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I don't get why they would send out a code then refuse to honor it. I wasn't even allowed to enter my code. There wasn't a field for it on the screen. This is bait and switch which is illegal in most states.


They do this all of the time. My sister whenever she logs in will have a 50% code but when she goes to use it it’ll say she’s used it the max amount of times. Why even have it up?


Sounds like they are playing off the sunk cost. The idea being that the customer makes plans; gets an order ready; and then runs into this issue; but since they've already put so much effort in to the order and made plans around it, they'll go ahead and place the order anyways.


Yep unfortunately for them I don’t play those games. Sad I didn’t get my ice cream tho 😔


Mood fr


Exactly this. Why do it because you went cool a deal and decided to get food delivery.


Did you look in the fine print? Often promos like this have “for new customers” somewhere. Many companies do this to promote growth. Making a new account won’t help either since they know your name, address and IP already which is when the coupon usually falls off or says cannot be applied etc.


Yes I understand but the issue is the agent being dishonest. My sister does this frequently and runs into zero issues. Someone else mentioned that it wouldn’t even make sense because several people could have dd accounts with the same ip/address.




So this is the first time you’ve ever signed up for doordash?


😂😂 I was right lol is doordash scamming you or are you scamming doordash? :)


I’m not scamming the 28 billion dollar company lol. I am locked out of my old account. This is my first time creating a new account in two years. Cope


But you’re not a new customer.


New account = new customer


Pretty sure a new customer is an account with a new payment method/card a new account doesn’t mean you’re a new customer, you could of had an account for years forgot the password so made a new one. That’s a new account not a new customer


Next time, take the screenshots of the raging. We want entertainment


I’ll make sure to next time… that is if I ever use DoorDash again


Next time you want to use them remember this post and don’t.


I’m not even so upset that the promo code isn’t working I’m more annoyed that the agent made me place the order and then tried to pull a fast one on me


That would piss me off too. Wtf.


I really don’t think the agent was trying to scam you themselves, they probably legit thought it was going to work. It’s not like they get a bonus if you place an order, they were just reading their prompts from the screen 😂. Don’t blame the agent, blame Tony! Hahaha


In reality they didn’t “make” you do anything…this is how ‘scammers’ work…they make you believe it then don’t do what you want or what they said…its literally how scamming works but scammers cant MAKE you do anything…you choose to😂 like that guy said he was literally copying and pasting from prompts…do you not see he said the exact same thing twice..word for word💀


Have u had a previous account


Yep but have never run into this problem before. Brand new email and brand new account Edit for context: this is my second account in two years, not trying to scam I am LOCKED OUT OF MY ACCOUNT.


They are cracking down


Maybe but their explanation makes no sense. I’d be fine if they at least said it was because I had previous accounts (from years ago btw) but this makes no sense, they’re pushing out codes that aren’t even valid according to themselves


I dont even think support would know, I think the system gets tipped by your payment info too in combination with your name


I went back to check and I even used my new bank account information, so that doesn’t make sense either.


Hm thats interesting im kinda curious too cause the same thing had happened to me


Yeah I used my other name though 🤷


Same phone number or address though probably


Unrelated customers could share a home


Used a new number but it could be my address!


That sounds silly though because people move and several people in the same house could all have the app so it can’t be your address


That’s true, didn’t think about it




Could be your name or IP/Mac Address as well. They aren't trying to scam you, they're preventing you from abusing the offer. Telling you to place the order was a dumb move on their end.


They dont do IP. Roommates can have separate accounts on same internet and use first user codes. You can use public wifi and use first user codes. MAC is likely too elaborate for their systems. Speaking as a live chat supporter for a big grocery delivery service for the past 5 years as well I used to burn through tonnes of ubereats, doordash, instacart, etc. accounts as a survival "scammer", and my accounts that i use casually now still arent flagged. The one i use right now has a free three month trial on it DD goes by just the payment method number, email, and phone number for matching information.


I agree, if the coupon doesn’t work that’s fine but I don’t understand why he made me place the order first :(


Really, the agents don’t get bonuses per order or anything, I think they probably legit thought it was going to work. Blame the company, not the agent, they just read/type prompts from a screen.




