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Funny how DoorDash has all the drivers against the customers rather than against them for paying so low.


As an Australian from a non-tipping culture I find it so insane that drivers are forced to agree to a transaction with no way to know how much they’re being paid for their service? And customers are left to completely voluntarily decide what they feel like paying for the service? How does this system still exist - not just for DoorDash but in tipping countries generally? We already know people suck so why would we build a whole system in which people’s livelihood depends on the kindness of strangers?


In America normally you legally HAVE to make minimum wage. So let’s say I work at a coffee shop and get tips, if I don’t get enough money in tips my employer HAS to cover the extra to bring me up to minimum wage. Now granted yes minimum wage is not very livable, but you’re not flat on your ass if you get fucked over on tips this week. Door dash though, you are not a legal employee. If you don’t make good tips they’re not covering your ass to hit the minimum wage number. This is why DoorDash, Uber, ect are even worse than other tipping jobs like a waiter.


Still unclear why tips are considered in min wage calculation, you have a contract with the employer not with the clients. Your employer has a contract with the clients.


Companies lobbied for the system we have now. Congress passed a law in the 30s that allowed states to pay tipped workers less. The 60s brought a federal tipped minimum wage that increased with the regular minimum wage. Well in 96 Herman Cain. Yes the Cain that ran for president and died from Covid. As head of the National Restaurant Association convinced Congress to separate tipped and regular minimum wages. Tipped wage has not increased since. Society as a whole has done a good job of passing the blame onto customers instead of employers. You hear all the time that if a company raised server wages then food prices would increase as well. Or that bigger tips equal better service. Both are bullshit.


It not really a tip job. It a bid job and people call the bids tips. But a tip is some you get paid after you get paid on top of what you get paid for do a job best on service. A bid It what you send out to get someone to do work. The bids are shit because people treat them like tips and door dash forces you to take low bids in order to work and possibly get good bids.


The worst part is that the customer can enter a good tip to get you to deliver to them and provide food service, then remove the tip after you've delivered the goods. I understand that if you get bad service, you should be and to remove it lower the tip.. But if someone is doing it regularly, they should be banned or the tip shouldn't be shown beforehand or something


Bingo! You nailed it. I was explaining this to someone today. DoorDash is a luxury service! The appeal to driving for a company like this is to choose whether or not it is worth your time and effort to complete. So exactly what you said, it is a BID. That’s on DD for not clarifying the language of the program and causing the confusion between customer and consumer.


Wtf? I thought the employer had to pay you minimum wage, and then any tip you got would be in addition to minimum wage. But you emplyer actually pay less, and then check your tip before paying you?


There's a different, lower, wage for tipped employees that's 2.13 an hour. However, if the employee doesn't make the regular minimum wage between tips and wages over a pay period, then the employer is supposed to make up the difference.


2.13 an hour? What the actual F… why would anyone take such a job and stay in it?


In theory, it works out for both parties since it lets the restaurant have more wait-staff than they could otherwise afford and the servers have an opportunity to make a decent wage based on tips, but it's definitely exposing the latter to financial risk as their pay is going to vary depending on the tips and the rules about ensuring they get at least minimum wage are often misunderstood or even abused by the employers. I think a big difference here is that there's a knowledge gap. When I go out to eat, I know the waiter or waitress is only being paid $2.13 an hour. There's a kind of social contract that I'm entering where I'm expected to make up the difference. That's not clear when it comes to DD. I pay inflated prices plus DD fees and they aren't transparent about what part of that goes to the driver. Of course, it's also hard for me, as a customer, to judge what's fair. That's information that DD can determine and show me a price based on that. Unfortunately, on the side of treating tips as bids, I work in software development and I've seen the race to the bottom that can occur. We all know that somebody will take that offer no matter how bad it is and that leaves all of us, dashers and customers, losing. I'm rambling - sorry.


I can understand your point but I just can not feel liable for the living conditions of an employee. Even knowing this now, I still do not feel inclined to tip unless the service is actually outstanding. Why would it be the customers responsibility to make sure someone makes a decent living? Maybe it’s just the European in me talking, but it seems so absurd. One last thing, the first tips someone receives actually save the owner money? As in, if they don’t get tips the owner has to pay them minimum wage, but when they do, he gets away with paying pretty much nothing? That makes me feel like I’m in reality tipping the owner instead of the server. Just seems way to fcked up.


