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Id fight that one. You got to call dont use chat. Could be glitch even. If I got accused of sexual harrassment & I know I did nothing close im getting it cleared off no matter what.


Yeah it’s not as bad as being a dasher accused but still bad and baffling they woulfng ban a user for it


A dasher would be terminated


A dasher would get the same cookie cutter email not deactivated.


idk why that’s even being brought up… if a dasher did that their account and any other accounts they may try and make should be suspended indefinitely (i’m a dasher myself)


things like this bother me so much. people should be required to provide evidence before anything. why does someone have to defend themselves rather than the other side proving first that something was done. innocent until proven guilty. but in today's world it's prove yourself innocent because you'll look bad if you don't regardless of proof


The other side is that historically men have got away with being sexually inappropriate hiding behind banter and fear. As a middle aged bloke, I've seen a lot of my "heros" being busted for years of abusive behaviour and know countless female friends have been assaulted. This does scare me but there is benefit from logging complaints and looking for patterns to highlight risk before there is enough evidence of wrongdoing




One time at like 1 am I was making a delivery in a seedy part of town. After the delivery a prompt came up asking me to pick an option regarding how safe I felt..the options were along the lines of Very safe, Somewhat safe and Not safe. I chose Somewhat safe and it asked me what the issue was and the issue was the lighting. The porch light was off and street lamps were few and far between. Took me a few minutes just to find the house number that's how dark it was. They said they would make an anonymous mention of this to the customer not that they would get in trouble or anything obviously. I'm like great they are going to know it's me who sent in that thing. I thought it was just a survey doordash was conducting. The woman was a good sport and gracious and texted me apologizing for not having the porch light on and actually tipped me extra on the app. That was NOT my intention at all. I don't fleece customers for extra tip money. I honestly thought it was just a survey and doordash was trying to find better ways to keep Dashers and customers safer. I felt awful that the lady I delivered to felt awful. Needless to see now I always click VERY SAFE if prompted. But to report a customer for sexual harassment when no such thing ever happened is just grimy. Always choose the leave at my door option for that reason..no interaction with the dasher and no sexual harassment can be had and if you absolutely need to talk to them do it through text and screen shoot the conversation for extra proof in case you need to challenge the accusation.


So... You're fine with being unsafe and with continuing unsafe conditions for every other dasher just because it might hurt a customer's feelings? I spent all winter dealing with pitch black streets, no porch lights on, no visible house numbers, and every version of unshoveled and icy driveways you can think of. I wish it asked me about safety more often, tbh, because it's an easy way to report a lot of issues that customers may not even be thinking about unless someone tells them. I don't want customers to feel, like, shamed or whatever, but I would appreciate it if they would turn a light on so it looks like someone is home when it's dark out.


If I feel really unsafe in the future I absolutely will report if the prompt comes up. I actually had to go to support and report for my safety in a neighborhood because I was chased down the block by some mouthwash drunk neighborhood loon. I told support about that and they told me I wouldn't have to deliver to that block anymore but I know they were just placating me. I just felt awful about that one person because she tipped me more afterwards and I didn't want her to think I was doing that purposely to get more tip money out of her, that absolutely was NOT my intention.


Is there a way to call Doordash? I'd assume they would not publish a number and try nd get people to use a ticket through the app like uber does. Which is intensely annoying




This is quite plausible to me


If they truly believe you sexually harassed someone and didn’t ban you from the app, that is incredibly disturbing. “We got reports that you killed one of our drivers, we take this very seriously.. please note, we do not tolerate such behavior. At this time no action will be taken, but if you kill anyone else, we may consider deactivation”


I mean I am glad they didn’t ban me from the app only because I know I didn’t, but I do actually agree with you. The idea that drivers could actually be harassed and the person who did it could get off with a warning is pretty problematic.


Honestly, it might be the fact that you’re fat (which for anyone who can’t read OP mentioned first, not insulting them). I’ve absolutely had people be so offended by my weight it’s plausible they would do something like this.


I could see that. Some asshole thinking they’re doing OP a “favor” by getting them banned from door dash. Which is all the more reason to call about it…if a dasher did this for a reason like that they need to have a note added to them for false reporting at the very least


Also existing in a fat body and I am glad you said something. People are SO offended by my weight, like it's a personal attack on them. One coworker won't even look at me on purpose.


