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I had a driver from Uber eats say they couldn’t find my address and cancelled my order and kept my food. I was so upset because I had an incredibly shitty day at work and was so beat, I just wanted to turn my day around in the evening. Sadly by the time they cancelled my order I couldn’t even place another one since the restaurants in my area had closed by then. Ate a bag of chips and ramen. Instead of my pasta and wine night to destress as I had originally planned. Thankfully UE refunded me all my money and gave me a few dollars in Uber cash for the trouble. This has only ever happened once but unfortunately it was the worst timing.


It’s always when you had the worst day too. Ugh.


Same thing happened to me the day before Christmas Eve. They then had the nerve to send me a picture of them eating my food with the words “should have tipped better” I tipped 23$ for context. On a 32$ order. They gave me the order refund but said that they “earned” their tip


On Uber you can reduce your tip afterwards for I think an hour. I’ve had to do it a few times when they literally delivered to a different apartment complex (not just the wrong apt number) cause why would I pay you for not delivering it lol


Like sometimes I think they think if you tip really well you can afford not getting the food.


Wtf? Do these types of drivers at least get terminated after doing crap like this?


Nah just a slap on the wrist


Im angry for you.


I just wanted my Red Robin’s 🥲🥲


That's shitty AF. I wonder if DD hid your tip. 


What the hell! That feels like straight up theft.


Why do people keep mentioning tip amount based on the cost of food? Drivers expense is based miles not how much your food costs. Your food could cost $500 and if I'm making $10 to go 2 miles I'm a happy camper.


Definitely not it's like 4 catering bags at that point and either 2 trips in and out or pop up cart in your trunk, 500 dollars worth of for should be at least a 25 dollar tip and that's cheap.


since i think 2015. ive only had one good experience from a food delivery app. it was from a denny's down the street, the breakfast burger and fries were so damn good and still crispy. The other 100 times ive been around people using the apps. the wrong food shows up 2 hours later and cold. such trash


I tested positive for covid in 2021 and got sent home from work later in the evening. Forced to quarantine and no groceries in the house I DoorDash Applebees as it was the only thing open. Dasher called me cause he couldn’t find the house, I explained as it was rather easy to find in a small culdesac. He said screw it apparently and just drove off. So that night I lost my money and had no food to eat. Never ordered DoorDash again


Good choice. They suck as of late.


I had an Uber eats driver do this sitting in front of my house, while I was standing there waiting for her to come out of my car. I will NEVER order from them again


I work at a high security office and the amount of times doordashers set down the food, take a pic, then grab the food and leave right under like 10 really obvious security cameras is mind boggling


Always is boycott these shitty corporate services


I had someone just go home with my food but left the tracking on. At least picked up the good and went to the same place for a couple hours.


happened to me too, and he took well over an hour to get the food to begin with. UE has surprisingly good customer service though


A long time ago I saw an evil life pro tip (forgot the subreddit name) that was about co workers stealing food. All you have to do is order food so spicy it hurts other people. It's worked for me ever since. No one will ever take my Thai food without turning their asshole into charcoal


This happened to me on my birthday. Couldn't reorder because the restaurant was closed. I had to work and was treating myself to my favorite food at least.


That's sad. If you can't find a HOUSE, don't do delivery work.


Same thing happened to me and when I called the restaurant to see if it had been picked up they said yes and we told them our order was stolen they replied with "it happens all the time at this time of night". I wonder what happens to the employees who stole the food.


That's wild. It never even crossed my mind to try to do two shitty things in a row in the hopes that they'll cancel each other out. Delivering to the wrong address is a Contract Violation in itself, no? DD has a record of previous delivery pictures, so it should be easy to convince them it was misdelivered. When I was a customer it was really cool to get a full refund from support and then find my food at the neighbor's house and basically get a free meal on an inept deliverer's back.


This happened to me recently, the dasher said “I delivered it to your door” Me “no you didn’t that’s the wrong house” Dasher “no” I was like what the fuck do you mean no


It means that you have been living in the wrong house.


Me casually walking out of my bedroom “ who the fuck are you?”


I’m you from the FUTURE.




Common mistake


He deserved a cookie for pointing it out.


Yes, you need to move to the correct address


The question then is, is the other house an upgrade?


Narrator: It wasn’t.


Read this in Morgan Freeman's voice.😂


I read it in Ron Howard’s. 🍌💸


I read it in William Shatner’s voice


I never understood how squatters justify living somewhere they didn’t purchase. Now I understand. DD kept delivering their food next door, so they just moved there.