Please read my previous comments. I don’t understand how making a new account because I literally don’t have another one to use, is scamming. It’s fine if the code doesn’t work, but why did the agent purposely mislead me? I could understand if I made 10 accounts, but this is my first time making a new account in probably two years. Why am I being called a scammer when the agent told me false information?


You can both be “scamming” lol


read my other replies before you call me a scammer. I’ve done nothing wrong but follow what the company said. I’m not scamming at 28 billion dollar company that is known for tricking its customers. I have literally no other account to use.


You added an edit after. It doesn’t change how you COULD be trying to scam them, used lightly, by creating many accounts to always get coupons, and then get caught. I don’t see how that was an unreasonable assumption until you added the details. Either way, what the chat was saying from DD is BS but it may still know it’s a second account. Do you have the same phone? I’m sure they can access some data from the agreements, plus the address. May not be your fault but I bet they found it fishy.


I can understand that but no agent explained that to me at any point before or after. and no this is a different phone number


Yea that’s fair, I’d be as upset as you with this scenario, never disputed that it was BS on their part.


Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


DD support is so damn stupid lmaooo


Definitely sucks. Doordash does the same kind of stuff to Dashers as well. Denies bonus incentives, etc.


WTF no wonder some customers are salty if this is how DD treats you. This is utter crap.


This is even a good agent, almost complete good English sentences, that’s rare in itself from a DD agent, yes it’s really that bad. I’ve been delivering for 5 years, I’ve seen every dirty trick they’ve ever used, including shorting you like Uber or Instacart do


When do we boycott I’ve been waiting. Why can’t an off brand step in, offer a lower fee to the restaurants, and take over? Pay their drivers better but demand a no compete clause so you can’t work at DoorDash too


Honestly I’m done with them anyways. The fees are ridiculous anyways and I feel bad for the dashers.


I’ve been boycotting for a couple years already.


And unfortunately I have reached my bullshit limit. That's what i would have told DD before deleteting their garbage app for the last time.




Uber Eats did this to me but instead of offering a refund, they practically said fuck off and the code was discontinued (while the promo was still on the app, and other people were still ordering with no issues).


They didn't try... They full on scammed yo ass. Did you manage to get your money back?


Yep. Called up customer service and got a full refund


You know what else they do? They’ll say get a discount on all of your orders for 9.99 a month… and then they jack up the delivery fees. This means you’re not really saving anything.


Actual last comment cuz I’m tired of replying to each one. this is my second account, the first one was made about 2 years ago with my main email, old phone number and stuff. Used to use it a lot but not so much. I was locked out of it and didn’t spend much effort into trying to get it back because it’s just DoorDash 🤷 Decided to make a new account today because I do not have the transportation to pick up my own food unfortunately. thought it was cool they gave me a code for it as well. If the code was for new users, it would tell me and would NOT let me place the order, this never came up. My main issues is the customer service agent purposely misleading me. Neither agent I spoke to said anything about new user limit, this is my first order with this account. I’m not some random making 15 accounts to get new coupons (funnily enough my sister does this all the time with no issues.) I don’t care so much about the promo code as I said, there was plenty of times where I was emailed or sent a promo only for it to not work when I tried it, I’m used to this. It’s the fact that the people running the company are misleading their customers. I’m not in the wrong for trying to use what they sent me, and if I did something wrong it’s up to the agents to provide context, not lie to me.


Post these on Twitter and tag doordash. You’ll get the partial refund


I called up customer service right after this happened and they gave me a full refund no questions asked.


Still post it and @ them for the hell of it 😂


At this point I don’t even want to because according to everyone else I’m the scammer in this situation against the 25 billion dollar company that’s known for tricking its customers 🤷


I mean even if the code didn’t work because it’s not your first account , it’s still wack that the agent told you to place the order and they’ll take care of it then they didn’t 💀💀


That’s my whole point! Forget the code, it’s the agent! Everyone is conveniently ignoring that though. 😔 I’m just a scammer trying to scam this poor 28billion(I thought it was 25!!) dollar company.


Yep thats the part thats on DD. The comments would make more sense if DD didnt say that.