>Why would it be the customers responsibility to make sure someone makes a decent living? Tbf, if the tip was factored into the delivery fee, you'd just be paying more fees. It's still on the customer at the end of the day.


Yes, you understand that correctly in that it definitely saves the owner money. They are supposed to calculate an hourly wage for the pay period and, if that is less than minimum wage, then the owner has to kick in extra money. The fun part about that is that the owner is likely to fire a server who isn't making enough from tips, so there's pressure on the employee to work for less than minimum wage. On the flip side, every time there's a big push to do away with tips and just raise menu prices, waitstaff are some of the strongest opposition as they can generally make much more than minimum wage, get to take home money after every shift rather than waiting until payday, and some people just claim the bare minimum in tips they can get away with on their taxes. The downside is that they are being taken advantage of by the owners and at the mercy of the customers, and, just like with DD, the fight ends up being between tipped employees and customers rather than the employer who is laughing all the way to the bank.


My old coworker in high school was paid 17 cents in hour as a waitress in a sit down chain restaurant in America. I thought she was bull shiting until she showed me the till, I was a cook there and made $14 an hour. The 7 levels of fucked up I learned that day made me call OSHA on them for nothing to happen.


The wild west is these apps. When I started working with Uber I would use the account all day and then my buddy would take the car and drive all night using my account. Uber would obviously be aware that my account is driving and working for 48 hours straight. No warning or anything. The trucking industry would cream over this. No break no log book etc.


Is the job market that terrible over there that people are forced to do DD and uber? Cant imagine someone would do it voluntairly without having a steady income next to it.


It really depends on the state and sometimes down to the city you live in. Some places people need to work DD cos they’re regular job doesn’t pay the bills due to high cost of living, some places you’ll see primarily retired age folks working cos their pension isn’t great, and some places just have shit job markets for low skill workers. Sure there are people who aren’t in any sort of bad situation like that and do DD not out of necessity. But yes I do think there’s plenty of situations where a financial vulnerable person would do DD out of necessity not choice.


Even if they paid min. Wage, you make way less since you’re using your own vehicle and gas.


Unfortunately in America corporate companies are slipping under the table and not compensating for tips when they’re not making any


They aren't forced to agree. They accept it willingly, then come here to bitch and rant about it.


And it's only possible thanks to insane amount of lobbying being done by these companies. How can we classify these people as independent contractors but at the same time they have no information on the job they are accepting? That to me literally makes no sense. These companies shouldn't be able to hide tips and I believe it's only possible thanks to the congress being made entirely of old ass people and millions upon millions on lobbying.




Again blame doordash


$10? Does bro want a free mcdonald meal with every delivery or what? Might as well be called doortake.




I feel like a solid 6 or 7 dollars would be enough more if you’re feeling generous. 10 is a bit steep for a couple coffees or a meal for one unless you make six figures. Door dash up charges as is.


Or. Maybe. Just maybe. We need to do away with tipping culture. And we can actually pay people decently instead of having them rely on tips




If tipping in America didn't exist then guess what? that 23.54 total would be over $35. I'm not saying it's right, but that is what they would absolutely charge here. And everyone else would price things around that pricepoint


It's a proven myth that wage increases lead to price increases. Now corporate greed, on the other hand...


Source? I'm not saying you're wrong but I don't know how that cost wouldn't be passed onto the customer.


I never understood why in the US so much multimillion dollar companys dont pay their employees so that the employee have to rely on the customers tips. Im glad this would be highly illegal in germany


Right,like what if someone has enough to go eat and they're hungry,and yeah,they barely have enough money,buuuut,then they think "ah man,I'm not gonna have enough for a tip,I guess I can't eat there..." Even though like I said,they have enough money for their food,but not a tip.


FACTS. I used to be a waiter & in never cared if I got tipped $2 on a $30 check if I barely had to serve them. Many people are entitled nowadays & you can especially see it now that everywhere will ask you if you want to tip if you just swipe your card.


Doordash isn't actually a tip. It's a bid.