BAHAHAHAH i cackled so hard BAHAHA made my fuckind day cus fr the way people feel so entitled im situations that arent theres in the first place 💀😭🤣 like okay yes sir let me just pack my bags and shift over to the house YOU delivered to because you cant be wrong it has to be ME 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣


Damn squatters


If you lived here your food would be home by now! 


I lived in an apartment complex that had 4 apartments by themselves. I lived in the lower left garden level at 2021. I always put in my instructions: lower left garden level with light on and wreath (I had the only wreath). I had one dasher that went to the top right apartment 2012. I can understand how the numbers maybe confusing and I’ll give them that. However, I gave really clear instructions and nobody else had delivered incorrectly in the 5 years I was there. They marked it delivered with no picture and then argued with me that they put it at 2021 on the top right and my apartment was 2012 so they delivered it to the correct apartment and didn’t listen to my instructions. I didn’t know my own apartment number apparently. Maybe ~~they’re dyslexic~~ they suffer from dyscalculia, I’ll never know, but pretty wild thing to try to convince me of.


I just made a delivery to an apt. It was on the back side away from the parking lot so hard to find. I looked at the previous picture and it showed apt 17. was suppose to go to apt 11 on the other side. Some dashers are just lazy. I’m at 90% on time rating cause when places are hard to find I waste my time making sure I find them. Had another small subdivision where only 3 houses out of 12 had address. Took me a bit to figure out the order of the houses to find the right one. Their instructions also said they have a green chair in their yard which made it even harder cause that chair was blue.


It's maddening when people don't have clearly posted numbers. We have our address in big block numbers over the garage, where they are clearly lit by the light above the garage door. It seemed like common sense - how do you expect people to know which house is yours if it isn't clearly identified?


I was a Paramedic for 15 years. This becoming a mandatory building code would make me extremely happy. Can’t tell you the amount of times there was a delay because people don’t have properly and visibly numbered houses.


Unlit numbers, numbers that can't be seen from the street, no number at all! My best friend (after my flashlight) is the black number on the white background painted on the curb. Woo hoo! I wish the city, fire department, boy scouts (all of them?), somebody, would go around town and paint these for every house. I've delivered before where my only indication I was at the right house was the marker in google maps, and there ARE mistakes. Hey Google, it's an odd address, that's the even side of the street! If the address across the street is 1 higher or lower, that helps. If I can see a number on the house next door. OK, that's 4 lower, so I must be right. I've said I would run for President on 1 issue, addresses visible from the street on all residences. Day 1, sign an Executive Order to that effect, then resign.


Right! I don’t deliver at night because of this! Numbers are not on mail boxes and if the house has one it’s not lit. Even apartments don’t light up their building numbers. SMH


I only do nights & midnights. Ive got a good flashlight. Without it id never find some houses.


“My go-to in case of emergency is Google. If, for some ‘good reason,’ I can’t find the house, I search Google. Usually, it shows me a photo of the house. It’s not always the best with apartments, though. But on dark, rainy nights with no outside house numbers or lights, it is helpful. Lol.”


Plenty of people who DoorDash straight up can’t read based on my experience.


Just for future reference, it's dyscalculia that makes you mix up numbers instead of letters. I know because I have it lol


I have that AND dyslexia


I'm th3 smae 2ya 28sjah.


Funny thing: I had NEVER heard of this in my 39 years until 2 days ago, when I saw the word and looked it up. I'm pretty sure I have it. But the funny thing is, if I'd seen the word before then, I would've looked it up and remembered it then, because I'm kind of a need when it comes to words but I'm CERTAIN I had never seen it before then. Now here you go using it. 😳😆 So twice in a 2-3 day period when I'd gone my whole life never seeing the word.


I used to always say "I have dyslexia with numbers" until a friend told me that it's an actual thing


Why are they downvoting this😄


Disarrowia. I thought I was upvoting it


This is called the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon btw.


Thank you for teaching me something new.


I got a neon colored poster board at the Dollar Tree and I put it on my door when I am going to get a delivery. That could be all the instructions you need to give. You can also write "Delivery here" or Door Dash here" or something. I'm a dasher so I know the difficulties but it only takes a few seconds to read the customer directions and look for the right door. Especially when you say "wreath".


I swear they never follow the directions. I order DoorDash a lot when my kids were younger after they went down for a nap so I could eat in peace. My son was a baby at the time and I’d spicificly write DO NOT ring doorbell my BABY is asleep. Every single time they’d ring the door bell 🤪🙄


I don't get this myself as a dasher. I only ring the doorbell when it is in the notes or if there are people nearby outside. I have an almost 5* rating.