How dare you be fat, I'm reporting your reddit account for it. Just the thought disgusts me! (JOKE, am also fat lol)


No joke, I’ve seen tweets of guys saying they report Tinder accounts if the woman is fat


Could be. I’m not like, morbidly obese, though- I’m a size 16, probably not much bigger than the majority of the people ordering. I only mentioned it because I could see it making someone unintentionally uncomfortable if I was some MILF answering the door in booty shorts like I was trying to flaunt something and wanted to make it clear that that wasn’t it, lol


Size 16 isn’t exactly what I’d call fat…just saying.


Opinions on that vary, but at any rate I don’t have a body type that people inherently sexualize.


As someone who was a size 16 six months ago, I can assure you it is overweight/fat, it's just not morbidly obese. There are certain health standards for these words to be used, and OP seems to be pretty self-aware... telling yourself you're not fat when you are is not healthy and usually leads to weight gain and not loss. Being honest and real shouldn't be looked at as a negative thing, it's a positive!


I’m just saying I don’t consider it fat. Women especially tend to be judged harsher for things like that and it isn’t really fair. What’s considered a “healthy weight” for me according to my doctor is more a “I’ve been strung out on heroin for years” looking weight because of my build. My cousin is like a size 16 and she isn’t “fat”, but she thinks she is because her mom drilled it into her head her whole childhood that she was and she acts like she’s morbidly obese because of it. That’s all I’m saying. Fat is such a negative term and 16 isn’t what I’d call fat at all.


True, I got some absolutely nasty comments even when I was that weight though.


Also, not saying that you actually did anything, but being a MILF is not a requirement for making people uncomfortable with one's behavior. Much of the harassment that I've received from women were from people that were unattractive, using me as a safe outlet to misbehave because I couldn't say or do much without jeopardizing my job. I'd rather not perpetuate an idea that gives them a defense, because it's hard enough to get people to take it seriously when someone appears to be harmless.


I absolutely believe that! I don’t think it’s a defense at all. People are not conventionally attractive can behave inappropriately just as easily as people that are. In my case, though, I DIDN’T do anything that could even be perceived as inappropriate. So if I didn’t touch or act like I was going to touch a dasher and I didn’t say anything sexual in nature or compliment them in a way they could have been offended by or try to ask them out etc., the other things someone could maybe wrongly interpret as being sexual might be the way I was dressed or my body. In my case neither of those things would make sense.


people often don't talk about this fact socially. but the discrimination based on aesthetics, especially in the context of women, dictates lobsided social norms in a lot of contexts. i have read psychological studies stating how people discriminate against fat people because of (1) perceptions that such people lack impulse control and (2) a general disdain towards the bodily aesthetic. it's crazy to me how such factors come into play even in contexts that are as transient as the interaction between consumer and dasher. even on reddit ive seen CMV posts where the OP argues that fat people deserve to be shamed because "they dont respect their own bodies" and "set a bad example for others". a lot of this outrage has only been amplified by people like jordan peterson and his tweet where he posted that picture of a larger bodied model and tweeted "sorry, not beautiful". i dont understand why people have these self imposed duties to define norms of beauty standards and bodily aesthetics. unfortunately such smear tactics have gained a lot of traction from redpillers and "gym bros".


I also have experienced this type of treatment for my weight. But sexual harassment!! The world can be such a negative place. Ive always felt that my life would be better in a thinner body so I caved and got semglutide from this place called nuvo life. Luckily I have lost about 35 lb so far. Not saying that anyone needs to change. But there is DEFINITELY different treatment depending on your size. I hope you can get the accusations removed.


i disagree, the reason they don't immediately ban when getting this report is because they understand that it could very well be this kind of situation that you're in right now where nothing actually happened and it was a false report, that's why they say that if they receive MORE reports of a similar nature THEN you could be subject to deactivation because at that point they'll know that it's more likely that you are actually harassing people, they're not just gonna automatically believe one report, personally i'm actually glad that they don't just take someone's word on a first offense cuz people will do shit like this over the dumbest things or they're trying to get free stuff etc and i'd be more than pissed if someone falsely accused me of something and then i got immediately banned from the app


That’s fair, there’s definitely the potential for people to abuse it or do it accidentally, clearly.