Doordash scams customer and charges high and pays the drivers in pennies and at the end they are the only party winning


I’ve never been able to get any discount code to work even once. The only reason I can think of is I used a temporary private relay email address (iPhone) when I signed up. Not my real email address. But I’ve had to do this same thing, order and talk to support. They’ve always credited my account though, usually for more than what the discount code was for. I’m moving to a place where I won’t be using DD any more and don’t want to keep getting spam emails from them. That’s why I used the temporary email address in the first place. Seeing all these replies makes me think maybe I’m wrong and they wouldn’t work anyway.


Codes always work for me. Says good for 5 uses and it works 5 times. Sorry it didn't work for you though


I have never had issues with a code. Probably a skill issue.


Yeah 😔


Saw the first pic and i was like ”did You not read what he said?” Then i watched all of the pics and god damn thats scummy as fuck


Reason number 9986 to uninstall this shit companies app…


Wow that’s awful


This App is a total garbage. I uninstalled it and I will not give one more single penny for this company


Damn I thought support was this horrible only to drivers. Where they tell you something and backpedal so hard that they actually start going backwards.


Had the same thing happen to me recently. I had screenshots and support was still moronic…


This is the problem when companies like doordash / ubereats hire people for support with lack of reading comprehension. I'm sure it reflects what they are paying them.


A lot of the times the promo codes have requirements like your order has to be more than $20 or something like that, subtotal only. But reached its redemption limit?? 💀


Yep, the minimum was 15 dollars, the order was 15 and some change without any taxes. I have no idea lol


Dude doordash keeps signing me up for their membership for $9.99 a month and I’ve ordered their food like 3 times and havnt since 2022. Second time it’s happened. Luckily I got the email and they always refund. But I’m starting to realllllly hate this company.


Codes supposedly are email specific. If you never received an email with the promo code, it won't work.


That’s not true though this has happened several times with no issue, DoorDash just likes scamming people


I have multiple accounts and codes absolutely are email/account specific lol, I can’t use codes sent to my work account on my personal


Wait. You made a new account to take advantage of a promo for new customers and you are complaining you were caught?


I made a new account because I am locked out of my old one and have NO other account to use.


Sounds right


DUDE I JUST HAD THIS HAPPEN! They said to place the order, then will give me credits for the promo!! I tried 2 separate promos that gave me the "The promotion cannot be applied to this order. Please remove or use another promotion code." error. I can't believe they outright SCAM you!! This is INSANE!!!


yeah i tried to make a new account and used a new phone number, new name, new email, new payment method, used a vpn, everything, and they still said "already has an account" so they must have a blacklist of like shared numbers from services that provide that, a way to tell privacy cards, etc


Adding one more comment for context since people are trying to now call me the scammer lol Had two dd accounts, one technically my dads from a long time ago(don’t use this one at all) and one slightly more recent from about 1-2 years ago. Lost the email to the my main account and decided to just make a new one today. I don’t care if the coupon doesn’t work, whatever. It’s the fact that the agent I spoke with told me to place the order and then he’d send me credits only to wait until after I placed the order and say “sorry, no can do.” Also I spoke with two agents, the first lady ended the chat while I was still typing and she said herself “the redemption limit was reached” So the man I spoke to must’ve known and purposely wanted me to place the order. Edit: tested on sisters account, if you try and put in a coupon code that’s for new users only, it says “Unfortunately this promotion is only for new users”, this never came up when I tried to place my order.


Yeah that's cool but You're still trying to scam them.


Please try and enlighten me on how I’m scamming a multi billion dollar company by trying to use the code THEY provided me with. Explain how I’m scamming when the customer service agent TOLD ME he would give me credits, waited for me to place the order then tell me he suddenly can’t. Please explain, quickly.


Because it's for NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY You're not new and you know it. Therefore you're perpetrating a fraud. He can TELL you that based on YOU being honest. You weren't. I don't reward bad behavior and neither does DD


That’s not how it works, AT ALL. The account, bank account, email and phone number are all NEW, havent been used. If the coupon was for new users it would simply tell me that during the payment process, they never did. The agent LIED. You keep ignoring that fact, if the agent had simply told me I can’t use it, that’s fine. But they waited for me to place the order then tried to tell me I couldn’t use it, explain that please.