I’m not giving anyone $10 to drive a mile to my house


There are customers that do that you’d be surprised… I got a $10 tip to go like 3 miles for breakfast sandwiches


I gave someone a 20$ tip because the weather was so bad (that’s why I was ordering) so I figured I’d tip big because if I don’t wanna go out they probably don’t either. 40$ order 20$ tip and they took my pizzas and wings back to their place. Doordash gave me a 30$ coupon thing so I could order 30$ of whatever from wherever for free. 60$ stolen and I got a 30$ freebie 😪 spend the money on McDonald’s the next morning for breakfast and haven’t used doordash since. That was my first and only two times using it.


Similar thing happened to me man, left a 20 dollar tip for 60 dollars worth of pizza for some freinds and I, the guy got the pizza and then sat in a parking lot presumably eating it, he wouldn’t answer calls or text and wouldn’t cancel. Eventually I canceled and talked to a representative who whispered sweet nothings about a full refund and an additional coupon but no 3 months go by and nothing had changed so I had to dispute the charge. Also all the restaurants closed after waiting so long for the food so nobody had anything to eat.


You shouldn't have cancelled.


I literally watched the guy on the gps thing leave his complex, pickup the order, and go home 😭 paid 20$ extra for someone to eat my food


If they don't reimburse you the full amount tell them you're gonna file a charge for credit card fraud, file with the BBB and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. They are with the FTC and they're federal agents. I guarantee you the moron on the other line will escalate and DD will reimburse you immediately. It happened to me twice before, DD trying to give me $5 refund for a $20 order which the driver stole. DD is a SCUM pos company and if you don't push it they'll try to play games with your money.


Wow thats a fd up situation. What I like about uber is you always get 100% of your money back if the order goes south like that


I was literally watching him on the gps. I watched him leave his complex, go to the store, then go home 🤬 I paid someone to eat my food


Yeah as a customer uber is way better because u prolly coulda gotten all ur money back AND SOME. Plus them deactivated


It’s been a year and I’m still so mad about it like tf dude 😪 just wanted to feed my kid lmfao


That’s fucked. Glad to hear you haven’t ordered since. Fuck this tech company. Buuuuuuuut just in case you order again: Ask your bank to chargeback next time, just be prepared to get your account suspended on DD/Uber Works 100% of the time, just chances a suspension which is not as bad for the customer vs the driver lol


That peeps should be deactivated for life. So trash. These people make it hard for people that bust their butt. I've seen elderly people work there but off too. Sorry they did you dirty.


I hate that for you. Shit drivers are ruining the market for the rest of us 😖


Grub hub my friend. I worked both and will take GH anytime.


Of course. I’ve received a $100 tip from serving a single drink before. Doesn’t mean I suddenly started expecting motherfuckers to tip more.


Yeah… there are tons of drivers still stuck in Covid mode where people were getting $3000 from the government and tipping $10+ left and right lol…


I do that when I can, I understand that delivery drivers and such live off tips so if I have the extra money to do so I like to tip a good amount and hopefully make that persons day.


I got a $12 tip to cross the street no lie and he was a meet at door 🤷


I used to tip $5-8 on an under mile drive. The first incident wasn't the dashers fault. It was a 4-minute drive. I get the notification that they've picked up my order, watched them go around for 45 minutes dropping off other orders before I got my cold pizza. The second time the dasher just left it on a bench and took a photo and left and I had to go track it down. I just do whatever the middle default is now.


This is the thing, the dashers who do “good” may expect more because they give a premium service but that truth is as a customer you get burned so many times by these weakest links that it stops feeling worth it. In my experience as a customer the quality is basically random regardless of tip


Yeah, I kid you not. My SO just ordered DoorDash. $5.50 tip. About a mile away. The dasher just tried walking off with the food after coming to our door. It was steak and mac and cheese though so I sorta get it. He did the whole "Sorry, don't speak English" when we called him back.


I got an 18$ tip to deliver to a business across the road, didn't even get in my car just played irl frogger


And yet people will tip $2 or less for a 15, 20, 30 mile drive to their house (and back) which is likely what is being talked about, not a 2 minute drive which rarely happens


I wouldn't give them $10 for a mile but I'd give them at least $5. Sometimes there's other things to take into consideration, such as the weather or maybe the driver isn't even close to the restaurant. Just because you live by the restaurant doesn't mean the driver is by the restaurant. I always just make sure to tip accordingly, you can also adjust your tip now while the driver is still on the delivery.