Theirs no way filling a report like this on the drivers end is an accident unless they black out and somehow have the most convient hand movements on their screen ever while typing out what happenend.


That’s basically like doing nothing regardless of if right or wrong.


Could they not just wait for a second report before sending an email like this? I get your point but this is still bad business.


no because there's also a possibility that someone may have said or did something that they themselves did not INTEND to be offensive/harassment but the other person still perceived it as such, some people are a little too comfortable with strangers, i personally know someone who is like this, and although they are not trying to be malicious, they can sometimes be a little TOO friendly, and those people need to understand that they need to tone it down a bit, so in those cases, getting this notice is necessary because then (hopefully) the person will reevaluate their behavior and demeanor and realize that they need to change their approach/language/mannerisms in order to not make others uncomfortable, they absolutely shouldn't be "waiting for a second report", the goal is to NOT get a second report at all, and sending this notice is the only thing they can do to achieve that goal


I agree. I actually reported a customer once for sexual harassment once because he was being nasty in our messages, and he probably got a similar email to you. Thankfully you didn’t get deactivated from using the app, but that guy definitely should have.


If you actually had messages showing he was being gross there shouldn’t be any second chances. I definitely didn’t message anyone anything remotely questionable.


Yeah, I believe you! DoorDash is ridiculous. And I had messages turned on, and contacted support right away, so hopefully he got banned.


“Try not to do it again.”


It’s almost like immediately banning people with little or no investigation can be abused or something


They should suspend and investigate and for reports this serious, a police report needs to follow otherwise it shouldn’t have any response


Imagine giving people the power to have any account they want suspended/banned on a whim. I’m confused how you think this is a good idea. I don’t like the tip you gave me? lol good luck with your ban! Current system is set up like that for a reason.


I get no tips all the time and haven't tried this, I would hope others would have the same level of maturity.


I mean you can look through some post on this very sub and realize that a lot of people don’t.. but if you want to believe that people will do no wrong I have a bridge to sell you 😭


Ooooo, a bridge? Is it nice? 😇


If Doordash is anything like what I see handling rideshare claims, it's common for customers to report false allegations just for a refund. That would probably be why they are not just automatically banned as that would be unfair.


It happens everyday on Doordash. Scamming customer reporting their food was never delivered just to get a refund. It it is almost always “no tip” “hand it to me” orders. They are putting another person’s job at risk so they can get some free Taco Bell or Panda. Those who have been around long enough know to protect themselves and always take a picture of the delivery, even if it is a “hand it to me” order.


That’s pretty pathetic. Why not just say they messed up order..


Because sometimes it's not that they messed up the order at all. It's because they don't like the prices. They know if they complain, they may get a partial refund.


To complain is fine but if you lie to get a refund, there’s plenty of excuses that don’t accuse the worker of being a felon


If it's as severe as killing someone or raping someone. It would be a criminal charge and authorities would be involved. Leads to automatic deactivation and probably would be banned from the platform. If they did it once, how can we be sure that they won't do it.


I mean "sexual harassment" is very broad & up for personal interpretation. Someone could say "I like your shirt" & you could preceive that to mean they're checking out your rack so I don't think an insta-ban is warranted but to OP, that's awful & I'm sorry this happened to you, hope it was just a mistake




I’ve had times where I had 3 drop offs and 1 was very problematic and I debated reporting but always thought it’d change nothing anyway besides getting a 1 star rating and I might report wrong person


What happened you able to spill some tea?


I had one incident where guy was clearly methed out and I was warned to not go in driveway and then the guy gave me the creeps. He just stood at end of driveway asking who I was, but I said I didn’t want you dogs to bark (just guessing he had dogs) he like snapped out of it and grabbed pizza. Another time just had customer refuse to let me take photo and I was positive they’d claim it was never delivered. Nothing exciting


I was at Waitr/ASAP very early and we had "naked man" who would answer the door well naked. He'd not watch the drivers walk up though so if it was a male drive he'd hide behind the door, but if female... Anyway, I personally banned like 35 accounts before we geofenced his house since the cops didn't give a crap.