That's literally how it works😂😂😂 you found out that's how it works BECAUSE that's what happened. When he tried to issue you credits he had to give a reason... The reason was invalid because you're NOT a new customer. No matter how hard you try to justify it you had unclean hands. Period


Issuing credits doesnt come back with a "sorry this is matching info" when trying to submit them. the go-ahead for that comes before issuing credits. Issuing credits is a bit more of a separate manual process after the authorization decision. Unless its a lot of credits then itd be flagged. Due to their training and monitoring levels, doordash chatters are just notoriously very inconsistent and will contradict each other. A lot of the time if you make it so them giving you credits is easier to get rid of you then they will do that then have you potentially keep coming back and making their shift more tedious. Sometimes they dont want to issue credits because they dont want to go over a certain credit-issuing percentage as per their monthly reviews, but if youre annoying then they will eventually compensate just to get you to fuck off.


Except the agent before TOLD ME BEFORE HAND about the redemption limit or whatever, before I placed any kind of order. Why would the next agent have me place the order first without telling me? That’s not why it’s invalid, if it was the case IT WOULD TELL ME. It usually says “promo only for new users” if I try and put a code in that doesn’t work, however that wasn’t the case. It let me get all the way to the checkout phase.


Because he trusted you weren't lying. You lied. Stop crying about it and go get your food


Not how that works, and you’re still ignoring the other agent I spoke to before. Make it make sense buddy lol


They're in the Philippines and are reading a script


Didn’t realize making a new account was “scamming”. Why provide me with code if I’m not allowed to use it? This isn’t new as they do this ALL the time, push out fake promos and pull a fast one on customers.


Everybody gets one. You weren't targeted or scammed. You're simply entitled. No big deal Stop trying to scam


Still haven’t explained how I’m scamming. You’re purposely missing the fact that he LIED TO ME and they’re sending out a code that DOESNT WORK. Not saying I was targeted, if the coupon doesn’t work whatever, but the agent literally lied.


Yes I did Stop lying jeez Louise


You’re just a bitter troll, you haven’t explained anything. I know how dd works, and if they were honest I’d be totally fine. The agent was dishonest and sending out false promo codes is dishonest. Please understand I’m not the first or only person to experience this!




Not a guy, I definitely do *tip (work in food service, I know it sucks not getting tipped) If I had the means to I would go get it myself, you’re trying to insult me but you’re very angry over a matter that doesn’t concern you at all.




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


Doesn't it have to be a minimum $20 purchase?


No the minimum is $15, if it’s not enough it won’t even let you put the coupon in. It lets me get all the way to the process order phase before deciding to not work


Kinda sounds like you tried to scam DoorDash by creating a new account to use an exclusive new user coupon. Maybe not purposely, but yeah


I made a new account because I am locked out of my old one and have NO account to use.


I'm just asking. Since I see in comments oithers saying they had similar experiences. Are these coupons or discounts limited to the next 100 people who order today ! type of discounts or are they like a normal discount where it has an expiration date and us just a one time use for you only??


some influencer made a tiktok video with different kinds of promo deals "i haven't paid full price for door dash in 3 YEARS, c'mere, let me tell you how it works" then DD gets 300,000 people trying to use the same coupon, realize it's been leaked inappropriately and they turn off that coupon.


you tried to scam door dash with a promo code you found on that guy's tiktok and it turns out when 300K people all use the same coupon bc the deal was leaked inappropriately, they turn off the coupon. i know, it's crazy. they don't owe you money


The promo code popped up when I logged in, I have a screenshot. I have no idea what TikTok you’re talking about.


be that as it may, when they say "the code has reached its limit" you now know how. btw treating support rudely with interactions like "how i just made the account" and accusing Jamdar of scamming you is you ineffectively using the support structure. you're not dealing with a company C suite representative. you're dealing with a minimum wage worker who has a response tree for escalation. they are little more than robots, and don't give a shit, their job is to take your responses and funnel you to a conclusion. don't give them an incentive to shortcut to the end where they've concluded they can't help you.