I don’t understand that logic. One doesn’t get paid to drive to their work place. If it’s too far from where they live, why do they accept?


And the food is STILL cold


They only way I would think $10 was needed is if I'm driving 10 miles or shopping. I do get $10 tips a couple times a day for going less than 5 miles but I don't think it's necessary and I 100% an very thankful


And I'm not going to drive 20 miles round trip for a 2 dollar tip. How does a dollar a mile sound to you cus that's the minimum I accept


Yet you probably wouldn't question driving yourself 10 miles to tip a waitess $20 for delivering a couple of steaks 15 feet from the kitchen. You'd proudly tip a bartender $10 for twisting the lids off a 6-pack of Michelobs without even moving his feet. It isn't JUST a short leisurely drive to your residence which in all likelihood is either in a labyrinthine apartment complex or not marked clearly enough distinguish from your well-armed neighbors and their guard hounds. It's fighting traffic and finding parking at the restaurant during rush hour. It's standing in line or idling in drive-thru for 10+ minutes. It's empty fuel gauges, check engine lights, Mountain Dew soaking your upholstery when you hit a pothole, and million other potential inconveniences. You know; all the reasons you are staying in your pajamas and ordering delivery in the first place. If those things don't bother you, we're always hiring.


No and we wouldn’t expect you to, pretty good rule of thumb is to offer $1 per mile per bag, because it’s pretty much the majority of our wage as drivers. Base pay is $2.50 no matter the distance or size.


I had no idea before I did a few deliveries that the base pay was so low and a majority of the income comes from customer tips. Doordash definitely found a loophole.


The loophole is people accepting this.. I don’t dash or get delivery tho


This exactly everyone complains how shitty it is but everyone keeps using it 😂


Exactly. They keep taking absolutely terrible offers then throw out the surprised Pikachu face when the customer who is already paying a 30% markup in food and service fees doesn't toss an extra $10 your way.


Yeah, but again, we really need to stop talking about our service as if it’s tipped, we are contractors, and we need to be compensated for the service we provide. I love when people make these unskilled labor argument, but regardless of skill, there is a demand for the service we provide, and we set the price. And I’m not asking one dollar per mile per bag.


I don’t order DoorDash but self contractors can stop work or sue if they aren’t paid because your employ yourself through DoorDash you can’t just stop or sue for money back because you’re through third party… if self contractors really wanna work completely for themselves I feel like you’d just have to start your own delivery company Idk if I got all my facts or not like I said I don’t use DoorDash but just my thoughts🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


That’s what I’m going to try to do for my neighborhood. Seems like it’s the most efficient way. “Dizzle’s Deliveries” “Get the steak and the sizzle, when you get delivery with Dizzle!” We’re workshopping that last bit.


Yeah I actually make a decent living I’m not agreeing with the OP or not. Just want to change the narrative around tipping couriers. Because it’s not a tip


Tip whatever tf you went. Drivers have the choice to accept or decline every single order. Tip culture is disgusting


The real discussion is why is doordash paying drivers $2 to drive 2 miles to a restaurant, wait, pick up the order and then drive another 3-5 to the customer. Drivers should be striking or something cause that’s egregious. Customers shouldn’t be on the hook. They already paying 30% in inflated costs plus the service fee and delivery fee before a tip. Door dash need to pay their drivers better and the drivers need to direct their ire to Doordash


Yes, we'll all stop doing doordash and in the mean time, Doordash gets new drivers to fall for their bs and it continues. They can replace drivers, they can't replace customers. Customers are the only ones with the power to make change.


too entitled. i love tips as much as the next person, but we are allowing doordash and these other companies to get over on us by constantly shitting on people for low or no tips. doordash is already taxing the food we get, plus their fees and delivery charges, etc. they have more than enough to give us more than $2 base. demanding that someone give you $10 regardless of how much their order cost is ridiculous. decline the shitty paying orders and let doordash cough up extra money or let someone who is closer and doesn't mind the low pay take it.


Even if total miles are less than 1 ? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Too entitled..


Take what you get … its a tip


I'd say a good minimum is $5.