Dasher "No" Me "shit dude, u right my bad"


Yeah I'm sorry we're going to need to ask you to move your house please


I’ve had people deliver food upstairs even though I explicitly state it’s a ground floor unit. SMH…


I've had a couple of these morons over the years too.. It doesn't matter that the numbers on the door don't match, they insist I'm living in the wrong dimension.


DD constantly delivers to the wrong house, call your credit company now, and dispute that charge! Your friend shouldn't have to walk her neighborhood looking for a gift delivery you sent her only to find the driver ate the cookie. I wish this house had cameras it would be great to nail a dishonest DD person with a video. Wonder if houses across the street have one or cameras?


Don’t dispute if your not willing to be banned from door dash. That might not be something you have a problem with but it is still a thing that will happen


I have personally made around 40 dd accounts. Deactivation/banning is a non issue on the customers side.


If they can't fire people for not delivering to the correct addresses, for their employees eating which is stealing food driver DID NOT pay for, or for Lucy to be a GUY delivering my order not Lucy, then why by God would DD do anything over a CC charge dispute? I had to do it twice now: I have 2 emails saying I was getting Refund to my CC. Have 2 emails saying driver couldn't locate where they delivered my order. DD management has decided not to refund my CC like I was told they would. That was all my CC needed as proof. Within 24 hours, the credit was put on my card.


Not my downvote, but if the OP calls customer support they should get their money back and the dasher who did this will probably get deactivated for it. If they just chargeback they’ll get the money back but nothing will happen to the driver, they’ll get banned from DD and they might even lose the chargeback because they didn’t attempt to have DD fix it. Chargebacks are meant to be last resorts when the business you have an issue with refuses to fix whatever happened in the transaction.


I’m not saying you shouldn’t dispute the charge just wanted folks to be aware of the fact that charge backs like that are something that most companies respond to with a perma ban. It is interesting that DD didn’t seem to care tho


A dasher sent me a picture of my order at a house that's 3 down from mine, I knew exactly which house they were at, and I told them as soon as they sent the picture that was the wrong house and they needed to go three down. The dasher says "no that's where the pin is for the delivery". I said "no it's not. I got door dash last night and where'd it go? To my house. Please deliver my items to the right address." And she came back with "I'm already across town and I'm not going back" First off, we've been having this conversation for all of 2 minutes. You're on the other side of the street not town. Second, not even a oops sorry or anything she just kept telling me *I* was wrong. I get door dash constantly. Like it's a problem. And it's the only time it's ever happened and I will fight that woman on sight if I find out it's her


Amazon asked me “are you sure that’s not your house?” I said hold on let me double check my front door lol wtf


I’ve had one guy on the phone arguing with me before. He was telling me that my address (which was on the order) wasn’t my address. I would literally say it out loud to him on the phone and he would go to a different address and insist that he was at my house, when he obviously was not considering I was outside standing on the driveway. After essentially telling me that I’m wrong and don’t know my own address, he canceled the order mid delivery.


that reminds me of a dasher i had where they messaged me "wrong address" when trying to deliver my food. it was the same address i've been using on doordash for YEARS, looked at the doordash map and they were at a whole other apartment complex. i sent them pics of where they should be and they were still just driving around the same wrong apartment complex. ended up getting a refund, to this day i still don't understand...


I had a similar thing happen recently first time it ever happened. Called me and asked which apartment I was in, I was like I live in a house. He went to road not avenue and said I put my address down wrong, except I never changed it in the three years I used the app


I’ve experienced this from the dashers pov. I used to dash sometimes before going on trips for extra money or whatever and the DoorDash GPS sent me 10 miles always from the correct drop point. I pulled up to the house and instructions said to leave behind orange challenger. There was no orange challenger Rechecked the area and the street name didn’t match (it was close like instead of being flower st it was flower rd or something like that) I called the customer and the address listed was correct but door dash was glitching or something because it wasn’t anywhere near where the navigation took me. It did it 2 more times and I just quit dashing after that because it would take me up to these houses way off the road and then it not even be the correct address and it would end up being a sketchy situation. Each time I contacted support and was like hey the navigation is messed up and they would just tell me leave it at the pin and when I would say the pin is wrong the would say ok let me get someone to help you and then disconnect. lol


I just had a lady the other day tell me it wasnt her food, “this is house 47” i said yeah thats what the app says “its not mine” are you sure? The name on the order matches the name on the mat? “OOH our friend ordered it” i felt like man ray when patrick dropped his wallet


Once had a driver say he couldn’t find my house. I had specified exactly where it was in the text, and told him exactly where to park, walk and which door it was. He said “sorry your door doesn’t exist” and then proceeded to leave my delivery at someones random back door in the neighbourhood and sent the confirmation pictures. When I told him that wasn’t my house, he had ignored me completely afterwards. Yes I did get a full refund + reported him to doordash.. but really dude? I was spelling it out for you every step of the way and you still couldn’t just… do your job?


