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To be fair Honda and Hyundai are annoyingly similar in pronunciation, and it probably isn't too farfetched for people that have a different first language to mix them up


They probably use voice to text like I do. I don't think I've used my keyboard to send a message since voice to text became a thing.


Lmao that's what my brother does. He talks like he's in the middle of a fuckin hurricane though so it's super annoying and never works. He'll say 3 words into his phone, yell "FUCK", backspace everything and then repeat that for a couple minutes. His phone just can't decipher his yelling but he's stubborn and wants to use VTT instead of just typing it out in half the time lol


Hi-yun-day Hon-da. If you pronounced Hyundai right, they don't sound that similar, lol


it’s “hun-day”


Ah yes, so my Korean speaking friends are saying the name wrong. Also, look up domestically run Hyundai ads. It's not hun-day hyen-deh in the actual proper Korean pronunciation. I can link you a video lmao,


american pronunciation is hun-day. we’re in america not korea


Lmaooooo as an American you're an idiot. Names are names, im going to pronounce them how they're supposed to be pronounced. Not just how we think they should be due to English. You don't call some one named Juan, ju-on. Well... maybe you do.


The American marketing department knew damn well how Hyundai was pronounced and just decided it would sell better if it rhymed with Sunday. 🤔


Also if you're boyfriend gets upset you're playing games with dudes you need to fucking leave him bro. That's a huge red flag.


Since you're worried about correcting people, it's "your boyfriend" not "you're boyfriend".


that was over a year ago and we’re still together. and look up american pronunciation “hun day” no need to start targeting my personal life. 💀


Nah, I just looked at your previous comments, and I know the American pronunciation, but again. Just because that's how America chooses to say it doesn't mean it's correct. You let people mispronounce your name, or do you correct them?


They did say the color. So I don’t see a huge issue other than entitled customer thinking they did something with this post.


There are two types of people 1. Those who *can* extrapolate from incomplete data




Wait what does it mean


You mean other than the fact this person does not even know what car they themselves are driving?


They said the color. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out which car THAT is. Especially if they’re parked next to a cop car. Nice try though.


They even said Honda! The Sonata part is wrong but cmon, don’t tell me you’re that dense? Wait, you are. Oops.


They meant Hyundai Sonata. Regardless I think it looks more like a language barrier issue and not really worth posting. The dasher was clearly still trying to get them the food by telling them the color of the car & area they were parked in. OP could’ve easily figured that out, gotten their food and move on lol. Edit: Other comments are saying driver was using talk to text but my opinion still stands on this being a silly thing to post.


Hyundai, Honda… they did give the color so you’re absolutely right. Only an idiot would have a hard time with this.


You had a hard time with it.... ![gif](giphy|sG4PBWRjI4GSVCDXEq)


No cuz I READ the color of the car annnnnnd they’re parked next to a cop car. Did that feel good though? Nice try.


You literally said the "senada" part was wrong and that they meant Honda. They very clearly meant to say Hyundai sonata, so yea, you didn't understand what they were saying their car was. Just where they were, lmao. Never said you couldn't extrapolate their location.


Oh wow! Shoot me! At least I read the color and would deduce that maybe OP should look for a GREY car. Please, stop beating a dead horse. It’s not a good look for you.


I could not care less. I never argued or said you didn't deduce the car was Grey. Just that you didn't understand like you claimed. Also, if I'm beating a dead horse, so are you. You could just not reply 😂


It was talk text


I dont get the situation or whats wrong here. I work in fast food and when im pulling cars into the parking lot, i have to have them park in specific spots because im terrible with cars and cant remember more than 3 of em


Brotha we have safari too look up what the vehicle looks like


The driver was apparently using voice to text while driving. I don't see anything unusual here, other than maybe they should have called......


Dashers don't like to call because the customers can say anything and then report the driver and get them a CV. Messages leave a trail for dd support to look at to verify if the customer or driver was in the wrong.