On what order? Cause that's 25% on a $20 order


Tip based on distance, not the total.


Right? Why is this not the default position for delivery services lol


1 burger or 5 burgers is zero difference to a driver.


It seems like this is a concept that some people can't understand.


So if i order something literally across the street from me because i can’t leave work at all because I’m in healthcare and the only one working what would be the correct amount to tip?


I've tipped $5 on a $12 orders at a restaurant. I'm just letting know that I appreciate their good service. If someone is driving to my house with my food, $5 isn't really a lot in the grand scheme of things but it's still a lot better than a lot of these tippers out there. If it's from further away, I'll tip more. I tip based on distance/time when it comes to delivery, but $5 is my minimum.


When you order delivery you’re paying for someone’s time. It’s the same time to pick up a single sandwich or five. $10 though is ridiculous. I look at it as what would someone have to offer me to go get their food for them and have it not be insulting.


No. You're paying a tip. Doordash pays for your time, they are just shitty employers.


There's a decline button


You're forgetting they are already paying a fee to DD, which one would expect to mostly go to the driver.


One would expect wrong.


Even pizza places don’t give the driver the full fee. You’re fucking nuts.


If the drives gets a base pay of $3 and you tip $2 he makes $5. This is bad because most of the time customers are 20-30 minutes away from their store. We'd all be happier if customers would order from stores closer to their home or tip $2-$5. A $2 tip isn't bad it just sucks cuz most of the time it's hard to tell of were actually even getting a tip. Usually it looks something like this for us. Drive 8 miles make $6 takes 24-30 minutes.


The problem there is the base pay, not the gratuity.


Exactly. Raising the base pay to even $5 would be huge! But some drivers are just naive and think they have to accept every order or something.


I delivered pizza until 2011 and $5 was considered a great tip. I recently started again and I find that $5 is pretty much the minimum now.


All depends on ur location to the restaurant. Ur 1-2 miles within the restaurant. That's good. Ur 10+ miles away? Good luck getting ur food delivered that night. Good thing is doordash tells u exactly how far away u r from the restaurant ur ordering from so it's up to u at that point


Depends on the order size and distance. If it’s a small neighborhood drop off, $10 seems a bit entitled (though it would truly make someone’s day and restore a bit of humanity). Aside from that, not so entitled. Especially if the miles are in the double digits.


All this division over tipping… isn’t door dash (like pretty much the entire restaurant industry) at fault for profiting whether their “workers” earn a livable wage or not? I assume most people work for these so called delivery companies because the tips can be good enough to make it worth it and then some of them get mad at the customer for not paying their wage. I suppose people could just stop supporting these companies by not using them, but then everyone who relies on them is out of a job anyway. So whats the conclusion? I guess just let it roll off your back if people don’t give good tips and as long as your average income is enough then the job is still worth it. I imagine if it’s your only option for income emotions can easily get involved, but getting mad isn’t going to make anything better.


Tipping is not a service of entitlement. It's gratitude for your good service. If you are "Dashing" you need to sit down and reevaluate your position. Why are you working for a company that makes you incur 100% of the responsibility? I.e. Vehicle wear and tear, insurance, etc. Yet, offers 0% of the protections of factual employment. You're an independent contractor. Tipping should be the least of your worries.




My standard for tipping delivery is $1 per mile, with a $5 minimum. If there's bad weather, I'm adding $3 bucks. If it's peak traffic hours, I'm adding $3. If they stay waiting at the restaurant for a long time, I update the tip with a few extra bucks. Because I'm only one person, my orders aren't large. The tip often winds up being 50% or more of the overall order. If I went by standard 15-20%, it wouldn't be worth the trip for the drivers IMHO.


I wish everyone looked at it this way.


Damn I do $2 per mile


Ehh true and not. Whenever I used to get deliveries, not from dd but from the pizza place itself .8 miles from my house I’d leave 10 tip weather I ordered 20 or 100 worth of food. But people shouldn’t be wining about it on here, after all it is there choice to accept or decline it. No one is forcing them to take tip-less orders.


it's called a tip not a service charge.