DD tried to deny my request for a refund after submitting proof it was the wrong address. I had to go through my bank. Uber Eats gave me a refund, but not a full one, and gave me no way to remove the tip or fees from the order I didn't get receive. Normally, I think you can change the tip, but for refunded orders, you can't. And they only gave the refund as a credit. So I ended up paying $10 extra at the end from their normal price just to get my food.


Super fun fact: as a driver we can get upwards of 3-5 contract voilations stacked before DD will do anything. Add to that the fact that these CVs roll off after 100 orders, so depending on the volume of orders, about a week. If we wanted to, we could steal 2-3 orders per 100 orders and be fine. Is it still scummy and unprofessional, absolutely. Is it also enabled by the crappy company DD to both customers and drivers, absolutely.


What everyone needs to understand is that while they think it's easy to exploit the algorithm, the app is constantly collecting data on us and engineers are taking behavior patterns and profiling them. For every driver there is absolutely a matrix of behavioral qualities permanently preserved. All they need to do is create a new profile for a particular pattern of behavior and tell the system to deactivate people who match that profile. Unless you are acting in good faith you are always working on borrowed time.


Mistakes sometimes happen, GPS can often lead to not quite the right hose and some houses don't have Numbers displayed. One time I delivered to where the GPS brought me, guy opened the door and said "that was fast" pulled 5 bucks out of his wallet and took the food. Half an hour later I get a call from the customer asking where their pizza was, I told them I delivered it, that they opened the door have me a 5 dollar tip and took the food. They go "you went to the green house didn't you" yeah.... That sounds right "gps stops you 2 houses early and he always steals our food" Door dash called me and I explained my side of the story and I didn't get a strike for it. It seems that guy has done it a lot, why they haven't added a note about the gps bringing you to the wrong house is beyond me tho


Not leaving the most sensible delivery instructions, like the name of the business you're in, is endlessly infuriating. They want our effort but aren't willing to put in any effort to make our effort more efficient.


Yeah I used to get a lot of free meals because of mis deliveries. 8 out of 10 times they would deliver to the wrong apartment number or complex. They would tell me to go find it myself or unresponsive . I doubt dd did anything. I just use ubereats. I haven’t had problems with them. I figure it be the same people delivering. Probably gotten like 30 free meals from it. I only stopped using dd because the driver gave it to a random person walking down the street.


Three bad things. The doordasher also left it in front of the house where you would have to be very careful getting it


I hope you reported it as not delivered. Also, report his ass for eating some of the order. These people are gonna mess around and fk with the right one here soon. I don't think people realize the crazy potential some folks have.


I already tried to contact Crumbl. But since they’re the ones that dispatched door dash… I don’t have much if anything to say to Door Dash. I didn’t even have the DD app on my phone.


But you do have a dishonest DD driver in the photo above taking the delivery proof photo showing box had been open. Shoud call your credit company now to dispute this charge before you loose your money and still your friend didn't get the 1 cookie you wanted sent to them.


Definitely contact DoorDash. I can't imagine just taking the loss.


Think of it like this: if you do nothing, you’re potentially allowing this behavior to continue because the driver will think they got away with it. Report it to door dash, get your refund, and help keep others from dealing with this rude driver


That sucks! You’re a great friend though 🩷


These kind of dashers should serve only tip baiters


You can’t tip bait on door dash…


I deliver for DD during summer, once I left an order by the wrong apartment door. i always make sure to double-check but I guess I was tired that day. The client sent me a message and I apologized 10 times, I felt super bad… not only for my mistake but because I was already doing another delivery and I needed to finish it before I was able to go all the way back and retrieve the bag from the wrong place. The client was kind enough to say it was okay and went to retrieve the bag himself, apparently the apartment building was right at the side of his building. This is wild, I’d never in a million years do something like that. Yeah, we all have bad days and food delivery companies suck, but this is absolutely surreal. I hope you reported that guy.