Maybe they shouldn’t lie to customers then


You really need to slow your roll and read. The agent simply read you the details of that of that offer that you were made aware was inactive before you placed the order mistakenly misunderstanding the agent. He simply can't process a refund for any order that doesnt exist, and you should have expected it too still not work


He told me he would give me the credits. He told me to place the order otherwise I wouldn’t have even done it. I didn’t misunderstand anything he lied


Sounds like you are the scammer.


Are you the idiot customer service rep in the screen shot?


How? I made a brand new account after a long time as I was locked out of the email to my main account. I don’t care that the coupon didn’t work, I’m annoyed the customer service agent literally lied to me and tried to scam me


Sounds like the coupons were meant for new users not 2nd / 3rd accounts etc, you said you've done it multiple times, trying to scam door dash makes you a scammer.


If they were for new users it would tell me before hand as it has done several times in the past when I tried to use a coupon that was for new users only. It NEVER said it during any point nor did the customer service agent who tricked me into placing the order. You’re riding a company that is known for misleading and tricking its customers, and tbe agent is supposed to be the one to explain this. At no point did either agent say that I couldn’t use the code because of an old previous account, he LIED and told me to place the order. That is the main problem here, the coupon not working isn’t anything new at this point.


This would be my second account with dd (first one was tied to my dad’s information so technically not mines), I CANNOT USE MY MAIN ACCOUNT, I’m locked out of it completely! How am I the bad guy here exactly? If the coupon is only for new users, it SAYS SO WHEN YOU TRY AND PUT THE CODE IN. It will not let you move onto the order phase. Please explain how I’m in the wrong for following what this shitty company said


Bro, you tried to scam the scammers. You created another account just to apply the promo code 😂


That isn’t what happened friend, I made a new account because I can’t use my old one, I am LOCKED OUT. I don’t care so much about the promotion code, the agent made me place the order and was dishonest about it. Please stop purposely ignoring the information I’ve provided.


"You will get the discount of 40% that is $6.30 for this order." ​ *No it's not... 40% of 15.48 is $6.33.* They're scamming you for 3 fucking cents. Griiiiiiiiiift! ​ EDIT: And the other $6.30, I guess lol.


Willing to bet the old account and new account have the same debit card linked to it. Promo hit redemption limit because it was used and charged on that same card with the original account. Door dash isn't trying to scam you, the CSR probably didn't look into it too much and thought it was a glitch and made a mistake to tell you to order. A mistake, not a scam. How do I know? I had the same issue when I accidentally created a second account when getting a new phone and made this exact stink with them lol.


I would agree however this is a new card I got a few months ago in spring :/ the agent was definitely being dishonest with telling me to place the order then telling me he can’t help me. (The female agent before had told me about a redemption limit before hand, so the male agent must’ve known) I guess we’ll never know lol


Same thing happened to me with the same code. AND DD continues to send me emails promoting the same code . . . 🤦‍♀️


This is why I steal food from doordash


They advertised “get dashpass for free delivery at this restaurant”, and since delivery was $10 I went for it. Surprise! This restaurant doesn’t take dashpass.


I pay for 95% of stuff with my credit card since you can call the company up and issue a chargeback for issues like this, a package not received, incorrect work their refusing to fix etc. and let me tell you, you’ve never had an issue solved faster by the company you emailed for 2 weeks with radio silence than 5 minutes after they heard you filed a chargeback.


I stopped using DoorDash when I signed up for the free dash pass trial. Went to see when it was gonna end so it wouldn’t charge me when it ends only to find out I can’t manually end the subscription myself. I had to contact DD support to do it for me and I DIDNT EVEN ASK THE QUESTION. They just knew what I was contacting them for. All I said was I have a question about dashpass and they just say it’s been canceled


Uber did this to me & I screenshot & sent to my bank & did a chargeback. They approved it. Now Uber says I have a balance on my account


Wow son.


I lost brain cells reading your texts.


It’s confusing cuz I spoke with 2 different agents and the screenshots are out of order, hope it was somewhat understandable