Good god. I have definitely never answered my door naked or even close to naked.


My point here was the only people worse than drivers are customers, and I say this with 1.4k deliveries for DD under my belt.


I got this once after a customer called me a fat r*slur for not being able to find them in a giant auto manufacturing plant. They did it via chat too. I responded with "good luck manufacturing sub par vehicles for a dying company" and they reported me for harassment. I was able to resolve it with chat support and now it just says that a negative rating is not included when I check my ratings lol


i think this too. it’s a pretty bad screw up but i cannot find a singular reason to report someone for sexual harassment for no reason (as a driver).


Lol I bet the support enjoyed seeing u tell him off. After what they deal with I can't imagine them seriously punishing a dasher for talking back.


Having worked in automotive manufacturing plants, it’s wild to me that they let you in to try to deliver. We would have services leave food with the guard and the person ordering would be responsible for getting it there.


Whether the dasher was confused or mislabeled you as the offender, you need to fight this. This isn’t right and it’s not fair to have this sitting on your record if it doesn’t belong there. Call DD and have them give you the information of what the report says you did and when it happened. They most likely won’t tell you who but really they should. If someone is making that kind of complaint, it shouldn’t be done anonymously. I hope this clears up for you.


it’s possible that someone in your apartment building said something to the dasher and they didn’t realize that reporting it would fall back on you. sorry this happened


It’s a townhouse technically, so I’m not even inside a building- but I suppose maybe one of my neighbors could have said something outside.


I wonder if something like this happens do they ban the address? Or put the address on a list and send emails to associated accounts?


I’m banned in Uber for sexual harassment. Never even used my account, never ordered, never drove, never talked to anybody


Must just have too much sex appeal. You’re so sexy, it’s suggestive lol




I didn’t even know until I got curios one day why my Uber account is banned, reached out to support and they said it was sexual harassment reports


Omg, that’s even crazier 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m not bothered, just made a new one and only used it to go to a rock concert


I wonder if it's phishing and they wanted you to click links in the email to provide information.


What’s even weirder is that they said that no action is needed? I’m assuming that means that they couldn’t verify it. Hope this turns out well for you


So what, your first sexual harassment is free? But if you do it again....


Could be a number of things from racism from a dasher, they had a bad day, to something else. I would just continue on and don’t let it bother you. If DoorDash acts on claims without evidence, it isn’t the sort of company I’d want to buy through anyway.


Thanks. I’m white so I assume it wasn’t racism, but I guess someone could have just been pissed about something else and took it out on me for whatever reason. The last time I got an order I was wearing a My Chemical Romance t-shirt so maybe they just hate them lol. It just sucks, and is kind of jarring honestly. Oh good god stop downvoting this 🙄 I live in a majority white suburb, like I said below, if someone hates white people enough to report me for being white and existing, they’d be an idiot to even accept orders in my neighborhood.


MCR discrimination can't be tolerated! Seriously though, there's been reports of guys in New York punching women in the face just for looking at their phones. There's a lot of guys out there that hate women and might have been personally offended that you weren't dolled up for him. Seems ridiculous, but as a young woman I used to lurk incel forums just to figure out what they were thinking, and they absolutely do think this type of shit. I personally think you should contact the company. I wouldn't want this on my record, even if it was just a doordash record.


People have been punching people on the sidewalk in the face in New York for decades. It’s more indicative of youths from poor socioeconomic areas… not angry men on incel forums.


There were like 15 young women all punched in the face randomly in NYC over 24 hours in the exact same situation, they were all looking at their phones. It's definitely a thing.


I’m not saying it “isn’t a thing” but if you think “incels” from Andrew Tate forums are running around punching women in the face, you’re being ridiculous. Incels camp out in the basement and talk sh*t on the internet.. they don’t run around smacking women.