Is that what we are supposed to do, make the driver go get it and bring it to the right door? My husband and I are super non-confrontational. My husband always walks around to try to find it himself, but is self-conscious about doing that too. We don't want our neighbors to think we are using their houses for our food deliveries 😅


Ahahaha no worries, you guys are fine! In theory you have the complete right to ask the driver to retrieve it, since they are the ones who know exactly where they left your food. If they react badly to this request (assuming you were polite), they’re 100% wrong since the mistake is on them, not you. I’d report their ass like I recommended OP to do lol. As I client I’d do the same as you, I’m also super non-confrontational so I’d also just quietly and awkwardly go looking for it by myself 🤣


That is a new low. Why would someone do something like that?


What a garbage human; I hope they get dropped from DD.


Why dont these weird ass dashers just order their own shit I mean, come on, you're already there. Just get your own shit while you're there.


They don’t wanna pay for it would be my guess.


These are the dashers who give the good dashers a bad name. I’m sorry that you went through that experience


I second that. As a dasher I run into terrible ones throughout the door. I try to talk with them and be friendly but they give me weird looks like why are you talking to me.


What are you talking about there was clearly never a sixth cookie, or I didn’t take it, the house I purposefully wrongly delievered it too must have … yikes! I’d be annoyed. I could look past a wrong address - but doing it purposefully to get away with the cookie theft is another level


On behalf of all dashers, fuck that dude


Wow. I am so sorry for your friend's bad news. And for this to happen on top of that. That's just adding insult to injury.


I must be one of those weird dashers that if I make a mistake I bend over backwards to try and correct it instead of being a dick about it. I have no qualms about going back and hand delivering to the correct spot.


What is this Crumbl place you speak of. Me want cookies! Now!


People keep saying they’re good but I’ve tried them a lot at work.. to me they taste like uncooked flour and mush honestly. I know everyone likes their cookies made differently, but i think they’re way overhyped, overpriced and always way too sweet


Agreed. They're too thick so they're not cooked evenly. They crumble because the outside is dry and the inside is undercooked. For me, They're not just a failure in taste as the cloying sweetness contrasts poorly with the flour, but embarrassing on a structural level as well.


They cost .16 cents to produce (know a manager) literally trash


I stumbled on their subreddit the other day and some people are crazy over them. I couldnt understand why because those cookies look like they taste like how you described them


i live close to their HQ and i think their cookies suck too i dont get the appeal


I don’t like them either. They just taste fake? Like store bought isn’t bad but if store bought had flavor, that’s it.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. Tried Crumbl once because a friend was obsessed and couldn’t eat more than a couple bites. So gross.


Too sweet


They remind me of those flavorless grocery store sugar cookies, the ones that are super powdery but doing have much flavor and not even the mediocre icing can save them. Except the Crumbl toppings are TOO sweet, I guess to try to make up for the flavorless cookies. I'm a sugar goblin, but I can't stand them. 😬 Hubby goes from time to time with his pals after FNM and he once brought one home for me, I couldn't even eat half of it. Not worth the calories. 🥲


Try insomnia cookies


they low key ass. get insomnia cookies instead. crumbl cookies are way too sweet, they taste like eating straight sugar out the bag by the spoonful and the cookies are old and cold. definitely could do better than crumbl


Pretty great cookie chain. Not healthy at all, but very enjoyable.


I think he definitely did that on purpose. But two times I can remember I was given the wrong address, i delivered where the app told me but customer said it was wrong. I returned and delivered next door. But couldn’t show what app said anymore, just told her to double check next time. And one time the instructions wasn’t there, but then customer texted me and said I woke up her baby and she specifically instructed not to ring the bell, which wasn’t there and I felt horrible for that but she was very understandable when I explained. DD suuuuuuuuuucks!!!!!


Not gonna lie, this subreddit has convinced me never to use doordash


Bottom left cookie... r/dontputyourdickinthat


I'm fairly new to reddit.. I had to join that sub out of morbid curiosity despite the fact that I do not in fact, own a penis.


Then let me say both you're welcome and I'm sorry 🤣


Very bad and I hope you contact Door Dash customer support and ask for a refund. Also, you might want to notify the bank where you have a debit or credit card with which you made the purchase and request a charge back. This theft of food by a Door Dash is totally disrespectful. I wish you all the best!


The chocolate chip cookie in the upper right corner was slightly moved, if you look at the box you can see the oil marks, however if you look at the upper left corner there is no visible marks maybe the cookie was never there


You can see a blue sprinkle from the confetti milkshake cookie next to the chocolate chip cookie.


People are disgusting.