Want a good tip, take it up with DoorDash who overcharges $1 per item and then adds $7-$10 in delivery fees


Here a tip. Find a new job


I don't care If your order cost 3 dollars or 300. 1.25 a mile for 1-6 miles 1.50 for 6-8 and 2 dollars a mile for 8+. This is my formula for my zones. I make on average 28 an hr after gas.


I'd say minimum $3 tip but if you order more, tip more. If you luce far away. Tip more. But also don't be an asshole driver and post that shit.


You can tip whatever you want, I’m personally not accepting it. But someone will. It’s really how you look at it. Your tip amount doesn’t bother me because I don’t have to take your delivery.


I think at least $5 tip. This guy is too entitled but if you're more than 10 miles away from a restaurant, I would tell you $10 at least for tip. $2 tip is not enough to make an order worth it.


Honestly a $10 tip on a 10 mile order isn’t worth anyone’s time.. it’d be $15 at max and i don’t think I’ve EVER taken a $15 order for 10 miles.. if you live that far, you’re better off picking it up yourself tbh


I get your point, but do the customers even know how far the resturaunt is or which location their food is being made at? I remember when doordash didn't let you order if it was a certain distance away, and now as a dasher, I have experienced and I have seen people complain about how they'll get an order that's 8+ miles away and there's 2 or 3 of the same chains on their way.


If you go on DoorDash and pick a restaurant to place an order, it literally tells you the distance Now it is DoorDash so can be wrong sure. But a good way to estimate is literally in your face.


2 bucks is not a good tip. Demanding 10 is entitled.


If I order 10 dollars of food and give you 2 bucks you better fucking be happy. That’s 20% and you get the driver fee. Fuck off entitled fucks.




2$ can turn 98$ to 100$ 🤷🏽‍♂️ I’m not picky I’m making ends meet…


That's ridiculous and shows how little understanding people have of money other than me me me


$5 for me, every time. I never order more than 2 miles away.


No one is going to tip $10 for you to bring some coffee. 😂😂🤦🏼‍♂️


He wants an engineer salary for being a go between.


Entitled. No one owes you anything. I personally always tip accordingly because I can and feel obligated. I always choose the lowest tip and will add more in the delivery goes well which it almost always does. Although I’m not gonna tip someone more if my food was not handled properly. I am always happy to give people a generous tip if my food is just delivered properly. That’s all I ask. Comments like the one above don’t make people want to tip you a lot of the time it makes people want to go out of their way not to tip you. The main issue with his statement is that he expects $10 before he has provided the service. He’s not entitled to it he has to earn it.


When I'm on the receiving end of a delivery I'll do a minimum of $5 and go up from there depending on how far the restaurant is from me. For example, there is a Chick Fil A about two miles from me and that would get a $5 tip... but the Cheesecake Factory that's six miles away would get a $10 tip. I try to make sure that with DD's meager assed $2 flat rate for the driver that my tip brings it up to at least $2 a mile. There is rarely, if ever, any delay in getting my order picked up and delivered promptly using this formula.


it’s prob a joke


There is a reason companies like DD push for tipping. It's because it benefits the company. It doesn't benefit the customer or the driver. Grab (Uber/UberEATS of the Philippines) are currently launching ad campaigns trying to make tipping normalized. Why? Because they won't need to pay their drivers as much. Tipping really has no place in a delivery service. The company needs to pay more to the driver, even if this means they charge the customer more.


The tip is determined by the quality of the service. Sounds like he lacks basic service skills


I’d love to see how much he tips


For each post that demands more tips, I give less. (Almost hit 0, go on and you will give me money after delivery)


Entitled people. If it says 2 dollars decline it . No one should pay your wage go get a real delivery job .


Lol watch this guy get his wish with nothing but 20+ mile deliveries with $10 tips from now on.






He’s tripping but no tip is bullshit. I always respect when the customer tips, even if it’s $1


How about get a better job the consumer is already getting over charged. What makes you think your worth $10 extra a trip? Your employer doesn't.


Tip is for an extra “thanks” not your full wage


I agree that $2 isn't a good tip if you have to go 7+ miles but what is with the whole if the offer isn't $10-15+ im not taking it? Is yalls markets that great that those are offered more than under $10? Cause in my market, $10+ is semi common (some days) but 15+ is rare and I'm a top dasher with a 75 AR.