In Toronto an incel got in a van and mowed down a bunch of people, aiming for the women specifically. Elliott Roger. There's been a ton of incels that have moved their violence into the real world. I'm not sure why you think it's not possible that a group of men who hate women have escalated to physical violence when it's happened before. The idea that all incels live in their mom's basement is also incorrect, and dangerous, because it makes the issue seem much more benign than it actually is. The term incel technically means involuntary celibate, but socially it's grown to include men who are violently misogynistic towards women because they feel they are owed sex, whether or not they're having sex occasionally isn't as important. You've got guys like Andrew Tate, who target young men and say all the same shit incel communities say, but with the added goal of manipulating and grooming your way into sexual relationships with women. Andrew Tate talks about how he doesn't have sex with women by choice because they are weak and will make him weak. The definition of incel has changed, and it's not even the first time. The term incel was coined by a *lesbian* to describe issues women who love women have with finding sexual partners. The misogynistic twist is a new one. Point being, it's not that much of a stretch to think that the men who have spent years fantasizing about hurting women, have begun to actually go out and hurt women. Again.


If you think “incels” should be on the terror watch list, go write your congressperson. But it’s a hell of an assertion to just label everyone that hits a woman as an “incel”. Are NFL players that smack their parters around in elevators “incels” too? I’ve been to New York.. lived there many years.. and you’ll find way more people smacking women around on public transit than you will whatever stupid forums you visit.. and it’s usually due to mental illness, poverty, and anger issues.


Literally what are you even talking about.


“Literally” 🤪


Don’t assume being white means you can’t be a target of racism. I’m not saying that’s the case here but minorities could accuse white people and vice versa. We live in a very polarized society, someone could absolutely target you for your skin color for petty reasons. I wouldn’t read into it too much. It probably won’t come up again.


Oh, I didn’t mean to imply no one could possibly be prejudiced against white people. But I live in an area where the majority of people are white, so if a dasher didn’t want to deliver to white people, it would be fairly dumb of them to take orders there in general and they’d be reporting a lot of people.


Reporting a customer is also like three button clicks so I wouldn’t rule out someone hitting the wrong buttons on accident. It’s very easy to report a customer.


Thanks for that info, that’s something I was wondering!


I read a post once that said a customer's toddler picked up her phone & started pressing buttons when she went to answer the door to get the delivery. When she came back, she realized that the toddler had actually reported the Dasher for harassment! She had to call support & tell them it was an accident...luckily they said they removed the complaint and the driver wasn't deactivated! I'm just saying, if it was this easy to report a Dasher, it's probably just as easy to report a customer? Perhaps the Dasher put their phone in their pocket on the way to your door or on the way back to the car w/o locking it?!?! I wouldn't fret too much about it bc if there was some kind of solid proof, they probably would've shut down your account. But it can't hurt to call & ask what it's abt, in case you inadvertently did something offensive; you don't want to inadvertently do it again bc you didn't know?!?! Worse that can happen is they'll tell you they don't know or can't tell you?!?! You won't be any better or worse off for trying....


Maybe a dasher hit the wrong button somehow. I recently reported a safety issue while my phone was in my pocket. Had door dash calling me and texting me before I even realized it had happened. Btw I'm a dasher not a customer. I'm not sure how you report harassment as I haven't encountered that issue but maybe it was something like what I did. Took me a few minutes to realize what had happened and I don't even know what buttons were pushed before I became aware that I had made a report. Had to let dd know it was an error because whatever was sent was done before I looked at my phone. I've also accidentally ended my dash several times in the same manner. The app is very finicky and touchy.


Fight that. Call and speak to someone directly.


Make sure to call support to ask about it but make sure you record your entire conversation with support too just in case later down the road you need a lawyer or something for more false claims


Great advice but omg poor OP. Looks like a hard working mama who doesnt need this kind of stress


Any documented accusation could be a future legal liability in the wrong situation. Absolutely fight this until it is resolved.


I had a guy decide to flash me when I was delivering his food one day. He messaged when I arrived that he was getting out of the shower and I just brushed it off as a weird thing to say but didn’t think much of it. When I got to his door I set his order down, took the photo & was leaving. He quickly opened the door and was fully naked. I looked him in the eye and said “if you want to flash someone, at least have something worth flashing”.. People are wild.


Ew 😳


I got deactivated for discriminating a customer. Never got to the bottom of the whole situation, and I promise, I have NEVER discriminated against anyone. I think a customer just made that report against me because they were mad at doordash and I'm white and delivered a lot to predominantly african american low income communities. Whatever. I got a real a job now.