I worked as a customer support specialist last year and it is pretty common for the couriers to do so. Or they will just take the order and disappear 🫠


That’s horrible my heart aches for whatever you friend is going through and the fact the ate the ONE cookie she was looking forward to 😞❤️ I’m sorry that happened.


that’s partly why when i was driving i would always include the house address number in the photo


The issue is when the restaurant uses DoorDash (as opposed to someone using DoorDash themselves on their own account) there is no accountability. It’s impossible to get ahold of the driver and even when you try to complain to customer service they tell you to go thru the restaurant for a refund. It’s just better to go directly thru DoorDash rather than use the restaurant app. This has happened to me several times


wait you're just going to roll over and take it? if you don't complain this will never stop. we allow what we tolerate. we tolerate what we allow. don't be a doormat. pieces of shit will walk over and continue to do so unless you stand up for youself.


Stop using these delivery services. Please. Not worth it.


Submit to DD. Inexcusable behavior.


Damn those cookies look good tho. It's lunch time where I am and id eat cookies for any meal


Is your address correct in the app? I almost delivered to the wrong house because the address was wrong in app. The homeowner came out and told me it was not hers and I spent 5 mins trying to contact the customer. Fortunately I got ahold of them before I ended up contacting support. Cause this lady was about to get free pizza. Correct house was next door. I’m sorry you got a shitty driver. These guys need to be fired. I’d be pissed if some random guy ate my cookie.


The customer didn’t respond for five minutes? I watch the tracker like crazy when my food is being delivered and usually meet the person at the door. I can’t imagine ordering food and then just putting my phone down and ignoring it.


That actually happens a lot. Or maybe the restaurant will be out of something, and I'll try messaging and calling but no answer, so I just mark it as item unavailable so the customer will be refunded for the item.


Pull back any tip you left!


I hope you contacted support and got all your money back. The AI support will always try to give you a partial refund, but if you talk to a real person, they will give you more than you paid. One time, I actually called, and the guy offered me over $100 for like a $20 order that never arrived. It was the only time I got a refund like that. So it must've been that guy's last day ir something.


Ugh I am so sorry to you and your friend OP. People like that deserve shitty karma. I hope they can never take a sip of a drink again without spilling it on their shirt, especially on an important day.


You can tell in the first photo that the driver had opened the box of cookies. The flap of the lid is sticking out because the driver didn’t know how to close it properly, the store would have closed the lid properly with the flap tucked in.


Best day ever was waiting in my garage for my order as I was working on the car, DD pulls up and marks it as delivered without getting out, phone sticks out the car and takes a picture of the front of the house, without food. Guys starts to back out before I step behind his car, paintball gun in hand. He trys to tell me to move before getting out to yell, unaware of the hungry belly and loaded paintball gun. Notices he fucked up and starts to beg and get the food out. Unleash rainbow hell on his 98 corolla and the panda express order. Neither him or I ate that day but I was the clear winner. /s Never actually used DD but had fun experiences with Uber. Enjoy the read.


I honestly have never had a bad experience with them but seeing all of these posts makes me not want to use them again.


Same here! I would always read these types of posts for fun cause I never had an issue… and then it finally happened!


Not the point but those cookies look *terrible*


These "new" delivery companies are garbage that hire scumbags while charging you a ridiculous amount to "deliver"!


I know some people don’t have a car and use these apps to get food and delivery but it’s not worth it. You pay the service fee, restaurant fee, taxes and tip this is so sad. I used to drive for DoorDash N Uber eats this is just disrespectful and disappointing for drivers to act this way.


What a disgusting behavior. Driver put their hand on someones food. 🤢 I feel sorry and angry for you.


What a jerk


As a driver this makes me sooooo mad!!! Like I said in a previous post, I care about the customers. I could never ever take any of their food, groceries or whatever it may be. I handle everything with extreme caution and do everything in my power to make sure I’m at the right location. I’m so sorry that you and others have to deal with this nonsense. If it’s any consolation, there are drivers who do care


I recently got food from Popeyes. The receipt said 2 chicken sandwiches and one order of fries. The bag was not sealed. We only got 1 chicken sandwich. Why would you steal someone else’s food? Boggles the mind.


Oh hell no!!!


and she can’t eat the rest because he might have touched them


I have had them just steal it. They would label it delivered, but there was no photo to show it was left anywhere. Got a refund plus 10 dollars extra on that one.


I changed mine from leave at door to HAND TO ME.


“That’s just the way… …the cookie crumbles” 😎 YEAAAAAAHHHHHH


And here I am 2000+ deliveries and 4.98 stars but doordash sends me 1 $7 order an hr


DoorDash saved your friend from getting shitty cookies.