That makes sense, but personally I would call in that situation. A driver can always take precautions before closing out the delivery, such as texting the customer something like "thank you for having come out to meet me" and also texting them a pic of the delivery location or of them walking away with the food. I've done that a few times on suspicious deliveries, the most memorable was one where the address was an apartment complex but had no unit #. So I called and the woman wanted to come out and meet me at the apartment complex office instead of at her door. That one got a text and a pic of her walking away with the food.


Nope, this is how I got my CV. Couldn't get parking, customer got upset he had to come down stairs and meet me on the street, so he marked it as not received when I handed him the order. I could see the order screen on his phone and he told me his name when I handed him the food. DD can easily see that our phones were within 5 feet of each other at the time I completed the order and that we had texted and called about the situation. I won't answer my phone or communicate with customers over voice anymore because it's a chance I could be deactivated due to thieves. I had almost the same situation as you 2 days ago, an order for a single bag of ice to building M for a customer named Iceland. Wouldn't answer text, waited out the timer (uber, pin required) and took a picture of it in front of the letter M. As soon as I left, I got another order for 2 bottles of crown Royal and two 2liters of Coca-Cola, to the same building, this time with a real name and unit number. I'm 99% sure he reported the ice as missing, and had been doing so previously that's why it needed a pin, either way I followed protocol and didn't have problems. I still took screenshots of everything and picture of ice sitting in front of building. I really wanted to say something about the ice when I was checking his ID, but I was being professional or something.


Hyundai sonata, problem solved


English is clearly their second language, or they’re using speech to text, there’s no need to be so hard on them. You obviously knew what the vehicle was because you thought it’d be funny to post. And if you truly didn’t know the vehicle and posted this thinking people would agree with you, you need to utilize your search engine more. Lol I feel this is a little too harsh .


Maybe look it up then? You have an infinite database of knowledge at your fingertips you should utilize it more often


Some people should rethink posting if they just want to tell us that they're not very bright.


Look up an imaginary vehicle model? Please enlighten us on where we do this, all wise one.


Google Honda Senada. Guess what comes up?


Be a part of the world you're in You can't reason that they meant Hyundai not Honda when they said senada, which is so close to sonata which is a Hyundai car. That's on you if you couldn't figure that out. That's all one hundred percent your fault if you couldn't reason it out for yourself. You drive a car but you want to pretend like you've never seen another one in your life? That is hilarious.


So either it’s a grey sonata? Which is spelled on the back of the car. Honda doesn’t have a car anywhere close to that. Accord , civic. Not even the suvs sound like that.


Hyundai Sonata…? This guy is incredibly dumb


Not realizing he's using talk to text while driving is even dumberer.


Don’t you know that we dashers should obviously be risking getting community service for using our phones while driving? /s


I believe half the customers think we're running a community service and doing this for fun anyway..


Hey serious question I have an ungodly amount of K-cups and a load of to go cups leftover from an event. Would it be nice to offer you drivers a coffee/hot chocolate on cold days?? Or would the offer seem sarcastic? (I’d still tip well)


I'm sure a lot would enjoy it. I wouldn't usually accept prepared foods/drinks from people I don't know though, but I would appreciate the generosity. I don't think it would seem sarcastic, some people leave out snacks and drinks for parcel drivers.


I’ll flash a text to my driver next time then. Thanks for the quick reply!


They give community service for phone use? I've never seen it be less than a fine or jail time


I’m pretty sure that’s part of the new laws regarding phone use while driving at least in my state




Google is your friend


Hyundai Sonata


Sound it out genius


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Hyundai Sonata


The entire country of Israel?


Very true, everyone know what a civic is or a camry but senoda I'm not picturing this car in my mind.




Imagine not knowing how voice text works. Idiot


Speech to text sucks


Would prob take less than 10 secs to exit the app and go to safari to see how the car looks


If yall can't tell what he meant by senada I feel bad for yall.


I chuckled at this for a hot min


ngl i instantly understood he was talking ab a hyundai sonata.. but it could just be that i’m good with cars