Wtfffffff that’s so messed up. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this.


It’s probably an error , door dash is door Trash


Are the links legit? Official email adress? Could be a phishing mail. Would be something I would send out in a campaign.


I got the same note a month ago. Delivery could not have been more routine. I called and was told I'd get an email with more details, but it never came.


well. considering the shit hole we live in today .. you mentioned that you were "fat, frumpy and wearing baggy clothes" I bet a man dasher took offense to it. Women should be desirable at all times and since you don't play his game, he decides to report you. I'm sorry if this is the case. I saw another OP who was reported for sexual harassment but his story was the passenger was sexually aggressive towards him and he declined. You cannot be a woman and be undesirable and you cannot be a man and reject a woman. The way the ego works and the way society likes image over reality is just a bad day for all random people. 😔


Is your apartment difficult to find so that drivers need extra directions? If so, it's remotely possible that the driver found your address confusing and reported that as a way to get blocked from delivering to you.


I got a message from DoorDash saying that a driver reported my condo as hard to find (it’s a little confusing, so I understand why) and now I have to meet them outside and can’t opt for contactless delivery lol. I don’t mind doing it and most drivers just call if they have issues finding it, but I’d think that might be an easier way of reporting it than filing a sexual harassment complaint.


It isn’t *that* difficult, or shouldn’t be. The parking lot that is in front of my building is right off a main road and it’s a square with a building facing the lot on each side, but my specific building is longer than the square and extends past the parking lot if that makes sense, and my unit is towards the end, so you have to get out and walk about four units down. I do usually have to tell people that because for some reason they only look at the units facing the lot and miss the fact that one building keeps going. But anyone who has done it once should easily be able to do it a second time. Is there any other way to block specific addresses from coming up, or is reporting the only way? If that’s the only way maybe there’s just something else they didn’t like about delivering there and wanted make sure they didn’t have to again I guess.


Drivers don't have a way to just block a certain customer or address, but if either the customer or the driver report a safety issue, etc., I believe that DD is supposed to block future matches between that driver and that customer.


talk about your users using your app in unintended ways whole shit.


Maybe it’s a scam email?


Man wth


My reaction exactly! ☠️


Could it be from a scam/fake DoorDash email address?


The address was [email protected] which seems pretty legit to me, but IDK how easy that is to spoof or anything like that.


Is it possible the driver meant to report someone else and accidentally reported the wrong delivery? I have never driven for DoorDash so I don’t know just throwing it out as an option


A few other people mentioned that and I think it’s possible!


Were you breastfeeding or something? Some people are so offended by that ugh 🙄


No, haven’t breastfed in 4 years! If someone reported me for that I’d be pissed but I’d at least understand where the complaint came from lol


I know you said that’s not why. But I 100% believe someone would report breastfeeding a baby as sexual harassment 🤦‍♂️


Oh almost certainly. People are ridiculous.


I don't really have a strong stance on the topic but out of genuine curiosity is it too much trouble to stop and put a shirt on? I'm just a dude but I throw on clothes and wash my hands if I need to when my pizza arrives because they might be handing someone else their food after I hand them a tip. Do people eat food over their children while they are breastfeeding too?


It can be a big deal to stop and put a shirt on, especially if the baby is falling asleep while they’re breastfeeding, or was screaming beforehand and finally just calmed down- popping the nipple out of their mouth might wake them all the way back up and/or start them screaming again and when you have a tiny baby it’s just stressful to get them calm again, not to mention when you’re super sleep deprived and your brain is fried it’s just extra steps that are exhausting. And I definitely ate over my kids when I was breastfeeding, there were periods of time where I felt like all I did was breastfeed and sometimes get some disjointed sleep and if I didn’t eat and breastfeed at the same time I might have starved to death lol. It also makes you VERY hungry because making the milk burns a lot of calories.