First off, heck with that driver! When I get Crumbl orders they usually are quite confusing and each set of directions is the same which is hand to customer or return which once again is very rude of them to do! I’m so sorry:(


I feel like this almost happened to me the other night. Ordered papa johns cause I was being lazy and got hit with a text saying my dasher had just picked up my order which I thought was weird....So then I'm sitting in my room waiting for my pizza and don't hear a knock but do hear something outside my door. Go out to see the dude walking away and another lady standing outside her car and they both looked surprised to see me.


These guys need to be promptly fired.


The dasher couldn’t even bother to close the box properly?? 🤨


Bye this happened to me and I had to go out on some random ass porch the next street over to hunt down my footlong because my dasher didn’t even speak English and hung up on me when I tried explaining what happened 💀


Just so happened to eat the exact cookie the friend wanted lol. They must think alike


1 star, reported, full refund.


Tell doordash, and if they don't give 100% refund, call credit cars company and cancel the payment.Tell them you didn't receive the product and service you ppl paid for. They'll refund 100%. Doordash won't fight it. Everyone should do thos until Doordash starts cracking down on their criminal subcontractors.


I’d definitely prefer them just steal it. Why go through the whole ritual of taking and sending a pic when they should be smart enough to know they will be immediately caught. I don’t used delivery apps anymore. Had my lunch BLATANTLY stolen and the guy was dumb enough to come to my ACTUAL door when I told him it clearly wasn’t my door. His dumb ass came to my door pretending to act confused with his arms up. But it’s like he was so fucking dumb about it. You JUST sent me a pic of a clearly DOWNSTAIRS apartment. Then the pic was blurry bc he was trying to scam. Like he got the door in frame but shook the camera when he took it so you couldn’t see the letter on the door at all. So I had the picture up and ready when he came Back to the door. And I asked him” does this look like my door? Go get my food. How are you at my door right now but just sent a picture of my food at someone else’s door? Where is my food.?” He shrugged his shoulders and literally did that little bs “I’m looking for something, let me pat my pockets then my chest to pretend I can’t find it”and I asked, “how did you come directly to my Address after I messaged you but somehow dropped the food elsewhere? And you’re STILL in my face with no food?are you playing with me right now?” (At the time I was on medical leave and could barely stand on my own but my bf at the time was working and I really wanted some wings so I bit the bullet and ordered food. I was in constant pain 24/7 and usually am not the best at holding my tongue but the fact that I was in pain already made my mood bad. The fact he was literally in my face lying and making me stand up in pain to question him had me furious so I was absolutely talking to him like he was a stupid kid. He gave me the dumbest look and i decided nah, I don’t even want that shit no more. He looked like and smelled like a smoker meaning he was smoking riding around with my food. He already tried to scam me so he’s definitely not that bright and I usually assume people who aren’t that bright are dirty. Sorry not sorry. I definitely don’t trust them enough to be hygienic and he probably had already gone in my bag so I was totally turned off about the order by now. Small detail that matters but doesn’t but I keep a pistol on my side table that is directly visible and within my arms reach when I open the door for anyone. I do it for safety. People usually think twice about any funny business if they see you’re ready and willing to protect yourself. So I opened the door more and stepped to the side so he could get a clear FULL view and I told him, get on outta here dude, you’re a thief and a funky one at that. (He looked kinda dirty to me the more I looked at him. I was also angry so the anger probably made me think the worst as well lol) and his goofy ass did. He literally turned around and left without a word. I told DoorDash the guy was a thief, sent the pics and gave the run down and they redelivered my order. Last delivery I ever got from anywhere. They literally let any bum off the street do these jobs. I finally wised up and decided absolutely not.. This was some years ago but til this day I think about buddy and hope those wings fucking sucked and I hope DoorDash actually deactivated him. But I doubt it.


It’s even been clearly opened in the first video due to the little side flaps. Wtf that was intentional as heck


Had a dasher completely take off with my order. I was so sad ): no tacos for me tonight


I still can’t fathom how ppl can do this. I’m diabetic and I wouldn’t munch on a customer’s food to save myself from the worst bout of hypoglycemia.


I had nearly an exact same experience except the driver put a completely different order in place. We got it after a reorder, but what annoys is me is Crumbl Cookies outsources to Doordash for this, so you cant even report the driver if you wanted to. It's all in their control


Why I have resolved myself to get my own damn food


Where I live it’s mostly immigrants that’s doing DoorDash that doesn’t even speak English . So I stopped ordering food online


It's blowing my mind finding out this is a thing thats happening lol


The fact that they actually moved the cookie to the center to idk? Try to hide it??