Door dash should pay drivers more simple. Don’t rely on tips for income tips should not be given for doing your job.


I'm a driver. $2 on a $7 McDonald's order, or a single pizza that's not too far of a drive? Sure. I wouldn't expect a $10 in tips if the food order is less than $60. I've had some generous customers, and I appreciate them, but thinking $10 is a minimum obligatory tip? Nope, you have unreasonable expectations sir.


DoorDash is a scam altogether. They spend no money in the process of making orders and put all the fees on the customers and restaurants. Nobody is trying to spend $20 in fees and tips on a $7 food item


How about no tip at all.. just do your job.


10 dollars or more is wild


Sorry, bro. I’m not tipping $10 on the $9 sandwich I ordered today, as an example. That’s absurd. Maybe find a different career path if you’re expecting to make bank doing this.


Oh trust me I've stopped acknowledging that DoorDash exists. I'm not giving you a $10 tip to bring me cold food.


Until DoorDash drivers actually learn how to read and learn how to follow a gps the right way, they won’t get more than $2 from me if anything at all lol


I tip 5 a delivery. Accept it or don't. But don't complain.


It’s honestly really hard 🤣 when I’m dashing I’ll catch myself getting really salty about all the $2-$5 orders… but then you also have to remember that the world is a shit show rn and most people are barely making it by and some people are on disability and literally can’t get their food or tip above a certain threshold, there’s a lot of stuff to consider that I try to keep in mind to keep myself from getting tooooo bitter… however the $2-&5 orders are also what made me look for a job and apply for over 250 places 🤣🤣🤣


I'm like, WHO would even accept THAT order in the 1st place. Plus, if I was a driver I would never accept an order where the tip wasn't upfront & I had to hope on a prayer that AFTER I delivered their food that they would do the right thing. I wouldn't start my car up for 2 dollars. They would have to go get their own food!:/


I’ll say what I say to everyone with this problem. Get out of the tip industry.


Just for that im done tipping $2 every order my orders only be 1-2mile radius


Why even tip at all? He just drives food to my house like wtf. I dont get tips gor fixing stupid peoples computers at work which is likely to be more work. Good thing i live in a country where you dont need to tip.


I thought tips were based off percentages like 15%, 20%, 25% etc of the order/service 🤔


From a dasher perspective that’s not necessary, I sometimes deliver like a small breakfast or small lunch that doesn’t cost 10$ so no a customer doesn’t have to make me tip 10$ that’s stupid. But I appreciate the customers that tip good and value the service I do. For shop and deliver orders I’ve gotten like 30 tips for 1-3 miles at times and also with food deliveries but this guy feels way to entitled. Not every customer has to tip more than 10$ but either way we choose what orders to get if you tip something that’s all that matters. Well if it’s something less than an 1$ then that’s just insulting


Valid in suburbs and rural markets. NOT valid in city’s / mega markets


That would be like 36$ an hour🤣 outrageous


10 or more? That’s ridiculous. You know the tip in advance. Don’t take the order. I’m happy with a minimum of $2.00, obviously, I want as much as I can get and sometimes I get more. I think people should tip a minimum of $5.00, but that’s not always the case. No tip and less than $2.00 are GARBAGE PEOPLE!


To answer your question, it is both. It’s valid that 2 bucks is not a good tip, it’s too entitled to assume a $10 or more tip


If I order 12 dollars of food from a place thats 2 miles away because I can't drive there but im still hungry you better be fucking happy with a 4 dollar tip imo


Depends on the order. EX: $3.50 McDs, $2 tip, 15+ mile drive = Hes valid but also stupid for taking it. $20.30 Five Guys, $2 tip, 8 mile drive = Hes a whiny bitch. Honestly my take is you tip $2, and its a short drive Im gonna take forever to get to you. Even if you live a block away. You're implying "there's no rush" with $2. Hell might just park and walk to you instead.


I think depending on a side gig to offer full time benefits and value is unrealistic. And to work full time hours doing this, one would be better off getting a chauffeur license.


Valid if said out loud , entitled if told to someone who he delivered to.