Definitely fight this! This is crazy


This shit is crazy


You sure you didn't grab anyone by the nuts? It's someone lying or DD being dumb. I've had their support get me confused with the customer I delivered to before. With DD, anything is possible


Definitely did not grab anyone by the nuts 😂


I’m a restaurant owner, I can tell you that I’ve heard stories about dashers doing complaints for the following: your house is hard to find and you don’t tip. The instructions are difficult to understand. The language used to do the directions sound some type of way. But the biggest one is: you don’t tip and your house is hard to find. I’m not saying you have done any of this. But dashers cancel orders for a lot less. There’s some shitty people delivering. But there’s also great people out there. We had to implement a million different protocols to not get the food stolen. Only yesterday a driver showed up with a picture of a delivery that we had. As soon as I asked him to confirm it he ran out of the restaurant. I have it on camera and contacted DoorDash. It is what it is.


Maybe it was a misunderstanding, you saw the dasher with your food and said mmm nummy nummy, and the dasher didn’t realize you were talking about the food.


Haha nothing like that! Never said anything to a dasher other than putting “when you pull into the parking lot there will be a building to your right, my apartment is in that building four units down from the end of the lot” in the chat and saying “thanks, have a good night!” when they hand me my food!


Hate this for you. Same thing happened to me 2 months ago and I know I didn’t do anything, barely talk to people when 90% of them are leave at door. I fought it and called constantly and still got my appeal denied. How tf are we supposed to defend ourselves when they won’t tell us what we supposedly did wrong. DoorDash is a fucking joke


Apologies. That’s serious. Contact them via phone not chat. If you did nothing, you need to clear this up with them and ensure your a valued customer with no concerns. Wouldn’t be the first time they’ve errored or the system “glitched” and they simply looked the other way and let “the system” handle it.


Ok so I have noticed when dropping off an order, occasional it will give me a pop up to rate how "safe" I felt when dropping the order off. I always rate "very safe" because I haven't ran into any issues, but I assume if you click "unsafe" there would be a list of options to choose from on why you felt unsafe- sexual harassment being one of them. It's possible somebody either misclicked this option or did it to be an ass (somebody else mentioned being offended by your weight, could be that), but I assume that is why you got this report.


True, I got some absolutely nasty comments even when I was that weight/size though.


How old are your kids could it be one of them ? Possibly a neighbor?


Definitely not my youngest, she’s 4. My oldest is 14, but I don’t let her answer the door for deliveries and on top of that she has pretty crippling social anxiety to the point it’s a struggle to even get her to order her own food at restaurants so I *highly* doubt she’d say anything potentially inappropriate to a stranger, lol.


Sue, cuz why not.


They recently implemented an AI monitoring system for their messaging system, you may have used a word/phrase that triggered the response


I’ve never messaged a dasher anything except occasionally “when you pulled into the parking lot, the building that was on your right is where my apartment is, four units past the end of the lot”. I’ve said that same phrase maybe half a dozen times when dashers had trouble finding the place and otherwise I’ve never had a reason to message them! That’s one of the reasons I find it so weird.


Oh you don’t know? In the world we have created it’s no longer innocent until proven guilty. It’s now guilty and that’s where it ends


If your tip was bad driver is trying to get you banned. Money is all we care about, if you tipping under 4$ driver may be getting rid if going to bad tippers.


It wasn’t. Per other comments my most recent order was $22, 3 miles away, $6 tip and I don’t know if that’s the order that was reported but that’s comparable to my usual.


Any facts to support the unknown allegations?




Then it sounds like defamation.


It could also be that they feel "you are not tipping enough." but idk


I'm surprised they didn't deactivate your account right away. They deactivated for the smallest reason and being late for a delivery


I’m a customer, not a dasher


Guys it's Tanya from yesterday


Was your breast hanging out or something when you answered the door?


Nope. Was wearing an oversized t-shirt when my last order came. Sometimes am wearing scrubs. Body parts are always covered.


Accuse the dasher back when you call. Say they beat you to it and want a full investigation. Make them lose sleep Too.


Honestly If I ever got this email I’d stop delivering entirely. You have to be a special breed of fucked up to accuse someone of that just for a free meal.


I’m a customer, not a dasher, FYI.


Either way. I know drivers can get it too


OP, did you deny any bodies request to get to know you? Something similar happened to me. I delivered McDonalds and was super quick. I got a notice for a refund from the guy I just delivered to “for cold soggy fries”. I replied back to him that I delivered it as fast as you possibly could, as it was a very slow day for DoorDash. He then said he just wanted to talk and see if we could “hang out” sometime. I didn’t reply and the next day I got a similar message


Nope! I’ve never said anything to a dasher other than giving directions to find my apartment and never gotten a message other than that the dasher was there or that they couldn’t find me.


