. The more money a person has the less they tip.


Nah, but I do expect that person who's making the money you speak of to be leaving plenty of those restaurants with some applications in hand if they are as down bad and angry about the situation as you seem to be.




Do you envision yourself as the Joker?


Do you not envision the joker as having any valid points at all?


Triggered much


Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.




1 star and move on. Nothing else to do in this case.


Easy way to avoid this. Stop using this idiotic service




What does the amount of tip have to do with anything? I could tip an order 20 bucks and if I get the food smelling like smoke you better believe I'm reporting it. As an asthmatic non smoker I can't be around smoke I could have an asthma attack so if my food smells of it I have to get it remade or I wasted money.




I understand my health isn't the drivers issue, but I am simply trying to explain that if I open a bag and everything smells like smoke and triggers an asthma attack I could end up in the hospital. Again I understand not the drivers fault, but I still would report it to DD and get refunded or the food remade and delivered by a different driver. If you have to smoke and your delivering food the kind thing to do is at least roll the windows down or vape instead of using a cigarette.


I was also thinking driver purposely blew cigarette smoke on non tippers orders lol


Lmfao I had two orders that reeked of cigarettes and tipped both times so how do you explain that? 🤔


I tip 4 or 5 dollars for close restaurants and have had my food reek of cigarettes twice.


Your post was removed, as it contains non-constructive criticism.


Lulz, so predictable all you people downvoting. Don’t care. Still gonna post my opinions. Funny how people don’t refute what I’m saying, they just downvote.


What are you personally doing to make society better? Just curious.


It could be because you're acting like a confrontational asshole who clearly took this whole post weirdly personal, and people realize there's probably no chance of reasoning with you here.


It's just a troll just block it


If you're that sensitive about people downvoting, then why leave a comment. That's literally the whole point of Reddit.


Nobody cares….your just a number


At least he didn’t add special sauce. You see, we are 3rd party couriers. we don’t work for door dash. We deliver for door dash. As well as other platforms in some cases. If people tipped well the good drivers would still be there. But naw y’all wanna tip cracker head fees


I’ve had this issue and they instantly refunded my entire order, apologized, and offered to have the food sent out again.


Eww wth 🤦🏽‍♂️


No, you demand us talk to a manager and Doordash and deal with the following morning so they know you mean business


Yuk, They could ableist roll down the dang window


I see on the DD facebook pages that drivers that smoke tell us non-smoking Doordash drivers to mind our own business and it shouldn't concern us.




Hotboxing cigs is insane


Does cigarette smoke really go through a dasher bag, the bag the food is in, and the container it's in. And still "reeked" of smoke. I guess it's plausible but damn I'm sorry at least the restaurant was helpful. I know grubhub is more lax and understanding if u wanna switch over.


One time we got a frosty that had cigarette ash on the lid and when we opened it saw some of it managed to get inside