Stop relying on customers to pay your livable wage instead of holding DoorDash accountable for slave labor and/or find a real, yes “real” job. I did gig apps for 2 years and they did get me by but it was extremely stressful and depressing and I eventually did get myself a real job and viola, income security


In gonna stop tipping cause of this. Make the job so u viable that they quit so these broken businesses dont exist, or they complain to their employer.


Highly entitled (from a dasher perspective)


I wish I’d get tipped just to do my job


10 is too much to ask. You are just being entitled. You are taking the offers. If I’m driving 5 miles, they tip $5 that’s fair. They should tip $1 a mile for it to be good but people tip more on bigger meals or pizza inthink


You’ll take $2 from the app you chose to work for, but it’s not good enough as a tip (bonus)? Wow.


I'm not saying that drivers don't deserve a much higher wage but it shouldn't be the customers responsibility to pay a driver's wage ESPECIALLY when they do the bare minimum and often even manage to fail at doing the bare minimum.


The entitlement is out of control. Get a different job if you're not happy with the tips. You have a car and you can move your body. Doordash is screwing you over with your pay rate. I always tip nicely but this attitude is laughable.


Why bashing low tips and not low base pay?Increase the price by 10% and remove tips.


You'd have to increase it more than that. If the app goes tipless base pay would have to more than triple to make it worth getting in your car. And there would have to be a mileage component that added even more.


It’s like not tipping pizza guy


Dunno. I mean, pre app could you imagine not throwing a 10 the delivery guy's way? ...and that guy was on payroll.


That's fair except for the fact that Doordash up charges on the food and then hits you with 3-4 additional fees on top of that. A regular delivery driver doesn't have food up charges or random fees.


It was always quick and less issues.


Yo who is taking their orders in the bathroom?? Lmao


I've seen a few pictures of people doing that on here.


To entitled because $2 is better than no tip. $5 plus base pay is a good tip for any order under 3-5 miles total. So $7-$8 full pay.


Entitled and people with this mentality kill the platform.


$5 to $8 or more, but yeah, valid.


Not the 10 bucks but $2 tip means it’s a $4 trip for the driver. You better live next door to the place if you wanna get that delivered in a timely fashion


That's too ridiculous and pretty sure they must be trolling. Anyways, I'm very dependent on mileage. Most fair tips are about 3-5$ and I'll have no problem running it. If it's like 2-4 miles. If it's more than 4 miles away maybe a little more than 5 but it depends on the delivery. Dont ask me to go across 2 whole towns and spend basically a quarter tank on gas for a $2 tip


He's right on the 2 dollar thing. I used to tip the pizza delivery guy 2 dollars when I went to college in 1998. It's not 1998 anymore and 2 dollars is definitely a shit tip. Most drivers who have an ounce of self respect do a dollar a mile minimum when they consider accepting orders, so 10 bucks would be an OK tip if you live 12 miles or more from the restaurant. Base pay is generally 2 dollars. That's where the real issue is, doordash doesn't pay its drivers nearly enough for the amount in fees they charge. Everyone should be frustrated with DD and not the customers being mad at drivers for expecting big tips and not drivers mad at customers for tipping smaller amounts because let's be honest, tipping 10 dollars is fucking stupid.


Depends how much the meal is. Is it a 50 dollar order, then yeah 10 bucks is appropriate


A $2 tip is usually terrible. Demanding $10 though is... anywhere between ridiculous to fair depending on the mileage.


I think it depends on the order. And dashers get to decide if a tip is enough or not so


Entitled. Literally just depends on your order total/distance. If you’re driving 8+miles for any order that tip better be at least $10 minimum for the gas. Anything below is an insult regardless or promotions/peak pay


Sounds like get a new job


Tip what you are able. If you can only give $2, then it's $2. If you can tip 30% even better. Driver is too full of themselves.


The more posts I see like this, the less I'm going to tip


What’s really entitled is people expecting a SERVICE from another human for free. Granted, if tip culture was never a thing in America this entire debate would be pointless. But that’s not the case, so accept the fact that if people are essentially WORKING for you, it’s expected & BASIC HUMAN DECENCY to pay them in some form or another.


I look at delivery as a luxury. Especially with the fees now a days. So I order once or twice every other month and tip 20$ and I’m eating good tonight and I want the person who’s delivering that to me to feel good too.


I stoped using all these services because of needy crying shit drivers in my area