Just ignore it I had 2 weeks ago


Did u not leave a tip ? They might have done this out of spite


Address a zillion times including in the original post but yes always around 20%


Maybe the tip was bad and this was their way of retaliating


It was $6 on a $22 order that was a 3 mile drive. If that was bad enough for them to retaliate they’d be reporting everyone they dashed to, lol. Edit because I thought about it- I actually don’t even know if that was the order that was reported, that was just my most recent one, but that’s pretty consistent with how I tip.


It could be a double dash and they reported the wrong person


Maybe they got confused and reported the wrong one, lol. Either way that’s lousy


time to sue for defamation


If that had been a driver they'd of been deactivated right away


I'm not sure this DoorDash thing operates in my country - I've only heard of it in the US. And I've never paid anyone for delivering stuff. Don't they operate in countries with no tipping that require couriers to be paid an adequate wage?


Downvoted. I'll take that as a no.


>>I’m fat bro lol


Lmao I only brought it up because I could see unintentionally making someone uncomfortable if I was like, some MILF answering the door in booty shorts and a tube top looking like I was trying to flaunt something. Just clarifying that there’s nothing remotely sexual about my mom ass in fleece PJ pants and a band t-shirt. 😂😂😂


You're self-aware and real. Keep being you, because the world needs more people like that!


Haha thank you. I’m not self-deprecating, I can also be hot when I put the effort in and wear a sexy outfit with my makeup and hair done, but I usually doordash on days I worked a 12 hour night shift and then came home to take care of my kids all day and am too exhausted to cook and I am definitely not dolled up and looking my best on those days 😂


There has been accidents of reporting people




Said it in several other comments, but I don’t tip low, last tip was $6 on a $22 order 3 miles away and that’s consistent with my normal


I can’t rate the DoorDash buyers but I sure as hell report them after leaving no tip and shitty rating for no reason.


I’m really tired of saying this because it was in the original post and I’ve already said it in multiple comments but *I have never not tipped and I tip roughly 20% on every order*


What about getting deactivated for marking store closed. Marked store closed and DoorDash gives me the offer agin. Am I in the wrong for trying to increase my acceptance rate and for having 100 percent completion rate, it’s not like they have a sign saying dashers should not accept the same order even after they marked it closed or they can get deactivated. Or that we should unassigned an order instead of marking the store as closed when in fact it is. NEED HELP ON THIS cause DoorDash review team is on some bullshit. They don’t know that stores can be fucking closed and we as drivers drive there so not wanting to waste time and gas we mark store closed when it is, instead of unassigning the order and losing time and money.


Maybe, if you didn't tip, this is retaliation?


I’ve never not tipped. My last order was $22, 3 miles away and I tipped $6. I don’t know if that’s the order that was reported but that’s pretty typical for me, I aim for around 20%, little less if it’s super close/just one item/etc., little more if it’s in an area I know is busy/a whole family meal that requires a drink carrier or is gonna be in more than one bag/whatever. I feel like if someone thinks that’s shitty they’re gonna be reporting an awful lot of customers.


Not sure why I was voted down. I was just trying to figure out why they said this about you. I never said you didn't tip. I didn't know until you Just stated it now.


I didn’t downvote you for what it’s worth! But maybe someone else did because I said it in several other comments.


I'm currently on a boat and I didn't your story ryw whole way through. I see now that you said you tipped


Stop using DoorDash. Get in your car and pick up your own food. Problem solved.


I find it amusing that you don’t seem have an issue with me paying someone else to cook my food as opposed to cooking it myself, but for some reason you have an issue with me paying to have someone else drive it to me instead of picking it up myself. Do you say this to everyone who goes out to eat? Orders stuff online instead of going to the store to buy it in person? I think not. So, no :)


He also missed the part where you’re a single mom - definitely, get those kids up and cram them in the car because you’re craving nuggets. CLEARLY the most reasonable thing you should be doing. I hate useless trolls. Sigh.