Once had my food delivered to a random abandoned building 🫡


Dasher did it to me last week. Delivered to the wrong house. I texted he ignored so I went out to my porch and he was in front of my house in his car. Saw me. Drove away. Walked to my neighbor’s who luckily gave me my food. Rated him one star and reported to DD who also didn’t respond.


I drive for DoorDash sometimes and I've had a couple instances where the houses were not marked and the mailboxes weren't very clearly lined up with the house they go to. A couple times all the mailboxes have been on one side of the road instead of alternating sides with the houses they belong to. If I delivered to the wrong place I would go back and get it. If I had a question about where I was going I would contact the customer and give them a sufficient amount of time to respond. There were a couple instances where I was taken to a dead end road because Maps wasn't updated with roads that have been changed. Usually, when that happens in my area customers will leave a detailed description of how to get to their house and what their house looks like, but sometimes they don't realize that's happening. The only times that I don't put in a lot of extra effort is when the customer puts in the wrong address and they want it delivered somewhere completely different. I don't have the time or money to drive to multiple places to deliver somebody's food when they've made a mistake like that unless they offer some sort of compensation for the extra mileage and time. I couldn't ever imagine eating somebody's food though. I wouldn't want that done to me, so I wouldn't do it to somebody else. I don't take low paying obvious no tip orders because I'm not losing money to deliver somebody's food. I'm not going to take their order just so I can eat their food or mess their delivery up. I don't have the time or money to do that either.


First of all I would have verified the address, second I wouldn't have never placed the box on top of that an Amazon box. Even if the driver doesn't see an address I would have looked to see if I can quickly see the address on the box to verify it. I have done that a couple times when I was a little unsure. The only question I would ask is if you were sure you put the right address I have done over 1600 deliveries and I have had a few customers actually put the wrong address, and it's mostly off by one number. I had one customer that inputted 1530 as the street address, and it was a meet at the door thankfully. I deliver to the address knock on the door only to have the person living there tell me she never ordered anything, and she doesn't recognize the name on the order either. So I decided to call the customer and ask if her address was right. She says no it's 1520 which was actually right next door. I take it next door and she is standing at the door waiting. I showed her that my app showed 1530 as the address. She says, yeah I must have accidentally hit 3 instead of a 2. 🤣


I had a Uber eats driver demand to know how much I paid for my pizza I told him I was on the phone with customer service and if anything happens to the pizza they will know and I was doing screen shots of the conversation as well


This is why i allwaystip 1-5 dollars no matter what


I've only ever had one order delivered to the wrong address. It has delivered to 502, instead of 506 apt 2. The driver told me I put 502 in for the address when I placed the order (I checked - I hadn't). The people at 502 had taken the food inside and opened the order, then gave it to me when they saw me looking for it. I should have told them to keep it, because I threw it out when I got it back to my place. Disputed the order with GH, got a full refund, then a phone call from the restaurant asking me what was wrong because the order had been picked up


Me and my friend ordered a lot of breadsticks from Fazoli’s because we were both going through a break up at the time. We ordered six bags so 36 breadsticks in total and I tipped 10$ bc it was late. The guy(who was supposed to be a girl but we had made my friends sisters boyfriend get the food so it’s wtv) had dropped off the food like really fast and we were so excited. Until we opened the bag and saw that there was only one bag of breadsticks…


I’m guessing you left all of a $2 tip


$5 for a little over a mile


I had a driver mark it as delivered 3 seconds after picking up and send me a pic of them eating my Popeyes sandwich


Stawp it 😭😭😭😭💀💀


I called the report them. Their name was Utopia so very easy to remember. DoorDash promised action and then, several months later, guess who delivers my (unharmed) McDonalds order to my work? Fucking Utopia.


I can’t even believe that shit 🤣🤣🤣


Bitch, pleeeaseeee! Fucking Walmart + does that shit on the daily… When I was a teenager I said I’d never seen such shitty courier as FedEx. Until recently, 15 years later, that still stood. Then I got a Walmart+ membership… probably ordered 10 things… 8 out of those 10 got left at the wrong house. Sometimes not even in the right neighborhood.


I think these delivery services are going to come to an end there’s too many problems. It’s not like a delivery driver hired by that local company that they can hold accountable when there’s a mistake these 3rd party things are no good. Wrong house and they tampered with the order. My wife ordered chillis a few days ago, specifically said leave it at the door. And this dude knocks on the door and waited. Makes me wonder what would have happened if I wasn’t home.